Overcoming Fear

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minister to these your precious sheep open our hearts open our ears open our minds let us see and let us understand and tonight we expose the tricks of the devil and declare their greater is He that is in us than he is in the world sin Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen come on give the Lord a big hand clap to pray good man you may be seated tonight we're going to talk about exposing and overcoming fear and I'm gonna teach directly from a book I wrote a while back it's uh I'm gonna I'm gonna go straight down the line with it I um with everything that's going on in our world today Satan's got to be laughing inhale because when you can get people to respond to your fear and if you can create an epidemic of fear a pandemic is one thing but an epidemic of fear is gonna cause lasting Domino effects in the lives of people and so I just want to I start to come out here with a whistle just to start blowing it to wake everybody up and I want to show you what the word says I want to feed you I want you to follow along with me in the scriptures I brought my glasses and everything I want I want you to see this I want you to see it I want you to meditate on it let's expose the tricks of the enemy amen are you ready now put your hands on your ears and say this out loud with me say father my ears are in order to hear and what I hear will change my life forever amen amen if you have your Bibles go with me to the book of Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 verse 15 there are several scriptures that bears witness to the truth about fear and what comes with it and I want to look at that first Romans chapter 8 15 and he says in verse 15 he says for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry what Abba Father so you haven't received the spirit of bondage again to fear so according to this scripture there are a few things to note about fear first it is something that has to be received from the outside which means it's not a characteristic of our reborn spirits it also brings with it a spirit of bondage so fear is something that comes from the outside an outside situation and it brings with it a spirit of bondage now look at 2nd Corinthians chapter excuse me 2nd Timothy chapter 1 and 7 you got to nail this down where does this come from you know is-is-is fear okay most of the unsaved world will say well it's okay cuz it's just a natural part in you I want you to say this out loud I mean fear is not okay now look what he says here for God had not given us the spirit of fear God hadn't give you the spirit of fear fear God is not the author of fear God is not the author of fear so when the whole world walks in fear God didn't offer it God is not the author of fear God had not given us the spirit of fear but what did he give us power and what love and what so God does not give us the spirit of fear he gives us power he gives us love he gives us the sound mind with which we are to govern our lives with but fear our life should not be governed by fear it's something we have to receive from the outside in so what are the things that have taken place over the last few weeks that has put fear on the inside of people I'm seeing things that I've blows my mind like people fighting in the grocery stores over toilet paper like people trying to load up on ammo like they're expecting something to happen all that's fear-based plan politics based in fear it's fear base fear is controlling things when you tolerate fear you contaminate faith so what does it mean to be in bondage Wester dictionary defines bondage as the condition of being involuntarily subject to a power of force or influence being subject to a power of force of influence or influence and fear brings with it bondage fear brings with it where you are involuntarily subject to a power of force or an influence this is exactly what happens when you yield to fear now look at Hebrews chapter 215 what happens you yield to fear now I'm not saying it nor the practical things I can wash my hands without fear motivating me to do that I know I don't want to be around somebody that's got a juror without fear being there cuz I got too much to do but when fear starts driving everything hear what I'm saying I can disinfect our seats and dissin and have hand sanitizer all over the place but I don't have to be full of fear to do it are you listening to me Hebrews 2:15 says and delivered them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage so people get in bondage to all kinds of things that stem from fear whether it's the fear of people's opinion or the fear of flying fear is designed to attack people's minds and subject subject them to the negative power of the devil it is important to remember that any kind of fear regardless of how insignificant you think it is we'll put you in bondage any kind of fear regardless of how insignificant you think you think it is it will put you in bondage now here's something else you need to know about fear see the sell-out say i will not accept the torment that comes from fear fear has torment look at first John 4:18 fear has torment first John 4:18 he says there is no fear in love I said there's no fear in love I said there's no fear in love but perfect love does what Wow why because fear hath what there's no fear in love perfect love casts out fear because fear hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love but that shows you where our whole world is in it he that feareth is not made perfect in love now sometimes it amazes me how we put up with different things in our immediate world but when it comes to the harassment of the devil we sit idly by while he takes us for a ride for example sexual harassment in the workplace is not tolerated and neither would most people tolerate someone threatening to harm their family or their loved ones and if you have ever been in either of these situations you know how quick we are to speak out and to take action against such behavior from other people but somehow we tend to be less aggressive and less proactive when Satan brings fear to our doorsteps and that's got to change like Jesus we must open our mouth and declare what is written in the Word of God I said we got to open our mouth and declare what is written in the Word of God and as Christians we are in a battle it is a battle for our minds Satan knows that if he can infiltrate a person's mind with fear he can control his or her life he knows that if I can take fear and get in your head I'm gonna control your life people are stressed out full of worry full of fear and you talk about something that will lower your immunity system fear think about it worry and stress that lowers your immunity system we are in a battle who gets your mind who's gonna control you fear look in Isaiah 54 verse 14 now this is a promise that you as a believer can stand on when you battle fear of any kind this is a promise for all of us to stand on Isaiah 54 and verse 14 he says in righteousness shalt thou be established say out loud I'm established in righteousness thou shalt be far from oppression for thou shalt not fear and from terror for it shall not come near you let's look at that again you can literally stand on this promise this is the promise that God has given you you are establishing righteousness say I am the righteousness of God therefore as the righteousness of God you are far from oppression why he says when you refuse to walk in fear you cannot be oppressed that's a promise from God he says when you refuse to walk in fear your your way from the terror do you know there are people who are terrified because that's what fear does it brings oppression it brings terror he says but notice if you refuse to walk in fear here's what he says these things shall not come to you they're not going to come near you y'all don't hear what I'm saying when you have fear these things shall not come near you there are bullsh akalabeth when you have fear in your life these things show up Satan can do what he wants to do like God needs faith in order to produce things in your life Satan ease fear in order to produce things in your life but you're the righteousness of God you're established in righteousness you don't walk in fear there for oppression there for terror welcome it shall not come near you now I can't speak for everybody else but I can't speak for the righteousness of God this is God's answer for every believer who has ever battled fear that's his answer now we do not have to be subject to fear some psychologists well you have to know you do not have to be subject to fear God didn't give it you don't have to be subject to it fear comes from the devil Satan is fear you know he's been stripped of all of his authority he can't even do nothing unless you provide the platform for his operation and the platform from Satan's operation is fear he wants the whole world he's never been this close before there's a lot of endtime stuff happening right now locusts have invaded Iran in Kenya that's a la la stop corner eating eating a crop up what's the result of the whole world yielding to fear providing the platform for the enemy to go into operation but we are not of the world we live in it but we don't operate like them we don't believe like them we don't think like them you know what it means to be holy to be holy means not common with the world that's what it means be sanctified separate it from I'm sanctified I'm separated from that fear I'm not gonna walk in that fear I'm not wow the world is walking in fear you're walking in faith while the world is operating it with no peace you have peace while the world is full of worry you're rejoicing in the Lord that's what it means to be holy turn your neighbors say god bless you with your holy self god bless you what you hold is hell the choice is entirely yours you're a free moral agent you got to decide what you're gonna do here you're gonna go home and lose more sleep you're gonna go home wonder what's gonna happen the next day you're gonna go home and get inundated with more and more and more and more and more news I mean you cannot sit under that all day long more and more and more and more and more and more and more news more and more and more feeling you it is your choice your choice to operate in fear and feed it or your choice to turn that off and get into the Word of God okay there's a virus going on I'll take the necessary precautions I need to take the flu just like I would anything else I'm gonna take the necessary precautions but I am NOT going to operate in fear I'm not gonna wash my hands on thirty time cuz I'm scared I'm not doing none of that I'm gonna wash my hands but I'm not gonna do it in fear all right nobody coughing on me now and if you come here sniffling I need to get away from you cuz I got too much to do to be gettin your beaux yeux yelling won't like me here Wow fear and terror may be on the rise in the world and may even try to come against us they are powerless against the person who has confidence in God's Word and keeps it at the forefront of his or her thinking at all times now you call yourself a Christian you call yourself a believer you call yourself a word person how about letting that word dominate your thinking now yeah I hear what's going on but I'm not gonna let it dominate my thinking I want to let the word of God dominate my things yeah I heard what it said and I'm not gonna not gonna be you know I'm not telling you to go and be stupid and stuff but that stuff should not dominate your thinking cuz that's how we are whatever you give your attention to is what will become large and your life what have you been giving you attention to our week long that's what's big and you if you allow fear to dominate your thinking by giving attention to your fears those things will actually increase your mind and your heart and if you never counteract those negative thoughts and feelings with the Word of God they will begin to frame the way you see things and ultimately begin attracting the very things you are afraid of and I wrote this book how many years ago they will keep you in bondage they'll torment you day and night they're people who can't even sleep some of you probably heard from some of your relatives you hear from in a long time I'm just calling to check on those things that keep you in bondage and torment you day and night fear is an absolute disruption of the peace God desires us to experience this Christian fear is disrupting peace it's disrupting peace I don't let her do it to me some may ask me you want New York y'all having church yeah I'ma be there I don't know who come in but I mom i'ma be there you messing with my peace [Applause] we have to make a decision to keep our minds focused on what God says and do that at all time you have to make that decision I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ I don't care about somebody getting on the news and what they say about I I'm not ashamed of the gospel but listen I believe God I listen I believe God for polio virus hit I believe God why the virus I believe it I believe God I believe God I believe God I'll stop Lee I was believing God for anything happened praise God God gotcha I said I said God got you look at job chapter 325 job chapter 325 hallelujah and pass the West came I hear preaching almost knocked wall down I'm like let's get this thing on boy let's do it let's do this thing right now we are exposing the devil right now he is freaking out right now you do that Bernie met with the devil I scared of you look at this job 325 for the theme which I greatly feared is come upon me and that which I was afraid of is come unto me Jobe even knew I can't walk in fear because the thing I'm afraid of is what's gonna show up job said the thing that I greatly fear has come upon me fear grants access to the thing you're afraid of we must not tolerate fear not even a little bit fear is not okay fear is not okay fear is not okay you resist it you actively fight against it you speak the promises the word you know promise of God's Word you don't let it rob you of your sleep you don't let it rob you of your peace you don't let it rob you of your rest it's not okay not in any capacity well you know we're human being that's natural that we are gonna have some fears yep if it show up I'm gonna super naturally get rid of it I'm not gonna tolerate fear I'm not gonna tolerate fear hallelujah a fear filled mind will believe the lives of the enemy and when people try to put fear in you through their actions or words show Satan you mean business by refusing to move from your stance on the Word of God I'm standing on God's Word that's all I got when I started calculating everything I said now I see I understand what everybody's saying I I said I get that and then I started calculating everything just like they got some guy you know he was a real smart man told me he said well God been really drowned the Federal Army in in the Red Sea it was a read seeing that ain't but two feet two feet of water well I mean he definitely drowned them but if he did it in two feet of water that was a bigger miracle than I ever heard of I'm gonna stand on the word I ain't got nothing else and so I started thinking about it I said no okay I'm gonna go to grocery store finna pick up milk but I don't know who touched that milk before I picked that up and I'm finding a little girl stoned I'm get that cart but I don't know who had the cart before I had the cart and I don't know when I put my hands on the the thing to put the thing up all the money that you know she got from somebody else she put it in my hands and that did that and then I don't know when I walk back out when I touched that examiner who else touched that examine that maybe they might have sneezed on it or maybe they might have coughed on it I don't know and all of a sudden I start thinking I can't do this I can't do this this will drive you crazy I can't do this so the only charge that was left is I gotta trust in a God that sits high and looks low I gotta trust in Jesus [Applause] here's my help hallelujah so yeah we got to watch our words I agree with that proverbs 18:21 put that up proverbs 18:21 says death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof but see even before I speak write words I already believe in the finished works of Jesus so the worst thing you can do in a pressure situation where fear filled emotions are trying to overwhelm you the worst thing you can do is to speak negatively and agree with the fear you feel on the inside of you that's the worst thing you could do is to agree with that fear that you you you have on the inside of you I I'm not trying to be pitted politically-correct ain't trying to do none of it all I'm doing is it's been continuing to do what I did for everything broke loose I trust God I trust God I trust got the same way I trust them for anything happen that's what my stance is everything else is trying to get me to move up there everything else is trying to oh I'm afraid people gonna look like I'm I'm crazy or I'm giving them a license hey i preaching nothing new trust in the lord amen now look at proverbs 4:23 well I'm taking you through the Bible tonight you can have enough good as that when you go home tonight but you can have enough ammo tonight bro you have enough ammo to the night and you you you you know you turn it you turn the news on you already know what the news they'll be about stop feeding on that feed on the word praise God proverbs 4:23 he says keep thy heart with all diligence for out of your heart flow are the issues of life so it says the issues of life flow out your heart but you the guard your eye gait your ear gait and your mouth because what goes through your I get your ear gating comes out of your mouth can enter into your heart and it becomes the seed of the issue that is given birth into life what we meditate on in abundance will eventually overtake and overwhelm our lives what you meditate on and abundance will eventually overtake and overwhelm overwhelm your life so what are you been meditating on in abundance what have you been you know we left off with this last week didn't what what have you been meditating on in abundance and that's what you got always thinking about Satan is looking for you to grant access into your life through the platform of your fear and your fears give him access meditate on the word walk in faith and you stopped any access of the enemy how does this work second Corinthians chapter 10 5 let's put it together how does this work what about what am I to do brother Don I mean yeah I've been looking at the news a lot yeah I'm walking in fear a lot okay so tonight I want to stop doing there but I got this stuff in my mind I got this stuff in my head and there's gonna always be some great loving person that's gonna put most stuff in your head you're gonna have to learn how to cast these thoughts down he's gonna keep coming remember the Bible says no weapon formed against you shall prosper every tongue that rises up against you you shall condemn so every time you hear somebody's story about Corona you should open your mouth up looking at them that thought that was just created that will not happen to me that's not happening to me not happening to my house and see I'd be praying over my church as I prayed over every member of all our churches that ain't touching not now one of them not nobody he's a shield so how do I do that second Corinthians 10:5 casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bring it into captivity bring into captivity what's this every thought and make it obey Christ so what he says is is when those fear faults get in your head capture those thoughts and make it old make it obey and come to obedience of the word of God you don't catch thoughts with thoughts you ket's false with words so that's gonna be demand you know putting you in a position where when that thoughts in your head that fear thoughts in your head now you got to open your mouth up and say something let the redeemed of the Lord what you got to say something so this thought one man oh lawd Jesus oh I'm trying not to get this thing open your mouth dub it shall not come near me catch it cast it down I have a promise with God Terah shall not come near me it'll be far probably repression shall not come to me you cast that thought down amen you're giving this now ladies and gentlemen we have an enemy then the end and worldly people don't believe that there's a devil loose look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and 4 you have you have to understand how this thing operates the greatest accomplishment that if you were giving Satan credit it would believe it would be to get people not to believe that he exists he wants that he don't want you to believe he exists I mean that's awesome he's glad you don't believe in heaven or hell he's glad you don't believe in the devil ago he glad so he can do all kinds of stuff that take advantage of your English self excuse me ignorant look at what it says in whom the God small G of this world the god of this world's way of operating the god of this fear-based operation has blinded the minds of them which believe not that's the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them so what he's done the god of this world who is Satan blinds the mind of those who don't believe they can't see this and I am telling you right now there's a devil loose and what what is he what is he what is he gonna do well look at John 10:10 he uses fear as a tactic to accomplish his purpose what is his purpose he uses fear as a tactic to accomplish his purpose what is his purpose his purpose is to kill his purpose is to steal and his purpose is to destroy God does not abuse his children near me he never will abuse his children his purpose is to kill to steal and to destroy he says the thief cometh not but for to what steal and to what to kill and to what and to destroy Jesus says but I've come so she can have life and have it abundantly to the full until it overflows I say he wants you to have life to the full until it overflows he's not the killer he didn't bring no virus or no disease no but if one should show up he's your great liberator he's your great protection don't give him credit for this Satan comes to kill steal and destroy and if we will understand how to operate then this thing won't have any victory in our lives if you understand that say Amen but we understand how to operate now go to Psalms 103 the Bible says that the steps of a righteous man are ordered by God but it says something else I want you to see ladies and gentlemen your life has been redeemed from destruction look at Psalms 103 verse 1 and we're gonna read verses 1 through 7 stand on this bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name verse 2 bless the Lord O my soul what's this and forget not all his benefits Oh sookie sookie now watch this now forget not his benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth all thy diseases who redeemeth thy life from destruction who chronically with loving-kindness and tender mercies who satisfies your mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the Eagles the Lord executed the righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed he made known his ways unto Moses his acts unto the children of Israel amen God cannot lie he always performs his word amen so this simply means that if God says it it is the conclusion of the matter if he says our lives are redeemed from destruction it is then because it then becomes our responsibility to believe and receive the promise by faith this is the first thing we must do to activate our deliverance from the enemy's hands we do what we do by faith now go to Psalms 91 and I want to teach this part of some 91 I want to teach it out of the New Living Translation and we're to look at the whole chapter some not a 1 out of the New Living Translation you stand on these things these things are true I woke up this morning and I declared this this is what I live by this is what I trust God for for them for my life this is not just a sweet little scripture in the Bible now notice this those who live in the shelter of the most high will find rest in the shadows of the Almighty you live in the shelter of the most high your born-again Christians you live in the shelter of the Most High you abide under the shadow of the Almighty he said this I declare about the Lord he alone is my refuge you know what a refugee is right he said he's my place of safety God is your place of safety his presence is your place of safety he is my god and I trust him say out loud God is my god and I trust him now watch this for he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease I need to know if I got any believers in the house I need to know if I got some believers in the house who will believe that God is your refuge and God will rescue you from every trap and he will protect you I said he will protect you I said he will protect you I said he will protect you from deadly disease God is my protection I said God is my protection I said God is my protection so you can meditate out any time fear come to your mind you can just God is my protection God is my protection he delivers me from the traps of the enemy you go preaching that the devil said listen I don't know what you trying to do with this fear but I need to let you know that I know that God is my protection he's my protection from all six it just sent the devil first time trying to kill you what time does he he tried to kill you with bird flu tried to kill you with Ebola now trying to could could kill you with another strand of something up now No God is my refuge it's in him I trust I can hear something a little smart worldly person well that that's that's not wisdom to do that that's that's that church stuff no no no you don't understand we don't do Church no more we're world changes we this is we live this way we walk this way there's so much jump that goes on the devil try to do with us we got to trust God on the daily you understand what I'm saying I mean I'm keeping it 100 I gotta trust him all the time I don't know what's gonna happen I don't know when it's gonna happen I don't know what keep trying - what are you trying to plot to destroy me but I do know that God is my protection and if I didn't know that I'd be walking in fear all the time that's what I meditate on there's a battle for your mind that's what I that's what I got up here God's my protection amen verse 4 he will cover you with his feathers he will shelter you with his wings his faithful promises are your armor ha ha ha oh excuse me did you see that his faithful promises are your armor and protection I'm telling you getting the word his promises are your armor that's what he talking about put on the whole armour of God he's talking about the Word of God some of y'all need to pause before you put your physical clothes on and make sure you got these clothes on put on your protection praise God put on the Word of God put on your armor of the Word of God go back go back baby verse 4 I ain't finished that I milk that thing a little bit more he will cover you with his feathers he'll shelter with his wing his faithful promises his promises are you can depend on him I can but see what what are my other options either either either either clothe myself in the armor and the protection of his word or open myself up to fear I'm not I'm not doing that I walk around to him in it and give him a cube the devil access into my life some people are so scared they just won't come out the house ain't coming ain't come that house they walk around like this they've this far from me don't touch me get away you're my space you're in my space and I'm not making fun at anybody who believes there cuz that's this they don't know God so that's their subject they got to do something I'm not I'm not even talking to them I'm talking to you who know him you who have a covenant with him you who have who have seen him deliver you time after time at the tuck I'm talking to you I can't tell you the traveling around the world the stuff that I've been around and I had I had to trust God I had to trust God at you I had to trust Godwin several years ago the FBI had to go to my meeting because they were having death threats and people were describing how they were gonna kill me I can't let that fear get in me don't every time I get up on the pulpit I'm looking around imagine me doing that heaven as we come up reaching in fear you know the Bible say once I read it for me I gotta trust God I got just uh I know there things out there I know the dangers out there but in the middle of all that I choose him the Popo ain't gonna be there to protect me they just show up to clean up I choose him I choose him if you want to be really honest every day there's a risk for something happening to you this is a risk you could walk outside yeah it doesn't risk you could be in the line of fire there's a there's all kinds of dangers toils and snares every day but you've chosen to trust the only one that can keep his word the government can't keep their word they don't know all what's going on I mean cause one of the things I'm concerned about right now is the fact that and listen I'm not playing politics now or I'm not I'm not trying to be politically correct but as soon as you close the schools I thought about some of those schools over close some of those kids depend on that that lunch for the only meal they get so what I'm thinking about is now I got to figure out how to feed all them kids since I gonna get that meal some think I got to feed them and about thought about that with you closes they could get hungry so I got what we gonna do we got to find that what the families that depend on that meal I got to feed them I don't know when they go open them up I gotta feed them so somebody got to trust God to be able to go out and minister to those people where everybody in fear somebody got to step in the battle where the fear is and say yeah I know it's around me but don't worry about me I trust in the Lord you do whatever you got to do but I got I got to feed the babies I can't I can't go nowhere and wait to some disappear I got to go I got to go help folks so I got to trust God and I rather trust God would you lift your hands up just worship me just for a minute just worship Him just for a minute just worship him just for a minute a minute about 30 more seconds just worshipping just talk to him tell him how awesome he is tell him how great he is just worship Him in the place you're cool calabasa thank you Jesus verse 5 says do not be afraid of the terrors of the night don't be afraid of the arrows that flies in the day do not dread the diseases that stalk in darkness do not dread the disaster that strikes at midday years ago I was in a country and they had almost 20,000 people there and over half of those people were demon-possessed I don't know if you understand what I'm saying I am standing up and over half of the people are not oppressed they are demon possessed I'm like Lord you got to help me cuz they're doing all kinds of stuff making all kinds of sounds one one one lady got up and she started running towards me and then she ran into a wall and fell I got up and went back tried to do it again and fell out in somebody sounded like a hyena over here and I'm like I ain't got no choice you know you always have a choice but when you eliminate all of the options I got trust God today I got trust God today you sent me here so I got trust God today and I knew I had authority over demons and devils she's shocked how about some of y'all ain't never seen a devil cast out but believe me when you know who you are they got to come out when you speak and you got to be doing all their Hollywood stuff what's your name how many of y'all in there and all that and got tamp all over that come out I can tell you the number of times that fear not it's trying to become a part when I said in that office and the doctor said you have cancer that fear was knocking it was knocking oh we got you now yeah preacher man we got you right now knocking and then I thought Jesus went into villages before people were even saved and healed everybody in the village Here I am morning in and got the Holy Ghost ain't no way in the world that are all in folks gonna get healed and don't even know him and I know him and I know I ain't scared no more he got to hear me in fact he's already healed me you need to have some flashbacks of what he's already done and if he didn't let you down there when fear was nothing to know afraid your life's gonna be turned on do you you always had this opportunity to answer the door when fear not and you didn't so that what makes this what makes this different what makes a difference is the concentration of it being blasted every 24 hours half-cocked facts kinda like in Georgia when it snows it ain't but a little bitty inch grocery stores empty out everything and then when you actually really get out there it ain't nothing like how what they say it works who you getting your news from I'm tuned in to wor D look at verse seven though a thousand fall at your side though ten thousand are dying around you these evils will not touch you hey y'all are y'all looking at this this is a wake up call are you listening for say just open your eyes and see how the wicked are punished name call them people who want through stuff wicked I don't know you like that I don't know you like that but if you make the Lord your refuge and if you make the most high your shelter I don't know who you all don't know how I will get you out of but if you make the Lord your refuse and he make him your shelter then no evil will conquer you and no plague will come near Johan give it a law says he I don't know yet but if you make me if you make me your refuge in your shelter none of this stuff will touch you either he's trying to give her invitation come on and go with me to my father's house to my father's house there's peace in my father's house their joy and deliverance in my father's house all are welcome come come come well he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go how many believe God has ordered his angels to protect you wherever you go wherever you go I'm protected wherever I go I'm protected you're going to New York this weekend why not wherever I go I'll protect it praise the Lord I'm protected when I go to public sun-protective wherever I go unprotected uh-huh wish you would get on me you'll die instantly kappa i'm protected wherever i go and i don't know about that well see that's what I'm saying you were invited to it but you got to decide if you're gonna believe like we believe they will hold you up with their hands so you won't even hurt your foot on a stone you will trample upon limes and cobras you will crush fierce lines and serpents under your feet the Lord says I will rescue those who love me I will protect those who trust in my name when they call on me I will answer I will be with them in trouble I will rescue and honor them I will reward them with a long life and I'll give them my salvation Wow I'll reward them with long life and now give them my salvation these are the promises of the Lord this is what God promised to all of us and we cannot get trapped into this other stuff now here's what's got to happen you've got to get your mouth involved I said when you fighting fear you got to get your mouth involved look at psalms 107 verse 2 you got to get your mouth involved you're redeemed you're sanctified you're righteous but you can't be a silent Christian Psalms 107 verse 2 says let the redeemed of the Lord what say so now first of all the first thing you ought to say is I'm redeemed I'm redeemed from sickness and disease I'm redeemed from trouble I'm redeemed whom he has redeemed from the hand of the enemy I'm redeemed you got to declare that said out loud I'm redeemed from fear I'm redeemed from sickness I'm redeemed from all of the hand of the enemy I'm redeemed I'm the redeemed look at Psalms 103 and 20 I'm redeemed I'm the redeemed praise God I'm gonna redeem him phrase do y'all get what I'm saying that stuff getting your head you go to walking around the house and turn that thing off and start quoting these scriptures oh my goodness and you start getting full of this stuff day after day after day bless the Lord you his angels that excel in strength that do His commandments they hearken unto the voice of his word give voice to the Word of God look at John 14 and 1 this is good I'm weary decided to amplify John 14 and 1 out of the amplified it mentions something here about agitation I believe and you know trouble can be agitating different circumstances and situations can be agitating and he says do not let your hearts be troubled distressed or agitated you believe in you believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely on God leave in it here too and trust in and rely also on me so this is such an encouraging word for me that I'm not gonna let these things get in my heart because I believe in God and this thing should not just be applied during times of ease and tranquility but it is something we must remember when bad things seem to be happening all around us all over the world events of devastating magnitude are taking place however we cannot allow fear to govern our lives we've been given power love and a sound mind instead of the spirit of fear when we know our rights as believers and we put absolute faith and trust in the Word of God we can live a peaceful fearless life in the midst of a dangerous world our lives have been redeemed from destruction believe it receive it speak it God is faithful and will fulfill his promises you get anything out of that the night [Music] [Applause] all of the worry all that stuff that it's been attacking you you now this I hope this was a wake-up call I hope it I hope I hope you heard it like this wake up wake up don't forget who you are wake up don't forget who you are all as well we pray against this virus and we command it to stop and in the name of Jesus we come against all of the plans of the devil and we command him to stop we are the redeemed of the Lord whatever we say it's so when we declare a thing when we decree a thing it shall come to pass so we called all this stuff to end and to stop and to be gone and may Jesus get the glory and the honor and the praise I wanna I want to I want to do one other thing here there's something that's so important for us as far as knowing that we have power to plead the blood of Jesus amen I say we have power to plead the blood of Jesus and I want to declare that it's alright over your life I want you to say this out loud with me ready I cover my mind and thoughts with the blood of Jesus I cover my doorpost and possessions with the blood of Jesus I overcome the devil through the blood of Jesus I am made perfect through the blood of the everlasting company I have boldness to enter into the presence of God through the blood I have redemption through the blood of Jesus and I am redeemed from the power of evil I rebuke all spirits of torment and fear because I have peace through the blood of Jesus I receive healing and health through the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus bears witness to my deliverance and salvation the blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin Jesus resisted unto blood and his blood gives me victory therefore I rebuke Satan the accuser of the Brethren and I do it through the blood of Jesus all that I have declared is true and shall surely come to pass in Jesus name come on rejoice and be glad rejoice and be glad hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let's prepare our offerings and let's worship God let's remember what he's already done walk out of here with the boldness of a lion you walk out of here trusting God enjoy those of you who joined us on their on the stream tonight you be encouraged you spread this word take this message and send it to ten people sent it until it's all over the country all over the world so that they can hear that we have someone that we can trust and that we don't have to be subject to fear Amen I'm a sign in our church that right now get it out everywhere praise God I'll preach the same thing tomorrow in Atlanta that guy might just keep on preaching this praise God you don't buy the book then I'm going to just preach out of it you should you've been out for a long time I'm so you didn't buy it so now I'm preaching on it so you're gonna get it one way or there as we prepare to worship God give him pray men I couldn't wait to get her tonight I'm just I'm telling you I've been I've been looking forward to this all day long man tonight for me was just like you know taking the devil and putting them in on wrestling number two now watch this let's sniff your hands up with your offering in let's worship God father we are we are bringing to you our gifts we are worshiping you O God and bring into you this gift from the creation to the Creator there's none like you you are our choice you will always be our choice we will choose you always bless the Lord O my soul we choose you always thank you Lord for everything that you've done everything that you're doing everything you'll continue to do worship you in this place we worship you in this place we worship you in this place the mighty name of Jesus we pray everybody said amen let's just go ahead and receive these gifts as we give them to the Lord tonight father we bless you amen in Jesus name in Jesus name oh yes amen oh yes amen oh yes amen hey pastor where some I'm gonna let you get whatever you want to clean it up brother don't you you know the baseball they're coming to clean up cleaning it up brother with life changing missus life-changing message feed it feed it in you over and over this is not a one-time message you know eat it tomorrow keep feeding in it feeding in it the fear is coming out it's 24/7 so keep the word coming at you more keep the word coming at you more if you start feeling a little weak in some areas man feed that word back in you and you watch that strength come back up you watch courage rise up every time you put the word and let me tell you fear will not have any way of getting in you all right so man let's do an altar call let's respond to what we just heard in the form of an altar call if you have never made Jesus Lord of your life that is the anchor the security and the love that that drives all fear out of you the source is all with Jesus if you don't have Jesus in your life you are your I've been back and forth being tossed around back and forth by everything that comes by by every blow of wind and you got nothing to read it but man when you got Jesus as Lord of your life that is the anchor for your soul that is the anchor that is puts you in a position to resist fear because of the grace of God that's in you and the love of God in you this pastor was talking about tonight it cast out all fear well that love showed up in the form of Jesus so I encourage you if you have never made Jesus Lord of your life what I ask you to do right now in this moment is to grab your person belongings get up out of your seat and meet me right here at this altar right now we'll take Tom for you wait for you man those two non-line if you have never done that all as simple as this Jesus I'll make you Lord in my life I believe in the forgiveness and sacrifice that you made for me I received a cleansing from sin and I thank you that now forever because I believe in you I and the father are tied together and you seal your fate in heaven so that's Yuta and I want you to grab your personal belongings and come right down here to this altar my second offer if you want to be filled with the spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues it is a powerful grace gift man it charges be inside of you charging you and keeping you in that place of peace and of love and cause you to resist fear if you need to do that come on down my third and final offer is God is calling you to become a member of this church a member of this body man church family church community is so powerful with your walk with God there's no such thing as a perfect Church no not at all yeah praise God come on amen [Applause] amen praise God enemies a loser every time fears a loser every time praise God but if you believe God is calling you to join this church man when you connect to where God has placed you wherever that is but if it's here you just watch things open up in your life not everything's perfect there's no such thing as a perfect Church but man we are growing in this revelation of Jesus we're adjusting to it we're growing in our ability to love one another and we're constantly learning and growing in our relationship with God man so if you want to come a part of that we welcome you just as you are whatever background you got it doesn't matter all are welcome in this house so Carnation here's why I need your part I need to stand your feet at this time check who your neighbor for those three things you can politely ask them and if they need help coming down from one of those three things bring them down this altar and this altar is open to you poor life here for blessings Jesus you don't owe me anything [Music] [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] come Gatien aren't you excited and celebrate those who respond to this altar call praise Jesus alright let's stretch our hands we're gonna pray over them right now father I thank you for the impact that you were doing in the lives of everyone that responded to this altar call I think they are impacted by your love your grace your blessing and your plan that you have divinely orchestrated for their life I think if they see the the fulfilling of it all and they will never be the same from this moment on in Jesus name we pray amen what we're gonna have you do we're gonna have one of our prayer counselors take you the back explain things to you so you can understand what you came down for receive it maintain it and experience the fullness of it but we say congratulations we celebrate with you and you can follow this young lady to your left praise God
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 143,594
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: Q8fwr9D-tyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 50sec (4190 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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