mom sends bad kid to military school | mailmanthecat | toca life world

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go hey Jay dinner's gonna be ready what did I tell you about eating junk food before dinner uh this room it's like a pig Style I told you to clean your room two days ago you got clothes everywhere and wrappers in this bed it looks like a pack of wild dogs slept in it it's my room it's not like anyone else is gonna see it besides him before this is my house my rules now I want this room spotless by the time dinner is on the table and put a clean shirt on Ryan is coming over and I want you on your best behavior young man don't even think about playing any pranks the last guy didn't even come back good [Music] it's not my fault they can't handle a harmless prank no I don't think putting a big hairy tarantula in someone's car counts as harmless okay I'm serious Jay you're walking on thin ice between your pranks your grades the state of this room you need to get your act together all right this is your last warning or there will be consequences now get a move on it that did not sound good she's bluffing what is she gonna do I don't know when Marco started acting out his mom sent him to East Point really isn't that like a military school I'm not sure but apparently it's not as bad as it sounds he said it's like summer camp all year round no parents you get to stamp and play video games you can even go on trips on the weekends compared to living with my mom do you really want to leave home though I don't hear you cleaning trust me the sooner I get out of this place the better that was delicious babe thank you make this yourself Family Recipe it's been around for Generations in fact it's Jay's favorite isn't that right honey [Music] so Jay you're a sports fan I'm assistant ticket holder the Lakers run for me when we go sometime he loves the Lakers I'm busy but thanks anyway [Music] um Jay could you grab the cheesecake from the fridge for dessert please I already cut it into four pieces and I'm sure Brian would love some whatever [Music] anyways I'll grab the place for you Mom thank you honey okay [Music] yeah Okay who wants some cheesecake you're welcome Hey I'm sure you'll love it so uh [Β __Β ] right in oh I wanted you to tell the boys about that funny thing that happened at work okay well so happened last week it was person feel them oh are you okay give me some water okay oh my gosh do you not like it I'm sorry no no what's up okay it's good just a little help and then have some more go ahead eat it so uh anyway [Music] I'm sorry my mouth's on fire what in the world is going on [Music] oh okay [Music] ah do you have any idea how how immature how disrespectful you Jay this isn't funny hey it was a little funny I told you I wanted you to be on your best behavior tonight and what did you do you blatantly disobeyed me he's fine it's not like he had an allergic reaction or no I can't keep doing this it's the same thing over and over again with you I make the rules and you keep breaking them okay uh let's cut stitches how long am I grounded for a week a month because I'm gonna have to move some things around my social calendar if it's longer than weeks neither I am done trying to discipline you if you won't listen to me you're gonna have to go and learn how to listen elsewhere you've left me no choice Jay I'm sending you to East Point [Music] again man it sounds fantastic beautiful hey what am I leaving because uh I could use a vacation from this place oh really you think it's going to be a vacation I mean isn't that what I just said like five seconds ago you should be careful what you wish for Jay the grass isn't always greener on the other side yeah whatever I'll be in my room packing because the sooner I leave the better [Music] this is the boys quarters wow everyone's so quiet and well behaved here at East Point Academy we do try to instill the correct value is that my bed yes [Music] laughs okay so I need to get going but I'll come to visit you this weekend [Music] did you remember your sleeping pills yes Mom we're right here okay quit worrying I got everything under control I'll see you someday maybe in years I don't know okay I love you all right mom go ahead and go thank you foreign [Music] oh yeah that's the uh what's the big deal why can't we talk uh quiet time at 200 and lights out of 2100. uh in English we can't make any noise after eight and we have to be in bed by nine are you serious bro even my mom lets me stay up until 10. come on we're finally free from our parents and you guys just want to see here in silence and read you know what I say no parents no rules and let's get this party started I really don't think that's a good idea you know Sergeant Stokes is really strict hey my man don't be such a Squidward okay come on live life a little bit you know yeah thank you yeah screw it it's not like one night of fun can do anything that's what I'm talking about man let's crack this baby oh dude [Music] [Music] [Music] Stokes my boy if you wanted to turn in the dance circle all you had to do was ask see there's room for everybody okay I'm a lover not a fighter that's funny boy no I just figured you figured what son you step into my turf disobey my rules drop and give me 20. 20 what make it 40 on the ground now okay bro okay as for the rest of you make sure he finishes and go to bed this does not feel like summer camp out oh no [Music] look at that Thompson yes sir fetch me the horn [Music] bro what was that for all Cadets are to be dressed with their beds made by oh 600 hours you think you're above everyone else Cadet Lawson because I am here to tell you that you are not you are a cockroach that I will stomp out with my boot if necessary do you hear me yes I said do you hear me sir good because I will not repeat myself again what is the punishment for failing to make your bed at inspection the train duties sir Cadet Lawson will be on the train Duty for the rest of the day you are not to engage with him until he has been dismissed is that clear yes sir what's a good dream foreign Lawson [Music] what are you still doing in here you still have the staff bathroom to get to before lunch uh uh I'm trying as hard as I can sir I need more cleaning supplies everything you need is located in the facilities closet Cadet got it I mean thank you sir hurry up we don't have all day oh did I say Marco got sent to East Point Academy yes oh I'm in East Hills Academy that's the school bag is East Point Academy oh I heard about that place 10 out of 10 would not recommend uh here's like like go and some don't even make it back dude are you kidding me right now Eddie I never would have agreed to go here if I had known that apparently there's a 10 would not hold the whole avoid that at all costs because hahaha it's just too good I've been cleaning toilets all day and there's no electronics allowed that sucks better run I gotta finish watching this [Music] foreign [Music] what are you smiling about nothing all right all right who did it who put Saran wrap on the urinal in the staff bathroom ew huh I don't know what you're talking about sir that's it what I'm gonna teach you a real message wait my mom Sergeant's jokes is there a problem Cadet Lawson continues to act out of turn may I ask what he did he he um well he pulled a prank that was his second offense since he has arrived of course might I suggest that since Cadet Lawson is a new student and likely didn't know of East Point's no tolerance policy for pranks let this be treated as a first offense what would you recommend I know they need another from us all Duty I can do that I got my eye on you Lawson you crossed me again I'm gonna make sure you wish you were never born [Music] bro what even is this it looks like dog food tastes like a tube the better you quick you get dish Duty man if I wanted to clean dishes I could have stayed home I tried to warn you what's that guy's problem like someone needs to take him down a notch and teach him a lesson then he had tried but failed my friend you know what they say fly too close to the Sun you'll get burned crazy Jerry used to be Jerry The Joker when he first came classic clown like the party was always trying to bend the wolves in fact he was a lot like you she was like me oh what happened he tried to pull a fast one on Stokes for April Fool's long story short he miscalculated that one big time got sent to the hole I've heard about that what is it solitary confinement anyone who survives never comes back the same Legend has it some kids never come back [Music] man that's just some Urban myth still it's probably made up to scare everyone into following orders unfortunately for him I'm not so easily scared what are you gonna do I'm gonna show him he's finally made his match and you're gonna help me Let's Roll [Music] the dance party was good oh yeah [Music] I'm bringing back [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] he's all cold come on let's get down to business oh man I'm not going down for this I'm a beer Lookout you're on your own here I'll be reading in the hallway fine suit yourself [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo me you across the line hey why are you up at me I didn't know anything about anything I swear no no you cannot put me on that man no no I am not going on like this somebody called my mom gotta pick me up come on just wait it was just an innocent prank come on man come on please I swear numbers anything like that again be careful of the spiders in there spiders no why please I promise something good I promise I'll be good just let me out Blaze can you repeat that because that Lawson I said I promise I'll do better I'll follow the rules I'll do anything you want please just someone get me out of here and take me home please take me home hello [Music] is anyone there mom [Music] oh my gosh I'm so good here oh my gosh I'm so sorry for everything this place is horrible I tried to tell you be careful what you wish for because the grass isn't always greener on the other side people right now can we please go home as long as you mean everything you just said then yes let's get your things thank you thank you thank you let's go [Music] hey honey dinner's gonna be ready did you clean [Music] and your bed and you did all this without me having to ask what can I say I'm a changed man what's all this oh my friend that eats prayer really likes X-Men so I'm sending him some of my old comic books apparently I'm a legend there for taking down Stokes and living until it too so hmm well I am glad you made friends while learning a valuable lesson and I'm not so bad after all huh I'm sorry I didn't drink any water today you know all right hurry up dinner be ready in five all right I'm gonna miss you got to see you go yay [Music] your boy still got it I don't want to go to sleep he just wants to stay up and play video games he wouldn't be able to function yes basketball all of his classes exactly I brought you a few things that'll help you stay awake Darman Studios called me they want to see me right now I can't wait to see this great
Channel: Jayden
Views: 13,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Pu-xiEWg3VQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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