Top 10 Strangest Characters in Breath of the Wild

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today's video is sponsored by nordvpn [Music] breath of the wild has a variety of interesting and unique characters which help flesh out the game's world the tragedy of dorian whose wife was killed in response to his betrayal of vega clan and buliara a gerudo who comes off as strict and cold yet has a meaningful relationship with the chief riju but when it comes to those which stick out usually it's the stranger ones whether it be their dialogue actions or the overall encounter in today's video i'll be looking at 10 of these characters in no particular order i want to focus on some of the less important characters meaning there won't be any horn statue kilton or horse god but know that they are honorable mentions of breath of the wild quests follow the same generic formula some npc wants the player to collect a certain number of a certain item in exchange for a reward which is either worth the efforts or a complete rip-off one of these quests is found at the gerudo canyon stable where pirro requests 55 rushrooms for a single diamond after the quest is complete you can continue to give him this item in bundles of 55 and pirro will purchase them for double the market value but when you take a step back and look at the context of the situation it's quite hilarious pirro states that he first tried rushrooms at the age of 5 and has continued to eat them every day since without fail these days he requires restrooms to function and goes as far as to exchange a diamond for this food it's clear that pirro has an addiction and all link is doing is making this addiction worse better yet the food he's addicted to is a type of mushroom and the whole exchange gives off the vibes of a drug deal he even goes on to ask link if he's brought the stuff yeah totally not sketchy dude the only reason you'd want to finish this quest is for the sake of completion since while you can continue to trade 55 to him the profit you get is 170 rupees less compared to the initial trade since the value of a diamond is 500. one thing that is interesting is the number of rushrooms he requires there is significance to this number as he does state it has been 55 years since he first tried them so that's kind of interesting breath of the wild has a variety of dishes the player can cook which either he'll link or give him buffs a lot of the recipes for these meals are found by interacting with the world such as through character dialogue the many staples or books that is unless you're like me who usually makes a ton of hearty dishes making the other health replenishing ones kind of useless some side quests like a royal recipe and cooking with coco will reward the player with knowledge of how to make certain dishes but some people just aren't cut out to be cooks i am of course talking about moza a hylian found close to the east oh so shrine it's not too difficult to find her just look for the pile of smoke rising into the air something that link mistakes for a smoke signal but in reality it's one of moses experiments which has unfortunately been overcooked now burnt to a crisp like other npcs she'll teach link a variety of unique recipes a lavish meat dish an ancient meat dish and ultimate survival dish the ingredients for these recipes start out normal such as some steak or bird meat however it goes off the rails rather quickly once she adds in a piece of ore or guardian part the most normal dish she has has to be the ultimate survival dish and even that's just composed of several monster parts moses convinced that any ingredient she uses will turn out perfect which judging by the piles of garbage around the area is probably the reason she's failed at making anything well edible the best part about this encounter is how the crate several feet away from her contain ingredients which are actually edible and would be the perfect substitutes for the ore in ancient parts but you do have to admire her dedication she wakes up at five in the morning and stays in front of the cooking pot until midnight and when asleep she's thinking about her recipes for the following day moses putting in the effort it's just that she is approaching it from the worst possible angle you can't help but feel bad for her as she knows her recipes turn out badly though she remains optimistic throughout her endeavors and believes that tomorrow will be the day she turns it all around well at least she has passion villia is one of the more mysterious characters in terms of backstory and the only one on this list that the player will encounter if they're following the main story upon arrival link is unable to enter gerudo town as men are forbidden the player can find a man named benja just outside the town who mentions a man that has successfully infiltrated the place numerous times link finds this individual atop the general store at karakara bazaar when told of the man who snuck into gerudo town vilia states that she knows nothing about him link can purchase a set of vi clothing from this person but just before he leaves a gust of wind blows the veil revealing villia's face the camera angle doesn't give us a clear view however the concept art and masterworks and some footage from boundary break reveals their facial features it's very likely that this person is a hylian and not gerudo however we still don't know their gender but when link accuses avilia of being a man her response comes off as rather negative this could mean one of two things either villia is a male pretending to be a woman to access garuda town and is denying the accusations so that her disguise isn't compromised or she's a transgender woman the only time this npc is referred to with masculine pronouns are the rumors from benja and adventure log entry for the forbidden city entry quest every other character refers to them as a female but since this could be a way to bypass the no men allowed rule of the town we don't really know though one can't help but appreciate vilia as a character because it leads to one of the best moments in the game since link looks adorable in women's clothing something that no doubt the artists have taken advantage of it's not necessarily him or her that's strange but more so the events leading up to this entertaining encounter this leads to the fourth character ugh no not again why does this always happen to me if only there were a way to protect myself from viruses and hackers hey you oh no it's happening again yes i'm talking to you i already told you that i am not doing a mifa episode what no i was going to tell you the answer to your problem thanks to the kind folks over at nordvpn you could browse the internet while remaining anonymous and protect yourself from all sorts of cyber attacks well that sounds useful where can i get this nordvpn easy just go to the link in the description nintendo pc where you can use code nintendo pc and get a huge discount on a two-year plan with one additional month for free nordvpn not only protects your privacy but lets you connect to multiple servers and access content unavailable to your own country and let me tell you for a person who makes their whole living off the internet keeping your information secure is a must there is also a 30 30-day money-back guarantee just in case you aren't satisfied with what you get never again will you have to worry about your privacy when browsing those hundreds of pictures of zelda fan art look it it wasn't hundreds of them it's not like i'm obsessed with her or anything that's n-i-n-t-e-n-d-o-b-c thanks a lot sir i just have one more question for you how did you get inside my house oh uh well you know while our product protects you from cyber attacks it doesn't protect you from house robberies ah that makes sense wait what do you mean by house robberies hey where are you going my tv get back here and now back to today's scheduled program at the time of my first breath of the wild playthrough i had only played a select few zelda games you'd imagine my surprise once i found out that beetle was not a breath of the wild exclusive character as a matter of fact he makes an appearance in skyward sword wind waker phantom hourglass and spirit tracks so why exactly is he on this list well unfortunately beetle suffers from a rare but deadly disease one that i call nurse joy syndrome because he appears everywhere no matter what part of the map it is if it has a stable you know that beetle will find his way there and unlike the other games in the series he travels on foot instead of a boat or airship no matter what stable you go to he always finds a way to get there before you it makes you wonder if they're really the same character as the name implies beetle loves beetles whenever the player talks to him with one of these insects in their inventory beetle asks that link give it to him in exchange for an elixir if this offer is turned down he'll remain silent for a moment and proceed to guilt-trip the player stating how he's not a very good judge of character but his absolute favorite is the energetic rhino beetle refusing this trade leads to a moment where beetle considers theft he plans to sneak it out of link's inventory and replace it with a common beetle he won't know the difference no he'll hire someone else to do it there's no point to get his hands dirty jeez it's just a beetle beetle no need to go that far to get it but i wonder why i was attacked by a foot soldier minutes after this encounter unless no there's no way he would go that far for an energetic rhino beetle but now that i think about it in skyward sword he drops the player through a trap door if they don't purchase anything from the shop he clearly enjoys inflicting pain onto others perhaps there's more to him than meets the eye there's one side quest in breath of the wild where link is able to purchase a house within hattano village after speaking to bolson the owner of the construction company scheduled to demolish the house he agrees to sell it to link for 3 000 rupees and 30 bundles of wood following these events bolson will upgrade parts of the house such as adding a door or bed at the cost of more rupees bolson himself is quite the character wearing flashy clothing and creating his own dance one that is apparently popular with the young people and while his actions resemble that of an effeminate hylian male that isn't why he's included there's nothing wrong with the way he acts bolson is mostly found sitting at the campfire situated close to the abandoned building after purchasing the house he remains there and will upgrade it so lon as link has enough rupees but once you've bought everything he doesn't leave this spot bolson continues to sit here and no matter how much time passes he'll never move and at the time of the game's release many players went on the internet to voice their opinions of him as a character some okay with the idea of bolson hanging around the property while others were desperate to get rid of him there is one way to keep him away as he'll travel to tarrytown for the wedding as long as the player doesn't talk to him after this event he'll stay away from link's house unfortunately this means it's possible to have him permanently sitting outside the player's house if they've already completed the quest and talked to bolson in a way this makes bolson a squatter one who occupies an area of land but doesn't own it though on the wiki the exact definition of a squatter is someone who is occupying an abandoned or unoccupied area of land which technically differs from breath of the wild since that land is owned by link and this led to a sort of controversy surrounding this character as a matter of fact there's a video which covers this topic trying to answer the question of are bolson's actions legal now i won't go into too much detail regarding this topic since mechasakis did a pretty good job summarizing it though there are two points worth mentioning one that's mentioned in the video itself is how link technically didn't sign any contracts meaning that the house isn't legally his any complaints of his would be ignored since there's no documentation of the purchase however while we don't see links sign anything in-game wolsen does mention a permit in his initial charge of 50 000 rupees i'm no expert when it comes to this sort of stuff however from what i've found building permits cover home construction demolition and renovations i'm not sure if it's also used for proof of ownership feel free to let me know in the comments if that's the case perhaps bolson's soul blinked the house while holding on to this permit another possibility is that bolson sold link the house but not the land it's on in this case he'd be doing nothing that is illegal either way the fact that he hangs around the player's house and isn't seen anywhere else is definitely strange and makes him a worthy addition to this list [Music] cato is another character that's technically encountered during the main quest but has little relevance to the story the player is confronted by him and dorian before first entering empa's house as one of her bodyguards he takes his role seriously and protects the village from any danger including the yiga clan if he's not on watch duty chances are you'll see him watching his flock of cuckoos he even provides a similar quest to andrews from ocarina of time where link needs to find and return the lost cuckoos however kato doesn't just like cuckoos he loves cuckoos so much so that the walls of his house are filled with drawings of the species and the way he talks about kukos describing them as his little ones or how time quickly passes when watching them shows just how attached cato is to chickens oh my gosh is that a zone i swirl at first you kind of feel bad for him given the situation with his wife she wants nothing to do with him so the cuckoos are his only emotional support but when you look a bit further into it you start to realize that perhaps the reason for his wife leaving him lies in how much affection he has for the flock there's a journal within kakariko village titled journal of various worries it's a way for residents of the village to write down their problems while remaining anonymous the first entry was written by an individual under the alias of the bowmaster and states the following well my wife left me today the last thing she said to me was what's more important the cuckoos or me i chose the cuckoos it takes no expert to realize that kato was the one who wrote this meaning that his love for kukos overshadowed the love for his own wife and the only thing worse than the wrath of a cuckoo attack is the wrath of a heartbroken female it's actually possible to locate cato's wife in game she's the owner of kakariko's general store the curious quiver rolla states that there hasn't been a customer in a long time cato went by the alias of bowmaster meaning that he was the one who most likely kept her business afloat before their fallout rola even states how she's head over heels for one who can use a bow and will occasionally mention her ex-husband who we know is cato even she describes his love for the chickens as an obsession which judging from the interior of his house is a pretty fair assessment at the very least kato must feel some sort of guilt as he wrote it in the journal of various worries i want to feel bad for him but given what we know it's most likely his fault that it's come to this [Music] you know the saying there's no stupid question well that might be true but there are stupid answers now before you ask why i started with that bit we must first travel west to the gerudo wasteland within the desert lie is a bustling town filled with things to do shops lining the street a bar even a secret club which sells unique armor one activity link can be a part of is by the barracks a class taught by ashay titled voe and you the purpose of this lesson is to give advice to garuda women who wish to interact with men outside of the town ashay presents the women certain what-if scenarios to hear the different answers and critique them as a means of preparing them for the outside world how to approach someone you've never interacted with or what to do if you come across an injured vote not only do their answers differ from one another but it gives the player a brief look at each of their personalities the first two students pasha and dina respond to these questions with practical solutions however the third gerudo of the class reza manages to stand out as her answers to each of the hypothetical situations are questionable stating how she would strike a fierce blow to an unsuspecting vow and approach which ashay labels as a crime or threatening to break a man's arm unless he agrees to marry her one of frieza's more quote unquote normal responses comes from a question of what she would do if a vote were lying on the ground injured risa states how she'd secretly bring him back to her house where she could help him gradually recover while the overall intention seems good ashay compares it to kidnapping and she's technically not wrong now the biggest problem isn't how bad these answers are it's what she says when talking the link riza states that she's only taking these classes as a kind of refresher course which implies that she genuinely feels that her solutions to these hypothetical scenarios are the correct ones she clearly has a lack of social skills when it comes to interacting with men as her answers either involve violence or kidnapping the only reason she's taking this class to begin with is because her grandmother urged her to meaning that there must be some concerns for when she inevitably leaves gerudo town definitely one of the more interesting characters which can be easily missed by players and now we're going to be looking at the top three while the previous ones listed are in no numerical order the few mentioned here are what i believe to be breath of the wild's three strangest characters and unlike the other seven these are listed from least to the most strange most people believe that there are four blight bosses in breath of the wild thunder blight fire blight water blight and wind blight ganon this statement is factually false there exists one other in the game a being so powerful that even thunderblight ganon dare not to mess with its affairs the scourge of gila rao shrine flower blight ganon [Music] let's face it you all knew this character was going to be on here and for very good reason by the time the player reaches the shrine magda has planted an assortment of flowers around the structure when talked to she allows link to take a closer look with one condition don't step on them this is all part of the shrine quest watch out for the flowers on the off chance that link steps on them magda calls out reminding him not to hurt the flowers who according to her are screaming out in pain the second time this happens she'll get a bit more irritated at link reiterating how the plants are living things so what happens if you choose to do this a third time well instead of me explaining it it's probably best to just witness it yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] mega goes from being mildly disappointed with link's actions to full-on psycho and yes the player does lose health when attacked by this npc while it's not possible to get a game over screen as his health goes no lower than half a heart the damage dealt by magda is a consistent three hearts no matter what armor link may be wearing here's the thing though magda is only number three on this list meaning that she isn't the strangest when it comes to breath of the wild characters now who in the game could top a lady that attacks link due to his carelessness around plants let's take a look on surface level hino is a completely normal guy who happens to have an interest in the blood moon the game is filled with its share of researchers whether it be the scientists investigating the leviathan bones or zelda's interest in shika technology hino appears to know the basics of a blood moon how it revives all defeated monsters at the stroke of midnight though is unsure of why this phenomenon occurs the blood moon is a rare event in which the moon turns a blood red color and rises into the sky an eerie theme song plays following a thin layer of malice which hover slightly above the ground the atmosphere will turn a deep red color leading to the revival of previously slain monsters after this the moon returns to its original color and remains that way for the rest of the night but what exactly happens when you witness this event at the dueling peak stable the same place you can find hino the moment the music plays and malice covers a surface hino will immediately break into a dash and run around the stable like a madman when talked to he'll say a variety of things it's so red so gloriously red my blood it's boiling arise monsters as well as some audible grunts and groans what's even creepier is his text which takes on a red color as opposed to the usual white it's almost as if hino is possessed or under the influence of calamity ganon's malice statements such as his blood boiling which is commonly associated with the hatred and malice of demise and ganondorf a topic recently discussed by mass nintendo bandit and hino is the only npc in the entire game who acts like this during the event definitely one of the creepier characters in this game and why he sticks out compared to the others on this list but alas there can only be one winner of this competition the character who in my opinion is breath of the wild strangest you know her you love her too bad though because she doesn't love you loon is a female who's madly in love with guardians you can find her within feron on the shoreline of puffer beach where she's getting a bit too comfortable with the shika orb nicknamed roscoe the way loon talks to this orb is rather disturbing as she treats it like a boyfriend mentioning how its skin is smooth and gorgeous acting as if the orb is a living breathing thing how it should come out of its shell and proudly show off its beauty she believes roscoe to be her lover with a shy personality loon states that she'll never let the orb go how she's head over heels for him technically this is a lie what loon really wants to see are guardians more specifically the stalker skywatcher and scout she's aware of the danger but still insists on seeing them which somehow makes her seem even crazier link can take a picture of these machines with his chica slate and present them to loon who quickly abandons roscoe as she's all about guardians now she goes from caressing the orb to calling it a weird sphere it's as if she's in love with the guardians and wants one all to herself despite knowing how dangerous they are it's no coincidence that her name is loon as it's very close to the word looney someone deranged and possibly dangerous other synonyms for this word include crazy nutcase weirdo insane yeah these all perfectly describe this npc sure a character who attacks someone because of some plants or goes nut to the side of a blood moon is strange but one who has romantic relations to an inanimate object especially one that can kill you is a whole other level of unsettling the best part about this is on the off chance you do take a guardian to her she has the same reaction as all other npcs and runs away from it clearly the developers never expected players to actually take one to loon and added the default reaction to all characters though it's still funny to watch and this is why loon is the strangest character in the entirety of breath of the wild and that's all for today thanks for watching the video i hope you enjoyed if you want to see more content like this then please consider subscribing as that does help out the channel special thanks to all my patreons as your donations are greatly appreciated a link to my patreon page is down below as well as twitter and our discord server i've been nintendo black crisis and i'll see you all next time [Music] yes
Channel: NintendoBlackCrisis
Views: 1,295,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: botw, zelda botw, botw top 10, zelda top 10, breath of the wild top 10, ranked, strangest, craziest, weirdest, botw characters, pirou, rushroom rush, moza, vilia, link vai, forbidden city entry, beedle, yiga clan, bolson, controversy, cado, cucco, risa, voe and you class, magda, watch out for the flowers, hila rao shrine, flower lady, flowerblight ganon, blood moon man, hino blood moon, loone, guardian lover, guardian woman, roscoe, guardian lady, guardian slideshow, nintendoblackcrisis
Id: MJ1NbqyifOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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