Prayer and Pushback - Live Event

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] my [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well good morning everybody wherever you are in the world what a day today thank you for tuning in to prayer and pushback a historical day that we really want to really uplift this country of australia in prayer and also we're going to hear from some great leaders from around the country a little bit about today and how this all started for me a few months ago my heart was really stirred by something that happened after the g7 i knew something was amiss so i decided to speak to our group on facebook and of course the rest is history and today we've formulated this day and it's not anti any one it's about pro australia we're fighting for our nation i know all of you know that our nation is not the same and today i know we have a global audience and i welcome everybody from around the world i want to thank all the church groups and community groups that have been part of this and i want this day to run smoothly let me just add add something here this is not a political thing and this is certainly not a religious thing this is a stand for our freedoms a freedoms of which you all will benefit whether you agree with the people that are speaking here or not whether you agree in prayer or not you will benefit from the prayer and as the host of this event i just want to give a little a few guidelines on today number one if there's anyone out there and you're trying to troll or spam or whatever my team is monitoring this very carefully and we will block and delete this is a peaceable event this is a place where we want to be uplifted where we want to grow anything rude or offensive that will be dealt with immediately by my team and we want this to be a place where everyone that speaks is treated with honor and dignity regardless of your political persuasion or your religious uh persuasion also we're represented here today by different people of different faiths we've got christian and muslim and jewish people all together with one one simple one simple rallying cry we want our nation's freedoms restored the civil liberties that were given to us and created given to us by almighty god now our presenters uh throughout the day we have senator malcolm roberts we have pauline hanson i just got a call two minutes before the air of someone i've been chasing up for the last three days that has agreed to come on that will really really i know be a great voice in this country so please today can we do this respectfully do this honorably any comments that you share make sure they're uplifting after all we're here to hear from these great leaders and spiritual leaders we're going to be praying for our government we're going to be praying for our police for our frontline workers we're going to be asking god to bless these people and to help our nation but today before we get started i just want to say a big thank you to all of you all of you out there and this again this event and forgive me if i'm a little nervous you know it's because if i sound a little nervous it's because i am this event is really streamed at literally hundreds of thousands of people and i want to thank the the guys from damn good promotions great name by the way uh productions who are helping us today and i know that we want this place to be a place of peace a place of freedom a place of civility and a place where we can be uplifted i've asked many of our presenters such as george christensen and some of the others to give us some guidelines some templates as to what we can do there's a lot of theories out there and a lot of videos flying all over the place but you're gonna hear from the people that are in the trenches with us and this morning before i open up in prayer by the way we're going to be praying i've invited some great leaders spiritual leaders to pray and share uh leaders that you know were almost forced to shut their churches down who defied um the government edicts and decided not to do that you're going to hear from them and they're going to be praying for us but on top of that you're going to be equipped you're going to be empowered we have a some humorous moments as well as well as sometimes where we're gonna have some uh some some some some great uh singing my wife's prepared a couple of great songs to lift you up after all hey don't we need some uplifting right now give me a yes in the chat if you believe we need some uplifting in these times but before i i i have my wife come in and sing i just want to say this our nation has changed dramatically this is not the australia that we know and you might be saying pat why are you doing this with other church leaders or some anyway are silent because for evil to prosper for tyranny to prosper all good men and women need to do is stay sign up we have a moral obligation as as martin luther king said to speak against injustices and again oftentimes people say well you know that you must be anti-backs let me just say this just because people are hesitant does not mean they are anti just because someone is hesitant to maybe have a child because they feel inadequate or they feel unequipped doesn't mean they're anti children just because someone is hesitant to get married does not mean that they are anti-marriage but i want to address our prime minister here right now i've invited him by the way to come on he still has time i know you're in america speaking to a man who can't even remember your name which i find ironic listen to me very carefully i want you to listen to me i want every political leader listen to me what i'm about to say the reason why people are hesitant what do you expect when we have been bribed threatened coerced ostracized locked down talked spoken to his children vilified with a when police instead of being our protectors are now becoming the people that use brute force what do you expect when people in the western suburbs feel like that they're under the tyranny of search and fine what do you expect when we have a two-tier system in our country in sydney the east and the west the east you can go to the beaches and swim the west those poor kids out there can't even get to a swimming pool what do you expect when we have been mandated masked military and madness and if i get a chance later let me just say this the numbers don't lie i've got some numbers and numbers are not emotional numbers are not political numbers don't have agendas numbers are numbers real numbers from from real statistics from the australian health department these numbers you see these freedoms that we are trying to espouse today apply to christian muslim jew they apply to every man see if this was an issue of color there would be an upheaval in our country if people were treated if people of color or sexual orientation were treated the way some people are being treated jackie lambie who sets out this this this war cry this militant hate speech shame on that we're not handing you jackie we're appealing to you as a leader to unify the nation and bring healing to this country rather than put more divide we are entitled to our opinions and our freedoms they were given to us by god if this were a color issue it would be marching in the street and you know full well what i'm talking about but what we're speaking about today affects every person every color race religion creed regardless of their orientation regardless of their economic status these freedoms we are espousing have been given to us by god no wonder the hesitancy the australian immunization handbook says that consent must be given in the absence of undue pressure coercion and manipulation palestine gladys mark dan read that statement read that statement we are for you we want our leaders to be honest up front fully transparent you see we have replaced democratic a democratic society with a society of fear intimidation a two-class system well today we gather together today as australians and and people from all over the world and i do this as a father i'm doing what i'm doing today as a grandfather and i'm sorry if if my emotions disturb you i'm italian i cried the opening of a supermarket but i'm doing this for my children my grandchildren i don't care about the mask you're trying to stick on my face i care about the freedoms that are going to be taken away and if we don't stand for what we have we will cry for what we lose so today we're going to hear from some amazing people we are going to pray we are going to share but i i've asked my wife to prepare a beautiful hymn for you and please lean and listen whether you're religious or not is irrelevant to me i know this will uplift you it's a beautiful song that really reminds us of who is in charge and who owns this planet let's run the tape guys [Music] this is my father's word and to my ears all nature sings [Music] this is my father's word the birds their carols raised the morning light the lily white declare their this is [Music] this is my [Music] this is my father's world why should my heart [Music] god reigns let the earth [Music] [Applause] this is my father's world this is my father's world he shines in all of us [Music] i hear him he speaks to me everywhere [Music] well what a timely reminder of who is in control of this world and with that in mind i've asked one of my great friends evangelist tim hall a great man a great australian great painter by the way uh to open up this in prayer and then i've got a very special guest over to you tim father we come to you today in the power of the name of jesus christ the son of the living god and in this critical hour in our nation's history i pray father that you would come with your healing power and your healing hand i pray lord that you would move mightily across our land make people that have been broken and hurt and crushed by events and circumstances that are occurring on the planet at this time may there be miracle healing may they be touched may the people out there that have lost their jobs and been broken by the circumstances father may you touch them with your hand lord would you break through in every area in our land would you break every power and every principality raised up against this land at this time let your anointing be felt from north to south and east and west and come and sweep this land with your blessing and your power and your mighty presence and father right now we pray for those who are emotionally ill because of the pressure that they've been under we pray for those father who have uh have even faced suicide and for families of people who because of loss of jobs or whatever have seen no other way out father come take control today move upon our land make today be a turning point in this nation may people make the whole covert thing and everything that is part of it be broken today by the power of god my principalities and forces with this thing be smashed and broken and father may this nation come into a great place of the freedom that is ours the freedom we're known for heavenly father come heal our land move miraculously and do something extraordinary for the glory of your name in jesus name we pray amen amen thanks tim thanks for being a great australian and uh a great friend well guys it's my privilege today we have senator malcolm roberts a great australian a man who i believe is one of the best orders i've ever heard and uh i'm going to open up the floor to senator malcolm senator malcolm thanks for being on today thank you very much for the invitation pat and it's wonderful to be here we've got a great uh a great audience senator and uh thank you for for some incredible speeches that have really touched the nation they've gone viral all over the country if not all over the world senator where does this passion come from this passion you have for our nation it's all about freedom pat um i i noticed it as a kid and i also noticed that um one day when i was leaving in mind that i'd helped turn around i was the mind manager and i we turned it around and from being very industrially troubled and i was walking to my car late one evening and i thought why am i feeling so happy and it's not the record production of coal coming out of the mine and the mine being profitable it's something else and i realized what it was was that before i arrived people used to come there and have a stop work meeting every night on evening shift they're out of touch and within six months that all stopped and people just came to work and went home and produced really well and they were making good money and the mind was making good money and i realized it was setting people free i i really am intensely disliking of people who want to control others who want to suppress others there is nothing that gives me more satisfaction than seeing someone blossom whether it's a 20 year old or a 60 year old or an 80 year old someone who blossoms and realizes their full potential i just love to see that potential opportunity for people and people taking that up and away they go and they do things that they'd never thought they could do before and you know it doesn't matter whether it's a mind that's being turned around or a country or a community this nation needs to be turned around and and two of us in the senate can achieve quite a bit but we're just starting i love to set people free this country is in chains and i'm not talking about just the last 18 months i'm talking about the last seven decades it's been in chains and we've got to get people out of the slavery senator you talk about freedom a lot and that word is is banted around a lot what does it actually mean right right now people don't feel free no and and there are there's the classic approach to freedom which is you know things like freedom of of uh thought freedom of belief freedom of of speech freedom of expression freedom of exchange freedom of association um freedom to travel freedom of movement these are these are fundamental things but i look at it slightly differently in addition to that um there's freedom in two forms there's a physical freedom or external freedom or societal freedom am i free to move around am i free to think those things within a society is it a controlled society and then there's the other freedom the internal freedom and it doesn't matter what's happening in society because i'm of the universe and so i can choose to be free regardless and that's the powerful message that both buddha gave us and jesus christ gave us that we can be free within ourselves by simply forgiving people and i don't mean the forgiveness that is commonly taught in some churches or commonly taught in in society i mean real freedom and real forgiveness true forgiveness where someone hasn't really done anything wrong you don't make a value judgment about them still needs for uh that doesn't mean we turn people loose completely um to to run directly over this but freedom victor frank will summarize it really well you know he was prisoner of war in the nazis uh prisoner of war camp and he realized in that experience that the nazis could control what he said they could control what he ate to control what he did but they could not control what he felt and that was so so important so that's real freedom um but of course there is also that physical freedom that societal freedom so that's what real freedom is to me senator roberts our governments seem to be getting more and more extreme in their covered restrictions measures what what do you make of that and why are they doing this to us i mean again i'm not a conspiracy theory so some people say yeah you are obviously if you've got another narrative they throw you in that boat and you you know they you know we've got a few trolls out there and you know we're going to lock in the league whatever but i don't want to highlight them um why our prime minister goes to the g7 and comes back and it seems like hell just vomited on our country these changes and we were having restrictions placed on us when there was not one before then when there was not one person in an icu ward in hospital why and what do you make of it why are they doing this to us well the eternal human struggle both uh within each of us and within our societies within our tribes within our nations is the control versus freedom and there is a there is there has always been you know let's step back a minute if you look at humans look at yourself pat we are very caring we are honest but there are sure there are some people who exploit that and they're the people who are trying to control there's there's the eternal battle between control versus freedom and people have done that you know they used to have slaves so that they could live off those people's effort they they used to exploit people with low wages and they could make a profit off that and so people have tried to exploit a few people have tried to exploit others since the since the dawn of uh human civilization and what you can see eventually is that wherever there is control beneath control there is fear now these people who are trying to control us they work at a different level they work at a global level and they control the people at a national level the leaders for one of a better world they're not leaders they're being pushed but what they're doing is they're trying to control people and people try to control for two reasons basically money and power and what we've what we can see around the world is enormous control apparatus if you look closely you can see it but if you if you don't look at most people can't see it it's very subtle it's hidden it's come in gradually and people get conditioned to these these gradual changes and they accept them after one they don't even know they're doing that so what we've got is an enormous control apparatus that is seeking to control people in our society and we which one of the beautiful things with this um you know i hate to say beautiful word but one of the beautiful things that might emerge from what's going on right now with these restrictions pat is that people can start to see we're being controlled this is quite clear and what's more because the leadership has been so poor and i would even say corrupt dishonest incompetent people can see that there's no rhyme or reason to it i mean state governments are contradicting themselves within their own states within a matter of days they're contradicting each other across the country between states they're contradicting the federal government with the state governments people can see that they're not they're not being served by parliaments they're being enslaved by parliaments and that's what's really coming out of this and people are starting to wake up and see this you know this morning i turned on the news the horror show and a dictator dan and i look a dictator dan and kerry cant that's what i call them i'm sorry i just i'm a bankstown boy but dictator dan today gave the people of melbourne freedoms to go have a glass of alcohol in the park watch this without your mask that doesn't make sense to me you've got health officials in this country that jeanette young says i don't want anyone under 16 doing this because i don't want to risk the and then you've got the other one another state going i'll give you free for all people can see the inconsistencies of of this of these bureaucrats and and and and always quoting science but and i'm going to be very careful because i don't want to be shut down here today i i find that yeah i've got to be careful of that one but i find that the they forget that people have got television social media and they listen they are we are not stupid we are intelligent people but it seems that we're losing sight of of a democratic government and what should we expect from a democratic government even after 18 months of this hideous well i call it well pandemic let's call it covered whatever you want to call it but this hideousness that what can we expect from it or what should we expect from a democratic government well i i don't call it a pandemic it's not a penalty there is concern about the virus no doubt and it is killing some people correct but it's not much more severe than many past flus it's just been beaten up incredibly we still have to take precautions i'm not saying we don't but um we still it's not what it's made out to be it's been exaggerated out of all proportion to drive control because one one things that people are very vulnerable to is fear and what you'll see from an anastasia palace a and scott morrison is enormous fear in our state being driven by these two people and their apparatus you'll see the same in new south wales and and victoria but you know pat there's a simple test in totalitarian governments under dictators the government the people are afraid of the government so under dictatorships the people are afraid of government in control societies the people are afraid of government now you just said that you are afraid of being taken off air and being shut down in a democratic society in a true democracy the governments are afraid of the people correct what it shows here is that under the current system sorry i shouldn't say the word system under the current way parliament operates the system is fine it's just been abused under the current parliamentary oper way parliament operates parliaments are not being accountable to the people and parliaments are not holding the government accountable so governments are running roughshod and if you look at it pat labor and liberal are like two peas in a pod it's a duopoly and wherever you if you look at their policies there's so little difference between them and so what you see in that sense is a duopoly wherever you see a monopoly or a duopoly you eventually see fat lazy people not thinking not challenging themselves because they've got they they feel secure in what they're doing and look pat it's so obvious when i've been in the senate now about three years and it's so obvious the people in parliament generally speaking are not the least bit scared of the people not the least bit they're contemptuous of the people most of them they're terrified of their party because they won't get pre-selection next time if they step out of line who controls the parties a few back brokers a few uh back back room power brokers a few uh vested interests a few donors a few internationalists globalists corporate elites these are the people who control our parliaments and that is why they don't don't hold the governments accountable because the governments are doing the bidding for these people that is abundantly clear and what we've got to do is we've got to get people to see that and take note because you know in real what's happening now is parliaments are controlling people the people are serving the parliaments we've got to turn that around get it back to the way it was and that is the parliament serving the people so i don't see any hope uh in in this in these governments uh turning this turning this around but i do see hope enormous hope in the people waking up and really saying hell from now on i'm going to vote at every election and i'm going to vote for the strength of character i'm going to vote for candidates with strength of character i'm going to vote for candidates with decent values and candidates who have got decent policies i'm not just going to swallow this rubbish from the two tied all parties you're one of those you're one of those wonderful candidates senator and and you're a great australian last question oh by the way um i was having a bit of a chocolatey jumping and i said senator malcolm you sound like a conspiracy theorist but if your narrative is different to the mainstream you're a conspiracy theorist only because we think but someone malcolm last question can i just mention a point there when they when they label you as a islamophobe a racist a misogynist uh what else um uh racist whatever they con conspiracy theorist whenever they put a label on you i just say well thank you mate you've just confirmed that you haven't got the data and a logical coherent argument to defeat my argument you have just confirmed that my argument wins thank you very much you're i love you senator malcolm we're on the verge of a truth society those are the vacs and those that aren't can this work and what's your message to australia we've got a federal election coming up what's your message to australia it can't work the vaccine prisons can't work that that's my term for vaccine passport because vaccine prisons are not a passport they're a restriction they're to keep people trapped and they're used to coerce people into getting the vaccine because they don't want it now we've got vaccines here that people don't want many people who've been vaccinated have said they've done it reluctantly because of the coercion so the vaccine passports vaccine prisons cannot work a two-tiered society cannot work to society is exactly what propagandists do and i was listening to um i forgot his name um robinson piers robinson from the uk he said this and he's been a study study a student of uh propaganda techniques uh for decades now one of the world's experts he said that we are under enormous propaganda it's the biggest propaganda operation he's ever seen propaganda ultimately aims to get two people pitted against each other two groups against each other and that's what's going on the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated you know most of the vaccinated don't really care if someone's unvaccinated most of the unvaccinated don't care if someone else is vaccinated we need to have decent medicines that are proven and just let people make their own choice now my message to australia the first thing is voters get off your backsides think about what you're doing and change this parliament so that the parliament serves the people second thing is look after families because the government is just a pretense at caring for people it doesn't the real care the real security the real health comes from strong families and the third message is go out and appreciate what we have in ourselves as well as our country the potential in australia is just enormous and the potential within each of us after years of being dumbed down and told we're stupid ignorant uncaring irresponsible the potential in each of us is is huge just go out and appreciate and pray for the future of ourselves and of our country and our communities thank you senator i know you're a busy man and uh thank you for giving us some of your precious time you're a true australian well to me a hero and thank you for the inspiration if we could all thank senator malcolm that'd be great a virtual clap to your senator thank you so much and hey get out there and get behind senator uh now where can we find you where can we find you online center where can we find those speeches uh malcolm roberts qld dot com dot a u we are going to find you thank you sir god bless you thank you very much pat keep doing your wonderful work mate thank you thank you i uh very interesting uh what a great man what a great man he is and look at people from all different ways i have members of the liberal party one minute before this thing started someone contacted me i've been trying to get for for days and days and uh they just contact me i'm very grateful but right now i've got one of my great friends and this young man he is really a voice a voice in this nation and represents a lot of the people of the southwestern city but his voice represents australians as a whole and our freedoms i i i i call him a uh a real voice of reason and an intelligent voice of reason uh a young man who you know his father passed away not from what i understand couldn't even get to be with his dad during this time because of of this of this hideousness has been placed upon our nation and it's my great joy and i'm gonna hand over the floor to a great great guy a great spokesman my good friend joel jamal how are you joel i'm good pat thank you for having me what a show and i want a lineup this is amazing this is where the party's at how awesome is this well i'm great i'm grateful that you're you're on i'm grateful that you're here i'm going to hand the floor to you because uh you've got 10 minutes to to inspire people and to bless them john awesome guys we've seen a lot happen in the last 12 months you know yesterday the prime minister came out and essentially said we need to come together as a country we need to come together in a manner that is not reminiscent of the last 18 months i'm sorry i don't i don't believe the prime minister and i don't trust the prime minister i'm i've got to be frank here guys when it comes to what's happening in this last country the prime minister and under the leadership of him and the leadership of the premiers it's turned this country into a country of snitches it turned this country into a country that has lost the australian way we don't know what we stand for anymore we don't know the values that made australia great we need to turn this ship around immediately this is the turning point this pandemic this uh crisis that was brought on board by these lockdowns that the government introduced they are not scientifically backed these lockdowns do not work it is you know china exported two things not only the virus last year but also the method that they choose to to manage it now the prime minister came out yesterday and essentially he said we need to come together as a country because it seems like war is on its way we scrapped the deal for some new submarines with the with the french they were taking too long it was going to take 25 years and the americans were nice enough to offer a hand with nuclear nuclear energy this is my problem prime minister you are not someone who has advocated for freedom this last two years you are not someone that has been quick to speak for the unheard instead it's been left to people without power without a platform and without any kind of political power to move move mountains to get their voices heard that is not leadership that is not the australian way and that is not the fair go that you pitched to us two years ago in the 2019 election the un the unlosable election for labor yet here we are at the precipice of the downfall of the country a hundred years of history blood sweat and tears from our anzac soldiers spilled into the gutter like it was nothing every single freedom that we fought so dearly for and incredibly incredibly hard for in the middle east across world war one world war ii every war since then we it's brought us to this moment and prime minister you've let us down you have let us down we're now in a situation where immigrants that have come from overseas christians muslims jews everyone they've come here looking for hope looking for something they don't have in their own countries and yet the problems that were over there seem to have found us here again there's nowhere left to run to my immigrant community that's here there's nowhere left to run this is where the fight's at we can't go to america they've got they've got problems of their own this is our home this is our final fight this is our battle of britain and if we do not turn this around in the next few years this this country is going to go down the gurglar i don't want to see that you don't want to see that we all want our kids to have the same freedoms that we had when we were growing up i you know i was looking at i was talking to a kid the other day because my private messages get absolutely flooded and when it comes to the struggles that he's going through you know young kid in construction like i was at 19 and just sort of trying to make his way through the world trying to work out the awkward stuff that's going on the poor kid can't even get to work he's dealing with the government and you know i'm talking with his father with while his son's not there and the father's just saying i just don't know what to tell him like i've taught him all these values i've taught him all the right things yet the government is throwing these big hurdles in his way that is not the australian way i'm sorry prime minister you have earned the label slo-mo not out of disrespect but it's become out of disrespect over time because you've been slow to defend freedom you've been slow to defend anything that made your country great you are nowhere to be found when the country needs you most you are nowhere to be found when the values that you've espoused over the last few years and that got you elected are required and if you're not going to defend them now why should i have any faith if this is a once in a hundred year event why should i have any faith you're gonna defend it in the next hundred years this is not okay prime minister this is not okay and i want to usher in a future in this country that's not a utopia we've got to be realistic about what we can achieve but one that preserves individual freedom freedom of association freedom of speech and that goes against everything that's being thrown at us the great reset we've got people in australia pushing reset australia we've got cancel culture the long march through the institutions we've got the coddling of the american mind we've got a situation where big tech is attacking us it's attacking our youth there's a pan a shadow pandemic against our youth this is not okay but there's a way out guys there's a way out there's a reason why we have these rights and it's not from government it's never been from government it's always been from the man up in the sky it is never from government because if it is from government they can take them away and this this book has been the best guide to getting people out of this that's where we got marriage from that's how we freed the slaves that's how we got these countries and established everything everything we have dear today and the prime minister has thrown it away now i'm not a member of a political party but i do encourage everyone to get involved in your political party this is how you change the country you change it by getting involved whether that's signing petitions sending emails talking to your representatives but first and foremost voting better and secondly you need to make sure you join a political party i don't care which one you join if you want to join the greens go go make it a truly green party if you want to join one nation australia you know australia one any of these other parties the liberal democrats go join them right now united australia party do it we need good people in these parties and this is a frightening statistic in new south wales there are 8 million people there are 5.3 million people that are eligible voters that voted in the last election when it comes to the amount of people that are in political parties in new south wales there's only about thirty thousand now in percentage-wise that's half a percent so in this country in this state we've got a situation where less than one percent half a percent controls the dialogue controls who gets pre-selection controls who runs we've got to turn that around we've got to become more illiterate with this we're going to become similar to the americans not in their disgusting tactics but in the manner in which they actually get involved and take an interest in their democracy we weren't born with a flag in our hands but we have to defend the australian way we've never fought a war here before but guys be under no illusion we are in a form of shadow war right now and we need to fight back immediately you know i was gonna walk out at that point pat but you know what i think that uh i think i got you off guard there look i think that when it comes to the leadership that's required in the country it requires humility it requires someone that's going to be humble when they approach these issues it's going to require someone to actually take an interest in the interests of the people i don't think our democracy was built for 25 million people i think that's a lot of people and you know and you know i think that i think that seriously tuning in these are these are the joys of a live stream guys i think that when it comes to i think when it comes to the the joys of um running a country and providing good leadership honestly pat we need we need people that remember the values that made our country great and that includes going back and what these guys need to remember and what these guys need to remember is we're not going to let them forget joel i want you to do something my team's telling me my camera's a bit blurry so i'm just going to get my teammate help me joel i want you to pray i know i want you to pray for two things i want you to pray for our teenagers and i want you to pray for scott morrison because he needs our prayers could you pray for that right now for you my brother absolutely let's uh let's bow our heads guys um heavenly father we gather before you lord it's been a tough two years um particularly for those sitting there hsc and other teenagers lord lord when it comes to when it comes to the people in this country that are really young they're seeing how their leaders are operating right now they are being flooded by every kind of despicable acts online they do not see a way forward and many of them don't see hope and unfortunately lord we've seen suicides anxiety and depression skyrocket and that has been made worse by more and more social media use as seen in the coddling of the american mind lord please i ask you to bring healing to them please let them show show them some hope please encourage them help them to be encouraged by the leaders that have arisen out of this crisis lord because after all it's it's in crisis that we work out who are the true leaders and who are the ones that can lead us forward as thought leaders lord i pray for scott morrison i don't see eye to eye with scott morrison lord but you tell me to pray for my enemies but i also love my enemies lord and i do love scott morrison and the prime minister needs to turn this ship around he is the best of us we elected him as the best of us whether i like him or not i pray that he has strength because he's carrying the hopes and wishes of the whole country on his shoulders and he can turn this around anytime he wants i understand god he's subject to certain influences but lord i please ask you to empower this man empower him and guide him on a better path the australian people will back him if he corrects course we do believe in forgiveness it is a thing lord i pray these things in jesus name and i thank you for everything you've done for us amen i mean joel you're an inspiration to hundreds of thousands of people across this country i just got word the guests that you and i've been working on i'll announce it in about 45 minutes is coming one minute to ten but i won't tell anyone yet joel thank you so much you know we've got a lot of great leaders thanks so much joel's you're welcome thank you joel one of the men and a man of god who took the internet world by storm a very humble man when i spoke to him the other day i i got off the phone literally in tears of the humility of this man and his his dariness to challenge and speak for the people of southwest sydney and his passion came out so powerfully and i know he's moved a lot of things around to have to be on today and we're blessed we're blessed to have with us today his grace ma murray emmanuel from the church of the good shepherd how are you my brother and thank you for being on today well um we thank the lord jesus first and foremost and we thank you also our dear brother in christ uh dear pat for this precious moment to be with you and with all of our viewers may the lord uh bless you all always brother what's happening in the southwest of sydney you're there in in western sydney you're there and as a shepherd you feel the burden of the people tell us a little bit about what people are feeling and suffering from as a shepherd yes um a very important and profound question um look it has been we are coming approaching almost two years of this so-called global pandemic and lockdowns but more so in the last three months the government has come up with certain measures that i believe they are totally out of bound and irrational and there is no absolute um backing a backup to what they have done the amount of phone calls emails messages that we get from our beloveds here in the fairfield lga and outside of fairfield lga as well where these these harsh measures have been put forth um the the level of stress the level of anxiety the level of fear has skyrocketed it is there is no words that could ever describe what people have been and are going through families are destroyed little children are destroyed adults are destroyed teenagers their educational future is destroyed um people calling me on the phone crying young and old are crying literally on the phone for the fear of the unknown what's going to happen tomorrow and one thing i'd like to say to the prime minister of this great nation of ours australia mr scott morrison when he came out not long ago and commended the premier of new south wales gladys berejiklian for a well-done job that the level of vaccination has been reached in a very short time well i can tell you mr prime minister and the premier that there are immeasurable number of people have taken this vaccine unwillingly they were coerced into taking this vaccine they were pressured into taking this vaccine because who has got to look after their families mr prime minister and miss premier they had no other choice it's either getting the job or losing their job they have family to to look after who is going to pay for this family's well-being who's going to pay for their mortgages that they have taken to buy that property are you going to be happy mr prime minister and gladys verject there are thousands of families to end up being homeless are you so my dear pat and all of those who are watching us and listening um honestly i i'm lost for words i don't know what to say to illustrate and reflect the enormous pressure the stress and and the division that has happened in families and and in our society i i just pray to the almighty god my lord and savior jesus christ to to put a healing uh on this on this on this really damaged nation of ours because of so-called pandemic and i will say it with no reservation with no hesitation it is not a pandemic it's a plan endemic it's a pandemic it is absolutely an evil agenda against humanity it's a genocide against the human race and against the freedom of the human race bishop i i i love your your passion and your heart and and how you're leading your people you remind me of dietrich bronhoffer who who stood up against the totalitarian dictatorship of that despot who i will not mention and brother i know one thing that the lord hears your prayers and i love the fact when you stood up on that video and you said here you put up the cross this is where my freedom is may i ask you could you lead us in a prayer for the workers of our nation for the people who are hurting right now i'm sorry if i get emotional amen who have done this out of coercion could you lead us in a prayer for the workers of all the people this morning i got emails and texts and inboxes from nurses and trainees and all these people that are suffering amen before you go i know your time is precious would you please lead us in a prayer this is called prayer and pushback we're doing both we're doing what nehemiah did we're doing what nehemiah did amen could you lead us in a prayer my brother in the name of the father of the son of the holy spirit one god amen lord jesus we come all together in this precious moment in your holy presence we beseech you and we beg you lord through your infinite mercy through your infinite wisdom through your infinite sovereignty and power and through your infinite true divine love lord we beg you to have mercy on all of us you are the creator of all we are no different as far as the human race is concerned we are all one in humanity our faith is my private my private choice that i've chosen to follow you lord you have given us that freedom to decide which god i should follow in which god i should believe and i today announce it with a very loud voice crying in the wilderness of this world jesus christ is my lord is my god and i'm reaching out to you lord reach out to every heart that has been broken to every eye that has shed teas to every soul that is in sorrow and agony lord you came to the garden of gethsemane and you knelt down and there was tears a sweat of blood gushing out of you out of the enormousity of the pain and agony you were about to embrace on calvary on the cross and you prayed to your heavenly father and said father strengthen me lord you understand how we feel because you became man like us lord you understand the pain the sorrow the tease the brokenness of the human race because you became like us you shared everything with us except sin because you carried away the sins of the world and you nailed it on the cross to be the salvation and the redemption of the whole world lord jesus i ask you to heal every mother to heal every father to heal every child to heal every front line workers nurses doctors construction workers um in the medical field across the spectrum to heal every politician i pray i pray for every premier of this nation of ours australia may you lord jesus bless our nation i entrust you this moment in your capable hands i entrust you with australia lord you lead australia you protect australia you guide australia you enlighten australia lord jesus touched the heart of the prime minister mr scott morrison you are the king of kings and lord of lords you are the shepherd to the flock you are the only head of the church lord jesus i beg you i beseech you have mercy on every politician every minister every senator every premier and the prime minister and have mercy on the whole world lord jesus have mercy on every human being that is suffering this very moment lord jesus heal every heart heal every soul heal every spirit through your precious blood that you shed on calvary i believe i trust in your most powerful saving power jesus christ of nazareth this name in him salvation was made possible i ask all of this in jesus mighty name in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit one god amen god bless you all god bless our beloved country australia i am a proud aussie i am a proud aussie i may not look it but as they say in english do not judge the book by its cover it is what is inside of the cover that counts i will always pray for my beloved country australia i i am a proud australian may the lord jesus bless every police officer may the lord jesus bless every army man and woman may the lord jesus bless this nation from east to west and north to south and bless every country and the whole globe and every human being i love you all for this what my jesus has taught me to do bishop thank you so much my spirit can we give a big thank you to the bishop and let's you know what a thank you for praying for us bishop and moving things around and uh we've been blessed by your presence thank you so much i am blessed to having us thank you so much thank you i uh i have a lot of friends thank you my brother we have uh a lot of friends out there from all over the world who are streaming this across their communities but before i introduce my vip guest let me just briefly give you a few numbers because as bishop said something's askew here but you know the case of fatality deaths in this country is 0.57 now i'm quoting from an article in spectator magazine ben fordham did a brilliant brilliant piece on this brilliant piece and this is also from the from the department of health if you're over 90 and you catch covert and you're not in an aged care center your chances of surviving are 99 over 90. now if you're in an aged care center it's about 60 40. and now 40 is a big number the 40 is a big number but we've got to keep these numbers in perspective see numbers don't lie numbers have no emotion numbers don't don't do overreach the numbers are the numbers if you take aged care out of the fatality rate the fatality rate is less than half of one percent it's actually 0.57 percent now if you include aged care it's 1.6 in 2021 the overall case fatality is lower half of one percent now i might add the majority of people that died in aged care thank you dan andrews your watch dan under your watch now we all know that delta spreads faster but is less deadly now this is what the government has said you see 73 of people that have died had pre-existing chronic conditions 87 of other conditions were placed on their death certificates if you're under 50 75 of the population has been diagnosed or under 50 and the case fatality rate is .034 hospital admissions 7.2 percent of those under 50 and icu is less than one percent of those that are under 50 now bear with me with the numbers go and watch that ben fordham's thing online later 4.6 ended up in hospital of the total population and 0.8 in icu of the total population young people under 20s uh young people under 20s their numbers of hospitalizations 2.17 icu 0.33 this is what the health officials aren't telling you now any loss of life diminishes us all but we've got to keep this in perspective we have to learn to move on now i've asked some people to come on board because a lot of people inbox me and say ah pat you know ryman's thirteen and again this is not a a i'm not here to preach there's a lot of christian condo but hang with me we've got pauline coming i have um uh rv coming in we've got a few other people coming in just bear with me here and my very special guest which will i want to answer about 20 30 minutes just locking in a time but media said to me you know pat you know romans 13 says obey the government doesn't really just say that do we have a right to disobey the government one of my great friends and an amazing leader an australian in san diego is my great friend jurgen matissus this guy is a voice crying in the world this guy when they said you got to shut down your churches didn't do that so i've asked him to come and share with us for about 10 minutes and to inspire us jurgen thank you so much for taking time uh to spend some time with us today you look how handsome you are an australian in california i tell you what and by the way and by the way uh a great supporter of uh the president that can't get a twitter account but the taliban can jurgen over to you my brother uh well thank you so much pat and i just so appreciate uh being here with you and just want to just commend you for your courage um you know what australia needs right now is to understand prayer and push back and thank you for doing that putting on prayer and pushback and i think that one of the saddest things is that the the church has allowed itself to be relegated into the realm of operating in the spiritual dimension only whereas when god created man he created man to operate in two two dimensions at the same time he was of the earth but god breathed into him a spirit so angels were were created by the breath of god they are spirits created by so they operate in the celestial realm the beasts are from the earth they operate in the terrestrial realm man is meant to operate in both realms and so i love the the prayer and the pushback we've got to get politically engaged and understand that so when when covert hit we did what everybody else did we we followed the edict the government said hey listen give us 15 days we want to flatten the curve this thing is dangerous it's you know uh out of wuhan it's out of china it's been unleashed on the world and so we complied we we did exactly what the government said we'll give you 15 days we'll flatten the curve we'll we'll go online we'll do all of that kind of stuff so we scrambled then as the 15 days became 30 days 45 days 60 days we began to see in our church and at that time i actually had covert and uh recovered um i'm a little bit of a hard head so i didn't want to i kind of take medicine as a as a last resort so uh one of my doctors told me why don't you take oregano oil or in australia we say oregano oil and i took the vials put it under my tongue three shots a day followed it with a vitamin c chaser and within 48 hours it broke the back of the the virus my fever went from 104 back down to 97 fahrenheit and and i was good to go again and so we began to see that people were getting the the virus people were getting covert and they were recovering very very quickly with therapeutics therapeutics that for whatever reason the government decided we need to take these off um the market but we reopened our church and defied our county orders defied our city health orders because we had nobody that died from covert but we had four deaths within six weeks because of the mandatory lockdowns and the shutdowns people that could not get to the hospital we had one sweet sweet lady very very fit lady who loved and burst she went to the hospital and excluded excruciating pain and they said no no we've got to keep all these beds for covert patients and uh one of our girls in our church is the head icu nurse there and she said we had only eight of something like 200 beds that were occupied we had plenty of room you should have never been turned away that young that beautiful dear sweet woman goes home and ends up dying that night of septicemia and then we had a suicide and then we had it was just so we knew we had to open uh that month just i think it was about 60 days after the lockdowns uh the la times reported that they had an 8 000 spike in their calls coming to their suicide hotlines businesses were shot in uh people were locked into their homes fear was driven to a whole new realm we found that our addiction we have an addiction recovery program in our church that had about 25 or 30 people free pandemic by the 60-day mark we had over 300 people that had gone back to drugs alcohol substances all kinds of vices trying to trying to just cope with the the lockdowns and the shutdowns we found that the bible was right when it says that it's not good that man should be alone that people were not functioning being isolated isolation is what they do to punish prisoners isolation is what the cia does to break down enemy combatants and here we found that the healthy were being isolated uh in any every pandemic up until this time we quarantined the sick and allowed the healthy to get back on with work but not in this one in this one they decided less quarantine the healthy with the sick and shut everything down we found that children were locked up with their abusers we found domestic violence went through the roof and so we just couldn't take it anymore i felt like well i'm failing as a as a pastor and as a leader if i don't open my church so we opened our church and we got fined and we just didn't care we just kept opening kept opening kept opening and the one scripture pastor that kept coming was hey romans 13 romans 13 we order we know we ought to obey authorities and if you read it it's a really powerful passage written to a church in in the roman region that is under a roman authority and he mainly talks about taxation in their taxation without representation but he talks about submission and he talks about submission to authorities that do the will of god that that punish evil and that are there as instruments of righteousness so very very quickly the bible teaches that all authority comes from god romans 13 uh highlights that again so god is the most high he sits it sits on the throne far above every other throne a lot of people say there's only one throne but that's poor theology god sits on the throne the 24 elders sit on thrones jesus said to the disciples you're going to sit on thrones so the bible teaches in ephesians 6 that they're that where god sits as most high he sits over principalities powers thrones dominions and then there are spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly realm so we recognize that there's a hierarchy of how that authority flows down god's intention in the garden of eden and in genesis 1 was god created man to be his vice region in the earth so a lot of people say well you know whatever god wants or happen you know okay sarasara if this is god's will god ain't voting in our elections god's not voting in the american elections not voting in australian elections so you and i will get the leaders that we elect because god gave dominion over the earth to man and so our job is to understand that when we have a leader in authority that rejects god's authority that violates god's authority then we actually have a biblical duty to disobey that authority to reject that authority and to call out that authority to resist that authority and to come against that authority and pull that authority down and we see that all the way through through the scriptures that that there is authorities in place when nebuchadnezzar built a statue and commanded everybody to bow down and worship to it three amigos decided we ain't we ain't bowing down and we ain't worshiping we've gotta tap out even though we're in your government and even though we're under your authority we have to disobey when daniel heard the edict that uh no one was to petition or pray any god except the king uh he said you know what i i'm going to go home and i'm going to open the east window and i'm going to get down on my knees i'm going to pray to the one true god and he ended up in the lion's den so we actually see patterned all the way through the scriptures even even the apostles in the new testament when they were commanded to no longer preach in the name of jesus by the authorities in jerusalem they said well listen you you ask yourselves this question should we obey god or should we be omen obey men so we politely resist you and so a lot of people don't understand that absolutely when a government is honoring guys remember when jesus came to the centurion the centurion uh had a servant lying at home sick and jesus says i'll come and heal him and he says no no you know uh i'm not worthy for you to come under my roof but like you i also am a man under authority i say to this one go and he goes to this one come and he comes just speak the word and my servant will be healed so jesus you know commands him and says well not in all israel of us i've found such great faith in other words the man had authority because he was under authority and when when we have authority that is no longer under god's authority it is illegitimate to a christian to submit to that authority we submit to authorities that honor god we submit to authorities that respect our individual freedoms and when they try to take away our freedoms when they try and force or coerce us to inject things into our bodies that are still uh experimental that are having all kinds of deaths and side effects that's where christians we need to draw the line and say you have overstepped your boundaries and we need to biblically morally and righteously protest jurgen you're an inspiration you've been inspiring me thank you for those phone calls and my putting up with my nervousness here again thank you so much where can people find you if they want to follow you and and because that was outstanding i hope people are taking notes because the next time someone some biblically literate person comes up and says something so please don't advertise your ignorance um megan where can we find you on social media uh at um dot com or just uh oh gosh i think awaken i'm really terrible with that i'm just at urgmeister on uh instagram i've still got instagram at the moment twitter's gone i'm on getter at uh instead of twitter but yeah thank you and thanks for your support love the leanne and thanks for helping me in the trenches mate appreciate it very much you're amazing we love you pat thank you for being a warrior a hero you've been a hero since i was a an 18 year old that got saved on a beach and started going to these massive rallies called youth alive thank you for being a voice to our nation god bless you we've got a massive rally right now online all over the world i've just had people telling me we've got watch parties and every i don't even know what a watch party is but i just want to be part of one yeah and god bless hey again stay tuned because in a few minutes i've got a very funny video which i think you're going to find hilarious but before that this man to me matter of fact last thursday i was at a doctor's office and when i got the call from this gentleman i knew we were on to we were going to go ahead with this we put this together in less than a week this incredible lineup the gentleman i'm speaking about was a former premier of queensland and needs to be again i might say and resigned his place as the lord mayor of brisbane to run in the next federal election please welcome campbell newman campbell how are you hello pat thanks for for having me and it's it's great to be with you and again just echoing what jurgen said it's really good that you're doing this and uh because it's critically important it is time to really take a stand on some of the things that are going on in this country how can we do that uh campbell you you're a strategist you're a thinker i'll get on to vaccination passwords in a minute how can we make a stand in the right way well i think the first thing is i've got to say and i i listened very closely what jurgen was saying about you know really what is the basis of lawful authority my position is that we have to respect the law but what we've got a duty to do is we've got to stand up and shout loudly and clearly to all our political representatives when the laws are bad when the laws are being administered in a way that creates harm massive harm when our freedoms are being trampled on when the education of our kids is being trashed when businesses and i'm talking about family businesses who've got every right to earn a living and families are being ripped apart we have every right to stand up and shout out and so that means doing things like this it means organizing our own online protests it means if lawful protest is going to be permitted that we work with government to actually go and have our say that we go to every one of our elected representatives whether they be members of parliament at a state level or a federal level or our senators and we tell them we write to them we get on social media and let them know how much angst is out there and how much damage has been caused to this country and our community campbell people are doing that and they don't feel like they're heard which causes them to react and as i always say be respectful do it in a peaceful way do it in a great spirit you know if you do the wrong attitude and you know you're vomiting on someone they're not going to want to listen to you how can they be heard when they feel they're not being heard what practical advice who do they write to and you know well i think it's it's look look pat bluntly as a former politician and maybe a politician again in the future it is a numbers game and you know i it's it's like it's the old thing about water on the stone you just got to keep going and going and going um and so again social media writing the letters and and you know like i'll put i can't really get into some detail i mean if a politician's getting the same form letter you know 150 times one sunny morning yeah they tend to think oh it's just a campaign if they're getting individual contributions from people with a bit of thought um then it starts to make um make a real difference the other thing of course and it's a big challenge at the moment is the mainstream media i mean i've been appalled at the way and again i'm going to be blunt i think they've become almost the official mouthpiece of of governments in the various states and federally and it doesn't seem to be any critique there doesn't seem to be any desire to get to the bottom of that so again it's it's get on to the social media of these outlets you know you know abc 7 9 10 the radio stations and again um push back hard twitter's twitter's a sort of a sort of a social media platform that really tends to be dominated by people in the left wing but it is lessened to by journalists journalists are very active they're political people active there so for many people i haven't you know who are more conservative or even christian they haven't really used that medium but i would recommend they get on and they follow journalists they follow leading politicians and when things are put out there they push back hard there because a lot of journalists seem to think that public opinion in this country is what's on twitter that ain't the case you know that pat i know that pat the silent majority who are getting very angry they're out there and perhaps that's another way we can actually bring that to the attention of these journos i want to ask you a question about vaccination passports and where we stand in a second but what i want to say to everyone campbell brilliantly just said it don't just send a form letter or a petition tell them your stories your story gives you credibility your pain makes you relatable watch this and your experience tell them what you're going through whether it's an adverse reaction a loss of a job don't just send out a form that's that's emotionless and and when you tell your story it becomes very powerful campbell you did a brilliant brilliant um news piece that i saw on vaccine passports tell us i mean i find these so wrong and what can we do about it perhaps pat i'll can i just segue um to that in a moment but just perhaps giving you more a bit of a framework of like i've just one thing i've got to say here is and you know please please excuse me ladies and gentlemen watching today i am putting my hand up and i want to explain for political office and i just want to quickly explain myself i'd retired from politics almost seven years ago when i was turfed out of office after being premier queensland and i've been in business for seven years i've got a great lifestyle i've got great clients and terrific business partners and life is good but i'm standing again with the liberal democrats because i cannot handle and sit by and watch silently with what is going on in the country so you know i i cannot help but convey that today so my team and i have a particular policy on covert and this is what it is it's that there are immediate changes that should be occurring that we should open the schools that we should be phasing out lockdowns there shouldn't be any new lockdowns and by the way looking at what's going on in victoria new south wales their lock downs on and every day more and more cases toothpaste the toothpaste has been squeezed out of the tube and we know that you can't get it back in there there should be peaceful protests and people who want to organize protests should it be entitled to work with protests sorry with the police to to actually arrange those uh protests and then what was saying look vaccines should be available to all but totally voluntary and people need to have the opportunity to talk to their doctors their medical advisor and make an informed choice and i'm going to come back to that in a moment and i directly answer your question about passports um we should be winding back the mask mandate and there are a lot of australians i keep hearing different numbers pat but you hear about forty thousand australians are overseas and i never thought an australian government or with the connivance of the states would have our fellow citizens often in great hardship locked up overseas um in desperate financial circumstances because i've had the message from from them and won't work hard enough to bring him home and that's between scott morrison and the state and territory first ministers to actually get them home and you know have appropriate quarantine but get them home and and that should have happened a year ago so i just wanted to give you that context pat so the final point is we believe that by the 4th of december anybody who's wanted to have a vaccine should have been able to access it pat and on that day we should open up the state borders in the qr codes in the masks absolutely get on with our lives and we have to live with covert as you've been saying so to turn now to your your question because that was important context i mean but that's a powerful point campbell that you made those that wanted it she could have had it by november 4th and again this is not an anti-banks or probe you know if you want to go get it knock yourself out but don't don't coerce force bride threaten to vilify me brilliantly absolutely and i suppose i start on this subject look there's there's a there's polling out there and i don't know how reliable it is but it keeps it supposedly says that you know 60 70 80 of australians support this well look i'll just accept that for the purposes of the argument about to make but but you know just because a large number of people are saying they agree with something doesn't mean doesn't give them the right to actually do something that is against the beliefs or even the best interests in some cases of people who don't want to do it and i start with this issue of informed consent so for those who haven't looked at this they might want to google it and interestingly you can go to the victorian health department website even today mate and you can see that if you're contemplating a met you've got a medical condition and you're contemplating treatment a doctor has to has a duty to explain to your condition your options the risks the benefits etc so you can make a decision and that's informed consent and you shouldn't even today i i just can't believe it's still there on one hand you've got victorian government sort of being draconian and coercing as others are but they still are talking about informed consent for medical treatment so so it starts my point starts with that so i've been fully vaccinated my wife's been fully vaccinated we decided that that worked for us and and we hope by the way that was a path to to be able to then travel again and see our daughter overseas etc but it was our choice and there are many many australians though who don't agree with that or can't do that or been advised by their doctors that they shouldn't so pat we should respect as a free society as a democracy that choice and we shouldn't have our governments engaging in coercion and blackmail and there's this double speak i'm really sorry but we've got a prime minister who's literally writing letters to people saying who are concerned about this saying it's not compulsory but then we're going to state premier peregrine saying well if you want to live your life in any meaningful way you've got to have a shot you won't be admitted and so i then throw in and going back to what you said about what i did on tv we didn't we didn't marginalize ostracized people with hiv aids we didn't say they needed to carry a passport we haven't had flu shot passports and correct and that was because we didn't want to marginalize and segregate people and we shouldn't do it now and then i get to a really important point pat and this is what demolishes the argument about vaccine passports in my humble opinion and it's and you can see this even on the national health service in the uk they've actually said it i think it was the 6th of august there was a report that was on their website and it's this that both vaccinated and unvaccinated people can still carry covered 19. so you can be vaccinated you can catch it you can carry it yes you you know in my view from what i've read you've got protection um you don't have you know you're not likely to go to hospital or have serious problems but the point is you can still spread it so i guess what i said that night on tv pat was so if i'm in a bar or from a church if i'm going to a cinema and i've been vaccinated i don't care two hoots pat i don't care two hoops about a person next to me if they're vaccinated or unvaccinated and frankly the idea of me saying you've got to be vaccinated is saying hey like we're on the beach try this one you're on the beach i turn around at the guy next to me i say mate would you please put sunscreen on you i think that's i think that look if if if it was the case that you got the shot and then you couldn't carry it um that that would be that would be a that would that would demolish a lot of my logic i've got to be reasonable and say that but but it's not the case and so we've now got this this this crazy and coercive policy being implemented it's going to divide families workplaces and social groups i mean what's going to happen imagine there's a birthday party um yeah for some kids and you know the parents are standing at the door as the the the guests the young guests are arriving with with their parents and and the parents are saying well if you've got a vaccine passport is that really what we're going to become or you say well you can't come in so a happy event's turned into a terrible event so that's really what i've got to say on this pat it's wrong it shouldn't be happening we must stand up and fight back against this and we must respect people's rights and you know there are other things by the way i could have said it like it's becoming it's going to become a de facto national id card and you know i've only been in one place in my life pat maybe this is why in with you today but it was 1987 it was against the australia card that the gov was trying to bring in then and that's particularly why i'm fired up about this as well our medical personal medical records being used to identify us and exclude us not on campbell we appreciate everything you're doing for the country uh you're standing in the next federal election so uh from what i understand and uh for the liberal democrats get behind campbell write him letters of encouragement and support thank you for your time today campbell and um look i'm sure people can find you go straight to campbell newman he's not hard to find not hard to find mate you're a national treasure mate so thank you so much and god bless you and thank you for the viewers today for their interest and passion thank you before i bring in my next guest i want to pray i'm getting people inboxing me and texting me and uh to pray and i'll right now i want to pray father i pray for the nurses and to the doctors of this country lord i pray for that the people that are struggling with jobs and and struggling with incomes lord i pray against the this demonic activity of suicide that is going on and for those that are struggling lord with with anxiety and depression lord i stand in agreement father for our churches and our church leaders that they will take a stand that we turn this nation around we'll be turning around in a day and father i pray also for those that feel alone for those in in in aged care lord that some of them that have inboxed me and share with me their pain of not being able to see their loved ones lord i pray for them i pray for them i pray for them for you to heal them and to help them and by the way guys let me just say this if you want to put a prayer in the chat please do please do prayer can be a vocal and pray can be in the chat so all the social media platforms and the youtube and the instagram and telegram put your prayer in the chat now i i wanted to mention that um two surprises that i didn't advertise uh tony from afl lawyers the guys that are taking to court uh hazard and kerry kant uh they will be coming on later and i will announce and they'll be giving you uh templates and things on informed consent everyone say you want to be be uh be on that we're running about 15 minutes late i'm just letting you know that i'd make time go get yourself a cup of coffee tea whatever you got to do because we're going to be uh having we're ramping this up my next special guest i call him a young john the baptist he has a church in the western suburbs of sydney a refugee camp his country is a refugee and i've asked him to come just for five minutes and share a little bit of his story and then i'm gonna ask him to pray for a particular group of people ladies and gentlemen i speak of pastor andrew et cetera how are you andrew i can't hear you my brother yo yo how are we going i can hear everything we're doing great andrew thank you for being on and uh share with us what's been happening to you i believe the police came knocking on your door the other day yeah um i just did a post i was having a life with someone and i just said after the church if it means we're going to break the law we're going to have to break the law of not not allowing unvaccinated people in the building and then next minute the daily telegraph does like a massive piece on me and then the new southwest police um i'm more than sure it was federal or just here um they came and just um they talked to me about my post and how i should behave it was really interesting they were really nice and everything but it was just kind of an interesting idea that we're now at a point where when you share your opinion or when you speak um that you can actually get the article was saying a pastor breaking the law by allowing non-vaccinated people in the service i'm like that is actually discrimination i cannot believe you think you can attack a pastor for choosing to allow everybody into church and this is super scary because it's showing you the change of in the political climate and the change in the culture of what is really happening you know as a refugee it's it's it's crazy because i came to australia as a christian refugee so i came here because my dad was preaching the gospel and it was illegal so my dad helped a few muslim guys to become christian and they pretty much wanted to kill him kill us or put us in jail so we had to literally escape to thailand and after we lived in thailand for a few months god opened a way for us to get a visa to australia so i'm a religious refugee we had house we had an awesome career we had everything yet we lost everything because of freedom but more than anything we lost everything because of preaching the gospel um but but and my message is to people and and my message is freedom is the most precious commodity a culture can ever have absolutely and i'm coming from the future i'm coming to you from the future when you have no freedom you have nothing and and that's the thing you have to pick freedom or safety you can achieve safety in freedom but you cannot achieve freedom in the context of safety and as a country we have to pick one part we have to pick one and i'm telling you guys please listen to people from the future i'm coming from the future of what this nation can look like and i'm telling you lack of freedom it's hell we were not allowed to speak about jesus on the street we were not allowed to speak about jesus in public places when i came to australia i was like what you can invite people to church i didn't know this was possible andrew i love you future to tell you do not fall for the safety narrative did you know that the department that the police department arrested my dad and tortured him and didn't feed him for a few days for preaching the gospel you know what was it called that it was called the national safety department well no safety injury is the pathway to control and i'm just telling people choose freedom value freedom and hey i'm not a freedom warrior the first thing god said to adam you are free to eat from every fruit in the tree the first thing god gave to people was freedom um sorry you're right brother this guy's a great preacher you need to you need to follow him echo church andrew could i ask you to pray right now i would ask you to pray for our police department amen and amen could you do that did you lead us in a prayer and uh and andrew thank you thank listen listen everybody listen to me over the last 24 hours people have tried to vilify this man attack him to me he's a good man he's a good young man i call him my young john well not my the lord's you knew john the baptist and uh he has a fire in his bones like jurgen does and you pray could you lead us in prayer god we pray god for our country we pray god specifically for the police department and the god all the people in leadership and power we pray god for you to give them the grace to execute all this mess in in in with god love and gentleness and god with that authoritarian force i know god there's so many good police people who are caught in the middle of this mess they didn't even sign up for this and lord we pray for you hand over them we pray god for you to change your political climate for you to end all this crap for you to end all this babylonian spirit that is seeking to destroy that is seeking to take away people's freedom god we pray god for you to protect them for you to be with them i pray god for you to remove the pressure from the politicians on them to keep on pushing people to keep on pressing the buttons and to keep god on on investigation investigating people that haven't even done anything right now god will pray for your miracle working hand we pray god for you to change people who are god causing this mess we pray god for you to remove the people who are trying to enslave your people we pray god for all the police force god in australia in victoria across all of australia god be with them and give them the grace to handle this mess give them the grace to be that literally god that the damage in the middle between the political class and the people we pray god for you to be with them and give them the grace to balance and obey the government yet do what is best for the people in jesus name i pray amen amen amen amen amen andrew i can't wait to give you a big hug brother same man thank you oh my gosh god bless you now guys um in a minute i'm going to show you a video we want to break it up a little bit and put a smile on your face can you please tell people get on board ivy's coming ivy's coming listen get people around people where are you ask people where are you you should be on facebook you should be on instagram you should be on telegram go out there come on be be the be the foot soldiers out there now we want to break the day up a little bit and i've got rv coming up i've got rodney howard brown coming up tania davies pauline hanson and i will announce it craig kelly craig team got a hold of me at one minute to 10. craig is coming on and uh what a great uh great thing as well as tony from afl lawyers but right now we're going to go to a video hey go there and tell people tell people are on they may have forgotten get on board get on the facebook uh get on instagram but right now have a look at this video it brought me absolutely for tears and laughter last night just a bit of light humor here and then we're going to bring on avi everybody right to go thanks for joining us for the daily update first things first uh some of you may know that i've been in an intimate relationship with gladys for some time i'm saddened to have to update you that i had some text exchange with gladys this morning and it was very clear between her and i that the relationship that we previously had is gone i still love you gladys i can't stand here and pretend that it's over because i desperately desperately want her but surely i deserve better than this have you come this far having built this thing that is so precious but fragile you can't just you know we can't just stop we can't we can't give up i don't like rejection i don't like loneliness and that sense of isolation uh please let's just fix it let's just fix it i am very very very sad because i live in melbourne and she she doesn't and if she's watching this i just uh i just like to say gladys i wish i wish i could touch you and be with you forever why would she leave me is there another man no it's my fault [Music] why would anyone want to spend time with me i am not fun i'm very boring i'm just a big stupid nobody i don't have any friends i'm so so alone now i know how daryl maguire feels come on dan suck it up you can do better than gladys [Music] i'll see you tomorrow [Laughter] sorry about the b word in there but i couldn't help it and thanks to the guys that uh now this is what happens when you lock people down they'll come up with clips like that and uh and i thought that was so funny a little bit of light humor on a a day where we're getting together one of our modern day heroes i believe particularly in the news media and i love this guy i love the fact that he goes out there in the front line puts himself at risk being bullied being being vilified you know and i love the what he stands up for his rights and he knows his rights and uh rv yemeni from rebel news what a legend you are avi welcome to the prayer and push back thanks for having me mate i thought you'd like that video clip there mate i i really enjoyed the clip and i was because i at first when you put me i've never seen that christian pastor of andrew or before and i thought oh that's a bit unfair you're putting him before me it's because it's gonna make it a little bit of a hard act to follow he's great though and i you know i think it's kind of timely because i'm not sure how much of this audience realizes yesterday was yom kippur for the jewish community which is the holiest day jewish calendar and um yeah we were just chasing up what was going on uh in the local jewish community and the fact that the mainstream media i've got a report coming out in the next couple of hours i've actually pulled off it to come join you guys here but just showing how the mainstream media with you know vilifying communities uh to keep pushing their agenda and then people like daniel andrews we just saw there then using they're helping each other the media is helping the government the government is helping the media both two of those groups are the only ones unaffected they're getting paid throughout in fact they're getting pay rises throughout this and they're sitting here and um turning and dividing the community on each other but um not what i was come on to talk about but uh go ahead the floor's yours i love hearing your talk i love watching your videos where you stay i love the video where you looked at that police we said say i'm sorry say i'm sorry you remind me from some of my bank sound boys over to you the floor's yours ah thank you look i haven't it's been really busy around here and i haven't had much time to think about what i'm even going to talk about and and um when we when we spoke briefly about doing this you know you thought maybe let's talk about i can talk to people about some of the um the legal stuff we've been doing and what we're seeing which uh i'll get to in a second i think what's important is though um you know you point out that video of where i you know asked the police from demand the police say sorry for doing something wrong and it's weird for me because if two years ago i would have been the guy that was in here telling you back the blue back the blue 100 they've got the toughest job in the world and i support them and they've got to deal with some of the most vile you know parts of our community that that have and no respect for the community for life or and today i'm sitting here saying i can't back him like i used to because um these days i see so many of them abusing their emergency powers for their own power trips like we saw in that clip in that video and i give credit where credit is due when i see a cop doing the right thing today especially i will go out of my way to to ensure to give him credit publicly because it's probably a bit difficult in the police force right now to stand up and stand up for for what's right but there are good coppers out there there are good coppers out there i i know i see them they come up to me all the time and they um i just don't think that they've got a loud voice within the um within the police force at the moment now what i was going to talk about i didn't prepare anything but i thought about it briefly um was obviously rebel news we were a news site um but throughout the pandemic we've turned into which is when i've actually officially joined i used to do some um work for them on a you know contract basis when i'd go over different jobs like hong kong and things like that but i joined rebel news officially during the pandemic and it was interesting because rebel news kind of grew uh this uh civil liberties wing in fact in canada they've opened a not-for-profit as part to work alongside rebel news the democracy fund which uh just because of the work the the civil liberties work in canada they were doing you know we've got the fines here which started in canada in canada they've got i think close to 2500 um fines they're fighting and here we've got dozens were fighting as well but one of the things that i've noticed since starting the civil liberties campaign which is sad because we shouldn't really have to do that that's you know there are so many civil liberties organizations which have gone um radio silent throughout this pandemic in fact some of the human rights lawyers and civil liberties organizations are condemning people for not um accepting the the vaccine mandates and and and lockdowns and some of the uh restrictions that have come with it and some of the abuses of human rights that have come throughout this pandemic so we live in this weird time that uh you know news sites are the ones that are having to not only report on human rights abuses but also sorry it's not rona i promise not only report it but to also stand up and do something about it so we've we've start we've got a lot of litigation going on around the country at the moment we have the fight to find foreign i guess the one the fight defines what i want to talk about because i know we get um my inbox is full and the the revenues tips and the and the fines in boxes is full with people every day getting fines over the you know a lot of them are not even um meaning to break the restrictions it's just um they get caught out or they get put in a position where they're unable or they don't know or they don't know their rights or they or or they've read things that have given them a um a misunderstanding of the rules so i wouldn't come on here and give legal advice i'm not a lawyer at all um but one of the errors that i have seen i've noticed um from and it's probably from you know legal misinformation that goes around online um where people are trying to stand up for their rights which i absolutely understand and agree with that's what i do i think everybody should do that and you should really know your rights but you've got to be careful where you're reading and where you're learning um your what your rights are because sometimes people tell you you know you one of the things that we've seen the repeated mistakes that i've seen um with a lot of the cases that have come through or applied for help are that when so when police come up to you and they suspect you of committing breaching the the chief health officer's directions um if they suspected that they do actually have the right to ask for your name and address and you do have to provide it when you don't provide at that point that's when you're opening yourself up to an additional offense and that's what that's where a lot of people getting um stuck they're getting themselves into a little bit of strife just on that because at the end of the day the the the breach of the the health orders either ends up being it's not a breach um but if or so we're actually finding we're getting people off the breaches but they're getting in trouble with the with the refusing to um to give their details um so you can you can fight the breach and you often can be right but if they have a um a a reason to suspect and it's and it's got to be like they can't just walk up to you and say that they don't have it so you can ask them why do you suspect that i am breaching the orders they've got to have actual grounds that they can say that is reasonable reason so they can you know turn to a judge and say well we had the reasonable reason to suspect that he was breaching the rules by not wearing a mask and we think that because well he's outside he's five kilometers because we saw his number plate and it we looked it up and it's whatever it is they've got to have reasonable grounds and that's where you can question them on their grounds before you give them the details but ultimately if they are using the if if they're saying they are reasonably suspecting you and breaching the restrictions um give them your name give them your details like i if you watch all my videos i i don't break the law hence why i'm taking them to court because i've got these six different scenarios where i was either arrested or detained or whatever which is essentially the same thing so when they're detaining you always ask them am i free to go and you can see oh but i've never been charged for any breach of the coveted restrictions or any because i know what the rules are and i work within them now i know there are people out there that um want to specifically go out and defy the rules and each to their own i'm not going to sit here and judge people in this time when uh things are i i understand people are really desperate but for those of you who are like this um event you want to stand up you want to be heard you want to push back but you don't want to attract um the criminal offenses or whatever it is i agreed agreed agree you need to know what the law actually is and don't get fooled you know because at the end of the day i've had a lot of people contact us and go i bought this booklet online that taught me what and i followed all the steps and the court laughed me out or the court you know or nobody's actually saw that police don't follow and i'm not the police are breaking the law in fact the police don't know the law half the time you can see them in all my videos i don't know the law and that's why even somebody who's wrong technically wrong about the law who argues with the police you might think at the end um he's won the argument and he's right because they've backed down but then they often come back and hit you with the fine later or they hit you with uh and not always the the fact that they arrest you or find you or whatever mean that they're right again no but just because you've seen someone make an argument to police uh it doesn't mean the argument is valid so you need to actually know what the rules are and if you're going to try um use a lot of these constitutional arguments which may technically if you really can find it and put it in front of a high court you may be onto something but if you try and make that argument in the magistrates court it's not going to happen you cannot have a constitutional argument there so know on a practical level because when they take you to the magistrates court the only thing you can argue on is the facts it is the magistrates court is going to assume that the directions are lawful and the fact is were you breaking it or not now if you're willing if you're one of these fighters that lo that has no problem going to court and wants to fight then go for it but for those people out there that are messaging us every day and that have read these booklets and tried to stand up for themselves but if you have have refused to give police their details have you refused um i'm sorry you're really going to find yourself in that trouble and uh you know just look at the end of the day most cops you give them your details yeah i love i i love your advice there and um it's so practical now your rights work within them there's a lot of freedom within our rights and the law don't believe everything you read on google or someone in box you or you know i saw this video from canada and they did this it doesn't just like you're critically thinking about the healthiest just like critically thinking about the vaccines and the vaccine critically think about information right that people are giving you from your side harvey that's my name i'll call someone else a national treasure but uh you your brother a jewish brother of mine i follow you where are we gonna find you abby tell us where we're gonna find you at is that right is where we have specific australia content uh i would recommend people sign up to our mailing list at just because you never know day to day which platform is gonna censor us at the moment i'm on twitter instagram youtube but time will only tell them telegram i don't know we're everywhere um hard enough you'll find us but your if you sign up to our mailing list we'll just send you um the important a personal shout out to mario malek there what a great guy what a legend is he's helping us out today avi thank you so much for watching my new found he's my third best friend now in the whole world [Laughter] he's amazing well done and good on you for putting this up it's great to see um people pushing back in different ways it's important well done always peaceably always peaceably and within the law thank you harvey well one of my heroes in the faith is is about to come on board and uh guys we're ramping it up we're ramping it up we're ramping it up rodney howard brown lived through an apartheid system in america became an international an international speaker and preacher uh and in florida did what he felt was right to do and this man even this morning was putting oxygen in my soul and i know he's busy he's flying everywhere speaking everywhere packing up stadiums everywhere and i've asked him to come and give us 10 minutes of his time to exhort us from the book and tell us a little bit about his story my great friend great mentor great pastor pastor rodney howard brown welcome hey pat great to be on with you today in this course across australia i love australia so much as you know my daughter-in-law is an australian and uh we've traveled your country extensively the great south land of the holy spirit i want to share briefly with you and then if i can pray over the nations because praying pushback you know um unfortunately for me i found myself in a situation uh because i know a bunch of stuff that's taking place in the world i've written history books traveled to 85 countries of the world and i actually exposed the pandemic back in 2005. i have in my hand this pack which is called the pandemic flu preparedness kit put out by the department of defense uh two n95 respirators four surgical moss one hand sanitizer four ounce buckle this was given to me in 2005. bush was going to quarantine whole cities in america the back of the pack says there is no influenza pandemic yet local health and government authorities will notify you when there's a known pandemic so i already knew about this in o5 so um they've been looking for opportunity to shut the planet down this is not as what people think so um unfortunately knowing what i know and having written history books which this one's called the killing uncle sam the plan demands the united states that's the audiobook king of the planet which is uh all about how they kill all the doctors with natural cures the phantom virus how an unseen enemy shot down the planet and then the book on socialism under the microscope when um i knew they were going to lock down uh i actually called our sheriff who's a friend of mine and i said sheriff they're going to try to shut down the counties shut down everything make churches non-essential and i am an essential service because we feed a thousand families a week we have 4 200 members across our whole region here in central florida and we feed obviously a thousand families we go into retirement homes hospitals a military bases uh assisted living homes and i cannot shut down we have a healing school for incurable diseases and he looked at me said dr rodney you are safe don't worry about it he made me an only deputy of our county we have over 4 000 deputies here so it's a very big county 10 percent clear water area you look at 2.7 million people and the greatest central florida area probably five six million people however the media came after him and so i end up getting myself arrested now here's the thing that i knew now obviously australia is a little different because you guys don't have a constitution like we have in america you are subject to the queen of england and you have to do what the queen says if you don't off with your head that's just how the crown works people don't understand that but in america we have a constitution the constitution under the first amendment gives us five things the right of peaceful assembly the right even to uh approach the government say we don't agree with you um the right to free exercise of religion the right to a peaceful assembly and then freedom of speech and the press so that means you could say whatever you want to say nobody can stop you because that's your right as and then we have of course the second amendment which a lot of people don't don't like because they say you shouldn't be able to defend yourself but as you know in australia they took away your rights to defend yourself so basically the australians are just used as uh a test case for the globalist agenda of course my mug shot went around the planet and there's actually a mug with my mug shot on it you know and of course i uh people said i was crazy but i knew that i had to stand up because no governor no mayor no city council can pass an order against the law of the land which is the supreme lord and the constitution so that's why i knew i was right i went into prison for 40 minutes i had two fines against me which were like two misdemeanors two speeding tickets um uh my county that arrested me up by my house they apologized said look we're so sorry that this is happening to you um we don't understand why what's wrong with your county they've lost their minds i said look uh don't worry about it i mean the the media came after our sheriff and he's a friend of mine so i'm not going to attack him i went live on um that night from my house and i broadcast live for eight weeks and uh we picked up about six and a half million viewers online we took in phone calls we we prayed for people and everything exploded for the ministry i mean it was like i never knew i had so many friends even people that were atheists that didn't even believe in the gospel message they said thank you for standing up for the church because people didn't realize that this is an attack against the body of christ this is an attack against the church because the people pushing this agenda was the world health organization and they said we can't meet we can't hug each other we're not allowed to lay hands on the sick we can't have communion we can't sing um i'm trying to think of all the stuff gone baptized in water can't dedicate babies can't have weddings calling out funerals and we can't go see people in hospitals and all of this kind of stuff well let me tell you the bible says don't forsake the gathering of yourselves together the bible says lay hands on the sick the bible tells us to dedicate our babies and have communion blow the trumpet make a noise so i felt as people said well why don't you open the church we had to close the church because we had a hundred thousand death threats against our people and the congregation members so i stayed online and everybody said when you're going to open i said when the lord speaks to me the sheriff called me 35 days into the whole thing that said dr rodney i answered the phone i looked at the phone i said sheriff my friend how are you boy have you been through the meat grinder and he he said i i have dr ronnie said i want my friend back i said he said can i meet with you he said yes come to my home so he came to my home we met and he said when you're going to open the church i said boy have you made that hard for me because the media has come after me they've demonized me and whatever he said well just so you know when you do open we will help you i said sheriff i'ma wait on the lord and see what god tells me to do and i'll open when i'm ready and so anyway i felt that we should open we opened on a field uh right behind the church i put two acres up and we opened on the field 461 days ago on pentecost sunday and we've been meeting every night in what we call the stand which is we're standing against everything that the who says not to do because they don't have a law this is an international organization it has nothing to do with um our country it's got nothing even to do with australia all of these are illegal agencies that are passing illegal orders and treating them as the law of the land that is not a law in america so i knew that i had the law with me so the moment i was released from prison our governor declared church essential service the city of tampa called our office said you can meet immediately no social distancing no mosques and they dropped all the charges so i'm happy to tell you my record was expunged i'm not a crook i'm not a criminal i did not break the law that's why they dropped all the charges and we've been meeting ever since but i felt that we should not go back inside a building at the start because anybody could go back in i felt that i needed to make a stand what happened is people all over the world started making a stand across europe across africa even across australia and in different places their churches had never closed their doors pastors that never bowed their knee and never compromised because here's what i said back in march last year whatever you give up now you'll never get back on the other side of this thing because government never relinquishes the power that they seize from the people and so if we compromise now somebody said okay well you just have to wear a mask for 15 days 15 days to slow the spread which is now i mean melbourne australia is into its eighth lockdown what 230 days late come on come on seriously okay so yes israel a nation that has double vaccines double vaccine itself more people are dying of covert in israel than anywhere else in the world the only people that aren't dying in israel the palestinians because they haven't had the vaccines that's another story i'm just going to tell you this but now they're saying to the people even if you've had a double vaccine you need to get the third vaccine and you're going to have to have a booster otherwise your passport your vaccine possible totally negated we've got five million people in the uk that received a vaccine that the eu did not authorize now they can't travel to the eu because the eu says we don't recognize that and so you can see that between pfizer modena and and all of these uh johnson and johnson whatever they're all coming out with oh we've got to have another booster we've got uh dr fauci who i made this little gnome as you can see here this is and i made this in china where the virus comes from okay at the back on his butt i put turbine 19 and there he is with his little mouse and his syringe okay and i did this so that if the cdc ever show up we can give them their own vaccine because let me tell you right now um i loved what many of your speakers had to say they talked about um that this is experimental biologic it's really a test case because they want to cull the planet because they feel like the planet's overpopulated i know there's a lot of people don't want to listen to what i'm saying but i'm just telling you i already have the facts you can go through my books if you find one mistake actually you can tell me i will publicly repent of it but i know what i'm talking about we've got doctors we've got lawyers we are now filing lawsuits at a county level at state level and we take in all the way supreme courts and we're helping people in countries all over the world because if you don't make a stand now the viruses they have planned to release next year is going to kill many people and the church has to stand up we have to meet we have to meet and we've got to lay hands on the sick that's what we do we've got to cast our devils we've got to preach the gospel and we've got to see this great harvest of souls are you with me and with that in mind rodney with that in mind could you pray for this nation for us right now we need we need a please pray for it could you pray for us rodney but uh and i appreciate so much the time you've given us today could you lead us in prayer we need we need an intervention from the heavenlies could you pray for us father i pray for australia and we love australia so much lord every part of that great land from cairns up on the great barrier reef all the way down to uh brisbane the the the gold coast going all the way down to sydney and canberra and down to hobart tasmania up in melbourne and then adelaide and perth and and then even into the outback of australia up to darwin and kuninora horse creek alice springs ezra cooper pity lord wherever the aussies are i pray for your hand to come upon the land in jesus name that australia would see the greatest revival that it's ever had that was even prophesied lord wigglesworth prophesied over australia we've spoken many words over the land that australia will be shaken one more time devil you cannot have australia australia belongs to jesus and i pray for every minister that your fire would come upon them afresh and your anointing and a holy boldness that people would stand and draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough and we're going to be praying for the sick we're going to reach out to the harvest of souls and we're going to bring in this great harvest before the return of the king and lord i rebuke fear i take authority over fear i take authority over everything that would hold people back tonight or today where they're watching even on the rerun and i speak the peace of god i speak a holy boldness upon them and father i just pray a blessing upon each and every person watching right now in jesus name amen amen rodney thank you so much and thank you for being such a great support you're looking very sharp my my brother looking sharp and uh when these borders open up we're going to come and see you in florida blessings everyone thank pastor rodney howard brown and i'm going to bring in a special lady a very special lady someone i've known since she was a teenager actually but this lady tanya davies member of parliament an amazing lady in new south wales is really been standing up for a people and and and particularly for those in the southwest with this forced vaccination she her videos are touching the lives of people my daughters send them to me constantly dad have you watched tanya and this lady is an amazing lady i look forward to giving her the platform tanya davies thank you so much for being on today well thank you very much pat for inviting me and can i just say a very um hearty thank you for all that you are doing and to everyone that's watching um this really is an incredible honor to be able to speak to you all um i think it's really important at the moment that uh before i go into any more detail that i just want to really set the the the facts in place as it pertains to myself and my family so i know that when we talk about uh covert and lockdowns etc those that are speaking up against certain aspects people can accuse him of being an anti-vaxxer so i just wanted to make it abundantly clear that i'm not an anti-vaxxer that my husband and i we actually just celebrated 25 years of marriage in lockdown we were hoping we may have been able to celebrate it somewhere nice like um i don't know queensland or something but that wasn't to to be had so in 25 years we we have two children 14 year old girl and a nearly five-year-old little son and and all our children are vaccinated according to the national immunization register and i myself have had vaccinations um according to the advice of my doctor so i think it's really important that i set that scene first and and as a member of the liberal party for over 20 years both my husband and i have worked um really hard to uphold the liberal party values in western sydney and i've been incredibly honored to be the member of the state electorate of molgoa here in sydney for just just gone 10 years now and during that time you know as a member of parliament you often have debates and you often disagree with with bits and pieces of legislation or policy and you have those discussions and you know as a family you you know it's like a family you have disagreements and you have a conversation but fundamentally there's something that keeps you united you know fundamentally as a family it's your your genetic bonds it's the vows you made to each other it's your love for your kids like there are fundamentals that keep the family unit together and in the same way political parties are meant to operate that the fundamental values are what bind people together from all walks of life that bind you together for a common cause and a part of the liberal party values that that i love and and i aspire to not only emulate but to propagate across the community uh the value of the individual and the importance of small government now during this whole covert pandemic i have been loyally communicating all the messaging from government all about you know safe practices covert safe behaviors uh when the vaccines came out where to get the vaccines and who who could get them and and all that sort of stuff came out faithfully speaking about that but it was about six or seven weeks ago when the government made the decision to move beyond strongly encouraging vaccination in our community to step over the line to mandating vaccines in a group of people in a specific locality of which my electorate is impacted by that i thought that is a step too far and i want to just quote this quote from thomas jefferson uh because it's extremely relevant to what we are talking about today and he said government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have the course of history shows that as a government grows liberty decreases and what we've certainly seen in this pandemic situation that response to covet is the growth of government intervention government dictating what you can what you can't do and it's actually getting getting greater it's getting bigger and it's not what the liberal party values are meant to meant to stand on and that's why i felt within my conscience i couldn't continue supporting that mandatory vaccination policy in construction workers and tradies in the southwest and western part of sydney that's where it began i felt that was not only a step too far for a government to intervene between a doctor and a patient but to be targeting certain areas of sydney we we had stories from people saying you know i have to get the vaccine to go to work and earn an income yet i'm working on a job site next to guys from cronulla and sutherland that are not required to be vaccinated where's the cove the covert safety approach in that there's so much that doesn't make sense in what the government is doing and even if you have a look at what victoria has now advised that from tonight they're now talking about unvaccinated people two people from two different households can can meet up together as they ease some restrictions yet here in sydney the unvaccinated uh can't do that and so my question i keep asking those that are in power over us is well where is the science in forming your decisions where is the science that says someone in southwestern sydney has to be vaccinated yet someone from sutherland doesn't have to be vaccinated yet they're working side by side on the same on the same work site it doesn't make sense and that's why i began a campaign speaking up and speaking out against forced vaccinations or you will lose your job but sadly very very sadly what we've now seen is the government continue on this mandate now to require disability support workers early child care workers teachers nurses doctors paramedics fires police officers you name it the forced vaccination mandate is actually growing it is not getting less and i have been absolutely inundated with desperate emails from families desperate emails from fathers saying uh i have to earn an income my wife we've got three kids we've got four kids i'm the sole income owner i have to have this vaccine to earn an income yet i don't want the vaccine because i i'm not certain of its safety we know that it's it's still that no one no one can tell us the long term impacts of it nobody can no one in the world can tell us because they're so new and people legitimately have questions and yet compounding this we have opera and the national board so our is the the federal government bureaucracy that oversees the behavior and the actions of gps well they've issued a statement a five-page statement basically in a nutshell saying if any gp interferes with the national immunisation rollout program we reserve the right to conduct an investigation and de-register them and that includes discussion on social media so here we've got even doctors feeling the weight of pressure and the heavy burden of oversight that they are now feeling unable to be free to act in all of their training and their professionalism to give the right advice to the particular patient sitting in front of them i mean this is the the absurd nature of the situation we are now facing in australia not only are our freedoms severely curtailed but our ability to get unfettered advice from from our doctors is now tampered with it's putting people's lives at risk which is a something that i am i am so angry about and since um speaking out publicly about the forced vaccine mandate in construction workers and tradies i'm now being asked by all sorts of people from different professions to help them as well not that i'm i'm saying what i'm about to say to promote myself but i'm saying that when i began i had about three and a half thousand facebook followers in 10 nearly 11 years in in public service in six to seven weeks since speaking out on this i now have 45 000 facebook followers that's because what i'm speaking about is striking a nerve in the heart of people people are saying that myself and one or two other members of parliament actually are the only ones that are recognizing the distress and and the fear in the community over this forced vaccine mandate and we had the prime minister scott morrison say publicly you know everyone's responsible for their own health in australia we do not have mandatory vaccination policies yet he has stood by and he has been silent and in effect he has been complicit in allowing the premiers and the territory leaders to go ahead and mandate vaccines and the leaders will say we're not mandating we're not saying you have to have a vaccine but they're saying you have to have a vaccine or you can't work so seriously where is the choice in that there is no choice for so many people and if i can just share one other story people are writing people are writing to me now saying i've turned up to a hospital because i've had whatever condition it is and i've been asked are you vaccinated and they've said well no i'm not vaccinated and they've been given a warning saying if you are not vaccinated you will not get treatment in our public health system welcome to australia how is this even this seems like a horror movie to me how can our leaders who are elected by the people for the people being allowed to get away with this atrocious destruction of our community and our society over this covert 19 virus it is it is horrendous and one poor lady i spoke to her yesterday she has two children that that have severe disabilities she's not been able to take them physically to the therapy that they need one little boy who has cerebral palsy he's now gone so far back in his progress that the medical teams have recommended he has surgery to release the tightness in his tendons he would not be faced with that situation if he were allowed to continue his therapy and now she's being told unless you as the mother of vaccinated you won't be allowed to enter into the ot the speech pathology award the hydrotherapy pool i mean this is the level of of decimation of our freedoms that we are seeing and it's time people of australia you have to stand up now and fight correct and demand for your freedoms now tanya we are so proud of you i'm i'm so proud of you my family's so proud of you listen to me the people of new south wales are proud of you you should be the premier of new south wales as far as i'm concerned i believe that you've been raised up for such a time as this you're a gift you're a strength you're a rock you're a safe place you know what you've got a heart of of a shepherd and i know i know i know that the people are behind you where behind you and um i want us all to pray for tanya father i pray for tanya right now that she would just cover her give her a voice continue her voice let her touch the hearts of people lord i pray that an army of people would rise up and and stand behind her and lord we bless her we ask you to make a way for her to speak into the life of this nation like never before i thank you for it and everyone out there whether you're christian muslim jew islamic it doesn't matter we are one we're australians and we stand behind her tanya thank you so much thank my daughter just texted me my daughter just said dad i could listen to her all day so sorry i interrupted you not at all um would it be okay if i prayed for you and for all your listeners and for our nation of australia thank you absolutely please thank you heavenly father uh we come before you um on bended knee with humility and father we present the nation of australia to you lord the great the great explorer in 1606 declared this nation the great south land of the holy spirit and father that is our heritage lord that is our history that is how our nation was founded and father we implore upon you lord to move with your mighty hand lord i pray for hope to be a fire that races through our streets our communities our societies our families that hope and peace and confidence will be instilled into the hearts of so many desperate desperate people right now father i pray for our leaders who are in leadership now god i pray that they would have wisdom lord that they would see see through whatever it is that they're being advised to do but you would give them the wisdom to see through what they did what their policies how their decisions are actually impacting and devastating our community and lord that there would be a change of heart lord however it comes around please let there be a change of heart please let us regain our freedoms please let us regain our sense of community and of unity lord this is such a divisive and a discriminatory approach that is being has been allowed to grow across our communities and inside families lord we speak against that and we call for unity in our nation we call for strength and lor i just want to reinforce sort of that scripture in exodus it's encouraging me every day 14 14 the lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace let that be a message of hope into the hearts of every single person that is watching this broadcast now and those that may watch it in the future we pray for protection over every australian right now in the name of jesus we pray amen amen amen people are texting me and this country loves you thank you so much and make sure you follow her listen to her speeches this is coming not just from a political leader but from a mum and from someone who's she's just like one of us thank you tanya i appreciate you so much and with that in mind after tanya what i mean that was amazing but you know what one and i want everyone to get out there and start telling everyone join in right now join in right now because i'm about to introduce someone and i say this respectfully every time i hear this lady speak i watch and she speaks real she's not a professional politician she's a real australian her maiden speech when she bought it before parliament people laughed and called her extreme but everything that she said in that maiden speech has literally come to pass i believe she was a voice of reason she is a voice of wisdom she's a heart she is a heart for the nation and has a heart for the nation i speak of none other than the amazing pauline hansen falling thanks for making time being with us on today on prayer and pushback thank you very much pat and thank you for inviting me to be part of your program and reaching out to the people of australia and having this conversation pauline what's happening to our country you're there in the cold face you're there with the people you you've made it your aim to lift this country and be a beacon of like what's happening to us right now it's very upsetting isn't it pat you know when i first got into politics in 1996 i thought this isn't the country that i grew up in and i wanted to get in there to have a say you know as a grassroots australian and to have a voice um in that period of time that i've been out of it since 1998 then i was re-elected again in 2016 and even this past five years i've seen huge changes where i feel that the people are being controlled by the political correctness we've had legislation imposed on us we've become many states we've been told what to do as i refer back to you know our governments are there to adhere to the constitution for the economic stability of the country and the rule of law i've seen it changed dramatically since that time and what they're supposed to be doing and they shouldn't be there telling people how how to run their lives or their businesses it is amazing the control but people have let this happen you see when i talk to people they're not interested in politics oh look you're all the same you know you know you're no different you're there for you've got your snouts in the trough and you don't care about the people and this is the feeling that i get through so you've lost an interest in in the voting system you most people don't even know how the preference system works you just take no interest you go in there tick it off and this is what why we've got what we've got and some people people are the power of this nation if you really want to take back control understand what parliament is about how to vote why you're voting for that person and understand their policies so you know my job and senator robert's job on this on florida parliament now is holding the government to account and we hold two of those votes out of three that they need to pass their legislation so it's totally it's questioning all the time so it's a very important position that we hold but one that i'm proud to hold and privileged to be a senator and you know we can't control everything people said to me why aren't you out there why aren't you changing things that's not how the system works we can't change it we are not government so people have to understand this pauline i'm going to stick my put my head on the chopping block right now and i'm going to say something and i know it's going to be controversial but i know i'm over scott morrison i'm over i'm over his double talk and i know he's a prime minister in this country i am so over i'm so disappointed and i know that a lot of australians feel the same we have a federal election coming up what can we do even even people and i'm going to say this i would prefer a dutton than a morrison right now and can you help can you help me with that can you help me with this part of me you said music to my ears peter duck i'm over him i'm over him i don't care that he's a believer or not i prefer duncan and people in the liberal party need to start making moves i'm going to go for that this man one day puts his hand on shoulder and says oh god this is my leader and then does a a a a a a brutus you know on him but pauline help us through that one i've i've i've nailed my mask to the wall this what can we do look um it's up to the party where they put peter dutton into the leadership role which they won't prior to the next election it's not going to happen right so we're going to have either a choice between scott morrison or albanese um i'd hate to think of of the labor party in controlling this country at this time um absolutely hopeless he's not a leader nice man i i don't mind uh albanese i've been on a trip with him over on a parliamentary delegation trip lovely man but no leader and to have the unions and more importantly to have the greens possibly running this country alongside with the labor haven't helped us because it will be disastrous mike morrison um with scott morrison i thought he was very good as a leader in the immigration immigration minister i thought he handled that portfolio very well but i think he's been very misleaded and people don't see him as the leader in his role now as prime minister of this country especially dealing with covert i think that he's allowed and he had good intentions when he's set up the national cabinet but i feel that he's lost control to the states estates especially the labor states have taken over control and they're just doing what they want to do and will always do what they want to do regardless i don't care if they say we've got this agreement at 80 percent vaccination rates double backs um the populace i think that if they feel at any time they need to shut the borders they will shut the borders and the morrison government can't do anything about it so um i think peter dutton um further down the track he is prime minister material i have a lot of time for peter people say oh well the way he comes across look you don't look for a person who's cr charismatic um to be the leader of this nation that's not what it's about you want someone who's balanced in their in their um the way they see it you need a grassroots you need someone who's prepared to make the stance and take the steps but also show that compassion and understanding it'll be hard it would be hard role to be uh the leader of this nation but scott martinson lost it for me when he actually at the bushfires when he went up to that woman who wouldn't shake her his hands and grabbed her hand and made her shake his hand and that tells you a lot about the person you don't do that to the public no you you know you don't make them shake your hand to me that's that's someone who stands over the top of someone you're going to do what i tell you to do and uh you can't do that leader of this nation you know someone uh attacked me the other day because i was putting this event on pauline which is normal and i mean you know i've got my team monitoring stuff and they're all out there you know saying what they want to say god bless you that's the best shot you've got god bless you but someone said to me it's it's it's it's the premiers it's a premier i said look i'm i'm a next street guy that's like telling me john gotti is standing out there and saying i didn't shoot the guy that was sammy the bull but you gave the order and and i believe scott morrison is hiding behind these things um have we lost point no he's hiding behind that and especially with this vaccine passport pauline you're out there in the coal face what can we do about these vaccine passports how insidious are they how evil are they well they are very evil and i've i've spoken out against them and uh i don't i don't agree with the vaccine passports you see scott morrison you're right under the um the constitution section 51 23a of the constitution it's states that the the commonwealth cannot impose on medical uh grounds civil conscription meaning they can't enforce people who have vaccines so they actually have a list of vaccines then they hand it over to the the states the states decides which ones they will actually impose on the public to have these vaccinations at the end of the day it is up to the person and their right to refuse having a vaccination you don't have to have one you don't want to have one don't have one i've made it quite clear there's no way in the wide world am i ever ever having vaccination i never did for the flu i am certainly this is my body and people think that um well look the advice the health advice is saying it's very safe no you don't have that you there's no proven test for the long-term effects it's having on your body but i'm not going to have the government's tell me or um medical practitioners tell me that i have to have this vaccination and i'm responsible because anything goes wrong there's no liability for us there's no protections there's absolutely nothing for the individual we've seen problems that have happened if you go to the doctor and they give you um a drug or something they tell you the side effects that this is going to have now i don't see that this vaccination you don't get the full advice with it it's not being properly tested now i spoke to spit excuse me i spoke to the specialist since the other work day and he said i'm holding off having this done this is a doctor he said i'm holding off having this done he said because we are starting to see now the side effects of this now i've had a chiropractor tell me that months ago all medical professions got a letter from the government stating that we could not speak out against the the vaccination if we did we could be losing our licenses so they have purposely gone out to shut people down from having a say if you watch the news or anything like that if you speak out against the vaccinations or don't encourage people have it you don't get a voice they shut you down you can't speak about this you're shut down completely the public are not getting um you know an opinion about this the same as climate change they do exactly the same with climate change you have to follow their way of thinking what they want to push on the public otherwise you won't have a platform to actually speak about it this is one of the most important things that is happening in our country and for that matter around the world that we are not getting the right advice people are so confused i hate this dictatorship and i hate being told what to do and i am going to retaliate against it am i going to comply with the vaccine passport probably not but i will assess it at the time of what i need to do do i wear a mask yes i do because you know i'm up for re-election and people say pauline why are you going along with this the fact is people then may look at me and say oh well um she's not wearing them she thinks she can do whatever she wants to do because i'm a politician that's not the case you know it's more important that i get re-elected again so i can keep the right going whether i wear a mask or not it's not the issue the most important thing is for me to still be on the floor of parliament to be a voice for the people and speak up on issues that other people or politicians are too gutless to actually talk about and inform the people we are here to represent you we i will never be shut down by any one prime minister minister anyone if i think it is against the best interests of the people and for the people pauline i'm getting i've just got texts and their messages here i'm trying to do three things and one thing my female side's coming out people are saying we need pauline we need and yes we do pauline how can we get behind you what do you need what do you need to get more people elected and stop this two-party control system that we have what do you need from the people of australia the floor is yours what do you need from them look what we're doing is going through a selection process at the moment for candidates now people who are going to be there for the right reasons because i tell you what i've got a very stringent term process that we go through i don't want i don't want people who are not going to put the time and effort don't have the passion aren't interests in this country think it's just a well-paying job you sit back and do nothing because you won't it won't happen in my party or representing the people of australia good candidates if you can't see yourself as a politician well then it's a it's the background help that we need and it's also the fact of being out there on manning polling booths for us handing out those how to vote cards get behind our candidates show the strength that we have that is that it's okay to vote for one nation that we have that support more importantly when it comes to voting then give us your number one number two is no good to us we have to have your number one vote then if we don't win the seat then you'll it will your vote will flow to your second choice you're not losing your vote just give us your number one vote and that thirdly we don't have the resources of the other political parties so we actually have um things like um we have a shop you can go on the one nation site you can actually buy up from our shop these are some of the things that we've actually got here like this this one here is this little girls it's one of our stubby holders this one's for the gender neutral wankers all right so you got that one i'm sorry but that's how i and this one if you that way well then i've got the guts to say what you're thinking and there's another one it's this one for the boys but i haven't got it i gave that one away i was at the air force base only my wife's listening my wife's listening over here but i love you and if my wife sister come out here and say hi to pauline she loves you christine just come and say hi she loves you we love you we're cheering you on because we believe that you are a beacon of light for this country and um i'm grateful and of course tracy and paul that i know well and and robin over there at the malcolm roberts office we we appreciate everything you're doing for this country and for having the guts and i i i appreciate your stand you you're bold as a lion and before you go is there anything you would like to add uh before we we bring in some more i know you're a bizarre issues my wife just wants to say hi this is christine and uh there she is right there give her away hello i'm gonna buy some of your merchandise she says she'll get a bite and she's i'm gonna find you nice you know yeah look we were up against the big boys but what i tell people is no one can control you you are always in control of yourself it's whether you want to let go of control and let people run over the top of you and tell you what to do it's like you have your home you decide who you invite into your home you don't allow anyone in to tell you when you go to bed when you have your meals and what to do the same as your parliamentarians you're you're putting people into a position of telling you what to do and how to do it make sure you make the right choice and uh i've seen dead beats that we shouldn't have in there that are useless and i'll take up space on the seats about time australians start to wake up realize that we've got a limited time period of time now to ensure that we have a beautiful country to go forward that we work together but we still maintain our rights and our way of life that we have otherwise they will take it from us in a heartbeat paulina before i say a brief prayer for you let me tell you a little instruction it happened at the gym the other day i live in the broad water electorate when was going to the gym and the state opposition leader was working out and he saw me and i think the blood drained from his face and i said david are you the opposition he said of course anna i said could you act like it could you take it up a level just take it up a level sunshine because if you don't i will and i think we're italian so we kind of you know he needs to take it up as well it's very important there because you see we've got the two-party system and the parties will tell you don't vote for the cross bench because they're destructive in the senate and they're actually causing the problems pat it's not you see the opposition you'll only get good government if you've got good opposition and when we don't get that from the other side it comes from myself and and my senator roberts and the type of thing we are the opposition in that parliament because we are question them call for accountability we want honesty one answers for the public and uh this last thing you talk about these vaccinations i asked a question on the floor of parliament of um senator birmingham and i said why are you not enforcing that your candidates and your members of parliament are mandatory vaccinations he said it is individual choice well why aren't they doing for the rest of the country why are they forcing these health workers to have these vaccinations so they're hypocrites it's one rule for politicians and another rule for the public well the public need to realize this and start standing up and fighting for your rights correct thank you pauline let me say a brief prayer for you father i pray for pauline thank you for her voice thank you for her her guts thank you for her stand thank you for the care and the nurturing she gives this country lord i pray you protect her protect her family lord let there be good men and women rise up and and support her we thank you we're grateful for her father we pray your blessing upon her in every area of her life amen thank you pauline so much and god bless you for being on today well what a day now we're running a little bit behind time but hey come on half the country's in lockdown and uh but right now i i'm going to switch gears and um i think my great friend daniel hagen is up ben i think that's correct ben and daniel hagan is an amazing pastor and uh look at him there he is dan a songwriter singer a great church pastor dan i'm gonna give you the floor for five minutes brother say what you want to say tell us what your church is doing tell us where your stand is and tell me what other pastors ought to be doing in five minutes wonderful well thank you first of all pat for putting this event on it's amazing i'm i've been watching the whole uh thing and just thrilled that everything that uh all of the different guest speakers have been talking about it's been amazing um i just want to say it's it's it's felt like a really lonely time over the last 18 months and i'm so encouraged to see so many uh like-minded people and leaders coming together during this time and speaking up for the people standing for the people and i love the title of this event prayer and pushback and of course we know the bible says it's the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous that avails much so we know that prayer works worship i love worship i think it's important that we gather together and worship and push back in the spirit but we need to push back in the natural as well but it's been very very very challenging i want to share from my point of view i'm i'm against the uh the way that the government has been locking down healthy people um you know i look at god's wisdom when it comes to infectious disease look at leviticus and there there were lockdowns in the bible for infectious disease there was even a form of quarantining for infectious disease but never did god orchestrate locking down healthy people and particularly in the case of melbourne and sydney where it's locking down healthy people on an ongoing basis and it feels like there's just no road map out and 18 months later i think we are now leading the world with lockdowns which is just crazy so my heart as a as a spiritual leader is to stand for the people we're seeing a rise in uh all sorts of uh hurt and pain emotionally depression um domestic violence alcoholism drug addiction suicide just recently i think it was beyond blue come out and said they had their record amount of calls in one day in their 50 year history on the suicide line and so to me as a spiritual leader i can't sit back and just say nothing i have to speak out but it's so hard because i want to do more but i i don't know what to do so i'm just so grateful pat that you're putting this on because it's kind of giving me ideas and i feel like we could even build further upon this event but i think for me as a and all the viewers as well for me as a leader i personally made a decision um and it's a little bit different from our church's decision we have a board of directors for our church we have a number of different locations we minister to about a thousand people across seven locations i have 15 staff that i'll lead and so i in 2020 i actually came to our uh had a board meeting and i actually wanted to open up and uh and because i just said we can't continue to do this i was inspired by rodney howard brown and some of our other leaders in america and what they've been doing because we actually do have provision in our constitution as well in terms of freedom of religion and also in the human rights charter we have provision and uh it's just so bizarre the way that these ongoing emergency uh laws or they're not even laws but these emergency powers are just stifling our constitution and our human rights it's it's bizarre so i came to our board but not all of our board were in total agreements and and i'm okay with that too because we are in unusual times and we didn't all agree but my personal conviction was that i will never ever miss another church meeting again and so i decided not to do it under the fire church banner but just to say listen and i put it out on social media i'm going to run a couple of events called open worship and this was when i was back in melbourne i'm in the sunshine coast right now but back in melbourne in the heat of the lockdowns we ran open worship meetings it was awesome we had a couple hundred people come out to saint kilda out on the beach out in the open air we baptized people people got saved it was wonderful actually that week leading up to it i had to send killed a police ring and asked me what we were doing and i told him i said look these are the issues that we're facing as a community and we need to get out people cannot handle this ongoing lockdown this this driving people crazy and we need to help them we need to get out we need to worship our god and i thank god for this for the particular leader of that saint kilda police station he actually allowed us somewhat uh to gather and we also went out into warrigal into the gippsland area and we held open worship gatherings it was amazing not long after things opened up a little bit more i'm now on the sunshine coast we've planted more churches out here in queensland but since that point in 2020 in my own personal conviction i've decided not to miss another gathering again now that's around the lockdowns now we move into this next phase of this tyranny that's a medical emergency now turned into tyranny and uh and now they're talking about these vaccine mandates these vaccine passports and i think this is really the last final straw for many people that weren't happy with the lockdowns you know and of course many facts have been uh presented in this call we're dealing with a disease that has a 99 recovery rate and now you're asking us to take experimental medication which by the way has killed hundreds of people and also tens of thousands of people in australia and you're asking us to take this experimental medication that hasn't been tested that's uh still hasn't been fully approved yet by the tga and you're asking us you're forcing us and caught your coercing us to take it and now in new south wales they're saying uh you won't be able to meet in a church building in a place of worship unless you've had this vaccine it's just bizarre what is happening but i think this is the final straw for many people daniel daniel you are a breath of fresh air you know i've stuck my neck out and i know you have as well and i've been very vocal about pastors some of them need to ramp it up a little bit i know my own you know uh you where you'll leave that alone they just like bald me on this and and that's okay but i want to thank you for coming on today i want to thank you for your stand daniel daniel i think by the way you you're looking a lot more like jesus every day daniel listen to me i'll tell you what i'll tell you if we get enough support out there we need to do a road show a road show i'll you know i'll just stand there in the background and let's uh let's let's take it thank daniel you're a blessing and i want to encourage every pastor i know mark ironside and so many others have taken a stand and and you don't know if i don't mention any of the pastors out there uh you know pastor marshall and daniel and so many others down here uh thank you that have taken us down in victoria pastor paul who was by the way put in two weeks solitary confinement and now they're trying to tell me that there's no persecution against christians right yeah right but daniel thank you thank you for your stand and thanks for being on today and uh uh follow him follow him on his social media get to his uh church services online as long as they don't contradict my times thank you for your stand god bless you my friend excellent part let's do more together mate this is the start of great things we you got it you got it well one of my very special guests is a guy who's just been to court this morning from what i understand tony nicolet is one of the generals out there in the cold face afl lawyers tony welcome to prayer and pushback great to see your face how was it this morning i went well um it was actually a part of a another matter who though are the people who wanted to join in and run a pretty similar sort of issue against the government what we're seeing here is really um the uh the coming together of a lot of people from different areas which is the reason why i stood up i guess i was well i guess it got to a point to where i could see the frustration in the community and that's where i was the first one to stand up and the letter of the seventh of july that um everyone talks about 7th of july 2021 was really about imparting knowledge giving people that sense of power and also waking the people up and what we're seeing now is a number of other law firms coming forward and that to me is a testimony to the fact that it's not just a small isolated group which is what some may want us to believe i'm getting calls all over australia peter it's the people are just frustrated and to your previous speaker uh daniel and uh bless him for saying what he said um as you know i ran a federal court case only two weeks ago with respect to opening up the houses of worship all around australia for every faith denomination unfortunately um um it didn't succeed but it was only an interlocutory application so we're not too concerned but what we wanted to demonstrate was um you you cannot you're being told you cannot talk to your neighbors you can't hug your family you can't hug neighbors and and and support people you know when it comes to food banks and congregation you can't go there you can't go to your place of worship you can't hang out with friends this is what we're being told you cannot work unless you get a certain medication you cannot leave a certain geographical location you know you when you take all that away you take love faith and hope from the soul of every person in australia okay you take that away and you've effectively dehumanized everybody okay yep correct correct tony you represented the young guy that allegedly punched the horse can you tell us a little bit about that we were having a chat about that last night and you know what actually happened to that young man well it was a very bizarre thing that that was on the 24th of july there was the freedom the gathering in in sydney it was as the footage showed it it was well over 25 maybe even 45 000 i didn't count every soul there but there was quite a few we were told in the mass media was between 2 000 and 3 500 and we certainly have that footage it is not 2 000 people like town hall all the way down all the way down to um or you know well well well down towards um you know uh central station i mean all the way down it was in this the road was packed george street was packed um what ended up happening there was one uh christian pikovnik who was my client uh it was alleged that he had struck a a horse um and i think everyone sees that photo of that that infamous photo well what that really was it was really it was really a photograph sorry hello hello i'm sorry sorry i just got my team in my ear there sorry brother i don't know if that came through there yep yeah i was just saying there was that one video that was strategically stopped um and it was it was the video that was stopped and created an image and that image created a perception that he had actually struck a horse in circumstances yeah i think everyone's seen the image what ended up happening there he he was sent to jail um bale refused and he spent what 14 15 days in jail and essentially he was held there in communicating so we couldn't get to him his mother couldn't talk to him um he laid on the floor of his uh of his cell asking for his asthma sprain they said well unless you do a pcr test we're not going to give you your asthma spray the toilet was blocked for seven days seven days at the time he was there now i filed a quite quite a large affidavit in that matter where i actually attached the standard minimum rules for prisoners in custody pursuant to the united nations commonly referred to as the nelson mandela rules we all know what happened to nelson mandela this was this had nothing to do in my view anyway the way he was treated with the offense let whatever happened on the 24th that'll come before the courts but his treatment his treatment was a catastrophe tony tell us about informed consent and i think um where can we get some help do you have any templates or anything you could help us with that how can people reach you how can they contact you because people are lost out there and they really need some practical stuff that they can have you know we miss outside a bit about informed consent can you tell us a little bit about that well informed consent is the process it's it's an ethical legal and professional obligation that doctors have with their patients okay so a patient needs to be able to give informed consent that is something that is enshrined in our law there you know when it comes down to taking a medication or a certain procedure well you need to give your consent it's it's just that simple so with all these mandated inject what the mandated injections and quite frankly they're playing ducks and drakes with us every day um with the with the mandated injections well there's no informed consent if you don't know and the government and the tga cannot tell you what's happening and what's in that medication how can someone effectively give informed consent so what's happening is most of the clients that we we've got they take their flu shot every year or you know they've they're inoculated they've taken all their vaccines and yet they're being stigmatized and ostracized in the community you can't come here you can't go there because you're an anti-vaxxer well that's just not right in my view with respect to the templates that you're talking um we have a a number of websites as you know we've been very busy we're putting together a whole bunch of templates for everybody they should be up online within the next few days um obviously there's a quite a large logistical process that goes on in the background to get them um but if you go to our telegram site our instagram page and we also where do we find those tony where do we find those telegrams okay so solicitors on instagram just type in afl solicitors on instagram telegram is t dot m e slash afl solicitors and then you also have which is the website you can go there if there are any issues there you can certainly reach out on any of those platforms and we can we can certainly give them to you right now peter we're at an intersection a very important intersection if i could just say one last thing here which is this is that uh the issue they're presently facing um i think if we go back to the reverend uh martin neilmer um you know first they came for if we all remember that one um and that was the purpose of my letter first they came for the aged care workers the airport workers and then obviously you know you can see what's happened and the next and the final straw is the children um you have a right to speak up you have a right to say no to something and i encourage everybody if i could just extend on that one little bit is first they came for new south wales then they came for victoria they're coming after each and every one of you okay all right correct correct and we've got to be informed know our rights and stay with them tony you're a champion i look forward to getting down to sydney and seeing you and uh and my taking out your good italian restaurant that put a smile on your face thank you thanks dad thank you well i've got two or three more special guests and this guy has been a great support and a great voice been on fox news when i saw him on fox i went i know that guy george christensen mp the floor is yours look at your handsome devil now this is the uh the lockdown look i've just come out of six weeks uh uh four weeks lockdown and two weeks quarantined perhaps so this is the kind of uh look you have after you come out of six weeks worth of quarantine and lockdown mate well you're looking good george the floor is yours thank you i know you've got templates and all kinds of stuff for people the floor is yours my friend thanks very much pat uh we'll look firstly thank you to you for organizing this uh prayer and pushback event uh thank you to all the listeners listening in because this is a very important time i've never seen the country uh as divided as what it currently is i've never seen the kind of impositions uh in this country that we're going through in fact i never would have expected it in what is free democratic australia that we would have governments locking people down imposing curfews on adults uh telling people that if they don't get a jab they can't go somewhere telling people they're going to have special identity documents to determine whether they've been vaccinated or not people losing their jobs over whether they're vaccinated or not this sort of stuff is beyond the pale it's almost like if you were in a coma over the last year and a half and just woke up you would think that you were in a dystopian future this country has changed that much so it's very important that we push back and it's also very important that we engage prayer because [Music] ultimately we are all individually and collectively in need of repentance that is very very important it's only when we repent of ourselves and repent as a society and as a nation that we will see the sort of things that we're going through ultimately off our back but look i want to just offer a few practical things pat to the people listening firstly you can opt out of what is going to be a vaccine passport system in the making sadly last year the australian government which i'm a member of uh set up this uh mandatory uh registry uh the australian immunization register uh which had been there as a voluntary thing but now it's mandatory that all vaccinations be reported to this uh to this body and on this register now it was supposed to be private between individuals and their doctors but i have seen some information from the health minister i've seen some information in print which leads me to believe that very soon that information is going to be made available to state governments so that they can impose vaccine discrimination against their citizens now that is wrong but there is a way that you can help frustrate that system we need as many people to do this as possible there is an opt-out form a form that you can fill in to ensure that um you you your details don't go to anyone else now i would encourage people to go to my website george today you uh if you scroll down the page there there will be a a a blog roll a list of uh latest news posts that i've had and one of them talks about this opt-out form click on it you can go there you can actually download that form that's number one download that form print it out fill it in and send it off yes they're requiring snail mail to make it difficult no doubt but you can send it back to the health department and your data will not be sent to any state government to enable these vaccine passports which are a complete affront uh in a free society where vaccination is not supposed to be done by coercion so the second thing that i want to say people who may be in the firing line and i've been speaking to a lot of them talked to a nurse earlier today i talked to a police officer last night i talked to a nursing student the day before i talked to a doctor the day before that all of these people are in the firing line that if they don't get the jab you know and it's against their own conscience their own decision to actually get it that they are going to be terminated from their positions well um whatever line of work it is uh that you're in if you are in that sort of firing line where the boss is forcing upon you are no jab no job policy well that is as far as i'm concerned abuse not only is it unethical for an employer to actually mandate what someone does or doesn't do with their body but it could actually also be illegal and so fair work have got some information on this path now when i say it's unethical what i mean by that is that we as employees are not slaves to our employers any longer we're not chattel to be used and abused so they shouldn't ethically be able to demand that we undertake a medical procedure particularly one that is only provisionally registered now fair work the fair work ombudsman has this to say if an employee refuses a direction to be vaccinated it's unlikely that their employer can stand down the employee further employers generally don't have the power to suspend employees without pay employees have various protections against being dismissed or treated adversely in their employment employers should make sure that they follow a fair process and have a valid reason for termination or they may breach unfair dismissal or adverse action laws now i would hope that that advice would also apply to other government employers government employers such as police teachers nurses anyone that's in the firing line but people should ultimately seek their own legal advice on this matter or call the fair work ombudsman nine 131394 during normal office hours monday to friday uh i have also going out in a limb here i've set up a website forward slash jobs or job rather job if you go to that you can fill in what i'm calling a no jab no job abuse report and i will see what i can do to connect you to the right authorities or do something which makes your employer back down from what is an unethical and perhaps illegal approach to industrial relations management within their within their workforce now um finally pat i just want to say we really do need to push against any sort of vaccine apartheid or medical apartheid in our country i've been running campaigns on this for quite a while i'm gonna tell you i've got my own personal petition uh which i've already informed the prime minister about and i'm wanting to get more and more signatures we're up over sixty thousand on that uh again a website www dot george christensen dot com that i you forward slash vax vax and you can sign that one i've also got another similar one against the lockdowns at forward slash freedom my website again forward slash freedom uh uh mata it's important that we let people know whatever yours are numbers are very very important and you've got heaps numbers here man i think you've got over 6 000 people but there's one thing i want to finish with mate because this is prayer and i've got the bible here in front of me and let me go to to the apostle paul make the apostle paul who told us as well as the church in galatians galatians 5 1 stand fast therefore in the liberty by which christ has made us free and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage the yoga bondage here pat is fear fear of a virus with an infection fatality rate of uh about 0.027 percent that means 99 point something like 99.97 percent of people survive this virus why why are we destroying our freedoms and our liberty for the sake of that thanks very much george you know i mentioned some statistics earlier on i know you were busy doing stuff and and and the real statistics that came out from the department of health spectator magazine did a brilliant job and i've got to say no indeed did an amazing job an amazing job and these are the facts numbers don't like you know our emotions especially me being italian i'm emotional and stuff and you know that that can skew you a little bit and i get pretty fiery about this stuff but but but numbers don't lie and you know what you've been given us and what you're doing is thanks figures numbers data and that and truth does not mind being questioned lies hate it lies hated george now listen everybody by the way we've got six thousand on one plate but we've got about four or five other platforms so don't and by the way we're going to stream it everywhere now you're up there my mate peter godfrey big shout out to pete godfrey up there in makai big supporter of yours loves you dilly great copywriter by the way and uh george thanks for your time can you can you please give us that website guys write it down otherwise we're going to get inundated in my office can you give us a heaps of heaps that i rattle off just go to george you'll find the vaccine petition uh or the vaccine passport petition the freedom petition you'll find the information on there about the opt-out form uh you'll find the information on there about fair work as well just go to my website and if you can't find it email me through the website and we'll get you the information you're after george thanks so much and thanks for being such a johnny on the spot and uh getting back to us i know i bombarded you with texts and that but you know so friend to reply love to be here god bless you and god bless all of you listeners thanks very much god bless you thank you well folks um we've got a couple more things listen before the end i've got something very special to announce so you don't want to leave i have a very special gift for all of you that have been here today i know we all love gifts i might just like i'm going to my team don't put it up there just yet but i want to thank you all and thank you for the support thank you for everything you've done you know there was one person i wanted to get on here to the point where yesterday i i was i was tearing my hair out and and i know this man has been very very busy and he's become almost like well not almost like he's become a national hero and this morning as we're about to go to air two minutes before a great friend of mine good friend i've got to to know i won't mention that in case this want me to mention him said we've got him we've got him and i was so moved and i i frantically got our team together this guy has become a voice and he's a real australian he's a real warrior the liberal party he really gave him a difficult time because he stood up for some things that all of us are standing up for yesterday i went down and i was inspired by well by clive palmer and what he said the other day in the media i went looking for clive down here at sanctuary county seeing if i could find him that's how desperate i was ladies and gentlemen it's my great joy my great privilege to introduce you craig kelly how are you craig yeah great to be with you pat mate i'm so glad you're on your you now you're right mate you've made my year sorry about the uh the communications has just been it has been a busy a busy couple of top busy couple of days to the thing so we're we're we're spreading ourselves a bit thin on the ground but look it's it's pleasure look it's honor it's honored to be on here with you mate that's that's the truth craig talk to us about what you're doing talk to us about how we can help you i know you're out there yes i use this phrase in the right way you're sticking it to them but you're doing more than that you're representing people of australia tell us what you're doing tell us what the party's doing because we want to get behind you well first yours elected i've been almost 12 years as a member of the federal parliament and i got to the stage earlier this year where the liberal party that i'd sworn allegiance to i thought had walked away from me and it had walked away from the allegiance psycho there's this document called what we believe in the liberal party it starts off the inalienable rights of all australians i just felt that was being violated and i just couldn't sit by on the back bench and just stay mute and not speak out so i had no other alternative than to resign as a member of the government to resign my committee commission positions because you can't have those uh committee positions that uh that give you an extra salary uh if you're not a member of the government so i just i had no alternative to walk away and my original thought was look i'm happy to run as a i run as a bit of a maverick independent in my seat i'll do my best i can uh to uphold the values that i believe in for the rest of this parliamentary term and i'll run as a maverick independent uh in in my seat and try and you know get home one way or the other but since then um that was back in february this year i've seen my country change in ways it's not my country anymore it's right craig yep yep it's all right brother i know you i know how you feel so i i had double two it was double that to go and link up with the united australia party because they give us the fire power to fight right we've got the the reality is the system is stacked against all the minor parties uh the incumbent parties the labor and the liberal parties get enormous they've worked out the system where they get enormous taxpayer funding to run election campaigns and the minor parties struggle to get a look so the only way that i thought that i could get getting a fight back was with with and he's you know so clive gives us the resources he gives us the resources to fight and i tell you what we're coming up we're coming after them in every single state around the country with 151 seats um where you know you know within a week we're going to be the largest political party in this nation by membership and we're going to run in every one of these 151 seats and we're going to stick it right to them we're going to take it right up because both parties have australia down and the member with the exception of my good buddy george uh and a few other parliament most of them have left the nation down and they betrayed the nation because they are not speaking up like to think here in new south wales that you've got both political parties that not only want to close the doors to the churches and other houses of worship but they now want to have they now have a policy that they want to have someone on the door of a church correct it says as you as you walk up to the church the doors of the church have history been open to everyone have been the refuge of where people go they want people to want to stand at the church and say show me show me your medical papers and if you haven't got the right medical no no no you have to be turned away are you kidding me are you kidding me my country that's right so yeah if that's if that's the type of country you want where someone stands at the door of a church and turns people away go and vote for the major parties yep say nothing just go along with it and that's what the majority of my former colleagues are doing in parliament just sitting there silent not even putting up a fight to argue against this well i'm not going to go i'm not going to sit on my watch and then just let this happen i'm going to fight with every fiber that i have to show that this is wrong this is unaustralian and this shouldn't be happening do you know i um i often use that quote where it says for evil to prosper all men all good men need to do is stay silent this is why craig i have not understood the silence of church leaders they could turn this around in a heartbeat you know i know of one instance where one tweet went out and barrett gladys vera jiglion completely changed their mind if we only understood that if we rallied together and said enough is enough and again i get ticked off so if i have stepped the mark craig correct me i'm sick and tired of them being afraid of their fringe benefits taxes getting taken away i'm sick and tired of them hiding behind scomo's grant said he hands to them we need to stand up for the people that are losing their jobs and i want to say this church is not just where you put your bottom on a sunday morning churches are the youth groups i get a little girl in sydney that i can't see and it breaks my heart and i've got a woman without a kid telling me as a father what i can and can't do i've got we've got two women in this country in state premiers that are telling us what to do with our kids and they don't even have any that's why i'm so grateful for you craig kelly and and how can we take this fight to them i want to encourage everyone get out there get behind george get behind pauline sign up for craig's membership get in there we need to show that we are not tolerating this anymore anyway the floor is yours craig i'm sorry i've got the grass respect for pauline hanson and her one nation party of the greatest respect for the uh the liberal democrats uh that what they're trying to do campbell newman up in there you know more strength to your campbell um i've got the greatest respect for the other minor parties uh there's gap and there's so many others that are trying new things and saying we've got to break the system and look you know if you join those parties great stick with them okay we want we want diversity of voices in this it's good to have diversity of voices um but the reality is that united australia party we're gonna have the fire power right and we're gonna unleash by apparent the next election it's just simple we put uh freedom over fear we put liberty over lockdowns and we put free of freedom of choice over coercion that's it well we want you from us the only way that we can reverse this the only way that we can change the direction our country is going there's the people that have never been politically active in their life make a stand and say this ain't gonna happen on my watch that i'm not gonna i'm gonna you know in 20 years time or whatever it is i don't want my kids or grandkids to come up to me and say oh what did you do when you know they took away all our freedoms so joint so the first step i'd say join a political party now i'm not gonna the other guys are all fine but with the united australia join us we we're going to have i said very soon we'll be the largest political party by number in this country we're going to run in every one of those one seats and like the book says behind me we're going to throw them all out we've got you know a lot of a lot of bad things have happened that we can't undo but we can make sure that this never happens to our kids and our grandkids and we can make sure that the type of that we that we inherited that we also pass on craig what i love about you you're not scared to wear your heart in your sleeve and that's why the people of australia love you you've been so vocal out there and you put yourself out there and i do believe you guys have got the fire power i i want to encourage everyone i want to say what you can't say or maybe i don't know whether you cannot come but get out there sign up for memberships get involved email his office listen i know how hard it is to to find this guy but i tell you something i want something i'll go after it and and i know craig that you're a voice crying in the wilderness and i believe that the good lord put you in this country for such a time as this and and i've got to say also i appreciate clive i know clyde's a polarizing figure just as i am but that's what makes that's what makes people stand up and take notice and craig on a pr on a practical level tell us what to do how do we sign up for the party what what can people do by jack you your prayer session for political purposes the united australia party we've got a website go to the parties website sign up as a membership sign up as a member that's that's the first step what you can do secondly speak out speak out with your friends your relatives what has really upset me a lot about what's happened is the divisiveness this course in our society there's people that are on the totalitarians uh we've seen these this petty bureau bureaucratic nature come out a lot of people that love the boss people around uh that love to scream abuse i've never seen an abuse scream like this uh you know the the abuse that i have i've personally seen the nasty vile uh you know language and personal personal abuse we've got to get away from that that's not australia so i'd encourage firstly sign up secondly speak out do your own research don't listen to these uh i did a politician for 12 years i'll tell you most of the time when i say when a politician's moving his lips he's telling your lies to watch these prince daily from the upstate premieres i'm like i have to restrain myself not from picking up something you want to throw out the television set when when they they just go off and you can the one you can't you know hear me yelling and screaming you know they're lying they're lying up there in sanctuary cove but the way i get upset about them but um look people have got to become politically active it's now out it's now it's now our turn to protect the freedoms of this country that we inherited there's no standing or letting someone else do it or they shall be right mate yeah i'll tell you it won't be if this continues it won't be right mate we've seen the policies in israel they just get they'll just these policies if we think oh look you know we'll let's go along with it and i'll give us back a few crumbs of freedom and you know it'll be okay i'm telling you it won't they're just going to get more draconian are they going to get more harsh and the only way we can stop this is to fight back be vocal and get politically active you know craig i said earlier in this year when i started to get myself in a bit of trouble with all this coming out and taking a swing at things and i said the lockdowns are going to be faster furious with less cases and it was right because it wasn't about protecting health it was about governmental control and what i find is you know the the fatality rate the numbers don't lie and people have been duped they've been scared you know and i think voices like yours really really we need you in that we we need to get behind you craig is there anything you'd like to add before you go i know you're a busy guy you've got you've got any i just say thank you everyone for the opportunity um you know we've got a great country we've got to fight this key to that but it's now it's now you know there's no excuse it's it's you know it's to the battlefields it's it's to the front lines get involved there's nothing i'd love you to join the night australia if not join one of the other minor parties you know just get politically involved and and we've got to take this right up to them we've got to never let we've got to stop what's happening we've got to make sure this never happens again correct craig kelly thank you so much man i'm so it was like the midnight hour but you you were here and if i see clive up here at sanctuary coast okay i'm gonna give him a big hug it'll scare the life out of him but i'll give him a big hug and we're gonna guys get behind craig kelly thank you so much craig and god bless you let me pray for you father i pray for craig i pray that you would raise him up as a voice and continue to raise him up lord i pray we would turn the tide of this country around father i pray that you would cause things that need to be exposed to be exposed lord i pray that you bless him protect his family protect his party and continue to raise him up to be a leader and a voice we pray for pauline we pray for for for malcolm roberts we pray for all of these leaders for tony over their father afl we pray for tania for every single one lord that's been on here today and i thank you for it lord now guys we're not over listen i want to thank every one of you craig thank you so much my brother you're a blessing mate and um i look forward to catching up with the meal with you soon i'll quickly let's tear down that plastic wall that exists between uh the new south wales and queensland state that just see that on father's day was just a disgrace i i i was down there a week after and i broke my heart i was down there with our kids and and it was like one of the owners there was crying he said pat there's like got the berlin wall here and this is not right this is evil to the core thank you craig kelly for being a voice and for being a a fighter god bless you my friend god bless you too pat god bless you well guys listen i i want to thank you all did you all get something out of today i trust you did and we went a little bit over time but i know you all enjoyed it i want to encourage you to share this now listen to me very carefully i want to thank you for all that you've done and i have prepared a gift i got my team i said how can we reward people taking time out listen to me very carefully if you go to that link forward slash push look i'm a speaker i i'm an author and i have always been involved in personal development helping people this is my gift no obligation not a fee it's a freebie we love free stuff if you go to forward slash push there's three things we're going to give to you number one a copy of my brand new book called unbreakable which i wrote during covert went best seller in about three days and then my classic wake up and dream and then we've also got a a a a cd there on living the dreams we all need the dream right now we need to get our hope back and these are tools you're under no obligation to do this uh and by the way this is free we're not asking you to pay it's completely free give it to your friends we don't care this is my gift god has blessed me i i started this because i i was stirred one day before doing one of my business online conferences and i went out and i spoke and all of a sudden the internet went crazy so if you go to forward push push okay it's my name push you can get those free books the dvd and by the way i think there's also the audio version of my book unbreakable and again you're under no obligation also on sunday 9 00 a.m on facebook we have our sunday morning service at 9 00 a.m if you'd like to go to our youtube channel it's forward slash reborn or you can join us on facebook we're not done yet i've got a few things to say before we go go 9am sunday morning i'm going to speak on truth calls no truces truth calls no truces and everyone of every faith is invited even if you don't believe it doesn't matter to me join us sunday morning nine o'clock for a time of inspiration a time of hope we need to rally together and um we're going to inspire you to live a life that is above all this madness and empower you so if my team could put that on again the the link for the www.mercedia.compush join us on facebook 9am i know if we turn our eyes heavenly we can change this now i know some of my good christian friends say i'm just praying that's not enough we need to pray and we need to do we need the right we need to get behind the tanya davies the poor lanes the craigs we need to get behind the the malcolm roberts we cannot just sit there and passively watch our human rights and dignities be eroded eroded from us if we don't fight for what we have we should not cry for what we lose those that prefer safety over liberty benjamin franklin says deserve neither and i'm going to ask you all to be people that stand up above the madness keep your posture keep your dignity let the people that vilified vilify we are people that are peaceful we are people that are informed you know we don't start fights but we know how to end them and we end them using the weapons of prayer we end them using the the weapons of our rights we end them by letting our governments know that we the people it's we the people not them the controllers we need to write to our prime minister we need to take action folks your stories your heartbreaking stories don't send them to me actually you can send them me but send them to them because the more personal those stories are as campbell said the more powerful they will be and guys today i i want to close today's broadcast and again i i i know that many of you out there people of faith and people of different faiths and we've we're all in this together if i can use that unless you're part of the elise then you're trying to control us i'm going to ask you to share this broadcast i'm going to ask you to watch people to view it i know it's long but hey what else are you going to lock down watch watch reruns of the horror show from gladys and and dan send the message out spread this message and today we're going to end this broadcast and just hang with me for a minute i'll come back after after this it's a beautiful song that has touched my life for as long as i can remember as a teenager and i asked my wife and a sister renee to prepare this song and i hope it touches you i hope it's i hope it uplifts you and then i'll have some closing comments and then we'll uh we'll end the day thanks guys let's roll the tape [Music] anything [Music] is [Music] turn your eyes upon jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] turn your eyes in his wonderful face [Music] embrace [Music] [Music] jesus is still the answer for the problems of the human soul i know that he is the hope of the world he is not only the savior he is the hope and the king the bible says every knee shall bow roof tongue confess that jesus christ is lord and i want to end this broadcast i'm going to ask my team to put up that thing people are texting me i know our website is down the overload has been phenomenal but this will be up on facebook it'll be up on all our platforms on youtube i know our website's been download's been amazing but i want to remind every one of you that there is a hope even if you don't believe in him i want you to hear this he believes in you he's a healer he's a hope he's the light in the midst of darkness and he's the answer he always has been he always has been the answer if you take jesus christ out of human history we are meaningless he is the hope of the world and i want to encourage you that are out there to turn your eyes to him all you've got to do say god help me and like that he will the great book says behold i stand at the door and knock if any man hears my voice what i find interesting is that jesus spoke that to the church the church of laodicea and my question is why is jesus outside the door of his church who locked him out he has the keys of death in hell and that doesn't have the key to that door i want to appeal to every pastor in this country those of you that may have felt that i offended you that was not my intent at all my intent was to fight for the freedom of this nation my intent was to bring the good news of jesus to people and my intent was to give people back their freedoms that they deserve whether they're christian jew muslim or atheist our freedoms are given to us by god himself i want to thank you all for watching there's that link there support everyone that's been on here sunday morning 9 a.m we will be um we will be there and jurgen you did such a great job jurgen rodney just texted me and said you did just such a great job on romans 13. you're going to want to thank you rodney i want to thank you for holding my arms up tim hall and daniel i want to thank you and andrew thank you for holding my arms up we pulled this off in less than a week so we know that god's god's on our side thank you everybody god bless you please share this share it far and wide god bless you all thank you all my team to the boys there at dan good productions to uh to mario to joel to to chris to everyone out there god bless you please share this please share this let this go viral all over the world god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Pat Mesiti
Views: 33,615
Rating: 4.9491434 out of 5
Id: J2xUEmQUuSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 15sec (13515 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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