Breath of the Wild: The FINAL Zelink Theory!

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terrible what because physically and the other champions and side-characters who talked help paint the world not just for you the player but for Zelda and link with their relationship their relationship definitely isn't romantic their relationship definitely isn't romantic isn't romantic romantic romantic romantic however the princess herself and I quote only had eyes for escort her own night attendant this is it the only piece of evidence that I need to prove that Zelda of Hyrule is in love with the one appointed to protect her link if you complete from the ground up side quests you get to see a sea war wedding takes place and at the end of that wedding bolson throw is an endless stream of petals in the air the infinite falling petals represent endless love and what should we see in the final bonus scene when the camera zooms out an infinite amount of silent princess petals blowing in the wind representing the endless love between the princess and her Knight well over a year ago The Legend of Zelda breath of the wild was released it's sudden rise in popularity would eventually result in plenty of videos discussing the lore and mysteries found within the game this was also the time that a certain individual went about making a video that analyzed Zelda's relationship towards link little did this youtuber know that it would eventually rise in popularity and become the foundation for all future videos and this was all because of one video I decided to make with the community of theorists and Zelda fans almost being 90 thousand strong I've decided to conclude this tetralogy with the final episode in the series today we'll revisit my three older videos along with bring up new evidence regarding who link really loves and solved the mystery once and for all it's time to delve deeper into how Zelda's love conquered the calamity Methos untold love story and the truth behind Link's affection alright so before we get into the main point of this video we have to do a quick refresher on past episodes in the series before this episode a trilogy of videos regarding the relationship of link towards the two main love interests was up the first one aka the very first Theory made talked about whether Zelda had romantic feelings towards link or not by analysing the memories diary entries as well as casas final song we were able to prove that she was indeed in love with her appointed night the second episode looked at the same question but from Link's point of view while it wasn't confirmed because evidence went both ways my conclusion was that he indeed shared similar feelings this was because of the bonus scene where the symbolism in the last shot was fairly strong evidence proving that he did love her the third and final episode was us trying to figure out if link had loved me apprised to the events involving his interaction with Zelda and the great calamity this was because we already knew that methyl loved him but the reverse wasn't so black-and-white needless to say thanks to the champions Ballad we got more information regarding their past this led me to conclude that link may have loved her but only if he was able to live a normal life the moment he took on the respond ability as a hero with the sword that seals a darkness his path was changed to eventually fall in love with Zelda obviously ever since those videos went up there have been a few things I have wanted to address even going as far as to say this in my meifa episode and I really want to do another video covering this pair but while I want to do that there has been another highly requested video so let's finally do this there isn't really that much to address in my first episode as we had a song that pretty much confirmed it was Zelda's love for her night and that awakened her power people did bring up a good point about this though what if the love she felt for link was not the romantic kind as in she loved him as a friend while this certainly is a possibility it seems unlikely this is because Cass reveals that his mentor was in love with the princess but got jealous because she and I quote only had eyes for her escort her own night attendant so the final verdict still stands that yes Zelda was in love with Link move forward to episode 2 where we looked at if the reverse was true did link love Zelda in the same way while he never says anything there were a bunch of small details that helped us with this question one of the first things I brought up in the video was the idea that link would have had to have love's Elda before the great calamity in order for him to actually have feelings for her later on this had to do with the different outcomes the story could have the way I saw it there were only three possible scenarios the first one was that link loved a Zelda before being put in the shrine but because he doesn't have all memories his past feelings for Zelda are not recovered resulting in a non romantic relationship the second scenario plays out the same but all of his past memories are obtained because he remembers Zelda this leads to a romantic ending but the third and final one explained was the scenario in which link never had any feelings for the princess and because of this whether he recovers his memories or not didn't matter it would always be a non romantic ending but there was a fourth possibility I never went over and that is the idea that he never had feelings for her until after waking up from the shrine I disregarded this because I assumed that his personality would have been the same even if he suffered from amnesia while the idea of someone changing personalities because of memory loss seems I couldn't really prove it in the scenario but thanks to master works it reveals some interesting facts link was pretty much emotionless as the chosen night 100 years ago but he awakes to a time where he is relatively unknown only a few people who were around then are still alive freed from the attention and expectations of the people and without any memory from the past this eras link is more expressive and lighthearted than the stoic night he was before and this makes complete sense when you consider the fact that the very reason he was silent and unexpressive came from the burden that was passed to him so this increases the probability that link felt the same way toward Zelda and this leads into what is probably the biggest piece of evidence I happen to miss in this specific video links journal entries I know what you're saying wait link has journal entries well yes and no if you've played the game then you know that all quests and objectives are logged into the chicest light this helps the player keep track of their current goals whether they play an important role to the story or not but these are all written in a second person point of view which is shown by words such as you being implemented this gives the player the impression that the chicest slate is updating these quest logs essentially keeping you up to date with what to do but after some digging by the user at oamaru it was revealed within the Japanese version that these were all written from a first-person point of view this is important because of two things one the Japanese is the one that should be considered canon since it stays closest to the source material in fact it basically is the source material and two it completely changes the implications of who created these logs first person is used whenever events are being relayed from the narrator's own point of view which consists of using I or we which means these logs aren't actually made by the chicest slate but linked is actually writing them down himself stuff like the tasks and mission objectives are still noted in the tablet but beneath a lot of them you can see that link will type up his own thoughts in relation to said quests for example after completing the Royal Guards gear quest the log reads when he showed Parsi the traveler at the stable she seemed to be more curious about it than ever hopefully she won't do any reckless but when you change it to match with the original translation it gets more personal when those were shown to par see the traveler at the stable her curiosity about it seemed to be provoked more than ever by me I hope she won't do anything reckless it adds a lot more to his personality which would make sense considering he no longer held the burden of being Zelda's appointed knight but the one entry that makes his feelings towards the princess more possible comes from the Japanese log once you obtain all thirteen memories I finished visiting all thirteen of the locations in the old pictures I remembered everything I've been through together with Princess Zelda in those memories of mine Princess Zelda oh we strived to complete the task burdened onto her even if it's just a moment sooner I want to save her as quickly as possible I want to see her smile again with these eyes of my own and if that wasn't enough I noticed something else within this entry link specifically says that he wants to see her smile once again that was the reason for him to locate all of the memories in the special ending you know what Zelda does to finish the game she smiles right in front for him to see and you know the only way to get this post credit scene by finding all thirteen memories there's a whole bunch of other examples of this first-person quest log and I'll post a link in the description if you want to go further into it but we still got more to go through for this video it isn't called a special episode for nothing I had made this claim in my previous video the next point people make is a Zelda is only one link seems to talk to and I'm gonna have to say that that is completely false sure he never talks in the memories but trust me he is not as silent as people think but the evidence I used for this was the fact that link can hold a conversation with any NPC after he woke up from the shrine but because of his confirmed personality change that means that whether he can talk after the great calamity or not is irrelevant this means that him only being able to talk to Zelda could lean into being evidence for romantic relationship but at the same time this isn't a hundred percent proof as he can also talk to other champions like herb OSA and Mesa but speaking of herb OSA there's a Gerudo vote and you'll of class that takes place in the town this is important because when asked if he had anyone he cared about link reacted and they somewhat embarrassed away I couldn't confirm whether he was blushing since removing the Gerudo headgear resulted in being kicked out of the town but many of you guys reached out to me and suggested using the Thunder helm since it works as a disguise and shows links face I was able to confirm that he does not blush while this can still be seen as romantic evidence I just wanted to clarify that but we can't forget the other smaller details such as Piatt coming out as a Z link shipper and our bow so winking that link after telling him - implying that link may marry Zelda and rule over the kingdom with her this also would fit with the secret ending as Zelda mentions that it won't be easy to return Hyrule to its former glory also adding but another clue might come from one of the game's items the silent princess before I even did my first Z Link video I had intentions on dedicating a separate video to this endangered flower mainly because of how symbolic it is in relation to the game's story and characters first of all the name itself might be implying the type of relationship between Link and Zelda it's called the silent princess throughout the memories link is silent which is also noted by the other characters and princess which happens to be Zelda status in the game as she is a princess with the blood of the goddess this is something that a lot of you pointed out and while this can mean many other things I found it very interesting but the silent princess also happens to be Zelda's favorite flower and when exploring the game it is possible to come across a couple who proceeded to tell link about their goal to find this elusive flower we've traveled for months in search of a flower call - the silent princess legend has it if you swear your love before it's freshly plucked blossom you and your partner will live a charmed life this gives a flower more meaning as it is directly connected to the subject of love in the final scene we also see hundreds of the flowers in the fields of Hyrule while this most likely is symbolic of Hyrule being able to prosper once again it could also be looked at as the love between the princess and her Knight and speaking of symbolism the one piece of evidence that for me was the final nail in the coffin when you complete the from the ground-up sidequest you take part in a wedding bolson is seen throwing petals in the air and later on mentions that the infinite falling petals represent endless love and what do we see in the final shot of the secret ending an endless supply of petals going even further these are presumably petals from the silent princess which we already established is connected to the themes of love some people made the argument that technically they are rising not following therefore my argument is debunked but that seems a bit too nitpicky for my tastes plus from what I noticed some of these petals are falling and even if they don't do that in the scene they will eventually fall somewhere and when volson releases the petals he throws them upward only to come down later so yeah actually now that I think about it assuming that bolson is throwing the petals of silent princess flowers does that mean he is the reason they are almost extinct there also are some falling petal like objects in the normal scene right after the credits just thought I'd point that out and the post made by Nintendo which celebrated the one-year anniversary of the game's release included a picture with both Zelda and link and guess what they decided to put in the background of that picture yep more falling petals there isn't too much else within the memories as I already went over most of it in the first two videos but just for safe measure I decided to skim through the memories again and I found something that legitimately shocked me it had nothing to do with the dialogue or specific actions taken by the characters but it was another form of symbolism used in the game if you pay attention to the cutscenes link is always shown walking behind Zelda in fact an entry by the princess herself goes further into this I still recall feeling his eyes on me as I walked ahead the feelings stayed with me so lon I grew anxious and weary it is the same feeling I felt before in his company and within the exact memory she's referring to the last shot is taken in a very purposeful way it shows the distance between both link and Elda there is no form of bonding between them at the stage neither one is open to the other proceed through all the memories and this pattern continues to emerge memory five were linked continues to walk behind and even when she starts to warm up to him in the eighth one there's still that bit of distance between the two memory 17 shows a similar pattern and during the 14th there is still that distance between zelda and Link the one right after also portrays us but the smaller distance between them shows how the relationship is improving the post-credits scene finally shows them standing side by side even when they walk away from the castle and finally there is the secret ending the zelda makes her speech then walks away from link but after this shot zelda looks back to him with the smile he fought countless battles for and in the final scene of the game link is seen running up to her as they walked side by side back to the horses this is the moment they both acknowledge each other as equals the fact that link runs up to her after seeing her smile shows that she has finally opened up to him remember she once wrote in her journal that she wished to also bare her soul to him in the scene she is finally able to open up to him fully and accept her own flaws as the last line in the game she says is my power dwindled over the past 100 years I'm surprised to admit it but I can such that looks like both characters got their wishes link was able to once again see the princess smile while she was finally able to open up to him and share the demons that had plagued her for all those years [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah I almost forgot me feh so there isn't too much more to address regarding her most of it was already covered in my video dedicated to analyzing Link's relationship with her and this was mainly going to be a video covering Zelda and Link's relationship but I can briefly go over some things that I missed I never brought up the conversation the player has with coda she always refers to link as lynnie and supposedly asked him to choose between her and me feh obviously she had some sort of crush on him back then because let's face it everyone apparently does at first I disregarded this but considering that link may have had feelings for me for he was appointed as Elda's Knight then it is very possible the main problem though is knowing the timeframe in which this happened she says a hundred years ago but that doesn't necessarily mean exactly a hundred years this would be important since if this question was asked before linked up the Master Sword it would have a different meaning compared to being asked after the burden was put on him there's also plenty of secret dialogue I never addressed in the champions ballad but I purposely did that because all it did was prove how much meifa loved link there wasn't really anything that proved the reverse was also true in addition to that there was one time a viewer commented that apparently in the German version the King said that the two were engaged though I wanted to check what the Japanese version said and it didn't make any mention of this at all and since that version would be the closest to what the developers envisioned that means that the German one is inaccurate aside from that I hope you all enjoyed it's definitely been a journey for me on YouTube when the first video did so well I never expected the others to be as successful but overall it's been a pretty incredible experience I've met a lot of friends and other Nintendo enthusiasts so I just like to thank everyone who has supported me in any way we are getting much closer to a hundred thousand subscribers so if you enjoyed this video then please consider becoming one yourself I'll have the other videos within the series in the description if you want to watch them though if you do it will be pretty clear how much the quality has improved here and know this isn't the end of breadth of the wild theories so no need to worry thanks to my current patrons as your donations will help to make more videos such as this if you want to support the channel then check the description for a link where you can donate a dollar they'll never feel obligated to do so I'm looking forward to the future of this channel and I hope you will all continue with me on this journey I've been Nintendo black crisis and this concludes the final episode of the Z Link series now don't you dare ask for a me Philippe are too [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: NintendoBlackCrisis
Views: 1,165,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda Theory, BotW, Zelda BotW, Zelink, Link, Mipha, NBC, The Legend of Zelda, Lipha, Ship, Paya, Urbosa, Kass, Ancient Song, Princess, Secret Ending, Symbolism, Silent Princess, Game, Theory, Masterworks, Creating a Champion, Zora's Domain, Zora Armor, Japanese, Link's Journal, Link's Diary, Champion's Ballad, Secret Dialogue, Master Sword, Switch, Romance, Love, From the Ground Up, Wedding, Bolson, Terry Town, Anniversary, Zelda x Link, ZeldaxLink, Mipha x Link, MiphaxLink
Id: J9g0YoxVb4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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