Pastor Austin Humphreys | Pastoral Installation | Gethsemane SDA Church Raleigh

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[Music] oh [Music] [Music] on thee the highest [Applause] [Music] our is [Music] [Music] [Music] from earth [Music] remaining [Music] come let us adore him kneel down before him worshiping [Music] kneel down before him [Music] worship and adore him [Music] [Applause] [Music] well [Music] well [Music] [Music] well [Applause] [Music] we [Music] we worship you [Music] we worship you [Music] you are my strength strength [Music] me [Music] you are my strengths [Music] me [Music] you lift me [Music] [Music] you lift me up [Music] you lift me [Music] in the power of your name you lift me up you lift me [Music] um is [Music] [Music] [Music] your name [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] lord i come to you lets my hearts be changed [Music] flowing from the grace [Music] [Music] i've come to know the weaknesses i see in me will be swept [Music] your love hold me closer [Music] [Music] draw me to your side and [Applause] my way i'll rise up like this [Music] [Music] by the power [Music] [Music] draw me to your time [Music] like [Music] [Music] love [Music] my jesus my savior lord there is none like [Music] all of my days [Music] my comforter [Music] i am never cease to wash [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you forever [Music] to the [Music] [Music] forever i love you forever [Music] [Music] into your sanctuary to presenting face to face i look upon your countenance i see the fullness of your grace i can only bow down [Music] [Music] you are awesome in this [Music] place for praise we race you are awesome in this place [Music] you are awesome in this [Music] you are awesome in this place [Music] you are awesome in this [Music] the one from the beginning to the end you are alpha and omega let us close this segment as we remind ourselves that this god we serve is the god from before the time and who will always be with us [Music] [Music] we were you are [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we give you [Music] oh [Music] we give you all the glory [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] holy [Applause] we've come to worship christ the king to honor and obey the creator of the universe we've gone to celebrate in adoration love and joy our hearts are filled with [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] day of rest of the week [Applause] holy sabbath day of friends [Music] six days we work and run and play each day we seek his blessing our sinful souls have turned away his grace our sins forgiven [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god's holy day holy sabbath day of rest holy sabbath day of rest of the week [Applause] this is [Music] designing god's a perfect plan this day will keep in hand [Music] creation story grace [Music] join now and worship on god's day in jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] of [Music] [Applause] holy sabbath [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] we have to be [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] on the basis [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have to be [Music] is [Music] god created [Music] oh [Music] throughout all eternity [Music] [Music] [Music] we've come to give you praise [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so uh permission to post colors granted college congratulations please rise tomorrow oh present arms order arms more time forward amen congregation you may be seated good morning gethsemane good morning friends of gethsemane good morning to those who are visiting with us on this morning we are so happy to have you worshiping with us on this morning we're happy to have those who are worshiping via zoom via live stream we're happy to have those who are worshiping on this morning in the parking lot amen we are all so happy to have you you sitting here in the congregation who won the lottery it's the 50 capacity limit so you win the lottery you're here you're in the sanctuary so good morning to those of you who won and who are seated here in the sanctuary are on this morning again we are indeed happy we're excited and we're glad that you chose that you made a decision to worship with us on this morning at gethsemane seventh-day adventist church located at 2525 sanderford road in raleigh north carolina we're on today i am so excited because i can officially say where our pastor and first lady is none other than pastor austin humphries and jaleesa humphries amen amen [Music] so i acknowledged them on this morning and their daughter their baby girl arden and um i welcome them because this is their first time worshiping with us on this morning and we are happy to have you pastor humphries sister humphries and arden with us on this morning also i want to acknowledge william winston president of south atlantic conference and his lovely wife eula winston we're happy to have you worshiping with us on this morning also pastor joseph of good news seventh day adventist church here in raleigh north carolina we're happy to have you with us pastor joseph we also have with us pastor scott pastor scott we're happy that you are here pastor scott he pastors ebenezer seventh-day adventist church in greenville north carolina and gethsemane seventh-day adventist church in kinston north carolina also we have with us elder robert rodriguez and his lovely wife bendy rodriguez he is the first elder of east wake fellowship in knightdale north carolina elder rodriguez and we're happy to have you and your lovely wife with us on this morning last but not least we are happy to have those who are visiting with us on this morning do we have any visitors in our midst via zoom via live stream or here in the sanctuary and i want gethsemane gethsemane i would like for you to stand and give a round of applause to our visitors and to our friends who are worshiping with us on this morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] today today is the beginning of a new chapter in the history of gethsemane seventh-day adventist church beginnings beginnings are opportunities for growth and positive change beginnings beginnings they stretch us beginnings they invite us to live up to our fullest potential gethsemane are you ready for the new beginning jeremiah 3 15 reads then i will give you shepherds after my own heart who will feed you with knowledge and understanding today we celebrate and we receive with joy and thanksgiving that which the god has given to us a shepherd a shepherd after his own heart a shepherd who will feed us with knowledge and understanding so we celebrate today the installation of pastor austin humphries and we thank god for him as we continue to worship the lord in spirit and in truth i ask that those who are visiting those who are worshiping here in the sanctuary with us i ask that we follow the instructions of the ushers we're still wanting to maintain our covert protocols and so we ask that you be mindful to respect the distance we want to social distance so let us respect social distancing let us also respect others space let us keep our mask on and let us worship the lord and have a good time in the lord amen amen amen praise the lord everybody praise the lord we'd like to welcome pastor and sister humphries the name of our group is blessed and we're just going to share the church's theme song at this point when i think about the lord when i think about the lord how he saved me how he raised me how he fills me with the holy ghost how he heals me to the uttermost when i think about the lord how he picks me up and turns me around how he placed my feet on solid ground when i think about the lord when i think about the lord how he saved me how he saved me how he raised [Music] when i think about the lord how he picks me up and turns me around how he places my feet on solid ground it makes me want to shout hallelujah thank you jesus lord you're worthy of all the glory and knowledge in all the praise he makes me want to shout hallelujah thank you jesus lord you're worthy of all the glory and holy one in the press when i think about the lord how he raised me how he fills me with the holy ghost how he heals me to the uttermost when i think about the lord how he picks me up how he picks me up and turns me around how he plays my feet on solid ground it makes me wanna shout it makes me wanna shout hallelujah thank you jesus lord you're worthy of all the glory and all the honor and hallelujah thank you jesus lord you're worthy of all the glory and hallelujah thank you jesus lord you worthy abort of glory and all the honor and all the pride it makes me want hallelujah thank you jesus lord you're worthy of all the glory and all the honor and all the prayers [Music] oh [Music] thank you thank you so much we glorified the lord hallelujah we want to thank god that we have come now it is time for intercessory prayer and as you realize now we are living in difficult times many people are sick many difficulties pastor i'm praying welcome and the first lady scott welcome thank you so much it's good to see you our president is here but now we have come to pray together i want all of us to present your request to god knowing that all of us we are going through some if you are not sick you have something that we need to focus the lord jesus christ so this is a very important moment i want to welcome you all those who are online that we are going to pray for you some people are suffering from coffee 19 others are going family issues we want to present all of those to the lord jesus christ and i am request you to bow ahead your head so that we can pray together almighty father in heaven we just come to praise your name we thank you god of whom you are we give glory and honor to you you are we don't know where we shall be right now but because you are our mighty god you have allowed us to come and worship you that many people wish to come and worship you but they cannot but here we are lord glorifying your name praising your name now lord we have come gather together here asking for you to forgive our sins sometimes we have hell out against you so lord as we bring our petitions we want to pray lord we want to thank you for your forgiveness now lord i want to present your church into your hands father there are those who are sick amongst us there are those who are going through some sufferings maybe family problems lord we want to present them this morning unto your other hands stretch your healing hand touch them lord jesus so that they may get well father there are others who are we were just in the moment of committing suicide we want you to prevent them lord not to do so those who are suffering in the hospitals father we present them into your other hands hear them father lord in a very special way we want to thank you for what you have done this morning thank you for bringing your men servant here in this church we want to thank you for getting church a great church lord we have started a new beginning now your main servant has come i believe with a new vision you have given him father we pray that you continue to anoint him and his wife and their child baby god father empower them as they are going to be here lord we pray for unity and we pray for revival in this church we have a lot of work to do in this area lord many souls to be willing to be warned to your lord jesus christ therefore lord as your man servant has come i pray for the unity of the church father we pray that they will be mobilized and there will be disciples makers lord in this area so that we can turn upside down this city of rare and the surroundings father god we want to thank you for our conference we want to thank you for the leadership we didn't know that it's going to be too soon but lord they have made it so we pray lord for our president elder winston and the first read of the conference father continued to empower them under con and the entire leadership of their south african conference father they work now in difficult times and they need our prayers they need the brethren's prayers so that they can continue to leave this church in these difficult times father we pray for all our pastors we pray for all our members continue to empower them lord help us to realize now we live in the last days you are coming very soon help us to continue focusing our hand on the road there is so many exits father help us not to exit anywhere that will keep on looking forward until you come lord jesus christ father god i pray lord for many people in the country while now are suffering those who have not known you lord the missionaries father we pray that be with them and their families as well now lord as i conclude i want to pray for your servant once again for some prayers he comes to minister to us father when his time comes speak to him lord let us live here not the same way we came in we want to live here and say lord indeed we have seen you and we have been changed revive us lord father thank you so much we present the entire program into your hands and we pray for those who are online continue to bless them also lord father thank you for hearing this prayer for we pray trusting in your name jesus christ amen amen thank you [Music] happy sabbath church family oh i can do better than that happy sabbath church family all right all right today is a is that me okay today is a high day in zion pastor humphries first lady first baby it's good to have you here amen amen amen ties an offering i have been in a phase where god has been speaking to me a lot about the word and the phrase of purpose having a purpose now purpose can definitely become this high arcing theme for many of us when we think about the purpose of our lives but purpose really just means a reason or intent we need a reason or intent for the things that we do and so one might ask the question what is the purpose of returning tithe and offering well some may say the purpose is prescriptive go to malachi and say god told us to so we must return time others may say the purpose is practical tithing is the way in which the work of the lord is covered and ministers and laborers are paid that is true but i've discovered that there is also another purpose that i believe the lord has shared with me this week of tithing michael holmes who is the author of the book success habits of christian millionaires and billionaires talks about how when he was without money about to lose his wife and debt over his head the first thing that god led him to do is to begin to return a faithful tithe and offering he is now a millionaire multi-millionaire and he talks about how even as he began to return a faithful tithing offering it wasn't that someone called him the next day and said the lord told me to give you this check nor was the testimony that somehow someone knocked on this door and said i don't know i know your bills are due but i just had a dream that we need to let you stay here for free no that's not what happened but he shares in the book that in tithing the lord was able to bring his heart to a place of gratitude and faithfulness so that he could be entrusted with great wealth the bible says in the book of matthew the book of matthew it says do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth where mouth and rust destroy you've heard this and where thieves break in and steals for lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor arrested stores where thieves do not break in and steal for where your treasure is they're your what church i submit to you that a purpose a purpose of tithing is positioning of our hearts positioning of our hearts this morning we're going to be collecting the ties and offering by the deacons on your way out make sure you return it to them put it in the plates and for those who are watching online go to our website very convenient go to our website click on the give button and you are able to return a tithing offering in the same way that you made the amazon purchase but let us not forget this morning that a purpose of tithing is a positioning of our hearts for where our treasure is there our hearts will be also let us pray father god we thank you so much for blessing us for giving us resources for being our source of all of our needs and even our wants god father right now we come to you as evidence of our trust and of our gratitude we return our tithe and we give an offering father bless us where we are still looking to have your provision in our lives but may you confirm for us lord the purpose [Music] of us returning a faithful tithe and offering we thank you for this in jesus name we pray amen [Music] hi pastor humphreys welcome to get sent me sda junior academy my name is leslie rodriguez and i would like to take you on a tour of our school come on go i don't know what you're going through but we stopped by to tell you that what's in front of you hi pastor humphreys welcome to get sent me sda junior academy my name is leslie rodriguez and i would like to take you on a tour of our school come on let's go i don't know what you're going through but we stopped by to tell you that what's in front of you is bigger than what's behind you your destiny your promise your future you might as well shout before you get it because god sent me here to tell you that what he has for you is gonna be big i believe the first thing i would like to show you is our school library isn't it just beautiful we welcome our school library not just for our students but for everyone in the community but my favorite area is the rocking chair because i can sit and read my books and also be comfortable one special place about our library is our piano our music teacher dr conwall comes in and practices our school song with us the next place i would like to show you is our stem lab in our stem lab we focus on student education we also have a robotics skill for robotics we have our science tables for our stem projects now let's move on to our k-2 classroom let's take a peek [Music] ladies and gentlemen this is not a drill it's the b.o.b and it's about to get real it's about to get real [Music] that was fun now let's move on to our five classroom this is our three through five classrooms [Music] you never been rude [Music] now that was fun but we still have one more classroom which is our six to eight classroom come on four years of school to get to college four years of bad for a degree [Music] it's easier to master knowledge and it is the match to me but i'm making this my graduation now we're going to move on to our very last room which is our multi-purpose room come on when i showed up the ceremony started well that's all we've seen here but we can't wait to see you welcome to god send me christian seo junior academy i'd be [Music] happy sabbath ah as i enjoyed the beautiful music and the presentations from everybody so far i couldn't help but remember that verse we used from the 122nd chapter of psalms i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord amen i'm here to extend the greetings from eastwood fellowship family so i would like to say greetings to everybody um elder pastor joseph patos scott and in particular pastor humphries and first lady and first baby it is truly a privilege to see you over here and to officially welcome to gethsemane church and to our sister church is wake fellowship it is amazing and it is truly a joy and a day of celebration here to receive you formally that's why i would like to also extend my greetings to the family sitting here in church and those watching via zoom or youtube it is truly again a day of celebration i just cannot help but thinking of a chapter 28 of matthew when jesus himself gave us the admonition go ye therefore and teach them teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and lo and i am with you always even unto the end of the world amen we are truly invested in reaching out to the community making a huge impact in the communities of raleigh nidal clayton and all those communities around us we are all about letting them know that there is a seven-day adventist family that truly cares for them and their salvation and we're looking forward to cooperating with you taking advantage of your wisdom and working with us as we reach out to the communities on behalf of the church board the elders from our church we would like to give you the warmest welcome and wish you a really nice experience here with us happy sabbath everybody and welcome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] every time i turn around blessings blessings [Music] every time i turn the favor of the lord rest upon me in my hands of my needs surely goodness lessons lessons every time i turn around [Music] [Applause] [Music] is only speaking [Music] well all right [Music] [Music] blessings [Applause] for the rest of the years for the rest of the year [Applause] power [Applause] [Music] every time i turn around [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] good morning to you and i'm happy to see you this morning and glad to be here those of you who in the sun booth i'm gonna need about five mics if you'll get ready for me thank you thank you this is an exciting day this this work that god has called me to do gets to be very stressful sometimes stressful and i have ways of escape places i hide out sometimes just to just to unwind and one of those places is um at the football game for the atlanta falcons and uh i just go up in there and act like a fool like the rest of them on sunday just just let off tension and let off stress for those of you who know anything about the the falcon stadium they have a new stadium where the roof opens up they can just open it up and you can be in inside in a dome or you could be outside they just open it up when you all started getting your praise on today i had to look up to see if the roof was going to open up [Applause] i haven't i haven't been in church a lot physically in church i've been doing virtual like you i've been to funerals more funerals than anything else but not worship services and i want to thank you for being here lebron i want to thank you for your leadership doing these last few weeks um this this kind of was unexpected for us but the lord knew all of this and got got us prepared for it and i am excited to be here as a part of this day normally what we do in the installation service is have everyone participate including the congregation but i'm going to assign parts today first i'm going to ask my wife who is my road buddy and we were back on the road we had on this trip we had a stop in charlotte and we had a stop in greensboro and then here today but we we've had a good time coming up the road because we we haven't really traveled together uh for about 17 18 months we've been on lockdown like you have we've still been doing ministry but uh from a distance and this has been our first road trip now we've been on we've been in the on the road and in the ab on planes trains and automobiles for the last three weeks but to be in church today to be in the house of god and to be here with you is [Applause] it's a special blessing so we're thankful here but i'm going to ask sister winston if if she will come and share the bible with us of pastor humphreys when we get you you have a litany program in your hands i i'm gonna i'm gonna do the part of elder w.l winston and i'm gonna ask the clerk so clerk where's the club you're doing a lot of duties can you come up here and be the congregation you think you think you could do that all right um ella bryant i want you to do the part of the elder where's faizala peggy brian i want you to do the part of the elders and and uh where am i now congregation pastor humphrey of course you will do your part and um normally i have all of the elders come and kneel around the pastor as we pray but ella could give scott thank you for being here i'm going to ask you and and pastor joseph to be the two to come and lay hands upon the pastor as we pray for him this morning did i cover everything i'm going to do winston uh our clerk is going to do congregation ella bryant you you represent all the elders yes yes rodriguez i'm sorry i did not mention that but if you would come as well um congregation pastor sister humphrey you go come up here you're going to stay right where you are yes we'll do that your pastor will represent both of you and um i think we've got it and when it comes to the point of the program where it says all then we will we will all join in so sir winston thank you good morning gethsemane i think you have a copy of this in your hands also for those who are joining us by social media maybe you see it also but pastor austin humphries is whom we are introducing today a native of chicago illinois austin humphrey is the son of pastor james and renee humphries he is a proud product of christian education he graduated from oakwood adventist academy and then metric matriculated to oakwood university in may of 2013. he graduated and received his bachelor of arts in theology he has also a masters of art in pastoral studies from oakwood university pastor humphrey served as the assistant pastor of the berean seventh-day adventist church in atlanta georgia for three and a half years he was my pastor that's where my membership is afterwards he transitioned to eastern north carolina where he led the extinct had the esteemed pleasure of pastoring murfreesboro maranatha church district pastor humphrey also serves as the co-pastor of north carolina online worship with pastor kagia scott it's a bi-weekly online virtual experience that has births during the conrona virus pandemic this ministry serves as a virtual hub for relevant and progressive ministry to many around the world pastor humphrey is married to the love of his life and best friend jaleesa and they are the proud new parents of their daughter arden pastor humphries lives by the motto if you stay small enough long enough god will make you big enough soon enough may god bless the humphreys and gethsemane thank you thank you sister winston let me move to this mic we appreciate that and pastor humphrey we welcome you um i need to be very very open and candid with you that uh i'm not doing you any favor by sending you here this church has some heavy lifting to do [Music] you're a young man and just by being here today and being in this congregation i think you have made some of us maybe 15 years younger than we were when we came back in here we we feel the excitement [Music] of a young man standing at this pulpit um not that the ones before you were not young men they were but there's there's an excitement among the young people of this church and they have an eager anticipation of you being here and and being a part of them and ministering to them and i know you will but there is some heaviest lifting and and god has already prepared you before we knew this day was coming before we had a conversation around the administrative table before any votes were taken god was preparing you for this day and this call um the only only thing i would share with you today and i read this just this past week that the servant of the lord ellen white says that there are two things that we need in the pastoral ministry above all others we need a love for god [Music] and we need a love for god's people so i charge you today love these people just love them just love them with all of your heart and mind and soul and strength and you know what's going to happen they're going to love you right back because they're happy that you are here and i'm happy to be here today so as we as we as we welcome you pastor as we uh enter into this litany that we have today uh we all know who we are in the the cast of characters and we will begin today holy father on this blessed sabbath day we acknowledge you as the sovereign god of the universe and humbly request your divine presence in this sacred service today hear our prayer oh lord and fill us with your spirit make us one in you dear lord and overshadow us with your glory lord we lift up to you today austin and jalissa may they be precious in your sight endow them with power [Music] [Music] thank you for your love and acceptance truly god has caused his face to shine upon us we invite you to lead us in our daily walk with god our delight is in the lord and we pray that we may grow in his grace pastor humphries god has given to you this charge of leading these his people in their preparation for the soon coming of our lord jesus christ abide in him and you shall bring forth much fruit i accept the charge to present the living christ through my life and my ministry and pledge to always exalt the name of jesus we coven up before god in each other this day to place christ first to seek the goddess of the holy spirit and to work together pastor humphrey just for you i'm going to ask you to kneel and the pastors that i've designated if you will if you will lay hands upon our new leader let's pray father we are humbled by your presence here today by the holy angels by the holy spirit for this special occasion but we lay hands upon your anointed servant for this new assignment here at the kissimmee church and in this capital city of my home state of north carolina lord um you you knew from the womb about this day you you knew the change in leadership that this church would go through so today lord in in in our [Music] sincerest prayer we ask you first of all those of us who stand here today those of us who lay hands on him to to cleanse us of all unrighteousness there's anything in us lord forgive us cleanse us heal us as we in your presence lay our hands upon him and we pray a special prayer for uh this young couple uh with this new child that you have blessed them with lord keep them from sickness and disease keep them from harm and danger keep them from mean and evil people protect them up and down dangerous streets and highways lord just hold them dear in the palm of your hand and lure them down into a well of knowledge and understand that they might feed your people and that they might prepare men women boys and girls for the soon coming of our lord and savior jesus christ lord helping to be focused help him to be faithful help him to be of good courage on those days where he needs a place to escape lord provide something for him or something for him to do through your grace and mercy provide his own garden of gethsemane for him lord just do that and then as he and his dear wife assume this new assignment we pray for an outpouring of the holy spirit we pray for for all kinds of grace on his life and we pray lord we lord we would we would we would be so thankful if he were the last pastor of this church before you break the clouds prepare us lord prepare us and use this young man to your name's honor glory we pray in the word the name of jesus the worthy name of jesus amen amen pastor we want to welcome you pastor humphrey sister humphreys and arden welcome welcome welcome to gethsemane 7th venice church the church that's on the hill um i know that sister macon was if she was here would tell you everybody is somebody and we want you to know that you are welcome here we are here with a few gifts to share with you first we want to pass this to you pastor um this is for your office we want you to know that you are now a little bit more i i know that you've spoken with my husband on several occasions and you are a mac guy and we know that you love love probably a mercedes and if sister brown were here she would have one for him as a model but she's not here so but we have blessed you with some really great items um a name tag a name desk for your on desk a docking station church directory and a um as you've seen some of our elders and deacons um and they have masks that are embroidered with pastor on it so you have that in there and sister humphries we want to give this to you thank you and inside that it's all about self-care for you because we know that is first you're first a wife then you are a mom to little arden and then you are our first lady here at our church and now that you are moving you've just had a baby and it sometimes it doesn't feel like it's all about it's all about everybody else but you but we thought about you and we have a some flowers inside your box inside here you will find a couple of books a devotional as well as a christian guide as far as moving once the boxes are unpacked what to do next there's also some um some little um [Music] lotions and things of that sort in there as well as a first lady mass embroidered just for you for baby arden because we know that babies run through diapers more than we would ever think or imagine we have for you this wonderful diaper cake for her and a couple of accessories is our prayer and our hope that she will not only be a sweet little lady as she is being right now that god will bless her to sleep through the night that you will get some rest i know i've been there four kids so we know that we are here as a church to support you pastor sister humphreys anything that we our church family can do please let us know to make your welcome your stay here more i'm enjoyable welcome ever welcome on this blessed sabbath day may god continue to bless you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] this [Music] oh [Music] showers [Music] free [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let songs be [Music] [Applause] [Music] seems now [Music] free [Music] me [Laughter] [Music] let some now [Music] is [Music] let me let some dry now fall on me [Music] [Music] me now me [Music] me me me [Applause] me [Music] now [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] come on even me even me come on share with your heart and let some drops [Music] come on one more time one more time post into your feet until god stand to your feet and tell god even leaka i've been through too much but god even me one more time [Music] [Music] [Music] put your hands together right now for jesus christ oh come on you can do better than that put your hands together for jesus christ [Applause] [Music] even me even me this is the day the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it i was glad when they sent us with us go into the house of the lord [Music] what a true privilege and honor it is to stand among this legendary pulpit to stand across from such legendary people first and foremost want to thank our creator and savior jesus christ who is the head of my life the old saints used to say i thank god that he's the head of my life and i thank the lord that last night wasn't my last night and they say that the bed i slept on wasn't my cooling table and so i'm grateful to be in the space today for those who are watching us live virtually praise god for your presence we're so glad that you're here go ahead and get in the comment section let someone know that you're glad to be in the first place listen this is the place gethsemane is the place that you want to be and so we're so thankful that you can watch with us virtually today but for those in the building we praise god for your presence today it's good to be in church what do you say everybody i first want to give honor to god to the people you first and foremost i'm so honored uh to be your new pastor thank you for your faithfulness uh we live in a season a world of uncertainty but it's good to know that there are still people that believe that jesus still reigns come we'll see you read we thank god for all of you we thank god for the head elder of this house come on put your hands together for elder brian um did an outstanding job we thank you so much for the in-between leadership your leadership throughout your tenure as head elder we thank you for your presence i am truly grateful and thankful for elder winston come on stephen let's put our hands together the young preachers we call him the bishop of our field but i thank the lord because elder winston was the one to take a chance on me uh uh to send me to marie and then i'll never forget danny when he told me i was going to murfreesboro north carolina he said pastor you're going to a good church and you remember you told me but when you go to murfreesboro you're not going to have no cell phone reception the whole way there and so we praise god that on this assignment i've got some cell phone reception come on we'll save it somebody and of course to the first lady of this field we praise god so much for you put your hands together mr winston in the virtual space for today we praise the lord for you thank you so much for your presence elder rodriguez you and your lovely wife we praise god for you i cannot wait to come and serve at this church this powerful church we've heard so much let's put our hands together for him as well lovely pastor joseph it's good to see you of course to my brother in ministry pastor scott man we praise god for your presence today through the pandemic we had the privilege of bringing our churches together for an online experience and god has richly blessed our efforts and i'm thankful for that um finally i want to thank god for my girlfriend my my rib i want to thank god for my wife i am not here today without her [Applause] my lovely daughter who is 10 weeks old arden she is y'all i'll admit i'm finished i'm finished whatever she wants she can have i you know she's not even talking yet and i said babe whatever you want i'm going to give it to you i just but i praise god for my wife and my daughter the reason to reason to get up every morning i'll confess brother and i'm changing every diaper every time that my wife gets up i get up come on say man i'm grateful to be in this space today would you just do me a favor and just just give me and my wife and our family some time give us some time we we're new parents we're going to be new to the city and we want to get a chance to to do the best we can here and i'm so grateful and i am so thankful for the legendary ministry of pastor johnson oh come on put your hands together for him and his lovely wife pastor larry johnson and of course the first lady sister carol johnson awesome ministry 13 years here and what they did god was in richly bless them and i just pray that god will continue to bless us as he bless that family i'm grateful to be here but before i start i'm so glad for our school where is our principal where's our principal where let's put our hands together for our principal that that that virtual welcome uh into the school we pray we are are we proud of our kids church come on say even somebody we are proud of our church school we pray for what god is doing and i'm just grateful for all of our family and friends who are watching online our mothers are watching praise god for you all but but i've come here to preach i've come here to preach um uh and and one thing you'll get to know about me is that that i love the word of god and would you just do me the grand honor of standing to your feet for the reading of the word of god today i'd like to summon your senses and invite your intellect to the book of exodus what book did i say exodus the 14th chapter and we're going to start at verses let's see we're going to start at verse god where do you want us to begin today let's look at verses let's look at verses 15. [Music] exodus chapter 14. actually let's do this let's start at verse 21. i feel god god's saying let's get straight to the meat of the text where the lord reads in this fashion watch the language here church then moses raised his hand over the sea and the lord opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind the wind blew all night long i'll say one more time because somebody missed it the wind blew all night long turning the sea bed into dry land verse 22 was critical don't miss the taxi it says so the people of israel walk through the middle of the sea on dry ground one more time so the people of israel walk through the middle of the sea on dry ground with the walls of the water on each side if i can for a few moments that i'd like to preach from the subject when god is up to something when god is up to something let's pray father we thank you for the total sufficiency of jesus christ i have studied but i still need your spirit i have prepared but i still need your power we pray these things lord that you will have your way in this space and by the end of today let somebody draw even closer to you with all our hearts god we love you and we thank you for this moment in time today we pray these things in jesus name amen and they may go ahead and be seated in the presence of the lord today when god is up to something we've all heard the expression one time or another when someone says i've got something up my sleeve a person who can say i'm up to something cambridge university matter of fact defines this expression as someone watch this having a secret plan or idea that can be revealed unexpectedly in any moment one to have a plan but is a mystery to others around them but as i internalized church the different explanations and theories surrounding this phrase i could not help but think about the relationship that most of us have with god when it comes to thinking about god whether it's contemplating his nature his character or the fascist of his will one quickly finds themselves puzzled with the overwhelming fact that there are just some things about god i will never know and beloved i believe that all of us want to know him more understand his glory and grandeur but oftentimes we come to the conclusion that when i want to know god more i see to only know him less when i think about it the overwhelming unknowingness of god it raises reverence and humility reverence on one hand when i admire his presence but humility on the other when we try to navigate his practices arthur boyer and hall their book the mystery of god elder winston they submit that for us as believers we affirm that god is all-powerful we affirm that he has all wisdom in his hand his wisdom is limitless but we quickly must admit that we have said more than we can really understand in other words there are times where i feel like i'm getting close a close glimpse of god where i'm getting a chance to know him better where i'm getting to understand and operate his will but it seems as though god is just a mystery the idea is that we must completely trust god often times knowing very little about him but church we believe this promise we we stand on the premise that god is not found he is revealed i'll say it one more time for the folk in the back god is not found he is revealed and in these moments he reveals himself iris to give us greater clarity of his character see church you would not know he was a healer unless you got sick you would not know he was a provider unless you had lack sometimes we go through things and wonder god what in the world are you doing but somehow some way or another we make it through our circumstances why because god is up to something said no that makes sense i know it doesn't seem like it as we get closer to what god wants from us we have to learn to put our hope on the simple fact that all things work together for the good of those that love the lord i know i know at times you don't want to hear that it seems almost cliche you want god to answer right away but sometimes you're gonna have to sit and buckle your seat and learn to trace god even when you cannot see god because god is up to something whether it's a ram in the thicket a rock or a slingshot a bush on fire i trust him watch it here it is it's not gonna be difficult for you i trust him in difficult times because i know that god knows what he's doing that's the whole premise of today's message see he knows what he's doing he understands everything he is omnipression and omnipresent and omniscient he's been everywhere you're trying to get to he's been in your past your present and your future god knows what he's doing see i love this though what i love about god the most is that god doesn't use people that everybody expects to to come through at the end of the day and say god's glory will be revealed he will use who he wants to when he wants to and how he wants to from the lowest of the low he accomplishes his work and he chooses here the tapestry of our text in exodus chapter 14 god decides to execute his plan of salvation for his people in exile from a stuttering fugitive god meets an 80 year old man on the backside of a mountain named moses and gives moses the simple phrase to tell that pharaoh let my people go y'all know the story well that that moses who used to be the prince of egypt now is on the backside of a mountain in midian and he sees a bush and nehemiah the bush is on fire but it's not consumed and when he goes toward the bush the bush tells him take off your shoes because where you're standing is holy grail i know you know this story but can i repeat it for your help today the bible lets us know he takes off his shoes and then the god of the universe puts himself am i talking to myself here puts himself into a bush and the bible says he reveals all these different things to him how he's going to save the people moses asked a critical question pastor scott he asked who shall i say sent me watch this in the text y'all god says tell them i am sick what says god god who who who can i get who can i say it is gonna back me up and god says just tell them i am you can't appreciate that maybe we forgot the meaning of i am but it really is an answer to a question it is the essence of that his name is the essence and hold the his power and profanity of god's name god says i am which means whatever you need me to be i'll be [Applause] so so when you ask the question you come back to church today you say to yourself god who's gonna heal me god says i am who's who's gonna fix it god says i am who's gonna manage it god says i am who's gonna get me to make it through god says i am who's gonna pay my bills i am who's gonna put me to sleep at night i am who's gonna take care of my kids i am god says i am whatever you need me to be when you need me to be [Applause] for people who have been enslaved for over 450 years they have finally found themselves rejoicing in the hot desert as we find ourselves in the text the last four days have been unlike any other a group of over 10 generations are experiencing after experiencing the pain and suffering now experience truth true freedom in their own identities everything that has happened so far is because moses the mouthpiece of god has showed up after several plagues and expressions of god's powers the egyptians had no choice but to release the people of god but even though their identities were in themselves as god's people many of them don't miss this are living on the memory of it's been god years he's the god of abraham isaac and jacob but to be honest god it's been a long time it's been a long time we've been suffering it's been a long time we've been waiting have you been there before you're waiting on god to do something waiting on god to open up the door gardens it's been a long time but they're free now and at this point they can only sing what their ancestors used to sing they could only shout and declare that finally we have made it to a season of freedom but after four days they hear rumbling on the ground that pharaoh and his 600 best chariots come to wipe out the israelites and many of them where they are now find themselves literally at the banks of the red sea in between two mountains with their enemy who wants them back and see at first glance y'all in the text this looks like a setup that god you have to ask yourself what in the world are you doing you brought me out of one thing only to put me into another thing i just came out of one storm i just got out of one test i just got out of one situation god i'm not sure if i can handle the tension of this enemy again god what in the world are you doing and all of us have been in season we feel like we have to manage the tension of dealing with one frustration only to open up the door to another one i just got out of one toxic relationship i just survived the illness i just got myself together and now it looks like a setup but see here god here's how god deals with their emotional instability in this season he tells them one thing that's going to adjust their whole mood here it is god says in exodus 14 do not be afraid no escape plan no miracle to be pronounced all god says is relax and don't fear this phrase is significant because god is telling them to go against what they see and trust what they know okay okay okay okay see do not be afraid is a is a command to their attention he needs their attention god says i know what you see but you know what you know and in order for me to get you out of this season i need you to to shift your attention toward the one that brought you toward this place in the first place see you should be grateful that you not where you used to be because i found you in bondage i i found you below the rips the practice god says you not where you used to be all those plagues were not by your hand they were by my hand and so i know you see the enemy i know you see the sea in front of you i know you feel trapped but god says you should be grateful that you not where you used to because anybody here today that can testify god i'm thankful that i'm not where i used to be i see what i see but i don't know i see the enemy but i know the name of the lord is a strong tower i see the dysfunction but he makes all crooked places strict i see the darkness but i know that even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i'll fear no evil because god is up to something because god is up to something in order for me to get to where i need to be first thing god god's doing here first thing i know is in the text that i want to help us manage our attention with god when he's trying to figure out what he's doing the first thing god says is i need you to regulate your fear let me help you regulate your fear the israelites main frustration pastor scott is with moses and the fact that he brought them all the way out in this hot desert just to lead them into a trap now what kind of leader would take them out of one season and bring them into a worse one see based on their perception they're not only hot and exhausted they're annoyed by the simple fact that that old thing just won't leave us alone in fact the reason don't miss it here y'all the reason that phil and his army are chasing them is because god strategically led them into a dead end so to the enemies of the people of god it looks like they're out of options this is interesting based on exodus 13 17 there are two ways to get to where they're going dr nehemiah see the route that they're taking now is the longer route toward the red sea there's no ships to cross over it would appear that they're trapped but there's another route they could have taken going the other direction it is the easier route it is the route that is faster to take the terrain toward this route is going to be a lot smoother so god what are you up to why would you put me in a place in a season of dysfunction when there's another route that's faster that's better for my situation but see what the people don't know that god knows is that the easier faster route will eventually lead them into philistine territory so see see see see y'all y'all gotta get this in your spirit today uh uh the philistines are there in the camp and if they are to go the easier the faster route they will eventually run into an enemy that they cannot handle see the people are complaining at moses because they don't they don't realize y'all that what god is trying to do is protect them from running into an enemy that they're not ready to defeat yet y'all missed that they will eventually defeat them at some point but they're not ready right now see they would not only be able to handle the terrain of the land but also the tactics of the philistines see the philistines were men and women of war they would take your children and and kill them your wives would become their slaves the men would be destroyed god says i know that you're tripping about this sea in front of you and i know you want to go the easier and the faster route but what god is trying to say is is that i have anticipated the danger and i have kept you from meeting an enemy prematurely just so that i can save you i'll say it one more time god anticipated the danger so that you would never have to face an enemy that you could not face in this season see i love this carefully god chooses their way out of egypt not the nearer or the faster he tempts them not for what they cannot bear in order to save them he wants them to get to a place where they will only meet their enemies when they're ready to handle their enemies see it's the faster route it's the easier route but god sends them another way because god says no to this route and yes to the other one see i know mature christians in the space today can testify that it's one thing to celebrate over god's yes but it's a whole nother thing to celebrate over god's no is there anybody in the building today that can testify i don't know about the yeses i've received in my life but thank you jesus for the noise you've i've gotten in my is there anybody grateful today that can testify of the closed doors that you were going to go into and god kept them shut is there anybody grateful there's somebody in the room today who can testify there's a relationship that you wanted to get into you couldn't wait to tell everybody about your new boo and your new day and god allowed your heart to be broken because god stepped into your future and he realized you would be unhappy so god says i'm gonna break your heart to save you because god is up to something i know i know you wanted a new job a new promotion but god knew that your new bosses and your new managers will drive you up a wall you end up quitting and losing your income so god said no to that to open up a new door i'm grateful today for the fact that god can anticipate the danger okay let me help illustrate this thing y'all i'm um uh for those who who like looking at cars i like seeing those nice cars on tv that most of us at least me i i can't afford but but i like looking at other ones in new cars it's my boss praise god hopefully a bonus will come after this sermon praise the lord um but winston in these new cars see they have something in these new cars that are called cas cas it's collision avoidance system see this system is designed to present or reduce the severity of collision in its basic form when you're forward moving in your car there are sensors on the front of you there are sensors behind you but there are also sensors on the side of you these sensors are designed that if the driver gets into a situation where the driver cannot brake on their own the system will kick into gear and keep you and send you a warning to keep you from colliding with the person in front of you or behind you see the car is designed to protect the driver at all times but this has nothing to do with the make or the model it has all to do with the designer of the body the designer knows that a good fancy car needs some protection because whoever's in the car must be am i talking to myself here today and don't you know that god who is your manufacturer does the same thing with you there were some collisions you were heading toward and god gave you a warning and stepped in am i talking to myself here is anybody who can wave their hands and say thank you jesus that you anticipated the danger not only can god regulate my fear but he also don't miss it here he can realign my focus someone say focus they got to see in front of the prescott enemy behind them mountains on each side and here is what god tells them to do stand still and see the salvation of the lord which he will accomplish for you today one more time stand still and see the salvation y'all know a black preacher three one more time stand still and see the salvation of the lord see god i don't know what you're doing because the enemy is coming to me with swords knives and all sorts of manner of evil you expect me just to stand still and wait for you to do something see god told them to stand still see the salvation but really god wants you to focus in on stand and see moses needed the people to relax and gain confidence in their god this is often the lord's direction to the believer in times of crisis because despair will cast you down and keep you from standing fear will tell you to retreat in patience will tell you to do something your great letter and presumption will let you jump into a red sea before it's parted god told the children to simply this stand still but see past scott you know just like me stand still is a military term in other words it literally suggests to stand at the ready or or as an example of sitting on the edge of your seat it is a posture of expectation and anticipation god needs you to stand at the ready and put your focus on him because god's about to do something that's getting ready to blow your mind in other words god says i need you to do nothing so you won't get in the way of my plan god says stand still and see the salvation in other words god says this is not the time to panic gethsemane this is the time to get ready god says i know you ain't got no weapons but the name of the lord is a strong tower stand still and see the salvation of the lord and get ready for what happens next ladies and gentlemen don't miss the miracle in the text the israelites were right this was a trap but it was not a trap for them [Music] it was a trap for their enemies god knew your crazy enemy could not pass the opportunity to see you in a stuck position [Music] he was banking on the ego of pharaoh to say you know what i ain't gonna let them go not just because i don't like them but because they're stuck anyway and so he brings all of his best horsemen and all of his best mens of war into one central location so god can do what he wants to do see y'all this would be known in the movie business as a plot twist oh help me holy ghost let me come talk to this side because inside real boogie for those who watch movies at home this is known as this is known as a plot twist see a plot twist is literally a technique that introduces a radical change in the direction or expected outcome or a point for it to work out for the favor of the protagonist when it happens it usually happens at the end of a story it's known as a twist come here joseph tell me your story my brothers put me down into a pit and then sold me into slavery i did all i could for potiphar and his family but his wife lied on me i went to prison for two and a half years but the plot twist came when the pharaoh had a dream i told the pharaoh's dream and now i'm second in command because god is up to something come here elisha tell me you're so well me and my servant were surrounded by the enemies of syria my servant did not know what to do but i told my servant to look again and the bible lets us know y'all that he looked again he saw a host of the army of the angel of the lord standing encampment around the people because god is up to sight come here paul and silas tell me your story we were kept in prison am i talking to myself in here we were kept in prison chain and foot but the bible says that they were still singing and giving praises to god because my location should never affect my worship [Music] [Applause] we were praying and singing and then the text says y'all at midnight texas at midnight while they're singing and praising to god now folk we don't know what they were saying all we know is that they were singing we don't know what they were praying but these two said to themselves we're not gonna try to break out we're gonna try to let god get in because the lord inhabits the praises of his people and the bible says that at midnight the ground begins to shake and the doors begin to open and their chains were loosed and they were set free because god is up to something is there anybody in here that can testify in your life that there's a plot twist on your life you should have been dead you should have been messed up you should be strung out you should be broke you should have been fired but greater is he that's in me then he that's in the world so god simply says to stand still it is he says stand on the edge of your seats yes simony because god is getting ready to do something new and see once your posture has changed they're able to see more clearly not with eyesight but with insights somebody knows i'm going with this because god in gets in between me and my problem see i can focus on what he is going to do because i'm all in on the plan that god knows what he's doing see moses didn't know i need us to hear this today though george god who is i'm sorry moses who is the leader does not know what god's going to do yet he just knew it's his responsibility to get the people ready see he says the lord will fight for you one more time the lord will fight for you see that word salvation here it literally is used in the sense of someone saving your life or a victory in in in wars and literally someone who comes in to save the day god says i'm going to do something here is what happens next god tells moses some simple instructions he says moses look at what's in your hand and as moses and god have a conversation moses holds up holds up this old wooden stick that god gave him at the bush remember the only thing that god gave this stuttering fugitive was not any new skills just a wood stick see that same wooden stick that he used as an instrument to get the people out of egypt and liberate the children of israel now god would need to use again don't miss this to lead them out of this predicament see i don't want us only to focus on the rod but pay attention to the instruction god gives for this major miracle god says lift up your hands [Music] no chance no saying god just said sister winston i need you to lift up your hands moses is ready to throw in the towel he is tired of these disrespectful folk who he got out of egypt now they're complaining and all god tells him to do is lift up his hands but see moses is going to lift up his hands because the lifting of the hands is a posture that says god i don't know what you're going to do but i'm ready for what's next so moses he begins to lift up his hands and the bible says that when moses lifts up his hands don't miss this y'all don't miss the miracle looking at the miracle notice that when moses lifted up his hands the bible says that the red sea opened up and the text says next that moses and the people walked on dry ground okay y'all miss that because the only person to lift up his hands was moses but still the people that were connected to him got the miracle who y'all missed that see moses by lifting up his hands is saying god i just don't want this blessing for me i want it for whoever i'm connected to so that when i lift up my hands i'm not just getting blessed but my wife is getting blessed my children are blessed my co-workers are blessed my church family are but if anybody want to lift their hands in the sanctuary and say god i'm ready for what's next i don't know what you're going to do but don't just save me save the people i'm connected to is there anybody here to testify god i don't know what you're gonna do in my life but my hands are lifted my hands are stretched i surrender my will god i don't know what you're going to do but i know you know what you're doing cnc see i'm almost done here see when he lifted y'all his hands they were able to realize their favor someone say favor paper favorite now watch this y'all latonya the text says it says that the wind blew to keep the water at bay all night long it would take them time to travel from one end to the other and so god says this is not some microwave hot pocket miracle no this miracle has been marinating in the spices for days it's been placed on the grill of mercy and i'm preparing something for you and if anybody who loves cooking knows that the veggie meat healthy holy ghost is much better better when it's been marinating in something sweet it lets us know y'all that god is a god of order and timing church hear what i'm about to say i know it's going to take some time to get some things done but don't worry because god's gonna blow all night long but then don't miss the miracle the text says they're walking on dry ground okay this is this is significant this i got to teach here cc while they're moving god says i need the ground to be stable the scientists would have suggested that if god did not dry the ground many of them would have sunken under the mud [Music] but see because god is up to something he wants them to move in a space where they can move quickly and efficiently see the dry he dries the ground up though because god does not want them help me holy ghost to preach this in here don't miss this god does not want them to drag the mud from one season into a new season [Applause] i'll say it again god don't want you drag it in filthy mud out of one season heading into your future so that when you step into your future you don't have the remnants of your own life you've got something new on god says i'ma take you through dry crown i'm gonna bless you so good that when you go into the new season you're gonna forget about the last season let me help you real favor is not money cars are closed but favor is making it through something that others went through and could not make it ah help me to preach in here the text says y'all the enemies of the lord tried to follow the people of god when they got to the red sea and every person had made it secure on the other side god stopped blowing and the sea swallowed up everybody who was chasing them y'all missed it i'll say it one more time once every single mother father child auntie uncle grandmama and them cousin made it through that's when god closed the waters and what god is saying to many of us is that i'm gonna make sure that everybody gets blessed that everybody is secure before i destroy your own situation before i remove the things that are holding you back i love this because it was never what pharaoh was expecting but it was a plot twist um i'm done but i want to tell you this story it's interesting that as we look about the different calamity that's taking place in america today with the coronavirus we're oftentimes reminded of the different moments in american history were rattled to our core we all remember the tragedy of 9 11 a tragic event that took place but even out of the 9 11 experience there were some stories of favor in fact there was one young man who was heading to the world trade center and on his way to work his boss called him and fired him and said you have no business being in this building he turned around and went home and he watched on tv as the building was destroyed he got favor because he was fired there was another young young sister elder winston who had just gone through a terrible breakup her boyfriend had broke up with her and she was so distraught that she decided to take care of her mental health come on say amen and she decided to take a week off of work do you know that same week is when the planes hit the hit the towers and the attack came and she was spared because of favor but my favorite one y'all then i'll take my seat was a young lady who was heading to the world trade center she was excited because she was on the way to a major promotion and as she was driving to the world trade center she looked up at the rear view mirror and noticed there was a stain on her clothing she said to herself i can't go to work with some stain on my clothes and so she turned around and went back home when she got home she turned on the tv and she noticed that the world trade center had just been attacked i know many of you are probably asking pastor what was the stain that she saw she realized that she had had a nosebleed and when she looked down and saw blood covering her clothes she turned around and went back home do you know it was the blood that spared her life and you know what god is doing the same thing with each and every one of you are you grateful today that it was the blood that keeps me safe from day to day it was the blood that kept me secure it was the blood that healed my body it was the blood that kept me safe it was the blood that kept me from instant danger so what shall wash away my sins nothing but the blood of jesus what shall make me born again nothing but the heart of jesus it reaches to the highest valley it flows to the lord's right it runs from day to day it'll never i said never it'll never i said never it'll never i said never it'll love your children it'll be over your finances it'll be over your marriage it'll be on your situation it'll never lose its power so good afternoon gethsemane may the lord god bless you real good but is there anybody in here that wants to stand to their feet and say thank you for the blood yeah yeah yeah you know what i believe this y'all god is saying i need people with lifted hands and dry feet so lift up your hands and have dry feet and say god i'm ready for my next season god i'm ready for my next breakthrough i believe that god is going to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can imagine or think because god is up to something put your hands together in the sanctuary come on [Applause] come on put your hands together [Music] [Applause] give me the blood the blood the blood give me the blood i believe this today there's a lot of uncertainty [Music] in our society softly softly for me for me and i believe that we survive [Music] what god has and knows what's coming our way but we've got to be connected to the blood and so i believe this is my pill is simple today [Music] if you believe that god is up to something in your life i want you to stand on your feet right now if you believe that god is up to something i want you to stand on your feet from day to day [Applause] [Music] it'll never it'll never [Music] [Applause] [Music] sing together [Music] to the highest hallelujah and it flows to the lowest [Music] oh yes oh yes [Applause] that gives me strength from day to day [Music] [Applause] one more time it'll never [Applause] we believe in always and every service that we give someone opportunity to experience jesus in a real way so whether man woman boy or girl there's someone that says you know what i want to be a part of something i want to get my life on track i believe that god is up to something but i've got to make a decision to get attached to the blood if that she would says you know what pastor i need special prayer i want you just to raise your hand right now we want to pray for you that says god i need prayer that i need prayer i see you in the brother i see you i see you i see you this is god i need some prayer in my life whatever it is that i'm struggling with god i see you i see you that says god i need you to do something for there's somebody else who wants to take a step further and say god i need to be committed to you even further and so is there someone here that says right now god i i want to take that next step and say you know what pastor i want to i don't want to be restored re baptize the baptist if that's you come on keep playing if that's you raise your hand we want to see where you are today we want to see where you are that says god i want to be back i see you sis praise god for you god i want to be baptized i see you my brother i see you i see you let's have our bible workers begin to move our elders begin to move come on keep playing keep playing what reaches we see you we see to the highest hallelujah hallelujah where are you where are you yes and it flows [Music] hallelujah where are you where are you i want to make a commitment to follow jesus that gives me strength from day to day from day to day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for those who are watching us virtually that you've been blessed by the word today the worship experience has has blessed you real good do us a favor and let us know by finding us on facebook messages that you want bible studies or you want to have an elder call you we'd love for you to be a part of our worship experience virtually or in person but we believe the person who is sitting at that home today on their couch is still blessed so we praise god for you today in a very special we believe this that this experience here in gethsemane is not just for us in the building but it's for you watching online today so we praise god for you we thank god for those who raise their hand for prayer and for baptism come on say amen somebody put your hands together for jesus christ let's pray father we thank you thank you for jesus today god god i thank you that you're a god that's up to something so god right now i pray lord that you have something up your sleeve that you have blessings around the corner that you have a miracle on the way for the person who is hearing my voice say god i'm praying right now for the person who is struggling right now god who isn't sure if this is the step facial stuff they used to take god help them to know that there is only one way by which men are saved and it's by jesus christ and so god right now we are praying for you to move over this body as we pastor and people come together for the first time lord we pray god that you will go before us that you will be behind us on all sides of us we know god is but your blood that saves us and so we pray these things in jesus name let everybody say amen amen and amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hallelujah oh praise god this is just a beginning this is just a start of what god has in store for us it is a continuation of what he has in store for us yes thank you pastor thank you sister humphries god is good thank you church for being here and being a part of this i wanted to give you just a few instructions first of all let me say thank you at this moment to the committee that helped to put this together now that put this together the committee that put this together god knows what it is that our hearts want god knows what it is that we need and he provides so through all the struggle that you don't know behind the scenes that goes on in the heart attacks that we have and the struggles that we've dealt with this afternoon lunch will be served at saint matthew methodist church on bennett road it has been a true blessing that that we're able to be there we worship with them at christmas time and they come here to worship with us so today we're going to be in their fellowship hall when you come into the driveway if you come in either way you have to go under the park and under the parking deck and go through those doors because we have to be covered protocol take your temperature and write down the questionnaire and then you go straight on into the banquet area we ask that we do this quickly we are doing protocol there also you will be able to get your covered dishes your dessert your covered utensils bottled water we're also setting distance from each other for the covet protocol so follow directions enjoy the meal god will truly bless we're taking up tithes and offerings the deacons will be taking up tithe and offering in the back as you go out of the church and also we ask that you will i was given one more instruction i can't remember what it was pig um i didn't forget the part about the ushers but thank you i just forgot to zoom uh we will be having the drive-through baby shower under the carport at the church so you can come in one way drive through and see pastor and sister humphries and then go right on back around the other way it is a circular driveway sister penny and we are so grateful for the for the message that the lord has sent through sorry i'm okay with that i got this thing about this go ahead amen so we are so grateful that the lord has blessed us to hear our awesome sermon from our pastor today and we are thankful for the two persons that have decided to be um baptized or re-baptized those names are monica alston and denise williams may the lord continue to bless them watch over them as they continue to follow the lord in everything thank you amen amen amen shall we stand for the benediction [Music] may the lord bless and keep you [Music] may he give you traveling mercies [Music] may he bless you completely on this day as we've been blessed with the message as we leave be safe and may he guide you in jesus christ's name we pray as we listen to the departing message in song amen [Music] the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine apart and be gracious to you the lord turn his face toward you and give you peace [Music] the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you be [Music] you gracious the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you be gracious to you the lord has turned his face toward you and give you peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] your children their children and their children made faith be upon you and a thousand generations your family your children their children their children may his presence go before you and behind you and beside you all around you and within you he is with you he is with you in the morning in the evening in your calming and you're going and you're weeping and rejoicing he's going his fire right now [Music] oh amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] right is [Music] amen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so me oh she we give you [Music] oh [Music] we give you you [Music] oh is [Music] we're two [Applause] [Music] and we've come to worship christ the king to honor and obey the creator of the universe we've gone to celebrate [Music] in adoration [Music] holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy sabbath day [Music] six days we work and run and play each day we seek its blessing our sinful souls have turned [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy [Music] this is the day jehovah blessed the best of all the same designing god's a perfect plan this day will keep [Music] join now and worship on god's day in jesus christ [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] holy cyborgs [Music] [Music] is [Music] upon [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] we are is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] we have to on this day [Music] richly blessed created [Music] oh [Music] throughout all eternity [Music] [Music] we said [Music] on this your holy days [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] everybody so so balls [Music] grace to the lord the almighty the king of creation o my soul praise [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] land mercy [Music] is [Music] [Music] these [Music] a day [Music] who said to his disciples i am the living way and if we
Channel: Gethsemane SDA
Views: 955
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: GSDA, Gethsemane SDA Church, online sermons, prophecy, online sermons christian, online sermons to listen to
Id: HdM4xuGMtv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 14sec (10754 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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