Bring LIFE to Your EDITS | Custom "Wobble" Node | DaVinci Resolve

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today I'm going to show you how to make your own wobble node that you can use on any animation IND Vinci resolve and if you don't think that's very exciting then hold my now if you're looking for something that you can just drag and drop on the edit page there's already a great solution for that Mr alextech has developed this plugin called Magic animate a lot of people are already familiar with it but if you're not I'll put a link somewhere in the description on the screen or if you're looking for some kind of like handheld camera Shake motion Mr Jay Litman has got you covered with that one what I'm talking about is a free floating wobble animation something that gives your pngs your images or whatever you have floating on screen that floaty feeling so let me show you how to make it and how to save it as a macro so that you can search it up and use it anytime you want all righty so we are in D Vinci resolve I have a 1080p 60 Fram per second timeline open I work in 60 frames per second because I like to make my life harder than it needs to be and what I'm going to do is I'm going to go up top here to effect and create a new Fusion composition you don't need to do a Fusion composition for this it's just I need I need something to work with so got our Fusion composition going go ahead and hop into the fusion page now if you're new to the fusion page and you want to learn a little bit more about how things work inside here I actually have a separate video that takes a little bit more time to explain the ins and outs of fusion but let's go ahead and build out our composition so I'm going to start with a background node go ahead and connect that to my media out and I'm going to make this transparent you don't got to make it transparent I'm just going to make mine transparent and then the image that I'm going to be working with today is our nice little shark guy so I'm going to drag and drop that in connect it and there we go boom now if I wanted to I could hit control space and start type in wobble and you see that I already have my own little wobble node here that I saved that's what we're going to end up getting to go ahead and close that and what I want you to do is to hit control space and add a transform node you want the one with XX F in the parenthesis go ahead and add that and all we're really going to do is one thing I want you to go up top right click on the center XY property go to modify width and then we want perturb you can see we've already got some motion going on here and if I were to play our composition from the beginning you can see woo we got some motion Now by adding the perturbed modifier we've done two things one we've unlocked our modifier tab we've moved on to the next level here and two we've essentially just introduced random motion so you can actually apply the turb modifier to any property that you'd like so if you want you could right click on the size go to modify width and then go down to perturb and then your image is going to grow and shrink in size as well so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go over to my modifiers Tab and we've got a few settings that we can play with and these are the settings that I have found give a very subtle floating feel obviously you can increase or decrease things depending on how you want your own wobble to look for the X and Y scale I'm going to change this to 0.25 0.25 we're going to leave the random seed alone for now and then for the strength going to change this to 0.2 the wobble amount we're going to leave at one and the speed we're actually going to change to 0.2 now it's not going to be dramatic motion but that's not what I'm going for when I play this back I really just want this to kind of subtly move on our domain so let me go ahead and play this you can see our our buddy he's just you know he's kind of wiggling back and forth couple quick things that I want to mention one you'll notice that I put our transform node after our merge node what can happen is if you put your transform node and attach it to your media node or whatever you're trying to animate the domain on your media node might be smaller than your background so you see how our background is 1920 x 1080P and our media in is 608 X 705 so it's smaller what can happen is if you put your transform node and you connect it to the media in without the larger domain in mind you can start to get some clipping I'm not going to have this issue because Da Vinci is pretty smart with how it does the transform nodes so you're not going to have any issues if you've just got like one or two things but on larger compositions you could run into a couple of issues and now if we wanted to we could also add a small amount of rotation now I'm back on the tools tab of our transform node and what I'm going to do is I'm going to right click on the angle going to modify width and instead of perturb I'm going to hit shake and now the shake modifier is very similar to the perturb modifier except that they have slightly different controls you can think of the perturb modifier as something that just generates Randomness and the shake modifier will give you some bounds so it will give you a minimum and maximum value that your property can bounce back and forth between so when I'm looking at the minimum and maximum value for our Shake angle modifier it's saying right here that our minimum angle that'll go to is 0 de and the maximum is 1° and again you can make this as big or as little as you want to Let's maybe go to like -5 and 15 so that you can see this effect and now when I place this back it's going to start to have some wonky rotation so if you want to smooth this out let me go back to our transform node modifiers Shake all I'm going to do is actually increase our smoothness to anywhere between like 50 and 100 so I don't know maybe we go 75 and I'm going to increase these angles to maybe like five and five let's go and play that back and again the motion is really small but that's okay that's what I want I want it to feel like it's just kind of floating in space okay and so the last setting that I'm actually going to turn on and this one is completely optional is you can go over to your settings back in our tools tab on a transform node go to your settings and turn on motion blur I'm going Su go for motion blur it does eat up a lot of resources but I like to have it on and especially if I started to increase the strength of a wobble I don't know I just I feel like it makes it look smoother I like it you don't have to turn it on okay but that is it so if that's all you were looking for go ahead and use it but what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how to save this so that you can use it anytime you want and you don't have to reset up your modifiers and all we're going to do is we're going to create a macro in Da Vinci and the word macro might be intimidating for somebody who's never done it before but I promise it well it is a little bit intimidating but I'll be here I'll I'll be here and I'll show you exactly what you need to do so what we're going to do is we're going to go onto our transform node and I'm going to right click it and I'm going to go to macro create macro okay don't don't be alarmed this window pops up and yeah this can be a little bit overwhelming but all that we're looking at here is our transform node and every single property that we could save for future use so you'll see we have our Center size down here is the angle all we're going to do is we're going to take on the modifier properties that we want to use so that we can save save those settings for future use so I'm going to walk you through what we're going to turn on and how we're going to save it so you're going to want to leave the output and input boxes on because we need to be able to input something and we want it to output something as well and for these basic controls you don't actually have to turn any of these on if you want to feel free like if you wanted to have the ability to flip your image horizontally or vertically or you wanted to mess with some of the edge settings it's perfectly fine but I'm actually going to leave all of these unchecked what I am going to do is I'm going to expand the common controls and I'm going to scroll down until I see our motion blur settings because I do want the ability to turn on and off our motion blur so I'm going to go ahead and tick on motion blur quality shutter angle Center bias sample spread this one is completely optional but this is one that I like to have the ability to mess with when I want to and I'm going to scroll back up and collapse our common menu and the controls menu you can see that we actually have our perturb and Shake modifiers here so I'm going to expand the perturb modifier and what I'm going to do is I'm going to tick on every one of these controls in the perturb section so I'm going to tick on value X scale y scale random seed VC Str speed all right there we go okay and now I'm going to do the exact same thing but for the shake modifier so I'm going to go ahead and expand that now by default it has the position and the Y value ticked on I'm not sure why if somebody's a little bit more knowledgeable in the Vinci they can maybe explain to me why these are turned on but I'm going to go ahead and turn those off what the ones that we do want are going to be our random seed our Reed we want smoothness and then we're looking for X minimum and X maximum go ahead and turn those on now I'm going to go ahead and change our macro name and this is going to be the name that actually appears on the Node when you bring it into Da Vinci resolve so I'm going to change this to wobble V2 cuz I already have a V1 and then we just got to save it let's go up top these three dots save as if it doesn't take you to this directory I'll leave a file path in the description somewhere so that you can try to get there yourself but it should take you right here and then if you want to save it in a folder you can see I've already got a couple got one for Dax and P because holy crap I love those guys and then I have my own folder right here I'm going to go in here see I've already got some macros in there as well and hit save and now we can close this and now you're good to go so if I want to I can hit control space wobble you can see there there's our guy there's our guy right there we got wobble V2 and enter let me go ahead and delete this transform node insert our wobble V2 node there we go now if I select our wobble node you can see in the inspector tab we have all those properties that we turned on in our macro so we can change our center point we can change the strength of our translation and also of our angle rotation now the last thing I'm going to say and the reason why we added that random seed property is say for instance we've got three things that we want floating here in space and I've attached our wobble node to all of them well if I hit play they are all going to move in unison which could be what you want but if you want them feeling like they're moving separately and independently of each other just go to your wobble node and reede your position and angle and now when I hit play they're all going to move independently of each other and if for some reason you want to edit this macro go up to macro find your macro and you can bring up that menu and re-edit some of those properties hope that helped and I'll catch you on the next one peace
Channel: Wampus
Views: 12,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wampus, brandon, wampusb, thewampus, itsthewampus, b_randon, edits, editing, davinci, davinciresolve, davinci resolve, tutorial, how to, fusion, davinic resolve, wobble node, shake, perturb, wobble shake perturb, custom node, best node, davinci resolve fusion, create wobble, floating, float effect, floating effect, best floating effect, motion graphics
Id: QpgkT_yzY8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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