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(upbeat music) - [Narrator] We are Sorted, a group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food, from cooking battles to gadget reviews. - Man, it's not worth it. - [Narrator] And cookbook challenges to a mid-week meal packs app. - Crack your eggs, bake. - [Narrator] We uncover the tools that'll help us all cook and eat smarter. Join our community, where everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) (dramatic music) - Hello everybody. Now, today, we are challenging James and Jamie to go head to head in an ultimate fry up battle. - But this isn't any fry-up battle. We're giving them a budget. We've got Jamie, the normal. He has £15 pounds of budget. Whereas James, the chef, has a mere £2.50. - But you can alternate. - I can't wait until you beat me on two pound, fifty. - We're going to give them a 45 minute time limit. - But first they've got to purchase some ingredients. Haven't they, Barry? - They have. - Hello, Jamie and welcome to Barry's Deli. - Hello Barry. - We have a selection of high-end ingredients sourced from bakeries, butchers, and the market, as well as some basic ingredients sourced from the supermarket. Jamie for your £15 budget, what can I get you? - Meat, two Cumberland sausages, two rashes of poached bacon, one slice of, sorry, no. (upbeat music) Let's go for the Cep mushrooms. I've never used them before, never heard of them before, but they're really expensive, so they must be good. - James, welcome, what can I get you? Your budget is two pounds 50. - Okay. I'm gonna start with sausages. Two basic sausages. - I can do that for you. - I'll have a potato. (bright ambient music) - Two pound 43, you have seven P left. - How did I get up so fast? I'll have a slice of white bread. - [Barry] Just one? - [James] Just one. I'm just thinking maybe that black pudding is actually better quality than the sausage. Let's take the sausage out, that's minus five 25 P. - So your total comes to two pound, 49 pence. - That's it. I'm out. - Well, have a lovely battle. - Okay, boys, you've got 45 minutes starting in three, two, one, cook. - So here's my thought process. I've got a load of really good ingredients. There's probably not much that I want to add to them. I just want to cook them really well. And for me, that's going to be a struggle, anyway. - Now, usually I would start full English by maybe getting some meats on, but since Jamie had the good grater, I thought I'd start with this. - Give me my grater back. I got that greater specifically. One of my favorite parts of a full English is a hash brown. And I want to see if I can make one. I don't know if I've ever successfully made really great hash browns before. So I'm going to see if I can give it a go. I've peeled and grated a potato. I then put that into a tea towel and squeezed out as much liquid as possible. In the meantime, I've diced an onion. I'm frying that in some butter to soften it all up. Combine the two into a ring cutter, fry for five minutes on each side, and then into an oven. - Bell rings are unnecessary. They look better if they've got a little, few crispy bits and stuff going on. This is why I like watching James do what he does. - Because no normal is making a hash brown in a budget. - It's important to point out that as well as the delicious purchase they've got from Barry's deli, they also have access to a, what's it called? - Store cupboard. - Store cupboard, or pantry. - We've given them basic store cupboard ingredients that they can also use. - So the first thing I've done is get my hash browns and some onions frying up. Going to get those a little bit golden. I'm now using the other half of my onion to the little bit of brown sugar. And I'm going to enhance the baked beans, I guess. - If the chef's version can actually beat a normal's expensive version, it'll be spectacular. - Yeah. - This sausage looks bad, doesn't it? I'm just making sure that the sausage is really coated in oils so it doesn't have uneven browning. - If you screw this sausage up, this is your only sausage. - So I'd usually cook the bacon in the oven. I'm going to cook the black pudding, the bacon and the sausage in the same pan. So the sausage, maybe take some, a little bit, of the smokiness of the bacon. I think it will help. And then they all go on a tray and the beauty about a full English is that you can cook everything, put it on a tray, and then reheat everything. - Sausages need to go into to the frying pan for sort of roughly five minutes each side. Then they can go into the oven to heat through. Black pudding can also go into the frying pan three to five minutes, each side. Then that can go into an oven just to keep warm. I'm putting bacon in the oven to cook through. I've just rubbed some oil over it. I'm hoping that's going to help it crisp up. - The onions are looking brown after about five minutes, which is what I wanted. - Woo hoo, yeah, that's cooking. That's good, right? What you want? - I'm okay. - Thank you. - That niceness really threw me off. - Yeah. - Let me tell you how I'm going to pimp my baked beans. I'm going to add in flavor, Dijon mustard, red wine vinegar. It's just going to take the baked beans to a different place. - Mustard? - Mustard in baked beans? (upbeat music) - James, as a chef on such a tight budget with such basic ingredients, what's your thought process of how you elevate this? - I'm just trying to cook everything really well. I decided to go try and do everything that I would expect on a full English. I know that maybe there's going to be a little bit of like, oh, he's cheating using store cupboard ingredients, so I'll try to use as little as possible. - Boys, you have 28 minutes remaining. - So I've just added the fat from my bacon and sausage into the base of my baked beans, which is onions and garlic now. I've got some smoked paprika and balsamic vinegar to chuck in with a little bit, a few chili flakes, just to kind of add a little bit of interest. We're just trying to get the idea of home cooked, baked beans into tinned baked beans. Not that there's anything wrong with tinned baked beans, as I'm sure you're thinking right now. - Hello, Mark here. Again. Sorry, we've just paused the video to ask you to subscribe and hit the bell. You won't regret it. Promise and it really does make a difference. So thank you. Back to the video. - I am slicing up mushroom stalks right now. Mushroom stalks are a little bit woody, I find, if you actually cook them as fried mushrooms. So what I can do is cut them really, really, really finely and put them through my beans to cook really slowly, add a bunch of flavor. We're just going to go in with the onions. - Now, easy game-changer. - The hash browns, I fried off some onions. I grated the potatoes. They all went into a bowl with some butter, mix it all around and then it just got into a hot pan with some oil and butter and splitting them off. - My mushrooms, I've got a selection of different types of mushrooms. I've got some shiitake, I've got some oyster mushrooms. I've also got something that I've never heard of, which were called Cep mushrooms. I'm going to cook them how I usually would, which is tons of butter, salt, pepper, sauteed. Add a little bit of flavor probably from some thyme. - Did you wash those mushrooms? - I did not wash these. Why would I have washed my mushrooms? - Oh, Cep mushrooms you have to be very diligent with, which are known for liking dirt in them and worms and stuff like that. Not that I want to put you off when you're eating his mushrooms. - Uh, you say dirt and worms. I just hear flavor. - Why are you boiling them instead of frying them? - You've got five pounds worth of mushrooms in that pan. - Player. - The only depressing thing about this is that it smells like the weekend, but it's Wednesday. Oh James, that looks great. - It's looking pretty good. I'm having a change of, whose spoon is this? - I don't think that's mine. - I'm having a change of heart, actually. My snacking bacon, I'm going to put to good use. I'm gonna put it in my baked beans. (upbeat music) How much longer have we got? - You have 14 and a half minutes remaining. - Oh wow, okay, cool. Right, they're done. - Tomato's got to keep simple. I'm going to fry them rather than roast them. Because again, like I got to use all that flavor that I've got from the, from the meat in everywhere, I think. And then just salt and pepper. - So I've got some beautiful tomatoes. I don't want to do too much to them, but I am going to add a little bit more flavor just with some garlic rubbed on them, fry them off, get a little bit char on the outside. Then they can heat through in the oven. - I'm not gonna use sea salt, although usually I would. - Soy sauce on the mushrooms? - Since we've got it, I'll just do a little bit of balsamic too. I really want to try one, but everyone that I try, it's one that's on the plate. - That is so true. - Are you happy, Spaf? - I am panicky Spaf. I'm spanicking. - Why? - Because for me, I can cook a full English. It's really, really simple. It's bringing everything together at the same time to serve up that I really struggle with. Fried bread. - Are you doing fried breads? Great shell. Is that why you went for crappy white bread? - Yeah, I don't want to take really nice bread and then turn it into crisps. - I am making fried bread, just like Jamie. - Boys, you have five minutes remaining. - James usually has a technique where he pretty much deep fries his eggs whilst basting them. I may have gone slightly further than that and actually deep fried my eggs. - So we've got about five minutes to go. I've stuck everything into the oven to keep warm and kind of keep cooking a little bit as well. Hopefully I'll have time to just check whether it's good or not. - I hope so too. - James, what's this? Oh my goodness. (intense music) - 30 Seconds left. 10 seconds remaining. 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Step away from your fry-ups. - Boys, one word, how are you feeling? - Satisfied. - I might've caved to the pressure. That's not one word. - I can do that math. (upbeat music) - We're cutting to the chase. James, let's serve this up and eat it. And there we go. - Wow. - Just like that. Cheers. - You worked those baked beans hard. - They are incredible. They taste so smoky. - They do taste really smoky. - And sweet and sticky and meaty. - And spicy. - It's almost playing the same role that you would do a sauce. - Those hash browns are exactly the same as Jamie's. Oh, you don't need to skimp on those. - I think what I love about mushrooms is that some of that soy is charred onto the mushroom and then it just tastes really deliciously soy-y and burning, but in a wonderful way. - I think the black pudding, for the price, you'll get better black pudding than you will sausage. So you want that. - Definitely agree. That entire skillet cost two pounds, 49. The pressure is on for you. - Shall I serve this up? - Yes, please. - Here we are. - Lovely, great jokes. - Baked beans, let me know how they taste. (upbeat music) - Very delicious, very different. James' tasted meatier and smoky and spicy. They taste really tangy. - I daresay, the hash browns are on par. - Well, see, I had a real mixture of mushrooms, including some that I suppose would be really magic and I've never heard of before. - The Cep mushrooms taste like the creamiest thing I've ever eaten, but they did cost three pound, 8, so rather expensive. - Sausage is obviously a better sausage, but I don't know if it's standout. - I'm with you. Like the black pudding tastes better. Does it taste that much better? Would I notice it? Goes without saying the meat just there's a step above, whether it's that much of a step above as a complete dish. I don't know. If we've learned anything from Jamie's dish it's that if you spend a ton on really amazingly sourced and carefully looked after meat, it's going to taste a lot better than you can buy in the supermarket, but I think we already knew that. - Jamie's is a tasty dish. But that, is so close behind. It's actually incredible. - You need the types of techniques that James knows that aren't actually complicated in any way, but just having that knowledge of how to make the most of cheaper ingredients and then spending cash on the things that are important. Like the meat was a standout thing in my mind. I didn't, that's not me. I didn't do anything special to meat. I just cooked it. - I feel like I've, I've taken loads of away from this. It's been great. I'd like to give you both a round of applause cause you didn't noise it up and you got super close. So I don't know if we can crown a winner here, but I feel like, well done. You completed the challenge. Well done, you completed the challenge. Great job. (applause) - I'll take that, I think. - So, if you like us comparing two very different price points and us battling it out, then make sure you like this video. - Yep, two pound 50 versus 15 pounds. Which of those techniques stood out to you and tell us in the comments below what you put in your fry-ups. - I won't take less. You'll be stealing. - Before you go just a quick shout to say thanks to all of you who are using and sending us your thoughts on our packs app. We wanted to create a tool to help you boss your mid-week meals, cut down on food waste, and reduce the cost of your weekly food shop. And you are helping us do just that. So thank you. We want to make this as accessible as possible right now. So if you haven't tried it, you can now for a full month, absolutely free. The link is in the description box below. - And now for the bloopers. - What was the push for? - Oh, that might have been unnecessary.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 777,307
Rating: 4.9619226 out of 5
Keywords: sortedfood, sorted food, breakfast, sortedfood breakfast, full english, full english breakfast, budget battle, fry off, cook off, fry up, british fry up, sortedfood battle, food battle, budget fry up, budget cooking, budget full english, recipe, full english recipe, british breakfast, english breakfast
Id: oCqnSN1ocOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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