Basket Case Rupp Mini Bike. Part1

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[Applause] no wheels huh for the mini bike oh there's one rim right there oh it's a crate of parts right here yeah i think it's a real rough it's got a rough seat on it yeah a tank yeah that's pretty cool we've been digging out parts see what we got on this one that's a clutch top yeah that's what those other parts are too over there should be a jack shaft or parts for the jack shaft yeah i bet you get 70 miles per gallon where's the mirror you need to be on the mirror that you rotate and we're all loaded up and ready to go we got the i think is a rup mini bike double check on that in the future but it's missing a bunch of parts i don't think it has the correct rims for it they look like rims off of something else they have italy written on them so we're just not sure and there's a bunch of parts inside here i do think that's the correct fender i don't know about the muffler it looks like somebody might have made that and then possibly the correct shocks but we'll see it'll be a good project for us well it's a few months later and the only thing that happened to this is got unloaded from the truck and shoved in the corner so still sitting over here in the crate and all the bits and pieces are right around it let's go throw this stuff up on the bench we'll get an idea what we got and where we need to go so through all the parts up on the bench get a better idea of what we do and don't have the rims at first i thought were the incorrect ones because i quickly looked up on my phone and it said that they came with 10 inch rims these are 12 and they said italy on them somewhere so i thought you know somebody took something off of something else was trying to make them fit but they may be the correct ones engine i'm not sure of i do know that they sit on a tilt on the rupps they see the bottom plate is leaning forward and i thought they had a carb that compensated for that and have like a little bit of a bend on the intake where the the carburetor sat flat so that may or may not be the right one don't know it's like somebody's definitely been in there huh i wonder if they didn't get spark and we're trying to chase spark maybe all the wires are off of the uh coming off the back and like they dug in to try to figure out what was going on and then gape up maybe cargo actually looks like it's just sitting on there it could be blowing up we're gonna find out the back wheel kind of the same scenario all again it looks like it's fairly complete i think that's the right sprocket for it see if it lines up to those bolt holes yeah might be that fender looks right shocks look like they are correct a bunch of hardware that is in here looks like the bearings for the wheels and about maybe 10 of the bolts that hold everything together this looks like the ratchet for inside the pull start not quite sure that might be for the clutch too i'm not again not sure this looks like it's probably for the sprocket yeah spacer axles that one looks correct this one not so much i'm not sure what's going on with that but i don't know if they used that for an axle or that was just thrown in the box with it and we are missing an axle muffler looks like it again i'm guessing maybe it's off of something else that would go something like that maybe is our ball hole all right what's that right there and i wonder if that was meant to bolt something like that i guess we'll have to figure that out clutch it's like two pieces of the clutch so this would be the back half and not sure if that's missing anything or not i would think there'd be some kind of spring that pushed together or held apart on those two and then the front clutch oh there's where that piece goes goes inside there so my guess would be something like that we'll screw that later another spacer a couple of handle hand brake levers it looks like a throttle cable i don't think that's to this bike that might have been to a bigger bike and there's that rim protector two protector forks look like they're complete here's another throttle here connected to the cover and it's either one match the grips that are on it the levels don't match those don't match all right so kind of cancels those out i would say i'm probably going to go throw the front rim on it just so we can lock it in the wheel chuck and hold everything from kind of bouncing around and we'll go from there i also want to take a peek in the tank too see we got for us yeah it's definitely not the correct hardware for the front wheel but it's good enough to hold it let's see what the tank looks like what we got actually not too bad a little bit of flash rusting there i don't see anything for a little bit right there good yeah i don't think that's the correct engine for it i i may be wrong but like i said i thought that they had a manifold that made the carburetor going straight across but this carb has a float bowl i should say uh that is can run in any direction it can run sideways upside down really doesn't matter it's got the diaphragm set up on it nobody's got a float ball with a float inside of it and you got a little bit of room to work with as far as how something how far something can lean but it's still operating but this is kind of meant to run in any direction so who knows i say we start looking probably into the engine and we are missing a bunch of pieces for the bike itself just for me quickly assembling it real fast i could tell that uh you know a bunch of bits and pieces of probably uh been long gone and maybe got moved a couple of times and from there gone to other places it might be there on the floor somewhere i don't know but anyway we're going to worry about that when the time comes so let's see about uh we'll put a screwdriver down the spark plug hole see if the piston is going up and down this is a little briggs flathead what that means is the valves if you took the head off there's no valves inside the head it's flat the valves are inside the block there's one here and there's one here going upward so the piston is off in this direction if you can get to it or not get down on the board just yeah so it's going up and down that's a good sign i'd say i don't know yeah somebody's been in here let's go get this stuff off there might not even be anything behind here let's go get that off and there should be a set of points and a condenser let me uh get a pry bar and a hammer set up and give it a whack that'll pop right off yep don't even need it well the cover is still there the reason i was questioning that was because the um in the pile of stuff there's one of these one of those let's get these two screws out that's all there yeah those points are definitely cruddy though see all the white that's running focus yeah you see all the white crap that's around them they would never make spark so you go clean those let's go check the gap on it actually that's the closest that looks about right i think it was supposed to be i'm going to guess probably around 16. usually like between 16 and 20 or what points are all right i'm gonna go drag a file across that put a little bit of uh clean solution on it afterwards and we'll pop the cover back on and see if we can figure out where to spin it and we'll see if we can spark wrecking the place well that'll make it easier to clean [Laughter] yeah yeah there's all the crap that's on top of there it's all baked off white yeah that wasn't gonna have spark in a million years i'm going to take a little bit of time clean them up the best i can both as i reassemble that that side is nowhere near as bad you can use that ohmmeter to check and make sure it's just an open enclosed signal is what it's doing you could just go check on the wire as you turn and the points open and close to see if you get a ground and an opening ground than an open signal from it so i got the coil wire off of it out of the circuit and we're just on the this would be the the kill switch it will go up to a button on the handlebars or wherever and that'd be a kill switch to shut it down when you're going the points are in the open condition open location open yeah you know if we close them right there should go to zero so our signal is working there but i noticed when let's go bump you up a little bit heads up going across the coil is the wire going just coming off the coil it's not connected to anything else it is um dead ground usually i think it's supposed to be about 10 ohms something like that have a little bit to it right now it's showing as a direct short so i i don't know whether that is going to be the issue or not it may have a bad coil i'm going to go hook all that stuff back up we'll pop the cover on it and we'll get the flywheel on again let's try to get some kind of way to spin it and see if anything comes out of the bar i got it back together not really a good way to spin it maybe with a drill for me let's see if we can just get it by hand maybe we're gonna look right in there oh yeah now the camera's shaking every hour i'm trying to do it right there nice that was easy let's get uh an eyeball on the pull start see if that's got enough to do what it needs to do and that needs to pop out generally i think it came out the center of the top there right about doesn't look very correct to me see if you can tuck that behind there motor's not even tight to the on the frames just sitting on there give that a seat that'll yeah i'm gonna get rid of this throttle cable another thing is kind of odd too you notice it says breaks the strap but it's upside down like whatever this would have been used on would have been like that that's weird huh all right let's go get that cable out of our way and we'll try to get a couple of screws in just to hold the cover on maybe we'll drop oil down there probably wouldn't hurt huh well let's just say that cover doesn't fit exactly great we got two screws kind of started in let's go yeah we got there's some spark happening let's go throw the plug in and see if we get any compression i see that does anything for us oh yeah this doesn't sound too bad um one of it has any oil in it though because the fill is on the front i see the angle it's sitting on so generally it would be right across the engine like that yeah i don't think we have anything in there now there's nothing in there uh let's to how would the original engine be for oil would they have maybe it was the other way around maybe this one was plugged off see how that one's got the cap on it i wonder if it was the other way around where that was capped and the other one was filled and you just you just changed the level to it let's get rid of the block that's underneath it it'll allow the bike to kind of sit down more flat we'll get some oil in it and we'll see if you get her to cough and fire yeah that might be an issue it's got two different screws in it too uh we might be able to just dribble a little bit of fuel you get oil in it yet but i want to dribble a little bit of fuel down the intake and get that to cough over a little air cleaner in there hmm i think we'll just shove a little bit of whatever in it for now and we're just trying to get an idea with her what are you doing take it come on now you're just making a mess must be some thick oil what is that yeah that would do it all right we'll even it out a little bit how about we chase it with some 0 20. that'll equal out to about a 10 30 right look how easy that goes then we'll let that go so it starts pissing out the top this is all going to come back out of it anyway just want something in there what's that sucker take i think we're there yeah we're filled up right to there so that's on an angle something like that all right let's get our little gas turkey baster we'll dribble a little bit of fuel in it and give her a yank and give her a listen too this little bit of gas in a bottle let's go throw some of that without that on there in the intake i don't know if it's going to go it's got to draw it uphill give it a shot [Laughter] see what that carb has to offer us again there's a diaphragm in there more than likely that has probably crapped out i wonder if we could just take a regular like snow blower carburetor i'm gonna go take a look at my stash what i got see if we have anything that can bolt up to that flange if not we'll get into that and we're up in the stash let's go hunting a little bit those are kind of like marine carburetors let's get it now let's see in which way's in at the end let's go grab one of those real quick because wasn't that manifold on an angle right at the engine we'll grab that it's a motorcycle car version another one of those but over here is where i was going it should be all motorcycle stuff and like this yeah so i was thinking like some new something that's kind of big with a jet and everything on it we'll grab that and unless we get that's kind of tiny that's broke anyway and then this should be just a force no lower this is what i was thinking all along coming maybe something like that now we can go on it's just kind of regular float ball we have to go again figure out how to make a level but let's go see i'm walking around getting my award i have one of those i think though that's an ah-47 engine and that car looks very familiar it's got the same bowl on it on the bottom so we got that we'll hold that in our memory too just in case we need that one so let's grab that one i had that weird that one let's go just see if that does no way way too big you have to be able to use that manifold yeah that one this is much wider that's probably an inch and a half across those probably about two and a quarter i guess i'm gonna bolt that and see how that stuff lines up to any of the other pieces so decide to look at some images and get an idea what the motor is supposed to look like and how the setup is i'm cheating i know but it looks like you can see on that carb there oops this is working for us or not but you can see how the air cleaner is sitting straight and so that manifold comes out there's the angle of the pipe right and then they switch it so that manifold is not going to work for us the thing is even like on that pull start see how it angles backwards in ours it's going straight up and then that's welded i can't even change the angle on it that so that's fixed unless you get another cover and go for something so go change that up i'm kind of wondering maybe if we should maybe go for a different motor that may be a little bit better horsepower kind of thing so i'm going to go check my stash the only thing that's kind of important is that we make sure the output shaft that the comet clutch sits on is the same as this so that's what we need to we're wherever it ended up what'd you do with it i saw you behind us yeah so i'll bring that back with me and we'll see if that will line up to anything at the home garage i mean we'll steal that motor and we'll go with something like that instead of putting all the time and effort into this one this one looks very small i'm guessing that's probably like a three and a half horsepower i'm sure there's a tag on it telling us somewhere but let's go see what we got at home so we are at the home stash of different engines you can see why i wanted to go pick in here a little bit see what we can come up with that's gonna be small and we need a at least 5 8 shaft i measured on it for that clutch setup so i was thinking up here's there's a mouse what are you doing making messes get out you seen the same thing to me hey you're busted and you trash everything we got you little bastard anyway as we were thinking's gonna be stuck on the side of my neck drawing blood we get that little briggs right there i'm not crazy about that type of carburetor got a honda in the back that's not gonna look aesthetically correct and that's too big we've got clutch setup what's this stuff let's go bring this with us i don't think we need any of that but we'll take that that's like an earlier version of that engine all tore apart i was hoping i had something that was more i put that one away in 13 so it's almost 20 22. so 89 years old and sitting there oh maybe we will grab i got to take a look at what it's got for the shaft on the other side plus it doesn't have a pull start it's missing something maybe this briggs will spin this one around see what it has on the back side of that and what else we got just that that one right there right there's a honda way in the back maybe this one this tecumseh it's got a regular float pole on it let's go take a peek at what they are so i pop a few them down looked at them the only one that's got a 5 8 shaft is that one and i guess it's a mirror image brother over there on the shelf what are they for horsepower let me see not much so maybe we'll grab those and the other thing too is that i was hoping to find one that had to fill on the upper side not that lower giving us that same problem that we have now oh that one i'm not sure that's probably a five or an eight and it's got a regular like mini bike clutch on it and that one's that's three-quarter and it's like an inch or an inch and a quarter on that that's a tapered shaft for a generator kind of set up man i think we're out of luck maybe leave the mice be as they were time to feed the wildlife that one yeah that that block is just going to be too big to fit in that frame and this one is a three-quarter shaft too all right well we're gonna go grab at least one of those we'll bring them with us and worst case at least we'd steal the pull start off of it with the other ones all banged up and screw holes don't even line up and maybe we'll go with one of those blocks i clapped this one to the bench just get a quick little assessment on this one and get an idea what we got it definitely feel between the two of them we'll be able to get a decent one together but let's just give it a quick i wouldn't say it's great i wouldn't say it's terrible it's got oil in it i already checked that let's go pop that plug out of there spin it over see if it has spark it's good compression now we suspect this this has points too so could need a cleaning thing i'm going to zap myself maybe let me see we get anything nothing all right so i now we got going there and all the same stuff probably need to do this one that we did to the other one but one of those will run let's go back to the bike i think what i want to do is possibly i'll throw the back wheel together with whatever i can find as far as the axle and bearings and i'll clean up like a bearing is supposed to sit in there and obviously that's not going to work very well like that so i'll take a minute i'll clean these wheels up i'll get the new i got new tires and tubes over there probably throw one on on the back get that set up maybe throw a couple you know i don't think we have the bolts for the shocks but we'll throw something in there just start putting pieces in place and the reason why i want to do that i want to see what the actual however the bike leans because we have to make an intake manifold to fit that and i got to get the right you know however the bike is leaning i want to try to come straight back with a carburetor [Music] so in the back wheels they have two bearings but you gotta have a spacer in between and i found a piece of jack handle it was about the right diameter for the axle and cut it down so that when you clamp down on it you bolt the axle together you're pushing on the inner race if there was nothing between the two bearings and you went to go crush it you would preload the bearing and it wouldn't want to turn on you so made my own got all cleaned up in the tire put on there trying to figure out what the name of it is how would you pronounce that i come up with junkie i don't know that's a great name for a tire or not but uh i think i might have thought that one twice that that bolted up and the axle is all the way forward on the two stops as far as it would travel and i'm looking at it if you eyeball that sprocket to the front one you just kind of look at the whole assembly in general it looks like the tires tweak this way and maybe leaning a little like that i don't think the shock is doing it's put putting the other shock on the other side is not going to make much of a difference i don't have it on there because it's missing the bushings that go in it so that's not going to help us but i have a feeling again the fact that it was a kid's dirt bike that it took a wreck and i think the rear swing arm is just out of whack i think it took a hit so my guess is we should probably press it or influence it in the direction that it needs to go i changed the bolt out here i had some play in it and i got rid of that there's a big rubber bushing inside here so this gets bolted down solid and it kind of just rocks on the bushing kind of like how the shock does all right so maybe we should take that motor's just sitting there anyway right just yeah it's not even tight maybe we'll just get that right off of there we'll get the whole thing out of the bench and i wonder if we can i don't know if it's better leaving it on the bench and strapping it down and trying to just persuade it like with a big pry bar or if we should set it down on its side and kind of jump up and down on it all right i figured we'd get that squared away first before we start you know continuing on lining stuff up because if this bra let's grab that square so that should line up there how far are we off i wouldn't say it's terrible right like that should be just a little bit you could probably even get it with the the adjustment that's on it but i do think it's kind of out of whack a little bit because even just looking i'm looking down the center of the tire to where this tube goes up that could be bad too it could be just the seat right that whole upper support is is kicked that way what's that got for me underneath it yeah it would be that bar bent too that pan's welded on it doesn't come off i don't know if that is supposed to be sunk down like that hmm something's getting bent and just doesn't know it yet i'm gonna freehand you here for a second i took the level or square rather put it up against the swing arm in the back and i look down on the gap and it looks to me i get a better shot at that as it goes from the rear to the front it increases not a great amount but is definitely tapering tapering out like that let's go check the other side [Music] and now i'm not that concerned about the offset you know how close it is to it but again i'm looking at the angle you can see it right on the sprocket right there how much of an angle that rear swing arm is and it gets tighter so i do believe we have an issue with the swing arm [Music] being kicked like that so i'm going to try to see if we can influence that a little bit and that'll help out our chain alignment too all right here's the plan you have a chain with a hook on it coming around weld it to a pry bar i'm guessing get the pry bar to lean against that part of the rail right there we have it tied down and i think i'm gonna go put my foot against that tire get my hands on that and give her see what we get it's like an accidental weight and a half and i know it should probably lower the lift [Applause] yeah i gotta chain up something to the lift to hold it in place i think i'm gonna end up resorting to laying it down on the ground but let's see if this helps us i'm going to bet that might have done something i broke it right way too far the other way just kind of eyeballing it real quick it actually looks fairly easy let's get that bar out of the way we'll straighten it back up and we'll put a straight edge against the sprockets that actually looks better though hmm let's say there's a slight improvement it looks it looks better i think we're about halfway there so i'm gonna go try that one more time so i found a better way to do the visual let me just put it right on the sprockets on that engine that should be a straight line that's what we're dealing with right there so that's why i'm trying to kick it over and it's not like i don't feel that it's just off center too far one direction the two spacers that were with the wheel there's a shorter one on this side and a longer one on this side so it's already got the package kind of favoring that direction but also you just look right up you see where it meets that tube and you're looking down the center line it's the center of it is like right on that knobby so that's what i'm saying i still think it's the whole thing's kind of kicked out that way i don't know if i'll be better off maybe we'll take the wheel off i think about that so if i try to bend it this way right so this arm is going out and this arm is going in that bolt is going to rock it's going to rock like that is that right and it's going to make it even worse i think i should probably just stick with trying to make this bar pella parallel with the frame and that bar parallel with the the mounting pad and just maybe call it at that we'll do it try to do the best kicking the wheel in and out i think we'll probably move that front sprocket around but thing is it was all you know who knows if it was all factory or not but that's kind of the position i see shims back in here that it was that's probably set screws i don't know if it's missing a tooth there you see how even if i go to shim that more to the right do i have it backwards if i put that spacer which is shorter and that's the longer one that'll get us out further i'm gonna go screw around that a little bit maybe i just have it i think it's a combination of all of it together is this thinking allowed audience participation well it's looking better again it was a combination of both so i swapped those spacers around and what ended up lining up for us too is where the brake drum is there was a standoff back in here that holds the shock i'm like what holds the drum from spinning and you'll see it's got a slot in it and i'm guessing you run a bolt from this side because that's got threads all the way through it this has this has threads all the way through so you can we can get a bolt in on that side or if you run a longer bolt through it you probably put a nut on it that'll keep that from spinning that looks like it lines up pretty good and i'll say down the frame looks better than knobby's in the center of that pipe now and our sprockets although are not perfect definitely a lot better than what they were see how we look here so there's our gap now so drop it in there so that if we do a straight line we're off by that much we're off by the with it so the square's coming right to the edge right there so we're close enough i think we could probably just get the adjusters and work with the adjusters and tweak the wheel just a hair we're missing one of them i don't have the one for this side and that's the side that does all the work this is the side that all the torque is on because this is the side that the chain is pulling on all the time i'm talking about is this that cam that's your adjustment you rotate that around against that stop right there and it keeps the wheel from getting pulled forward uh i'm gonna go look for a piece of chain maybe we'll lay it on there and okay hook a drill to the one side of it and spin it into my stash chain which is we need that's what was on there that's all the links and i don't know what that is 35 maybe let's just say that's kind of i eat it i'll keep digging what's this right here maybe i'm gonna go late on the sprocket see if this is it forget which one's which i think it's like a 40 and a 41. one will fit on the other one like you see yeah the more i'm trying to wrap that around there the tighter that's getting let's pull them to one side i don't think that's it again i think one fits one way but not the other it's close close would be good for a belt not a chain though what's this one that seems like it maybe that might be it ted sure that might be so i'm gonna go do a little bit of hunt and see what i can find yeah so it's a 40 and a 41 the difference the 40 is fatter than the 41 i think it's the same chain but once it's got a different width to it what i ended up doing taking a wire wheel and cleaning out all the teeth i think what was happening was the chain just wasn't being able to fit down in the groove all the way so it was making it tight all the way around so that seems like it's definitely helped and improved it that front sprocket though she's uh missing a tooth and the other ones are a little on the leaning side so i'm going to go upstairs real quick in our stash and see if you can find anything in a sprocket to replace that if not we'll just run that for now yet another stash of stuff looking for a real tiny one sometimes you get lucky you go to tractor supply and they'll have it i thought i seem to remember having a maybe it's over here more chain getting closer i remember seeing a stash of tinier ones that's gonna be way too big you're not even looking grab that we'll dig a little what's in there all the gears you're not gonna do it i'm gonna go pick a way in here see what i can come up with one right down there that's looking pretty close huh i remember you did not feel me hopefully that's the right setup let's go check that out looks right doesn't it let's see we got it's a little bigger that's okay that shaft in the center looks bigger too though huh go pop that one off of there it almost got a roll pin going through or that's a a set screw it's got one directly across yeah i think that's a uh a roll pin so you can wrap that out of there yes you can take out a go i think it's going to go that way it's moving it's definitely not a set screw kind of looks like something got here we're down the middle of it though i need to get where you are i'll bring you back so it looks like a roll pin on the right and my guess on that other one is a broken drill bit somebody put in there [Music] yeah so i think for now we are going to leave well enough alone and keep moving forward because who knows how the rest is going to work out anyway you see the angle that that is on just by putting the um punch in there you can see that it is definitely not going towards that hole it's probably broken off and kicked over i don't know that could even be a punch too that they tried driving to go drive what was left of the pin out and it's broken off in here either way it's definitely going to put up a little bit of a fight we have if i i'm going to take a caliper i'm going to measure the diameter of that we could always cut cut this right off out of here and then clean up the center i think that's bigger and let's see what he says yeah it's like that i'm going to go upstairs i'm going to lock this down and go upstairs real quick see if i got mine that has that id if not we're going to run what we wrong so what exactly say it's the quietest that should do it's all the noise in that front sprocket i think it's again that the teeth are just so stoved over i'll keep an eye i'll go to tractor supply i'll measure it up and see if they have one but we'll just keep moving on for that for now uh why don't we look into considering we're doing you know power to the back wheel let's grab these clutch halves we'll clean these up again i think we're missing a spring or something for this let's clean all this crap up see what we got going on here and see if we can get this part of it functioning plus we gotta clean the threads up and try to find a nut for that hopefully it's not reverse thread sometimes that kind of stuff is that looks normal look at the very edge right there and i'm looking to see that it as i spin it does it drop off going this way i would say yes at firewheel time uh that one slides in those pads and this one looks like it gets key to the outer shift right there and that one will be fixed so i want to be fixed in it the inner one slides tighter and looser i think again there's just supposed to be one spring on the back side or this side do i want this i always want to try to squeeze together right yeah i don't want the other i want it's always trying to squeeze together so as the front pulley changes gear ratio it starts out the belts all the way in the middle and then as it revs up the belt comes to the outside and it gets faster and faster i'm going to go clean up these sides and i don't have anything else that's here that we can go look at for the uh spring that would be behind it or we just try to grab a spring of some sorts that'll just fit over the shaft and wing it well the only thing that i have that's the torque converter on it is the beaver let's go get that lid popped off of there and take a check what it's running for springs let's see we got so that has a big spring on the outside but it's flipped around because i have the i have the ramp up on the inside so yes it's just got some kind of heavy spring in between there well i pull that front one real quick too yeah we'll worry about the front when we get there let's get this one set up first which is going to need we're going to just try to find a spring we need a red spring to go inside there alright so we need something that fits over this hub and it looks like the other half is probably about the same yeah i don't know if it's supposed to sit maybe right in that groove guess you're waiting where's the bearing yeah it all spins together so as long as we find something that either fits on the inside or the outside of that that's gonna be way too heavy we can now it's got a thing on that's for a seat that's a spring for like a tractor seat actually we'll start with that one to work with i don't think we have anything else that large we do have another big box of springs over on the floor let's go check that out now is that first selection and this is why it appears to be awarded i think the other ones unfortunately gonna be too heavy they're gonna be too light those looks like they're out of a sofa or something i wonder if we can take you could always like heat one up and stretch it out [Applause] it is looking like that first one that's gonna be it's gonna be too heavy though you know you see all this little tiny stuff smells this metals settles to the bottom i'm gonna go poke around a little bit see if we can go find anything else before we start chopping what about that guy yeah what if we stretch it out and what if we stretch it out and then just cut out a section of what we need you know poke around a little bit [Music] so no luck the only thing i came up with was like a motorcycle shock spring but the compression on that's even more than than what this one is so i think we're going to go with this one thing i did find though was a fender and we're missing one so that might be that's about the right radius too i'm not sure the one that we have is the front or the rear yet but now we got two all right so let's go eyeball this up and put a slice in it so that's gonna be all the way out right right there this is gonna be full travel which is gonna be its slowest speed and i guess we're just gonna go with that measurement i'd say right about let's place it right about rather be a little bit more a little less because you could always trim it down a little bit let's go let's go call it right there [Music] yeah i think that one's going to be too tight we are past we're looking at the space on the front with a nut would run in and we are passed it by so right there is where it would sit it can't come out any further and then it would have to crush down quite a bit so i think what probably we should do is this area really isn't doing anything because these two are already touching so if i cut more off of there i'll lose more of the tension so i think i'm going to slice it pretty right about there so that the whole thing is spring again that's not doing anything so a couple more out of it so again we have to be up against the ramp that'll deal with that later but right there is where it's going to sit just when it's bolted together and we got there's no oil on the i don't know i guess we can you know it's a placeholder for now we can keep moving forward the problem is it's moving chalky on that that needs a little bit of a little bit of lube some lube on her and cut her down a little everything plays better with lube right so that right there is where it would sit at an idle and it needs to be able to go and get it off of there you would need to actually go all the way to there it's not going to get top speed but at least i think it will function for us i can keep an eye out for something or order the correct thing never know we'll put it all together none of this clutch could be any good you just order a home and set up it for now i think that'll work for us so we need a nut for right there hopefully there's one in there and the horde pays again good you need to set up a key in there now got a key in there but we got to cut it cut that much of it off so the nut can run all the way up again this one's got to get fixed you know what i mean that belt this is already up out of the groove it's got to get squeezed together even more than that so that spring is still way too heavy because that idle that should be about even with the sides again this belt i grabbed out of my stash upstairs i don't even know if it fits this but it's going to fit it i see we clean up the shaft on there and we'll just put that you know i'm not sure which engine we're going to use yet but we'll put it on there for a marker place and we'll start working with the front pulley and see how that stuff works i'll play around with that front clutch now the way this works the belt can touch this and it's able to spin and so the two halves go together and this has a set of fly weights in it and as these weights so this cover with the just the tension the belt there will hold those two apart these are weights and they are surrounded by a spring see the spring that's on there there as this thing spins the centrifugal force all right these weights want to pull out and they will th this thing will grow these weights will travel out away from that and they're on a taper a taper kind of goes up against that bell right there this they're all tied together all that is spinning together so it's not like one they're not sliding on each other but it's running up and down in that cover and what it does again it's going to fall apart on me i know i just hold on a sec so just picture this cover being on there and those weights pushing off of that so as those weights push off of that bell that can't move this ring gets closer to this one so add an idle it's like this the belt is running real close to the center and spinning on that collar when you rev it up this belt wants to tighten up on it and the belt will creep up out of the groove and it's changing the gear ratio so the belt's going around real close in the center as it picks up speed it goes on the outside so uh so say if it travels say four inches around here and then on the outer for the same rotation of the engine it goes uh four eight inches around the outer circumference i'm just making numbers up so it'll be twice as fast between idle and at full throttle and the one on the back is more just kind of like a a dummy it just kind of follows whatever the front does so as the belt as that front one is getting want as the front one's wanting to expand it wants to try to pull this belt down into the groove and that's what maintains the tension and that spring has a lot to do with how much fight back that has on it hope that makes sense might make more sense when we get her up and running so i'm gonna go see about trying to get that assembly with keys and all that kind of stuff and hardware on the end of it and the belt on it and see how close we are so let's decide to work with the white engine because it would slip onto the it was able to slip onto the shaft the other one's kind of beat up on the end it was fighting me so that's all on there like i said when it spins that inner one i don't can get up my fingers right now that inner one will come out as it spins that inner one will come out and tighten up on the the gap of the belt and it's got clearance for that bushing the bushing should fit inside there you can see how the gap gets smaller it'll go to the point where okay top rpm at top speed it'll close up like that and then the belt will ride around that outside edge giving it the top speed but at an idle that'll be all the way in and that belt will ride all the way down on the bottom like that problem is his belt is the wrong one it has a taper on one side and a straight on the other it needs to have a taper on both sides oh well and the other problem is this engine is not threaded in the center i know we have that other white one to work with i'm going to go check on that one at home and see if that one's threaded in the center if not we may go clean this up that's kind of why i was chasing it the way i was chasing instead of trying to get an engine working and then working to power the rest of it i figured we'd go from the back wheel drivetrain back through its components and up to the engine and will suit the engine to fit what it has for components so i am going to probably hit tractor supply i'm going to look for a lighter spring and possibly a sprocket see if they have any one of those if not we're going to run what we have for now and also take a peek for the engine as you can see i even tried cleaning it up i actually think the uh the key area might be a little on the tight side i tried chaff when it actually just doesn't look like that was much for threads either does it maybe actually that one's good that one's got threads in it well it's hoping to get further along and when i did i was i want to get to the point where i could yank on a pull start have it run for a couple of seconds run through the clutches and spin the back tire but we didn't get there hopefully we get there on the next one though that's the battle plan uh again like some shopping to do i was trying to work with what i had and sometimes that doesn't just doesn't pan out right hi guys so i guess this is part one of i don't know how many it is to get this thing putting around but uh i'm determined we'll get her all right guys without going to sign off but thank you all for hanging out with me and have a little bit of fun really i really appreciate you guys just kind of uh sitting back and enjoying just turning some wrenches with me and uh not worrying about the rest of the troubles of the world right now and just kind of going back to having a little bit of fun right all right guys we'll do it soon see ya yeah just a quick little mock-up through some pieces on there the front fender is the one that came with it and it just attaches to the shock housings and the back the one that we found i think should do pretty good the idea is just try to keep it from flinging mud up into the air cleaner on a carburetor you know up inside there that and you know up your ass through the muffler on there i think we can modify that to fit on the whatever engine we go to use belt system looks like it's going to be fairly decent too bad that belt doesn't have the taper on it that looks like it would actually fit the bill size wise because that engine does slide forward and back too i'll see what i got i might have some other stuff at the house too i'm gonna go check on my stash over there it's pretty good though for a mini bike it's more like a motorcycle compared to the stuff that was popular you know in the 60s and 70s looks pretty decent it's like if yeah if you're a kid you definitely wanted this over a mini bike with little eight inch wheels on it suspension and everything you know all right now i'm done promise that worked out well [Music]
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 264,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1
Id: uObAC-tjCO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 46sec (3766 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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