TWO COURSE MEAL Recipe Relay Challenge (Normals only!!) | Pass it On S2 E20 | SORTEDfood

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(bright classical music) - I don't know what to do. (bright classical music) (egg cracks) (blow torch hisses) - That's annoying! - That looks terrible. - [Mike] We're hiding these. (bright classical music) - Ow! - What is going on here? (bright classical music) - This is a joke. - Where's the dish? - This should be really obvious! - [Janice] Oh dear, oh dear. - Hello boys. - Hi, Janice! - [Janice] Today you must create an outstanding two course lunch. You have 60 minutes to complete the challenge and you'll each have two goes of 10 minutes. - No, wait, I'm doing the maths on that. - One, two, three, four. Oh yeah... James isn't here! - So that's 60 minutes, 20 minutes each. - No, it's 'cause James isn't here. - What? I'm confused. - Go on Janice, put them out of their misery. - [Janice] Today will be a normals only challenge. (Jamie laughs) - [Janice] Ben will be watching and reacting live from the Chef Cam area. And at the end of the challenge, he will decide if any of you are worthy of the basic, multitasking skills badge - Why are you suddenly a pair? (Mike laughs) - We had a chat and we thought this was a good idea. - [Janice] Mike, you're up first. Good luck. - I hate going first. - We can do this. We can finally show that the chefs have been holding us back all this time. (Mike laughs) - This is the positivity I want. (upbeat music) (rock music) (buzzer) - Okay, okay. - He started strong. Wine. - We tested this in a recent video. Baz wondered whether it would make good dauphinoise potatoes. Let's find out! So, I'm essentially going to get some crushed garlic. I've got tonnes of potatoes. I want to get a pan on the heat with some double cream and it's going to infuse crushed garlic and some thyme. - So today, I'm kind of looking for multitasking. So always thinking past, present, and future Mike's thinking ahead about his cream fusion but he's not thinking past the remainder of that cream just on the back bench. Should have gone back in the fridge. Wouldn't have taken him any longer to do so. - Right, I need to slice some potatoes. It's not bad. It's going to be a rustic dish. - Although we are talking about a Sunday roast, we only actually require one plate of one course and one plate of another. That is a huge, huge dish. - [Mike] Gonna whack a splash of white wine into this cream. Sometimes you're supposed to put milk in it to sort of thin it out. Why use milk when you can use white wine? - Because white wine is acidic and what you do when you add it to cream is it has the risk of curdling it. - Hey, this is good multitasking, isn't it? Isn't it Ebbers? because I'm doing the potatoes and doing this. And I'm thinking about what we could do for a second course. And I don't know what that is. What I'm hoping is that this gives the guys a really good basis to work off. This is quite obvious what this is going to be. These are really thin. So I'm hoping that we might get away with cooking this for 50 minutes. Cause normally it should take like an hour and 15. - You want dauphinoise to be this thick. It's got to be a smaller dish. - Second course, what could that be? Do you know what? There's some lovely scallops there, which I'm thinking if we have a complete and utter meltdown, scallops are quick and easy to do something with. - This is tricky because I'm supposed to be judging multitasking rather than technique. This technique is not great. Should be seasoning between each layer and you want lots of layers, especially when it's that thin. - Oven is preheated at 180, 50 minutes. Oh no! I need a sieve. Ahhh! - There's a sieve. - [Mike] Oh man. I was doing so well. 30 seconds. That's cool. That's cool. That's cool. Okay, into the oven. (buzzer) - Well, it started with a panic and it ended with a panic, but that's very Mike. Jamie! (whimsical music) (buzzer) - Right, where are we at? Oven, oven? So we've got a potato dish. Excellent. Let's clear this down quickly. Whilst we have a think. - This is multitasking. - [Jamie] I'm deciding to go for dessert. That's because all of the meats that are over there, I think, could be cooked in a lot shorter time. So, I'm going to get on with something that we can do, get into the oven and just leave alone. Like a bread and butter pudding, but hot cross buns. - This could be excellent. - 300. Do I have cream before I start this? Well done, Mike? You've used the cream? Oh, this was going so well until it wasn't you don't need cream for custard. You can just do it with milk. - [Ben] You can. You can then either thicken it with corn flour or you'll need more egg yolk to thicken whole milk. - 10 minutes isn't that long, is it? Ah it's all right. - In a multitasking challenge, I think he began very well with cleaning while he was thinking, but in eight minutes, all he's done is heat up some milk. - Well, we're going to have sweetened cream and we're gonna whisk that into our eggs. Whereas usually you'd have milk and cream and then you'd whisk that into eggs, which you've already mixed with sugar. It'll be fine. - Not great for crème anglaise, he'll get away with it in this recipe. - So put bases in here. (chopping) (playful music) - I'd use a smaller dish. - [Jamie] Don't leave it in a mess. Don't leave it in a mess. Don't leave it in a mess. (buzzer) Well. Oh, that's still heating up. Barry! (upbeat music) (buzzer) - Let's go. What have we got here? Someone's making something from Desserts in Duvets. (Barry laughs) He's making a banana sandwich. (Barry laughs) Okay, so Jamie's making a banana sandwich with some cream warming up. (that's really made me chuckle) In the oven is, what is that? So that's, I think that's meant to be dauphinoise, but it's, I don't know what that is now. (Barry laughs) - Barry's noticed what we're all thinking, which is it's not thick enough for dauphinoise. - You've got a, Ahhh (beep)! - Multitasking is about awareness of what's going on. - Okay. Right. (Barry laughs) This is not a fair reflection, not on me. I've just walked in the kitchen. Oh my! Now I've got to clean up! (playful music) - This is difficult for Barry because this hasn't got sugar in it. - You know, that's not how you make custard, Jamie. Why is this? Why is that milk sweet? Custard, egg yolks, and sugar in there. You don't sweeten the milk. - Barry's right. It has confused him. Multitasking is about problem solving. Thinking ahead and avoiding problems. - He's hoping to make some sort of bread and butter pudding with that. That's now bubbling. If I put that in there that's just going to make the loosest custard you ever imagined. Do we have any corn flour? Because I've got to do something to save this, to create some thickness to it. This is tricky. My thinking is, first of all, corn flour in with the eggs. - I think what's confusing him is he's trying to make a crème anglaise or a custard to serve at the end for bread and butter pudding. It's supposed to be wet. It's soaks into the bread. And then it cooks out in the oven. - Mix this cream into here. This isn't custard. It's going to have to be a version of. I'll have to get rid of the rest of that because that's just ridiculous. (whisking) It's just not going to be custard. I'm gonna make a banana custard instead. So while that's thickening up again I'm just gonna mash a load of bananas. Add that to the custard so it's thicker. It's richer. It's sweeter. Okay. So banana is now going in here. I'm just tearing this up and what I'm not going to do is do a Mike and use the wrong pan. So I'd like a smaller, smaller pot - That right there is problem solving. He was right that it wasn't going to be great in that big dish - A bit of custard on the bottom, And I might get this out as well. Okay. Well, I think Mike's going to check if that's done, right? If he's happy with that. Let's get some chocolate. They're going to think that's scrambled but that is just banana. To finish it off, back in the oven. (buzzer) I'm not sure that could have gone worse but I still have a second chance to redeem myself. Mike! (upbeat music) (buzzer) - Okay. Wow. There's some smells. There's some smells. Oh no, it didn't work, did it? Damn. I was hoping that it would cook in time and then we could like slice it and then stack it. But this is not good. That's my fault. - Look at the carnage he's walked into. Good multitasking would be instinctively putting stuff away while you're thinking about what's coming next. - I'm just gonna, oh no, it's really got bad. Dammit. And it's really crisped up. Oh, this is terrible. It's kind of what I was expecting. And that's really embarrassing, but I thought maybe we could just stack these on top of each other and serve it. - It was in the oven for 20 minutes so there is a chance the potatoes cut that thin and two layers, they may be cooked. - [Mike] What is this? I don't know how long that bakes for. I've literally no idea. Oh no, we really need a chef. What do we do? Do we just soak this in this and put it? Yes. It's gone in. (upbeat swing music) I mean, there's some really nice stuff on the table. We've got two very stodgy things. - I'm hoping he's going to pick up a protein and two vegetable sides. And in multitasking, he's going to try and tackle all three - Chicken. Oh, we always do chicken. That's just so boring. We're doing salmon. I'm bringing salmon to the front. I'm just going to stack it. This is the terrible, terrible plan I had. - This is a task that could happen while something else, this or vegetables, are cooking. That would be multitasking. - [Mike] So bad. There we go. Look, look at that. What could go with that? Ah, sauteed cabbage is so boring but let's do something with that. - I'm very happy with boring. Especially if it's cooked and seasoned well. In a challenge where you're up against time and you've got communication issues I think it's better to keep it simple. Cabbage is a good idea. - [Mike] Couple of pans. I'm just going to heat those up for the boys. I've done nothing, but I'm going to get some butter in that. - Now he's multitasking. He's thinking about salmon. He's preheating pans. He's getting an acidity to go with some butter sauteed cabbage. Suddenly, he's now multitasking. - I'm going to chop some rhubarb as well. Get that into a pan. You need a splash of water and some sugar. Just going to heat it up, stew it down. And, hopefully it will be (buzzer) nice and steamed and cooked. Now I need to take that, which I am wholly responsible for, into consideration when rating myself. So it's a one for me. (whimsical music) (buzzer) - What the absolute F is that smell? - The smell is beginning to waft in here now. - I'll tell you what, that's not exactly the way I thought it would go, but those puddings look like they're cooking. That's great. We don't have a main course. - And they have 20 minutes remaining. - This butter is all melted. What's going to go in there? Cabbage. We can do that. We can do the cabbage. Salmon, dauphinoise potatoes, and cabbage. Let's get the cabbage in there whilst I think. Multitask. Ebbers, you're welcome. What are we making? Is the rhubarb for the pudding? But the puddings already made. They're in individual things. My head hurts. And I've only just got here. This is already weird. So, it could always get weirder. Let's do some scallops. ♪ Who knows how to cook scallops? ♪ Not me, not me. ♪ Scallops, scallops, scallops. Very, very last minute. So that's absolutely fine. So Baz can do those. Barry has to play tough. Let's get Barry a plate. - The plate at this point is a little irrelevant. - Gonna be honest with you. We (beep) this. - But it's all right, he's going to put the rhubarb through a colander. (playful music) (Jamie laughs) - Can I go home now? I don't want to be here anymore. I don't like it. That needs to just come off the heat because I don't know what that's doing. Let's be useful here. Here we go. He's got some dauphinoise served up, helped Barry out already. You're welcome. - Is he whisking cabbage? - Multitasking. How long have the bread and butter puddings been in? I don't know. This is ridiculous. Hello. - [Ben] That looks great. - If I pop them there, Barry will know that they have to go next, I don't have time to start them. I'll just get rid of everything else that might cause confusion. (buzzer) This has been an actual disaster. I feel like the stuff that I started which was the hot cross bun puddings have actually turned out, looking quite nicely. So I'm going to score myself a four and see how that compares to the other guys. - Barry! (upbeat music) (buzzer) - Well, it can't be worse than my first go. They look okay. - They look more than okay. - Let's take things off the heat because things are going to burn. - Quite sensible to avoid panic. He stopped everything, so that he can think. I'm not sure that's multitasking. - Dauphinoise potato, cabbage, burnt cabbage, rhubarb, is it sweetened? Is it savoury? That is tart. Okay. Janice, this is serious, can you get me a blowtorch and a smoking machine, please. Okay, the scallops are going in. I need citrus. - The multitasking is now happening in his head. He must be thinking of many things at a time because he's obviously got a vision. And now he's very focused. - [Janice] So focused in fact, that Barry stops talking entirely. Barry? Barry? Barry! What a little (beep). - Interesting. - [Janice] Berry spoons the bread and butter pudding out of the dish, onto a plate. Whilst continuing to be a petulant little (beep). Although he knows we're making a video here, Barry's dickitry continues as he refuses to explain anything that he's doing. - In a multitasking badge, Barry is now doing lots of things. There's lots of things going on in his head but he's refusing to talk to any of us. He can't multitask talking and thinking. Plum and citrus going onto the bread and butter pudding. One thing he is, is aware of what's going on. He's going back to turn the scallops. He's thinking about dessert. He's looking around a lot. He's tasting things. Yes. Rhubarb on the main course. I like it. - [Janice] The scallops come out of the butter and onto the bed of cabbage and rhubarb. - Smoker. - [Janice] Oh, you can (beep) right off. - Janice, Apple chips and a lighter please. - [Janice] That is a lot of self-assuredness coming from someone who's just overcooked the scallops. - [Barry] Caramelising the natural sugars in the citrus. (fast-paced orchestra music) (buzzer) - [Barry] I think we're done. 10 out of 10. - [Janice] (beep) - I've got some notes to make. (playful music) (clapping) - Go on then Barry. - [Barry] You ready? - No. - Three, two, one. - The puzzled look over here is interesting. - I'm actually pleasantly surprised because the 20 minutes that I was involved in, were carnage. - [Mike] Right? Let's tuck in. Ebbers, We're only going to hear your thoughts. - [Ben] Everything on it has a place and does a job and it works. But with buttered seasoned elements throughout, a slight garlicky thyme ness from the potato thing, which I don't think we'll call dauphinoise, but it is delicious. - It's a lasagna. (laughter) - It's a potato lasagna. - It's actually very delicious. (laughter) - How does that happen? - Ah ah ah! There are elements that could definitely do with improving. Like, a couple of minutes less cooking of the scallops. A little less burning of the cabbage. Considering no thought went into the dish, it is a well thought out dish. (laughter) - [Ben] Should we try dessert? - [Mike] Yes. - [Jamie] Cheers. - Cheers. - Cheers. (electronic music) - There was a moment in time when that was heading to be an absolutely stonking dish. What we've ended up with, is vanilla and banana and simnel spice and dried fruit and blood orange and plum and lime zest and banana. And there is so much going on, that they fight each other, especially against the chocolate. - I like it. - So, as a challenge, not brilliant in terms of method or process. But possibly passing by the scraping of your teeth on the basis that first dish actually tasted really good. And the second one wasn't far off. In regards to how you scored yourself, Mike, you gave yourself one out of 10. - Mm. - Jamie, you gave yourself a four out of 10? - Yeah. - [Ben] Barry, you gave yourself 10 out of 10. - Oh. What? - So just the one badge for me today then. (laughter) - No badges today, but tell me if I'm wrong, please. In the comments, what do you think? Carnage, chaos, or actually am I being unfair? And were they multitasking? - [Barry] That was not our finest hour. - Speak for yourself - Like the video and if it gets substantial likes, we'll do it again. Put James in the hot seat. See what he has to say. - He'll murder us. Or, there'll be a murder. (laughter) - [Mike] Our new cookbook The Ultimate Cooking Battles Normals Edition features 57 show-stopping, jaw-dropping, gauntlet laying dishes that will impress even the most tyrannical of judges. And they're written specifically for normals like you and me. So there's a range of easier dishes, right up to colossal, yet still achievable project cooks. We're running a limited presale right now. So SORTED members, you can guarantee yourselves a copy. If you aren't a member, you can sign up for free and then guarantee yourselves a copy. Find out everything in the description box below. (intense music) (beep) - Right, how are we going to do this? Are you gonna test this? - So, - Oh, he's got a (beep) notebook - Oh no! - You little dweeb! (laughter)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 777,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pass it on sortedfood, pass it on, recipe relay, sorted food, sortedfood, pass it on challenge, recipe challenge, pass it on sorted, sortedfood pass it on, cooking fail, cooking challenge, pass it on s2, sortedfood challenge, recipe fail, food challenge, recipe video fail, sorted food recipe relay, sortedfood battle, sortedfood badges, sortedfood ultimate battle, chef skills, sortedfood chef skills, sortedfood normals, sorted food recipe less, sorted pass it on dessert
Id: MyvOr_U4zxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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