Breaking Into Heavy Duty Abandoned Bank Safe With Torch - I Can't Believe How Much Money Was Inside!

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there we go we're in it hey what's up guys so today we're gonna be doing something pretty cool we're gonna be breaking into this super heavy-duty abandoned Bank safe and seeing what's inside so right now we're actually at the same Bank where we found that ATM this is the drive-thru portion I'm not gonna spoil that video but we scored big-time with that one guys and if we could find that much money inside the ATM I'm super excited to see what you find inside this safe it looks like someone already tried to break into the safe the dials missing but that actually makes me even more excited because if they tried to break this open maybe there's something inside that they were after and really quick I gotta say this because there's always someone who thinks we're just going into random buildings and stealing stuff this is our job guys we're demolition contractors we're being paid to destroy this bank and whatever they left behind is pretty much fair game for us this one's gonna be a little bit different instead of using the grinder we're gonna use a torch this is a cash safe there's no funnier proofing this really thick steel so we're gonna have to come to me with your torch okay we just did a test cut to make sure we'd cut and cut like butter let's get going here we should be able to knock this piece out with a sledgehammer off [Music] there we go we're not firing me that's not good you grab the light yeah hopefully we just burn all the money inside oh there's money you change your app I hope we didn't burn any bills this is Jesus I can see a key in there there's two metal boxes a lock well hopefully we didn't just burn up a bunch of money guys that would suck but we're gonna see what we could salvage out of here where should we grab first we got to be super careful doing this grab the change I guess that roll survived ones that quarters nickels how much is that like few bucks up there just boom there was probably a few rolls in there that got burned up be careful with that just put it out oh I could see coins in there look at that yeah see I think bunch of pennies wonder if they're old is there anything in there Turner do that hopefully survive whatever it is to break into that lady oh I hear money sounds like James so we found these two tiny lock boxes that are still locked and it sounds like there's stuff inside of them we're gonna break those open in a minute but let's check the rest of the ciphers you can see a bunch of change still a lot of nickels it's a pretty big lock right thing and then a few key you see those is there anything buried in here to have to touch those alright we'll wait on that but these are pretty exciting we have you that definitely sounds like James this one's a lot lighter but you can hear something in there I think I'm not sure if that's paper or what but there's stuff inside of these hopefully whatever's in there didn't get too burned I mean these are pretty heavy-duty though the boxes should have protected it hopefully at least yeah alright let's crack her open damn look at that this stayed pretty protected not too bad it's like 20 or so bucks right I mean that's over $1 so easily 20 bucks in this suite will take quarters all day box number two ready I'm ready oh my god did ya see on some of these they almost see ya holy crap they still freaking warm too up at the top here oh my god oh we got so freakin lucky are these all ones oh those are the 50s and 20s holy [ __ ] any hundreds god damn we got so freakin lucky look these have like little burn marks at home oho at least it was a one on the top they were yeah but if this would have lit a private a burn I mean this is still up this is still usable right like some of these got burned pretty bad yeah we got so lucky dude you seem no longer are these old they seemed pretty old 200 right so 300 450 s I think he let's cut it up really quick that's 100 200 300 400 450 just in the 50s that's 500 Dane sir you're on the compare ly reading more ones that I want but it's money how many 20s do we get [Music] I just had a pile of 50s I think that's 80 bucks oh is that another 50 I don't even know there's just so much money flying around holy crap dude it's like a hundred and 20s yeah we got so freakin lucky though dude it did definitely look at that well if it wasn't that if it wasn't in that box there is no way any of this would have survived yeah maybe there was like even more though we don't know but guys I'm just happy with what we got here look at all this money so we're gonna go ahead and count up all the money but what I want you guys to do right now is go down to the continents and take a guess on how much money you think's here I'm gonna say we got about 700 bucks considering we found at least 500 just in the 50s what do you think 42 6 42 pretty specific let's start counting 500 700 the ones are gonna put us over aren't they it's a lot of ones man and that's 700 oh there's another 50 so what's that 750 yeah maybe 800 770 come on let's get to eight hundred seven eighty seven ninety yeah we definitely got over 800 damn 800 bucks guys a 10-8 21 damn guys look at that this is by far the most money we have ever found inside any abandoned place not only did we just find over $800 but we also found like $700 in an abandoned ATM from here so in total that's 1,500 bucks do you guys want to see us break into more abandoned safes make sure you leave a like and subscribe also on my second channel demolition crew I'm gonna be breaking into a huge abandoned safe so I'll leave a link for that channel in the description subscribe so you don't miss that and that's about it we'll see you in the next one squat out
Channel: Abandoned Exploration Squad
Views: 590,337
Rating: 4.8060331 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned safe, abandoned bank, abandoned bank safe, abandoned bank vault, breaking into abandoned safe, abandoned safe opened, whats inside the abandoned safe, breaking into safe with torch, breaking into safe with plasma cutter, found money in abandoned safe, found money in abandoned bank, money found in abandoned bank safe, abandoned bank with money, abandoned bank vault found money, found money, abandoned exploration squad, abandoned exploration squad bank vault
Id: YlJZbbdCUXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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