Bringing The Kingdom To The Workplace Part 1 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message is very exciting because is dealing with bringing that kingdom to bear on the marketplace where people live where they work and where they interact I want to begin with a statement that's going to be disturbing but then again they say a lot of things I say disturb before it changes the person's life I thought about this a long time so what I'm gonna say is not have has it it took me 30 years to come to this conclusion and that is you can write this down the first assignment given to man by God was not worship but work and that may be startling because whenever you think of Christianity and of churchianity and of religiosity you always think about worship but God's priorities are very clear in the scriptures God says in his first assignment not worship but work in the mind of God work is more of a priority than acts of worship and please mark my words very carefully and write them just like I say them please I did not say God said that work is more important than worship but I did say that based on Scripture not your conjecture God established work as the number-one priority of man above acts of worship to even make the point clearer there are many instances in scripture where God directly rebukes acts of worship rejects acts of worship and actually tells man he doesn't want their acts of worship he prefers something more important and that is good works the foundation of the theology of work is found in the first book in the Bible the first chapter please read this with me the two most important chapters in the Bible are Genesis chapter 1 and chapter 2 what you're about to hear in the next 30 minutes is going to upset your theology perhaps shake your long-held convictions concerning what is important to God the emphasis placed on work by the Creator is evidence by the priority placed on it through the law even of the Sabbath as a matter of fact there are people who spend more time concentrating on the Sabbath that they forget about the assignment that he gave for the next six days how am i going already some people are so meticulous about one day of the week they forget the purpose for the rest of the week and we're gonna fix that this week let us read what the creator says to us himself chapter 1 of Genesis verse 26 and God said let us make man in our own image and in our likeness and let him attend churches form choirs and have worship sessions so that God could feel good about being God because God gets depressed when no one tells them how good he is that's about how we obtain our theological position but God does not say that the first statement God makes about our assignment on earth is this and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over all the earth and all the creatures that move upon the ground so God created man verse 27 in his own image and in the image of God created him male and female created he them and God blessed them and God said multiply replenish subdue and have dominion over all the earth chapter 2 I'm going to read something that will shock you chapter 2 opens this way the heavens and the earth were completed in all their glory an array verse 2 by the seventh day God had finished please underline the word work every time you see God had finished the work that he had been doing so on the seventh day he rested from all of his work that he had done and God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it he rested from all of the work that he did in creating all that he had done work is introduced in chapter two of the Bible there is no demons no Devils no darkness no sin no broken homes no oppression no depression no compression or suppression and yet in this chapter there is work somehow Christians have come to believe that work is a result of the fall of man but work was introduced before you fell and the first person that the pace was not a man it was God and God could do nothing that he wanted to do without working and God worked so hard he had to rest you should never rest until you worked so hard now this is interesting God says six days shalt thou know shot at me six days shalt thou how many days everybody hold up six fingers anybody said that's how much six days shalt thou work how many days do you rest hold your one finger up everybody say that's how much you rest now let's see how smart you are if I told you to do something six times and then to do another thing once which one is more important to me the one I told you to do six times God's ratio of value is evidenced by how many times he commanded you to do something now the average person and I almost said bahamian but this is international television but the average person prefers to work one day a week and rest 6 and God knew it would come to that so he established the priorities first he said you will work 6 and only rest 1 God's priority so in this very simple principle alone work is more important than rest to God now here's something that gets a little deeper take your Bible and underline these words this is great verse 5 chapter 2 and no scrub of the field listen to this had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up because the Lord God had not allowed rain on the earth look at me a moment what does that statement me use your logic that means the seeds were present anybody here in other words the plant and the shrub and the herb were already there all it needed was brain order but it says God did not allow it to rain because if it did it would bring life to the planet read the next statement brother it's mind blowing sin the Bible God says he did on the lower terrain because there was no man to work my god let me come down the Lord what chapter is this - no Devils no demons no darkness no sin and God says I need someone not to worship not to sing not to clap hands not to light candles not to burn incense not to attend for our meetings not too fast or pray he said I need to work I don't know if you get the message there is no church in chapter 1 and 2 I'm getting ahead of myself there is no choir in chapter 1 and 2 no prayer meeting in chapter 1 and 2 no fasting in chapter 1 and 2 no altars no sacrifice no blood no incense nothing and in that chapter God ends it by saying this is very good are you telling me that what we doing now ain't very good the answer must be yes this is not good what we doing we have to assemble in certain places have a cheerleader called a song worshiper to make us sing we need organs and drums to move our motions so we could lift our hands and praise the Lord we need someone to preach an inspiring tantalizing message to fancy optical emotion so we could shout a little bit in other words God is sick of all of the gymnastics all of the programs the tune is up because there wasn't none of that in the garden and God said this is very good well according in the garden there was no worship service no pastor no preacher no apostle no evangelist there was no choir member and yet the Bible says man walked and talked with God in the cool of the day he didn't need to get in the mood didn't he know all the music to get things right did he know candle or smell no incense to make him feel holy he just walked among the crotons and talked among the Hibiscus something went wrong why did God make him I asked you the question from your own Bible it's there God says I needed someone to work I ask pastor's everywhere I travel and I was in Brazil and dr. Kent the guard is here tonight he was with me down there two weeks ago and I stood before 11,000 pastors and asked him a question I said why did God create us and most Christians would answer to worship that is not true if God wanted worship he got enough angels to do that now don't get me wrong we're gonna fix this in a minute because what you call worship is not worship Jesus told the religious people of his day who did everything right he said you worship me with your lips but your heart is so far from what I intended that you make me sick you look like dead man's bones in a white painted supplicant you vipers I mean he made in to the religious worshiping people why because it ain't about attending church on Sunday it's what you do on Monday that counts can you read that one more time assume you're looking shocked it is in the Bible let's read it God did not allow any shrub to grow because there was no and to work the ground now I like this because God is telling us what he's thinking and he's not thinking church services prayer meetings he's thinking what work so Ally's forming the mind he's thinking I got me a worker here while he's breathing into the man he says I'm getting me a worker here hey buddy say born to work verse 7 so the Lord formed the man from the dust of the ground breathe into his nostrils and the man became a living soul - say it loud say work together loud I want you to work that word for the next couple of minutes come on everybody say work work on it come on say work get your neighbors say work get them real hard against a work say work it out hit on one more time say work I want you to pop your hands for getting corrected right now by God I want you to clap and open your mouth while you're cropping your hand and shout just a little bit this is good stuff tell your neighbor he's reading it right so go to work [Applause] can you say one more thing for me real loud if your neighbor say go to work you lazy worshipper [Applause] hallelujah God formed a man from dust of the ground breathing in the breath of life and he became a living soul now let's read now I'm gonna read it I'm gonna let you do some homework this week but I want you to glance at some of the things that happens afterwards God begins to talk please talk to this man listen what he says to the man he says just the more Planeta garden this he and he gets to talk about this garden he says in the garden there are all kinds of trees verse 9 pleasing to the eye why cuz he sent the ring why he got himself a worker you know why God didn't allow it to grow until man came because God wanted somebody to cultivate organize and maintain her but is it management say it loud I can't hear you say it louder you were created to manage planet Earth not heaven God hates bush I'm gonna say this again God hates bush and what bush means is unorganized undeveloped uncultivated land Hey Hey look at me look at me the most beautiful hotel in the entire Caribbean today is in the Bahamas it is called the Atlantis and you'll pay me for that advertisement they spent over 200 million dollars on a piece of rock that's only two miles wide and about two and a half miles long do you know what we came up calling that rock hold the island I want you to learn a lesson here we watched that Island we threw garbage over there we accept wild pigs over there everybody laughed at that I don't call it dirty and useless we used to snare the island we call it the Hog Island but who would have thought that where the Hulk's used to be is now that the Stallions wrong what because a man looked at bush come on somebody and said have a tree but it takes I can't hear you to me loud for an international TV come on it takes you see the Bahamian wasn't willing as my people I could talk with them new visitors they were not willing to put in the cost of sacrifice to work it ain't money trust me it's vision God never says without money people perish and I am living proof it's true decision God says I don't want bush I want a creature that will walk among the bush and see a building with 500 rooms that doesn't exist yet a doll can't do that a cat can't do that a bird cannot do that I need a creature that would be like me that can see things that be not as though they were but it takes work then God tells the man about gold silver oil resin onyx this is precious stone diamonds then verse 15 then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden and said work you better hear me my sermon is finished first thing God did was work on his work produced work so he made man to work so he gave man work let me say this the word Eden our members know this but you're gonna get a different revelation now right the word Eden down somebody God took the man and put him where in Eden Eden is not a name it's a Hebrew word which means spot or moment it also means present moment or the moment of his presence in a spot listen God took the man and put him in the Garden Hebrew word of his presence don't miss this ie when God took the man and put him in his presence what did he tell him to do Warwick you don't get it the purpose for the presence is work now when you lose the presence then you malfunction stay with me the reason why you have a worship service and pray and sing and how sacrifices is because you are trying to restore what you lost in chapter 2 which is his presence when you get us presents back then you go to work some of y'all gonna get it after we close you see you think the presence is for you to just sit there and go go to work the anointing is for work his presence is for work so if they don't feel like working start worshiping her when his presence come then you should feel like working not worshiping worship brings his presence so you could go to work so if Sunday you got it huh if Sunday is your day to get his presence and you get a good dose then on Monday prove it oh come on clap your hands somebody you go to work to prove that you have his presence that's why when you go into the workplace people are supposed to pick up his presence all around you I like what Jesus said when he came to correct it he says let your light so shine before men in the marketplace that they may see your good work and then they will glorify your father whoo come on clap your hands somebody you see that's the whole purpose forgiveness presence [Applause] hey buddy said worship is to work we love to get slave we love to be anointed we love to feel what we call power of God but when you read the Bible every manifestation of God's power was because there was work to do David didn't get God's power to sit on a rock and play a harp there was work to be done hello somebody there was a giant in the city making noise and David says I gotta go to work so he picked up his to call asleep and he put some smooth stones in there and he says I'm going to work and he told the lion I come to work lion says your tools ain't good enough he says well I'm in his presence when I'm in his presence the tools function and God put the man in the garden and said what work let me give you some stats I got 10 minutes 70 percent these are stats done by the University of California that have to do with work among Christians this is tough it was also done by a school in London that did a research on Christian attitudes toward work 70% of our daily lives is spent at work right that somewhere right that somewhere 70 percent of your day is at work 70 percent second step 50 percent of Christians have never heard a sermon on work 50 percent that means if you meet two Christians one of them never heard their sermon on work third statistic 70 percent of Christians have never been taught a theology of work 70 % faster have never had a teacher sit and teach them the theology of work that means 70 percent of Christians do not have any biblical convictions or foundations for going to 70 percent of their life none of you understand why people believe that the only way you could do something good for God is to leave your job and become some preacher or pastor because the theology teaches in the church that you ain't doing nothing really good for God unless you are a preacher with a corruption of biblical theology according to Genesis chapter 1 and 2 God gave us 100% responsibility for work afford stats that shocked me 70% have never been taught on a sermon concerning vocation 70% of the Krishna's in the world based on a study have never been taught a sermon on vocation could you imagine go into a place seventy percent of the day and you don't believe it's the will of God no wonder why you hate your job and your boss we don't take the kingdom to the workplace we take an attitude now come on sit up straight for the last couple of minutes see bigger works in all it's Monday again don't say nothing to me I don't feel good today me here you are just came out of church Sunday night shouting and clapping and on Monday you tell the sinner don't say nothin to me you supposed to be saying something to them but you see the theology that that church propagated makes you hate the place you spend most of your life in another stat that shocked me under 25 percent of Christians have been asked about their witness at work by their pastor or minister or priest that's the stat from the study under 25 percent have ever been asked about their witness at work by their minister why because the ministers don't think it's even important a finalist at that I pulled out from the study you may find interesting and that is only 26 percent of Christians have been axed to develop a ministry at the workplace only 26 percent whoever acts to do something in their workplace to influence it for the kingdom of God 26 percent that means 74 percent of the attitude that work is a nuisance work has been marginalized by the general church population through the belief coined by a statement and I wrote this down from a book the other day it says all Christians are born equal but full-time Christians are more equal than others that's the belief most Christians carry let me say it again we've been taught by the church that all Christians are born equal but full-time Christians those in full-time Christian work they are more equal than the others what a pathetic perception we have in other words the result is if you want to do something for God you must leave your vocation and your career or the thing you love to do or getting paid to do and you have to come and become a full-time Christian worker that is unbiblical it is satanic because it's literally destroying opportunities for the people of God to win the world matter of fact I feel so sad mr. minister because it still irritates me that you stood there tonight as a man in a position to influence legislation and to develop policy for my country to influence my grandchildren and you gotta apologize to me as a man of God for quoting scripture I brother I'm sorry forgive me but why does he feel that way because we believe that you cannot be a politician an extended and the church taught him that I'm glad to hear you politicians because I'm come to tell you brother this ain't no job for you you were born to do this this is your meaning you were born by God to do what you're doing don't you ever call it a job it's your work and I'm gonna tell you now in the front of the world brother you have a minister of housing and you are in the cabin of my government but I'm telling you brother you got the same anointing I have to do what you were born to do that I was born to do what I was born to do [Applause] everybody say work the church is our fault let me quote something that may be interesting to you the workplace is God's place say look at me the workplace is the earth is the Lord's not the church building Lord help me now the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof IBM AT&T Super Value whatever you get it is the Lord's that means when you walk in that store on Monday morning he walking into God's place and they paying you to witness and testify by your life and by your coming on time I'm doing excellent work y'all any want to ask because a little late but you might as well shot one time because you see we gotta stop this attitude you can't worship until Sunday comes let me tell you something worship starts on Monday oh my god what my folks see God is at work I read in the Bible God is at work in us God is at work through us and God is at work in those who work with us you were created to work say with me I was created to work say it again I was created to work lift your right hand in the air and sit I wanted to get into your spirit loud I was created to work hold up one more time and take it home to your cousin your uncle your aunt buy this tape and give it to all the staff members come on say it I was created to work God says so go ahead crap those times that you just held up the church has been engaged in the mission of evangelism over the past 2,000 years but its concept of evangelism has been contaminated because it has been limited to mass evangelism pew evangelism and Street evangelism but thank God the 21st century church is coming full circle we're going back to the garden and we're gonna have what I call work evangelism we're gonna be those salt you talk about where we rub against the job environment and turn it into Kingdom [Applause] you know as we are working at the margins we are forgetting the center we spend more time in the workplace than any other place listen to the stats again 70% of a human's working life is at work you didn't hear me it's not that your children is not in your home it's at that place you go that means if you do not see the workplace as God's place for Kingdom influence then that means you are only functioning as a Christian in witness 30% of your life a tragedy we spend more time at work than in the homes we build by our work my father's here tonight I love my dad he is almost 77 years old he worked all his life to build us a house and when people like my dad worked all his life to build a house by the time the mortgage paid for they can't climb the step to get in it right 70 percent of their life was given to a place to get money to build that place that they can't even enter what a tragedy we need to change our paradigm we need a rebate is 'm into Genesis 1 & 2 we need to understand that Monday is where the rubber meets the road it's not the choir song and the incense you smell on a few sermons brother this thing happens when you get behind the typewriter or pick up the hammer or you get your wrench in your hand and people can watch regard looks like in monkey grease you should clap right there I want to challenge somebody from this conference to write a book with a title God in monkey grease we need God dressed in some nice uniforms and some police uniforms we need God walking around it's a motel serving uniform we need God dressed up in work clothes hey neighbor go to work big have fun this week the workplace is a natural place to find the lost I I am amazed Lord just a couple minutes we we go looking for lost people just go to work come on trap your hand somebody our church-going witnessing child we're gonna walk down that neighborhood we're gonna look for lost people you go to them every Monday morning matter of fact you got them covered they are a trapped audience at work they've got to come back lord of mercy you're getting it brother if I stop witnessing on Monday and I'm finished no problem I can see in the morning and I start to see my line finish no problem you come back when dusty I'm finished no problem when I finish with you [Applause] looking for the loss God sent you where they are and they paying you to stay come on clap your hands somebody everybody say work the workplace is the captive mission field the workplace is a perfect stage for you to demonstrate your faith on we are encouraged to go out on fishing pools and in puddles when we are sitting right on a lake filled with fish it's called work the most godly mission field is the workplace that's why God gave you that job I'm winding up now see you think God gave you that job because you won't get salary God gave you the job because he want the people in that company to experience his good grace and his good luck so he said you but your church messed it up do you know that the church has convinced society not to allow you to witness in the workplace the church society encourages us to believe that our faith is a private issue and there's no place at work for your faith when I got that idea from the church this anti-christian prejudice leads to fear of not fitting in on the job so we just keep quiet but note the life of the most effective witnesses of God in this book I'm gonna ask you who in the Old Testament were the most effective witnesses and winning nations who let me give you a couple names and then tell me if they were pastors apostles prophets or preachers these are the most effective let me give you a startling shock before I give you their names I'll tell you who were not the most effective Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Hosea Joel these were not effective witnesses they were prophets who wrote books and who spoke to Israel the most effective witnesses was a witness not the people who preached to the church to mistis i Isaiah preached to the church Israel Joelle preached to the church Israel as her preach to the church Israel but when God wanted to reach the world come to miss this he chose people like Joe you know Joe Joseph mine Joseph was no pastor prophet preacher evangelist Joseph was a Deputy Prime Minister talk to me I say talk to me and he didn't leave his job to witness for God the purpose for his job was to witness for God and God used this Deputy Prime Minister to change the entire religious laws of the nation Pharaoh used to worship the Sun but when he met Joe come on somebody and Joe in his job demonstrated the kingdom of God Pharaoh the pagan who worshiped the Sun made an edict in the whole country and he changed the Constitution and he commanded every Egyptian to worship the God of Joseph Jehovah Jireh you better clap your hands somebody it happened where in his I can't hear you happen in his workplace how about the second one Daniel who changed pagans Daniel Daniel was worth a permanent secretary in government or you here but Daniels in the lion's den and Daniel do this no no he wasn't no preacher brother he was just like you he was in government he was a politician and Daniel was used by God to change the entire nation Nebuchadnezzar was a demon worship I never can never use the Burrell babies in milk and fry them in blood he was one of those pagans who had corrupt religion but he ran into a man in a high position who kept his job and you know why he was impressed by Daniel not because Daniel said ha who you on the job not because Daniel read his Bible on the desk when he should be tightened not because Daniel was having premanande aback room but the Bible says that come on preacher can you help a little bit it says that the king said about Daniel this man came to work on time I'm quoting Bible never took more hour for lunch than he should he worked longer than he was expected he did a better job than all of his colleagues and he had an excellent spirit and in his workplace by the way stand up for your faith in the workplace when they tell you that you can't do this and can't do that or if they ask you to do this and to do that and it violates your kingdom citizenship then you stand up they threaten to fire you they're gonna demote you they're gonna hold you back but I want you to leave this conference with a new anointing to say to them you think you didn't give me this job you can't take it away and before I leave I'll go through a lion's den come out the other side and you're gonna be saved just like me y'all better tribe this one time before we go home when Daniel was finished the Bible says the king said Oh Daniel this god of yours have delivered you from the lion's den I'm gonna now promote you not from assistant secretary - secretary but you're going to now become assistant to the king and we shall declare we shall pray down all the images and idols in our country and we're gonna write a new law you're listening to me and we're gonna make every barber l'union worship the god of a working man tell your neighbor with a hard elbow go to work and stay in your work I want you to go back to work tomorrow to the Parliament and go back in cabinet I'm telling you brother I want you to walk and then tell everybody I'm a knight add an appointed the people did not let you brother God set them up to put you in a position of influence so you could do some things for him there's some policy god wants to happen there's some legislation god wants to fix God wants you to protect the poor he wants you to cover the needy he wants you to handle the destitute and he says I'm gonna anoint you that's your calling brother [Applause] do your work man do your work the same politics brother this is ministry for you promotion doesn't come from the East nor the West northern north but it comes from God brother three Hebrew boys they were the Bible says assistant secretaries change the whole country in their job Nehemiah oh-oh-oh-oh Nehemiah was a bartender come on y'all talk to me don't go sophisticated he was a bartender in the club of the King didn't leave his job change the world in this job we don't want another preacher to mess up the ministry stay where you are stay being a carpenter or a nurse stay in that mechanic job that's your ministry bring the kingdom to the world of law bring the kingdom to the world of business bring the kingdom to the world of Education King says Nehemiah why is your heart so downcast he said because I don't like the way the neighborhood looks walls are broken down and folks ain't got no job and I got an idea if we stab the wall we'll employ the people you ain't got no unemployment problem Kings I like your idea when Nehemiah said that project together some of y'all think the king was a fool the king said this man is a businessman he's a politician this man can provide work for people my greatest problem are these no - illiterate unruly choose and this man don't create a project to put them to work this is good politics how many letters do you need is your copy on somebody hey panda Gally the man was smart he said if I give this man this job he gonna create more employment and the Bible says that people were willing to work and the King got the credit for building a wall that was started by a man who was a bartender who didn't leave his job hey neighbor go to work and stay on the job the church is to blame for the neglect of taking the kingdom to the workplace the church concentrates on living one day a week and neglecting the wisdom of the remaining six most ministers are equipping their flock for church ministry for ministries that revolve around ministers skills and gifts cause people to believe that the only way they can do God's will is to serve in the church and the church cause that our leader and I want to close on Jesus lord have mercy and love him so much you want to hear something Bishop Jesus our leader or he was awesome see most pastors inadvertedly equipping people to support only their ministries alright pastor sit up straight rather than equipping the people to do their work of their own ministries is your Minister looking to see how you fit into the church needs or is he asking God for a plan to fit you into God's kingdom needs for your life oh I love Jesus Jesus witnessed on the job and in the job oh I wish I could buy this tape myself this is good preaching whoa I wish I was listening to me nauseous I'd say hey man Jesus was something else what I saved this for the last is the sweetest one when you study his life Jesus never went to church to witness oh you only read the Bible good you know who you go like this brother Jesus but it was trying to witness study him guess when he went to work he went on people's jobs don't miss this it's the best point of the whole night when he wanted to win some people to work for him he went where they worked come on now y'all talk to me he didn't tell them y'all come to church even I going to work and then you do miss this point chief he didn't only go on their job he worked with them he said you tell you God I tell you what to do let us go fishing why I won't win yours I want to work with you he took him in the deep in the middle of their own business he worked their business with them come on now here's our witness and you do the job better than they did it your mister all together I say episode again I'm coming on your job and I don't work it better than you so that when I talk to you you gotta listen to me you got it yeah thank you man you missed that up I say one more time see you gotta go on the job but you can work less than them because if you work less than them lazy mediocre then you can witness to them if you can work with them catch more fish than they ever caught sink their boat with the boat sinking Lord so that venue for this working they were say no man speak like this man who are you what manner of man is this where do you live we want to go home with you that happened where when he wanted to win the woman do you know what women did 2,000 years ago it was their common job to get the water man didn't go to the whales listen to me carefully historically culturally it was the woman's work to get water even when Jacob went swimming into one of the camels he didn't find a man getting water he found one a woman getting water and in every case in the Bible it was no women that get did the water wife that was their work so Christ wanted to win a woman day so he said let me go where she works and then he says let me work with her let's talk water he didn't talk about God and about the Holy Ghost he talked about work come on clap your hands somebody he's gonna let talk about your job do you like water let's talk water oh come on shout with me one time ooh sorry hallelu stop going on the job messing up the job talking about hallelujah Hey look shut up and work [Applause] tell your neighbor shut up and work say it again shut up and work come on shut up on work hallelujah I say hallelujah I said praise the Lord somebody tomorrow bring you to work and you see a Christian drinking team and they should be typing or talking man they should be working just go to them and say shut up come on clap your hands one time whoa stand up on your feet untie your neighbor give me a high-five and go to work now go ahead and shout and clap your hands one time we want to go to work this week we're gonna work hard this week thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at you
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 98,192
Rating: 4.8400874 out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: d8xKeeTdhP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 8sec (3848 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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