BREAKFAST Recipe Relay Challenge | Pass It On S1 E9 | SORTEDfood

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- [Janice] We are Sorted, a group of mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (laughs) We've got chefs, we've got normals (bleep) and a whole world of stuff for you to explore but everything we do starts with you. (upbeat, energetic music) - Hello, everyone, I'm Mike, this is Ben. - And I'm gonna be honest but the results of this one, mixed feeling. - Oh, yeah. - I don't know. - Oh, I hate this. - This might be really stupid. - But I'm liking this, I'm confident. (percussion beats) - These are so backwards because we try so hard. - So, what you're saying is if we try less hard-- - I don't know anymore! - Could it be better? - Okay, Janice, what's our theme? - [Janice] In celebration of the launch of our new book "A.M Menu", today's theme is breakfast. - I'm feeling confident. - [All] Course you are! - You've already had your breakfast! Breakfast, something you can throw together in ten, fifteen minutes before you leave the door. We got fifty minutes to do this. - We made cookies last time. - What could possibly go wrong? (laughs) - Janice, what's the order? - [Janice] The community suggested order is most to least facial hair. (laughs) - You're welcome. - Oh, we are not welcome, you're going first! - Mate, if he goes first, it means we got time to recover. (laughs) - Cheers! - Cheers! (glasses clinking) - [Janice] One at a time, the boys have ten minutes to cook and add to a final dish. The remaining team will have no idea what's happening behind them until it is their turn. - Here's my thinking: no one's expecting me to go for something sweet. I'm not gonna do that. People are probably expecting me to go for a full English breakfast, and if you look at the ingredients I've picked up from the table, I'm basically going for a full English breakfast. (smacks) What I'm thinking is we add a twist to it. Why don't we go for a full English tortilla. Everything you'd expect from a full English breakfast but in a classy omelet-style dish. And I think it's particularly original and I've got no idea what's gonna happen for fifty minutes but it sounds like a great idea. Let's get started! I'm gonna start by slicing some sausages and some bacon. Getting them frying off in a pan. That's not hot yet. I'm going to slice up some mushrooms, crack some eggs into a bowl, and hopefully that'll give the guys some idea what I'm thinking. I can't decide if that's a really silly thing to do. Oh no. Oh no. Salt, pep, pep, pep. Pan, tortilla pan. Right, under a minute left. (buzzer) What would I give myself out of ten? I feel like I've provided a solid base. There hasn't been much panic. I'm gonna go for 8.27. 8.27 out of 10. - You're welcome. (buzzer) - Hello, Jamie. Is he making a full English breakfast? He can't be making a full English breakfast. That's not very inventive. What's he doing? I'm trying to think of how to make this more ambitious. Let's go and get some ingredients. Okay, okay, okay. I wanna make a French dip breakfast sandwich. So I'm gonna make a gravy and then have a sandwich that you dip into that. I don't know how to communicate that down the line and it could be a problem but we're just gonna go for it. Fry the mushrooms off in the sausage fat. So I've got some chicken stock. I'm gonna reduce it down with some beans and some maple syrup. So it's a maple. We still want it to be savory so a bit of salt. Oh, it's Barry. It's Barry next. He's not gonna understand. Mike might of understood. I don't know if Barry's gonna understand. I'm definitely just gonna get full English breakfast. This is gonna end with a full English breakfast, no doubt. I'm trying to think of how to communicate this idea to people. So I'm just gonna put a few bits of sausage on some bread. Hopefully they get that it's a sandwich. Ketchup and brown sauce. It's gonna be sweet and salty. (buzzer) I had an idea; it's probably not gonna translate so I'm gonna give myself a five out of ten. (buzzer) - Okay, what's going on? What the? Nothing in the oven, nothing in the oven. So, wait a minute, well they pass on breakfast and this is as inventive as we can get. A full English breakfast or, even worse, a sausage sandwich. I've gotta shake this up somehow. I'm pretty sure Jamie came in here going breakfast. There's only one breakfast out there, a full English breakfast. That's all he knows. So he just started that but I thought James might take it in a bit more of an extreme direction. All I can do is go about creating another element to this dish. I think we can create something all in that one dish. So the bacons, the sausage. So obvious, it's so obvious to me. Something like this on top might be quite nice to freshen up 'cause it's quite indulgent in the moment. You could fry off some bit of bread. I might do that in the bacon fat. Yeah, that's what I'll do as well, is fry the bacon fat. While they're frying off, I'm gonna make smashed avocado with a bit of chile and a bit of lime in there as well. You know what, I'm liking this. I'm confident. (buzzer) Oh no, I'm done. Oh no. Everything out in front now to say this could be compiled into some sort of egg-y, omelet-y mix. It's not a full English anymore. It's something a bit more experimental. Give myself a five. Give myself 5.5. 5.5. Better than average. (buzzer) - Okay, I don't know what that is. It's for juicing, whatever it is but it's really watery. Oh, I hate this. I hate going here! I hate going here! I hate going fourth because there's so much responsibility and I don't know what to do. It's like a glorified full English with scrambled eggs. It's got to be more than that. What am I missing? The breakfast book that's coming out, A.M., made some spectacular espresso martinis so that's what I'm gonna make. First thing I'm gonna do is chill these glasses. (espresso machine grinding) 100 grams of sugar into a hot pan. It's gonna bubble down; the sugar's gonna dissolve. Then we're gonna have a lovely little syrup. I don't know where our cocktail making set is so I'm going to have to improvise. - [Narrator] 5 minutes later. - I can't find the cocktail making set so I'm improvising. This is a kilner jar that once housed a make-your-own butter making kit that we reviewed and it was terrible and pretentious ingredients. If you wanna watch that, you should watch it, but I'm gonna do some shaking in this and then use a sift to strain it. Come on! Obey me! (mumbles) Here we go. Right, I need to tell Ben to check the fridge. I don't know how to do that, so I'm gonna use toast to point an arrow to the fridge. So I'm hoping that he'll see that he needs to go there and get the chilled martini glasses out of the fridge. Gonna spell out fridge in beans. No I'm not, it's taking too long. He's got some beans, he's got all of this. He can do stuff with this because he's a chef. (buzzer) My time is up. I don't know what I did there. I will give myself a four and that four is because that is gonna be fun to drink. - Are we safe? - We're never safe. (buzzer) - What is that? Sugar, syrup. I know. No, I don't know. How do we make all of this into one thing? (upbeat rock music) (sighs) Do I combine this with egg, which I'm guessing is what that is planned to do or do I combine it with bread and make a sandwich? I think I'm going for the egg option. Okay, I'm gonna make a very, very quick omelet, some great egg dishes but I always use a go-to omelet when I look at a bunch of ingredients in the fridge and go, "I don't know what to make." That's kinda what's happened here. I think we're thinking cocktail as well because I don't understand why else there'd be ice and espresso. (upbeat rock music) One. Two. Now I realize what that sugar syrup's for. That doesn't fit. Okay, here's the thing. I went to get an espresso martini glass and the box is there but no glasses. Somebody has thought this through and pre-chilled them. Yes! Okay, omelet time. Butter in a pan, just at the point the butter is foaming... in with the eggs. Slowly bring it into the middle. So we got mushrooms in this omelet, we got sausage in the omelet, we got bacon in the omelet, we got cheese. Some chives. So the only thing I can do with these gorgeous sticky beans is put them in here. It's an everything omelet. You want your omelet still a little bit runny on top, 'cause it's gonna carry on cooking, we're gonna fold over the half, fold the final turn out onto the plate. We're gonna finish it with what I presume is Barry's contribution. Couple (mumbles) of chile. (buzzer) (sighs) Rating out of ten. I came in and it looked like a buffet of breakfast ingredients. All I did was combine it with a nice omelet and shake what Mike had done. Seven and a half. (laughs) - You actually, you've got sweat on. Sorry, I felt like you've-- (laughs) - I feel like it was a lot in the last couple of minutes. - First things first. - Yeah, it wouldn't fit under the cloche. (laughs) So it was a half surprise and this is the surprise. Pass it on. Breakfast! - Yup, yup. - Okay. - Five people to make an omelet. (laughs) - Five people and fifty minutes. - Okay, well. - Great effort, guys. (applause) - That's actually exactly what I thought would come out of this. - Okay. - When I came into the kitchen, that's what I thought would come out. - I didn't want to shock anyone. (laughs) - You opened it out by forcing us down the full English breakfast route. - That wasn't opening it up. - Did you read the book? The book is full of some of the most amazing breakfast things ever and you went down full English. - What I love about the breakfast book is how global it is and it celebrates breakfast from all over the world. (laughs) (smacks) Full English. So don't get me wrong. I would be super happy if I was served an omelet with all those bits in. I just feel like if we passed it on we probably could of done better. - Yeah. - It feels like there was forty minutes after me that could of taking in any-- - Stop trying to act like the hero in this. You made bacon and sausages. - Which could of gone in any direction. - He made beans. - Just think about how-- - I made the bacon. - He put a glass in the fridge. - Are there more of these? - No, Ben's wearing the rest of it. (laughs) - That is decent. - That's already the best thing on the table. (mellow music) - This is actually delicious. - This is one of those results that tastes great and I would be super happy if it was served. I just think we all thought it could've been more eclectic. - Should of been. - Those beans are worldly, mate. - Those beans are really, actually the best thing there. - Definitely. Well, you know what, it all came from your idea. - Right, this is what I've been saying. - I'm not sure that that's the case. (laughs) - We are tens. - We are. We are tens. - Oh, speaking of which, what did you rate yourselves then? - 5.5. - You always over rate yourself. (laughs) - All of that together is why I gave myself an eight. Point two seven. - Whoa! You gave yourself an eight? - You gave yourself an eight? - 8.27. - You-- - Why two seven? - You have a severe case of Barrytitis syndrome. (laughs) James, what did you rate yourself? - A five. - I gave myself a four. - Oh. - I never really contribute to these much so why start now. - I think I gave myself a seven. - Barr's, pass or fail? - It's a disappointing pass. - C minus. Yeah, I think we've passed but we shouldn't be proud of it. - Yup. - Like an accidental pass. - I agree. - I think it's the lowest form of a pass possible. - I think it is a delicious, shameful pass. - Right, well, let's not clap this 'cause we don't deserve it and I know you really want to, (laughs) but just for clarity the way that we've rated ourselves are first, second, third, fourth, fifth. Over to you, do you agree? If not, re-position us and we'll have a look at them and see if we agree. - I love watching these back. - Right, you know how this works. Put us in order, worst to best. Let us know your feelings. - And big announcement, our brand new cook book, "A.M Menu", it's here. - Yes, all you club members, it's available to you and if you're not a club member, you can still get it by signing up to the club. - Simples. - All of the details are down below. Go and find out about it but we're out of dad's. - We're fatherless. - So has Jamie sent you one? - I'm going to deliver it. Here goes. - Okay. - Indian take away, 20 quid, delivery charge, 2 quid, unpacking it to find they've forgotten something, riceless. (laughs) - That's dreadful, mate. - You say dreadful but I-- - But I am laughing. - Well, there we go. - [Mike] I'm laughing. (laughs) - [Janice] As we mentioned we don't just make top quality YouTube videos. We've built a Sorted Club, where we use the best things we've learnt to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching and we'll see you in a few days. (beep) - As always, you can pass it on, at least you're not Barry.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,451,033
Rating: 4.9644265 out of 5
Keywords: breakfast, full english breakfast, breakfast sandwich, omelette, french dip sandwich, bacon, sausage, egg, tomatoes, mushroom, breakfast recipe, what to cook for breakfast, best breakfast, full english, best full english, how to cook a full english breakfast, brekkie, sorted food breakfast, recipe challenge, cooking challenge, pass it on, pass it on breakfast, pass it on challenge, recipe relay, funny video, cooking battle, english breakfast, recipe relay challenge
Id: vbtPtgzpBqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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