Bridezilla HATES Her Beautiful Friend And Destroys Friendship - Bridezilla Mistreating Friends

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redditors who have experienced a bridezilla wedding how was it I've known Derrick forever we went to middle school high school and college together in college he met Jane and I met Amelia Amelia and I got married two years after college which was about a year in change ago and Derek and Jane got engaged roughly a week after our wedding now we had invited both of them but only Derek showed up as my best man he said that Jane did not feel comfortable being there as she wasn't really close to myself or Amelia okay fine she was welcome but obviously not obligated to come so now Derek and Jane are getting married and they've since moved across the country and are having the wedding there Derek asked me to be his best man I of course said yes and we've just recently had his bachelor party a week ago in his new hometown I flew in as did one other groomsman whenever we've discussed the wedding I've always mentioned to Derek how excited we were for the wedding I don't really talk to Jane much their wedding is about three months out and we've had to save the date for a while but we just got the invitation a few days ago for one my wife Amelia was not invited I was confused and a little hurt and I figured it was perhaps a mistake at this point we've had to save the date I was the best man and I'd mentioned to my buddy how excited we were as a couple several times and we had purchased plane tickets about a month ago when there was a good price we've got a hotel booked of course as well we were all set so I called him up and I asked him hey did you mean to only invite me and he got quiet and he said that Jane insisted because they were over budget on the wedding and that she hadn't come to our wedding her choice and wasn't really close to Amelia she shouldn't be invited I was upset and I told him we had already booked flights and hotels and she had bought a new dress and he just said sorry man you know what they say happy wife happy life right and sort of laughed it off he was clearly uncomfortable and I know it wasn't his choice but he also left me out to dry I told him I was disappointed he felt that way and that I didn't think I could be there on the day any longer he blew up at me saying I was leaving him in a lurch he didn't have a best man who was going to stand next to him etc he called me selfish and accused me of abandoning him and then hung up the phone yesterday he texted me he was sorry but that he was still hurt that I cancelled I texted back that I was hurt my wife was left out in the cold when he clearly knew we were expecting the invitation for two he blamed Jane again and said his hands were tied and that she was mad at me for ruining her wedding plans I didn't answer so am I the idiot here if he had spoken up sooner I feel like we could have worked something out but now we have plane tickets and feel trapped my brother has been with this girl for seven years they were never interested in getting married until I got engaged she got my brother to propose with my mom's costume jewelry it wasn't even a real ring they announced their engagement only a few weeks after mine it was a slap in the face because my fiance went through the trouble to save up for a real diamond ring and he planned a romantic getaway to propose to me my brother and his fiancee got engaged on the fly with a fake ring and everyone was congratulating them like it was a real engagement it cheapened my engagement honestly my brother was never into the idea but she forced him because they have a child together and he lives in her house my brother's fiancee has always been controlling and weirdly jealous of me and I noticed that she copies everything I do I wanted my wedding to be a unique event because my fiance and I waited so long to get married we have been together for nine years we announced our wedding date and then my brother and his fiancee announced their wedding date right after us they set their wedding only a month after mine it annoyed me but I didn't say anything then I found out that she scheduled her bachelorette party the same weekend as mine also she copied my dinner menu and stole some of my decoration ideas it looks like their wedding will be nearly identical to mine some family members who live out of town said that they'll be going to my brother's wedding but not mine I was very devastated they said that it's because the wedding dates are so close together and they can't afford to go to both weddings I chose my date first and my fiancee and I don't live together yet my brother and his fiancee lived together and they have a kid so why are they rushing to get married my mom and I invited my brother and his fiancee over to our house and we asked them to postpone their wedding date our weddings aren't until July and August so they have plenty of time to change the date they made a lot of excuses like they always wanted a summer wedding I asked them to at least change some things about their wedding so it won't be too similar to mine they got annoyed then I asked why they're even having a wedding they already have a house and a kid together my brother's fiancee said that she always wanted to walk down the aisle in a white dress my mom jokingly asked her if she should even be wearing a white dress because she has a kid my brother flew off the handle and screamed at us he called me a lot of names and then they stormed out of my house it has been about a week and they're still giving us the silent treatment my mom and I are trying to work with them to make sure that both of our weddings go smoothly but they won't work with us a few of my friends think I should have left this alone but I think that I'm justified in asking them to change a few things about their wedding I have a friend or someone I thought was my friend now I'm not so sure we met in a tabletop gaming group we're the only girls so we gravitated together I'm disabled but I do seamstress work when I can get it it's steady enough but not regular employment my friend is constantly between retail jobs she'll work for a few months and then quit as such she doesn't regularly have a lot of cash my friend got engaged I was happy for her and her fiance he's a great guy having little money she was doing everything on a shoestring budget they were doing allured the Rings themed wedding being crafty I became the advice person I didn't mind a week before the wedding she shows up with an Arwen knockoff dress from wish two sizes too small and she wants me to make it fit I tell her I can't there's not enough fabric and I don't think I can find a match she begs she pleads there is literally nothing I can do to this cheap Chinese dress she gets mad and says since I can't fix it I'll need to make her a new one in a week with no money for fabric with no pattern for a plus-sized I'm good I'm not that good but now she's crying and I feel like an idiot so I'm enough of a nerd I managed to knock together a white Belle sleeved dress with an overlay with stash fabric and an altered pattern it wasn't great I admit that I would never show it as my work but I was limited on time and supplies getting a muslin for a wedding gown in that size usually takes a week and I finished this thing seams and all she wasn't happy because it was Satine and not satin or silk but it was a dress and her original dress wasn't exactly good fabric anyway then they rented the fire hall for the wedding it's down the street from my house she says she's going to walk in the stress to the fire hall three-quarters of a mile because she's getting ready at home I kind of hate the dress but I put a lot of work into it in a week so I say she and the bridesmaids can get ready at my place because I live nearby and my mom can drive her to the hall then the pastor fell through a week before the wedding because they didn't confirm the date so they get officially married at the courthouse but still want their ceremony the day before she asks me if I will officiate their vows I say sure what script do they want I have officiated before so it's not out there oh no they want me to write the ceremony I'm a nerd but Lord of the Rings is not my thing I've watched the movies once and attempted reading it which I never finished it's the day before she's crying and I crumpled like tissue and spent hours googling and writing but I do it the day of the bride and bridesmaids are getting ready I'm trying to get ready as well then the groom and groomsmen show up expecting to get ready at my house too the girls are in my parents room I'm getting ready in my room I literally scrambled for five guys to get ready in my sewing room okay whatever I'm feeling pretty taken advantage of at this point but easy mistake to make the wedding happens it goes off okay we go into the hall for the reception I'm seated at the very last table in the back I think this is so I can get out easily due to my one leg being shorter than the other I'm not included in any of the wedding photos I'm completely ignored through the reception I feel strange but ignore it after all I was added to the ceremony 24 hours ago but was invited months ago they get back from their honeymoon this week and show off their wedding photos taken by a friend who does photo shoots at anime cons with their camera which took them for free somebody asks where I am since I officiated and the bride says I wasn't in the party today she messages me asking where her wedding gift is I tell her I didn't buy one she got really upset asking me what kind of person attended a wedding without buying a gift I admitted I didn't get anything from their registry I did the wedding for free I did her dress for free in under a week and she wants a present off the registry just found the sub and posting from a throw away but man some of these stories are bringing back memories anyways we got married a couple of years out of college in a part of the US where big fancy weddings are the norm it was a while ago but here's a few things I remember off the top of my head she hand-picked my groomsmen and Usher's excluding my lifelong best friend I don't think he specifically offended her but his personality just rubbed her wrong she brushed me off when I told her how I felt about it by saying I'm sorry you got upset about that pulled me out of an engagement party by my ear in front of other people for not standing next to her the entire time demanded my parents host the rehearsal dinner at the venue of her choosing was told no said she wouldn't enjoy it since they chose not to move it saw some trendy alternative to a groom's cake on a blog or something and decided I had to have it so she fought my mom about that too all of this gave me an egg and gut feeling that something was wrong that I pressed on against my better judgment the wedding turned out to be awesome but I was definitely nervous drinking the whole time because what the hell did I gotten myself into I deserve to be shamed for that so whatever turns out that wasn't just her stressing about details she was like that for the next four years until the marriage ended in divorce so sister 26 years old recently got engaged she and her fiance had been pretty secretive about details but invited me 31 years old and our other sister 34 years old out for drinks and surprised us each with a box she made we opened them up and inside were little Ireland trinkets this was her way of telling us that surprise we're doing a destination wedding in Ireland on Christmas Eve 2020 couple important things to add at this point we live in the u.s. other sister 34 years old just did a destination wedding in Mexico a few months ago which newly engaged sister complained a lot about to me due to the cost and inconvenience other sister and new husband also have plans to start trying for a baby next month so she will very likely either be pregnant or have a fresh baby by the time the wedding rolls around newly engaged sister knows that my husband and I as well as our parents are struggling financially I did my best to act as excited as possible about the wedding thought I pulled it off but she just sent me a nasty text about how it's bull that I'm not acting more excited for her and being supportive truth be told no one in our family is excited this is going to be costly and it's destroying our entire Christmas last thing on a very hot very busy Saturday on my own a very glamorous and slender bridal party walk in bride mother plus three maids have come in to see their bridesmaid dresses then try on to be altered they had ordered them about four months before these dresses were the hot thing at the time floor-length crepe back satin and bias-cut in a steely gray all seemed fine first bridesmaids come out and I pinned the hem and talked through any additional stuff the mother is super picky and the bride is very much obsessed with her perfect day but that's pretty much normal last bridesmaid comes out and the hem is lifted over an inch from the ground on her left side but is over two inches too long for the rest of the hem so it looks incredibly wonky bride nearly breaks down and mother goes basically catatonic wedding is ruined going to sue us etc bridesmaid looks rather sheepish I offered to get them a new dress and promised it would be sorted but I needed to talk to the owner to get full details but that it would be resolved within a week I had a suspicion so went into the changing room with the bridesmaid to help her out of the dress and she looked rather upset I told her again we would sort it out and she would look great in the end but it didn't seem to help so I asked if everything was okay or if there was something she wants to tell me she NIR bursts into tears and tell me she's so sorry but she's pregnant she's been trying for awhile but the bride had told her she wasn't allowed to get pregnant and ruin her wedding she was only four weeks but with that style of dress it meant the fabric lifted like it did with just the tiniest of bumps you really have to be a flat stomach wonder for them not to do weird things she was really stressed about not being able to tell anyone till after the wedding and getting through the henan bachelorette party with no one realizing she was pregnant and the bride losing it with her I was in a difficult place because the bride was threatening us for something that wasn't our fault I agreed with the bridesmaid that I wouldn't say anything but after the wedding she would need to tell the bride that we help not hindered the situation she was super grateful and I managed to fix the dress for her but she paid for it while the bride thought we were covering it the bride did send a thank-you card after the wedding so I guess it all worked out for her in the end I'm a commercial not wedding photographer best friend since first grade asks me to photograph his twin sister's wedding because they don't have the budget for a pro that does weddings I figure out my costs and tell them I'll do it for a break-even fee of $400 about 1/4 of what they'd pay otherwise and they agree supposed to pay me on the day things are going on she's panicking doesn't have checkbook but promises to pay cash later okay follow them around from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. hearing from both the bride and groom that they got enough cash as gifts and they'd settle up right away never happens they'll email transfer me okay a week later I'm about ten hours into what would become 30 hours of editing 250 final photos and still no money bills for my expenses coming due text them no reply had to ask my friend find out they took off on a month-long honeymoon in Europe their dad finally called and paid me instead and I mailed them the photos they all went on her Facebook she seemed happy friends and family seemed happy not a word of thanks six months later she starts getting my buddy to ask me for all of the photos I took almost 1,400 to do her own editing which most professionals including myself would never allow and I say as much and asked why it never came up before she starts putting crappy Instagram filters on the final photos and posting them with passive-aggressive comments about how the photographer won't come through so she has to improve what she's got etc buddy and I have a more strained relationship because I had to put my foot down I don't shoot weddings or offer friend discounts anymore with no exceptions not mine and I was unfortunately not even there for it but my wife got the skinny from a close friend who was a bridesmaid you have to understand that my friend will call her Katie is quite possibly the sweetest and most loving person under the Sun seriously coming from the family that she did it's a wonder she was the family punching bag whenever something went wrong it was Katie's fault it didn't matter who did it how it happened the fact that Katie was in another state at the time the entire family including her two sisters would gang up and yell at her so Katie's sister crystal is getting married into a conservative Greek Orthodox family she's losing her mind because she wants so bad for her new family to think she's perfect which is laughable but whatever of course the morning of the wedding everything is going wrong and how dare Katie do this despite the fact that Katie wasn't even awake when everything started happening makeup if misplaced boxes haven't been taken up to the church for decorating the works so they all load up and head to the church to get the place ready Katie grabs the box nearly as big as her if she's 5-1 then I'm Danny DeVito hauls it into the church and asks Krystal where it needs to go to which she responds oh my god Katie just set it down somewhere Katie being the sweetheart she is sets it down somewhere out of the way so people won't trip on it but still in a higher traffic area so it can be found she goes to put on her dress because some of the groomsmen are putting up the decorations of course crystal screeches like a banshee not ten minutes later because something in the box Katie had carried in needed refrigeration but Katie was not informed of that not only was it not in the refrigerator but Katie clearly hid it so nobody else could find it because she was trying to ruin the wedding Katie apologizes and shows her where the box is she finishes applying her makeup when she's informed that there's been a change in the ceremony as far as the handling of the bouquet goes Katie will hold crystals bouquet the other sister couldn't do it for whatever reason it was probably too heavy for her poor dainty arms so Katie verifies how that's going to work so you give it to me there's some talking you and Carl walk around the altar a few times then I give it back to you crystal doesn't answer and after a few more questions she dismissively says yeah yeah you give it back to me during the ceremony crystal never makes a move to take the bouquet back and does not accept it when offered Katy is yelled at about this after the ceremony after the reception crystal asks Katy to take some things out to her new husband's car for her she does but it's locked he doesn't have the keys nobody knows who has the keys this is also Katie's fault she gets yelled at she finally finds the keys and gets it put away when crystal asks Katy to clean up the last little bit of the room she got ready and for her this is 15 minutes before the church is being closed the room is completely wrecked no efforts were even close to being made to put things away katie is a champ and cleans it in ten gets the stuff out to the car she wasn't fast enough and Krystal yells at her because she wanted to leave to top all this off Krystal and Karl are going on two separate two-week honeymoons and refused to come back a day early to go to Katy's rehearsal dinner for her wedding next month they're flying in on the day of the wedding and frankly I hope they get delayed past the wedding the farther she is from the wedding the less she can ruin it oh and Krystal had moved her wedding up after she heard the date of Katie's wedding because she threw a crap fit about Katy getting married first how dare she the karmic justice here is that despite the fact that none of the sisters are above 21 Krystal looks like a 40 year old Katy is easily the only attractive one in the family [Music]
Channel: ASK GURL
Views: 49,732
Rating: 4.838306 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit women, reddit girls, askreddit real voice, reddit stories, justnomil, r/aita, r/tifu, reddit bridezilla, reddit wedding, reddit marriage, reddit bride, reddit friends, bride hates wedding guests, entitled bride, spoiled bride, bride hates her friends, thrown out of wedding
Id: LDqO2sCOqiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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