INSANE DaVinci Resolve Plugins!

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hi today I want to show off some really really cool stuff that has come out of the D Vinci resolve Community here on YouTube that being a few preset packs and plugins that have been created uh by uh creators themselves some of these I think are legit hidden gems I've been excited to talk about for a little while uh but almost as uh notable as what I want to show off in this video is what I'm not going to pay uh too much time or attention at at least in this video for instance in this video I'm not going to talk about magic animate even though I think it's one of the most incredible plugins for resolve ever uh by Mr Alex Tech I have a dedicated video about that I also plan on circling back to that hopefully soon and making more videos about that plugin but lots of you know about magic anime if you don't um I'll toss a link in the description also a link in the description to a video I did looking over some packs from motion VFX motion VFX is a whole company in the preset plug-in you know template game and I'm linking that specific video because I also work for motion VFX um so I'm showing off some cool stuff stuff um from some of the packs that I helped worked on and uh in this video here on my channel um I'm not going to talk too much about uh my plugins and presets and templates I have uh dozens of products both free and paid um that I talk about here on my Channel all the time they're also over on the website so you can either you know click over the channel or click over to Sterling for more information there and if somehow you didn't know that um I don't often tell people to subscribe but if you didn't know that I make plugins you should subscribe but uh now it's time to show off some other uh really exciting stuff the first product I want to show off um is one that probably of the ones I'm going to show off the most of you have seen but um I also think that all things considered it's probably the most underrated tool in the da Vinci resolve you know plug-in sphere it's very cool it's the editor collection from Jake Whip and it's called a collection and that totally makes sense because this is actually a pack of over 20 different plugins um I can't imagine how much time Time Jake spent putting this together um but you know I recommend it all over the place there's some plugins that do really cool stuff in this video uh but this plug-in pack is made for those actually doing the work every day editing videos and so it's tuned to that kind of workflow you have lots of background effects and text effects and uh transitions uh different ways to zoom into footage and to frame up you know uh an area you're zooming into or to just talk about different chapters in your video if I was doing more like bite-sized client work or working you know for a video editor I would be all over this plug-in pack if that if that's the kind of work you're doing absolutely look into the editor collection by Jake W and also uh I kind of said it at the beginning uh but all these people also have YouTube channels um so those links will be in the description go check them out there um support their videos in addition to their products next we're looking at something from suvi suvi is a really great uh Creator in the da Vinci resolve space and has been doing um some really cool stuff on the product side the latest being his paperfold effects plug-in which just recently launched this is prettyy exciting he's been working on it for a while he's been showing it off um a lot as he's done that and now it's out in the wild uh notable over on his site um you also have his split screens uh like effect toolkit plug-in pack um which is very very cool and if you scroll down you will see that paper fold effects um which is you know kind of what I'm focusing on but he also has uh some freees as well um so if you want to check that out really slick stuff there uh but this paper fold effect it's it's it it feel feels simple but it comes together um and it's it's really compelling this is something you could toss on all sorts of different videos and it would just work especially maybe something a little higher energy um you could toss this all over short form content and it would look really really good this is the kind of plug-in that it's really easy to get excited about because it's just a really slick effect that someone else has made so much easier for you and speaking of really slick effects next we're talking about AC Escape AC Escape has only relatively recently uh started making anything around Da Vinci resolve but he dove in and has already produced a pretty amazing uh scope of plugins for resolve he also has some freebies including this block glitch effect and what he calls the rut etra effect but extremely notable is his super CRT super ntsc and super VHS plugins which he has bundled together so you can buy any two or all three of those for uh one time fee and like I talked about uh just really slick clean effects you can toss on um especially if if you're using the free version of Da Vinci resolve and you don't have access to the analog uh damage effect or filter that comes in the paid version um if you just want some of these specific looks you can just pick up these packs um and you know have have really great stylized footage right and resolve a Escape is also the smallest channel on this list so absolutely go check out all his videos about his plugins and show him how much you like someone uh like him coming and supporting this community um and doing really good work that I think you know I'm trying to show more people cuz it's cool and I think some people will really want this now these presets from AC Escape as well as the next preset I'm going to talk about um are meant to be used more exclusively inside the fusion page they're built a little differently take advantage of some of the extra expandability and scripting options um especially the next one um that are in the fusion page so while they won't be as drag and drop on the edit page Fusion is just a click away and I think bringing in some external plugins is a great you know way to start dipping your toe in the water you're not building out giant not trees yourself you're just using a specific tool um like these really cool you know stylized effects but next we are talking about X session with his motion sweet plugin this is really notable because instead of a preset to do an effect uh motion Suite um is a different kind of Suite it is a suite of tools excession has taken a whole lot of the probably more common Motion Graphics type stuff you might do in the fusion page and just added it to this one plugin if you want to do that you just click it if you want to text along a path you can just click that if you just want little exploding little particle type deals um you can do that the amount of tools and processes that he has simplified into this tool um is pretty impressive he also has a big update for that coming soon um so I will link to uh that video um as well as the current edition of uh uh motion Suite in the description if you want to check those out I'm really counting on the video to be pulling lots of weight here cuz it can do it can do a whole lot of stuff and it's hard to communicate all of that kind of like Jake whips pack was for you know those like working editors doing kind of stuff that just want all those simple dragon drop effects I think motion Suite um could be super super useful for people doing more of that regular work in the fusion page people who probably already know how they can get to these points by themselves but you know instead of rebuilding an effect every time if you have a useful tool you can press a button and they can get you you know 90% if not 100% of the way there and as always uh don't forget ex session's uh YouTube page he's talked about lots of stuff there he also has some like other products including a really cool useful one for people who are like making their own Fusion effects um that I've encouraged him to keep developing that too cuz it could be uh it is very cool and it has potential to to be the coolest but that's my little list of uh creators on YouTube who are making products for Da Vinci resolve that you can go buy those support those creators directly and have cool new stuff for the ventur off I do need to know which one of these were you familiar with with which ones are you most excited to check out um the resolve community on YouTube is growing a lot and as it attracts new people they all have different ideas different effects they want to tackle I think it's pretty exciting um and you know I'm pretty happy to show off some of that thanks for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: Patrick Stirling
Views: 22,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6g5k1F4N3UA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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