Breath of the Wild: Kass' Teacher UNMASKED

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very interesting indeed what's interesting well it was your average Saturday night and I was in a discord call along with a bunch of you viewers somehow he went from listening to cup had fanfictions to theorizing with The Legend of Zelda breath of the wild after talking extensively about the sheikah slate I had brought up a rather absurd theory of mine that had no real evidence to it however the events after that were rather unexpected another fellow Zelda theorist had said something to me that was very intriguing and because of that simple group call this theory may actually hold some ground wild breath episode 2 and the meifa theory can both wait it's time to bring up one a breath of the wilds biggest secrets there are those few theories people always ask me to do that while I want to cover them they just don't have enough information to do a full fledged theory on sure as much as I want to know who links dad is the only information we are given about him is in a single memory result of briefly mentions him Lord of the mountain well besides it possibly being a tribute to you water who sadly passed away in 2015 there isn't much information given to us on who this actually is and then of course there's Casas teacher who are they do they appear at all in breath of the wild huh I just realized something a lot of these theories with little information involve a certain individuals identity I guess in Tendo just didn't expect people to overanalyze or video games about an elf slaying a giant pig all for a piece of that personality there we can just leave it at that can't we and yet once again Nintendo may have actually put pieces of a seemingly impossible puzzle in the game that are hiding in plain sight cherry plain sight you could say don't know what I mean by that well you're about to you see one of those quote-unquote examples I gave in that opening paragraph is going to be the topic of this video because recently a new vital piece of information is surfaced that was so important to the mystery that I halted the production of wild breath in order to create this video and you have been paying attention to the background music you may have figured out what theory we will be discussing and I of course I'm talking about Cass more specifically the identity of his teacher through the game Cass does mentioned him quite often and even talked about how he was in love with Zelda once you unlock his final song and rito village however there is no specific section of the game where you see his teacher you never hear his name from Cass so his identity remains hidden throughout the entire game but if we put together everything we know it might be possible to come to some sort of conclusion get ready because it is time to theorize for starters let's go over everything we know about this individual to begin with we know that Cass is he sure was of the sheikah tribe he was and I quote the court poet for the hyrulean royal family this individual was also in love with Zelda at the time and was jealous of Linc we also find out that while flee in the calamity he witnesses Linc sacrifice himself in order to protect Zelda from the Guardians he then traveled and came across the ancient songs that would help the hero once he returned and finally we hear from Casa at his teacher had passed away several years prior to link waking up I remember before making my very first Theory video of how I originally thought this was Ravalli the way he disliked Linc came off as being jealous and he was a Rito however Cass specifically stated that his teacher was a chica and there was no way for Ravalli to witness Linc sacrifice since yeah now his ghost was kind of cooked so the first vital piece of information that can help narrow down our list of potential sheikah candidates can be found in memory 17 Zelda's awakening this is a moment that links shields the princess from danger and is mortally wounded according to Cass his teacher witness is very seen this means that out of these two sheikah there is a very good chance that one of them was cast as mentor however starting off there is a problem with this both sheikah appear to be male so it is impossible for peer to have been one of them however because Robby was a male then he could have been when the sheikah who witness Linc sacrificed himself this means that if the mentor was anybody we have already seen in the game it has to be him obviously this wasn't nearly enough to prove anything so I had done some more research first of all I noticed something else interesting about this cutscene notices shige's soldiers eyes he clearly is looking down meaning he is probably looking at Linc the way his eyes focus on the fallen hero and stay there for the duration the scene implies something a bit more personal his skin also matches the color of Robbie's more than the other sheikah member there so this is most likely the guy that ends up becoming Casas teacher next since Casas mentor was associated with music in some way I tried to find any connection to pretty much anything related to music I searched everywhere in the Accola ancient tech lab and was very disappointed when I didn't get any sort of results however I then remembered a very small detail that was added while talking to Robi occasionally he would do a dramatic pose that was followed by what sounded like an electric guitar in the screams of fans I have to say I was starting to get very interested in this theory however as far as evidence went that was it not really enough to make a solid theory out of I hadn't completely forgot about this theory and decided to leave it alone jump to a Saturday night in a discord call with fellow viewers of mine and we ended up theorizing on breath of the wild for some reason I decided to bring up this theory to them I brought up the previously mentioned points and then ended off by talking about Robbie's ancient oven according to him he named it after his first love and that name was cherry at this point there had been nothing significant about this information well that was until my good friend Laura Lee and historian said something along the lines of this in the call you do know that the place link fell 100 years ago was named black cherry plane in Japanese right oh I'm sorry were you expecting me to say something I was just reenacting the long pause that followed in my absolute shock because of what I had just heard because before this there was no single piece of evidence strong enough to let this theory even hold a little bit of ground but don't you find it a bit odd that the ancient oven cherry that was named after Robby's first love happens to be the same as the location where link fell and yes just so you know I did look at the Japanese name for the ancient oven and it is cherry CH on the CH on is simply a suffix used for a familiar person so the name is cherry and Japanese and on the topic of translations black cherry plain comes from qu Oh cherry Keegan heigen yeah Kuro meaning black cherry meaning you guessed it cherry and then that third word meaning Prairie plane you get the idea now let me pause this and address something that people have most likely already commented about below because you know why not just calm it before actually watching the video yes I do understand that there is a plot hole of Casas teacher being dead and while Robbie looks like he's near the end of his lifespan he is well alive I am fully aware of this contradiction however I'll be coming back to her later on in the video we good cool now since cherry has become a very important piece of the theory let's go over some additional information regarding it first we have the connection of black cherry plain the area that link had sacrificed himself to protect Zelda Robbie also says that this name comes from his first love if this character is indeed Robbie then this would have been the very last time you saw her that would explain the significance of the name cherry as it represents him parting with his first love one problem however is that Robbie says the following feign above the ancient oven my first love she shares the name of my first love I even looked in the Japanese version of the same quote and it said my first love the name of the young woman who is my first love but it's unpopular with my wife this quote pretty much says the name of this girl was indeed cherry while this could completely bust the theory there is a possible explanation for this remember your plane is linked back then Casas teacher was jealous of link because Zelda had affection for him he most likely thought that using her real name would have gotten kind of awkward plus who knows how the wife would have felt if her spouse who once wanted to get it on with Princess Zelda if you know what I mean I now take you to Robbie's memoirs a journal where he records important details and memories from his past there are a few interesting things in here however there was one of importance that we can look at giving us more information about cherry Robbie talks about how he was finally able to give her a voice here's where it gets interesting if we continue reading we can find the following information quote she spoke better than any machine I'd ever heard it would have been hard to tell she wasn't a native Hylian unquote hmm a native Hylian you don't say however there is more to discuss about why this is plausible going back to more information about Casas teacher he apparently was similar in age a zelda so if this was true then Robbie may have been around a hundred and twenty or so that only applies to this theory is true though we also know that his hometown was Kakariko village and from Robbie's journal entries it is very likely that he was also raised there Cass even brings up the idea of visiting Kakariko village while talking about the ancient songs and his diary at washes Bluff it's the only town in the entire entry that he brings up so perhaps it's because he had some sort of connection of the sheikah there if we continue through Casas talk about his mentor we find out that at some time Impa had talked to him which resulted in him leaving in order to seek the ancient songs of a hero to aid link once he returned this brings up one of my biggest why does neither zelda nor other sheikah bring this guy up remember if Casas mentor had feelings for the princess and they must have been somewhat close there even is a quilt from Kass about this he was well versed in ancient civilizations and surveyed ruins in the company of the princess but the only people Zelda mentions in her diary that she met up with were Impa pura and Robbie and going to Robbie's entries show that the three decided to split up so they would have a better chance of finding link once he woke up let's remember that all three had vital roles they needed to fulfill if Casas mentor was finding the ancient song so that he could give them to the hero one day he has equal importance the other three so why isn't he mentioned at least once well probably because he is and I of course mean Robbie in Robbie's journal entry we see the following statement this is when Robbie travels with Pyrrha to hata no village then we came upon fort hat no link had battled an army of Guardians there and it was where he'd been defeated a master swordsman such as Link who impressed King Rome enough to be made princess Zelda's personal Knight well even someone like that has their limits I'm sorry link I spent so much of my time researching the Guardians even with all my knowledge I wasn't able to give you the weapons or power you needed to succeed those were my thoughts as I looked upon the broken husks of the guardians strewn around fort Hatton oh this entry shows Robbie's remorse for the guilt he has held onto for years this entry is filled with so much emotion and quite honestly isn't something you see from Pyrrha or EMPA the pain in these words is so strong and implies something even deeper than what we are given this could very well be an apology from Casas teacher due to the jealousy and hatred that arose in his heart which he now blames himself for and you know what Robbie does the moment he meets Linc he makes him show his battle scars that he received a hundred years ago when defending the princess so where does that leave us well I had first started this theory as a random thought but thanks to the input of others we were able to find some pretty solid evidence towards it and while both the oven and location sharing the same name will come off as a coincidence to some I see it as a pretty significant piece of evidence that along with the other information given creates a pretty solid theory but now I need to address one thing wrong with it and that is the apparent death of Casas teacher he doesn't talk about that much in the game but we do get the following quote from him I was lost in the song written by my late teacher he passed away several years ago unfortunately we can't get a real specific time of death from this but by reading the quote we see that Cass seems very sure of his mentor's death this is the only problem with the theory however I will give a few possible explanations for this we know that Robbie would occasionally carry the blue flame from tomb Lea heights to the ancient tech lab perhaps when doing this he would cross paths with Cass however once her son graunte was born he started to do it since he liked getting the exercise as a result Cass would no longer see Robbie outside now the chances of this are slim since castes most likely knew where Robbie lived and assuming that he was dead instead of just visiting him would it be a bit much here's a more plausible explanation Cass knows that his teacher is alive but decided to lie about it while this might sound like a bad thing it would make sense Robbie wouldn't want link to know he was a teacher as he would most likely feel guilty whenever he saw him and it's not like Cass has been fully truthful to the player in the past during the entire journey he is aware that you were the knight that accompanied zelda but he doesn't tell you this until you unlock the final song instead Robbie thought it was best to forget about the past and start over researching on guardians in order to help link in his mission while his student passes on the ancient songs allowing him to redeem himself and one day save the person that he used to love oh gosh I don't think I actually realize what I've just done does that mean that we're gonna see a bunch of Robbie Excel the fanfictions well if you guys do that please make it in the past I wouldn't even want to think about them being together post Ganon oh well they're technically both over a hundred so I guess it would work out anyways thank you so much those who are listening and helping theorize in the discord call about this theory this might be my new favorite one special thanks a little really an historian for giving me that translation because if not for that and this probably wouldn't have made it into a video if you also want to help theorize or just hang out in general then my discord link will be in the description we got a really cool group and we are always welcome for new people to join I've been in 1000 crisis and I'll see you guys later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: NintendoBlackCrisis
Views: 984,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda's Awakening, Kass, Teacher, Identity, Black Cherry Plains, BotW, Zelda Theory, BotW Theory, Breath of the Wild, Robbie, Link, Zelda, Great Calamity, Ancient Oven, Final Song, Washa's Bluff, Robbie's Memoires, Sheikah, Ancient Song, Revali, Hylian
Id: 4GqrjK7qc3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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