Breaking Mentalities Of Failure Pt.2 - Wednesday Service

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father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force and father i pray that you will speak through my vocal chords and and think through my mind none of me and all of you it's in jesus name and everybody said amen praise god well welcome to another teaching and uh we've been talking about last week we started dealing with breaking mentalities of failure you know if you're going to break uh failure or the cycles of failure in your life you're going to have to deal with your mentality the bible really is true about as a man thinketh in his heart so is he so you know your thinking is going to determine how you feel and ultimately it's going to determine your destination in life and there's a lot to be said about mentalities that are responsible for certain failures in our life when you break those mentalities that will produce failure you stop the process of failure and god must have knew something because in genesis chapter 12 and 1 he tells abraham he says i want you to get away from your father's house i want you i want you to leave your kin folks and i want you to go to a place where i'll tell you in fact he says now the lord had said unto abram get thee out of thy country get from thy kindreds from thy father's house and to a land that i will show you and then he talks about go to verse 2 and verse 2 he says and i will make thee a great nation i will bless thee i'll make a name great thou shall be a blessing but the first thing he addresses is you got to get away from the mentality of your father house you got to get away from the mentality of your kindreds because that may be the thing that's keeping you contained and so he says i want to bless you i want to make your name great but we got to start where your thinking is concerned we got to start with that mentality that old mindset and so last week i talked about and begin to talk about mentalities that need to be broken in our life and the first mentality was the self-preservation mentality and you have to break that mentality of always depending on yourself where your preservation is concerned because one of the things we found out last week is that self-preservation denies jesus to be the source of your life if you're always trying to preserve yourself then you're never looking at jesus as your source of your life the second mentality we talked about last week was the poverty mentality the poverty mentality is a mentality of dependence and having a mentality of dependence in having more so you can feel secure and so you're you're depending on having more to feel secure instead of having jesus in order to feel secure and one of the things that came out of this is that poverty was a mindset that dealt with your identity please get a hold of that teaching from last week poverty is a mindset that deals with your identity your identity defines defined by your resources and your possessions determines whether you're you're having a poverty mindset and a poverty mindset is just it's just never enough and so we looked at some things that uh i'm sure will bless you there you know we looked at some mindsets that you would hear people say about poverty like you know i work so hard but still i can't make ends meet uh if the economy would have turned around i might have a choice so we have to break that poverty mentality if we're gonna find ourselves getting out of poverty and then last week finally the third thing we talked about was the comparison mentality do not think that your success has to come at the expense of someone else no one has to fail in order for you to succeed in the bible i showed you how the bible says that we must not compare ourselves amongst ourselves that it's not a wise thing for us to do and you know it's not it can't life can always be you know you comparing and looking at what somebody else does and then determining how far you can go you will limit yourself and you will also limit god because of comparison that comparison mentality well i'm excited about tonight because tonight um we're going to talk about the consumer mentality we'll pick up with that number four we're going to talk about the consumer mentality now i want you to think about something and it's something that we as christian people need to really break out of um you must see yourself as a producer and not a consumer and a lot of times you know people look at themselves as consumers and not producers you see producers they add value consumers take from producers add to let me show you in john chapter 15 verses 5 through 8. the bible just kind of hints that we are to be creators and not consumers we should be givers and not takers in john 15 verses 5 through 8 he says i am the vine you are the branches he that abideth in me and i in him the same bringeth forth fruit so notice you are a branch and the branch brings forth the fruit he says for without me you can do nothing so god's my source but because god's my source i can be a producer i i can add value instead of just take from now don't notice this the next verse he says if a man abide not in me he is cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned seven if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you so me being a producer is gonna gonna always be making sure that i'm connected with with god it's i'm a christian i'm connected with god as my source i can be a producer verse 8 says herein is my father glorified that you bear much fruit that you produce god's glorified when you bear fruit when you produce so shall you be my disciples and so i believe as christian people that god god intends for us to be producers god intends for us to bear fruit and i think sometimes we have this mentality of always you know i'm a consumer i always want to take from somebody you're you're always looking for somebody who can i take from versus who can i give to we are producers we produce fruit uh we are connected with vine with the vine who's god and god enables us to produce so we can be givers and not takers that's a powerful thing to be givers and not takers i don't i i don't want to be the guy that's always got an empty cup in in my hands and i'm always looking for somebody to pour into my cup i want to be the guy i want to be the man with the picture in his hand and i want my picture to be full so that i can begin to go and feel empty cups you follow me look at first corinthians chapter 3 and verse 9. we've got to break that consumer mentality that as christians you should not always be the one with your hands out but you should be the ones that's putting into people's hands and verse 9 he says for we are laborers together with god and that's the key you are god's husbandry you are god's building now god's fellow workers i'd like to say who are to build things that cannot be consumed in the fire of god's judgment of of their works and so you know verse 13 to 15 in fact if you'll move on down there it really talks about that that we are to be people that can build things that are uh are not just going to be cannot be consumed in the fire of god's judgment and so we're producing something that's going to uh be beneficial and bless others verse 13 says every man's work shall be made manifest for the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is is it work that was built because of your trust and faith on jesus christ or is it work that you built in your own effort not trusting in jesus you see if you're going to be a producer you got to be connected to a solid rock of solid vine and you know if you're trying to be a producer within your you know within your own self and your own self effort then he says this is going to be tried to see what kind of work it is look at the next verse verse 14. he says if any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon he shall receive a reward verse 15 if any man's work shall be burned he shall suffer a loss but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire so as christians let's be known not for the goods we consume but for the good fruit we produce and if we're going to produce some fruit that is good it is going to be because of who we are connected to when god is our source then we're going to bring forth resources we're going to bring forth fruit because we're connected to god and so i want us to understand and to really think about how can i break the consumer mentality and begin to walk as a producer begin to be the man with the picture in his hands begin to be the guy that bears fruit for other people to begin to take from and to eat from so that mentality has to be broken now let's look at the fifth mentality that i think has to be broken mentalities that we break so we can get away from failure i call this uh you know breaking mentalities of failures these mentalities if they're not dealt with they will lead you to failure if you maintain a consumer mentality it will lead you to failure if you maintain a comparison mentality a poverty mentality a self-preservation mentality it will lead to failure it has to be broken now the next mentality that has to be broken is i call it a hitchhiker mentality a hitchhiker mentality what do you mean by that uh it's the coattail mentality it just simply means that you know you want someone else to drive so you can save gas to pay your taxes you want somebody to pay for dinner you take the advantage versus give the advantage are you that type of of a person that has a hitchhiker mentality you're always looking to see if somebody can give you the advantage versus taking the advantage and so when you're taking the advantage you you got that hitchhiker mentality when you're when you're taking the advantage uh you're wanting you know people to do things for you to give you the advantage but you're never giving somebody else the advantage you have that hitchhiker mentality uh you look for favor versus looking to give favor and i think that's got to be broken that will lead you to failure to have a hitchhiker mentality you know eventually people will get with will get so tired of you being like a leech in their life and you just kind of latch on and just try to get what you need and and for a lot of relationships you've got to understand that the first sign of a toxic relationship is when you are being used to give the advantage uh and nobody's ever given you the advantage and in other words people are taking advantage of you without ever giving you the advantage so if you're in a relationship where people are taking advantage of you but they're not giving you the advantage then you that's going to be a toxic relationship it's going to be a toxic relationship they're just like leeches it's a hitchhiker mentality and that that's not good that's not good for you to have your your life as a christian should should be like this how can i give somebody else the advantage to be successful in what they've been called to do how can i give somebody the advantage in life how can i give somebody the advantage in ministry how can i give my wife or your husband an advantage in marriage it's when you get rid of that hitchhiker mentality and you're ready to give the advantage versus taking the advantage that's when you're going to find out very very very clearly that you're going to probably see more success than failure because you have gotten rid of the hitchhiker mentality amen now let's go to the next mentality the inferiority mentality now that's got to be broken you cannot expect to be successful carrying a and carrying an inferiority mentality an inferiority mentality will lead to failure now inferiority is defined as a persistent sense of inadequacy to feel powerless to feel small to feel unimportant to feel as if you fall short that's what inferiority is all about go to romans chapter 3 you have to you first of all you have to recognize an inferiority mentality then you've got to be determined at all costs to get rid of it the bible says for all have sinned and come short come short of the glory of of god now remember uh we we said to you that one of the definitions is to feel as if you fall short so here he's talking about inferiority for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god now the word glory here means to become all that god intended you to become for all have sinned and come short of all that god has intended for them to become now notice the term come short it means to be inferior it means to be inferior so in romans chapter 3 verse 23 it actually says because of sin we have all become inferior to what god originally intended for us to be wow let me read that again let's take what i just explained and here's what this really says in romans 3 23 he says because of sin we have all become inferior to what god originally intended for us to be so if we're going to get rid of the inferiority mentality if we're going to get rid of that inferiority mentality you know what he says here we're going to have to deal with sin we've got to deal with sin since sin is the cause of inferiority it's got to be dealt with since sin is the cause of inferiority it's got to be dealt with well what has god done to deal with the sin of inferiority well look at saint john chapter 1 verse 29 he says the next day john seeth jesus coming unto him and saith behold the lamb of god which taketh away the sins of the world so john announces look at jesus he has come to take away and to deal with inferiority in that powerful that jesus has come to take away sin which is responsible for that inferiority complex of that inferiority mentality well what did he do second corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 through 21 second corinthians chapter 5 verse 17-21 he says therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creature all things are passed away that inferiority mentality passed away behold all things have become new and verse 18 he says and all things are of god who hath reconciled us or restored us back to harmony with him who has reconciled us to himself but how did he do it through jesus christ through jesus christ jesus christ is the one that has taken away that inferiority complex and hath given to us what the ministry of reconciliation verse 19 to wit that god was in christ what was he doing reconciling the world unto himself not imputing or not charging man's trespasses their sin unto them and had committed unto us what the word of reconciliation now then we are ambassadors for christ as though god excuse me did beseech you by us we pray you in christ that you be reconciled to god and verse 21 for he hath made him to be sin for us so jesus took away that which was responsible for inferiority and took it upon himself that we might be made the righteousness of god in christ jesus so notice righteousness now delivers us from inferiority it's because of what jesus did and made us the righteousness of god we that we are made righteous we are made righteous because of what jesus has done we believe in what jesus has done and we are made righteous and that right now that i'm the righteousness of god i am no longer that inferior person and so now my mindset has got to be that jesus has taken care of the cause of my inferiority and because jesus has taken care of the cause of my inferiority and made me righteous righteousness now has delivered me from that inferiority so you are now going to be more righteous minded you're going to have a righteous mentality which will keep you free from an inferiority mentality and when you maintain your righteous mentality then you will maintain your deliverance and your freedom from an inferiority mentality praise god now let's just skim over a couple of one a couple of of these that i think will be a blessing um the mentalities i think we need to conquer and a lot of times this may be in ministry but it can be a part of your life but just the the to know and to identify these mentalities i think will help out a lot number one here we've got to get rid of the resources are limited mentality you know people have the mentality that resources are limited oh my god god doesn't have enough to bless me like heaven's running bankrupt you've got to get rid of get rid of the resources are limited mentality because the truth of the matter is that resources are not limited the world will tell you that but resources are not limited there are a million ways to succeed because of who and what's inside of you they're they're they're you know you you you gotta get rid of this mentality that things are limited they are not they are not so we've got to get rid of that resources are limited mentality here's the second one we need to get rid of the wilderness mentality the wilderness mentality thinking that you have to remain in the wilderness in order to make it no you don't no you don't now you might have to go through the wilderness but you don't have to stay there look at first corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 because for every hard time in your life god has provided a way out for every hard time there's a way out you don't have to stay some people think oh my god as a christian you just have you just have to stay in that wilderness you don't look what he says there hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but god is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able but watch this but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it let's look at this in the uh amplified bible if you have it we are going to be free in fact i declare your freedom from this wilderness mentality right now he says for no temptation no trial regarding as enticing to sin no matter how it comes or where it leads has overtaken you and laid hold on you that is not common to man that is no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adapted and belonging to human experience and such as man can bear but god is faithful to his word and to his compassionate nature and he he can be trusted not to let you be tempted and tried and a saved beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure but with the temptation he will always also provide the way out the means of escape to a landing place that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently so get rid of that wilderness mentality thinking that you have to remain in the wilderness get rid of that wilderness mentality all right number three the the glass chin mentality the glass chin mentality it's the fear of criticism the fear of adversity and the fear of pain the glass chin mentality you don't have to be afraid of adversity you don't have to be afraid of criticism and you don't have to be afraid of pain god's got you god's got you when things like that happen this this glass chin mentality that oh my god you're gonna break if somebody criticizes you maybe they talked about jesus certainly they're going to talk about you you've got to get rid of that glass chin mentality where oh my god every time an adversity shows your way you're just gonna fall to pieces you can't do that get rid of that mentality the fear is gone or eradicated when you have these things the fear of that of adversity of of of criticism you see when you have confidence number one in god's word god's love and god's approval then you don't have to walk in that fear you have confidence of god's love and god's approval you don't have to walk in that fear number two there's something about seeing people precious that even when people are doing things against you the way you see them and the love you have for them it becomes so very important i see people as precious something happened to me when i looked at people that were doing just negative things towards me and i looked past what they were doing and i saw their needs i saw they had a need to be pastored they had a need to be loved they had a need to be forgiven and so see people as precious people and then when you know your purpose you're not going to be afraid these three things will it will will eradicate fear fear is gone or eradicated when you have confidence in god's love and approval do you have confidence in god's love and approval for you fear is gone and eradicated when you number two see people as precious look past their faults and see them as precious and then number three fear is gone and eradicated when you know your purpose and when you know your purpose you're focused you're focused in on what god's called you to do you're focused in on what it is you're supposed to do and so the last mentality i want you to get a hold of is the fear of risk mentality the fear of risk mentality it's when you live by the word uh and you know that i'm staying and living by the word first of all it's faith it's i have a hard time calling that risk because it's it's faith i live by the word it's it's a sure thing to me because god cannot lie i i know that god promised it and he will he is faithful to his promises and other people may call living by faith a risk but it's not living by faith is not a risk and so you break that fear of rich mentality uh risk is a situation involving exposure to danger and when you know that your psalms 91 equipped all of a sudden it doesn't feel like a risk because you know god's got you you know he's gonna protect you you know he sent his angels to watch over you and when you have that in check there is no fear of risk mentality you don't see it that way and so we've got to get rid of the fear of risk mentality imagine the things that god will put on your heart to do buy a piece of property go back to school enter in this type of business do this particular thing he's doing he's giving you that information to try to bring you up to another level and you know what happens you're so afraid of of a risk and that you don't do anything and to be honest with you just to walk out of your house may be risky i mean you know it may be risky to get in your car you're running a wrist that you might have a wreck you're running a a risk that a tree might fall on you you're running a risk that if i eat this food it may poison me i mean if you're going to spend all of your life afraid of a risk and you're going to spend your life paralyzed and not being able to do anything that's why living by faith and living by the promises of god and living by you know your confidence and what the word says it eliminates that fear and ultimately again that fear is all about not believing that what god promised in his word would come to pass that's what that fear is all about and you have to eliminate that fear of risk mentality so follow god and he will handle the danger and you will not be afraid why for thou art with you thou art with you and that's where the word now comes in and it becomes so important because you're spending time knowing your god you're spending time not just reading the word just to try to educate yourself in the word and that's good but the relationship as a christian goes beyond that it's getting to know him so that you can believe him getting to receive the love that he has for you so that you can believe him there's something about that personal relationship with god that really helps to change all of those mentalities that lead to failure because when you know him there's no need to go into self-preservation when you know him you won't have a poverty mentality when you know him there will be no need for you to compare yourself with with others and what they're doing when you know him you can be a consumer excuse me a producer and not a consumer when you know god you can eliminate all of those risks all of those mentalities that lead to failure i think in total and in conclusion that we've got to spend time being reassured that our god is real and that our relationship with him is real and then all is well with you in jesus name well let's pray father we thank you right now by faith that all of these mentalities that lead to failure are destroyed they are broken thank you for the information thank you for the plan thank you that we understand that you are the vine you are the one that we're connected to we are producers we give and not take and i give you praise right now that by the power of the holy spirit that's working in all of our lives fear we declare that you are defeated failure is not god's plan for our life god says i know the plans i have for your life he says they are good he says there's an expected end it's a good end and father we receive that right now no more fear we change our thinking we change our lives we give you praise for it jesus name amen now if you're here and you have never made jesus the lord of your life and you would like to do so just pray this simple prayer after me heavenly father i believe that jesus died for my sins i declare and and ask that he would come into my life be my lord and my personal savior father i receive you now into my heart and i declare by faith that i'm saved in jesus name amen now if you pray that prayer with me just text the key word i'm saved that's one word to 51555 provide your name and email address and we'll send you a free ebook as a gift to you today and again welcome to the family and thank god that you are free from the mentalities that cause failure amen well it's offering time it's an opportunity for you to worship god with your gifts an opportunity for you to give him thanks for what he's already done an opportunity to say lord i give out of gratitude out of appreciation and out of thanksgiving an opportunity for you to bring your worship to a completion because you worship him with your gifts so if you're giving through the text you can text world changers the world changes space and the amount to 74483 or you can call 866-477-77683 to give you can give online you can go online and give and you can also mail in to the address on your screen 2500 burden road college park georgia 303-49 you know thank you for continuing to make feeding on god's word a priority i um i will continue to teach whatever i feel god's telling me to teach you no matter how big or small it doesn't have to be deep it can be sometimes it's the simple things that make uh a big change in your life and just bringing things to your attention on a daily basis as i share my heart daily with you at our 10 o'clock sessions on a wednesday night as staff and i minister the word on wednesday to you on saturdays and sundays pastor wes helping me out on saturday nights and i'm telling you it it is something that will cause you to be uh to reset your life and to refuel your life and you won't be the same and we are grateful for times like tonight where we can come together and to share with you on how to break mentalities that lead to failure and just get right to the point with it and so i'm so blessed because of that well we love you so much thank you so much for making bible study today whether you got this morning with taffy or me tonight a priority that's a big big deal with us because we know if you can be consistent in getting in god's word and allowing god to be a part of your life you're going to see changes in your life amen now to him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen i'll see you tomorrow morning at 10 for our confessions god bless you and have an epic
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 33,493
Rating: 4.9136691 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 56sec (2096 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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