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Super Smash Bros brawl came out 30 years ago man does not make you feel old and as someone who Longs for those good old fashioned values on which we used to rely I took it upon myself to replay the Subspace Emissary bw's iconic story mode that brings together all the characters in the big screen and 480p pre-rendered cut scenes with my good friend and boy TC Nick 3 so go on ahead sit back relax and feel a wave of nostalgia rushing towards you and also make sure to subscribe to gaming phenomenon sof AI foru gaming yeah we're gaming the used to give me chills as a 12-year-old easily the best intro SL song in any Smash Bros game hot take I think for any game oh okay probably a hot take if you are somebody who plays video games but if you only play Smash Bros I can understand it Subspace hell yeah susp sus space sus okay that's not what it's called oh it's got to be intense we've played this game before you know Eevee I can do intense okay okay he's a gamer can you do intent TV yeah I would I'm definitely down to do the hardest thing possible I just want to like compromised for my buddy here who might not be a the same level of gamer as myself whoo introduction sequence that like the 4p trailer type thing they had on the Wii oh that's right we get the oh wait no no no that's right we don't fight we both the same character oh we are oh that's cring yeah we're both the same character if I remember correctly all right I'll be Kirby oh wait he matches like a mother chucker come here come here come up Oh I thought okay that would exit out no don't worry I got this oh I was going to like will that like cause us some harm later down the road oh my gosh verus reference I know right verus over here just watch watching us duke it out oh no zombies but like not exactly zombies I'm not going to like pretend I remember anything about the lore of this game okay we have four low tiers to choose from I picked Zelda we're saving Zelda by the way I'm just trying to make sure I just don't die and lose all of our characters like Straight Out The Gate holy sh Wait how was that 180 yeah exactly no I think they do extra damage bro we're in intense remember that's right I think we're good I think there's anything to worry about oh trip editor the first trip of the game I always like thought to myself this character right here is definitely a character you unlock in Brawl oh and Mario died he got sent to Minecraft again damn that PD looks sick though like the renders in this game went so damn hard for no reason we saved Zelda by the way oh is there a difference yes wait I should just be utilizing his down be that's the Eevee CL not the Eevee classic the Casual classic so might as well be the Eevee classic wait no no wait this is broken holy okay and now I just like stay in here and we're completely fine eeve has solved subp Emissary plus rock beats plant so w Wario time Wario okay yeah that's right we didn't save Peach so she's is about to get gaed so now in this route Kirby's got Zelda with him they're about to drop the nuke as well all right Eevee we're going to Glide from here on out wait that's right he gets a Glide maneuver doesn't he I don't remember at all wow what a great gameplay section now back to the cut scenes all right now the story is over and now we're back to oh wait eeve this yeah there we go there we go SP the win baby all right I need need that I need I I was lower I was higher HP actually you oh wait no these things were the Bane in my existence as a kid and I was even playing on like intents or anything there comes a giant I I can't I cannot go in there oh that's right he finds Mario just like chilling over there that's right he just got knocked away wait okay okay now watch this watch this I got this i got this only an enemy remember does this count as an enemy you can I've learned it does not count as an enemy that oh yeah this guy you got to go below him you got to go below him I all e you got it you got it yeah I'm I'm out playing wait oh wait I it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you got it it's literally Joker in Persona 5 or any like Persona protagonist if he dies the whole party it does not matter apparently Nick's the protagonist of this story even though it's my video man all right good work Nick we you did it man all [Music] you well I I I the only thing that would have been funny is that they actually hit the camera all right we move we the fish H that's taken out of context very quickly oh I hated these guys look at all these gaming watches here they're so broken oh I guess I'm taking all of our lives this round no Eve stop if I die it's over you just you have to destroy the thing I got it I got I got it no no you're fine you're fine I'm just matching oh he's not fine oh did we start the beginning uh not all the way to the beginning at least the beginning was like 5 Seconds of running oh no not another one of these two help I'm being comboed by these things bro no it's okay I di first Ryan let's do it oh yeah monado cycl I'm a beast good job everyone dude you're a 10 an 1880 intense was a mistake guys all right we can win this we can win this hey no deaths yeah this is a good spot for you the down actually he's almost dead okay that's fine keep going keep going keep going I got I got I got it oh wait wait wait did the second one not spawn I don't know I guess the second one just doesn't spawn awesome yeah he saw the first one die miserably he's just like nah nah I'm good do we want to switch the smash stick we could cuz watch sure as H not using tilts in this mode Let's see what name we get wizard hell fing yeah wizard I will be Jen yeah I'll take nerd I 100 100% accept the fact that I'm just a straight up hardcore nerd poopy head the jungle oh yeah baby kill the Goomba dude he's just a freaking monster yeah yeah Oh I thought it was so badass imagine if he was voiced by Seth ran though that would be crazy oh this shoots at both of us too I can troll that for us awesome now Eevee stop why would you do that why do you think that was a good idea oh my god oh wait you don't die yeah see I'm completely fine it was only just get you killed now that I like purposfully got you killed I will play normally now my life all right all right Eevee I'm going to take one M you take the other oh theing Koopa you know I'm pretty sure you can die and that counts as a checkpoint has no vertical he desperately needs me in order to survive and he says I can't cooperate as second player I'm allowed to do dumb stuff like that awesome they got their grand prize worth more than like a pile of gold oh the Bowser dude Bowser's render went so damn hard yeah sorry we brought a gun to a fist fight and only DK like the Chad here knows what's about to happen Diddy is so oblivious to what's going on I'll be Mario oh you're just going to stick me on pit Dy yeah yeah that is me I am pit oh I I was about to say you should punish that guy for blowing us for so long wait no isn't that shouldn't they be rewarded for that oh it doesn't wow you are terrible at this game apparently oh perfect just for me eeve stop I'm at 170 oh here you can have this thing just for you you're welcome man you know what I I will accept yeah there there we go yeah oh get in the door wait you can't oh he has no Ledges of course oh no I Tri Ed Ed show that off I tripped nice nice indeed hi who are you what the what what your poo ass GS the wind carried that to me are you for freaking real man why is it that whenever I do something silly like that it always backfires oh hey I should not like bring the hammer up to there there we go now it's good there we go good job and then he falls down to his death can't he fly what the are you doing p i remember asking that same question back in the day conveniently got nerfed in that exact moment yeah exactly oh wait yes baby the best fuing scene in the game did see Rayquaza is that what I remember oh wait am I spoiling it that's right none of these kids have ever seen this before this was crazy to me I know right of course you're taking Fox absolutely of course I'm thinking bro finally a fast character that's right this is the first boss fight too where we just beat the ever Rayquaza oh wait I just got read like a book oh that killed oh yeah yeah what the uhoh that's not good um well this is [Music] awkward all right maybe we need to play a little bit more carefully honestly so far the Run has been going pretty well aside from the part where Nick died did you die first you I BR what that move I think we're good though yeah yeah we got this no top 10 things said before disaster strikes H definitely not uhoh he he actually activated that by the way and I died still it's all right it's all right we're good yeah it's it's fine it's fine yeah we're we're completely fine I got the kill let's go okay no you didn't I got the kill editor who got the kill who got the kill editor don't lie just cuz he's your employer lie cuz I'm paying you man hey hey hey heyy come here come here come here yeah I don't understand you man I don't speak Italian man uh no why' you hit it eeve that's not oh that's right that's right I should hit all of them there we go oh my go I remember these things being the the biggest in the game ah I'm dead again stop oh hey I remember this song guys K rule montages on Smash Bros be like oh I'm stupid you mother it would have been funny if I did it but you were the one who had to do it man can I grab dark Bower here oh yeah I can wait we can cheese him here come come here come here come here was not like I have a spike there we go yes I do baby a shine Spike woo just like move my model there to pretend I getting the final hit there and it look really cool no editor my shine Spike was cooler that's right that's just a fake B to distract us the real one has a gun the ruined Zoo oh no before we started Nick was talking to me about his main and brawl and it was Lucas for some reason God knows why this sad little child with no Mom just call his own I I just had to like do a quick jab to Lucas a deserves it can he just like he got destroyed eeve I don't hit the the thing okay I had to you know notice how he does One Singular J all right we're good though we platforming this isn't even a this is a gosh wait what what what if I just like fight back that he doesn't have HP oh does he I don't think he has HP I thought for a second he did he needs freaking Nest over here the one tie Nest was cool literally wait he didn't have a hit box what the hell SDI SDI SDI it's not working man wait I've actually done so much damage with up though holy no I think it's just Curry dip honestly no yeah I think it's me actually I think I'm no I think the curry has just been burning the ever Living Daylights out of him like it that was me that was me yeah but like you want to see the damage charts man editor show who did more damage edor we need you to calculate this find out how much HP pory has find out how much that's right I remember NES gives his own life to save this whiny little baby absolutely no surprises here guys oh and then Pokemon trainer yeah I guess Pokemon trainer is here he's trying to catch the Pokemon these are some weird ass Pokemon what is this thing what's that in the background uh that is a bucket but Vol ORS I guess the Pokemon Trader came to the right place I forgot how these guys work there like a central guy you have to be or do they all multiply wait do they multiply yeah bro look at them oh wait they do multiply that's right that's our whole gimmick yeah I guess I was wrong this isn't voltor this is Brian oh baby Ike oh yeah that's right all these brand new characters they introduced to Smash Bros like Mar and Mar and Mark but round oh my god oh yeah the poor robs just about to get sacrificed wait whoever player one has their move speed and jump height lower no way you're joking why okay on three one 2 three Discord delay oh yeah get dudee look at that he's so fast the benefit of being the younger brother all right have you won yet all right I got here just in time to witness that perfect yo broken busted SSS plus tier I call of course of course I was going to call medanite but this mother Eevee I promise you if you said it I would have given it to you but mid man Knight was one of the most badass he goes through the projectiles did you see that cuz why not honestly just don't die man I'll save you Eevee I'll save you I think you're the one who needs saved here honestly cuz if you die then yeah yeah only this guy left this guy counts as two enemies oh no of course not oh I tripped add that to the trip counter by the way you can tell Nick is bad at the game when he loses with the SS plus TI your character absolutely I threw the wrong way you terrible at this game so JD can't read please tell Nick to use more Aerials it is painful watching him use special attacks in neutral against the pids I died to get read that by the way I think we have to redo everything now no wait do we go all the way to the beginning oh my goodness oh sad you I died at 66 you died at 66 I died at 66 okay I dodg wait he dodged me bro I'm not good at bro or Smash Bros in general but specifically bro eeve Eevee one me one be after this one one be after this I don't like being the pro I I trip no I have to learn the match up against Lance Sky yeah just don't be in front of it or behind them what you broke my shield D you're stealing my stealing my oh no no M my my bro this is intense like actually this is the difficulty level it's intense did you take the I hate you that was unintentional I saw something I just ran up and grabbed it I don't think it's the end the level but at least I think that means checkpoint at least so thank freaking doing this we have progression guys good job man yeah we don't need the bus anyways back in my day we went to school like this oh hey a trip add that to the trip counter I guess I'm forced to thank you eeve if we want to be able to progress Eevee why did you as I said back in my day huh what are you doing oh my God back in my day all right fine I'm not hopping out of this there we go this level would have been over by now I think road kill oh sh we I was not ready for that a good thing I'm second player spoiler alert he's coming somebody we [Music] like I didn't know who this guy was honestly but this is the character that any non-f fireb fan thinks is base as hell you want to be Mar bro night I will get Mom so this is how it feels Kansas simulator oh I got to be Mar now cringe oh that's hilarious come come guys we are very sophisticated mature adults here we don't joke about that literally Luigi oh that's me oh my gosh Bren reference you saw verus earlier now it's Bren where am I bro I'm the only one not in this Cene Daisy's not even in this game man oh this right here this went damn hard as the leader of this video I Choose link here by the way fine fine good Yoshi here just got from a quick nap look at how stupid he looks he's so tired I think brawl link looks cool but he yeah he just is ass yeah yeah yeah yeah he's kind of ass well time to go into let's play viewers mode and just like observe your gameplay maybe uh just give you some criticism please no oh I thought I have a jump oh my gosh wait we can live no those things are just so weird to me man like what they hideous are those stag beetles were the other types Rhino be isn't like stagger rhino oh the stag beetle is a real animal okay guys what do you think Rhino or stag beetle the edit's going to be like why are you two such [Laughter] that's right no no that video is to end there because we get a quick little teaser here oh sh well we've already started we're already getting the most replayed part of the video Don't Lie to Me W sussy Baka Oh by wait wait wait wait first blush well I guess I'm just taking the stock then oh the rat he's getting torture dude I love how we're just like spoiling everything for any person who has never seen this before what the hell are they doing with Pikachu anyways harvesting his energy is this a freeze I think this I think it froze I don't think she's supposed to be staring at us this long that's awkward oh who do I want to play as Pikachu or zero I don't get the choice anyway so yeah you're under my control for those who aren't aware this is on intense by the way this isn't just a skill issue yeah well I was shielded wait who died first oh me okay that's good yeah okay well Nick doesn't caring for once in his life it's fine I steal the show this is my video now e a lot of just making fun of us too for being bad what do you mean eeve who is bad here not me bro yeah my bad you didn't get the game over here so as I say that you jinxed it oh my gosh where am I going wait wait wait can we use that trophy on the road turret uh or is it not worth it it's not worth it we just move we just go can can Z should crawl too yes you can of course okay let's not do it that specific um bro wow you still I have no words man absolutely zero words for you I was I was talking to Chad sorry sorry oh my gosh some I got we can ignore that one cuz the other's on my side he's here to make me look good make Nick look bad delicious water you can have the pineapple e oh wait wait there's he needs some milk all right we move we move oh we're fighting like no enemies bro yeah of course like because if we fight them we die also I should have taken that this is my video no I'm at two actually yeah you're right you know what I'm at 200 I'm a lost cause at least you understand I'm a lost C at this point piece of oh F that was stupid yeah absolutely 264 I'm crazy what where did that come from bad game design that's what I call that you're only mad cuz it happened to you I think we just got to get past the Minefield again no oh it's fine oh we made it I did that for you so you can make a path through man he's going in it definitely was not any sort of trolling the slightest oh yeah she wants her freaking power suit that's basically like the entire story of this area yeah she wants to be a worst character you're not entirely wrong bie what hello there what the f did Kirby just leave her to die yeah Kirby just leaves her he just freaking [Music] dips you stopped me from using that gun uh I want to be Mario oh well I I certainly have a choice here man all right let's get her ass kill wait she's neutral she knows she knows she knows a strat look the CPU knows man oh my gosh they know bro we actually just got our asses be you know what maybe I should have just done this the whole time oh that's a great idea my job here is not to participate it's to be a nuisance you're why are you so good at that one yeah I know right that's why I do it if you're good at something never do it for free that's what my dad always told me oh my gosh the worst time to trip okay we got her yeah wow that only took us like 5 minutes for some reason oh this is where link gets mad at Mario oh that's right he is pissed all right oh it's a 2v2 now wait no now we can't cheat yeah I can't play as a nuisance now 2v2 now they're screwed yeah dude why is there no end lag did you see that what the f oh wait I forgot about this move dude that's your most broken move oh wait just wait Eevee yeah I think we have the same idea here yeah yeah are you thinking what I'm thinking I know what we're going to do today on the next attempt keep it up keep it up okay I think he said okay okay now we just take out Yoshi we're not going to lose this are we eeve no no no no that would be quite embarrassing I if prob like grab this item for myself oh you shaved him with the N did I yes huh that's awkward oh wait wait he's dead he's dead Okay Peach oh he just Scoops him up and takes him away hello oh the Kirby finally does something yeah he realizes his mistake here oh he saves a couple of them you say only some of them the so not the woman I think this just confirms Kirby hates women I think I think the freezing has way too much power over us okay yeah let's just restart it now yeah resetting now reset our s our research facility wait we had to do that that again did we save we did oh my goodness this fight's kind of rough honestly yeah this one is you link why would you do that fre off all right now we're finally back to where we were uh this thing's a littleit problematic though I think this is one of those like sit back relax and enjoy the and enjoy death and enjoy the pit SBE gameplay oh hey and then we give him off just turn brain off press side B bu the bill well they're not having an easy time of like getting to us you know having a little bit of trouble yeah literally they're trying so hard oh did you just drown I think so the fish drown huh no why eeve I wanted to no I didn't want to open that one I tripped awesome trip counter yo that's him I recognized him from Zelda and that's Bowser from not Zelda I love how like gandor is just like telling Bowser what to do that's how you know who the real big dog is in this universe does that mean that gandor is just canonically more powerful than Bowser I think yeah the Charizard bro I love how his broke ass doesn't even have a pokedex it's just pictures of them he just got swapped between them of course you're putting me on Lucas Duty like my video or anything M delicious no you don't get to eat buddy I need it children don't eat children don't eat what kind of parent are you all right we move we move you died yeah my bad if I had some more meat on those bones I would have done way better all right this is just a watching TC Nick 3 play Subspace inary stream how are you doing chat I everybody here is saying bad and O and no maybe you should ban the people who make fun of you eeve that's what I did that's right that's a good idea if nobody's watching me then nobody can criticize me somebody's just saying do it no no no no I'm too much of a coward oh my gosh no please the tech I need people watching if nobody's watching I'm not making money off though I will say that watching Nick be bad is definitely like a good way for me to make money oh oh let's go the invincibility oh my God could you have just Shell through there the whole time uh good question I don't know you know what maybe I'll just like make a tier list for what enemies I think are the worst ones in this these guys suck D all these enemies are atrocious in this game I don't think there's any good enemies to fight in this thing there really isn't oh and I tripped oh ho ho ho ho ignored he sent us a text saying ho ho ho and unfortunately we just had to leave him on red just just kill yourself so I can just like get back in the game in game in game in oh it's the end anyways okay never mind W I was about to say so who's going to be the first one to say it oh yeah that's right Lucas gets his revenge story oh yes you're the protex you get the revenge yeah yeah I'm clearly the pro tag so I get my revenge story all right you got it bro kill him if I throw him to you will you have to participate beat oh my gosh or if you just run straight to you that works too stop go away this is E's protag not mine bro he doesn't want to get cheese understandable I don't want to get cheesed either oh that's you that's you Eevee it'll work this time just lead him to me there we go there we go took like 10 minutes for some reason first try we actually just canonically kill Warrior he's like don't worry man murder is okay as long long as you're the protagonist oh the DDD collection yeah he is just collecting them he's putting buttons on them he's like these are mine and he just admires them nicely like oh yeah that's nice and now they're no longer his in my chat we're saying that it's TC Nick 3 shut up Brent just got in my chat and he's like yo I just came back to TC Nick getting hit in the head bro you okay we move oh Boulder we got Indiana Jones let's not get squished here what the I saw that coming a mile away we got fing pranked no what was the point of I thought that thing would protect us supposed to be the freaking Temple of Doom I'm in was oh well I definitely have not learned anything oh hey don't get squished man what the don't get squished go no that's an L moment we did the exact same thing but hey we took 2% less damage so that's a win we should bait it oo no way oh they just keep on coming and oh ripo ohing kill him now no the boulder knocked me into it right as it was falling down I was like oh yeah we just wait this thing out chat what do we think was that Eve's fault do we think that was e oh damn it whose fault exactly can can we repeat that can you like finish that sentence please for me no you know what it happened to best of us eeve you see this time I hit pause and I survived no no no you died that counts no L for me yes it does editor editor does that count I did not die therefore no L for me let's go no damn it we're fing stupid fall no please why I pressed down this game is bad it's not me fellas yeah it's definitely not you keep on drawing the John's out there the game is trash yeah Eevee were crazy we almost ran into it again I can't I can only look ahead oh oh this is yeah it was a trick and want of us to just run down there and now we get this nice little secret where we have oh no the stickers here we grab this stuff nice why are you here you're the only one who can go through the perfect timing holy you died look at that equality I want both of those no l Nick takes another L like a moth to a flame like a Nick to an L it is actually so damn useful why were we using him earlier dude I remember as a kid my friend would tell me like pit is banned in tournaments because of the side be I believe them for the longest time dude like 12-year-old me would believe literally anything anybody said somebody could have said that Santa Claus is real and I would have believed them wait that's right that did happen why did I do that I was like I'm going to commit to this jump I made it but like it doesn't matter does this not move oh please please Nick okay don't worry don't worry eeve we're fine bro I just like I just like messing around e that's the thing I'm a I'm a jokester like that a yeah yeah yeah you're comedy why don't you just like jump off so you can get Kirby oh my God I think that's what he was trying to do honestly I want Kirby yeah I want Kirby that's the thing bro L plus ratio guys that's funny so right oh my God if you managed to find a way to die as Kirby here I'd be very impressed all right all right we move we move no jokes no El almost no else yeah we just leave and be and just end the level oh look at this walk though look at this run though they spent no time animating that yeah lit no the Bowser Junior oh that's right he has his little clown car that's so funny Kirby's like wait a second I recognize that he recognizes this person too it's TC Nick 3 shut the f up oh my gosh waa wait a second master H was like the The Mastermind behind us off he says you Master Hand coming in with an important message you you oh my goshine very important I must risk my life for it this is actually the worst gameplay I've ever experienced this is not Point dude I hate him I consider that now regardless Oh wait we're supposed to go down that was intentional here she go oh see that's the right one there you go that's what trying to do for you man yeah he needs to fight those things we ex we move what was that yeah the only reason I died there is cuz he went left and I rolled to the right really oh hey we get to the end of this area anyways IA what did he do to get stuck in this eternal prison he caught a statue that looks just like Ivysaur isn't Ivysaur the worst character in braw I don't no I know that tether is annoyingly bad yeah he's what the Squirtle L also L plus ratio I'm going to just like preemptively hit this and I still die anyways nice nice I I got Shield broken really D come on maneuvering yeah yeah I know we oh let's go what this game I forgot how trolly it was that's crazy all I can really say is just L I have no other word oh we have to do this again no way we have to do this again actually kill me same oh don't hit these yep yep yep I'm get out there might be a door here but it does not matter we got to go finally finally a checkpoint thank freaking goodness Charizard oh now Charizard now you can finally have fun yeah baby wait I was about to say the Charizard actually oh he's got gun Charizard's got a gun careful you see the Pokémon were just tired about our God is us so they freaking pulled out well weapons in order to fight back against the trainers oh wait this is the one we revers the the guy yeah I remember the guy what's his name it's the guy gollem Golem golum guy the Wilds this is where we get big G and this guy's iconic I got to play metan Knight no Ike no big daddy Ike look how he's the first one to take charge bro I'll be on M Night duty if we like created like Super Smash Bros braw content and they realize none of us were actually playing on WE imagine how frustrated Nintendo would be instant copyright CL oh F that is both comical a nice combo and divine in punishment right there literally where am I oh you know I can hit a whenever I want I know you can if I wanted to purposefully knock you out of there I could if I so chose easy all right you can have that better I so tempted look it's gim gim gim from Smash Bros can't believe they brought him back for this game all right fine you can have metanite you died I died in one hit seconds into the fight I accept the L right there I've never seen that eer goes to show that we're in for a freaking rough one here I I think the play is unironically just to just like honestly you might be right I got Shield broken I might unironically dead as a thing yeah it's j we only this is the last oh Neptune he stopped me still so J I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine what I hit there I am the prot tag so I will win this please he's at 1 HP don't die here Mar forwarder yeah baby oh wait wa there's a round two isn't there that's right no it's not over yet man G here just cannot catch a break man do it again here's where I get a rock smash apparently oh yeah yeah just Charizard and start gaming I wish I could be the one to do that I be just smash yeah that's literally the gameplay oh my gosh that so much damage welcome to Subspace gameplay what the 12-year-old me was able to figure that one out why does everything break Shield wait who died first I think you died first oh let's go oh well you get another shot no no no wrong move wrong move right right and how many game overs are we at now what do you mean they're not being edited out Ed your job is to edit things out I got to stop shielding I feel like I'm the Joker oh you got it the Easter yeah you see he flew straight into me and my ball like went straight into his ball oh this is crazy bro dude freaking Des sign the freaking comic c yeah if I can't win then nobody [Music] can wow poor Wario Wario just dies I don't think he ever shows up again no Redemption for Wario though let's go the Lucas Redemption let's get this show on the road and luckily for me I am now first player now I'm in control I think I'm only going to choose one hey have fun getting your choice bro leave it with one these two I care now the power of teleportation at least who hype oh that's right I have to play properly now oh no all right so the first person who dies in this video is cringe just so you're aware no God damn it why every single damn time man all right this is great we only lost two lives eeve doesn't that so bad yeah and like the first fight of the video oh I think you're dead and the video's over now yeah baby assist me player two I need some assistant where's my team are we going mine's right oh how'd you know that uh cuz I'm a giga gamer all right well we got to go for this one no there oh my gosh oh e we're going to get absolutely nowhere in this video I swear to you wait hold up hold up oh oh get out where e you got to get out how how how was I supposed to know that though but how but how I don't care okay maybe I care a little bit okay e do not get squished do not yeah yeah yeah don't get squished you know what it's like two to one so I can't really talk right now let's just go just ignore it there's there's a you bro the door I just wanted to jump through the door man or at least get a checkpoint but no we got a checkpoint finally you're big yeah I don't know if that helps me yeah cuz I'm just getting hit by everything here yeah yeah that's kind of rough yeah I took like 50 freaking damage Man actually more than 50 a large amount wind light oh game I I was not expecting that wait can we run uh can we yeah I guess we can just leave it oh no oh well it seems we're fighting whether we want to or not oh e eeve that's it that's a check do not is that the end oh hey we made it yo yeah you see we currently having some trouble with Mario and Link here so I guess the the correct thing to do is just open up a giant nuke that'll stop him I guess I'm Fox then no cut scene or anything we're just back here that's right it's pushing us downwards just go about a little bit more care Bro eeve e a little more what was using K his brother too oh my gosh and he somehow managed to die as second player how do you manage to do that God Only Knows Eevee you are one of the most talented people I've ever minute thank you well that's what you got a another for right yeahhuh I'm fine I'm fine I'm alive holy he beat the sh me but I beat the out him in return this is a checkpoint okay I'm here we did it E's first clutch moment I'm so happy what do you mean what do you mean permanently clutch moment yeah yeah get man just like talking me and you get fing blasted like that yeah pay more attention man what a freaking dumbass you are see look at me like skillfully evading yeah look at you now turned into an evil version of yourself God how foolish are you Falco oh yeah that's right Falco to the Rescue all right bye-bye oh sh what have I done monkey wait is this actually good gameplay dude this up smash destroys him yeah that size of his really putting in work just keep punching what the no way he just he yeah he's tosing on us too take for him goodby oh just E's too big for his own good kind just like left he just said it that's right that's right did he just does the exact same thing he just grabs him and takes him he PE comedy this whole area seems to literally just be platforming yeah I want that what did I kill myself for music nice oh hey got him stop blowing me hey yo so let's see how long do you think I last guys that's what she said 1 minute 2 minutes 3 minutes I think I at least get to the end of the level 10 seconds 10 seconds all right start counting 8 seven oh not even well oh my gosh wait the Goomba what the fck is going on with him do you see him wait what is with Goomba dude he Wasing tripping out oo cut scene time no DK poor DK suffered for your sin Diddy it was all your fault me yeah CU you're Diddy see that's you platforming yeah that's right platform we got to find oh I I like noticed exactly what was going on like a second like after the fact I I can't you know what you know never mind never mind why okay we're fine we're fine we're fine I really thought you were dead I I thought I was dead too this character actually feels like trash if I'm being honest no wonder she's looking for the freaking super suit actually technically becomes a worst character with the suit on Nick where's my super suit there's my super suit wait that's Dark Samus from the hit game Metroid Prime 2 too and the other dark samis wa oh watch out for the charge drop by the way thank you eeve you're welcome watch out for his moves cuz if you get hit by them they will deal damage I I I can't Eevee believe bro believe you didn't believe didn't believe tethers are such a good mechanic by the way good thing they fixed tethers in the later games oh wait sounds like a skill issue well you're a skill issue did you ever think about that he's got nut watch out guy on the left has a nut blow oh wait did he use it did he nut I think he nut it already no I Tri holy Pikachu actually does not land his look what the did you get spiked I did dude add that to the freaking TC ni3 Spike compilation or something wait is he dead yes wait that's one down winnable guys let's go Eevee 28% you got this bro it would be Giga embarrassing if you lost I I won't I won't there we go wait I did well that murder what the hell easiest game in my life thank you I've now got my prize my super suit oh no apparently according to our chat this is the hardest most difficult level in the game I'm ready to rise up to the challenge if I were player one I'd probably be this in one try so good luck D fire player 2 I wouldn't die and be bad no bro bruh I was like oh yeah this is completely fine but the game's like here I know what to do for I'm fine I'm fine oh dude oh watch out watch out oh e oh it's on me then you got this hey yeah punch he's crazy honestly kind of Eevee kind of easy what does this do oh did you say kind of Eevee no yes you did epic get ready to jump we all right that yep yep you got it oh he's crazy ready get ready sub sh yeah well he's so good guys like if actually first try with the power of editing that was first try this isn't that bad this is very easy in my opinion yeah people just apparently remember this way differ or maybe the sophisticated Society isn't very good at video games oh boss fight yeah that wasn't hard at all guys what are you talking about or maybe I'm just that good at video games okay guys this the person who killed her parents he killed her parents now he's going to kill her too holy why does this game have an M rating well she's in the suit so it's okay one of his moves he drags his tail like on the ground and it does like a billion per. so I'm just saying watch out for that one no oh yeah it's it's very easy oh yo it's just like playing Metroid guys I remember that one part Pikachu threw a bad at Ridley in Metroid zero Mission oh Pikachu killed Ridley he got the last hit he stole my last hit he stole my kill Samus was going to get her revenge and you had to do that listen bro I can't help but carry sometimes parasites kill I know you're a crazy allar guy so have fun man yeah yeah as player one I am definitely going to choose allar here it comes to save the day it's like yeah guess that happened mother if I was off stream I would say words your mother all right let's go Diddy he's here to help he's got freaking Glocks in his hands and he is freaking out here smoking fools should not do that much yo he just grabs him and goes do you want Falcon uh that's a good question here let's let's go like this go like that what out of he reaps what he SWS dude that's fine take your l andb on her way oh wait can I just do this DK gameplay honestly oh that actually probably will work against these Bozo ass enemies I am gaming and I'm changing literally nothing about the strategy stop I got moved they adapted to my strategy they reflect projectiles too yeah they reflect yeah oh my gosh I got him all he's insane wo high five oh that's so cute I love it he is adorable man Falco and the fox are both like we are not here of our own free will we were dragged by Diddy Kong one time yeah literally into the secret base we go Ice Climbers kind of just show up here I misclick I should not have hit that there's a Miss input help help yeah Ice Climbers though oh I guess we don't need Nana yeah the Ice Climbers don't really have like any stakes in this or anything no I don't think so at least oh W just got our asses whooped didn't we oh hey it's fine oh we just skipped to the thing though epic oh and you get Nana back oh yeah yeah that's how it works shut up well n's gone I feel like it's going to be a common occurrence oh finally we're climbing some ice this is what we've been waiting for I'll get it I'll get it don't hurt you okay go ahead go on ahead you oh I can't press a damn it I wish he died that been funny yay yes this is what I was hoping to do in the Super Smash Bros brawl today oh I tripped I'm metanite I should not be allowed to do that oh yes yes awesome where is the door please I can't the door it's too freaking windy and Nana is nowhere to be found if Nana would just stop fiddle farting on the bottom side is I could just oh dude I have Tech did you see that look I can get out of my ice just by teleporting oh my gosh that's awesome oh yeah that's very good information how let me try that don't leave me here we don't need Nana he's gaming he's about to be gaming I guess Po's on his own you got this you got this you got this I believe yeah woo popo platforming popo gaming oh you got it here please don't get knocked out fine fine we've made it we made it we're good we're gaming we did it yeah yeah you two did it guys Lucario that's got to hurt his toe honestly well I don't know why he has instant beef with metanite maybe the reason he's angry right here is because he's got freaking splinter in his toe oh we could choose to be all right let's be metanite what the f too easy no why we need some challenge in our lives I play this game for the challenge that's why this is on intense mode oh he know a tornado e we're in trouble no I'm dead I'm dead once again that's entirely fault we had that in the back we had that in back we had his AI just cornered and you removed him from it before you pushed him to the left side of me things were working perfectly and now look oh oh you died oh okay uh I guess no need to argue you know what like the comedy rights itself honestly the AI in this game is a double-edged sword sometimes it plays perfectly and then other times it just like fart R you're not wrong W he has another ship attached to him is that cornia yeah that's corneria that's the name of the ship quick get on it they're dead probably for the best honestly I mean I would have to say we're kind of SCH smoing through this session honestly yeah yeah aside from like the beginning where we spent like 30 minutes getting past like the first area all right we oh the squad the biggest hell y biggest crossover since Marvel's The Avengers help I'm dying no e how bro man and we'll let you do the work and I just died 100 you died all right take seven all right well take 18 and A2 can I grab them I can I can wait wait I think I threw them off the ledge stop stop talk stop comboing or or I guess that works still yeah that's fine that works this is going to be a long section by the way I'm trying to save you I'm trying to save me too no this is definitely a new record the first we've gotten so far up not well okay well it's up to me it's going to be baby enemies all right oh baby enemies yes wee I got this now they all burn now they all die right no way the explosion got me what no that was kind of funny honestly holy sh you still on link let's go yes I am which is kind of problematic in just a second no this feels like the Run oh no e this is a run this is the run we're doing it we got this is for sure the Run fine we're gaming oh we are gaming so damn hard not a single death yet all right there's one there's two come on here die that's three go I got him four just one at a time yeah bab wait there's another one wait let me up til the me please off you goe I'll get his ass a single fing life we crazy I think it's time I think I know exactly who we're getting next oh the snack yeah the snacky yeah there he is oh W what's in the box guys surprise chicken 12 your me could not like comprehend this dude with like guns grenades yeah like no wonder this game's rated freaking T wa they have guns what are we supposed to do you idiots we all have guns cake give us a cake oh wait a quick frame of snake's cake he giv was like a quick shot of it was very was very fast simply because he has x-ray vision there's no way he would have been able to figure this out otherwise yeah literally hold up he is friendly I can set it he's a good man see these guys are like shade in red got it why you want you're a metanite bro you even look like him with an awesome sword and very overpowered nature absolutely when I think of Eevee those are the adjectives I think of very cool we hit the button we got it we're fine go let's go I can't I can't this wait you died first we're good right I think I'm alive yes will the best character in the game be able to defeat five whole perid and using the power of the B button gaming I might be able to let me charge this up real quickly all right we're good wait I wait Eevee Eevee look I can give you Aura bro yo that's so smart why don't we just keep doing that now we're ready now we're strong oh oh this is my favorite item hell yeah kill riping freaking tear buddy I think it's the end of the level no we do we have to fight oh yeah so like it doesn't even matter what your choice is they both still get captured anyways oh yeah we fight the princesses no these are the evil princesses oh boy so like we had trouble with one of them now we have to deal with both of them all right my strategy is to go up and up tilt I'm going to try my best my strategy is to press buttons watch me do it here we go surprise and I'm dead bobam freaking spawned on me honestly worth it nope NOP stop it oh God her eyes now we get the real ones absolutely destroy please uninstall this game you two let's go yeah baby Chic yeah this is her first appearance in braw I guess oh oh wait you can just turn back dude I'm literally stuck in freaking ultimate bro I forgot she can use her literal worst move who's taking the first L of the video but who though oh he just Ned God oh God I I don't want to take the first out of the video guide the away from me oh baby yeah yeah baby let's go my wi's overheating again yipp no please uh you want yourself afraid you having some trouble there I got well I guess Nick just takes the first L of the video wow these are enemies from Subspace imer yeah wait this one I don't think we've seen this one wait I don't recall seeing this thing ever is he unused probably poor guy how did I get sniped that is a big ass s bro yeah the freaking grap kind of just got freaking claws yeah literally and those things aren't just for attracting mates okay I'm like thinking maybe we like take the L in the section and I change my ethernet port or something yeah should and we just like speed run through the Section unless we can just beat the section end the level right here unless they're just really good at the game it's not over yeah you got to keep going fight back fight these things are so bloodthirsty though bro I have not seen a single float from this man do you think I don't know how to float bro look at this he's crazy look look I'm floating I'm floating I took a lot of damage to like prove that I can float but he got through no you proved me wrong oh I at 500% what's one more per honestly oh oh oh oh I'm fine I'm fine he's crazy oh are you you serious the freaking ball Crusher no no don't don't worry I'll use my very strong side view this actually doesn't do oh oh it's working are you sure about that are you sure we got to use that more yeah they don't belong in this world were you no no I would never hurt you E I would have I would have and that's why I know that you would have probably tried to hurt me there it's all right we can't die here we just take 1 billion per but we're not dead okay be careful I was about to say leave me please oh I'm going in I'm in I did not think you were going to make it you didn't think I was clutch I mean I guess I can float around but still I'm at the mercy of the oh oh oh hey we win yay oh yeah that's right cut scen wait she just doesn't give a yeah she giv zero why is she standing there no she's got airpods and watch out oh my gosh she just jump 50 ft into the air and then just punches his freaking oh that's dude she's not helping but then Peach is like you know what instead we should have some tea yeah a nice calm relaxing cup of tea he's look at him he's shaking his tail bro he's Happ to get that tea that's how I would have like stopped conflict I would have brought some tea out for sure oh hey snake oh hey gamer watch oh my god get rid of them please was that run though I don't know why yeah the game of watch suddenly merge and become the ultimate likeing life form I remember this character by do not remember them all being gaming watches oh and Nice Shot of snake cake tasty uh no way I died wait I was about to say I I to like die immediately oh my dude how can you die I'm literally like covering your [Music] rear how did you not make the oh my I haven't died yet so oh God oh God I might be dead oh I shot there goes my character he's gone oh Fu I feel we're going to be here for a bit honestly no oh I can't believe I dodged all of that I I literally no You Want Me Maybe i' be tank I be tank maybe me being tank is a bad idea uh if he charges I might be dead block for me block for me Squire yeah literally but oh no I tripped Ed add that to the counter I tripped actually things aren't looking that bad honestly we can do this we can do this my peach Strat goes crazy look at this I'm eat your way bro I've only side bead dude I also only side bead wait no me no God we're so close we were so close bro watch out watch out I Tri the secret weapon is out Eevee just stay alive and I will carry us home all right I'll try my best just literally live it's fine that might be fine input that's not the move I want to do my shield I got him he's dead I broke him now I can teabag behind you cuz you can't do okay now you can te to Y crazy Penguins is disqualified freaking girl power I guess go team wait she going to give him some tea too no he dances around and she's like a mute oh no he gives him the umbrella oh yeah the umbrella I love where the was metanite this whole time everyone went down except him bro he does not give a cuz he wants his we've been like on these two as Arc this entire game by the way but now this time I will play Pikachu you be the rat cuz I feel like playing Pikachu be one of your own Eevee I I always I'm not a rat only occasionally ah wa oh just see Tech though okay I didn't live all right another L for the TC Nation no save me don't leave me behind oh yo it's the right way no way oh nope sorry but that's going to happen if you don't I I was going to say do you think the if I don't get all the HP then I'll die see it didn't even matter you died anyways cut scene no be really crazy as if we spoiled who the overseas is do do you give a no that's right that's right he's sorrowful he's sad about what he's done well I guess monkey monkey no do I want to bear please God no no I'm alar I should have chosen arar second cuz I should have known that you would die you know what you what you know what it's not worth it's not worth it's not worth it's not worth not worth my energy mayze wolf proceed oh I don't agree with that hit box all right hello and he still managed to die that's fine at least I get Diddy dude these guys is missiles but no I are you ready no why did you wait don't bro oh my God intense sub space sem is game very difficult that's the title of the video also it would been nice to have those earlier dude I was going to say I was so close to taking both of those I know you wanted to dude I would not have resisted as the thing dude you got stoop down to my level no oh oh it we got a checkpoint I was just resetting my character uh oh oh hi surprised you did not die this game is so unforgiving uh specifically in intense mode I think this is are we allowed through can we play the video game dude can we come up with a way to get past this obstacle that's okay okay okay okay for real the time listen hiya you Works honestly I'm fine with this bro I can't just like I can't just teleport to you bro I can't dud can I get to the 900% 999 let's go finally oh jeez see I 999 everything here is just a little jump scare for me now on the bright side I can't take more damage yo that's actually very good see like see oh it didn't seem like it had a knockback but I guess it did never mind oh my God it's so this guy just like freaking runs at us H I just want to say all right game play I'm clapping too see I'm helping wait where did he come from I don't know but this is good game play Oh My there's a key take the key oh wait is he exploding oh oh that's right he multiplied just side be ah wait no you grab it and teleport you yeah you go on the right side yeah oh yeah we game the system come over here wow that's great they didn't even spawn they didn't even spawn they truly don't give a about I was about to say the exact same thing oh we were at the end that was literally the end bro yeah let me out let me out of this level I want free o oo monkeys I like how they're just instantly on the same time they've never met each other in their lives yeah for real you look like the bad guy he's big intimidating has a very spooky hologram that has to be the main villain right my brothers do not go however we have mind control over drive mode activate but don't worry this overseer will sacrifice his life they actually just order us to like witness this guy's death in real time yeah that's crazy bro he's on fire too he's just on fire and he's like a dude why is this game raid T this game should be rid M cuz they're about to freaking Oppenheimer this sh up as well and DK tries but that's how I knew like this is for Real if DK can't get them off yeah they're just way too powerful with their mind control yeah oh no he summoned Birds no not the birds I've seen this horror movie before it's pretty trash oh oh wait holy bro oh my God are you sho me right now Rob this whole time no that such a genuine reaction wait is this move even like still good is this move still broken side no it's trash oh that's right it doesn't have a finisher on it it doesn't that makes it trash what what grounded me my parents I guess I think chicken Eevee what game is Rob from uh he's from he's not from a game isn't he ah he patched the test no he's a console he's a console he's not he's not exactly a console he's like a like a physical thing you attach to your console oh he's like an expansion pack for your Nintendo as my parents would call it yeah oh he tripped ether catch that one that's to the compilation you get that look look I'm chistian raldo baby I need a replay of what you just said bro I I don't know his name I was close right I understood what you meant oh what the no Eevee what that could be said what there's no way it works like that I hit the soccer ball to him and then it just bogged back onto me with like a cartoon clunk sound effect it was very unsatisfying oh man what's wrong with my this part is ially really difficult probably the hardest part of the game so far we we need this we need this we need this let break break break break break break go go come on brand the claw BR the claw kick his ass kick his ass break it break it break it we break that there we go and now we just do this yeah baby it's so tropy for us quickly grab it grab it grab the trophy grab it Rob not coming off Stack Up gyromite does not compute negative these poor guys though they know their fate bro they know their fate so sad they have no ability to stop what's happening oh what you look at the time got to go what the that scared us bro can't say for sure that I was expecting that you got me Sakurai you're very clever AR you come on oh he's got his car oh that would be such a freaking cool mechanic for your car if you just snap it comes straight to you dude the future is going to be awesome no he definitely like programmed that to come oh there's oh yeah there he is no he had like the little thing like his watch thing to make it come dude this guy will never being in smash dude look at him he's so big dude he's huge he's massive there's no way this character could fit in the game yo bro you have 20 seconds to beat him oh oh hey I think it's going to time us out 10 seconds Eevee oh my gosh 7 6 no wait what what the falcon punch it that's going to kill me he's going to throw fire he's going to throw fire yo that's winning combo right there yeah literally actual gaming Geniuses I should not have chosen DK actually for some reason I that rley will be like on the ground DK has strong aerial though you know what Pikachu doesn't that yeah let's just let's just kick him in the face just break his nose and that's the end for Ridley as you know it he was never seen in Smash Bros ever again holy like oh these guys I forgot about these Boos dude holy sh bro unironically I literally said earlier that this is the biggest crossover since Marvel's The Avengers but bro this has to be the end game of Super Smash Bros no for real there's no way they can top this oh wait holy bro if I remember correctly this cut scene right here gave me freaking Goosebumps as a kid nowadays it's kind of just like neat it looks cool but like no even no even today bro it's still baller bro so damn hype we' got all the villains together right here right now what ready to fight but wait in the distance the heroes of the story flying in to save the day oh my God the Goosebumps are coming once the song kicks in that's when the Goosebumps kick in as well oh that's right the ship does destroyed yeah that's what was always crazy to me metanite sacrifices his ship the thing he loves the most for the better of the world yeah exactly all right all right come on give me the song Get the song Rolling oh yeah bro here comes the freaking I feel Goosebumps right now honestly bro yeah literally oo NE doesn't even need to put any other music in here they just leave it as it is let's freaking go Kirby Kirby over here performing the hardest he's never done in any video game ever Sakurai always got to give Kirby the protag moves dude actually yeah I think it's like biased these two are just like you know what H we spent 5 minutes fighting we've already lost time to go and there we go and then there's all marip just tagging along damn that's crazy though they put a lot of effect into that yeah that must been like half this game's budget yeah jeez now everybody is finally here oh that's so sick to fight against the final boss once and for all hiya dude what if they like reflected that as metal and hit me and I became a trophy protect me protect me link you don't look like Zelda I was Zelda early oh you failed protect me well don't worry don't worry I'm That Knight I'm dead Knight dude why are they regening so fast like you have to go freaking hard on top of him in Game Jesus Christ and can we can we get that clip out of context I said in game do have to take out both of these portals yeah yeah I'm I'm picking up the one in the middle these guys are really thinking with portals huh Eevee Lov like 27 memes I am aw God stuck in like 2015 memes 2015 the 18 Reddit ruined my charact oh god well I deserve that for speaking of Reddit but like that period of Reddit on ironically ruined my humor forever it's part of a f problem even it's not your fault mushroom mushroom beig I try to grab him like aing fool I deserve death this has to be like a checkpoint or something though this has to be 100% without the oh my God no yeah oh that's rough oh there they go just taking them for freaking Denny's dude we have to start all over oh my God yeah that's problematic oh no there's more oh jeez okay let me fight him let me fight him you oh Shield I'm shielding honestly good freeze game all right there we go are we free are we free do we get a checkpoint we have to we have to get a checkpoint there's no way in hell there's another why is linkfield so fast oh oh let's go we're very trustworthy huh yeah hello hi are we high five for a second there one 2 3 I'll take it close enough honestly oh I remember this God they thought they were friends betrayal Bowser's so trustworthy though too trustworthy for his own good that was like a literal backstab bro this shows that Ganon is actually the True Villain bro the evilest man in Nintendo and then however unfortunately Master Hand was really not the one pulling the strings but um TI it was actually taboo who no no I said taboo uh wait genan is loyal to the hand yeah yeah he is his friend oh his partner in crime holy sh actually though like bro he pulled out those strings that's crazy though the blood though from the hand dude the blood yeah he's wounded this game should be R them master hand stand literally zero chance yeah literally and now he's just freaking dead oh it's time baby it's time oh no we're all here we're all gathered together to fight to tussle against this guy but oh no time to get one shotted it's [Music] crazy dude he's so broken that's so broken so now what I guess the game's just over then huh um well guess nothing else we can do here yeah in an alternate universe it's just over all right time for him to converge inside his fish eggs I love how he makes stairs like in an invite for anyone who wants to join be my guest this is my new Utopia where I create just the world again everyone is dead the end everybody and now on this epic finale all right guys are you ready for the end yeah baby that definitely doesn't mean that the great Mason is going to be half of the play through right all right let's go let wait that's right it wasn't the end of the game can can I get the plot details of how this actually saves them from whatever just happened just a button on their face causes them to just lose their maybe DD is a scientist maybe he's the smartest smash character he's such a cue he's very grateful for yeah I thought he was just like like on collecting these guys but for saving Our Lives I'll be DD all right let's go wait what how we even get here um I guess they're all over the place though so I guess you you it's it's intense it's intense there's no reason for we be here yeah already like not even 5 seconds in oh DK monkey oh use plus one plus one no oh this this is time by the way the things go away eventually oh I see I see well I'm listening to you but I'm also trying to like get up there here I don't like this thing real quickly I'll spank his ass oh hi guys what literally my dad when I'm 10 years old and like lit punishment wise not like act no bro oh okay okay you know what you know what we run we run we run they are so angry I don't know what I did to piss them off but no bro why did you that was impressive thank you thank you I appreciate the the kind words you know what I need I need an AR oh my God bro I good thing there was like actually a wall there I can't play the game My go intense Mo moment I guess game watch yeah I'll do it cuz my life is of no value I well you didn't tell you that what if I told you your life means something after all oh hey Captain H wait wait wait let's go here leave oh rip can we get like a count for how many of these of the course the entire sub space Emissary bro that poor editor just like a count for every single game over the course of the series it's over n CH I've made him do worse oh hey Mario wait should we even bother no he's bro he's your yeah what imagine playing as Mario in the Mario game oh oh you collected them yeah I got I thought you were going to abandon your brother yes I would I hate you oh I remember just throw down here I got you bro de is actually just the hero of the whole story crazy yeah like I brought you back into this world I'm going to take you out let's just have yeah let's have good gam play yeah oh that's a good idea good idea wait I want try I want try oh wait my turn my turn my turn my turn my turn yo this is actually so what the I'll try it again no I going to try it again I tripped I tripped and they're showing off oh watch out oh my God Bard got a gun watch out wait wait I have a gun suace has a gun what what if though what if Bowser is still pissed off and he keeps trying to kill us he booped his snoot and he's just like all right fine I guess I have to follow you now and then Kirby just wait did he even have a button or is he just sacri favor which is why he survived oh no he ate one that's right he ate one yeah yeah he didn't even realize that that would help him in the sight he was just hungry Kirby here to save the day again twoes we're all coer Kos I'll get the name right eventually oh wait nice back well we need to get his ass yeah if we're going to be able to beat taboo we need him oh hey now Nick's not here do like bother me anymore nice a nice relaxing single player wait is there a character up there no no no it's not it's not wait how fast do I have to go how fast do I have to go there up Smash Up Smash Up smash oh I don't know what killed you but all right yeah I just die sometimes I don't even question it at this point anymore don't we all you're just like living your life to the fs and then suddenly death do it again why that's just the sad reality of it wait you would never mind you know you could have it you can have it anything for my friends okay oh no imagine if I had that what 45% deducted from me kn hit three times oh my goodness there's so many clouds I'm going to get metal I'm going to get metal mode wait no it cled fast no metal was actually our downfall there bro what the I was just standing in the air with the suck animation wait wait let me take that ah he's rapid jabing me I tripped to the other has shut off now goodbye ticken that poor little ticken his whole purpose is to just die oh my God can we just run past him just roll out can we we can we literally can you know what we just skip the content that the developer gave to us I'm a why you you got to make the joke bro the funny uh one second let me prepare myself let get a glass of water real quick for you okay okay you pick Wario okay is that is that what you want to hear okay we can proceed now he did it fellas he did it I think it's the end of the Kirby quest line there oh he's pissed oh my God yeah no he has like a little Montage freaking fatality his ass too he can even fight back look at the little he's so happy to see him I may be a bad guy but I'm not quite a bad guy and now I take you away you're a bad guy but not bad guy no way he is not redeemable though he is not no Zelda Zelda thinks anybody's redeemable Point look that's the bad guy that's the guy you hurt you we must join together no way this would happen dude I can't wait for like the beach episode after this or G enjoys him on the picnic or something and now Warrior's pissed too for some reason that's to show like all the villains just like teaming up with us now you pick Wario you pick no oh he just drives up what a baller yeah he's insane all right now the great maze begins guys look it's Warrior guys dude I've been hit by everything oh what what great maze ladies and gentlemen oh wait I dodged it that time but can you oh it seems you cannot nice baby yeah then we go in here we're fighting this thing with 180% all right I think we fight someone here pretty sure Kirby BBY yo he instantly Gra what the my God holy he's T us oh you're sneak bro I guess I take Wario wait sticky bomb yeah I got it use it use it properly what in name are you do that was the best use sticky G possible quick quick stop him With Grenades nice use explosive Firepower oh you got it oh wait he's dead oh he's dead and I F dude congrats you don't need to announce it everybody dude yeah you got it you got it oh yeah yeah I got this for sure I I'll win this first try first try I think it's pit what makes you think it's pit link no obviously it's link obviously bro this is where link was born oh oh he died first he he died first I'm my God I obviously baited him I'm so damn clutch dude the scar KO shaved you that's crazy deserved no to be Zelda bro let me kill myself and we can we can go back y that's a good idea great life advice let's just reroll characters in game wait can you like what the what hit me they have projectiles they do yeah but think they would like go through the the environment yeah where'd they go did they just hate on me and then leave bro there's the YouTube comments bro I guess so no like statues or anything well there's a there's a there's a door on the other side of that thing wait okay we're go no no no the other door door wait what other door you didn't see it gas lighting or no gas lighting all the way oh I see what you mean okay I get it what you mean okay I see now oh God it's Yoshi don't worry I got this one too trust me no this game is so brutal bro so when we kill these versions then we unlock them right what' you call them that did I say did he I said didy you said these virgins I did not know wait you might have misheard me wait oh that's what you said yeah that's what I said clap what oh oh wow you do not deserve to be alive that is the funny samish what the f are you doing here it's so Random no that makes perfect sense cuz we're in DK jungle it's just like fighting Cloud before getting Master Sword it makes perfect sense I'm nuts whoa what the oh that's the everything that we have left we have a lot dude that's so satisfying seeing like a small animal and using like your maximum Firepower on it L button I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine fine fine fine that was not about to be the biggest L you've ever seen in your life bro I'm not that bad at video games trust me Robert Rob well oh damn he just spawn and beat you we beat both our he's beating all of our asses yeah and he's taunting he is not having a good time baby there we go Elite smash moment honestly what was this room I don't remember this one uh me neither like new Assets in a reused asset area no way no way whatever it's fine we finished this area now we can fight the boss here oh this is Ridley wait holy sh that makes sense yo mg switcher thank you for becoming super gamer but yeah thank you for becoming a member dude I appreciate it dude oh I DED I weave oh I [Music] tripped okay oh you were right okay I see how it is just run just run run run for run I can clap on him oh him as well with the power Ving that's my last hit no stop editor no more pecking Wario everybody's going to be so sad that I dropped Wario you don't pick Wario it's too high you B I can't believe I'm alive what the leave me alone yeah charge up the there yeah you know what you know what yeah what from here you know what off off off off off he helped me out literally off die in a hole in game and in real life fine fine I'll just leave you be oh gam this is not working oh that nah nah smart yeah I know when it's time to Joseph joar secret technique what the soccer again the soccer ball way honestly same here I go he just jumped on top of freaking TNT there and he was just like nah I can care less no he's charging garbage you got it Eevee you got it Kitty thanks oooo face the win wait that thing blocked the missiles for me why did it launch me that way though what God damn it no this is not looking like a run but we can do this I died okay this this doesn't seem like it honestly I think we cut our losses no finally I carry oh baby all right you got it eeve there's a mushroom the mushroom is that is that big is that big oh it was not it was not it was not it was not run he's so big it's okay you got it you got it yeah that little thing is going to come I tripped I tripped no he he said he said oh my God bro if that trip killed me in the last hit I would have said some words and I would said more words you so yeah pick the snake first cuz you're going to die first yeah of course of course bro no way as I predicted who could see that coming this is a certified to the surprise of absolutely nobody moment oh he fight oh who we fighting Lucas Squirtle I'm right well you know fire is weak to fire obviously woo Zelda gaming Tor chick I love Tor chi I risk my life poor Tor chick you would get teleport to me so if you want to make this rescue attempt do it now no no what the f you you're not getting Torchic you're not you had one opportunity one chance to get tor you squandered it I'm just going to try to keep teleporting through I still took 69 hey no both nice not anymore what the let's let's see if I can start gaming gaming gaming got him good job e gaming see Zelda's actually carrying this run so far unironically that side is actually carrying us and here let me in stop let me in what Wario t e no IW my voice one time dude there's like oh oh did you see that trip oh my god oh hey Rayquaza did you say Rayquaza instead of Rayquaza dude I didn't have like friends back in the day and like my pronunciations from based on the way I read it show you Rayquaza that's how I read it wait how do you say oh hey I somehow survived that he's going to go again what that one shot shield that works so no way what oh my God bro I got him I got him no I got him I got him oh he tripped add that one to the trip but it's not you guys so does it really count and yes of course that that counts well all right ignore those things and we run this one wait you don't die oh he saved he did the first time one of these enemies has actually been useful but what it might be one of these but maybe check the map first to see which one oh is that oh that was not the right one that's why I said to check them out first W menite lives might I ask why that is a thing why is it like that though I don't know that's so trolly you got me good job game what the f off hello bro dude they just told us to stop getting hit why didn't I think of that Lucario or ice probably Lucario probably Lucario that would make sense you would think I was joking about like the characters being in like proper areas not making sense and then like now all the characters are like in the right spot yeah exactly what the are you doing oh what the no bro who died first tell me you died first oh I died first I tripped hether I know you're not skipping through a lot of the great maze right now oh uhoh okay I'm still alive I'm still alive I can keep teleporting and that works honestly this works a Bowser it's a Bowser jump scare bro KNE oh I got with the knee he was about to count me with his ass but you I now I said pound oh oh the prediction oh the baby punch him in the the midsection grining area little mouth getting you get in the car first back in my day we used to travel to school like this I just wanted to do a joke one F oh there another one okay wow this is actually way more convenient than just walking the whole way who would have thought yeah oh oh oh get destroyed yeah honestly good job oh okay so this one's required so yeah oh yeah that's a free side freest wait what the Juke I I know that there was a fireball but like I thought the thing is going to D down I guess is funnier just Spam L yes oh another Spike kill let's go no I swear to God that would have been actually freaking D I'm get nted on in game I need this key I think I can hold it okay never mind I want to hold the key I want to be the important one careful careful I I saw that the last second I saw I saw that the last second God damn it this game sucks keep going keep going we're almost there surely this key is important for the this key for what's this for they probably have to go the other way a Here Comes okay well awesome oh D we invaded his home we invaded his territory we like insulted his friends or something wait what he tried his best I think be gone there we go oh he's dead oh you can't live that get moment get he what the S tier get off my screen oh I got him see look how we've really just like thinned out the ranks like mowing the lawn honestly we got two more enemies and a few more still to go all right let's just let's try gaming for the missiles no way that killed me how do you take our of Our Lives wait this is fine this is fine I shoot him face nice oh thank goodness I think I for sure carry that one honestly I think we contributed equally for yeah well we'll say that oh there's another one over here okay now die and reset okay is this probably game watch oh no it's manite of course cuz you know it's man night's Revenge so makes perfect sense can I beat the sssssssss trip s boss right here no he's got he's too strong he's too strong but he be B oh that'll work this is what I was hoping to play Rob for Rob moment this is nice relaxing game play oh yeah wait that's a great idea to go wrong the speedrun strats all right I got this one too you you just watch and commentate you got it yeah oh the inant T to wait off there got to be like a tier list for most annoying Subs space them enemy over the course of this game for real oh we'd be pros at that all right this guy fine okay unless he just like pisses off by existing ignor nice nice nice oh he's so good I leave them all on red Rob you've done your job oh he's resourceful yeah baby broken I'm gaming actually abusing the power of Zelda over the course of this D tier yeah good one did you have you noticed like the child just in there I'm assuming that has to do with like the actual game but like never played the mother game no yeah me neither can we just like let him out what the also what the pory game destroyed yeah we're demolishing him yeah anyways time to never talk about mother ever again yeah for real overrated series honestly have I played it no yeah I think we've done with this section so we just go to the teleport Crystal yeah bab and he thought we would be able to finish this in one stream yo this is honestly kind of like Flappy Bird like a horizontal floppy fucku oh oh oh my God I just stabbed him with giant saber that's at least like 7 in okay that's much more than 7 in you're right mine is way bigger than 7 in shut up it's not how big it is is how well you use it I ripped it off and chucked it out his face in game people thought we were going to struggle an intense great maze the final is this I think it's game watch oh did we miss him it is Holy so threedimensional that's so weird yeah I don't like that that's just incorrect oh I tripped NE you know what to do all these freaking parries can we break this guy's damn Shield or something watch this up watch this up ooh o nice clean nice and that is all of them that's great maze yeah that's a great maze sus space sofus l is soon to be a sus space sofus w oh there it is the final pathway unveiled before us this is the ending after all this time after all this struggling through intense mode we finally made it to the very mhm all right this is it guys holy Bro oh my God wait wait wait Sonic holy Sonic oh that's like the fakest pop off I've had better pop offs so I going to show up for that one cut scene and then never again for the rest of the series anyways all right let's go let's fight let's get him what we be in first try though yo that angle he sent oh I tripped I'm going to lose it what if we be second try though oh oh oh is this this move oh my God it's the one that one shot that is so broken that's a killer yeah that's a move everybody remembers mhm oh what oh he just no way well we didn't need Zelda anyways oh here he's going to slap the fingers move okay yeah got you help I feel a death Montage coming on [Music] that kills too bro oh okay okay I I got one and yeah I've got two of them now we are Gamers fully fledged gamers are you sure about that well it seems just be an instant kill huh all right Kirby protag at this moment well that's so dumb oh watch out I tripped I literally tripped right there my god really damn it oh don't kill me please oh my no I'm not one what hit me dude this might actually be the Dark Souls of Smash Bros if I'm being oh God I did it oh he's crazy holy I'm the gamer this isn't going to work oh no touch no Okay Okay g me time you I literally had that yeah it is very clear which of us just like plays a lot of games that require like learning patterns I'm about to end this man's whole career F yeah yeah exactly you talk a lot buddy I release upon you the deadly sin of lag oh it's lagging too you have no means of Escape you oh Neptune oh God wait the slow motion saved me the slow motion helped a whole lot on this to God no it's okay it's okay I'll I'll be small is he oh oh God okay almost almost almost oh God I panicked there I I got it yeah it doesn't faking matter but I got it I panicked I literally I panicked right there damn it that one has to be big that one has to be of course that's the worst time big no I got I got I'm gaming I'm gaming he's crazy maybe wait hold up oh let's see I just want to see if that yeah I respect it though we can do this put our brains together we got this we can do this intense mode tabuk all right well this one's for sure oh what the are you serious I could even bro that's really cool I tripped oh we're gaming holy dude I wonder what epic Montage Music is going on that's that happens right there oh all right it's all right I don't die from that or it's all right it's all right we still have two characters left as long as we oh that was so in that was actually the little definition of sex right there come on he's almost dead he's almost dead f for the win hurry up fing for the win that's it that's it oh the hell let's go yes yes let's go that wasen that many tries that honestly I think we did a great job there goes the maze bye-bye see you later bro as soon as we both dodged the first time together we we a until got it yeah it was aide the music like really like starts sinking up right there too it was really awesome I'm sure it was peace was restored although we didn't like save everybody but honestly that's not important we shaved the ones that matter so uh outro I think [Music]
Channel: Sophist
Views: 201,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sophisticated eevee, brawl subspace all bosses, brawl subspace emissary full playthrough, brawl subspace all characters, brawl subspace emissary all cutscenes, tcnick3 smash bros, choctopus subspace emissary
Id: fC1fQDKmv5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 31sec (5191 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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