NOBODY Will ADOPT ORPHAN, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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[Music] okay we the galax emmy no way are you sticking us with matthew what's wrong with matthew bro look at him look at the way that he tied his shirt i'd rather be one player down to my team well you don't have a choice matthew you're with james [Music] listen just stay out of the way we're going to win against this anyways matthew isn't going to make your chances any worse [Music] come on man thanks a lot you're gonna make us lose sorry i love this you should always have matthew on your team yeah right no one wants him not even his own parents what do you mean oh you don't know he's an orphan isn't that right orphan boy leave me alone james is a little boy gonna cry god you're pathetic you're never gonna mount to anything in your life you're just gonna be a weird outcast hey i heard that don't talk to matthew that way are you okay um yeah you want me to report him to the principal no it's okay that'll only make things worse all right you let me know if you change your mind the first step is to apply the shade of trap queen all over your lids what is that oh it's a makeup tutorial on youtube oh why are you watching that i thought only girls were into that kind of thing oh yeah that's right sam they are no boys can be into it too i want to be a makeup artist one day look no i'm sorry i meant uh no more videos at the table yeah and you shouldn't be looking at that sort of thing sam but but why not well um uh because i'll get that good evening miss williams hello uh is he ready yeah come on in what are you doing here hi matt i'm here to pick you up are you ready to go what is she talking about i'm sorry matt it's just not the right fit you're giving up on me already but i just got here mom dad who who is this uh you know what same how about you go to your room i'll be there in just a bit but sam go to your room honey we really wanted this to work i we think it'd be best if you went with another foster home we don't think you're a good influence on sam we're worried that you're rubbing off on them it's nothing personal matthew why don't you go pack your bags i'll be here waiting for you [Music] check it out is he painting his nails what a freak come on hey matt uh these seats taken oh no you can sit if you want dude i'm kidding he would never want to sit with you no one does that's not true really look around no kid would want to be caught dead sitting with the boy who paints his nails pink geez you really are a freak whatever laugh all you want you'll see me with celebrities when i'm a famous makeup artist one day and the joke will be on you yeah right i mean if the kids from our school won't even hang out with you what makes you think celebrities will we're going to be nba stars and you're always going to be a freak give me the nail polish back oh you you want it yes sure just take it hey give him back now i don't want to catch you picking on matthew ever again i'm serious you hear me i'm so sorry you have to deal with this if you like i can sit with you i appreciate it but no offense everyone will probably laugh at me more if i have lunch with the teacher what about this you grab your stuff and we can have lunch in my classroom i'll walk out in the hallway and wait for you so they don't see us walking out together all right i guess [Music] loser loser i really like your nail polish oh yeah i wish my nails were as cool your color really compliments oh now i can't remember how to say it um my skin tone yes wow how do you know so much about all this i really like glam i want to be a famous makeup artist one day maybe even have my own cosmetics line is that so well i think you'd be great at that what's what's the first step maybe i could help um i mean i could start by recording makeup tutorials on youtube but i don't know i'd probably be judged uh i'm too shy i can never be a youtuber you want to know what i say what it doesn't matter what people think because whatever you believe you can achieve you just need to have a little faith and confidence in yourself and you can do anything do you really think people are going to want to watch my videos sure they will i'll even be your first follower i i think you mean subscriber so i'm a huge fan of live glams pretty pout lip oil its application is so smooth and its finish is perfection how about some ice cream yay ice cream hey you why the long face it's just hard you know seeing all these kids get adopted and i'm still here actually i have some good news for you hi we're looking for laura williams oh that's me you must be mr mrs martin who's just about to tell matthew about you get excited they're here to adopt you really it is so great to finally meet you laura's has told us so many great things i'm gonna go get the paperwork oh no who did this to your nails somebody picking on you in here you know what we can get this off with some nail polish remover actually i i did them myself do you like them um okay so just need your signature in a couple of places actually could you give us a moment yeah sure thanks [Music] yeah okay all right hi um i'm sorry but we're not going to go through the adoption what's the issue you didn't tell us that he was you know what he's what we'll be in touch thank you thanks [Music] man what you got there matthew mind your own business and the poison extra bad mood today huh look i'm i'm sorry stop give it back take it oh [Music] see you later loser matthew what happened it's nothing was it james again he's right what do you mean i'm a loser and i'm never gonna be anything else matthew don't say that where is all this coming from i can't even find parents who love me that is not true that's not true at all it is a few days ago this couple came in ready to adopt me and then they took one look at my nails and decided they didn't want me anymore you know it's hard watching kid after kid get adopted when i can't even keep a foster family around longer than a month what's wrong with me miss kane nothing nothing is wrong with you and why doesn't anybody want me hey you what are you doing here i hope you don't mind me just showing up like this but i had some news i couldn't wait to share with you what that i'll be going to another foster home for about a week before they find out no not at all we found someone who wants to adopt you did you tell them about you know [Music] she already knew [Music] miss kane [Music] i told you it wasn't true that nobody wanted you because i want you i mean if that's okay i i don't want to put any pressure on you you know adopting you and so does this mean you'll be my mom yes can i call you that oh of course i mean maybe not in front of the other students just yet but i can't believe somebody finally wants me i promise you're never gonna have to feel alone again or worry about being judged or abandoned so i'm gonna be right here to support you forever no matter what this is the best day of my life thanks to miss kane matthew finally got what he's always wanted a parent that would love him unconditionally now matthew had someone to eat lunch with and talk to so he doesn't have to be alone anymore as time goes on miss kane encourages matthew to start his youtube channel with his mom's support he finally starts to come out of his shell he starts recording all the time making lifestyle videos to show his personality and doing makeup unboxings and tutorials so many young people relate to him and love his authenticity [Music] eventually he ends up gaining a following he even starts getting recognized everywhere he goes several years pass and he becomes one of the biggest makeup artists and works with influencers and celebrities he couldn't be happier and then he gets a visit from an unexpected person can i just say i feel so honored to be doing your makeup right now i have followed you on ig since high school oh you're so sweet i'm the one who feels honored i know how hard it is to book you well for the record i am always available for you oh thank you so much my husband's here to pick me up is there anything else you need before i leave i think i'm good also i just want to say i'm a super big fan of everything you do and your little ones are so cute i have a little one oh thank you so much do you mind if i take this hey babe i just wanted to say thank you again for this opportunity my husband just got laid off so this really means a lot plus this is my dream job sorry amelia wouldn't stop begging me to come inside she's running around here somewhere honey meet my new boss this is matthew hi i'm [Music] james yeah hey how have you been wait you two know each other yeah we went to the same school as kids yeah we we weren't all that close so i don't even think we had a single class together that's amazing it's so funny oh my gosh is this your guy's daughter hi i'm matthew hello hello she's a little shy to meet you because she watches all your youtube videos what you do yeah i want to be a makeup youtuber when i grow up too but i don't know if i can why not some kids at school make fun of her for it don't pay attention to them you can be anything you want to in life really think so absolutely because like my mom would always tell me whatever you believe you can achieve you just have to have faith in yourself and you can do anything thanks i like that hey why don't you guys go into the studio and let her pick out whatever product she wants yeah yeah thank you so much you say thank you thank you i just wanted to say i'm sorry i never made it to the nba but i can see clearly you made it congrats on everything really it's impressive thank you i want to see how this lipstick looks is it okay if i put it on you uh why don't you ask your mom honey i did she already has lipstick on is it okay if i put it on you uh sure uh my daughter loves putting makeup on me never could have imagined doing this back in school [Music] that is so cute honey you look great i love that color it really suits your skin tone you know i'm gonna be giving you a shake what daddy has to shave laura and i have to say yes to a 12 year old for 24 hours and the first one to say no gets a huge consequence
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 12,628,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: 6Y5qC661itw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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