πŸ’– Text To Speech πŸ’– ASMR Cake Storytime || @Amara Chehade @Briana Mizura || POVs Tiktok Part #116

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oh I go Infinity again mom I go Infinity Wards again that's good honey you won't believe what my mom told me today she was like do you ever stop talking what do you mean why do your words never go down I don't know guys I need to tell you something I no one cares yeah you talk too much you give us all headaches fine I guess I'll just picked myself from now on so I read this book today and it was actually pretty good who are you talking to no one talk to me then [Music] I actually love that book I've read it like five times you only have five words left you continue talking I'll listen you only have five words left you continue talking I'll listen you won't believe what my teachers told me she was like Amara you got the best grade in class and I was like what seriously I didn't even study for the test and I can't wait to tell my parents this is so cool by the way thank you so much for always listening to me no one ever wants to [Music] we can still talk every day even when I move it just won't be the same maybe I'll come back to visit one day promise I promise oh her little friend is gone now she has no one to talk to [Music] hi is this Felix's mom yes I was just wondering why Felix hasn't been answering any of my calls honey my son died last year I thought he told his friends he had a disease he's been fighting there for years what Mom it's almost Christmas Eve have you wrapped her presents yet sorry honey I don't have enough money to buy presents this year oh not fair we never get any presents for Christmas there has to be something I can do to get money I can just sell things I don't use anymore where are you going um I'll be right back hey would you be interested in buying sorry I don't have time I'm in a rush hi do you want to buy this I'm not interested hi would you want to buy this whoa you dropped your wallet wait oh my gosh was that the prince whoa there's so much money in here the palace I need to give this back hey I'm here to give this to Liam you mean Prince Liam what there's only one Liam here and it's Prince Liam let me see yeah that's him I'll let him know he came by wait I kind of want to give it to him in person if that's possible okay but hurry up [Music] well I don't know hey do you know where Prince Liam is yeah you're speaking to him right now I got your wallet oh I knew I forgot something well here it is thank you so much really how can I repay you oh no it's fine just consider a Christmas present I better get going my family's waiting for me wait this might sound crazy but I would like to invite you and your family here too oh no you don't have to I want to as a thank you so what do you say so what do you say sure perfect see you tomorrow then here's an imitation call mom you won't guess what just happened where have you been all this time forget about that we just got invited to have dinner with the Royals let me see it's a Christmas miracle I know I need to find something to wear and when you walk down this is perfect wow you look beautiful I love you Mom I love you too you're ready to go let's go hi we're here for the Christmas dinner hey aren't you that girl that returned the wallet from yesterday that's me pleasure to have you back enjoy the dinner thank you you might just see I want to introduce you to my mom and my sister pleasure to meet you both pleasure to meet you too by the way call me Liam are you ready to come inside everyone's waiting for you let's go the food's amazing I got you something oh a flower crown how'd that look just like the perfect princess thank you so much that's not that was great can we come here again tomorrow please oh no I don't wanna please do come we love to have a new hit tonight really see you tomorrow then Liam see you tomorrow Amara [Music] Amara is gonna be a princess no that's a bit crazy yeah I can see in his eyes that he likes you oh come on he's probably just nice to everyone yeah right your boyfriend sent you a letter so once for me yay we're here I'm so excited hey hi I'm gonna go play with the kids that's the best time okay oh and uh I'm just gonna go speak to someone over there I guess we're the only ones left I guess so do you want to have a walk around the garden Chris let's go and when you walk down the flowers are so beautiful they really are on things they used to be my mom's favorite really yeah well she passed away when I was eight they're the only thing I have left oh I'm so sorry how'd she pass away in a plane crash and I picked these out for you I'm really glad you came today Christmas hasn't been the same since my mom passed away but you've changed that that's so sweet there's one more thing I want to ask you something there's something I want to ask you what is it hi guys goodbye I'm just gonna go take care of some things are you okay to stay here while I'm gone so where'd he take you around his garden they had such beautiful flowers and what else happened he asked me to be his girl oh my gosh no way see I told you he liked you what did you say I said yes of course I'm so happy for you this is so exciting thanks again for an amazing night I'm really glad I got to spend it with you me too I was thinking and why don't you guys stay over we have more than enough romance yes sure we can stay over tonight no I meant why don't you move here that way we could spend more time together yes I want to live at the palace I'm okay with it if you are so what do you say I would love to stay here with you Liam yay we're gonna live at the palace [Music] I got a 10. hey oh my gosh I got an eight I'm so happy for you what did you get I kept mine private a number doesn't Define who I am hey guys uh what are you doing what you mean you can't sit with us unless you're eight seriously you don't even know what number I am well you put it on private for a reason whatever hey babe what number did you get doesn't know no it's important you have to tell me I got a two ew we need to break up hey honey how was school yeah good how about your number I kept mine private you do know that all numbers are going public tomorrow right what what about your number forget my private you do know that all numbers are going public tomorrow right you ready for school no now everyone's gonna like me because of my number I'll never know who my real friends are I'm sorry honey but there's nothing we can do maybe there is it actually worked guys like one eight I got a seven I go on eight two Amara how does it feel like being a five it doesn't bother me it's just a number what do you mean it's just a number it literally means you're ugly I don't care about how I look like it's all about what's inside I want to be more like Amara she doesn't care about her rating yeah I'm done trying so hard Amara can you help us get our rating down there's one more thing I can't see without glasses okay take these thank you so much I feel like myself again hey take these thank you so much I feel like myself again did you see that yeah how did our numbers change to 10 maybe the trick is just to be yourself what the hell how they attend yeah how did they get the numbers to go out hey you did you like hack the system or something how you attend you literally I didn't hack the system I was just being myself and maybe if you start being nicer to people you'd be a time too who do you think you are speaking to me like that ouch look you're gonna help me get them and if you don't I'll make you laugh a living hell what did Jenny say to you she wanted me to teach her how I got my rating up well did you tell her not really Amara what did you do you'll see there is no way you made her wear a hot dog costume well she deserved it she said she bullied me since third grade you're a genius that's easy he's 10. I don't know I think it's purple me cloudy it's London seriously [Music] seven I can already guess the name but I don't want to get too excited one two three what I can already guess the name but I don't want to get too excited one two three what mom how many siblings do I have stop with the silly questions no I mean it how many do I have two you already know that okay so either your lion or this thing is broken what do you mean well you know how I need to answer certain questions now let's find out my son's name this thing asked me how many brothers I had and when I said one it was wrong it's probably broken yeah do you know what that is at work why nothing I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I paid him a little visit hey dog Amara what are you doing here um who is she don't tell your mom she was here hi Dad oh Amara uh what are you doing um who is she please don't tell your mom she was here why not because she's just an old friend and your mom doesn't like me seeing her aren't you gonna introduce me to your daughter oh yeah Amara this is Stephanie Stephanie this is Amara nice to meet you you too so random question how many kids do you have I have three sons and who's the dad Amara that's none of your business to ask no it's fine funny thing you asked he's actually okay there's no time for this Amara you need to go do you think I'm dumb I have four brothers oh wow so he's a Chia and a liar but at least now I know my soulmate's name okay does everyone have their choices yes yes but I got three options yeah some people do get that sometimes just choose one okay I'll choose blue Amara look what I can do what the hell I can walk on walls like Spiderman ouch hey what power did you get I don't know I kind of feel the same I think I picked the wrong color hey guys what's up oh we were just that's weird did he just guys not sleeping on the floor they're not breathing [Music] what's happening oh no guys no sleeping on the floor not breathing what's happening oh no hey are you okay please just leave me alone why because I just killed three people by looking at them here take these classes will it help yeah just try avoid taking them off at all times honey you're home yeah I'm just going to my room wait why are you wearing those glasses did your friends make you Mom stop asking me all these questions I need to search for a cure [Music] I can't find anything wait the guy that gave me the glasses might know how I can get rid of this ability hey can I ask you something how do you know so much about your power because I'm the same how do we get rid of it well there's only one way little tomato or adult tomato mommy what does this mean if you choose the adult to me or you'll turn into an adult if you choose the small tomato if you want to grow up and be an adult like you honey wait you can't eat that now you have to wait 13 hours oh I wanted to grow up quickly look then there just entered that class why do you always wear those glasses aren't they too big for you you can bully me all you want but once I become an adult I'm gonna be really pretty wait did you pick the adult tomato yeah didn't you no we all chose the small Tomatoes this is so funny when you're an adult you can work as a babysitter that's not funny you're not the only one who chose the adult to me really you chose the adult tomato too yes who would want to be small forever when we're adults we can do whatever we like and we'll have our own money I wonder what you're gonna look like when you grow up you'll probably look like a grown-up nerd no I'm pretty sure I'm gonna look beautiful you really think so that's never going to happen class for those who chose the adult Tomatoes the age were randomly increase so I'm gonna grow older randomly yeah you could either become a teenager a mom or a grandma no I don't want to be your grandma so if I eat this I might go straight looking like a grandma what should I do listen guys you know how Amara and David chose the adult Tomatoes let's steal Davis tomato so that Amara will be the only one who looks old yeah let Amara grow up on her own besides she really thinks she's gonna look pretty when she grows up let's prove her wrong I have to tell David now where is he I wanted to tell him but he's not here is everyone ready it's time for you to eat your Tomatoes I'm sure Amara won't be pretty when she grows up let's just see after she eats that tomato you have to eat your tomatoes in a count of three two one so this is how I look like as an adult it's all because you ate The Big Tomato turns out I'm not a nerd anymore but where are my friends everyone who ate the small tomatoes are now in an orphanage huh orphanage yep that's right I can't believe it they all made they've either small tomato and now he's stuck in an orphanage I have to help him use this tomato to help Dave is this a small tomato or a Big Tomato it's a big tomato give it to Dave make sure he eats it within 24 hours otherwise he'll stay small forever small forever yes you don't have much time hurry up and get to the orphanage excuse me may I come into this orphanage you're not part of this orphanage so you cannot enter but my friend's in there I don't care you're not allowed in what am I gonna do I have to quickly give him this tomato you have to be a part of the orphanage how am I supposed to do that apply to be a teacher huh teacher yes okay then I'll try hey can I apply for a job here as a teacher oh yes it just happens that this orphanage doesn't have a teacher yet can you start today yeah sure it's so dirty in here oh my God is that the nut how are you so pretty now you guys used to bully me at school right we're so sorry we all ate the small tomato please if you have a big tomato give it to us I'm so sorry I bullied you in the past no you guys swapped Dave's tomato to a small one you're evil I'm not giving you anything where is he hey I know you have a big tomato can you please give it to one of our students he hasn't been able to communicate with anyone ever since he got here not able to communicate who is the student what's his name his name is his name is Dave huh Dave do you know the name Dave can I see him yeah of course follow me I want to get married I want to get married I want to get married are you okay why is he saying that he's sick he can only recover when he grows up what should I do should I give him this Big Tomato I just remembered he's actually allergic to tomatoes so if you give it to him he might die what this is all because they changed his Big Tomato to a small one I want to help him but I don't know how there's nothing you can do you just have to wait for him to grow up okay I'm willing to leave this all finished by one condition what condition I have to be the leader of this orphanage for one day and why do you want that because there's something I have to do okay I've been needing a break from this place anyway so the league of this orphan is left now we can bully Amara you really think you can believe me you still don't know do you know what I'm not the leader of this orphanage how come since you all decided to bully Dave and give him the wrong tomato you're gonna have to clean up all his stuff and be his helpers for the day okay we'll do it now good you haven't given your friend the big to me oh yeah yeah because he's allergic to tomatoes and he might die hurry up you only have 30 minutes left if you don't give it to him you won't be able to save him but he's the logic just trust me and give him the Tomato okay hey Dave you still remember me right um you're Amara great basically you have to trust me and eat this tomato okay but I'm allergic but it's gonna help you feel better um okay big pill or small pill I'll take the big pill because it matches my clothes hey honey did you take your pill yeah I chose the big pill you chose you got a choice I thought everyone got small pills no I got to choose between a big pill and a small pill you need to leave my house right now what why whoever takes the big Bill gets bigger in size I can't be seen with you get out of my house now don't worry I'm leaving Amara did you know there's only two hours left before the size of the Earth gets smaller yeah that's why we all got the small peel didn't you eat the smoker um yeah I ate the small pill that's great so whoever is the big pill gets bigger and whoever eats the small pill gets smaller if that's true why hasn't my size changed I'm exactly the same size hey bestie in the small pill right yes okay don't forget to sleep because the pill only works when you sleep we need to be small before the Earth shrinks yeah um I'll sleep later okay that's fine I just won't sleep that way I'll stay the same size and no one will find out I ate the big pill hey can I see something yes of course you say people automatically get the small pill but um what happens to the people who get the big pill there's no way they could get the big pill no way why because it's impossible unless you're the chosen one the chosen one yeah why are you asking so many questions anyway didn't you get the small pill yeah of course what am I gonna do it's your turn to sleep Amara hey Misa are there any other omaros here hurry up and sleep okay sir I'll sleep now I'll just pretend to sleep I'm all right I know you're not sleeping why are you actually doing anyway um sir may I go to the toilet I don't think I can sleep because I have a stomach ache okay don't be long because soon the Earth will shrink and you'll have to become smaller before that happens I understand good thing I still have the small pill I can just eat and become small like my other friends wait where is it it was just in my pocket oh Mario you're taking too long in the toilet the Earth is shrinking in one minute one second my stomach still hurts okay because I'm a good friend I'll wait for you while sleeping outside the toilet what time's up have they become small yet how come it's so quiet it was so crowded a minute ago what was that how come it's so quiet it was so crowded a minute ago what was that I didn't just step on my teacher did I I hope I'm wrong but no everyone's small I'm the only big one left don't worry I'm still here huh Olivia you haven't changed yet remember when I told you I'll sleep outside the toilet I didn't sleep on purpose because I knew you took the big pill you have to eat the small pill so you can become small like all of them the problem is I don't know where I put the small pill it's surely around school let's look for it Amara I found a small pill thank you wait Anna you didn't turn small yet either why because I'm not sleepy yet the pills only work when we sleep thankfully I found my small pill help me huh did someone just ask for help I'm right here under your feet Jack you're my classmate right yes thank you Amara thanks for what thank you for killing the teacher he was lying to us all about the Earth shrinking what are you talking about I'm just gonna eat it don't please don't eat it huh Anna how come you're so small you were just big a second ago it wasn't me who was talking to you earlier what do you mean you were talking to a robot that the teacher made to trick you so that you can eat the peel and become small luckily I haven't eaten it yet have you found a little pill yet yes but I didn't eat it yet why don't you eat it because Anna said the teacher tricked us to be small what as you can see the Earth isn't shrinking at all the Earth can't get a small life there's still some people who haven't shrunk yet some people yes for example me Felix and ano Amara down here what's that sound I'm right here Amara whatever happens you have to listen to me you have to sleep why should I sleep because you've eaten the big pill you have to sleep so it works if you get big you can save us it's true I need to sleep so I can restore them to the original size Amara wake up you can't sleep if you sleep you go big you again you're just a robot stop disturbing my sleep I want to be big so I can restore my other friends think about it how are you gonna save them if you're this size and they're that size the Earth can't shrink unless you get smaller don't you feel sorry for them that's true then eat that little pill now I hope I get a good magic power move things that's not even a power it's normal to move things I don't want it good morning Mom good morning honey make sure you're ready for Magics yes Mom did you choose your magic power not yet what why how are you going magic school with no magic powers that's so dumb relax I'm just waiting to get a good magic power I don't want to get a name on like the rest of my friends ouch look what my powers can do okay okay stop you're hurting me I can hurt you without even touching you that's a lame magic power what's your magic power I don't have any magic power then who are you to make fun of me if you don't have one yourself I'm gonna tell everyone that you don't have a magic power no don't hey you don't have a magic power right no I don't have one yet I hope I get a good magic power this time it has to be better than my friends so they don't bully me again fly just fly no that's boring I'll decline honey you refused your magic power again because they gave me flying as an option it's so boring you can't keep rejecting just accept one already no I'm waiting for a good one to appear look it's the girl with no magic powers you do know if you keep rejecting you might not even get one at all I'm just waiting for the perfect one to appear you're useless let's go guys I'll give you time until tomorrow if you don't have a magic power you're leaving the school but sir my magic powers are still loading I don't know when they'll give me a next one I don't care you have 24 hours yes it's loading okay this time I'm gonna have to accept it otherwise I'll get kicked out of the school please give me a good magic power please give me a good magic power mind control why do I always get bad ones I want to refuse it but I can't otherwise I'll get kicked out of the school accept it now but Mom I said do it all right fine look it's the girl with no magic powers she shouldn't be allowed back in the school who says I don't have any magic powers I have a magic power really and what's your magic power I can't tell them don't bully me I don't want to say it's a secret sir am I allowed to stay in the school do you have a magic power yes I do I picked one today all right then you can stay thanks sir I'm so scared imagine someone finds out about my magic power I can't let anyone know that I got mind control everyone will be practicing our magic powers today practicing on magic powers yes everyone should know how to use them Amara you just pretend to have magic power so you can stay in the school right no that's not true I have magic powers if you have magic powers why don't you want to tell me what it is fine it's mind control mind control that's the most greatest magic power the greatest magic power if you really have that power then I want to challenge challenge me yep to see if you're telling the truth okay fine I'll accept the challenge good look guys I'm gonna use my powers on tomorrow wait why isn't it working on her wait Amara do you really not feel anything feel what why are you all looking at me like that I know about your magic power you can control minds what how do you know because you have the strongest magic power I can feel it longest but I don't know how to use it it's easy just use your feelings feelings yes Amara did you accept the magic match against Jennifer yes then the competition will start now now yes oh my gosh I don't know how to use my magic yet why so quiet are you scared to fight me okay the magic match will start in three two one the magic match will start in three two one why isn't my magic working on her Amara use your magic now yeah you said you had magic powers why aren't you using them because I don't know how to use it if you really don't know then why did you accept Jennifer's challenge you know what it's decided you've lost this magic match lost according to our agreement if you lose you're out of the school no I don't want to leave Magic School you accepted my challenge so you must accept the consequences what hey old lady I lost against Jennifer I told you you have to use your feelings are you afraid yeah I'm scared that's what keeps your magic from appearing you shouldn't be afraid so my feelings make my magic appear yes you already like someone right I like my best friend his name is Jake then approach him now huh right now yes go and tell him how you feel it's so cold in here isn't it Jake what's up I like you why does my body suddenly feel warm and I feel like I like you too out of a sudden wow what just happened was love man love magic yes every feeling has a magic power which is different and the greatest magic of all is anger yes that's right Amara sign this letter why do I have to sign this letter because you'll be leaving the school so you need to sign it but I don't want to leave the school I've learned how to use my magic why is it suddenly raining outside so this is your magic power yes sir the magic you just use right now is the sad feeling sad feeling every time you feel something your magic starts working that's such a cool magic power you still haven't used the feeling of anger you need to use it but it will only work if you're really angry oh I don't get angry easily you have to because it's the strongest Magic okay why are you still in the school I thought you got kicked out you don't have a magic power so you don't deserve to be here I told you so many times I have a magic power if the teacher don't kick you out of the school I'll make you leave it will rain every time I sleep or every time I eat sleep of course because usually it's good to sleep while it rains mom can you take me to school I can't take you because I have work to do but I'm gonna be late that's not my problem this is the right time to try out my strength wait what how comes to suddenly raining so much okay fine I'll take it to school hey Emily Why'd You Look so Sad Jake he's dating Stephanie and what's wrong with that we were childhood friends I thought one day me and him come on stop crying you should never cry for a boy I'm not going to maths class later yeah as always you skip months to go play basketball no this time I have permission I'm going to Germany for a basketball game just pray it doesn't rain don't worry it won't rain I'm not sleepy what do you mean babe um nothing have a safe flight why do I feel so sleepy why is it raining Amara wake up what's wrong you scared me how come the rain stopped immediately try sleeping again gosh you can control the rain yes it rains every time I sleep whoa so cool have you done the homework huh what homework Sarah said anyone who hasn't done the homework is getting the detention I'll just sleep so I called the principal and said he's not coming in for the next lesson because it's raining but what about the homework I know you slept so that cell wouldn't check her homework yeah so what I know your boyfriend would be really angry with you because you made it rain oh yeah I forgot he had a flight to Germany today honey remember Justin has a flight today don't sleep so it doesn't rain wait what did Mom just say what did Mom just say Amara wake up I didn't even sleep yes you've been sleeping for five hours I've been trying to wake you but you didn't wake up five hours how about Justin's flight to Germany I don't know but hopefully he'll arrive safely to his destination Amara I got news about Justin his flight got canceled and postponed until tomorrow thank God he's safe this time you have to watch out you can't sleep this is all your fault my flight got postponed because of you I'm sorry I forgot you had to fly if you sleep again today I'm breaking up with you don't I still love you do you promise not to fall asleep until I get to Germany I promise it's already midnight it's time for you to go to sleep honey no I don't want to sleep until Justin gets to his destination he hasn't left yet so it's okay if it rains no today I'm not sleeping at all okay up to you but don't say I didn't tell you hey guys oh my gosh Amara you look really tired didn't you sleep no I can't sleep yet close we're going to be taking an exam exam I can't Amara what are you doing it's time to rain don't sleep I'm really sleepy I don't think I can do this exam don't worry I'll help you you look tired how long until you're flying I'm going to the airport now my flight is in one hour yeah don't worry I won't put you in danger okay I trust you I need to go now bye mom I'm home remember honey don't sleep I'll make you a coffee maybe it will help yeah make it extra strong my eyes are burning let me just close them for a moment why is there a storm outside Amara wake up Amara wake up wow you're really stubbing it's time I try something else ouch you're hurting me why are you pinching me you've slept for two hours and now there's a storm sorry Mom I'm just too tired how was Justin's flight still no news maybe he's still on the plane Amara you slept again what is wrong with you you put Justin's life in danger I know I'm sorry I didn't sleep all night have you had anything back from him no I thought he would call you once he arrived he still hasn't called let me know if he does did you see what happened down the road there was a flood and so many cars got damaged yes I know the water reached my house as well this is really bad I really hope they can catch the person responsible for this me too who are you calling I've been trying to call Justin but he's not answering it's your fault if something bad happens to him stop making me feel guilty I think we have to destroy Amara it's true she's causing trouble for everyone oh my gosh look that's her hey I'm having a hard time too because I'm trying to not fall asleep for all of you it's better if we just get rid of her now you think that will solve the problem if you get rid of me I'll sleep forever that means there's gonna be a storm forever why is there no news about the plane I'm starting to get worried this is the girl what are you doing why is the police here because you're responsible for Justin's disappear well no I'm not and besides no one knows what happened to him maybe his phone died or something Justin is finally calling me mom come on pick up we're all worried hey babe where are you is it true that this is Justin's girlfriend huh this is not Justin's voice see how much money people have in the savings or see how much money people have in their wallets the wallet only fits a little so I'd rather see how much they have in the savings hello can you give me some coins to buy food I know you have a lot of money on your savings why are you still begging well if I did I wouldn't be here you can't lie to me Amara can you lend me 50 pounds to buy my mom a gift you have a lot of savings why do you keep asking me to borrow your money and besides the only reason why you have money is because you keep asking people to borrow you some and you never return them what how do you know how much money I have in my savings huh apparently everyone in school has a lot of savings hey why are the police out of school you didn't know apparently there's a Mafia Boss looking for his lost daughter and her savings are infinite I know you can see the contents of everyone's savings can you please help me find my door Arc maybe later I'm very busy at the moment sorry wait I never looked at how much savings I have it's time for me and my soulmate to switch faces three two one wait I feel like I've seen this face before anyway thank God my soulmate is not ugly he's kind of handsome Ryan please take me out on a date so his name is Ryan don't listen to her take me out instead why do all the girls like him sorry girls but I'm not gonna cheat on my soulmate hey Ryan wait why are you dressed like um no reason anyway did you still want to go to gym after school and lift some weights your arms look skinny Jim yeah why not hey Ryan come here yes sir why haven't you been in school for the past five days um I was uh sick yeah right come with me I'm giving you a detention for the whole the whole day but I didn't do anything I have to quickly find my soul mate so we can switch faces again hey Ryan there's a girl named damara she's like she's looking for me where is she just down the hall okay distract the teacher while I sneak out of class wait is that how I look like to others finally I got my face back hey I'm Ryan it's nice to meet you I'm Amara nice to meet you too it was pretty weird having your face everyone thought I was you plus you have like a lot of girls crushing on you don't worry about them I'm surprised we go to the same school but I've never seen you before I mean it is a pretty big school true you want to have lunch together sure I'm down but um I think you should finish that detention first detention for what foreign
Channel: TMooreMan
Views: 273,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cake Storytime, POVs Tiktok Compilations, Text To Speech, Amarachehade, msa, storytime, asmr, text to speech, dhar mann, ray cakestorytime, ray cake storytime, amara chehade, rebecca zamolo, slime storytime, cake, tiktok mashup 2023, amara, tiktok, povs, amara tiktok povs, asmr cake, text to speech amara, cake storytime tiktok, cake storytime 1 hour, amara storytime, TMooreMan, Cake zone
Id: MXkYb5d5hW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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