Man ARRESTED For GARDENING, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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[Music] hi mr windley good afternoon kids i see you're eating a well-balanced meal our mama gave us five bucks that said we could buy whatever we wanted from the corner store i assume they were sold out of brussels sprouts ew brussels sprouts that's gross mystery oh careful that little man you just stepped on my tomatoes i don't see any tomatoes they're not actual tomatoes silly they're just tomato seeds that's right i have to plant them first and when i do they're going to be the juiciest most beautiful tomatoes you've ever seen are tomatoes really going to grow here of course as long as i take care of this patch of dirt you'd be surprised what can grow if you give it a little love what else are you gonna grow kale carrots oh these little guys i planted these guys last week they're gonna be the strawberries i love strawberries really now why didn't you get strawberries at the store instead of candy they don't have strawberries at the corner store what about whole foods trader joe's your kids ever get snacks there you mean the grocery stores in the rich neighborhoods our mama says those stores are too far and too expensive well your mama's not wrong that's why i play in a garden in my backyard so i can have as many strawberries brussels sprouts and tomatoes as i want you have a garden in your backyard yup soon this whole parkway is gonna be a garden and you kids can get your strawberries right here can i help you brother excuse me yes i'm working for john windley that's me oh mr windham theodore kelly from the bureau of street services and i worked for the city console of los angeles i take it you didn't come down here to help me grow my garden did you quite the opposite sir somebody complained last week about you digging up the dirt on the sidewalk and it uh it looks like you're uh turning this into a habit sir there was nothing but weeds growing here before i cleaned this whole place up is it a crime to want to see my neighborhood look better well it's against city policy to treat a sidewalk as your own personal property there's nothing personal about it mr kelly mr k look this whole place is gonna be a garden anybody can come here and get fresh vegetables anytime they want even you well uh policy is policy and um how would you i would uh i'd leave this patch of dirt alone or it's gonna cost you consider this a warning mr woodley and uh have a nice day can you really get in trouble for planting strawberries it's okay everything's gonna be all right now kids do you wanna see what this garden is gonna look like in three months time yeah sure yeah all right come on i'm gonna show you something real cool right through here guys welcome to my little paradise wow this is amazing never seen a garden like this before yeah oh have one of these here you go make one for you try them they're as sweet as candy mmm this is the best strawberry i've ever had do i have to come on try it you're gonna like it [Music] this is delicious i told you hey john we were hoping you were here hey linda hey maurice come on in don't eat everything john those carrots you gave us last time were perfect for the soup well there's more that came from oh oh my goodness thank you so much john this means a lot to us and everyone at the shelter john you know i wish there were more people like you in the community well i'm just doing what i love to do i could teach y'all how to do it so you can spread the love oh my gosh i have always wanted to know how to plant my own vegetables okay me too i want some more cucumbers and squash all right next time i visit the shelter i'm gonna give you some tips on how to get started oh that's good that would be incredible all right we're looking forward to it all right now have a good day john you too bye bye hey kids wait you gave them all those vegetables for free yeah linda and maurice they cook for the homeless down at the shelter they use the vegetables to make soup for them we're all doing our part to help the community out you two kids want to help out too sure okay all right let's water some plants over here all right here we go oh not so much there you go what are these gonna be mr windley brussels sprouts they taste a lot better when you grow them yourself hey sammy you wanna try some when they're done um maybe can i ask you a question mr winley you've asked a hundred questions what's one more why do you like growing your own vegetables hey now you're all good you guys go appreciate it thank you have good days you too that's why grace people in the community need healthier options we can't keep eating fast food for every single meal folks need access to freshly grown produce you kids already know can't get that in here right so if i can't bring the people to the vegetables i'm gonna bring the vegetables to the people that's why you wanna plant a garden in the sidewalk that's right the more gardens i grow the more people i can feed it's my mission are you gonna do it all by yourself i could try but it'd be a whole lot better if everybody in the neighborhood did their part to help see when a community comes together we can accomplish incredible things that's pretty cool it's very cool little man and i'm gonna teach y'all how to grow your own gardens that's awesome yeah oh but let me get you home before the street lights come on your mom gets real crazy when y'all come home late good job today come on come on let's go [Music] hi mr winley hey how's it going there mr green thump hey kimberly i see the kids told you about my little project they sure did even samuel here wants to eat more fruits and vegetables hey that's what i'm talking about sammy gotta say i really appreciate what you're doing here this could really benefit the whole neighborhood thank you i just wish everybody felt that way what do you mean who didn't love this idea i don't know somebody call the city they want me to shut it down this came in the mail for me today you can't shut it down mr windley yeah people need their healthy food like you said i ain't giving up just yet it's gonna take more than a letter in the mail to stop me well john you know they won't just leave you alone what happens if they do take away this garden we'll plant another one and another one we'll grow gardens all around this neighborhood so everybody has access to freshly grown produce am i right about the kids yeah wow you sure are resilient well that's why they call me the gangster gardener was that right who calls you that okay maybe nobody calls me i call myself so today we're delivering veggies and fruit for the community get to join well that sounds like a good way to spend the day you kids want to help mr windley yeah sure all right let's go all right all right so this way yeah julian orange we'll see you tomorrow okay thank you so much my kids are going to love these yeah no problem all right here you go god bless you sir oh wow thank you john you have gone above and beyond no need to thank me linda i do it for the cause not the applause okay well at least let me make you dinner you'll have something to take on okay yes i cannot say no to your cooking well it is the least that i can do for the neighborhood hero mr kelly what do i owe the pleasure it's just in the neighborhood wanting to stop by and say hi i uh i drove by the sidewalk the other day and uh to my surprise there was a garden i thought i made myself very clear let me be very clear that garden isn't going anywhere look around all these people for once they have access to fresh and healthy food there's a mcdonald's right down the street why don't you shut it down mr winley if you don't remove your garden from city property it is going to cost you a lot more than just fines the city will issue a warrant for your arrest just leave mr windley alone yeah don't you have something better to do than shutting down gardens trust me i'm being friendly john i didn't have to offer you a warning are you really going to get me arrested for planting vegetables mr kelly joe let me ask you a question are you even aware of all the zoning walls that you're breaking are you aware that you need permits to use city property i am not trying to cause trouble i am here just to enforce the rules are you aware of how many people in this community have serious health conditions because they live in a food desert i am sorry that is not my department pay the fine remove the garden john can you believe him you okay yeah i'm okay i will handle everything hey what are we standing around for we got more produce to pass out hey guys come on come on come on come on strawberries are really sweet this season come on we'll get you a basket right hey how you doing all right brother john winley is there a problem officers we've got a warrant for your arrest wow is it really coming to this do you guys even know why they're trying to arrest me vandalizing public property vandalism does this look like vandalizing to you it's a garden brother look we didn't issue the warrant yeah we can explain it to the judge oh my god john mr woodley what's going on take care of my guard kids let everybody know the community will help you you're making a big mistake what are you doing you heard him we gotta take care of the garden the people of this neighborhood still need this food sam you recorded that right no send it to me i got an idea set we're here today outside the inglewood courthouse where a local man is being tried for planting a garden in his neighborhood you heard that right the story of john windley is going viral thanks to the support from his community last month he was arrested on the streets of south los angeles for turning a sidewalk into a garden full of fruits and vegetables city officials say it's prohibited to do so on city property after his arrest however his community continued to tend to the garden the footage caught the attention of several news sources so the city council is aware of the situation the question is will john winley face time in jail for planting tomatoes on a sidewalk or will the city pardon him for providing healthy food to his community we'll find out soon enough back to utah this has never been about one man my client never intended to make a profit nor did he intend to keep the produce all to himself this has always been about the community the real issue here isn't the garden the real issue is the lack of healthy food in our neighborhoods south los angeles is a food desert and john windley he's trying to change that john is a hero having healthier food options could save our lives that's right order order please we're in the court is there anything further no your honor i think they pretty much summed it up prosecution your opening state judge william seems to me that this case is pretty simple i mean mr windley he was given all kinds of warnings citations and he knew he was breaking the law now cities they have policies for a reason and the sidewalk well people just can't do what they want on the sidewalk sidewalks were made for walking pure and sick just like the city walks all over us when we ask for better grocery stores in our neighborhood tell how many fast food restaurants there are they count how many farmers market order please no further outbursts or i will ask you to leave my court your honor if i may there is a clear unanimous decision within this community they want this garden your honor may i approach the bench i don't believe the prosecution was finished well i don't have a problem with it you're honest your honor in south central l.a we live in an area that lacks the basic nutrition we need now the city keeps pumping out liquor stores fast food restaurants all that's real good for business in the city's pockets but it is bad for the overall health of the community so i took matters into my own hands and i built a garden for the whole neighborhood to enjoy so kids can be excited about strawberries and brussels sprouts cucumbers not processed foods where i'm from you ain't never seen a tomato a lettuce unless it was inside of a cheeseburger until i showed them a better way a healthier way the d.a got it wrong i was not trying to take anything away from the city your honor i was trying as hard as i could to give something back thank you [Applause] judge williams this is not a town hall meeting the people of this community have nothing to do with this and they shouldn't get a say right but i can't help but think that maybe they should what it's obvious to me mr winley has motivated his whole neighborhood to working together towards a common goal this garden on the sidewalk it's a symbol of a brighter future i see nothing wrong with that oh you're on i've said all i need to say i hereby move this ruling to a town hall meeting where the garden will be put to a vote by the members of the community and i have a feeling i already know the outcome as for john windly all charges are dropped case dismissed don't you did it we did it it's just like you said mr winley when a community works together you can accomplish incredible things that's right grace that's right [Applause] two fingers around the dirt there one hole one separate hole we're gonna wear them later good job sam theodore hey john listen i just really wanted to say that i'm hey we're not doing anything wrong here all right new laws passed no oh no oh i am just here to see if the radishes are ready yes sir i got them for you right here brother thank you and my mom she cannot stop talking about these and uh again i'm uh truly sorry for what i put you through i hold no grudges to you if you hadn't came down the way you did we would have never got that law changed now we can plant gardens anywhere we want that's true you're impressed with what you've done you really are a hero john please call me the gangster gardener you should be proud gangster gardener come here let me jump in and help you actually let's do it can i trouble you for 22 so that i could get something to eat for today you mean buy some more drugs i'm an artist and i work with celebrities yeah right buddy and i'm elon musk and i'm oprah winfrey
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 9,371,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: CgdlkveB2HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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