5 Motion Graphics All After Effects Users Should Know!

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you're just a few techniques away from being Unstoppable as you know after effects is a beast of a software with the ability to help you create powerful stories so let's harness that power these five quick techniques and further a Mastery of motion design let's get started all right feel free to check out the time code below but we're going to start off by showing how to create orbital animations that will enable you to create revolving Motion Graphics in a 3D environment so we have a base object which is a circle and we can go ahead and design the objects we want to revolve around our base design when your elements are ready make sure the Anchor Point is Centered for every layer make the layers 3D and then rotate the orbital objects by 90° you know or so now for the part everyone wants to rotate objects in 3D space create a null object make it 3D and then animate the Y rotation and then when you parent your objects to the null they will revolve perfectly and if you don't want to have your objects laying flat on the ground select those layers go to layer transform Auto Orient and select Orient towards camera boom perfect the next Motion Graphics all about creating cinematic blurs to help you design creative Motion Graphics in no time for this step feel free to create random stroke shapes for instance I'll use a single stroke circle make it 3D and then rotate it by 90° then I'll duplicate reposition and scale the size down several times and when done precompose everything and then click continuously rasterize to bring that 3D data over to your new composition now we can create a camera and then use the camera tools to find a new angle for our design when ready go into the camera options and turn on depth the field then increase the aperture by a lot and adjust the focus distance to colorize your work apply the Four Color gradient to the design composition and change your color however you need lastly apply the glow effect adjust the threshold and increase the glow radius and feel free to duplicate the glow effect if needed and now you can create cool cinematic elements but for a pro tip you can use wiggle paths in your shape layer to give your Strokes movement next up is all about creating truly stylized 3D texts and Graphics that stand out when your text is ready be sure to set your project 3D renderer to Cinema 4D make your text layer a 3D layer then go straight to the Extrusion depth of your text and set it to any amount also if you like you can set the bevel style to convex and the bevel depth to 10 but keep in mind these numbers can be whatever you need them to be and that's how I lost my job as a bank teller But be sure to go to animate side color and then change the color to help stylize the title and if you added a bevel go to Bevel color RGB and we'll set the color to black as well now feel free to animate your text any way that you like you can use the text animate parameters and of course you can rotate this in 3D space then precompose your text right click the layer and add a stroke change the color and boom great 3D text before we move on to our next technique be sure to pick up our free motion duck templates for After Effects and Premiere Pro and if you find yourself needing to save precious time on all your projects we have over 35,000 templates to help you produce amazing work with the link below okay if you couldn't tell yet 3D is an integral part of Motion Graphics uh you may not always work with 3D but understanding how to make natural light sources in a 3D scene is a useful technique to know for example we have a 3D rectangle in the center of the scene using the orbiting techniques from the beginning of the video we can attach a light to a 3D n object with this y rotation animated and then using two views we can see that the light spins around the scene looks good but let's make this a real light source so create a white circle and be sure to Center The Anchor Point make it a 3D layer then go into material options turn off except lights and set the fuse to 100% you can parent the circle position to the position of the point light then we compare our shape layer to the null object then by using Auto Orient and Orient towards camera we now have a visible light source that clearly affects our 3D elements from more on this workflow you can check out the full tutorial uh linked below all right the last motion graphic we must know how to create is being able to design any object using shrim paths and repeaters there's literally no limitation to what you can create so let me show you we can create a stroke Circle and inside of that shape layer we can add trim paths then animate the start or end to animate the line on pretty simple but if we want to create something more complex I'll create a line with a circle inside the same shape layer then we'll use trim paths to animate the line and then we'll just like animate the scale of the circle but now we can duplicate this entire design by adding a repeater at face value repeaters can be tricky to use but here's all you need to know adjust the repeater position to fit the layout you want for circular duplication set the EXP position to zero and set the rotation to 45° then adjust a number of copies and that's it congratulations you can now create complex Motion Graphics to conquer even more complex projects be sure to subscribe and always be creating
Channel: SonduckFilm
Views: 52,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, After Effects Tutorial, After Effects, Motion Design, Motion Graphics, After Effects Motion Graphics, After Effects Motion Design, After Effects Motion, After Effects Skills, After Effects Design, Motion Graphics Tutorial, Motion Design Tutorial, Typography Design, Typography Tutorial, SonduckFilm Tutorial, After Effects Motion graphics Tutorial
Id: 6xwqSUPC4bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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