TOP 5 - 5th Tier Towers! Bloons Tower Defense 6

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hello and welcome to Super John bombo's list of top five fifth tier towers in balloons tower defense six so one thing you got to keep in mind with this list here is this is in the current meta the game may be updated or changed or something like that to make these towers less good in the future but as of right now these are my best fifth tier towers in the game alright guys now what do I say best what does that actually mean what is my criteria for deciding what is the best tower first of all check this guys out check this out guys I just got some eye candy in the background for you guys just check it out man just keep in mind what kind of towers are in the game right now check these guys out see what they're doing and then of course just decide for yourself maybe what do you think is the best fit to your tower before I even get down to my list over here feel free to leave a comment below about what you think about my list and of course if you guys haven't yet press that like button subscribe if you like these videos so uh you know is it my favorite tower is it the best tower is the most unique tower is that the coolest tower to play with maybe it's something involved with are they used in regular games like hard or maybe even impossible where you can use farms to buy them eventually or you know even something that's good for chimps or maybe even challenges like there's so many criteria that you can involve in your decision over here another thing to think about as well is it doesn't necessarily have to just do the most damage be the quote-unquote most efficient tower in the game that doesn't necessarily make it good if it's the most efficient tower in the game it just could be you know something like the perma brew or maybe even a farm to make you extra money in the game so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna an all-encompassing man I'm gonna take every single one of those attributes I'm gonna bundle them all up together and I'm gonna add that into my decision for what I think is the quote-unquote best fifth tier tower in the game but I do have one caveat here guys I left one tower out of all of this I think people might disagree with me on this but I'm gonna I'm gonna leave it out anyways just because I think it's pretty obvious that technically is the best tower in the game we're leaving out the temple or the true Sun god no true Sun God no vengeful temple note no none of that action man we're leaving that guy out completely out of our top-five fifth tier towers of the game just because it just seems almost unfair to include it but without further ado let's go and number five for me is the balloon solver a glue gun or ending up in the top five list of top five fifth tier towers in the game man what how could this guy possibly be that fricking good man well let me show you how and why he's so gosh darn good he is just a powerhouse he can hit mo of class balloons regular class pollutants if you give him just a little bit of camera action he can do just about everything in the game this is big chunks of P FPS right here and this guy for a middle minimalistic price over here is gonna take these guys down with a breeze now this is a non upgraded blue table over here just the fifth tier with no extra upgrades in addition so I should mention right now that if you are gonna end up getting the bloom solver if you finally realize the power of this guy you should probably not go with bigger globs and glue splatter instead you should go for the bottom path over here and the reason why you're gonna do that is because the glue gunner and this is kind of a weird thing too because when you get a one two three fourth tier this guy can only hit one blue - the time so if I send out two red balloons here he's only getting one blue at a frickin time what but if I go for the blue and solver automatically Bob barium so think about this fourth here just by himself not very good for the mana money you spent on this guy you're gonna want to probably get bigger globs hit blue two balloons per shot maybe even glue splatters he knit six blues first shot but then if you ever plan on upgrading the Scout 250r well oh snap dude check this out man once I get that bloops over automatically as he fits your tower if I send out well red balloons over here he's just gonna go oh well let's try on again man 12 loads boom instantaneously popping like that alright it's freaking cool dude they get a twelve balloons per shot over here and that's why he's such a powerhouse for just hitting all the blooms and or all the mo of Clutton still twelve Moab class balloons at once so if you had bigger globs over here I think it only changes it to thirteen and then the bigger splatter thing only changes like 15 or so I was like not even good like this help out but to get stickier glue makes an effect in much longer and stronger glue slowing the balloon sound even more like you're getting these crazy upgrades in addition to this guy who can already hit crap tons of glutes so we're going for blood solver definitely go for the 5-0 - over here but let me show you why I love this guy so gosh-darn much just with you know what freakin why not dude send up twelves oh my god right here twelves Oh My gods look at this guy's pop count by the way I mean this isn't something you might fight all the time but you might fight every once in a while you see several thousands of pops going up basically every second over here and don't forget this guy's not that expensive and we're talking about a one two three four like $27,000 total Tower maybe $30,000 total tower over here just to get this guy going he's already doing mega damage cuz oh my god class balloons and you saw how much damage you can do against grouped BFBS as well that's not even including so we can't actually pop these guys down to nothing or anything like that but still not bad at all man for doing a glue gun is doing tons of damage - this is 12:12 when we got to the screen by the way this is not just one this is 12 oh my god - the screen at the same time man and we're taking down at the very least it looks like we might take down this oh my god they're over here if not maybe even take down more than that um one of the major issues why he actually does tend to suffer a little bit as he does not have any cam detection whatsoever you are gonna have to get him some cameras to action up in here with the radar scan or something like that but you can make him more powerful by giving him primary training over here to give him extra range and extra speed and all that extra bonuses over here which he make him even more powerful as a nice addition to your team baby it's not forget about that as well look at this man we're taking on these bf bees as well or at least damaging them over here with just a single v to your tower in the game that's fairly cheap and that's why the blued solvers ended up at number 5 on my list of top 5 v tiered towers and the game baby number four I'm gonna go with the mortar over here so we've got this big guy right here this is not just the big guy okay he's he's not just the big he's the biggest one in the game now if you're gonna go for the biggest one he might be wondering what to be what should get you get here from here Burnie stuff or rapid reload and I gotta tell you guys absolutely freakin rapid reload over here man absolutely there's no reason not to get this thing it's it's so so so powerful and again when we set out twelve so many gods again and then maybe 24 bfb is in addition to that let's just kind of see what this guy does by himself with nothing extra going on over here this guy's gonna be a little bit more expensive than that balloon solver but you can tell the ridiculousness in the power that we're getting out of this guy is just straight-up awesome and the damage he's doing is is all the way like over here like this map is literally perfect for the biggest one but on you know on that may be the shorter map something like that he might not be as powerful you're gonna see how much absolute crazy damage we're doing over here one of his downfalls is definitely the fact that you do have to control them a little bit you know you might have to micro a little bit and it can be a little bit difficult in the middle of a gigantic rush of balloons coming through at your face trying to kill you may be difficult to micro a little bit with this guy and that's where he does suffer a little bit but having infinite range where you can aim him literally anywhere on the map whenever you want to on top of having extreme range just makes him a SuperDuper crazy powerhouse one of his major issues is obviously he cannot automatically pop you know black blue actually camp up like yeah it cannot pop automatically DDT's and everything so that's where he can suffer a little bit he doesn't have that automatic cam protection or anything like that but if you do end up getting that cam detection up here boom boom radar scatter send out some DDT's man I mean these things are already gonna get struggle luckily destroyed right there holy crap the biggest one at number four man coming in hot right here one of the most epic towers in the game again he doesn't really have any extreme weaknesses besides just gigantic higher to your glutes or well one of the toughest blooms in the game there guys of a bad balloon this is probably his biggest weakness if you look at the pop count of this guy you know it's just nothing good at all compared to this thing it's just not gonna do any damage this isn't even a full round 100 bad balloon it's around 80 around one bad balloon and you're just showing how much damage he does this guy it's basically nothing yeah so he does have some weaknesses but overall I get tons and tons of group balloons which is something that usually ends up killing a lot of players the biggest one is gonna be the one of the best towers in the game for you please do keep them under this guy's not super duper cheap but also not a super duper expensive fifth year tower over here I'm going to get up to the biggest one and this is uneasy six thousand dollars they're not easy the biggest one twenty three thousand dollars so I'm normal and stuff like that roughly forty thousand dollars to get this guy all the way up which is nothing too crazy to go for here alright so uh that's the biggest one for you guys that's my number four tower in the game let's move on to number three this is one of my favourite towers in the game he's been fairly consistently awesome and that's why I love him so much the biggest one got an update sort of recently and may even be nerfed in the future which is kind of sad but the arc page has basically always been a good tower all right so we're talking about going through the arcane spike over here and then all the way up to the arc mage as far as which upgrades you skip with this guy honestly I gotta say go with intense magic and monkey sense just so you have that automatic DDT popping power as well as you're going through a few more balloons with that extra monkey or uh an extra first tier upgrade but the reason why I like this guy so guys turn much is because he's really good against DDT class blues which is one of the biggest issues in the game to pop at a lot of situations he's also SuperDuper powerful against high-class blooms like Zoma gods and BFBS and even pretty good against bad balloons and everything but you can tell the amount of damage or zooming this guy is just absolutely ridiculous you know he's just a solid tower well I think he definitely is sort of weak against is just tons and tons of especially regular bloops like this because he does a lot of damage with his shots but even if he does a lot of damage there's a little lower to your blooms like a bunch of blues getting in the way well that damage can only go through so many layers can actually get overwhelmed by these things so the arc beige overall one of my favorite Towers in the game I love him in pretty much every single way he doesn't really have any extreme weaknesses I mean in most situations are gonna have some sort of support towers in the game over here that are gonna be able to take down the rest of these group balloons anyways he's not amazing against the bad balloon either though which is a little bit sad he's not bad it was a lot better than the big one or even the Blum solver over here but he's still not overpowered or anything like that he's just more of like an average maybe a little bit above average bad balloon popping power tower over here and for the amount of money that you're spending on this guy might not be worth it depending on the situation over here don't forget about his extreme range as well by the way man check this stuff out he's reaching all the way across the mattress to get this bad balloon even take down the GD T's inside over here who looks you a couple glutens that's alright though we're gonna get left to some of these guys go through ready days you can tell he's not all-powerful he's not all-encompassing but overall the amount of money he's spending on this guy he is a very solid tower in the game again the last thing I'd say man definitely awesome to get CTV to class glutes all right number three my arc mage number two oh man now this what I thought about for a long time and I couldn't freaking decide I didn't know I didn't want to add to heli pilots in the same game and I had to pick between the top path patchy Prime and the bottom path Comanche commander how do you decide when something this ridiculous is coming up against each other man these guys are both excellent towers in the game right now but I have to give it to the Comanche commander just because he's a little bit cheaper easier to afford and he also slows down DDT's Moab's BFBS and so uh My gods which keeping all the plumes on the screen for just that a little bit longer can give you that extra boost of damage that you're gonna need so sadly I'm sorry a little that little helipad over here if I could give you a little recommendation here I would but no I just can't give it to you man I'm gonna go with the Comanche commander I like to put my gun pursuit even though it's not necessary in fact going for just a fifth-year either one of these guys is actually fine I don't feel like it's all that important questions do you want to get IFR with just a regular tower over here or do you want to just get that extra cam detection with a monkey village or something like that I guess it's kind of up to you but the interest think about this guy and what makes him so gosh darn good is actually not the fifth tier tower upgrade in itself it's the addition of all of the upgrades conglomerated together man you've got the bow ABS shove which like I said it's probably one of the most important upgrades to the game for me slowing down these big beefy balloons keeping them on the screen for so gosh-darn long over here makes every other tower do more damage overall getting up the Comanche defense having this extra boost of popping power coming out of nowhere and popping these guys he's pretty freakin nice but of course with that upside is also the downside of it's not always there it's only gonna come in is gonna come in sort of randomly you can't even activate the ability which does harm you at least a little bit alright so you know it's sort of unique and it's kind of its own weird ability over here it's not activatable and that can lead to some problems for you but the Comanche defense in itself is is okay but then once you get that Comanche commander these guys stay forever and that weakness sort of goes away and that's why he ends up being so gosh darn good over here in addition to those guys staying for the entirety of the time over here they're also extremely powerful one thing that's very important about this guy though if you guys don't know is to definitely get a straw at least a stronger stimulant if you can though a perma brew on this guy it's gonna make him so much more powerful so once you send it as oh m'god class boom you can see the slowdown it's just pretty freaking insane we're doing mega damage to this thing and were to take these boots down basically a right at the very front over here alright then a big chunks to be up these over here it's like 25 V FPS or something like that I just started clicking and you can see with a group damage they're taking down literally everything all at once and we've got infinite range all over the map man did he take all of that together you get the Comanche commander which is one of the best towers in the game it is sad that they nerfed the Comanche commander to make him not as good as he used to be at the same time he's still not bad at all he's still a good tower in the game and should not underestimate this guy and do not underestimate in his little command people as well another interesting tidbit about him is if you want to you can fly the sky around at a different speed or a different place then your random Comanches over here they're always gonna follow the front blue trying to pop that guy all the way in the front here but if you really want to slow down the random you know as oh my god or something like that in the back over here you can slow this guy down and just sort of let them fly independently one weakness is definitely DDT class bluets though even with the monkey Intelligence Bureau they tend to struggle against DDT class loops and I'm not really sure why they're not terrible don't get me wrong but there's not as good as they probably should be against the DDT's and you still need to get a MIB this is like $10,000 as a tower here just to be able to pop those things that's kind of expensive for what you're getting here and that's why he ends up being one of my best hours the game but also he's not unstoppable either with every tower they've probably got a weakness and last but not least the number one Chris's favorite tower best tower in the game is going to boom [Music] though obviously it's not a farm I like the farm don't get me wrong but it's not the farms guys I have to go with the mother effing holy crap nuggets herma spike over here dude this guy is ridiculous I don't know why he's so good but he just is and he got nerfed and he's still that fricking good over here guys if you're deciding which one you should go for it's kind of up to you it's actually pretty even as far as everything's concerned basically when you think about it bigger stacks is going to straight-up double your poppin power kind of actually I don't even remember anymore guys I lied you want to go faster production on this guy I'm fairly certain about that there is a slight difference between the two because it gets wonky because when you normally have bigger stacks if you are just regular this guy you bigger stacks it you're going from five to ten or ten to twenty alright that's a pretty freaking - big difference you're doubling it but then once you get up to perma spikes he goes from like 50 pops to sixty pops but again I I haven't done the numbers in a long time here guys so please forgive me if I'm getting it wrong here so usually you're better off going faster production just so you have a ton of spikes all on the screen all at the same time to kill these guys but this is why this guy's so gosh darn amazing check out this bad balloon over here look at our lifespan a fricking bad balloon now this is not even that expensive to have a tower over here guys feel about cheapo hundred twenty-five 340 eleven ninety like three dollars okay whatever and then for the last upgrade member spending $21,000 uneasy like we're talking about less than $30,000 for the entirety of this tower over here on most game modes and he could still do freakin this - the bad balloon womp-womp oh well we kind of screw that up a little bit alright we killed the bad balloon but we forgot about that DDT's and what you could do is you could end up giving this guy a quick monkey Tellez burro to make it even more powerful or if you're really worried about them DDT is getting all the way the end over here man don't forget about that Bob that top path red-hot spikes over here whatever to do is I'm gonna send out a couple more of these DDT's over here so you just could kind of see what's going on and how powerful these guys are DDT's oh no big deal man more DDT's whatever we'll set up freakin like 22 tees here this is like one of the most ridiculous rushes in the game and we're freakin tanked at this thing doubt like not even like struggle uh get over here even crazier the purpose bike spikes are called perma spikes because they don't leave at the end of the next round it's hard to tell you guys in sandbox how awesome that is but one of the main reasons why spike vectors and end up struggling a little bit because the rat the you know a big rush of balloons comes out ready to begin and around here it's gonna end up just sneaking through your defense but with the perma spikes that is no longer a weakness and that's why this guy is just so gosh darn fricken good over here man but again if you're worried about DDT I would say go for the top path you're not worried about DDT's you probably want even fast production just for the extreme amount of popping power that you're gonna get over here of course this is a longer map than usual so it's gonna give you a lot of time to be able to build up this big set of spikes over here but a lot of rounds man this is still gonna just be in existence and be able to take these things down without too many issues you tell widows oh my god and everything all companies combined together we checked out a full-on bad balloon their bid with spikes leftover that's why this guy is so gosh darn delicious that is my list for top 5/5 to your towers in the game but you know what guys I want to show you one of two other towers that I I want to give some honorable mentions to alright that is two towers that I felt like are very very good at the game but they end up just not making my list for a variety of reasons these are bomba over here alright guys this is one of the highest you like highest use rate towers in all of BTD six challenges over here man it's just that important you could do mega damage to both class balloons bfb class balloons is Oh My gods and kill all the balloons on the screen all at the same time for a measly little price of $30,000 or so that's not bad at all man uh and you can also stun me these freaking balloons on top of that thing like that it's just awesome all these lucky thing is obviously it's an ability so it takes a little while for it to come back over here and honestly in most regular games it's not that useful either because well spending 30 40 grand on a tower just to be able to sometimes use it is sort of hard to do admittedly but it's killing some of God's just two hits like that it's just pretty freakin insane overall and that's what the Tsar Bomba ends up coming up us just Schmitt short on my list guys it's so good but it's also so bad at the same time all right that's an addition by the way to the dice bomber race over here and I mean just having the Ground Zero itself is not a bad ability either that does pretty extreme damage as well and last but not least my second honorable mention in this game is going to be the optimist all right I think most people know by now that the stronger stimulant Alchemist is probably one of those use towers in the game you pretty much need this guy if you're gonna beat most Maps man alchemists alchemists alchemists are pretty freakin good over here but the perma brew is well is going to allow you to literally permanently brew every single tower on the screen if you want to if you move them around with highly valid and that's pretty important there you cannot sell them where you buy this guy and have them still keep the Carver brew you do have to move them around to other places like that but the reason why this guy's so freaking amazing over here is because literally any single of your towers if you like put them next to this guy you can like double if not triple the amount of pop and power they can get automatically so when I get something like the Comanche commander here which is already freaking good and we just send out you know friggin so my god over here you can see us just show you how much extreme damage due to this guy compared to what we're doing before it's just that for it to be good over here man and again you can permanently brew literally every single tower on the screen and all that good stuff obviously the reason why I didn't include it is because it's so gosh darn expensive than most regular Maps pan spending 60 grand on a tower just to power up some of your other towers that already exist on the screen may not be worth it or may not be it just to be feasible to even do over here so that's my top 5 list with a couple honorable mentions over here obviously you guys can do what this vide make sure you press that like button for me subscribe if you haven't let me know what you think about a list in the comments below and if you disagree with me let me know what you think your top five towers are I would actually honestly love to hear about that but if you are lucky videos like this let me know and I'll try and do similar ones to it in the future guys um and if you have any ideas for top 5 list band give him to me out hook me up dude I'm ready to frickin go thank you guys so much for watching it have a super-duper delicious day
Channel: Superjombombo
Views: 1,252,336
Rating: 4.8233962 out of 5
Keywords: top 5, lists, Bloons, TD, Battles, Superjombombo, SJB, Strategy, Gameplay, skill, amazing, how to, be good, best strategy, tower, unblocked, games
Id: tyDXrgrNc5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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