I Inherited A Lot Of MONEY & Now My Family Demands I Share My Fortune With Them - Family Money Drama

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serious redditors with family drama what's the issue when i was 25 years old we found out that my father had been cheating on my mother for years and he had a daughter with his mistress in one split second the happy family i knew was gone and i went through the darkest time in my life my parents divorced and per their prenup my mother walked away with most of their assets since she also contributed more to the family income she never forgave my dad for what he did and never talked to him again though she grudgingly allowed me to have whatever relationship i wanted to have with him i eventually forgave my dad mostly because i was tired of carrying so much anger and hurt in my heart i talked to him but i want nothing to do with his mistress or my half-sister my mother died last year and left me everything her money her real estate assets and her business which i now own and operate i am in a relatively comfortable financial position while my dad is getting by he was never a good businessman on his own and lost a lot of his money on businesses that later went belly up this year my half-sister was diagnosed with a life-threatening sickness and she has been in the hospital for the last four months the bills are mounting and my dad came to me for help because they are now in a situation where they are finding it difficult to come up with money for my half-sister's treatment the thing is i don't want to use my mother's money to pay for the treatment of the child her husband had with his other woman though it's not my half-sister's fault it feels so unfair when i think that the money my mother worked hard for all her life will go to a child that neither my mother and i have any responsibility towards and the very same child of the man and the woman who hurt her so much at that i'd really rather use it to grow her company and let my dad and my half-sister's mother figure out how to get the money for her treatment they are her parents after all the only thing tying me to her is my father saying she is your sister and if she dies because she didn't get the treatment she needs would you be able to sleep at night me 26 years old female and my brother 27 years old grew up close as kids do we eventually grew apart in our teens my brother wound up dropping out of high school and falling in with a bad crowd i got a full ride to college i don't begrudge my brother not going to college college isn't for everyone and sometimes education in general is not compatible it's fine i loved him dearly still do it's just that he's 27 and hasn't ever had a job any job literally any job he lives in an apartment paid for by our parents in a very expensive part of the city and does nothing but smoke pot and play video games all day he knows my mom is too afraid of him being homeless to stop supporting him and my dad just goes along with it they've refinanced their host several times to support him which meant they never supported me financially recently my grandpa died i was really close to him and the news hit me hard i would go over once a week at least to clean his house for him he was 95 years old go grocery shopping run errands hang out etc my brother was not welcome in my grandpa's house because he had in the past stolen things multiple times he stole valuables from italy where my grandpa was born he stole a tv once he stole my deceased grandma's jewelry i was informed by the executor of my grandpa's estate that i inherited one of his houses and a decent amount of money from him my brother inherited money as well but far less think a hundred thousand versus ten thousand i feel awful yeah my brother can be an idiot but i do love him i'm sure he has some undiagnosed mental issues recently my mom came down hard hinting and then flat out informing me that i was to share the ridiculous amount of money with my brother so that he can get on his feet and my mom could have a break supporting him thing is i don't want to share i know it's a lot of money and a house but i don't want to enable my brother to continue his lifestyle i don't feel like it's my job to worry about what my parents do because it's their choice but i don't want to help my mom is mad my brother is mad my dad is mad so now i wonder if i'm an idiot for not giving him a little bit more my husband and i have been married for 10 years for our entire relationship i have brought the majority of the money into the home i contribute 75 of that i don't mind really it's not something i think about and i've always considered it our money our country switzerland is really expensive and i grew up not in a large city and rather poor when i had the chance to go to university i studied hard learned three languages got two degrees and was able to secure a good position in finance years later i make a very good salary and we don't have to worry about money we decided that my husband would handle all of the money and finances for the home i would check on the accounts every once in a while but i haven't been checking regularly a few weeks ago i was thinking about buying a model 3 since it has recently come to our country and i've fancied it for some time i played with the numbers and while figuring out if i can afford it or not i realized that there was a weird mistake in our accounts there was 300 000 dollars missing when my husband got home i showed him the accounts and after some pushing he admitted that he lost 200 000 in cryptocurrency in 2018. this is about 25 of our savings besides being shocked and angry i cannot help but feel that he stole from me he put money into something stupid without talking to me and then tried to hide it i was thinking about this for a week and talk to my friends and family about it they think we should see a doctor and talk about it try to work out the problem but i honestly just want to get divorced if he is capable of doing this how can i trust him ever again my parents are pretty wealthy i'm 26 and from 21 to 25 years old i was in and out of rehabs i was using so many different kinds of meds and i wasted so much money i od'd once and it destroyed my family to watch me go through that i am intensely ashamed of who i was as a person and i have been sober for almost a year my parents are now approaching their late 60s and have started finalizing their wills and inheritance yesterday they sat me down and told me that i will not be getting any of the inheritance as they don't trust me to not relapse with all that money suddenly in my possession and as a result my siblings will be getting my share of the money i was pretty upset about this and i said that they were going to make my siblings rich well i could get nothing from it and that wasn't fair i was almost yelling at this point they told me to calm down but i was too upset to listen and i left i called my brother and sister after i left and told them what my parents said and they said that it was their choice and there wasn't anything they could do i accused them of just wanting all the money for themselves and not caring about what happened to me today i have my dad texting me that they are worried about me and disappointed in my behavior yesterday i talked to my sponsor and he said that while anger is understandable i have to do everything in my power not to ruin the trust i've built with my family over the past year and acting like an idiot won't help sometimes i still have trouble with my reactions to things now that i'm sober however i don't feel as though i'm entirely unjustified here my 29 years old female grandparents had three kids my dad was the middle child he passed away when i was 19. i am an only child there are six grandchildren total my grandma died around four years ago in the final will it was stipulated each grandchild gets a set amount and each child gets a set amount in this will it also states that if their child pre-deceased them then their share goes to any children they have so i got my share plus my father's this is not a small amount but i'm not a multi-millionaire either of the other grandchildren i'm considered the least successful in that i have my associate's degree and work as a legal assistant i have a dog and live independently in an apartment near my job my other cousins are all very wealthy with advanced degrees and multiple kids each i have one cousin though who is successful but lives way beyond his means and mooches off his parents my dad's sister and husband when bill collectors come around i will a hundred percent admit he had a rough life his father left when he was a kid and his mom remarried a lot and my grandparents basically raised him so it all came as a shock to him when he only received the amount of us other cousins so much so that he tried to contest the will it took a year and at least one third of his inheritance only for him to be disappointed in the end after talking it over with my mom and my boss i've decided to take a leave of absence from work i've been there about five years and have a very close relationship with my boss i'm taking this time to do some traveling and physically work on myself losing that pesky 30 pounds that haunts me me and that cousin live in the same area of town and go to the same gym always have gotten along but he loves to make those snide comments i started avoiding him about a year or so ago but now that i have more free time i have run into him a few times he finally approached me with a why are you here during the day i told him that i am between jobs now instead of admitting i left voluntarily and once again gotta must be nice with all that money lying around after two years of hearing these comments i'll admit it i finally kind of snapped replied well let's just remember how i got this money wanna trade your mom's life for it i'll admit it was a low blow but at the same time i only have this money because my father is dead just because he feels entitled to my grandparents money doesn't give him the right to constantly remind that i got a large share of it i had to pay my own price for it anyways he told me to get lost and stormed away i have not seen him since when i told my mother she was quite angry with me reminding me his own father abandoned him i still don't think i did anything wrong but maybe i did my grandmother and i always had a special relationship i know i was her favorite well me and one other cousin who's my age i can sit here and give a million reasons why we were her favorite but it really boils down to she got to enjoy us as grandkids she wasn't either raising her own or helping to raise grandkids by the time we came along i called her almost every day i texted her daily i visited her several times a week she was like a mom to me she is who i went to when i had good news or life was tough she was a great listener and gave me great advice i got to see her the night before she passed away she was in the hospital and i told her i loved her and that i still needed her she told me she loved me and that while she wasn't going anywhere that one day she would and i needed to prepare for that i left telling her i'd see her the next day i cherish that memory and always will she was the best grandmother i could ever ask for and god do i miss her this is the longest i've gone without talking to her and i'm just so lost she passed away a week ago today the friday night she passed away my aunt that is in charge of everything called me and when i picked up she immediately started cutting me down insulting me calling me a little girl and i yelled at her and then hung up the phone once i calmed down i started texting her and tried explaining things to her and it got me nowhere she continued to cut me down calling me a little girl and telling me i was just starting drama i now know why she did that but friday night i had no clue i called my cousin the other favorite and spoke to him since that was his mom who was lashing out at me while he heard what i said he wasn't processing it and just kept saying things that meant nothing i did lose my temper on him but i sent him a text message and apologized well sunday the daughters and i were told to be at my grandmother's at 10 am and when we were all there my aunt read the will i won't get into all of that just the two parts that play a part in all of this my grandmother left two cousins something one of the cousins is the other favorite and then my aunt got to the end my grandmother left everything else to her children and me we are supposed to divide it evenly i was floored i didn't see that coming and no one else did and now they are all furious at me and i don't think there is any coming back from this they aren't mad at the two cousins listed in the will just me for me it touched my heart not for any material reasons but because i see how much my grandmother loved me to them i guess they see it as a slap in the face and a reason to lash out at me and it's not just my mother and aunts who are upset with me but a whole bunch of my cousins as well and now no one is talking to me i'm mourning just like they are and i don't have family to lean on so my grandma is dying and is leaving behind fifty thousand dollars plus usd for all four of her kids on top of some land i live in a third world country so for us that's a fortune i didn't grow up with my dad her son though my mother and i moved away when i was about nine and while we do get along it's far from an ideal father-son relationship after a year he met my stepmom and became a step-dad to her two kids they never married by the way most of his money was spent on his new family so he barely sent me any child support growing up a few years ago i found out about the money he's to receive and the lands once my grandma died however most of it will be under my name since grandma hates stepmom my dad and stepmom live in a small house in my grandma's property along sam's disabled grandkid cerebral palsy he doesn't make much and stepmom is just at home watching the kid recently i'm 23 now my grandma's health has been declining after having four consecutive mild strokes now i've never been really close with this grandma but i still feel very bad about it however i've been hearing whispers from my stepmom about how she feels entitled to some of the money and the property some from gossip some from her own mouth so i feel pretty annoyed about it now it's always been my dream to move to canada and with the money i can finally afford to leave my country and study and work there i plan on taking about 40 to 45 thousand dollars of the money to make my dreams come true but i haven't told anyone about it yet except for my mom she's neutral my dad has been somewhat guilt-tripping me about how stepmom and the kid are lost if anything happens to him and how i should always look out for them and crap i'm not that heartless so i'm planning on letting them continue living in the house rent-free and giving them about five thousand dollars of my inheritance i feel like my dad owes me the majority of the money anyways after being absent physically and financially my whole life he has a disabled grandkid to take care of though and he's the sole provider update if some of you are interested i just talked to my grandma's assistant she's her niece that handles a lot of her finances and helps take care of her apparently the land my dad is supposed to get will be under my name now the money is still under my dad's name but she told me they're working on it don't worry i'm not leaving my dad homeless he's still going to live in the property and there are plans to set up a small apartment complex in our my vacant lot so he'll have enough once he retires it's all under my name so i'll hold off future plans till god forbid my dad passes away i'm keeping most of the money if and when it's transferred to me but i'll save a bit for emergencies i don't feel compelled to help stepmom or her grandkid that much especially not with my grandma's money i don't hate them it's just that it's not what my grandma would want i might help eventually but that would be far into the future when i make my own money my wife and i divorced when my daughter was six years old and my wife had custody of my daughter for the most part since i was too busy working 50 hours a week she quickly moved on to be with another man seven years younger than her i knew from many stories i've heard that my daughter would probably end up being closer to him than me since not only was our time together very limited but he was a stay-at-home dad which means they had plenty of time to bond together which makes me feel sick to this day this may sound immature but i made her promise to never ever call her stepdad dad that i was her only father and to not betray me but i have no control over what she or they do in their home fast forward to now my prediction came through and she's obviously closer to her stepdad than me she has gotten engaged about a year ago and now that the wedding is approaching near one month or so she's now out of the blue told me that she wants both me and her stepdad to walk her down the aisle after promising me i would be the one to do it even though i know they're very close i don't believe he has any right to walk my blood daughter down the aisle i am her only father it isn't fair that he got to be with my daughter more than me her bio dad and now he wants to take this moment from me too i got a bit angry and told her i absolutely will not share an honor that is meant for me the actual father of the bride with some guy i barely know she told me he's done a lot for her growing up and that i'm being petty over something that happened years ago i told her i wasn't going to argue about it and if she wants her stepdad to walk her she can but i won't be there to see it i was told by a friend of mine who uses the site quite often that many people have gone through something similar to this with their kids or parents so i wanted to see other people's perspective on if it's wrong for me to want to be the only one to walk my only daughter down the aisle for some background info my female granddad is still very much alive he has cancer and has been given under a year to live i have four siblings three sisters 17 26 33 and one brother 36. ever since my dad passed eight years ago my two eldest siblings let's call them dan and emily have failed to keep in contact with my granddad not attempted to call never visits doesn't even wish him happy birthday or christmas as a result of this he no longer looks at them in the same light as the youngest three me my twin and lucy we all make an effort to visit him even though he lives a two-hour drive away call him every week etc i love my grandad so much i can't bear the thought of him passing he is an amazing person and so kind he still tries to send presents to his great grandchildren but dan and emily reject the gifts and no longer want contact with him because they blame him for losing their relationship hopefully that's enough background due to my granddad's little time left he has planned who he is leaving his inheritance to he wants fifteen thousand pounds to go to me my twin lucy and my mom sixty thousand pounds in total however my mom and lucy feel like this is unfair and plan to split the money six ways giving ten thousand pounds each to me my twin lucy my mom emily and dan when my mom told me this i was pretty angry for my granddad that's going against his last wishes it's his money and he's decided where he wants it to go and they're not listening to that i tried to tell mom and lucy that this was wrong because it is not what my grandad wished would happen and they argued that it would be cruel and make emily and dan feel very left out and that it would upset them to think their own granddad would leave them out of his will but i feel like they deserve that they made no effort to continue a relationship with him in the last eight years they shouldn't be expected to be in the will in the first place am i an idiot in this situation no one else in my family agrees with me but i feel horrible that they're going against his wishes [Music] you
Channel: ASK GURL
Views: 127,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit women, reddit girls, askreddit real voice, reddit stories, justnomil, r/aita, r/tifu, ask gurl, reddit family, reddit money, reddit inheritance, reddit greedy, inhireitance money, family drama, family fighting over inheritance, money ruins family, reddit drama, reddit family drama
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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