BROKE GIRL Lives Like A MILLIONAIRE, She Instantly Regret It | Dhar Mann

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sixteen dollars an hour absolutely not 16 an hour is not that bad do I look like the kind of girl that can support my lifestyle with minimum wage I mean we live in a small 400 square foot apartment you don't even have a car exactly which is why I need to make more money to not live like this anymore good afternoon may I get you two started with something to drink champagne perhaps I'll take a glass of champagne oh excellent would you like Moet Verve or Rose I'll bring a glass of Moet out right away it is 25 a glass 25 for some liquid that I'm just gonna pee we have house champagne that's four dollars a glass perfect I'll take that one water water's good yeah thanks I hope you didn't ruin your dress like it matters this cost me seven dollars anyway from the clearance section forever 21. a bottle of my way oh my gosh I can't believe you ordered another one who cares it's only 150. oh my gosh you're so right 150 I wish I had money like that [Music] did you see their Chanel bags my stepdad's rich and he's one of the most miserable people I know you know what they say More Money More Problems well I say bring on the problems hello this is she an executive assistant position well that depends let me switch feet we'll see you in a minute thank you you're welcome what do you mean first class is fully committed no I'm not flying business look like a peasant or something this is a nightmare I'm going to New York to give a speech and only business is available yeah that sounds awful I'm penny I'm here to interview for the executive assistant role I haven't shaken a hand since 2019. right sorry I'll cut to the chase if you want to work for me you have to be available 24 7. go wherever I go do whatever I ask on however little notice oh and no complaining ever are you good with that oh and I should add this position pays a hundred thousand dollars a year I'm available to start today if you'd like Miss Richfield foreign take your dirty shoes off the sofa Shelby they're not dirty I clean them today I don't care that couch is Restoration Hardware it costs 25 000 and I'm not gonna have you ruin it I swear you care more about your designer Furniture than you do me no I have an appreciation for designer Furniture because I paid for it with my hard-earned money here we go again you know Mom the world doesn't revolve around money oh well tell that to your father who's trying to sue me for it [Music] oh hi I'm Penny your mom's new assistant Shelby you know I'm curious to see how long this will last she's had seven assistants in four months that's not true Ray was not an assistant he was my driver my bad six excuse me ma'am which bag would you like to take to New York with you I'm sharing a stage with Judy Smith I can't go with the YSL or the Chanel or she'll show me up I'll just go with one of my Birkins oh also Gregory came down with the flu he uh is no longer able to go with you what [Music] penny what are you doing this weekend want to go with to New York you'd stay at Park Plaza Hotel it's five stars everything is taken care of red carpet treatment oh my gosh sure I'll go great perfect so go on home get your stuff we leave in two hours we'll be back on Sunday okay Sunday you said he'd be back Saturday for my first dance practice it's practice Shelby you act like it's the Olympics when you do something impressive then I'll be there what I have to work our lifestyle doesn't pay for itself who said I even wanted this lifestyle I hate you I wish I could just live with Dad oh so do you'd rather stay in a motel six okay I'm just gonna run back home and pack I'll be back [Music] so I don't know I'm confused so you got a job and started working all within three hours what can I say Miss Richfield moves fast and now I'm going to New York with her right now uh-huh that's why I came home to pack I'll be back Sunday my birthday's tomorrow oh yeah shoot um well we can celebrate it on Sunday gosh I should have seen your pet house it's honestly my dream home and the way she lives is incredible she has staff that does everything for her designer bags like they're candy imagine did you find out anything about like her personal life is she happy she has a daughter um Shelby they don't have the best relationship she literally told her she hated her and from what I read online she had a bad falling out with her husband ex-husband George it's messy but anyways you shouldn't her back hat I would do to have a collection like that is that really the only thing you're taking away from this you sent her own daughter hates her yeah but you're missing the point she hates her inside of a mansion I'd rather be crying in a palace than happy in a dump like this any day what exactly is so bad about your life look we live in this cute little homy place you have someone that loves you who cares if you don't have a Hermes or Chanel bag happiness it isn't having everything you want it's appreciating everything you have I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that [Music] are a glass of Moet from the front thank you I've been wanting to try this ew it's horrible just because it's expensive doesn't mean it tastes good Oh and before we touch down we have to change I have to go straight to my speech afterwards we'll check into the hotel got it so what are you giving a speech on how AI is reshaping the legal industry there'll be a lot of other lawyers there yada yada you don't seem too excited about it no I am I'm just not too excited about sharing the stage Barbara Judy how are you what a cute little beach get up I'd be better if someone wasn't lollygagging in the first class restroom so now I have to use the one here an economy you're not sitting here are you an economy God no I wouldn't be flying if that were the case I barely agreed to go when I found out I was stuck in business rather than first you're in the seats that don't recline to 100 flat I know oh I'm so sorry I hope you still find a way to get some rest so you're not too tired for our big talk on the stage oh don't you worry I'm more prepared than you know hmm mine in the 25 was so much more expensive but it's so much more Chic in my opinion I can't stand her NYX the black dress we're going with the gold set got it are you guys like enemies no she's a friend we go way back I've known her since fifth grade well you two seem like you hate each other we do but you consider her a friend look when you're rich there is no such thing as a pure friend or enemy there's only Frenemies everyone's in a secret competition with each other [Music] I can't wait the little surprise I prepared for her on stage [Music] cheers [Music] so the topic is how AI is changing the legal landscape why don't we start with Miss Richfield sure AI presents unprecedented opportunities to enhance legal research and to streamline TD's task but let's not forget the importance of human judgment and expertise something I hold dear of course Barb no one can deny the value of human Insight however ai's ability to sift through vast amounts of data and provide actionable Insight is unmatched efficiency is the new name of the game efficiency indeed but let's not sacrifice accuracy and thoroughness in the pursuit of speed shall we well you know like you did in the Clinton case all right hold on a second what exactly did I do in the Clinton case Judy Judy Judy come on everyone here has read about it in the New York Times I'm just saying if I was the attorney on the case there's no way I would have lost especially a summary judgment oh in case anyone is unfamiliar with the article I placed a copy of it under everyone's seat if we could please just so Barbara are you now suggesting that we should believe everything we read in the papers because if I'm not mistaken it was in The Washington Post that your ex-husband called you a self-obsessed money hungry Monster Fit that is simply not the truth there are two sides to every story yeah you're right there are two sides to every story and now that we've heard yours I think it's only fair that we hear George's as well oh George do you mind enlightening us ladies and gentlemen I stand before you to share the painful truth about the collapse of my marriage my ex-wife's Relentless obsession with money is what tore us apart every aspects of our relationship was overshadowed by her her endless desire for material wealth I tried to tell her that true happiness resides in in love relationships and not in the numbers on the bottom of a statement but she didn't agree even after our own daughter refused to speak to her so if any of you are thinking about doing business with her know that doesn't care about people [Music] she only cares about her own profits [Music] humiliation I don't ever even want to show my face again please don't stress about it Miss Richfield people will forget about it in no time no they won't not in the legal Community your reputation follows you wherever you go if you don't mind me asking why is he so upset was the breakup that bad he was a stay-at-home dad taking care of Shelby and I was the breadwinner and when we separated I did everything in my power to make sure he didn't get it done is that Fair well regardless whatever he said wasn't true but it is that's the reason it staying so bad everything he said is true George and I when we first met in law school everything was great we didn't have much we had everything we needed but after I started practicing and making money became obsessed so much so that I put my own daughter and husband on the back burner and now now they both hate me don't feel bad honestly there are millions of people who love to have your life you've got a beautiful downtown apartment an army of people at your beck and call a bad collection that people would die for I'm sure I would who cares about it pointless bag purses used to mean everything to me they were the symbol of wealth and status prize possession that I just flaunted without a second thought but now they're nothing more than an empty vessel just just like how my heart feels as someone who has had it all I can tell you firsthand being rich overrated I trade everything to go back to my own life or even have the relationship with my daughter right well maybe it's not too late happy birthday to me happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Evan happy birthday to you I thought you weren't coming home till Sunday well I wasn't but I quit my job it really wasn't a good fit for me anyway wait I don't understand you seem so excited they were even paying you six figures yeah well let's just say I finally realized that I don't need an expensive house or an expensive car or even designer bags I honestly love the life that I have that we have so you wouldn't rather be crying in the palace no someone once told me happiness isn't having everything you want it's appreciating everything you have and I've got everything I need right here so are you gonna blow out your candle or not okay okay but if you want to wish that I get one broken back this year what I'm kidding blow [Laughter] just a sec [Music] hello this is she yes I'm still looking for employment opportunities well it depends how many hours will I have to work because if it's anything over 40 hours then I can't take it [Music] five six seven eight one two three four back six seven eight forward two three fact five six seven one two three five six seven one two three you showed up and I promise going forward I'm going to start showing up a lot more often okay hello no it's okay just give them half of everything honestly I don't care about the money anymore I just want peace to be happy I'm sure I gotta go bye thank you okay [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 2,493,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: TFkRLaSvnY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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