Bringing The Kingdom To The Workplace Part 2 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message on a Buddhist or the Scientologist or the Hindu or them folks with a different color skin or those dirty people on the side of street or the prostitute you saw on your town street the night you the drug addict who's wandering around aimlessly are you sure you know who soever is maybe whosoever is those nice clean people who comes into your path and and they don't offend you much that's what you believe God knows I love whatsoever whosoever believeth on him this verse also tells us what the objective of sending Jesus is God's objective for sending Jesus to the world is so that the world could believe in Jesus God wants the world to believe him and that's a tough assignment for someone to believe they need evidence they also need to have created in them a desire and they also need to create in themselves or you create in them a sense of benefit in other words I believe in this thing because it's going to do something for me belief is a very complicated thing to believe someone you must have empirical evidence you must provide information the ultimate goal of God is so that all of them could have eternal life what a versus good everything's in it now so God so loved the world he sent his son his son comes into the world because God sent him to the world the son comes to the world but he doesn't stay in the world because he comes to love or to show gods no for the world to show God's love of the world he did devised a program to do that and the program was to create a group of people who would do that for God let me try this way God loved the world so much that he sent his son to create a mechanism so the world could be loved or feel the love or know the love and believe the love it's not Jesus who loves the world Jesus is the evidence that God sent to the world so the world could know that he loves it the evidence came to create evidence so that the world could know that God loves it what did this son create so the world could know that God loves it he created a group of people out of the world so that the world could know that God loves it and he called this group of people church as matter of fact they not called Church called a group means Church before with me so what God actually did was he sent his son his son sent the judge you to get this now therefore the purpose for the church is to prove to the world that God loves it and to love the world for God we ain't doing too well Maceda again the purpose for the church is to love the world for God and to prove to the world that God loves it now what we have done this thing called church we believe that our purpose is to go to heaven to leave earth to abandon the world to hate sinners to avoid the world don't mix her the world to despise the world to condemn the world to rebuke the world to treat the world as less than important to do not associate with the world I mean we do the complete opposite to everything God wants us to dude with the world we actually hate the world that God knows do you know that that we are showing the world the opposite of what God wants to show the world God wants to show the world what you smell was the church doing we love in ourselves a church service is a self pity party pretending to have a good time we spend more time complaining in church services about what God ain't doing for us than we do doing what God told us to do so we need to regroup and stop what we doing back up a little bit and see if we could get our mandate back the mandate is what go ye into all the world now watch this God loves the world so he what he gave he said his only son his son so loved the world he did what he sent his only church do you see that God sent the son the son sent Church God send the son to the world the son said the world will church to meet the church to the world so so the church supposed to be God's evidence that he loves the world well look at John chapter 3 verse 17 the other verse why does Jesus after he tells us how much God loves the world in verse 16 he rushes to tell us what we shouldn't do to the world that's read it for God sent his son not into the world to condemn the world now that's exactly what the church is doing I mean he quickly puts in this important correction or caution what God well God sent his son not into the world to condemn the world what because God loves the world how can you condemn something you love you are either schizophrenic insane or crazy I love you that's why I hate you I mean that's how it that's how we working I love you but you ain't good for nothing I love you but you ain't worth it are you confused for God sent his son not into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him the world through him might be saved and then he comes and he creates this body called the church and he becomes the head of it so that the world through him who's him this body with his head Christ is called the head of the church which is his body so that the world through him might be saved that means the world supposed to be saved not through really the head but through the body the church that's why the head left hallelujah so how you doing in your workplace how come people don't like you how come when you show up people run oh boy here comes those crazy Christians again let's go oh here he comes again all this Jesus stuff let's leave that's exactly what they say about you at work your family scatters when you go to visit come on talk to me something's wrong yeah tell me how come they don't like you and they love to Jesus are you supposed to be loving them for him do you know it's amazing for God so loved the world he said who his only begotten Son and what does his son do makes the world love him how do you do that by showing the world he loved them I mean the prostitutes they love this guy the children love this guy the rich love this guy the poor love this guy females love this guy males love this guy wine boomers love this guy tax collectors love this guy Roman soldiers love this guy everybody loved it why do they hate you you ain't doing something right you don't know how to love the world matter of fact religion Christian religion has taught you that the world should be hated that's why God hasn't come back in we don't love the world be honest what did they teach you in Sunday school in church and Bible study what did they teach you handle not touch not taste not come up from among them be separated be peculiar which really means superior I mean I remember I used to be my friend what happened says you a Christian used to come down to visit me all the time what happened am i scornful now Wow we don't know how to love the world the 21st century church must change we make a few statements about the church number one the church does not exist for heaven number two God does not want the church in heaven well prove prove me wrong read your Bible and prove me wrong tell me if I'm wrong I dig you to tell me if I'm wrong find the scripture and tell me I'm wrong if God wanted you in heaven he would have killed you long time ago quickest way to get there number three the church exists for the world and before the church exists for the nation number five the church is assigned to the nation go ye into all the world and make disciples of the nation that is the assignment so the church belongs to the nature for behavior nation he despised the nation we condemned the nation we wish the nation would just go to hell literally why after all we straight we're saved our kids are saved them husband saved wife's a dog saved our cats even a ninety week we're just ready to go to heaven we god forbid the assignment of the church is to reconcile the world back to God Jesus said Matthew 28 verse 18 go ye into all the world and make disciples of what all nations and then baptize them into the authority of God which means name give them back the authority of God write this statement down please this is the most profound statement that you could ever be given here's a statement sinners are not God's enemy Wow everybody was born a sinner write this down second profound statement every sinner is God's Son I know you don't believe that but you're by your behavior of course you don't believe that every sinner is godson I wish garbage brain wash you with that or wash your brains with that every sinner is God said saving me every sinner is God's Son and my brother so God tells you to go get your brother you in the house you got the robe on you got your shoe on you got your ring on and you get all the beef up and the lamb chops you want now get out of here go get your brother at the big bed and you treat your brother like an enemy do you know why Jesus was so uptight about the Pharisees the scribes do you really know leave do you really understand his his anger his anger was related to really a simple issue and that was the Jew the sons of Abraham were chosen to be the elder sons to go and get their brothers the Gentiles but the elder brother turns out calling his other brother the enemy they even use words like dog even so when the Sun came he went to the elder brother first come on your thing would be and he tells I came first to my own I must go to the other brother first one because that's his job to go get them so we had to go to the Israelites first and he spent three and a half years yay even thirty thirty years and then thirty three and a half years he lived with them and he tried to convince them that that's your brother when the father's son arrived he met the older brother Kirsten the younger brother hating the younger brother not mixing with the younger brother calling the younger brother dawg I'm considering himself more important than the younger brother and superior to the younger brother and didn't care but the younger brother and was praying for the death of the younger brother that's the condition he met the older brother in Southaven church I mean don't you just wish all Muslims would die yes you do I mean you ain't gonna admit that but deep inside way down there where God knows Jewish these Hindu temples will just explode every Hindu question would just drop dead go to hell so we could have a Christian community see your attitude that Hindu is your lost brother that's why he's a Hindu what do you expect he's lost did you so he came to the other brother and he told the elder brother first of all what his job was go get you all younger brother the older brother says that's not my brother and so he then it's a pagan then Jesus said okay woe unto you because your younger brother is going to the banquet first come on read the parables he said since you don't want to go get your younger brother I'm gonna go get him myself now you know that's a terrible the father is going to get the brother of the Pigpen why because the older brother is at home and he's jealous and angry at the younger brother and when the younger brother does come home he's mad you know there are people who don't want that church to grow too many people in here we need it I used to be able to go to Pastor and shake his hand now they're too many people in here many people came from we had such a nice church until these people these people came older brother this church is so cold now we're not warm anymore we were pleased to be so intimate and now there's so many people really we don't see one another that we used to we don't fellowship you you make the father's sick you think this is only for you listen to one of his parables he said I'm at a banquet and invited his sons and they did not come so he sent his servants to find anybody from the highways and the byways and and the hedges he said bring a man I'm gonna fill my banquet at the pit if the if the sons don't want come I'm gonna get some folks that's how the Gentiles became the church now he created this thing called church because he wept over the older brother remember he wept he says though I wanted to use you to go get your brother but you just ain't got the attitude solo I go to the Gentiles let me get the family from the younger brother how many of you glad he got us I said man you glad we got we got in concluded right amen and guess what now he called you out guess what he's doing he's sending you also into the world same instructions he says to you now you go not into heaven don't concentrate on heaven I don't want the books on the rapture I don't want you to be calling me out of heaven telling me to come go do your work go into all the world 2,000 years later we still tell him to come we wish our younger brother would go to hell do you know the most powerful force on earth is love I mean you could you could you you could break a guy no matter how big he is no matter how demon-possessed the fella is no matter how how much in error whether it is Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism Shintoism tourism spiritism communism he doesn't not forget it all that it's just a sign of ignorance but if you love that person and they know you love them you get them do you know what you want to do you don't love them you try to convince them you're too busy trying to convert them to the way you think you ain't got time to love them get a little technical here you know let me tell you this way most of us do not like the people we witness and do and they're with and those people know it oh I tell you I got something going on in me in the 21st century I want God to take all the tracks from the church recall all tracks say you'd attract tractors of cold God loves you here you mean he loves me here am i stupid or something you give me a piece of paper and tell me God loves me are you crazy we don't know how to love so we are mechanical we've become just like the farm you see and we are the sad you see what a tragedy okay let's try and figure out what's wrong Travie me to the book of my future up to nine I keep trying to figure out why the Lord does not allow me to leave things every time I try to leave the things he doesn't allow me to leave things I mean I got I got all my notes see the 15 things they're all there but I can't get to them and you ain't getting them because we can't get to them yet because you're heading right I give you a list but that's just a listing nothing if you got an attitude problem working on your attitude your cousin is a Muslim and you don't go to his house anymore and that's your brother in the big bed are you to clean that mix with pigs now after all you would never with the pigs were you you were born like this Matthew chapter 9 I can't get away from this verse it keeps haunting me it haunted me since November I've been teaching this verse all year you like the folks in our fellowship man I'm stuck on this thing they probably think I'm just a repetitious record or something that God's working on our heads listen to this it says in Chapter 9 verse 36 when he Jesus saw the crowds he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless like sheep without a shepherd he said how you feel when you see those people crowded in the street in the marketplace shopping in the mall sitting on the corner me just does something go off in you when you see people who don't know the Lord I mean I mean what happens to you oh you too busy waiting to happen to you you just going on your way to do what you have to do you but something happened to Jesus why because he knew who they were their family that was his family he saw the mother teresa's groaning because he saw a family who were what without a shepherd without leadership they were wandering like she they weren't sheep but they were like sheep like we heard this morning blind poor sight dumb his response when he saw the crowds he had compassion on them and helpless they were worth 37 then he said to his disciples he's talking to the people who is creating the church from he says the harvest is plentiful write this down there's nothing wrong with the harvest let me just say something that may be corrective here he did not say the crop is plentiful there's a difference on a farm between a crop and a harvest a crop is is a it's a crop is unripened the food unripened vegetables unripened fruit as a crop when is when you use the word harvest it's ready it's a big difference this is 2,000 years ago the crop is now stink let me tell you what this a powerful disease he says the harvest is plentiful and in another place in Luke he says the harvest is right now I ask you a question how does Jesus know that the crop is now a harvest how does he know that the crop is right how does he know that how can he say that he looks at people and he says they are right 2,000 years ago they were right you know they're rotten now but how does he know they're right this can be good isn't he knows they're right because he ripened them I'm gonna prove that I'm gonna prove to you that Jesus has already prepared every one of the 5.2 billion people on earth to be born again right now he has prepared therefore born again ain't nothing wrong with them they are looking for God they want to be saved says with me the world wants to be saved felis say it again the world wants to be saved they running from God they're trying to find him Jesus they are right read the next statement I have a labor problem there's nothing wrong with your unsaved down cook you just can't get him saved there's nothing wrong with those Buddhists and Hindus and Muslims and Rastafarians ain't nothing wrong with them you just don't know how to get them say you know they're ready gets it you just can't get to them I got a labor shortage not this is not referring to numbers the word Jesus use here is referring to quality or skill by the Dom please he says the harvest is ripe but the laborers are unskilled they don't know how to reap the harvest they are not equipped they've not been trained to read the hardest well let's find out what he knows about this harvest the next verse says the harvest is ripe plenteous but the laborers are few the qualified laborers right then we're done the qualified you got to be qualified before you go have a steak I'm gonna prove it in the next chapter you don't just go into his office oh sorry I gave it away read the next line first thirty-eight look at me look at me look at me this is deep he says look the hummus is right but don't go there thank you he said look I know they're ready but I don't want you to fool with the harvest that's why we're dealing with this subject the workplace he said people want to get saved he says but I don't want you to touch them he says first go and report to what the company I can hear you duh boy I want to stop on this word for a while the Lord say Lord of the harvest the word Lord Hey it means una get it in your brain the kind of spiritual word it's not some some supers you know weird word it simply means owner and this thing I blow your mind if you get it when you rent from somebody the guy who owns the apartment is called what the landlord why he owns the land so he is a lord the word Lord Julio's simply means owner when you say Jesus Christ is my Lord don't get super spiritual it simply means he owns your life that's why I can't sleep here you feel like eat would you feel like drink would you feel like smoke with you feel like go really feel like I'm sexual you'd be like alright cuz you ain't on this property No that's why Paul says don't dare say Jesus your Lord accepted be by the Holy Spirit Christ says what many would say owner owner and I say I never knew you if I told you I'll come in and run your life every time I show view lease in my property to say you can't just sleep it who you feel like anymore why this is your property if he is your owner do you know what salvation is when you confess with your mouth Jesus Christ is onna he says ah I'll save you if I take over the management of your property you say so let's look at the statement then go to the owner of the harvest we tell you why that's important if he owns it he knows it no and not that he knows that he owns it but he knows the harvest why this is he understands the crop glory hallelujah so he said don't touch my farm come talk to me first so that was teachers I mean Jesus is so cool I mean as simple as the statement is he was particular in his instructions he says look guys everybody who they want to get saved but don't go to them don't touch them don't mess with the harvest do you know many people hate God because of you if you had just left them alone they would have been safe I mean some of your family members don't want to see you anymore be honest they hate when you show up why you offend them you always think you're better than everybody in this house you who do you think your since you became a Christian all of us are dirt massive it is hard said look all those people out there are right but don't go to them come talk to me first this is my farm why because you see on every farm you got different types of crop yeah bananas oranges mangoes limes corn wheat soybeans tomatoes and all the farm the earth is the Lots what do you do what we normally do is we don't consult with God about the crop we just go headlong into the crop we wonder off into these farms you know we gonna help God get them all harvested we gonna help God out so we jump in our bulldozer headed for the tomato patch you know Jesus you know you need to get shade you are a sinner you you know good sinner you better repent his bulldozer coming into the tomato God is saying no no no no please no go back go back then you bring a tractor to handle the bananas right crop wrong equipment I see it all the time see the tomatoes are the businessman the onions that's the nursing profession the wheat that's the law enforcement agencies the mangoes that's that's the politicians soybeans that's teenagers all the console different some of you actually hate teenagers you ain't ready to reap that crop and they know you don't like them and you dare tell them you come in the name of the Lord the owner you mean the owner said to you to get me and you killing me like this you offended me like this is this how he thinks about me you not you told me he said you is this how he thinks about me they were you treating me we call it witnessing God caused the destruction he says please don't go to the harvest come to me first but read it he says go to the Lord of the harvest and ask him to send Wow he said don't go let him send you after you come to him and talk to him about his harvest or whatever I said see this young man here this young man here is he's equipped to reap a certain type of harvest so when he comes and he maybe he's in a singing your traditional church with your bulldozer what he's writing is a motorbike you can understand accompany you think because you got a big tractor so you can't appreciate his music because you got a bulldozer life but I see is it he is equipped for that harvest you got youth problems you call this man why don't touch those young people cuz you don't like that bring in the right equipment you don't like even a bit of pants all the way down and bother the hip you don't like with a bit of dreadlocks so bring a guy in who likes that let him read them for you praise God hallelujah bless God because if you try to reap it you're gonna tell them pull your pants up cut your hair clean your nose messing up the harvest of mercy on me Jesus he says you don't touch the harvest you report to the owner of the farm and let him send out the laborious either let him send out the labors let him the owner send out the laborers let him send out the laborers that means the owner actually holds laborers back let's see how this works now remember when you read these books in the Bible these were not written with chapters so you got to keep reading for forget about 10 10 there look at the 10 I checked it that do exist keep reading keep reading what's the next verse we don't know I mean he called his disciples unto Him he gave them power against unclean spirits to cast out demons and of diseases was the next verse he gives them list of their names look at verse 5 read it read it loud these twelve Jesus sent what for holding their watch this these twelve he sent forth he said read the next verse with these instructions what he had he had a classroom he had a lesson please get this he didn't just send him he had a seminar chapter 10 is a seminar on witnessing you don't just go you need instructions now you want to hear instructions the instructions actually begin with a negative read it next person next line do not go okay hold it hold it hold it here's this is confusion he sent them but then he says don't go now wait a minute go you in turn the world but don't go are you confused Jesus knowing confused I'm protecting my hobbies come is power but don't go Wow saved build with the Holy Spirit power but don't go why I know my harvest 3 the next statement do not go well into the Gentile territory why you don't like them they know you don't like them you wish they would go to hell this is crazy doesn't Jesus love everybody yes that's why you don't want you to touch them doesn't Jesus love the Gentiles of course he does that's why he's telling you don't go near them because you're gonna mess them up you're gonna miss represent me because your attitude ain't right you don't like them so don't go there let me tell you I found this out thirty years of walking with Jesus God protects people from you he usually has trouble when you get to them you know when you buy passes protection mechanism and you get to all day in trouble he goes on no she was not supposed to go in there to meet him now I got I got two problems now do not go this is incredible isn't it this is amazing this is amazing he says you guys only know how to reap what you've been trained for you grew up Jews you understand Jews you understand the culture you understand the language you understand the food you understand the temperament you understand the attitude you understand the mentality so stay with them only deal with them you can only reach those who you are trained to reach or stay with them don't go to Gen - you don't like them you misunderstand them you don't know who they are really you didn't understand their culture you don't understand their language you don't understand the temperament so don't fool with that part of my farm there are people you are not supposed to witness to you take that to the bank he protected the Gentiles wait that's what he's doing isn't it he's not really saving the Jew he's protecting the Gentile he said I don't want you to go there why I love them too much for you to go to them because you are going to destroy my harvest boy Jesus MA now tells them where to go where not to go he tells on what to say look at verse 7 as you go preach this message I know we talk with the kingdom okay watch this he says this is the message the kingdom of is it that's what the preacher that's that's that's the gospel preacher Calvary he didn't say here's the message tell them that a savior has come that's not the message I know it sounds good I know we preach it but that's really not the message of the gospel he didn't say tell them that I'm gonna die on the cross and shed my blood for them that's not the message keep reaching can't wait for next year in November 2000 we're gonna spend a week on one subject when you emerge from that summit you are gonna be so ready for the 21st century because you have the gospel clearing your mind you're gonna know what the gospel is most pastors never had a course on the kingdom and you know that's true you go to Bible School and get a degree and they never had a class on the kingdom eschatology hermeneutics theology of God the doctrines of the faith tell me about the king now efficacious blood of Jesus the quality of healing in the divine and manifestation of Redemption on a deep stuff but tell me about the kingdom the seven last words of the Cross the size of the thorns in his head shut up and turn about the king now mama I know get in trouble I'm gonna get in trouble I will get in trouble but you see I'm telling you man I have sat with pastors will be in fashion for 40 years and I said just ask one simple question who tell me what the kingdom was the kingdom of God and he cannot tell and he trained people for 40 years instructions I don't want you to preach Judaism I don't want you to preach ki facism I don't want you to to preach Gamaliel ism I don't want you to preach Jesus we just I don't want you to preach the blood when we get in trouble he says you go and preach this message the kingdom of heaven has arrived tell them a new government has returned to earth and citizenship is now available for everybody that's the message Jesus never said go and make Christians you know my biggest problem as a pastor is Christians the church has produced a problem is called Christian what's the Christian a Christian has a Christian definition a Christian is a person who goes to this place every week for a couple of hours and go through some in promotions that's the question let me ask you a question do you ever cease being a citizen of your country I mean you travel all over the world but no matter where you go are you always a citizen of your country how come you keep changing on Mondays I'm a Christian on Sunday I'm this religious person on Sunday I'm this person on Sunday but on on Monday when I go to work in the workplace everything shuts down I don't know what to say to people I don't talk to them about my relationship with God you know everybody travel people ask me away from what's that that's a citizenship question how come they don't ask you where you from the reference to the kingdom of God another question would be why are you different Oh cuz I'm from a different place really well my citizenship is in heaven is that no Bible is that in the Bible Oh really so I thought you was from Brazil yeah yeah I have dual citizenship really yeah so you live in Brazil right you also have another country yeah so that's a constitution I did preach this message kingdom of heaven has arrived number 16 I am sending you out like sheep among wolves therefore be as wise as a serpent and harmless as a I want to close on some of these thoughts that he's given what is chapter 10 it's a seminar on witnessing and it starts out by restricting your witness as incredible don't witness to everybody that's what he says the church has been teaching us the opposite you got a really steady Jesus man he is something else what do you do what is your career huh accountant okay now let me try and make this practical Miriam is an accountant so Jesus comes to Miriam says Miriam the harvest is plentiful everybody in this country wants to get saved so I'm going to send you out into my harvest but do not go to the lawyers the doctors the nurses the youth go only to the accountants with this message that the kingdom of heaven has arrived in their workplace now this is this is wonderful this is wonderful because now the pressure is awful to try and act like she knows what politics or acne she knows about technical stuff Gazza enjoy your career what you know a common language you know account and culture you know the accountant mind you know the accountant temperament you can use accounting examples to express the kingdom of God in the language they can understand and they are impressed because you are good at what you do and therefore they know that it was good for you is good for them too fresh is off this principle follows through the entire New Testament it follows through Peter was a small-town hick town village boy Paul was a big-city merchants family rich famous daddy in business in a metropolitan city built by the Romans where there were hundreds of cultures every day because it was a center of merchandising Peter was born far north in a little town where they only married one another what's the difference jesus said Peter even be pastor the church but you owning a pastor church pastor Church in Jerusalem reach a piper this is important he says you stay in Jerusalem you stay in Jerusalem what you don't like Gentiles Peter was a prejudice narrow-minded anti-gentile brain he hated these people Oh y'all no understanding let me show you something I stand up differently Joe standard stand over here oh sure how serious God is about the harvest this is Peter over there far away or close by the Mediterranean ocean is a guy who's right his name is camellias he is a Gentile over there is Peter Jew who hates Gentiles and God at the moment only got a church full of Jews Matthew Mark Luke John but all of you factor is these guys are all Jews they hate those people but this guy starts to pray oh gods in trouble now because the fella is saying I want to get cautious no not yet because I got nobody who ready for you yet because they don't like you I want to get sick no and he's crying in this house all under closes I want to know Jesus nah I don't want to be born again now I want to come to the king and God said oh I'm in trouble let's see Gossett haven't said he looks a Peter you this oh dear oh man I need somebody who loves Gentiles stand over there ah God said Oh Lord that Paul is the one I really want cuz he like you know he opened he understand these people but this fellow but you see he said yet so I got to do something with this fella let's see maybe for just a couple of days I trying to change his mind so I put him to sleep give him couple of dreams and talk to him yes why because I don't want it to miss it [Applause] I want to show you how did God is God says well that's fella now he's supposed to come to God but he's taken too long so God convinces this guy briefly just for show up here cuz he still was prejudiced and he shows him this dream you know the dream he saw these unclean animals and everything and God says now here so I want you understand I'm getting ready to send you somewhere but when you see the unclean animal don't call it unclean at least for a couple of hours just get him safe for me are you understanding this pastor there are people who run when you show up and God made them run you say oh they afraid of God ain't afraid of God they're afraid of you matter of fact gods afraid of what you would do on Sunday morning I'm gonna give you the 15 things say you got to stay over Gossett's Peter and they convinced you man the guys okay okay now before you go let me tell you he's okay now before you go I know when you go there you come spasms you have some brain problems psychological problems you know you you you know but that's my son I know he's a Roman he's a Roman centurion but that's my boy he ain't dressed right ain't got the right attitude he ain't got the right religion but that's my son now you know I know you don't like him but I came for a couple hours okay so Peter goes and he goes to the guy and man Peter has problems you know guess what the Bible says Peter goes reluctantly and begins to tell the guy about Jesus what the harvest is right but guess what Peter listen this is this is deep being a preaching that a guy and hope he doesn't get through the spirit read your Bible because when the Holy Spirit fills the guy Peter shock what you doing speaking it down you he was a Gentile you face Chloe I clap your hand you got the point right he didn't expect that man to be saved and that's how you feel about the Muslims don't you and the Hindus in your country and the Spirit is and the right people and the black people in your neighborhood and the Indians you you just can't believe they could join your church even when you with us into them you don't believe they wanna get saved you only do it to do to do your duty God says Peter you know I needed someone to tell him about me that's enough I'll do the rest of it he believes I fill him with the Holy Spirit and he says Peter says even the Gentiles Peter would was going with cross-cultural ministry just for a couple days because after that he ran read the Bible he ran back to the Jewish community and said I was never with them come on reading Bible I was never with they're my I don't make he was lying I mean the guy is the first person the church and he's lying okay so Keneally's is saved right right on all of his house right right so now these people who get saved can use house guess what they do they go running off home telling people about Jesus the people they told in the other towns begin to look for Peter Peter tell them I ain't coming so now full of the Bible now God says oh my lord oh poor Nepal I know you'll get saved eventually but I can't wait come on clap your hands [Applause] I'm a speed of your salvation because you understand Gentiles you're gonna get saved if you don't want to get sick come on look at me come on just think I got saved I need you now I can use that one come on come on son you please get sick knock him out that's God you got it up and pause this who are you he says I am Jesus and it's time to report for duty why I can't wait anymore because my harvest is crying out for you there are people who you ain't fit to witness too so stay in your workplace and the more you expand in your cultural exposure then the more God allows those people to come into your influence and because the world is shrinking and cultures are intermingling then the 21st century Christian must become an international intercultural Christian amen thank you very much god bless you have a good one in thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at you
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 51,677
Rating: 4.8544698 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: O15TKH5lvQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 27sec (4347 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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