How to cook in the Military | lemon pepper wings

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all right guys so you see in the title you know what's it about jamaica lemon pepper chicken jesus christ it's gonna be nice this ain't no nando's and all them little tikki chicken tikka masala whatever you get from there yeah i'm doing this jamaican style something different so basically gonna be cooking on a budget i went off lunch break got some chicken got rice got coconut milk and and you don't know some some red kidney beans so i'm gonna cook up that make it really nice and yeah man you guys gonna love it remember everything is gonna be in the description yeah so jump in the description and if you wanna cook something for you misses valentine's is coming up so it's even perfect in it so jump in the description and check it out and don't bother skip through the thing yeah you go through stage by stage okay and so what one you do i don't want when the time coming and you said to your mrs or your boyfriend that oh fabs you cook it this way no fab's in a cookie like that so you have to go through it exactly right for the video so watch everything so anyway guys you see me the video yesterday i dropped yeah day two challenge and uh basically i went to the cookhouse and yeah i went through their plates our breakfast lunch dinner and it is what it is it's milky food sometimes you get better than that and sometimes it's like there's pure blood but anyway guys this is about this cooking on a budget hope you guys enjoyed let's talk in more cooking come on let's go into the kitchen so now i'm just going to take you through what i've basically bought here so lots of chicken wings maybe got maybe 16 pieces in uh you know we're going to wash those cook them up got some lemon yeah to make the the salt help make the sauce i also wash the chicken coconut milk yeah any coconut milk yeah i'll go for the light one you got your uh your lemon juice you need neither for later for the sauce and honey need as well for the sauce kidney beans it doesn't matter which brand it is roll with it then you got um corn flour over here and next one i got uh mathematic right so i'm gonna go for the basmatic rice long grain rice you know i prefer that one next one you got self-raising flour if you don't have surface in flour you always can just use normal plain flour and you don't know you need uh sunflower oil yeah any oil will do but i'd rather use this one and also you need the butter yes salted butter yeah because when i'm seasoning my so so when i'm seasoning up my food guys i don't know i'm going to salt it so whatever is in the seasoning that's what i use on river here but trust me it's going to be really nice so the next stage now i'm just going to wash it um cut the chicken up and then wash them off so come on let's do it all right so what we're going to do now is literally clean the chicken up yeah and give him a quick slice here right this bit right here guys i don't need it yeah so let's cut it off right away just give it a chicken a good cleaner same detail with all of them i'm going to cut this bit right off here so the next step is to wash the chicken off here so here right now we need a lemon the reason i wash the chicken off as well you just get rid of the the smell of chicken the odor and that's the only reason why we're washing off yeah get all the juice out so i've got roughly about maybe you're looking on 16 pieces of of wing itself inside yeah and when some of the chicken now is similar like actual lemon i'm not i'm not just chicken i know for most of you guys you must be sitting there and wondering what the hell am i doing well trust me try it don't knock it try it you gotta wash your meat man just keep straining out and you can actually see the difference in water as well you know i mean i don't know people literally go to the shop buy the meat straight from the package straight into the oven nami and do them things blood so you can look on the wall and i can see the difference of clear water yeah all right guys so now we're just gonna go in now with the seasoning and yeah just get chicken ready and to basically cook so let's do it [Music] so all right guys so now we're just gonna go in now with the seasoning and yeah just get the chicken ready and today's gonna cook so let's do it obviously guys here's the seasoning definitely neato's here so you need garlic chicken seasoning and mixed spice and obviously thyme yeah two tablespoon thyme yeah nice dried out time guys put that in and i got 2 tablespoon mixed spice and 2 tablespoon also garlic seasoning and 2 tbsp of chicken or it could be all-purpose seasoning okay go ahead with all that yeah literally mix these bad boys up you can wear gloves so you use really hands yeah just remember when you're mixing stuff like this guys so be careful make sure your nails are nothing clean up it's pretty no infection around here imagine how blended every part of the chicken is literally coated there look like this okay give mine's a quick wash all right guys so the next part of the process now is literally to put this on the refrigerator let it sit for 24 hours before this has been marinated now for 24 hours so the taste we're gonna get from this guys is say four cups of flour [Applause] two to three cups so they don't need no salt or nothing like that yeah just put a couple of pieces in [Music] so you can get it all mixed up it's gonna be literally like this guys [Music] you guys i know it looks slightly bit messy but however when you're done honestly finger looking good can't wait move on to the next step 35 quid for this yeah it's a really small one really yummy that's literally this small basket poppy stuff and you know so in this case now guys you need sunflower oil literally gonna need everything literally this is the moment you guys been waiting for here so now the oil is hot chicken is ready ready to go drop them in and it's gonna be roughly everyone four to five minutes on each side here uh cook them through guys gonna be really good yeah so come on let's do it so because this is quite small is a small fryer so i want to put more more than eight pieces in here got them in guys that's it just give it a quick shake so they don't stick let it work it magic that's it five five really crispy and nice been in six minutes nice and crispy [Music] i really can't help myself as i said guys this is really really really nice you know so yeah first go oh spicy really nice guys you know the meat is just falling off the bone like proper texture another kfc malarkey that crappy guys eating in numbers and all that this is a proper thing if you're seasoning meat overnight as well without a doubt let me use the the result we get from it the next day ah it's to die for but anyway just imagine you guys eating this now yeah guys looking really good so this is the last box our chicken frying off now and then soon after that i'm just gonna just prep the sauce for it waiting on the rice and peas oh rice and peas oh look at that guys he's already now guys golden cross look at that oh you can't beat that remember me tell you yeah so guys i'll say guys chicken look absolutely amazing i know that guys this stage in the video must be saying oh man when am i gonna eat it when is he gonna eat it mate versus my version so i'm just i'm just prepping the season um the sauce guys yeah so you got you got in here you got butter you got honey you got um some herb spice and also chicken season yep guys um take the sauce stamp a little chicken oh look at that zoom in panic magic zoom in i know your belly is running right now guys i know i feel your pain as i said guys simple recipe nothing on and here we have it guys nice easy simple recipe nothing nothing toward yeah this literally take me like what 45 minutes not long at all just a little on the top splendid it's more saucing again simple easy meal yeah don't take too long at all so guys i'm gonna leave the recipe in the description make sure you guys go and check it out yeah literally on a budget you know i mean don't take too long so make sure you guys try it i know you guys mo right now dying to try it so yeah i can't wait i'll tell you what it tastes like [Music] really nice [Music] [Music] subscribe
Channel: Fabziy
Views: 6,325
Rating: 4.9576721 out of 5
Keywords: Fabziy, #fabziy, fabziy vlogs, British army fabziy, fabz british army, fabziy british army, fabziy youtube, lemon pepper chicken wings, lemon pepper wings recipe, how to make lemon pepper wings, the best lemon pepper wings, easy lemon pepper wings, food porn, lemon pepper seasoning, how to make lemon pepper wings in air fryer, how to make lemon pepper wings without flour, lemon pepper wings recipe air fryer, finger food ideas, chicken recipes for dinner, chicken recipe healthy
Id: saF7br_GTMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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