Breath of the Wild: Master Kohga's IDENTITY Revealed?

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[Applause] so as good as breath of the wild is I have a little confession to make while the game is without a doubt one of the best sell games to date it isn't my favorite of all time it's actually kind of hard to decide on what game would be my favorite since I have enjoyed all the Zelda games I have played so far however if I had to see what my favorite portable and home console games were it would be a link between worlds and Twilight Princess while the first game mentioned doesn't apply it all to this video Twilight Princess has a few things regarding this theory that I am going to talk about I do want to say though that I would love to do a link between worlds theory someday so we'll see so going back to breath of the wild I've talked about the ego claims unhealthy obsession of bananas plus the very odd fact that they have complete replicas of the seven heroine statues and might even be linked to the Forgotten eight parolin however there are more questions regarding them that haven't been answered and one of those questions is the identity of their leader Master Koga all we really know is that he used to be a part of the sheikah and I've been thinking recently about who he could be and I've come up with a possible conclusion plenty of this video is gonna be speculation however I felt like it was enough to at least bring to your attention so throughout the entire game you run into the Yuga clan these guys have only one goal and that is to kill the hero link soon they end up stealing the Thunder helm from the Gerudo and you have to infiltrate their hideout in order to get it back the entire time they talk about their leader he is set up to be powerful and menacing until you actually fight him and realize that he is ridiculously easy sounds very familiar don't you think if you go back to Twilight Princess Zant also acted in a very similar way he was set up as a stereotypical evil villain only to have a mental breakdown when she finally confronts him as well as have a hilarious yet memorable fight in fact I'd go as far as to say that it is one of the best fights I have seen in a Zelda game now if you're thinking that I'm gonna imply that they're the exact same person then you would be absolutely right didn't see that one coming huh okay before you start ranting in the comments about how stupid my theory is and that I should go kill myself let me go through the reasons why this could be at least considered a possibility first of all let's go through some similar characteristics between the two I've said previously both had been set up to be very intimidating phos until you actually fight them and realize that they're very easy to beat sure that could be a coincidence so let's look at some other things something that I want to bring up is the way Koga moves he spins very quickly while maneuvering around the battlefield while this doesn't seem like much Zandt moves around the exact same way during his speech before the battle with him also during the final phase of his fight he attacks by recklessly spinning into link might not sound like solid evidence but it does raise a question of if they are similar people what about when link knocks Zant off the totems in one of the phases it looks similar to how Cougar gets stuck in the ground once you hit him with a metal ball Zant can also make items out of Twilight matter as he makes a scimitar of Twilight in order to revive the Twilight fossil stat Lord Koga also seems to create some metal balls out of nowhere and you notice how whenever he makes something or that you could teleport these strange paper-like things appear kind of like the Twilight mater also another small point is that they both seem to have some sort of hovering ability both also have some sort of method of teleportation to other traits that could link them together another thing to point out is that they are shown to deal with conflict by having tantrums this makes both people act kind of childish okay at this point you should at least be convinced even a bit about this now one of the biggest problems that people will point out about this theory is that Zant is in ashika but what if I told you that there is evidence in the game that could make this plausible what evidence well in certain parts of the game legs aunts throne room and the fused shadow both seem to have a picture of the sheikah eye on them and that isn't the only thing I have to show when you think about it the back story of the Yuga clan and a Twilight is very similar when we confront Zant before the battle he says the following you speak of magic steal your tongue for a moment whelp and I will tell you of both magic and the oppression of Ages the people of our tribe tribe that mastered the arts of magic we're locked away in this world like insects in a cage in the shadows we regressed so much so that we knew neither anger nor hatred nor even the faintest bloom a desire and all of it was the fault of a useless do-nothing royal family that had resigned itself to its miserable half existence and going back to Kato from Kakariko village he talks to you both eager clan we of the sheikah tribe have long been heralded as people of great wisdom our technology became the key to sealing Ganon away during the great calamity some ten thousand years ago at one point our technology was praised as the power of the gods but eventually the people turned on it turned on us our creations came to viewed as a threat to the kingdom the sheikah became outcasts forced into exile some like us chose to cast off our technological advances and strove to live normal lives others fostered a hatred towards the kingdom that shunned them these sad souls swore their allegiance to Ganon and I'll call themselves diga clan her sole mission is to eliminate all who stand against Ganon the similarities between these two is mind-blowing both ones were said to have an ancient sort of power and both were exiled zan also blames the royal family for accepting this punishment much like how the Shiba accepted the idea of living a normal life without the technology the use of half existence could also represent the split between those that accept it and those who rejected their lifestyle and this makes you think what if they were the same first of all in ocarina of time it is assumed that many of the Sheik had died during the hyrulean civil war but what if they didn't die but we're just exiled to the Twilight Realm I mean you don't see any sheikah at all in the child timeline in Majora's Mask sure they are referenced but only in an item in fact if the sheikah really were that's why lie and were banished before ocarina of time that would mean that the story of Twilight Princess could exist in more than one timeline since the split happened after ocarina of time how do we go back to kogas entry in the compendium a part of it states that his mastery of the esoteric arts earned him a deep respect I did some digging and found this in the olden days achieving esoteric knowledge and meant to gain initiated into the mystical arts learning secrets unknown to regular folks could this refer to the ancient power that the Twilight possessed before being sent to the Twilight Realm okay so let's just take a step back and look at this from a different perspective yes Santa and Koga could be the same person however there are some issues with this first of all Zent was killed in Twilight Princess and even if he survived breath of the wild takes place at the very end of the timeline it's safe to say that whatever length of time this is it would be too long for Zant to live and how would he or the rest Twala even be able to return to Hyrule the mirror was shattered in the end of Twilight Princess well I thought a bit about these arguments and came up with another solution could Koga be a descendant of Zant when he prepares a secret weapon to kill link he says the following I need to bust out my serious moves a secret technique taught by my father his mother's father it will destroy you at first I thought he was just making it up but what if he really was using a power handed down from his family eventually to him could Zant have made this technique it would also explain how years could pass between the two games and while the mirror of Twilight was destroyed another ancient structure somewhat similar to the mayor of Twilight is in breath of the wild could the Twilight have returned and over time became a sheikah once again another thing I've been wondering for the longest time as to why the yuga cleaner even devoted to Ganon in the first place what would they get from helping them and then it hit me their main objective is to kill the hero link Zant was also very loyal to gain and referring to him as God he died believing that he would be resurrected by Ganondorf so what if kogas real goal was to avenge his ancestor what if he is simply following his aunt's footsteps it wouldn't make sense that he would go after link since he was one of the people responsible for Sam's death the yuka foot soldiers could simply be pawns much like the twilight were two Zant when he turns them into shadow beasts and now that I think about it even if Ganondorf was defeated in Twilight Princess could he still revive Zant the point is the similarities between the sheikah and its while I are huge I started off by saying this would be a lot of speculation but at this point it really could be a possibility and you know what that's good enough for me thank you guys for watching as usual I had a lot of fun with this theory the fact that I could finally incorporate Twilight Princess into one of these theories was awesome feel free to let me know what you thought about this theory and if you have any cool ideas for future theories and feel free to let me know I've been Nintendo black crisis and I will see you guys later [Music]
Channel: NintendoBlackCrisis
Views: 1,802,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BotW Theory, Zelda, Breath of the Wild, Twilight Princess, Zant, Master Kohga, Yiga Clan, Link, Thunder Helm, Zelda Theory, Villian, Sheikah, Twili, Hyrulean Civil War, Royal Family, Zant Battle, Kohga Battle, Ocarina of time, Twilight Realm, Mask of Truth, Kohga, Midna, Mirror of Twilight, Fused Shadow, Ganon
Id: aqGf9nVHeI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
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