BRINKLOW BROADCAST : The Notebook Series

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] my [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] welcome and happy sabbath this is the day the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad again if you're joining us for the first time today you missed our prayer service this morning at 10 30 gathering together with fellow believers is such a blessing so remember us every sabbath morning at 10 30 for prayer and testimony and a chance to fellowship with fellow believers are you getting all the information you need to know to be up to date on what's happening at brinklow well as another reminder i'm asking you to text the word brinklow to 9900 and you'll be signed up for the blast that's our communication tool it's our way of reaching out to you to let you know what's happening as we're continuing our series the notebook which is rapidly winding up our speaker today passed the noah washington will preach from revelation 21. you bible scholars know that leaves only one chapter revelation 22 his title today however is where is jesus don't miss the word please join us in the lobby as well for our discussion we look forward to seeing you there today at 1pm our adult cyber school discussion will be built will be presented by dr lee and caesar whose topic is covenant sign please be sure to be there for a rousing discussion and please remember no matter what your age group we have a sabbath school class for you kids sabbath school ages 4-12 happens at 10 o'clock every sabbath youth sabbath school 13 to 17 ages meets at 1 every sabbath in youth sabbath school ages 18 i'm sorry you know don't savage school ages 18 to 28 meets at 1 30. however this sabbath there will be no youth and no young adults have a school but remember to join us next week at those times when we will be right back with you our first business meeting of the year is scheduled wednesday june 23rd 7 30 p.m we want to share some great information with you about the different things that have happened at brinkleo this year throughout the pandemic and what is to come more information on the meeting will be forthcoming as a reminder the memorial service for sister eva budd and sister wills her sister will be held on june 13th in our church more details will follow for this memorial service nico getty lost his father this week and please pray for this family keep them in special prayer as he had to fly to honduras for the services of his dad on this past wednesday the emmanuel brinkleo church is hosting a vaccination clinic in partnership with montgomery county health and human services fema and the maryland public health association that's on this sunday tomorrow may 30th from 1 to 4 p.m you may register online the link is in the blast or you can just show up you don't even have to register and if you know someone who wants a vaccine or needs a vaccine please bring them on sunday you will be welcome and you will receive your vaccine attention attention all graduates if you have a student graduating this year please send your graduation information to education at brinklow you will be contacted to participate in the graduation program which is scheduled on june 26th please find the link in the blast so that you can register your graduate camp meeting is coming again soon and this year will be virtual our own pastor medley and claudia allen will be featured speakers it begins on june the 25th the last sabbath in june and extends to the first sabbath in july which is july the third make plans to attend virtually washington area metro uh women's ministry is excited to invite you to submit nominations for the first women of honor ceremony that is planned to recognize women for their exceptional and extraordinary dedication to sisterhood and women and women's ministries this nomination period is now open but closes on june the 5th at midnight so please make sure you contact your women's ministry leader or go to the website to sign someone up as we transition to the rest of our service please know that god's love and care is ever with you you matter to him we will now transition to a special recognition from our education department be blessed and have a happy sabbath good morning emmanuel brinkle church family my name is lakeisha dickerson and i am your education secretary secretary i just wanted to take this moment to celebrate some of the young people in our church each year students all over the country in high school and elementary school are inducted into an association called the national honors society it's a group that selects students based on excellence in scholarship leadership service and character this year we have many students from the brinkleo community that were inducted into this honorable society i would like to highlight these students at this time from appleton adventist academy we have two young ladies ariana giddy and caitlin ralph both were inducted into the national junior honor society from the george e peters adventist school our own school we have a group of kids we have jasmine adams alexa james lea james jaden kennedy zion starling and theodore watkins all were inducted into the national junior honor society from tacoma academy prep we have in the year 2020 evan watson who was inducted into the national junior honor society those are our students who were inducted into the national junior honor society from high school from the spencerville adventist academy we have adia burley she was inducted into the national honor society from tacoma academy and this is for the years 2020 and 2021. we have a couple of kids we have sydney hill madeline julian brianna nangle kai nesbit david ralph kaylin sterling and leah watson all were inducted into the national honor society at tacoma academy we have something extra too christy barnes who is at the north carolina agricultural and technical state university was inducted into the alpha lambda delta national honors society we celebrate you christy we celebrate all of our students the brinkley education department and the family of rinkwell would like to congratulate this group and all of its accomplished for the 2021 school year congratulations and god bless good morning everyone happy sabbath we thank you so much for tuning in this morning we pray that you receive a word on how let us pray the most kind and gracious heavenly father we come before your throne of grace and mercy one more time father we have come and bowled but how many we request your presence this morning father before we ask them anything just want to say thank you thank you for waking us up this morning clothing our right mind father just want to ask a special blessing on our sick and shut in and father we have people that are in nursing homes people that are assisted living facilities people that are in the hospital and some people are even at home heaven father that are sick and shut in we hate to say sick and shut in but they are they they're sick and they're in their homes and father no one has been able to visit we can spray him father that this um technology that you have allowed us to use that they will receive a word on high by watching the technology this morning watching our program we continue to have a father pray for our church family we pray for those heavenly father that are gone also through the grief and laws process we have church members that have lost loved ones throughout the pandemic and also recently we pray heaven father for the will uh blood family the loss of sister will and this is the evil blood we continue heavenly father we pray for the more right family the loss of sister um right we ask actually especially blessed heaven father in the lives of on the families of uh brother thomas the father we're praying for sister campus stop and continues with prayer for catholic start the loss of brother captain stop we praying heaven father for chaplain stephanie grant we praying for vincent brown's family and the loss of a loved one we understand that elder gedi has also lost a loved one so we keep these individuals lifted up in our thoughts and prayers heavy father we just pray for your comforter to go to that family minister to them heavenly father and just remind them of the promise that you made you made the promise of the father you said that the dead in christ shall rise so father we just pray that that will keep them lifted up and knowing that you made the promise father we want to ask a special blessing this morning on our pastoral staff we pray heavenly father for the men and also the women that you have children to oversee this flock we continue heavenly father we pray for all the officers of our church all the members of our church we pray for the neighborhoods that we have been uh affected uh that we have gone into administered to we pray heavenly father for the lives of service men and women as we approach memorial day weekend heaven father we pray for travel and mercy we pray for your grace to immerse in the life of the people that might be ventured out father we thank you so much for what you've already done with the implementation of the vaccine that you allowed man to procure it with only you scientists you used to do this but only you were able to uh put this pandemic into your perspective that now we can see that they are the light at the end of the tunnel father continues us as it goes throughout the rest of the service we thank you father for watching our country we pray for our world leaders in our church we pray heavenly father for our federal government our state government our local government we pray and follow for each community that's represented here this morning we pray for comfort and peace heavenly father in the life of those that you would touch through this powerful sermon that will be delivered keep us heaven father because we cannot keep ourselves and father when you come through the clouds of joy we pray not one not one will be lost not because any of us are worthy because we're not but when jesus died on calvary he paid that price and father it is in jesus name that's business prayer amen [Music] you understand my deepest hearts more than i know myself so as i face the darkness when i need to find my way i'll trust in you shepherd of my heart [Music] i'll trust in you shepherd of my heart i can rest within your arms so let the cold winds blow and let the storms rage all around i'll trust in you shepherd of my heart [Music] for all my deepest gratitude you [Music] i'll trust in you shepherd of my heart i can rest within your arms i can know your lovely way [Music] i'll trust in you of my heart i'll trust in you my heart truly we do honor the lord today for his faith favorite faithfulness his favor in each and every one of our lives thank you so much to my sister from another mr anika samson anderson we were inquired together in oakwood college i guess i'm dating myself but thank you so much for uh leading us in worship uh this morning thank you so much i want to uh just jaywalk right into the word of god this morning i just have a little short devotional thought to share with you this morning as we are concluding this series can you believe it uh we're at the end of the book i really can't it seems like we started yesterday and i'm going to miss our sabbath and wednesday uh talks and discussions and sermons and teachings uh dr brown's powerpoint presentations that were out of this world i just want to give a shout out to our pastoral staff thank you dr brown dr medley dr williams minister claudia allen dr esmen uh passed along thank you guys so much for how you allow the spirit of god to use you to teach to add wisdom insight and revelation in this wonderful book i don't know about you but i was blessed and if you were blessed just throw something in the chat say i was blessed on sabbath on wednesday and we will conclude this coming wednesday with dr nedley dr manley will tie up uh some loose ends and share with us as we conclude well i want to go right into the word of god and i want to read in the book of revelation chapter 21 and i want to lift just four verses i want to look the first four verses just a little devotional thought i have for you something the lord shared with me that i saw that i experienced just with reading the book and it jumped right out of me so just follow along with uh this little morning watch i guess i'll call it as i share with you revelation 21 and i want to read uh in your hearing the first four voices now i saw this is john speaking you know that a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away also there was no more and i john's saw the holy city new jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god prepared as a bride adorned for her husband and i heard verse three a loud voice from heaven saying i love this natalie's gonna love it too behold the tabernacle of god that sanctuary is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people god himself will be with them and be their god i feel god will say something today and god this is good every single tear from their eyes there will be no more death no more sorrow no more crying there should be no more pain for the former things having passed away i i saw something in this text as i journey through it and i want to talk with this thought in my where is jesus for several weeks now we have been journeying through this beautiful notebook of revelation and have brought witness to the fact that there is no question as to the authentic long-suffering and at times inexpressible great love of god revealed through the lord jesus christ you have learned that this book is far from what you have historically heard and been exposed to and you've learned that this book is so much more than beast battles doom and destruction but indeed this book is quite the opposite you have experienced i hope you have the full love of the savior revealed and put on great display before your eyes and my sincere prayer really has been from the beginning of this notebook series that you would come away and draw from this series not simply information or really even understanding of every verse and text of scripture but instead you would experience in a new way possibly in a way you've never experienced before how much god loves you and desires to be in relationship with you what an amazing experience has been to watch and witness the full extent of the lord's love put on display and now be able to with certainty and with supreme confidence say that the lord's ways are just in truth and i don't know what this journey has been like for you i really can't say i don't know i pray you've enjoyed it but i don't know what this journey has been like for you i can just speak for myself and say that this study has actually crystallized my confidence in god in that i may not know and understand everything about the bible i may not i may not know and understand everything about scripture i may not know and understand everything that's happening in my life right now but what has become crystal clear to me is how loving god is and how fair god is and i may not like it i may not enjoy or even understand everything going on but what is unmistakingly clear is how much god loves me and his great desire to live forever with me one day and let me pause quickly to express the fact that while living eternally will have its obvious perks of living life without death daily life duties and living without sickness stress or disease while those things will be a wonderful experience and as great as all of those things are living forever would be meaningless without the opportunity to live with jesus forever stay with me i promise i'm going somewhere today make no mistake about it the ending of all things and the beginning of eternity means absolutely nothing if jesus is not there and i'm speaking this word today i don't want us to quickly move past this reality this point i'm making because far too many people desire escape from this life that allows them the freedom of everything that bothers them in this life some people only want to escape from this life not to experience everything that's annoying in other words many people desire to leave planet earth because it will allow them the absence of everything that's been wrong but many people want to leave this world absent from having a relationship with jesus but that won't validate your wants to live eternally in a better place what makes the experience in revelation 21 that john vividly describes so magnificent what makes the place so great what makes the experience so lovely is the fact please don't miss this that jesus is there and i want to caution us not to picture life i want to caution us not to picture everlasting life as an experience that is comprised merely as the apex of what is beyond our wildest hopes and dreams because if you only do that you sell yourself way too short of what it would be like to spend forever with jesus don't get sidetracked don't get mesmerized so much by what you'll see and what you'll receive as a reward in eternity that you miss out on eternity because you missed and neglected the cultivate you bypass the most important aspect and factor about living in eternity and that is please don't miss this jesus and i want you to do yourself a favor i feel my help right now i want you to do yourself a quick favor i want you to right now do yourself a quick favor please listen to your boy do yourself a quick favor i i know you aren't there yet i know we're not in revelation 21 yet but i want you to begin now picturing yourself in eternity with jesus okay i i want to pause because because based on the week the summit i'm sorry based on the month okay i'm based on a year and a half that some of y'all have the picture is a little dim the picture is a little fuzzy the picture is a little blurry but i want you to ask the spirit of god for 20 20 vision to allow you to peek over and start picturing yourself i feel god gonna say something in eternity with jesus picture now yourself in eternity with jesus i i i'll say it like this on april 26 1967 a year before he would be murdered martin luther king jr was speaking to students at glenville high school in cleveland ohio he recalls to them pastor edmunds of experience of his childhood of growing up in atlanta georgia and he talked to them quality about having to go to high school on the other side of town and he had to go to school on the other side of town because at the time the school he attended booker t washington high school was the only high school for blacks in the entire city of atlanta his school he said had an attendance don't miss this this one forged dr nelly but his high school had an attendance of 7 000 students all the black kids in the city attended this high school and so they had to bypass multiple white schools in order to get to their destination they had to bypass multiple white schools to get the book of t washington and in doing so he had to ride the bus from home uh to school every morning on the other side of town he had to get on the bus and bypass all these schools to get to the other side of town and mlk junior recalls getting on the bus day after day and they're being segregated uh every time he got on the bus it was a reminder that he had to sit at the back of the bus y'all some of y'all ain't too uh young you still remember this and he talked to these high school students about the anger and the frustration that he would feel of not just sitting in the back of the bus but also having to on numerous occasions made to stand up over empty seats because the seats up at the front of the bus were only reserved for white people and he started mlk saying that that getting on the bus to going across town every time he got on the bus he said he said and this is what i love he said that even though i found myself having to take my body back to the bus i always let my mind on the front seat y'all are not hearing me today he said even though i had to take my body to the back of the bus stay with me i always kept my mind on the front seat and i said to myself that one of these days i'm going to put my body up there where my mind is and i rose to tell somebody today that one day i'm gonna have my body where my mind has been for so many years i've been picturing myself there one day and one day i'm not there yet but i'm gonna put my body where my mind is one day i'm gonna put on my robe and tell the story of how i made it over one day i'm gonna have my body where my mind has been and one day i shall wear a crown when it's all over i've been thinking about it for some time now but one day i'm gonna put my body where my mind has been in one day i can only imagine being surrounded by his glory what my heart will feel will i dance in his presence on all of him be still one day when i stand in his presence till i my knees when i saw will i sing hallelujah would i be able to sing it all one day my body is gonna be where my mind has been i wanna picture yourself there with jesus now text for consideration today john is in the closing part of his vision he has witnessed the judgment of those who did not accept the grace of god he's seen god execute judgment on and destroy satan the originator of evil john has been shown how the earth is cleansed of sin sinners the devil and death itself and now john turns his attention to writing about the reward of the redeemed and just as god had prepared eden for adam and eve's first home god has remade the entire earth for the redeemed to live in eternity watch this in an atmosphere of love and peace where nahum 1-9 promises us that sin will not come back a second time and john records that he sees oh he's about to get good or he he sees a new heaven and a new earth okay he sees a new heaven and a new earth and the first heaven and the first earth have passed away now i must pause real quick and bring out something that a casual reader of scripture may miss this this word for new that john uses is the greek word chaos which means qualitatively new okay it means something not previously present it means unused before john is not expressing here how god is going to create another earth or another heaven the new creation is not a simple uh improvement it it's not the sense that what is old needs to be tweaked or changed in some areas but john is saying that the old heaven and the old earth have become obsolete and replaced with something totally different since our bodies will be changed in a moment and at the resurrection the very environment where our bodies will live will have to be changed so that our bodies will be able to withstand what god is doing now now i'll be honest i'll be honest dr milly i'll be honest y'all judge me y'all can judge me but i had to keep reading the first verse because the humility of god is once again put on full display um y'all forgive me i had to keep reading i'm slow um because um claudia you you good in english but i had to keep reading i i i missed this it just hit me this week i i can understand the need to perfect and create a new earth okay okay i i i can understand how everything here has been messed up and and terrible and we just finished the last place and and it's the place that has been messed up i i can get that i can understand the need but but john also sees in the ending of his vision how oh y'all help me how the place where god has been living all this time is done away with two ah okay god rewards the saved and redeemed with an entirely new home to live on but he also upgrades heaven as if he didn't couldn't get any better god does away with where he's been living for a very specific reason that fascinates me endlessly stay with me john mentions and observes the fact that imparts stay with me i know the gorilla's getting warm part of the the new earth and the absence of a sea remember now john is in exile on a deserted prison island of patmos and while on this barren island all he sees around him is water water as you've learned in the book of revelation is a symbol of evil it's a symbol of suffering separation and isolation the sea you remember also came to be used as a metaphor for disturbing and and a stormy social political conditions you you remember in chapter 13 i don't remember who presented there how how the beast nation opposing god's people arises from the sea it it has been a bad place for john but in the ending part of john's vision he says the sea is no longer on the new earth whatever separated whatever constricted whatever binded it it is no longer and and john says not only that but he sees a holy city new jerusalem comes out of heaven from god and the city as doc brown mentioned a couple last week it's it's compared to a bride meeting her husband i said it's compared to a bride meeting her her husband all the men should have shouted i know that's right all the men should have put in the chat amen uh all the men should have put in the chat right now made a long watch between me and me and go there some see see when you when the text says that that the cindy is coming down like like a bride for her husband it it sort of excited the men who who were married because when you saw your bride coming down for the first time when you when you saw the bride coming down the aisle for the first time it brought out emotions that you did not ah heretofore display when you saw the bride coming down the eye your your thoughts were taken to a place and it brought out emotions that you didn't previously display it it brought out you things that you never thought that you would even feel and and and what made the emotions come out is the thought that the person that was coming down the aisle was everything you could want or need oh y'all are not going to help me preach this thing today when you saw the ride coming down the aisle what what brought out the emotions is you said and this one person embodies everything i could ever want or or ever need the reason why you said come on somebody i do is because you wanted to attach yourself to somebody that encompassed and embodied everything you you you want or needed and i rose to tell you that everything you could ever want or need is in this city i i rose to tell you that everything you could ever want or need is in this city it's it's not a rebuild of the old jerusalem in palestine but this city is prepared by christ himself in heavenly places don't you remember the promise in john 14 let your not your heart be troubled do you believe in god believe also in me because in my father's house of many mansions if it wasn't so i wouldn't have told you and i'm going to prepare a place for you and if i go to prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself that where you are i will also be this is what jesus was talking about when he was telling his disciples let me go prepare something for you because everything you could have ever wanted or needed is in a city and i don't care what city you live in the accoutrements and the niceties of the city at some point there's some things in the city that ain't just right but in this city there's everything that you could ever want there's everything that you could ever need in this city can i run this real quick and i promise to keep driving total peace it's in the city complete joy it's in the city everlasting love it's in the city no financial obligations it's in the city give me one second i'm gonna get to yours in one minute forever perfect health and wellness is in the city lean on somebody say he's gonna get to yours in one second no mental anguish it's in the city satan is is destroyed it's in the city uh no more tears it's in the city no more death it's in the city no morning it's in the city no more crying it's in the city no more pain it's in the city time has ended it's in the city eternity started it's in the city and when i walk in the city and put my body where my mind has been so long when i finally get to the place where my soul has desired i'll be overwhelmed and overcome i'll just have to sit out and take everything in but give me a few more minutes and i promise you gonna go eat the macaroni and cheese once i gather myself once i come to my senses once i get over uh the majesty and the glory of the city i've got but one question um where's jesus okay okay um once i get over the city coming down and the streets paved with gold and the fact that i don't have no lyme disease pains and the fact that we won't have to go bury nobody no more and the fact that you gonna have 20 20 vision and the fact that you're going to actually sink on pitch once you get over that reach though ah i got one question um where's jesus and i want to stay here for a little bit because the question i'm asking the question i'm raising is because remember this city this new earth will mean nothing if jesus isn't there and i look around once i get there and i see all the beautiful things that dr nelly is going to conclude and talk about and finish up on on wednesday and once i come down and i walk around the city in my golden slippers once i'm walking around the city in my long white robe and begin looking for my savior i want to find him pastor ms because i've got one thing to say thank you pastor long is pushing me but i'm not finished yet i got a few more things i've got to work i got to find jesus because i got to say thank you for getting me over and as i walk in the city i see jacob when i see jacob i say to jacob jacob bro you got to tell me what in the world was it to wrestle with god to spend all night in a hand-to-hand combat wrestling with god and and he begins to share with me the story that for the rest of his life he walked with a limp but that's not who i came to see i begin walking and and as i begin walking i bump into abraham and i say what's up abe uh what was it like to follow god without knowing where you was going and abraham begins telling me abraham says man i was just so sold out to god that i was gonna follow god wherever he goes and i'm i'm amazed at abraham's beard i don't know why everybody thinks he had a beard but but that's my picture of abraham and i look at his beard and i start comparing beard stories with him but i said abe i gotta go cause that's not who i came to see i keep walking and i bump into rahab oh my god and i say rahab um what was it like to be spared even though everything around you was destroyed and rahab begins to tell me how one day she met a savior one one day she met god and god changed her life and she was amazed with how the walls of jericho fell all around her but those in her house would say i said ray had that's that's a nice story but have you seen jesus excuse me and and as i begin walking i think i see him because uh doc nelly i see someone who's tall in stature and i said that's got to be him but but i soon realized that it's not jesus but but the tall muscular man i see i bump into is sensing and i know we'll have a perfect uh disposition in heaven but but can i just add something to your imagination i might be a little scared because i've never seen muscles like arnold schwarzenegger ain't got nothing on samson and and i say samson bro when your eyes were poked out did you feel that it was all over for you when when when you weren't when your sight was taken and you were grinding in the middle and and you no longer felt the presence of god bro what was that like and he begins to tell me he says man i thought all hope was laws but the moment i called on the name of god he gave me more power in my life than uh rather in my death than i had in my life i said bro let me keep it moving unless you start pushing on me and i keep walking because i'm trying to find jesus and i bump into david and i say david what was it like when you felt nervous about his presence leaving you only to have his presence come back and while i'm talking to david i see another man coming over and they interrupt the conversation and i find out that the person that david is talking to is uriah's a hittite and they begin talking and david and uriah begin to shed tears and talk about how they made it over and i say y'all have your moment let me keep moving and and i see eve i stay eve come come here girl come come come come in come here i gotta talk to you yeah yeah yeah we we need a moment cause um i got a bone to pick with you we saved now we on the other side but girl what was you thinking what was it like to experience heaven on earth and then hell on earth how did you hold on to the promise of god when you thought cain was the redeemer and and and abel was the redeemer but you live the rest of your life never seen the promise how did you make it she says all that experience in eden was so great i just kept living because i knew i had to see him one more time and i i keep it moving i'm almost done and i bump into lastly your boy peter i say pete come here hey pete man you was one of my favorite dudes brother cause you wouldn't you didn't mind saying things that was not written in the torah are you hearing what i'm saying peter you didn't mind saying it like it is in fact not only was your mouth a little like mine but you carried and and bro you reminded me of just a dc flavor but but what was it like living with jesus and then denying jesus and then speaking a matter of fact hey peter have you seen jesus i i got to see him man you you're one of his disciples cause could you lead him to it because i i need to tell him something i got to get something off of my chest something i've been holding on to for quite too long where's jesus and as i begin opening my mouth there are people around that hear me doc williams and and your boy john the revelator comes over to me and says noah what is all your screaming about i said john what's up boy uh where's jesus and after hearing my complaint john then repeats the words of the notebook to me again and says uh say lest the tabernacle of god is with men and he shall dwell among them and they shall be his people and will be their god i said um oh okay john that's cute but what does that mean john john said you remember how the first heaven is passed away i said yeah john he said you remember when i saw him visit and i wrote that not only is the earth passed away but the first heaven has passed away too i said yeah john i i remember that he said that's because our lord doesn't live in heaven anymore oh y'all are not hearing me today he said it's because he does not live in heaven anymore but he lives on earth with us we're no longer separated by time and space but we live in the very presence of the lord and because of this there's no need for the ordinary heavenly sanctuary to exist he's with us imagine now that the lord himself is your next-door neighbor and i look up and i see jesus coming toward me and tears are streaming down my face and he says to me i've been hearing you been looking for me i said jesus i just gotta say thank you thank you for every tear thank you for every help thank you for every way you made thank you for every door you open thank you for every time thank you for your forgiveness thank you for making a way out of nowhere thank you jesus uh y'all excuse me this is my time thank you jesus for every tear i shed for every heart that was hurt for every pain that i felt thank you jesus and i've come today to tell you that if you start picturing yourself living with jesus then then you've got to practice start living with jesus now i said if you can picture yourself living with jesus then then you've got to practice living with jesus now this is the only time in a relationship uh dr brown where shacking up is okay oh okay okay that's it steve see on that yeah you see we've before you uh get married when you're engaged when you're dating we we we've said it's it's not best practices for you to live uh with the person before you get married to him but but but but but the word tells us you better start living with jesus now you gotta start shacking up with him now you better get your keys right now you better get your closet space right now you gotta know where the bathroom is you gotta know where you're sleeping you gotta start living with jesus right now and i just came under the unction of heaven to let you know that heaven is open for you to receive you and i don't know who i'm talking to but there's somebody right now you feel like you're living in hell you don't feel like you're living in the new earth you feel like you're living in hell you you don't feel like you're living in heaven and what has been going on in your life what's been leading up to your life is a picture of death and destruction but i came under the authority of heaven that says that it is not too late to turn it over it is not too late to move in with jesus his arms are wide open for you his heart is open for you don't you dare turn your back on jesus because he's given up everything to save you can you imagine that the lord is literally gonna move his residential address because of his great love for you because of his death and his pain because listen the word tells us that that he got nails in his hands and nails in his feet for you and for me and when you see jesus and you see the holes in his hand and you see the the prince in his hands he's going to lift him up and say i did all this for you don't you allow the great deceiver the devil deceive you out of the best experience you could ever have and that's spending forever with jesus i want to make a call to somebody who's saying to themselves i need to start living with jesus i need to move into his house right now reach out to someone on our pastoral staff reach out to uh brother stewart hill you want to say i need to take bible studies i need to get baptized i need to move in with jesus right now pastor i'm nervous i'm scared because when you started talking i actually right now cannot picture myself in heaven but watch me every time the devil pictures you in hell i want you to turn the devil and say the same thing that jesus said devil get thee behind me jesus paid for me make sure i made it to the kingdom [Music] to make sure i made it over there let me close with the final story i remember well i was about nine years old my mother really didn't like me going outside to play ball because she thought every time i went outside dr miller to play ball that i was going to get into a fight sometimes i did sometimes it didn't but i went out this particular day and a couple weeks before i went out my mother had bought me a new jacket dr craig the fall season was coming upon us and she bought me a jacket and i was leaving the house to go to the court and before i left he said son take your jacket with you i took my jacket with me and went out on the court and started playing but that i was playing with my friends there were some guys that were a lot older than us and they started to pick a fight with us and because of their size and because of my fear i ran from the court party and i ran back to my house and when i got in the house my mother said you dumb plan i said yeah man i'm done she said but where's your jacket i said oh man i said mom i got into a little something i forgot my jacket on the court she said well then go back and get it i said no i can't i i can't go back out there i looked out the window i saw them brothers was still out there i said my i can't i can't go back out there she said why i said i'm scared to go back out there and get it she said that i'll come with you i said nah man that's gonna make it worse you can't come out to the court with me she said you don't want to go then i'll come with you and i walked to the court with my mother that day and she stood in the distance and watched her young son walk onto the court to get his jacket and i never shall forget the words she said to me as we were walking back home she said son i paid too much money for that jacket for you to just throw it away y'all are not hearing me today she said i paid too much money we we ain't got too much money but i paid good money for that jacket for you to just throw it away and i don't care how scared you are i don't care how fearful you were we was going to get that jacket because i paid too much for it and i rose to tell somebody today that god in christ paid too much for you to throw your life away he paid too much for you to just do what you want to do and live your life how you want to live it he paid too much for the devil to get glory over your life well if you want to live your life based on the power the grace and mercy of god someone you ought to say right now yes lord somebody ought to say right now all to jesus i surrender even during this pandemic listen some of y'all were scared be honest and you all see things easing up because folk are getting vaccines and that's a wonderful thing but be honest when this pandemic first hit you really thought that this was the end in end of all things and you were scared you were saying lord i'm not ready yet and look what god has done he's given us an opportunity during this pandemic to move in with him he's given us an opportunity during this global reset to connect with him and know him for ourselves and don't miss out on living forever with jesus for nobody if that's your desire would you just raise your hand wherever you are at home say god let me stop i want to start picturing myself there i want to start viewing myself father in the name of jesus change our picture of of where we see ourselves you have paid too much for us to throw our lives away i can't wait for the day when we could say like john the tabernacle of god is with men there's no more heavenly sanctuary we can't even imagine you you won't be our next door neighbor that that that that as much as we've done and as much as we've rejected you as as much as we have even despised you john saw a people who had been redeemed that means that at one point we were lost and yet god you are so humble that you are able to live next door to us and trust us enough that the mess that the devil started in heaven will never be started again god hold us close until that date where our faith becomes sight in jesus name amen god bless you by my mind we are so grateful today for the message from our pastor dr noah washington before we move any further with anything for those of you who have responded to the call if you will simply put your respond by email by chat by text someone will get that we have individuals who are following all of our social platforms and we will be able to respond to your request today so we don't want this moment to pass without those of you who said okay i've made this decision i want jesus to live with me i want to live with him i picture myself in eternity now so what what are those next steps the pastor has called me to to make a decision for bible study for baptism for prayer well what do i do with that for where i am i'm telling you if you respond right now to the social platform you are on we have individuals who will be able to respond back to you so that we can seal that decision so we want you to take just a moment to do that even now as god is still speaking to you don't let this moment pass pastor washington i don't have words to express what the holy spirit did through you today for us i i mean to talk about it almost as to take away from it it's like you i was i would say may the lord watch between b and b when we're absolutely for another yes but we're not going to do that because but you have you have lifted us to the heavenly realm today you've taken us higher uh through this chapter through the word of god than than we even imagined we can't thank you enough for listening to the holy spirit for wrestling with truth and for the boldness to deliver truth as truth is we know in this chapter that one of those those who won't make it the first ones are the cowardly and cowardly are defined as those who did not have a genuine experience with god and when it was tested they cowered away well we heard we heard bold truth today yes we just thank you for the hope man did you give us hope oh my goodness did you give us hope i mean we just praise god we we were there with you walking looking for jesus we were there with you when you were talking about what is not you know what's going to be in this city and the things that are not going to be we were there faster you you carried us there and i had to just silently uh in my spirit just try to take it all in it was that good meal that you don't want to miss one drop you're trying to sever save her every bite praise god for the word today and still while other individuals are prepared to talk we still want to speak to those because the word of god god promised that his word would not return to him void so if you've been so blessed today that the lord has spoken to your heart and you want to do something different for the first time now you can picture yourself in eternity with jesus and the pastor told uh told us that that practice starts here on earth now but there are some things you have to do to make that happen we want to make sure that you take the time to respond to that if you're on our uh in our lobby now we welcome you to our lobby those who are coming in you can put something in the chat but if you're on your platforms even if you have to email the church even you have to call the church or leave a voicemail whatever you need to do we just pray by the power of god you will do that and we promise someone will respond to you well we're going to go around doc brown doc williams um doc brown doc williams dot creary claudia and then duane let's go in that order if you can remember it and then pastor long will finish this line but thank you pastor for allowing the lord to use you mightily today hallelujah hallelujah you know when we preach we say you know lord hide me behind the cross let let the people not see me but let them see jesus it's words that we always say when we preach but today i can honestly say pastor noah that we saw jesus you you took us to see jesus you allowed us to give our praise not to a man but to the man christ jesus and and and i can really see why this book revelation is so powerful and it's the last book and it shows us the most complete picture and you took us there today i i was just caught up transported and uh you know i thought back to one of those uh uh shows that uh you know you always ask for forgiveness when we watch these shows but this hg tv fixer-upper you know and i thought about how the people are so excited when they see their house how it has been fixed up but you said that this word new is not talking about a fixer-upper it's talking about something that never existed before eyes have not seen if people can get excited about a fixer-upper then surely we can get excited about him you took me there that i was my heart was warmed and i really came to the conclusion wow if i miss out on heaven i've missed out on everything thank you so much praise god praise god pastor williams we're coming to you now we still want to remind you if you've made that decision to god we're not going to let this moment pass the service pass without you responding we want to be that spiritual irritant because you know you have to make that decision don't let us in this service today without you responding to the word of god that was priest today pastor williams thank you pastor medley and ah doc washington i thank god for the gift that i see and receive whenever you preach and that gift is simply making the gospel understandable and livable and i give god the praise for that but i must confess your mom and my mom who's now deceased must have been related because my mom would not like me wasting or my brother anything hey what's riveted in my soul it costs too much i think we can all relate to that man and and the price that was paid for us is just beyond measure and to waste that price that jesus paid for us man that's what's in my soul i got more to say later but man i thank god for that illustration that it costs too much i receive it thank you praise the lord appraiser doc creary we're going to keep moving because this is just round one we're just letting the preacher calm down a little bit uh come back to earth you can't leave us here man we got to go to heaven together not doc doc well what came to my what has come to my heart pastor is just i'm thrilled at the message today uh you know um when you talked about when you lifted christ up but you know we often lift them up from the perspective of the cross the price but not the reward but you contrast the two you put the two things together the price and the reward man what do we have to lose so much for when he has done so much for us we willing to throw our lives away and give it away for nothing when you can have everything have mercy yeah yeah yeah yeah that's claudia man pastor washington that was to say was a powerful sermon would be a gross understatement for really what that was i really do feel i come in agreement with all the pastors that during that moment i do feel like we ascended into heaven just a little bit we got a little bit closer uh because of that man thank you for that word i think the thing that really stood out to me was you really painted this picture that the accoutrements of heaven and um the things that we will receive in heaven not crying anymore being reunited you know every time we usually when we preach heaven we always preach that you know the gold slippers the white robe the glass streets and and you were like but in the midst of all that where's jesus like heaven and eternity is nothing without jesus and i think that that's probably one of the most beautiful ways we could have closed this entire thing man is to just say it's a love it's a love note it's a love relationship it's not about getting heavenly things or meeting heavenly people um it's about an eternal relationship with jesus praise the lord praise our pastor esmen and press the law pastor noah you've heard everyone say it but i want to say it again that god really gave his benediction his power was upon you today there are times when you hear a sermon every sermon is not created equal there are times when you hear a sermon and you know the person is really standing between earth and heaven yeah that like heaven opens a little wider yes and if you don't respond to this sermon you're not going to get another shot wow i feel like that's the kind of sermon that was preached today and i want to thank you for letting god used you um and as we speak i'll share more but when you began to talk about jesus and seeing jesus there was a song that started playing for me i'm 40 and older i'll just begin to cry he'll wipe the tears from my eyes i'll say thanks he'll ask why and this will be my reply millions did not make it that's good but i was one of the ones who did it yes and i just want to tell you man that's how i felt today that's how i felt today thank you my brother amen pass along you're on mute right now hey man god bless you pastor washington what an amazing powerful word all i can say is thank you jesus thank you for him using you thank you for you submitting uh and hearing the voice of god um i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to take something out of dwayne's book because another song came to my mind i thought about my mother uh pastor ivan and and we used to sing a song back in the day we are marching up to zion beautiful beautiful zion yes but you take us to the march towards zion you had us walking through zion that imagery was everything man so i just look forward to the discussion but bless god for you man thank you amen praise praise the lord everyone and i heard those of you who are watching us i i heard i hope you heard the appeal still that this window this opportunity we have all talked about seeing uh getting a a broader just a glimpse of heaven we may look through a glass darkly but we started to see things clearer today because we see jesus clearer and again we want to respond to you and encourage you that if you have not made that decision to follow jesus don't let this harvest pass this is your moment this is your time when john wrote about these things and when john wrote about the future in the new heaven and the new earth you know there were centuries yet to pass we are living in the times that john was prophesying about and although there's still a few things uh to conclude don't forget where we are in earth's history uh you heard pastor talk about it you heard him talk about how the pandemic hit us and people were afraid and thought this was it this is our moment and we pray by god's grace that even during our discussion that you will take the opportunity to make that life-and-death decision to be with jesus now this isn't fright theology uh the pastor talked about that there's gonna be no more seed okay that talks about all fear will be gone uh we're talking about a relationship with jesus coming into a permanent relationship with jesus we can't trick you into it we can't manipulate you into it you and the holy spirit have to make that decision and we're just asking that to take place today based upon the powerful word of god we have heard preach today and we praise god for it and so doc washington we're going to come back to you there was something you said that i think is uh is just powerful uh about uh uh why a new heaven and and how you built the whole issue of course out of a sanctuary motif because there'll be no need for that revelation says that there'll be no need for a temple because god and the lamb will be there what i also appreciate about it you know when i was looking at that i was thinking about the first and second heavens and the third heavens and one of the reasons why i was talking about the first and second heavens especially with the atmosphere is if we think about how things work in our environment here uh for instance how rain works uh there is a cycle of evaporation that works that in order for rain to come down things have to be evaporated up okay and so we understand in revelation 20 well everything will be destroyed it has to be destroyed so the critical issue is everything has been destroyed on earth what has been lingering in the clouds and the heavens because if that rings down on us that which is raining down on us was a part of revelation 20 which was evil so it just makes sense that in god's perfect world that even that which has been evaporated up into the heavens have to be destroyed and created new because nothing imperfect can even rain down on us uh when god makes all things new i just love the whole presentation about the new heavens and the new earth just wanted to add that doc what do you have that you want to say to us or question you want to give to us or something else you want to say to those who are listening at this time you know just just two things the first is you know based on what you said i'm a slow learner i always i guess pictured that we'll be on the new earth and that we would make you know periodic visits to heaven to go see where god lives but it hit me like a ton of bricks that that he is he is relocating um because of his great love for us which which which really brought out a sobering moment for me um as i was just thinking about this you know all of you guys know you know for 10 plus years i've been battling lyme disease and so you know my thing to god is man i can't wait to go to heaven i can't wait to live on the new earth because i won't have lyme disease anymore so i'm i'm thinking about that as i'm looking at this tax and so you know the late great uh elder cd brooks used to used to call it the land of no more no more sickness no more suffering no more pain and and so god was dealing with me i was like man god i can't wait to go because i don't have lyme tomorrow he was like well if that's your motivation for going you don't want to go to heaven you can go to a wellness center and feel better you can you can you can get some iv therapy and feel better momentarily if your motivation for going is the absence of uh paying bills not having uh uh going to funerals and all those things are great all those things are part of living and or being in heaven for a thousand years and living in the in the new earth all those things are part of but if that's the motivation that won't be enough to get there because i was i was tripping i was like what you mean i want to go there i don't i don't like feeling this way anymore he said but that's not gonna be enough if if if the soul factor is not wanting to live with me then like you said when it's time to stand up for me you won't have the relationship and the connection with me to do that the only thing you can talk about is what you want to do without i can't stand this i can't stand you know people i can't wait to go to heaven uh you know i don't like politics i can't wait to go to heaven there will be no well that's great and i guess for me it was challenging and disturbing because when you hear people talking about heaven and the new earth it's often always what won't be there juxtaposed to what we experience now and it's almost like that's where the sermon title came from well i mean all of that but where's jesus where's in the midst of all of that stuff where is he because if he's not there if g listen if jesus is not there it will be a you talking about 1844 that would be a great disappointment like i can't even tell him thank you i can't he ask him questions like like i get them he's not what okay i ain't got bills but i want to see him and and that becomes then the whole focus and and and mo of john behind the book of revelation of exposing who jesus is and i think for me again having gone through the book it has crystallized my confidence in who he is that just and true are all his ways and the motivation now is to hunker down in my relationship with him i mean want to be great when we get to heaven and get to the new earth and jesus finally looks in your face and he's not looking at you as you are a stranger you know you know how you may go to alumni you may go to uh a thing where you see people you haven't seen in a while and maybe they may have lost weight or gain weight and they look a little different and you just like ah you look familiar i can't really put my finger on it like jesus is not going to do that with the redeem he's going to come to you i mean that song i think is by israel he knows my name he's going to come to you and say hey claudia hey ivan williams hey he's going to call your name because he knows you but but but the bible says that when he comes those he does not know that they will be slain by the brightness of his of his coming because they don't know him so the question is not just do you know him but also does he know you i don't know if i have a question but those are the two things that were just on my mind well but you said some things and i saw claudia was getting ready to jump in she couldn't wait for you to finish there so you don't have to have a question we're just simply going around round two we'll start with claudia we'll go to doc creary doc brown and then i will bring the others in but before claudia starts we still in the time that's left we still remind you you could be just joining us now you you could hope that i would stop talking about making this appeal to you but we're not going to stop making this appeal to you if you have not made that decision yet we're going to give you just this moment right now and the stillness of this moment for you to respond to the preached word today the call that god now has extended to you to accept him to live to start shacking up with jesus now to practice that right now in jesus name we want you to do that uh so don't let this moment pass please do not uh we we are this is not just for functionary things that we are doing we're doing this because the spirit of god calls us to do this and we will boldly go where god calls us to go it could be unpopular you can call it outdated or antiquated but the appeal of god still goes forth and if the you listen to the voice of god in your heart right now if you have attention right now going why is he talking like this what's going on listen to the holy spirit and respond to him in jesus name claudia listen there are so many times that i was sitting over here like noah high five tag me and pleats so no i was so hyped i'm glad you didn't i'm i was just like the the sermon just made me that excited and one of those moments man was when you were talking about the new jerusalem and god christ you know choosing to tabernacle among men and i thought about john's other book where he records jesus in conversation with the samaritan woman and man i when you were going on your your rent your rift talking about all the people in heaven man yo when i get into the new jerusalem i want to talk to the samaritan woman because if anybody got the prep you know what i'm saying like she got the prep like jesus told her a day is coming and now is when you will not worship me on this mountain or on another one but you will worship me in spirit and in truth and i think it is just so amazing to think about the fact that god has created and is going to create a whole new city that is perfectly fashioned for everything that we have experienced and gone through and then stay there and tabernacle and dwell with us so that we can worship him man listen at that point there's no denominational lines there's no racial lines there's no uh uh country barriers there's there's nothing separating us it's like the body at that point is literally found in the person of jesus our boundaries are are literally his body like i'm just i was just hyped today man that that all of humanity has the opportunity to to experience a a a new eden that is actually ultimately going to be even greater than the first one he created as if he can't do any better yeah amen doc doc query than doc brown uh i'm just so still like pumped i'm so excited about the the sermon today uh pastor noah you truly touched my heart and you know um we all kind of talked about a song and i i kind of do this sometimes but minister tasha cobb has a song out that she says you know every day you have a choice and every day you still choose me but you never gave up on me and that's what i want to ask jesus lord why didn't you give up on me i'm so glad you didn't but with all my mess and all that i know and all that goes through you never gave up on me thank you jesus thank you for never giving up on me yes doc brown yeah i think building on that statement about god not giving up what you did for me dr noah is that you not only took me to heaven but you connected heaven with even the pain that i'm experiencing on earth so you it's not just about the joy in heaven but when you talked about god wiping every tear from our eyes and and and you talked even about uh samson and the pain that samson endured uh on earth you said that uh you know he his eyes were gouged out and when i thought about that torture uh my heart was uh torn because i thought about the tulsa massacre and and and the the pain that is being experienced right now with people searching for their history and their their loved ones and of course people you know in san jose experiencing uh tragedies and disasters but but you said you said thank you one the day will come when we will say thank you for every tear that was shared and you know in other words god if i could have had it if when i looked back over it i would not have had you lead me in any other way in in spite of the tragedy of these pain so the joy for me here was not just the streets of gold but how you connected it now to give somebody some hope some encouragement that is experiencing unbearable pain even as samson did that the day will come hallelujah when we will say thank you amen amen pastor williams passed along and then pastor edmund the tabernacle of god is with men i'm blown away and in ministry i've moved over nine times you think i want to see another u-haul or another rider truck but to think that god will relocate stay the universal headquarters to hang out with the overcomers man that's shouting news for me and i give god the praise of the he he's the god of the elements he he created fire he's going to use it he created water he's going to recreate it and make a sea of glass when i think about all of these things he's doing you know i told pastor medler the other day man we ain't in control of nothing all these cicadas making all of this noise outside man can do nothing to stop it my gosh god is in charge of the elements when i think of this probe that is going to mars from china and from the u.s no wonder god's going to have to destroy the heavens and the earth because we going everywhere we got satellites all up there so i just give god the praise preaching that god's tabernacle you said it you said it it's gonna be with us that for me spells love yes amen pass along amen amen i'ma go back to what you said in the message uh i shall wear a crown i'm gonna put on my roll and tell the story how i made it over you said something that was so profound when you gave that uh martin luther king illustration and you talked about your body being where your mind has been for so long beautiful and i thought about that i said man if that ain't the most dynamic illustration of us just always imagining being with jesus being with jesus but then one day we are going to actually have the opportunity to walk with him and talk with them and and and just enjoy his presence man that right there that that that was the message for me man so i just i bless god for that man my mind and my body are gonna finally have the opportunity to connect and i'm going to put my body where my mind has been for so long amen bro praise the lord praise the lord pastor esmen man i don't know if i if i have anything fresh to say uh pastor let me doc washington let me let me share maybe two things first of all you preached about 20 sermons but but i'll just i'll just take two uh you preach 20 sermons today trust me uh but i i when when when whenever i get around my mom man my mother at this stage of her life only wants pictures she doesn't she doesn't have to have things from us her children all she wants is memories and when you started talking about picturing heaven it started me thinking of when i get there and jesus pulls out the book and he shows me when he was right beside me when he was with me in this and with me in that and brought me through this and brought me through that he's going to pull out his album and said you pictured me you know as far away but i was right by your side the whole time you just couldn't see me and i just that that idea of picturing jesus but then practically living in relationship with jesus was just unbelievable for me today and you bless my heart with that man the second thing i want to say is that picture of that bride coming down that aisle yes sir brother let me tell you something man when you started talking i couldn't help but think about that kimber esmen man that day yeah it was a marriage made in hollywood we got married in hollywood california come on it's one of the few that lasted is what i'm saying now what was what was amazing man and that thing was i mean my wife was coming so beautiful capturing all these things that you don't even know you know god has for you all these blessings in them some of them you don't always appreciate but god gives you what you need not always what you with what you might think you need all of that's in my wife and i remember my father started to cry my dad started to cry because he he saw he saw himself losing a son you know my dad died close he saw himself losing me and when he started to cry i started to cry i'm looking at my wife i'm crying because of my dad but then bruh when i turned and i really looked at kimber my tears just kind of like dried up i wasn't looking at the past i was looking at the future good work and i just want to say to somebody man look at the future this blessing we have in jesus is an opportunity to walk in relationship man and for me that was rich you know what's so crazy it's something you said i'm gonna take just a minute some of you said just brought to mind something no doubt you know i don't know anybody in history that does not take sufficient and ample time to prep and prepare before the for the ceremony and so when when i would say 99.999 percent of rise when they come down there's a picture of perfection beauty right but the things that were so beautiful and that are so beautiful on the day of the wedding changed 10 15 years later right so what is beautiful for me now is not necessarily seeing my wife walk down the aisle but it's seeing how she deals with children it was seeing her give birth you know in labor and seeing her puts them big hands out you understand what i'm saying what i'm saying is when you have experience with the lamb it's not just god rubbing your back and saying certain things and his beauty and splendor but man when you start having experiences with god it makes you love him even more and i know when i get up there not only am i going to i want to say something to god but i know my angels are going to have something to say to me and they're going to be like bro you had us working overtime you you had well yeah we was working you know what i mean so i think you know with with jesus when you first come in contact with him and what you know about him is beautiful but when you start experiencing the depth of his love for you you know i everybody's quoting songs so i'm gonna give you another one come on it says he gets sweeter as the days go by i think this has gotten sweeter as as the days go by so i i think that helps as well yes sir yes thank you for that and uh we're going to come back to you in a moment pastor you you're supposed to that's supposed to be part of your close-out statement but i want to say and thank you uh all for your comments we all can talk about those wedding experiences and dwayne unlike you uh my my tears wasn't because of my father my tears when i first laid out on india the strong man that i thought i was i became weak and whipped and i had to watch it that it didn't become that ugly grind you know what i mean but it was full of joy yeah yeah it was full of joy but it was all of that but anyway before we press on uh because those points were well made and i prayed that we all got them now that we heard them but one last opportunity one last decision before we transition to sabbath school before uh pastor washington close us out here one other opportunity uh we're pleading with you by the power of god we're asking the holy spirit to reach someone right now in the name of jesus stop by someone's place this entire series although the final preach sermon is today and we will have the the final bible study on wednesday it's the day that a decision needs to be made it's today that we're pleading with you in the name of jesus to make the decision to follow him all the way don't let this moment pass you see on every social platform uh there have been opportunities for you to connect uh with us we want you to take advantage of that don't let this harvest pass why preach this whole series why go through all these months all these study all this prayer all this preparation it is not to entertain it's to give you the opportunity to say yes to jesus and so in the name of jesus even now we pray that someone will respond to that call that you would reach out virtually that you allow the technology to be an opportunity a pathway for you to be connected with god do that right now and we know that god will bless you well pastor washington you have led us you give us the last word and after your last word of course we'll transition to sabbath school we're so excited that the other doctor the other doctor lena caesar we're going to stop school um moving forward but doc washington we want to give you the last word as you close us out uh from this powerful day today some years ago in arizona there was a three-year-old boy was at his mom's house unattended and he started playing around the socket but the socket was left open and he played around the socket so much that he was electrocuted well they called the paramedics they rushed him to the hospital but unfortunately he had died and when they were doing the autopsy and they found out the actual reason for his death it was reported that he died because he got so close to playing around with electricity what i'm saying today is don't be this close to jesus and get exposed to all he has for you i mean listen we've got some of the best preachers in adventism dr brown pastor edmund minister claudia allen doc williams doc nelly passed along you got all this fire coming out week in and week out don't be this close to jesus don't be this close to the savior and then at the end he says depart from you don't be this close to him and then you perish like the little boy did because you allow the fire to burn you instead of expose what god wanted to deal with in your life i want to close in prayer and just ask god to seal whatever decisions you made in your heart whatever decisions you made uh if you want to have bible studies or get baptized whatever decisions you made i'm asking that god will not just steal them but if you need to make a decision i'm asking that god will not let you go until you make it father in the name of jesus thank you for loving us even when we don't like ourselves thank you for your long suffering and our prayers that on a regular basis we would see ourselves picture ourselves spending forever with you streets of gold sea of glass never grow old those are all great things but help us to remember that heaven and the new earth will be nothing if jesus isn't there help us to cultivate our relationship with him now so that we'll live with him later is my prayer in jesus name amen the lord bless you amen amen thank you so much pastor washington you really really got us to really picture ourselves in heaven today and we thank you for that message bless you happy sabbath everyone on this memorial day holiday weekend we first want to extend a special welcome to those of you who are joining us for savage school who have served in the military or have loved ones who are serving or have served in the military you know we want to join the nation this this weekend in recognizing your sacrifice and the sacrifice of your family as well and above all we hope that you will gain peace today as we worship christ who sacrifice his life for all people of all nations and you know our savage school study this week really points us to that peace that god gives us on this day his holy day a day of rest and gladness a day of joy and delight and we are delighted to have leading us today for our lesson study dr lena caesar you know many people may not know this but she's actually one of our newest sabbath school teachers all right well um nominated to serve as a sabbath school teacher in 2019 and then what do you know 2020 came around and she didn't get a chance to teach because of the lockdown but her class is going to be to the left rear of church all right so when we get back in that sanctuary we do encourage you to join sister caesar's class that's where the power will be yes where the power will be indeed you know i think i told her before that she's a part of a power couple i think i texted her that she's a part of a power couple no she she's the she's the more powerful part of the of of the power couple you said it best you said it you said it right faster doing um so we are delighted to have her she is a professor in her own right i believe she's still with the university of maryland but she can tell us more about that but before she begins and leads us into our study for about the covenant sign let's bow our heads for prayer loving lord we thank you so much for this sabbath day we praise your name lord for sparing our lives to see another sabbath day we pray that you please send your holy spirit to lead us as we open your word and as we study the sign of the covenant today we pray that you open our minds to the blessing of the sabbath may we see clearer as the old hymnus wrote that it's a day of sweet reflection and a day to raise affection from earth to things above and lord we rest today but we seek that rest remaining in the mansions that we just heard preached about and we praise your name through jesus amen amen happy sabbath everyone isn't it wonderful that we are a group of sabbath keepers and we have the privilege this week and today to talk about the sabbath i just can't imagine how much i'm going to learn from you you know when i teach i used to have a little notebook that i took because teaching involves so much learning where where the students come up when you ask a question you have an answer in your mind but when a student comes up with an answer that that isn't in your mind it makes you think and i know that we as sabbath keepers have so many answers in our mind and so many questions to ask that i know that this is going to be a very enjoyable experience in fact when dr percy asked me to do this it seemed as though god kept opening many opportunities for sabbath witness all of a sudden i kept being bombarded with the beauty and the witness and the testimony of sabbath so i work in a non-sabbath-keeping environment that is a semi-religious environment i do also teach at university of maryland as an adjunct but i work at loyola university in baltimore and for some reason i was um given the privilege of either accepting or rejecting a a position an administrative position along with my teaching and um i had to make myself clear i said well i'll be willing but just understand that i do respect my sabbath and i would not be available and i thought that that closed that statement closed the door but it didn't the announcement was made to the entire faculty that guess what lena season will be taking this position but she will not be available on on on her sabbath which is saturday don't bother her and i was so relieved i didn't want to be viewed as being lazy we can talk about that later on but but god just kept opening opportunities for witnessing providing a testimony and i'm hoping that dr percy perhaps at the end of this um this clas this sabbath school class will talk about the sign and the testimony and the witness that maybe she may want to share a testimony i heard that she shared a very powerful testimony this week i just heard that i may be hearing wrong but she will she will she will she will clarify that for us um many many years ago i learned a poem my mother used to make us recite poems and there was a poem about the sabbath and it said there is sweetness in the dawning of an early sabbath mourn there's a hush in all creation when this holy day is born because there's joy and peace and gladness with a touch of child like cheer when we as sabbath keepers realize on waking that the holy day is here i want you to do something different right now i hope not too sophisticated do you mind on muting your mics and telling us all happy sabbath do that it'll make me happy happy sabbath three let's go one two three one two three wonderful wonderful i'm so glad that we are all here to enjoy this sabbath together so i am actually going to um share my screen and i hope i'll be able to do that and apparently i will which is nice for a change all right um all right so i entitled this presentation the sabbath so the covenant sign is the sabbath let's establish that at the very beginning and i i thought of of referring to sabbath as our date day with god the day that we reserve specifically and especially for that intimate time with god i actually would like to pursue um four themes today is it four or is it five let's see how many we we get to let's first let's see how many we can get to chris two theme number one the origin and authority of the sabbath theme number two sabbath in the old testament why israel forgot it team number three sabbath in the new testament how jesus observed it theme number four rest versus work on the sabbath and i think that's that's a theme that we as seven-day adventists struggle with what is what is rest and what is work how much work is work and what kind of work is work and what does rest constitute and then the witness of the sabbath it's all about him so let's talk about the origin of the sabbath remember that old sound the sound of music soundtrack let's start at the very beginning it's a very good place to start we're not going to begin with abc but we're going to begin with the book of genesis genesis is the book of the beginning and genesis has the first recorded reference to sabbath the text is right there in front of you thus the heavens and the earth were completed and i think this is the new international version in all their vast array i love that phrase and by the seventh day god had finished the work he had been doing so on the seventh day he rested from all his work and he blessed the seventh then he made it holy and because of it he rested from all the work the creating that he had done now i did say that this was the first recorded reference of the sabbath but if you read through this first recorded reference of the sabbath you would note that you do not see the word sabbath of course it was written in the hebrew and um i apologize that i don't know hebrew i do know a hebrew scholar i'm very well acquainted with the hebrew scholar but i never got a chance to take the class because i wouldn't i wasn't guaranteed an a and i wouldn't take it without that kind of guarantee but this the the the theme of sabbath is here the seventh day and the word rest the word rest and the word sabbath are very related the sabbath and the they're just spelled differently um in the hebrew but the root the root of the word um of rest is in the sabbath so this is the first reference i want to point out to you that sabbath originated in the context of perfection sabbath originated at creation in a fresh new sin-free world with a holy godhead newly mented human beings who were fresh from the creative han creator's hand the sabbath therefore is not a result of sin resting on the sabbath has nothing to do with the fact that we are sinful because the sinless god first kept the sabbath the sabbath therefore was not designed for punishment for restricting for clipping our wings for for giving us ideas as to what we should not do directives it was designed for celebrating god's holy works god's handy works the sabbath was for celebration in a perfect atmosphere that's the first point i would like to make about the sabbath and then there are some other points to ponder and i'm going to ask you some questions and give you a chance to give me your input and i i mentioned this one the sabbath emerged in a sinless sin free environment in fact it is one of two institutions that preceded sin and the two may have been marriage and the sabbath but the sabbath will outlast sin because the bible says from one new moon to another isaiah 66 and from one sabbath to another we will be still resting on the seventh day because we have worked during the six days point number three sabbath rest occurs in the context of work there is nothing sinful or fallen about work because god worked and then he rested and the one of the first things that he did was to give adam a job description you know i i don't know if he interviewed him but he gave him a job description guess what mr adam if you think that you'll just be sitting around this garden the first thing i want you to do is start naming those animals you've got work to do you give them some intellectual work to do so the reality of work this establishes is not related to sin at least in its origins we're going to actually go into more depth about that whole concept of what work is so right now i'm going to stop sharing for a minute and i'm going to ask you the question what is the significance of genesis 2 1-3 to people who argue either that the sabbath is for the jews or that sabbath-keeping is a thing of the past it's outmoded how can you use this scripture genesis 2 1-3 how can you use that scripture as to defend that let me go back to my question go back to my question all right let me stop sharing for a minute and any thoughts any thoughts sister lena could you repeat the question again please oh the question is how can we use how can we use genesis 2 1-3 the story of creation as a means of helping others understand that the sabbath was not did not originate with the jews and was not meant only for the jews which is an argument that we always get and any answer is a good answer the sabbath was instituted at creation long before he chose um the jewish nation the serpent anyway so um it's it didn't it didn't begin it didn't begin with the covenant relationship with the jews it began at creation the covenant relationship he made with man at creation so i am going to say this um genesis 2 1-3 was the first evidence of a covenant that he was making with man even before man's sin this was instituted before man's sin and it it's not about a day it's about the really a relationship that he wanted to establish with his people amen amen thank you excellent thank you dr shakes there were no nations at the institution of the sabbath it was just two people the first thing they did was to worship with god as a couple yep part of their honeymoon huh worshiping with god since you are restricting us to genesis 2 1-3 this is kind of obvious because um as was just mentioned uh the individuals that were available for the institution of this practice are the four parents of all the generations of the world so this was instituted to the original parents of everybody who is alive wow wow wow so it is kind of funny to try to claim that this sabbath was something for a peculiar part of the generations that exist amen since its original institution was to the foreparents of all the nations thank you very much it seems so obvious and yet it's an argument that has been used over and over and over again and also the the the this genesis just using genesis 2 1-3 it also tells you that god did not give any allowance you're going to talk about the authority of the sabbath next god didn't give any allowance for anyone to try to change what he had instituted he gave it to us all he gave it to the four parents of the entire world all right i will except you have it someone else has a driving comment that you would like love to make i will i would say i i would say that if someone confronts me with that argument or presents that argument to me i would say to them as as i see it you're calling your own faith in the bible in the question do you really build your faith on the word of god amen if that is where you stand the testimony of scripture is unequivocal maybe there is something else that is influencing your faith or but if you take the word of god as it is there is no way of eliminating any element of humanity from the privileges of the sabbath and there is no way of making it exclusive to some particular ethnic grouping or or or otherwise amen and that's a perfect segue for what we're going to talk about next which is the authority of the sabbath the authority of the sabbath i actually got these four points from the the original lessons author ger had hassel in a paper that he wrote on the origin of the biblical sabbath he makes these it's not forge three he may have made four and i'm using three of them he says that he's talking about the authority of the sabbath it's clear from genesis 2 1-3 based on what based on the reading of genesis 2 1-3 it's clear that the sabbath is the seventh day of the week that's what the text says it says seventh day not sunday which is the first day not any day it's saturday the seventh day it's interesting to me that in terms of time there is there may be what i would call a fil geographical or as astro astrological astrology astronomical way of defining time you know the time that the earth takes to rotate we have the year a day is the time the planet takes to make one complete rotation in 86 400 seconds the month is the time the moon takes to revolt once around the earth the year is the time it takes the earth to revolve around the sun there is not a physics parallel to the way we measure days the measurement of days comes from the creation when god says the evening and the morning is the fourth day there isn't any movement of the earth or it's or it's or it's pieces there's no movement that gives us that measurement it's the seventh day it's interesting that a few years ago and somebody helped me with this i think about 10 years ago in samoa there was a crisis did you hear about the crisis in samoa where they skipped a day they eliminated friday so that friday became so that sunday really became the seventh day of the week the seventh day became the first day of the week and so the adventists in samoa didn't know it happened in 2011 didn't really know what to do because they had changed the way the calendar was constructed and so it shifted their seventh day and they really agonized on it you can actually look it up online sometime you wouldn't go into all of these um um all the details but the church decided to stick with the day that they had started out with so it ended up the seventh-day adventists in samoa go to church on the same day that the sunday keepers go to church now i i don't have an opinion on that but they decided to stick with god's original schedule and that's the authority of the sabbath because god started it he instituted it and no matter how you manipulate the calendar it cannot be changed because god's word cannot change point number two i see your name your hand friends you know come to in a minute that the sabbath is rooted in creation and we just we just um defended the sabbath that way it's not judaism the sabbath is not rooted either in adventism it's not rooted in any ism the sabbath is rooted in creation and in creators creations god and thirdly the sabbath is a divine mandate it's not a human mandate so we have no right to be able to change the sabbath from one day to another because we didn't originate the sabbath at any rate francine what do you want to share with us i see your hand up uh yes um i think you sort of touched on it but it was the the first point on in regards to the sabbath being the seventh day of the week and and so my question being especially with you know the i guess the calendar the days of the week being changed is it more important that we worship god on the sabbath saturday or the seventh day of the week whatever that day may be i'm not sure if my question makes any sense but it's going back to the the change that was made um in in 2011 that story that you told so i'm trying to like better understand in terms of us honoring the sabbath day is it more important that we honor that sabbath day on saturday what we what we do now or the seventh day which was going back to genesis well i'm hoping that the sabbath day that we have now is this this would be this the sabbath day that was playing the seventh day if it's the seventh day then it would be the seventh day have i have i but i guess my question more is like if it gets changed like how um the it was changed i guess the day of the week or when the first day started and so therefore the seventh day is now on a sunday and not on a saturday is that still honoring the sabbath or is that dishonoring the sabbath yeah you're talking about the samoa experience correct by the way there's a there was a there is and there still will be maybe i shouldn't even have raised it a lot of controversy regarding which position they should have taken and could have taken um i use it as an illustration and i'm not taking a particular side i struggled with it myself so maybe someone else may want to comment on that and then we'll move on because that is still a something that has not been resolved but it's a good question that has come to us if the name of the day gets changed do we shift with the names of the day the calendar now and in a lot of calendars monday is now the first day of the week do you notice that the first workday has become monday tuesday wednesday thursday and sunday ends up at the last as the seventh day so let's let's get some feedback um i'm wondering if pastor dwayne could speak a little on this because i'm noticing in the chat room he says this is still an issue in some quarters so i'm wondering if he's talking about some adventist quarters in the world but this certainly is a good question francine is raising because i've been recently asked that by someone about um you know why do we worship on the seventh day are we sure saturday is the seventh day so i think this is a good question for us to just spend a few minutes really talking about pastor duane if you're still with us if not um pastor dr caesar i know you had your hand raised so you could go ahead if pastor dewayne is not still with us he may have said violence he could take care of he stepped away yeah i didn't have my hand raised on this i had i had my hands raised yeah it was a different season oh riley season yes um caesar i i think there's a special feeling that you get on the sabbath day um the the i i don't know if it's because it hasn't affected us the change but i know there's a special feeling about the seventh day about when the sabbath comes along and i'm wondering whether that feeling will still exist if that happened because i know the sabbath is different it's just a special day that's a special feeling that i get so i i guess i will go with my feeling that special feeling comes along and say you know this is a sabbath and so i will lean towards that i mean there's a special feeling that we get when we know we are doing what god wants us to do i mean that that is that is releasing that is releasing you're doing what god wants us to do and if and then he does give you a special feeling i i couldn't respond dwayne is there yes i am go ahead go ahead i but but i missed the question i did step away for a moment um you mentioned in the chat room um pastor duane that this issue of this year today is still an issue and i'm wondering are you referring to it's still an issue in some adventist quarters or just in some parts of the world if you could just clarify for us because this is a very important issue yes no i was i was just resonating with uh what dr caesar shared about what happened in in the south pacific and i was there for a conference maybe a year year and a half ago two years ago as a speaker and that issue was being discussed at that conference and that was you know years later and i'm just saying that it continues that that issue of the day continues to be a source of of some concern and tension in some places in in the south pacific so and yes so the sabbath is is is controverted in many ways around the world indeed yeah i think dr um dr caesar highlighted two different ways of of this controversy the calendars that now make sunday the seventh day and the issue in the south pacific that made sabbath the first day of the week and i i think our safe safest response and this is what the general conference recognized that the people who live their process and think the matter through and they decided we know before this change for economic reasons which day was the seventh day of the week and because we are aware of that we will stick with it one irony and dwayne you may have found this in conversation with folks down there i was down there once and they told me one of the absurdities was that the sunday keepers are now upset that the saturday keepers the advent yeah on their day and so they want to change this yes the other side of the question i think is dr caesar herself once shared a magnificent testimony with me that highlights the other one about trying to make sunday the seventh by starting the calendar on monday and so she can tell that story if she wants but it's a great story it's a testimony of of her that she i had the privilege of her sharing with me i guess she has no inside stories thank you thank you thank you um nina you get set up girl you know so i'm going to keep moving i'm going to get to that story the story is coming so you know but yeah keep look before you go tight hold tight you get to that story before you get before yourself it caught my attention that this changing of the day is nothing new because daniel the prophet you know talked to prophesied that they will think to change times and laws so this goes way back to the times you know and that you know in papacy when it was changed then so this is not the first time that you know men have tried to tamper with god's commandment and god's law right so you know it's it's a part of the great great controversy to say you don't have to do it on this but just like doesn't it sound like in the garden you will not surely die you do not have to do it on this day you can always do it on this other day right same concept of us being disobedient leading us subtly deceitfully to disobey god's original commandment dr dr lena before you move on i'll be really quick because i know you have points that you want to move through but this is wonderful yes but this seventh day um week cycle we really take it for granted and that's understandable because it's found throughout the world but i read something recently from um joanne davidson that i i just can't help but for us to really ponder and she makes the point that this seven day rhythm that cycle it's really not astronomically based on any measurements like the 24-hour day or the 365 or 360 day year but that god established the seventh day cycle and it wasn't connected to any celestial movements it was just one of god's creative acts when we think about the sabbath and the seven day week cycle we really have to really give god glory and honor for his creativity and his magnificence and it never changes the global pandemic can't change it it's still a seven day week cycle yes yes thank you that's that's a great gem it is of god god it's god's authority he made it he established it and we have no other way of calculating it except based on god's creation week and that's awesome that is awesome thank you very much for sharing that dr percy anyone else has a last point than this to share before i move on i'm taking my notes this is absolutely interesting i'm sorry i just have one last thing to say though the reason that i bring it up is and i see that um um dr baker also has a the other figure but um the reason that i guess this kind of disturbs me a little bit is because when i um decided that i was going to get baptized in this event so i grew up going to church on saturdays and sundays and my deciding factor was going to my pastor at the time um and asking him you know like why do we um worship on the sabbath and you know the reasons behind that his response was biblical then i went to the priest of because it was a episcopalian church and i asked him why do we worship on sundays literally his response was that was the day that we chose whoa and so for me it was okay that's not the that's not where i need to be i i need to be where you know the leadership gave me a biblical response so that's that's where i need to be so that's why i got baptized as an adventist so i'm hearing this now and i'm like wait a minute we can't just go around changing things because you know there has to be a biblical reason behind the things that we do and if not then why are we doing it and so that's kind of like why i asked the question like what's more important francine sabica that was a wonderful question and um but remember that the seventh adventist church in the in the in the in you know in that area they didn't change anything it was the the governmental policy that changed it so they they stuck with what they had they didn't change do you see where i'm going with that i mean i haven't gotten into the into the pros and cons of it but the church did not change the world changed around them but they remained steady and faithful they didn't change the world changed and they didn't change and it may not that principle may not apply to everything but it may but it that's a good principle that even though the world around us changes if we are grounded on the word of god then we stay there because that's where we are that's where our foundation is that's the authority that god got from creation okay thank you so much thank you baker uh yes yes uh good morning good morning to everyone i i want to join in with the conversation and i think uh dr laina you you hit the narrow right on the head this issue in samoa and the australian division is a very important one and as was just brought out it's not resolved yet but there are two principles that can help us the first one is that wherever we are in the world we keep the sabbath there now that's part of the controversy there in samoa because they see it differently but wherever we are like for example right now uh we clearly are keeping the sabbath but in africa or in south america there's a different time for the sabbath so we understand it it's contextual but along with that it's principle and that's what you're bringing on the lesson that everything we do we do according to the word of god as we understand the principles of the seventh day sabbath the cycle of time it's a real period of time anchored in time and that's what gives us guidance so it's not really directly responding to the samoa issue but it does speak to us now that anyone who tampers with the day as we understand it we clearly can see it and we we know what our moral principles should be and that should guide us in this discussion thank you amen amen amen thank you so much this has been a good discussion and to be honest when i first conceptualized the sabbath school lesson i didn't think of of of talking about the simone experience it just came to me almost like as i was speaking i didn't do as much research on it as i should have but it definitely made the point all right so let's go right ahead let me see where else i think we have enough let's talk about the second mention of sabbath in the bible so the first mention of the sabbath was at creation the second mention of sabbath had to do with the children of israel during the period of their exodus when they were exiting egypt on their way to the promised land god had a conversation with them god had a class with them on the sabbath you know and in fact the details god used if we look at this scripture right here tomorrow is to be a day of rest a holy sabbath very very specific directives bake what you want to bake boil what you want to bake whatever is left keep it until the morning it was almost as though god was explained to them carefully they're a b c's a comes before b and then c comes why is it that god had to be so detailed in terms of explaining to them about this sabbath shouldn't they have known about the sabbath why is god taking that time to explain to them i don't know exactly the bible does not tell me but i can imagine that they were coming out of slavery and perhaps during the period of their slavery they may not have had the opportunity of keeping the sabbath as they should have and maybe the younger generations and the older ones who had passed on knew about the sabbath but this it may be that they had wandered away from the sabbath and now i'm just surmising that i consulted with my husband and this one and he said to me that there was there isn't though the sabbath is not mentioned between creation and this second mention the first mention after creation there is an illusion when pharaoh accusing accused the children of israel of not working enough of wasting time it may be they were saying it may be that pharaoh was actually referring to the fact that they had been keeping the sabbath and that he stopped them from keeping the sabbath but god took his time to very carefully outline to the children of israel what sabbath entailed you six days you shall gather it and you are not to cook or seef on the sabbath i know as we as adventists we get into a lot of debate as to what you do in the sabbath and what you don't do in the sabbath i want to move on from that though keep that in mind if you have a question brewing hold it for a second i it also interests me that the first instruction about keeping this sabbath had to do with food it intrigues me don't collect food gonna provide a double portion on the sixth day none will be sending on the on the seventh day on any other day if you keep it but the sabbath is different and the sabbath is special why do you think god would have focused on food and what do we learn about our own sabbath keeping based on the fact that god used very specific language he provided very specific rules in the the the adult bible study guide it says what do you learn which dates preparation day which day of the week of the sabbath where the sabbath comes from what kind of the sabbath should be is the sabbath day of fasting all of those issues are in this do you think that god's very careful detail on the sabbath does it seem somewhat legalistic to you what do you think the children of israel why do you think they needed this and what is the big takeaway of god being so detailed in in prescribing what sabbath rests should look like what are your thoughts they were coming out of a culture with multiple gods and even though they might have been um celebrating the sabbath you know occasionally the exposure to all these egyptian gods other gods was very very intense and it going into the desert place was a form of courtship you know between god and the children of israel so during the court that courtship intimacy he wanted to spend quality time with them it wasn't about specifically it wasn't really about um the sabbath itself the day itself the sign it was more about i want to spend the same date day day that you mentioned earlier i don't want a few hours with you going forward i'd like to spend an entire 24 hours with you down to the very specifics i don't want you in the kitchen to be distracted like martha i want you like mary at my feet so that you can learn who i really am to to know me to to know me is to love me so the more time you can spend with me i'll teach you about who i am i'm a god of love and compassion and mercy that that would distinguish and contrast between the gods they were used to in egypt and the i am who i am and food yes you know that his first his first um temptation remember in the wilderness was based on food i was also about man shall not live by bread alone but by like again the martha mary concept you know that i want you at my yes you know yes you need to eat but at the same time don't even think about preparing on the salad because i will provide for you and what the spiritual food is going to be ultimately more important than this physical food thank you so much for that um i have in my notes i think that god really wanted to emphasize to them that he is the provider and even when even when you think even when he doesn't send and he provides for us beforehand he says i will give you a double portion on friday so that on this on the sabbath when i don't provide that you have a god already provides for us even before we have the need god provides even before the need is obvious and visible to us god is telling them i think you can really trust in god you can really depend on him you can really rest in him and as dr sheikh said because god wants to have a relationship it's back to that date day with god that i said it as my as my title that date day you don't have to be to worry about preparing the meal i am taking you for this date and the restaurant has the food has already been ordered you can just spend that time with me it's all about not spending time focusing on other things but spending time focus on the relationship any other points about about about the old testament because our time is flying so fast the time doesn't like me um dr percy all right let's let's keep going let's talk about the sabbath in the i think i'll go into this sabbath yeah so you can go ahead good thank you thank you dr sister lina um delbert and i are kind of sharing uh the video here but i think it's really interesting that you brought up you know the great teacher that you are you brought up this concept of why god is giving instruction on food you know sister shakes just said it was jesus's first temptation adam and eve in the garden fell on food and here we're seeing instruction on food you know where he could have given a lot of different instruction um i'm a food lover and when you brought this up it just really reminded me you know god's not legalistic but he does point out things that people find it especially hard to resist or fall to temptation easily so i don't want to make a theological point of this i don't want anybody to get nervous about about me trying to make a theological point on this but it is interesting that this is another thing related to food it about our is i think he really wants us to focus on something as elemental as food something that we love something that's a temptation we don't have to worry about it he'll he'll cover us with that too amen amen i will take care of you yeah and i just i just put in the chat room i just thought about the first murder has had to do with food so maybe there is something to really think about on this issue of food in the link something for us to to learn here yeah yeah we're going to have to mullin this some more you know yeah i don't have the answer right now but yeah yes yes yes i just wondered why did he focus he was very specific on that food scene and it just aroused my attention question uh my name is jamal i didn't i didn't raise your hand um i believe one of the importance is that you know controlling of the appetite appetite you can control other issues you have an appetite for sin spiritually you have appetite for sin because you continue to go after it you know if you can control the appetite of hunger which is actually a necessity something for you to eat then it would make it easier for you to be able to control the appetite for something else to being able to suppress something like the fasting is an important part when they say to fast and pray you know that i believe that that has a lot to do with it not just from the food aspect but more so from being able to suppress an appetite and to be able to do as you should do to to follow the ordinance that god would have you to follow wow that's strong yes um leo sees the comments here in the chat that's that's a strong point that's a strong point really that's self-control keeping your body on this objection that the bible talks about a lot in order to resist sin and ultimately i thought just crossed my mind it's not about what we put in our mouths eventually that's going to be significant but it's what we absorb what we put in our minds the ultimate test of faith will be our spiritual relationship with him wrong eventually jesus says he's the bread of the world my body i i don't know how more basic we can get true true yes he did say that he was the bread he was great wonderful i mean the word of truth is like a gold mine you know the digger that you deep is the more that you see it's just awesome um how much more time do i have i'm dr percy you can keep going we we um usually let out around 2 30 so you've got some time all right thank you thank you i thought it was just one to two all right so we had this we had the second mention first mention is creation second mention was um the the children of israel and the mana the mana experience and um then then we have the commandment so the commandment was not the second mention the second mention since since creation the third the very third mention to mention after there was creation and then the manna and then the fourth commandment and the commandment as we all know is embedded in the heart of the decalard but whereas most of the commandments say don't do this and don't do that this one is merely a reminder because as we established earlier the sabbath has nothing to do with sin sabbath was actually instituted before there was ever sin so in essence it's not a don't it's really a do continue to do what you know i ask you to do what you enjoy doing with me do what i do do what i do and you will actually be blessed that's the sabbath commandment right the the sabbath right in the heart of the ten commandments so my thought question here is suppose there were no ten commandments because we realized we really don't need it in a sense well i shouldn't say that in a sense sabbath was instituted before the ten commandments before the decal would genesis 2 1-3 be enough to mandate sabbath-keeping do we also need is is is that fourth commandment necessary suppose you had never ever heard or seen of the ten commandments suppose a an individual only had genesis if the only book of the bible that you had access to was the book of genesis would that be enough for you to become a sabbath keeper it comes down to their relationship with god what they believe is the if you don't know what the sabbath is if you if we weren't given anything but this in genesis if we were only given this god already spoke to them about the seventh day being the sabbath so if if they only knew tuesday to be the first day whatever the seventh day is after tuesday for them and they kept it that would be according to their relationship with god that they believed that that was the seventh day and as we said earlier there was there was no actual there weren't any actual monday tuesday wednesday during that time was because they were taught directly from god they had that relationship so if that was all the relationship any of us had then we would follow the relationship and the order that god has given us through that relationship it would make sense to us to keep that sabbath but someone who didn't have that relationship would never understand it the way we do thank you thank you thank you so true so true it's all about the relationship yes dr baker i would say i would say yes that if if those only genesis that would be enough to keep the sabbath and the fact that god commanded that after his creation that we rest is in itself enough i mean we're following his example and i'd like to suggest the the idea that the rest concept of the sabbath makes it risky meaning that it's an act of faith whenever a person keeps it think about it in terms of the physical day 24 hours out of the seven days it's kind of a risk to believe that you can be just as prosperous just as ambitious just as progressive by giving up a whole day and resting that's that's counter culture we think we always have to do something in order to get ahead in life well the sabbath says you're supposed to rest on that day that's one spiritually the same thing right hearts and minds that we believe that we have to we have to work for our salvation we have to be obedient in order to be saved we have to do something and yet the sabbath says that we rest in christ and his grace right amen we're supposed to be obedient that's not what's saving us so the idea of rest that the sabbath suggests both physically and spiritually really challenges us always to say i've got to exercise faith and no it's not by doing but it's by trusting and believing that i have my salvation and my righteousness with christ very good thank you thank you thank you anyone else anyone else i um so forgive me but i my answer to this would be no um and it's because it's it's not a commandment so i would still rest but i don't know if i would feel obligated to follow it as a law or a commandment because i don't see it in genesis as such i like your honest answer i think the teacher is raising provocative issues this i mean i i don't know if if i've heard this conversation before in my life would the book of genesis alone be enough for us to all be sabbath keepers and uh i i've been turning and twisting i think there is no instruction uh uh there is no command in genesis thou shalt get married there is a model of how it happens and a statement of why and people in genesis just keep getting married there is no command in genesis about sabbath keeping but there is a clear model and maybe the good lord figured that it was enough of a model but in the historical sweep that it would need more support so so in exodus he gives us a clear articulation this is part of who i am the ten commandments are not in themselves some literary composition god put together the night before exodus 20. they are transcript of the divine character and and so his description of himself and how he is is really iterating this concept of the model this is how god is and we have a model of of of marriage and we have a model have a keeping and i can't say yes or no like francie or like uh like delbert but i'm sort of in the middle because i can vacillate and not die that that risk dr baker referred to it's also um symbolic too of the um of righteousness by faith the fourth commandment is the only commandment that brings out that concept you rest you rest physically you rest mentally you what most important you're going to it's a risk it's a spiritual rest we're you're not doing all these things to gain salvation you're not you're not doing that and that's one of the other um things we need to look at in terms of work you know because it clearly says by faith believe by faith i love you with an everlasting love and with that loving kindness i will continue to draw you to me and the more you spend 24 hours with me the more you get to know who i am and i can show you how to love you will not know how to love me or your neighbors unless you spend that intimate time with me and i can share divine love put it in your heart so you come away after each sabbath a new person we rise at the end that we should rise at the end of each sabbath a new person that's why it's so controversial and that's why it is it is taking us away and that's why we have so many legal documents on the sabbath what to do what not to do when to spin it because if we really adhere to the the sabbath and the genesis and meet god every sabbath i mean every day every day yes but on the sabbath we spend special day time we would be and we would be a power house for the world because they would see jesus enough wouldn't have to have an evangelistic meeting so i'm not going to do anything else because our neighbors would be running down knocking on our doors i want to be like you um you know i want to go back to what there's some guy who whose name is riley caesar i know all these last names caesars on the thing today be there as it may riley caesar was into emotions and feelings and i'm thinking now that riley caesar was on to something you go back to genesis 2 1 to 3 and read it and ask yourself didn't people feel different about they must you read genesis 2 and see what i mean just read the words that the the teacher put up on the screen you know this heaven and the earth are finished on the seventh day god finished he's he fit and then verse three god blessed the seventh day he declared it holy it looks to me as though people would have recognized that there's a big deal here even after sin i kind of you know even though there's a model but there's not a command that was my position but i kind of feel that you know with all the fuss that is made about this day in the record people who were following it even after the advent of sin would have been knowing this is different this is special this is a big need the sweetness is the dawning of an early sabbath movie ah i like the poem beautiful you know i i before you move on the doctors lina i you know i i can't help but think about the comments someone put in the chat room that perhaps it was like a parent having to say things twice for us to get it it made me think about the fact that it's even repeated right we know in the new testament repeat it in the sense that we see the disciples and we see jesus going showing us before we get to that okay okay but but the point i was making saying that because i want to link it to rest because what i see happening and i'm sure you all have made this observation is that you see protestant theologians writing beautifully about one aspect of the sabbath right so we see theologians and authors like wayne mueller and carl barth who was quoted in our lesson they write beautifully about the rhythm of rest and how there's a rhythm to waking and you know our bodies need for sleep and the rhythm to the way the day dissolves into night and night into morning and the acid growth of spring and summer but yet they stop there right they stop there with with with the part with with genesis they stop there they don't go beyond that and so i think it needed to be repeated yes so that so that it would be without question what is required of us to keep the day holy and and and that we ought to be holy and you're getting to sanctification but i just i just it just made me think like the person said in the in the chat that perhaps god knew that in our stubbornness as humans it needed to be repeated and shown to us demonstrated to us in the new testament that's a beautiful point because it's not what parents do they model parents begin by modeling they don't start by spanking they start by modeling and then they make the rules the commandments after you have actually been able to observe and participate he said you know what i'm gonna make this i'm now gonna make this the rule because now you can handle it you know what to do that's a beautiful concept beautiful concept isn't god's word like a gold mine we keep digging and we keep getting treasures out of it we can do this forever on the sabbath right um so i wanted to make that point and there was another point that occurred to me i guess that my age is showing up and i don't remember what it was so maybe we can move on except there's one person that needs to make one last point that they've got to get out of their brains as it will elude them like how mine has eluded me this is your chance this is your chance all right let's keep going here yeah i okay i know i'm a little slow i couldn't get the mute off real quick but there was a statement that i've read a couple of times in mrs white's writings and where she alludes to the fact that had the sabbath been kept like he intended there never would have been these other thoughts about other days and just the world would have been in a much much better place oh yeah and if anybody could ever think of where it was that would be greatly appreciated but i just it was to me very important yes that i need to know how to keep it properly i don't want it to be a burden to those who are around me but to see the joy in my life so that they will want to experience the same joy i'll just leave that that's beautiful i told you in my context um in my religious not sabbath-keeping context um one of my one of my my um colleagues said to me i think you're on to something you can actually have a day when you don't work and don't feel guilty i was like yeah i hadn't conceptualized it but it's a day when we can rest and we don't have to apologize to anyone and we don't have to feel guilty what is is i mean talk about rest it's not just rest from labor it's rest from guilt it's mental rest god is a very holistic kind of person he cares about the food that we have food to eat and he also cares about her mental health and that may be one of the reasons why he gave us a sabbath let's get into this theme about work i was fascinated this week as i went through this lesson now about work because the theme of work is very closely related with the whole theme of sabbath because sabbath seems to represent wrestling from work and not doing work so there are two texts here one is the one from creation and one is the one from the ten commandments where god mentions that word work work thus the heavens and the earth were finished or completed in all their vast array that's beautiful by the seventh day god had finished the work he had been doing so on the seventh day he rested from all his work and i was like really what did god do i mean he just spoke god just spoke and it was done i mean he produced the work but i didn't in my human way of analyzing what is work that requires rest i didn't see how he could have sweated or exerted himself and forgive me i'm just being human i i didn't see that concept he rested from all his work did jesus work hard enough to be tired is it tiredness that really makes this sabbath so important to us yet the bible does say that god rested when his work was complete so start get your brains churning here and then in exodus when he talks he gives us the commandment he is very specific that you not do any work i think it is important that work be defined what is work well i decided to contact a couple of my sources and i asked my husband if there was only one hebrew word for the word work i wonder if he's going to help me with this because i can't even pronounce the words and he shared with me that in the in the old testament there are actually four different terms that are used to represent that one english word work actually do you want me to say something like yes please yeah any any faults and errors in the chart are are the fault of the speak and not the fault of the teacher please uh anyway uh these four words uh are of specific significance in relation to god's creation on that first week of the earth's establishment and existence and the first one there ahmad as she indicates is a verb and it is what god uses for working in other words as she pointed we didn't see any sweat working up on uh but as the scripture says he spoke and it was done and you go through it and and he said he said and he said and it said so and he said is equivalent equivalent among us too and he saw the the the board and he hammered the nail and he shoveled the dirt all of those are amar for whatever particular careful reason god does not say on the seventh day similarly the three nouns they all mean work in the old testament but the one that is used for god's working in genesis 1 all the way through to verse 31 is the noun and the one that is used in genesis 2 when it says god didn't do any more work is malacca so even if we don't have clear nuance we don't have clear all the nuances about what is comprehended in what is comprehending what is comprehending because they all overlap one thing that we get rhetorically unmistakably clear is don't do on the seventh day whatever stuff it is that counts for work on days one through six god teaches that the language teaches that our definition of the terms is more complicated but at least we get a clear idea there's a difference between the seventh day of the week and what you consider as regular work on the other days of the week the the second noun there are god tells through moses tells the levites you get a chance to work in the tabernacle because the levites and of course the priests are of the levites all work and that's a privilege so as the teacher said some some time ago work is a good thing it's not a bad thing however basically skeletally speaking amar the verb is what uh equivalently he saw he shoveled he drove the nail he he drove the truck he whatever that's and god doesn't do that on the seventh day is all of them the furniture or building or or cooking in the kitchen we talked about the food whatever you know or um cleaning up the sidewalks or whatever that that god did on the six days he rested from on the seventh i hope i didn't take too much of your time or that's wonderful and actually dr caesar has a book coming out a chapter coming out in a book on the sabbath and all the meanings of the different meanings of work and i'm not selling on the sabbath or anything like that um i before before we go to that i wanted to say something about about that i hope i'm saying it right about that am i saying it right i can't i don't know hebrew anyway i like the fact that avodah jointly means it has three different meanings if at least three different meanings it refers to work but it also refers to service to god so avada is work it serves its service to god and there's a meaning in which it actually means worship for example six days shall you work it's actually used in exodus 20. the man goes out to his work to his labor but it also means as for me and for my house we will we will serve the lord that's abu dhab and i think the point that i got from this is that even in all work there is worship god is not saying that we work on on on the first six days of the week and we neglect worship to him a worship has to be involved in our work serving god has to be involved in our work god is saying with that we are not just seventh day adventist we are seven days we want to be seven days of adventism we want to show people that we are seven days an adventist because even in the six days when we are avo dying we still must show the world that we are worshiping god and that was the great point i got out of this so work god says not to work on the sabbath don't do the same things on those six days don't do the same things on the seventh day that you did during the during the six days um it's intriguing to me that there are many different variations of of the word work all right let's get to rest so that we can rest and have our lunch sometime our sabbath lunch let's get to rest we talk about work and then we have rest so we know that rest is cessation of labor it's abstinence from work god says don't work it appears hundreds of times in the kjv 44 times in the new testament the first mention of the word rest was also in that same genesis too i mean there's a lot in that genesis too and um rest from work that the original well i'm making the point about how god did never vilified work work was part of the original on on sinned tarnished life that we have work became negative as the result of sin when god told adam by the sweat of your brow shall you eat so apparently there was a time when we could work and work was enjoyable it was not stressful it was not strenuous and that's the word that god is taking us back to in the world made new when he when we will plant vineyards and build houses no sweat on the brow anymore because he will take us back to that original creation i just long for that day long for that day of real rest all right so we need to say that rest is really about relationships the word rest is is actually used in the context that god is the source of rest so when we come apart on the sabbath to rest with god we are coming into a relationship with him and matthew confirms that come unto me all you who labor and i will give you rest my presence shall go with you exodus 33 14 and i will give you rest god is the source of rest it's not not doing work is the source of rest the personhood of god is a source of rest i'm gonna move on because our time is flying we have eight minutes oh i must share with you this quotation from charles e bradford i love it it's it's musical he says isn't this beautiful language sabbath is the pause that refreshes the pattern is six days and one day six days of work and one day of rest yahweh the cosmic symphony conductor orders his composition on six seventh time one two three four five six rest one two three four five six rest isn't god awesome he knows what he needs what we need and he gives it to us i just love that beautiful quotation yes yes dr shakes tell me you're muted you're muted you're muted oh no i was just doing the six seven oh you were oh you were doing a stick seventh time and event and the um those of us who are familiar with the china study you know when we talk about the circadian rhythm the rhythm and it is it is well documented that when we pause on the sabbath physically pause and spend time with god and rest yes it adds years you know to our to our lives on the average live about 10 years longer than the average person so talk about rest this is significant in terms of even our health and you know what i thought why so much argument about the sabbath francine i'll get to you why so much argument about the sabbath it's a holiday who doesn't want a holiday what what is the resistance about the sabbath i love holidays i mean i could spend my life holid the only thing better than a holiday is a snow day because you you weren't expecting it and you didn't plan it but it's wonderful to have a holiday and god has instituted a day of rest for his children because he knew that we needed it tell me francine then i'm gonna have to wrap up francine um i actually forgot my question all right i feel better i feel better no worries isn't this a genius of the devil god gives us the holiday yes yes but so many people are convinced that there is something wrong with adventists because they are enjoying a holiday and so many adventists get bogged down like our counterparts abraham's literal genetic descendants and because we are kind of serious about work we we we try to take the holiday and at the same time the holiday becomes you know a serious thing you've got to grind and you've got so the devil has everybody convinced the people who don't keep it those adventists are slackers and adventists to prove that they don't keep it make sure we look upon the sabbath as a duty and a burden and a labor and and if you don't do it you're not going to heaven the holiday is to be celebrated and the people who don't want it need to be liberated from the mentality that convinces them that they shouldn't enjoy a holiday that they create or made them for and made for them and the adventists and the orthodox jews we need a liberation too so we can just we can enjoy the holidays yes yes yes i agree once again i won't i won't uh keep up your time but i just had a lot of aha moments this week studying about rest i just quickly say one sentence we rest on the sabbath to remind us that god has been the one who's been at work since the beginning of creation because our work has a shelf life and we run around all week thinking that we are the ones doing it all but god created the sabbath so that we would be reminded that we're not little gods running around and he's the one at work and so when we think about rest it's not about necessarily getting a nap it's it's rest for us to look up to the one who's been working amen amen well said well well i was going to talk about sabbath sometime another time you'll talk about all of that but god in the sabbath god demonstrated when in the new testament you know he violated all of those rules all those legalistic rules you know there were several times when he you know he was you know plucking grain on the sabbath and healing people and helping the poor lady who was bent over in the back and jesus says what's wrong with you if your animals fall into the ground you will pick them up we need to so god showed that these rules i hope this is not an insult to god god is practical he's humane he understands what he needs he doesn't go what we need he doesn't just dwell by the letter of the law you know he's into our comfort he's into our healing he's into what we need and because the topic of the lesson was was covenant sign i just have to say sign before i actually close off here the bible does say that the sabbath is a sign and that the sabbath can be a means of us witnessing it's the way that he sanctifies us okay i don't answer this question but i just just think about it i just thought what are the elements of sabbath if you were to create this sign you know bible talks about sinus symbol symbols are more metaphorical like the symbol the apple the apple your apple computer that's a that's a symbol because computers don't look like an apple mcdonald's arches looks like an m so that's more like a sign so signs are more tangible you can you can they're palpable they're visible they're observable what are people seeing on you as a sabbath keeper you've got to see it it's not just in your mind it's something that you actually do sabbath is a sign that we are we got to live it we have to live it it's a sign that we are in connection with jesus and i have this all but covenant sign again we can go through that i wanted to sister irma do you have a quick um two minutes for your testimony do you have a minute and you give it another time tell me yes i'm going to give it another time but i'd be interested in your testimony that your husband referred to about this the seventh day we won't get you off the hook that easy do you see this can you see this i need to stop sharing yes i can see it anyway so that's a that's a wheaties box and i had to clear out my office this week because we're moving to a new building so i went up to campus for the first time and this is a this if you're in speaker view would see that i found this box it actually says general education up here and it says laos is a religion and for some reason my husband got teacher of the year or something and they put him on these on these wheaties boxes in the cafeteria so i actually snatched one and this box must be about at least a dozen years old but this box became a witness this week the secretary came in and she i she was the only one here and she says oh is that i said yeah that's my husband when we were we worked together at another university it's called andrews university you said saint andrews yeah she says i never heard of it i said god saint andrews just andrews it's seventh day adventist seventh day adventist what does that mean about the seventh i said because we keep the seventh-day sabbath that's when we go to church that's when we worship god and she says oh so you guys are like the jews and i said no because the sabbath goes back to creation she says that's true and i said because god rested on the seventh day and sabbath is the seventh day she says yes i was actually reading genesis this week and i noticed that the earth was made in six days and god rested on the seventh day then she said so how do you know it's the seventh day the very same argument that week and i said because that's what i said and i didn't have time to think about it i said you remember good friday she's a good catholic woman i didn't remember good friday so there is friday and then there is saturday when jesus rested on the grave and on the first day of the week which you celebrate that sunday so if sunday is the first day of the week then sabbah saturday has to be the seventh day of the week and god just gave me that that whole easter at all easter illustration and she says yes i must go back and read it again i always thought that the sabbath was only for the jews i just want to tell you my brothers and sisters and i think i have one more quotation to share i just want to tell you that god made the sabbath so that we can live with him live for him and show him to the world and i have to end with charles bradford again sabbath roots get the book get the book having put his best into his creation he declares it very good sabbath is a gift from his own heart and it should be observed that god does not make the sabbath and bring humanity to it he creates humanity and brings a sabbath to them and my mother always says one of the most polite things that you can do when someone gives you a gift is to say thank you i just want us all to say today thank you god for giving us the gift of the sabbath amen amen just so beautifully said sistelina and i'm glad you ended with um our dear beloved friend and charles bradford and his book and just a fun fact this week i actually um tried to get his book through my library from american military university and the book came yesterday and i said well where did they get this book from because it's from interlibrary loan and i looked it's from oakwood i don't know if you can see that so i thought that's funny um so i i definitely am looking forward to reading it um because there are lots of gems about the sabbath right even though we're sabbath keepers there are lots of gems and a key takeaway from something you said dr lena you said sabbath has nothing to do with sin it's not a don't it's a dude that is so powerful powerful statement that we can use to witness but your lovely husband um the other half of your this power couple will close us out with closing prayer for savage school today unless there any final comments or questions from anyone else and dr caesar if you would include in your prayer for olga hines um the grandmother of jamal let's pray awesome daddy god you've got this gift in your hand and you're holding it behind your back and we are kids jumping up and down guessing what it is this is my delightful image delighted children and a wonderfully loving daddy who wants to surprise them with the desire of their hearts and they can't guess and then when you bring it out we scream i thank you for your gifts and gifting i thank you for the sabbath i ask forgiveness on behalf of all your children who love you and don't appreciate the wonder of this gift i thank you for sessions like this one that enable us through the guidance of able and competent teachers to appreciate some more the gift and i just pray even as we ask forgiveness for all our sins and specifically for pardon for not appreciating this gift i pray that now that we understand a little more we will celebrate it even better and lord it's not an excursus going off to one side to pray for jamal's grandma sister olga because you demonstrated while your son was here in person on earth that a fundamental element of sabbath keeping for you is this restorative miracle healing the sick thank you that you care about how jamal and all the silvers feel and all heinz feel and you know what she's going through and you are best to respond we thank you that we trust in you and we thank you for your loving response and as we go into the week as we continue our study of your word as we continue our journey to the place where we'll all see you for ourselves be with us and may the blessings of this day and of this study sustain and enlighten and serve to help to guide us on the way until we get the glory and the endless sabbath of our god this is our prayer with thanksgiving and we ask it with confidence because we ask it in jesus name amen amen amen amen thank you to both caesar's thank you dr lina thank you so much it was a beautiful study today we appreciate it thank you you all got an a you're a good student hi everyone have a good week did riley caesar go away yes it appears so apparently yes is that your brother yes and t-rex is my brother too oh wonderful yeah you're still here tiron is still here they they think lina is the you know stars yeah if i tell them lina is gonna be on they all have to be and lucy was here she she's married so she's got a different last name but lucy caesar randall was also on i don't know i don't know how many of my siblings oh yeah she made that uh comment in the chat about parents saying it twice wonderful that your family could be here with us that's a wonderful thing about worshiping in zoom right our families can join us it's a wonderful thing about lena it's amazing how god can bring good out of not so good all right everyone god bless please continue to stay safe i know things are opening up but please continue to stay stay stay safe and stay well and stay in the study of god's word amen amen amen until next time with everyone bye-bye bye happy sabbath happy sabbath you
Channel: BrinklowSDA
Views: 763
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Id: nTZKX6M-Gs0
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Length: 202min 56sec (12176 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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