Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe - The Movie

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Time to watch them complete Return to Dreamland for the 100th timeee

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ace_and_Affraid 📅︎︎ Jun 09 2023 🗫︎ replies
cut that out cut that out even though we're playing through the same God forsaken game for the third time on your channel I'm gonna try to stay positive I'm gonna be positive It's Gonna Be Good Very contracted a really horrible illness from wispy Woods poisonous apples and that's why he's currently not with us today rest in peace it goes with the trend of the first episode is us three these here we go the start of an adventure oh joyous day indeed in Dreamland I'm so excited to see this intro for the third time but this time look at it it's they remade it cartoon foreign that's cringe bro you know what Harry would want people to hear that in spirit so thanks for doing that for him oh we gotta collect 120 gears again here's an idea all right I love ideas what if megalore was better at flying so he didn't crash his ship every year haha you know one day he'll pass his driver's test third time's the charm nah he's got the space learner's permit for right now Adventure okay so can we all agree to not all right the first wild D the First Quality how did I make no promises every time I will say this game does look fantastic it is aesthetically very pleasing it is it is very pleasing to mine eyeball oh my gosh you got the first gear again energy spheres are scared across the land try to find the hated ones oh yeah we know how this works it's all good we're kind of veterans of the game at this point we are Kirby experts wait why is your sword on fire wait why is my sword on fire wait wait oh wait that's awesome wait what if oh oh that's cool he has the power it's like Skyward Sword Legend of Zelda it is look see that Skyward Sword and it's time for mass destruction of my people yet again all right so first step uh-huh oh my God it's flat on the screen we have to figure out how many enemies can get splashed on screen at once wait a minute no not the big one why did they put so many big royalties here holy crap how you you go way faster you got turbo mode on I'm kind of sick with it wait wait don't show space that's there one big waddle T-man bernius you have to accept the fact that destruction is necessary in order to proceed true it really is Lee y'all are just really mean you can kill these guys you're mean and gross looking they are he is kind of stinky though you better take baths in the Phantom Dimension I don't believe so the void is without showers I did it I killed him dude whenever you go to the void do you ever see a bathroom yeah I live there we're not heathens dang they got a bathroom in there oh happy dance you're right whoa wait that was whoa Meta Knight with that over the shoulder smolder he just raised the camera come on on the pink on the pink on the pink yeah I'm better than you all of you I don't know your foes defeated kind of low though no we'll leave wait I would I wouldn't leave oh that's an ability yeah at least always been an ability dude you haven't played with us twice right to be fair I feel like I've repressed this memory sorry for the PTSD this game gives you now dude I am the weapon of mass destruction this is so sad now this is awesome oh look at this the game is very intentionally designed you're a multiplayer yeah no for death and destruction oh I'm blueby oh wait there's a room whoa Secrets kiss me yeah we're gonna Power It Up go go go go go faster faster faster faster ride go kill kill kill kill murder kill oh it's gone hey we did it this is rumbling so much right now it's like to again Edge it's just slowly being teared apart by the fabric of space in my stomach you know that's everybody's favorite Kirby character gigant Edge hi Kirby you're wanted for mass murder how many games have I been wanted for mass murder all of them is that what I think it is what is so you don't got time to fix your own [ __ ] but you got time to build a whole ass amusement park he feels really bad about the last two playthroughs how did he even get there to build the amusement park there's some continuity errors in here I think bro my immersion is ruined that feels like a stock sound effect I'm not even lying bro none of us even died yet that's awesome we are just really good at this video okay it's like we've played it three times yeah we should be good at this point you know I love this movie revolution meme I got this guys I got this oh you got this okay okay yeah yeah yeah don't worry I'll I'll cover everything I'll cover you I'll cover you oh you got me I'm gonna cover you don't die I got this don't die I got this guys I got this i got this see you later I got this hey first death of the playthrough we have this ability I love Festival from Star allies wait wait no we can dance if we want to we can leave your friends behind hey guys look at this cool stick I found oh wait we have taunts in this game yeah wait that's awesome hi there hey yeah hi guys hi guys hi there I'm just looking hi there Mickey touches toes he's so flexible okay when are they gonna add the gritty though I want to see Kirby hit the gritty I should move [Music] those were grass type they're weak to fire oh that's that's a good one dude that's a really good one hey thank you I like Pokemon a lot what's y'all's favorite Pokemon um Pikachu I like uh Pikachu too for Raichu is that you saying you like Pikachu also or like Pikachu too like there's a Mewtwo yeah Pikachu the second one yeah the Raichu no Pikachu too dude it's a big difference you know honestly I'm waiting for the day that they release Mew three like that's when you know for sure that they've ran out of ideas dude he's definitely behind the truck it's so obvious oh it's Mew that's under the truck get your references right here's the question what is the best Kirby game uh I don't think it is the best Kirby game but my favorites are Superstar Ultra and Epic Yarn my favorite Kirby game is this one because we've played it three times yeah yeah motorcycle's like the only Kirby game you played no I've actually played a lot okay what's your favorite dude growing up I think I played the most of a Nightmare in Dreamland for the Game Boy Advance Ah that's a classic yeah originally Planet robot was my favorite forgotten land has taken that position yeah I forgot it lands a close second for me that game is magical ah I L opposed it's so nice wait wait wait before before we go whispy we gotta go to the theme park first we just have to I assure you it's for good reason if I'm not blowing my socks off by the time I see this amusement park I'm bro you're gonna be so amused you're gonna have so much Jolly enjoyment all right this this does look like it's filled with joyous Whimsy this is a tale of a different world in a different time oh it's actually not kidding so that's just a BS explanation then they really said a long time ago in a galaxy far far away hold on now this is just magalor no with measure magdalore now you can tell he's different because he has a hat and a bow tie on he's a different character but that's not all I also have a fun souvenir wow I got the wall defense what in the Majora's Mask if I see a lot of Poyo in the chat I will donate Chad please say polio so I can pay my rent this month it would be so awesome wait can I put a Meta Knight mask on top of my Meta Knight mask I don't see why it would be a problem uh but we only have ranking while wait wait wait everyone go wildy [Music] [Laughter] Kirby Cinematic Universe doesn't look like the Lego Star Wars select screen let's play a mini game we have to go for the bomb one first we have Irish Kirby did somebody see we're about to mess up Irish Irish Kirby we're gonna mess up I'm feeling it back to you change up the speed oh about the Kirby ah back to you Irish Kirby by the second we give him a turn oh he's gone L plus ratio wait what is that it's a little guy who are you I'll take faster it's gonna get intense this is awesome oh God wait what got mixed get mixed get freaking mixed oh I'm the best I'm the freaking best all right well let's run it back oh now we can do level two and three now let's just jump to level three I agree that is a absolutely great idea oh my God ddg is here we found dignity finally Harry's here in spirit oh he's faster so much faster ah no oh my oh away stop missing these dude all right let's run it back run it back run it back back they say for our first time I don't care what difficulty we're playing one two three thousand I'm gonna beat you let's go this game don't make sense you don't make sense oh this is your first law and it's time to dang it actually you're right this game don't make sense oh hey Evie can do it rick wins Rick wins okay finally go for a Reiki hey there was so many Rooks one of them had to win we got so many stamps oh my gosh guys that mask looks so dumb hey don't be mean to him go away oh my gosh all right I'm wearing the gooey mask I want to wear a gooey mask I want to put egg one next hold on we have to change our mask first oh for sure for sure right we need to be fashionably ready to catch these eggs in our faces me when I'm really hungry oh go egg boy egg boy to go we also I love the mascot oh we have we have baskets yeah yeah we have baskets we're not cool like Kirby a few moments later boing simple as that that was easy that was quite excellent [Music] yeah okay I didn't expect that off the stage bye little guys I hope you had fun in curvy stomach body look at DDD painting in the back I like to imagine that's just hairy on that painting like good job guys that's so much fun Mark what are you doing here you stupid grape Adeline satellite hey that's just a child ribbon that's also just a child oh oh my gosh it's Duke's ultimate Persona all right I gotta I Gotta Wear that one whoa amazing amazing what the heck tours Pig who is this yo Rick can't get it dude Rick can't get it I think if I'm Dreamland three then my these are just OCS somebody just put their somebody just made a cool gray shiny cool somebody just made their Kirby OCS and put them in the game this is terrifying I don't like that one that one I don't like it oh my gosh oh no okay the fire of passion it flows through me oh the power of friendship is so strong not even the planet pop star could resistant ah oh my God all the way wait wait what the heck to know Stratosphere from the pool that was amazing they're wrong oh I'm so happy he's here it's Harry's favorite character no taranza is cringe oh at least we have deity in spirit my man's is flabbergasted what squeaky toys whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what it's ready to do [Music] tarante isn't as funny F tier on the master list the roots instant s I'm glad that this turned you all around you see we can still have fun all right back to the actual video game I'm going to show you all why we really need to go to the theme party not just for the masks but for something even more amazing everyone equip this when we start the battle whispy we're gonna give you a big surprise we got that thang on us all the figs George oh wait y'all took my crackler away oh no it just broke okay okay we can only cheat once fine I got this guys I got this no ah no I got you I got you I got you I'm helping I'm helping there we go here we go let's do our dance with our little mask on now they call me two mask night [Music] yeah man Harry's gonna miss out on Mr duder again it's very very sad maybe one day he will understand the Majesty of Mr duder Sand Dude sand I gotta be Kirby just for this wait wait wait wait wait wait high five Chris Redfield wishes bro [ __ ] sand [ __ ] sand [ __ ] sand Pockets I'm gonna pocket sand all over this guy [ __ ] Sam out oh that's that's kind of cool actually all right look guys I'm teeny dude oh my God he's here all right guys how's it going yo DDD can I get your autograph or just stand right there yeah yeah I need the other to come here okay talk to me I'm not DVD I'm sorry imposter while we're here let's just try and find the yeah I have a new Stones big fish sauce we were observing up oh that's a cool one that's me oh my God they can turn it can't move oh yeah it's the king wait a minute that's his old design I want the big dude what you want that I want a big dude yeah [Music] oh my gosh finally well he has the power now if you'll take revenge on the captors of his race get him whoa no way why oh oh he just went in they can interrupted my power trip man that's not nice I like how when you're pumped up the mask just stays the same well yeah it's a rigid option you're a rigid object why would you say that to me that's so mean the truth hurts Duke I'm just so much hostility here oh God now you see I'm not original object I'm a lost object because I'm I'm not on screen so vernius is the only one that's died so far this point okay so you know I did it for the funnies it was all for the funny that's all that's all okay I'm only bad when it's for a bit yeah exactly dude he gets it hey you should get the memo by now we've played this game twice already yeah we you died a lot in every single wow so you remember everything you know in those places don't you wow freaking week I mean right so much Unforgettable Memories We Made in dreamlands like when you died and then when you died again yeah great great times yeah and died died once more Kirby this is not your time to talk you know I'm just talking stick best of all yeah Party Time King do you are formally invited to your funeral we always get one two three hey we're just consistent I love the team Dynamic yeah the biggest never gifted Jay thank you so much let me like just just take you bad you want to stop nutting and come over here please oh yeah my bad I get too excited sorry about that yeah that's how that works yeah that is usually how it goes down oh my God you guys hey can you give me something and I'm a rubble okay okay yeah sure anyways here's a water gal boros gal boros this is a monster hunter villain I got you guys I got you out okay I got you guys okay that does like an insane amount of damage that's a lot of damage what who just kissed me what the someone just kissed me who the hell just did that bro why did it taste like hot dogs what the hell God could you imagine the ghost just running up and sort of making out with you whoa I've never seen this guy before that's awesome oh big sword oh man no March is too powerful though leave no Witnesses I understand I agree I agree no kaboos left to talk on the witness stand how do you know their names hey if you play as much as Kevin as I do you're gonna learn to the enemies you constantly hit eventually I feel like you're making things up I really not they're called kaboos I swear they're just rocks oh the Cobble statue I heard the name of the characters are they have names I don't know what they are there's no way yeah there's no way I just don't remember what their names are there's no way they have names that are not just Canon I don't know I gotta look it up real quick no check can you oh shot so yeah you're right shotso that's not real you're lying to me it's real you have to accept it man you have to accept that things have names in video games you have to accept that it's just a cannon and then Cannon has a name and so you have to find what kind of thing they are how many cannons are there in Kirby that you have to Define it they're actually I won't look at it like three there's like three oh yeah there's a big red ones there's like the tiny ones from uh from megalore ship and King deity ship look enemy list is Rich dude the character list never ends I love Kirby and yeah me like Kirby me like we should go back to Macklemore just to get some new masks oh oh look at that wispy's in the Megalodon oh I'm so glad we went back to this okay everyone will speed up wide wispy wide wispy the tree gang rolling up we're gonna give Mr tutor so many splinters he's never gonna recover from this one wait dude these are the three whispies I found in a Super Mario theme park all three of them what's in the turban it's Mr donut HD he's so handsome he's so handsome and strong and powerful why can't we be as beautiful as Mr tuner I could never be him no one could ever be him man oh he's bigger too he's even wider than we are oh no turbo fist ow he pushed me so hard he made me face into the next side of the states hooray all right he's dead oh wait Mr Judo isn't bald Mr dude is done I thought it was bald team trees now it's time for the team trees dance I love the team trees dance [Music] and wispy come through the door I did not just imagine seeing three wispies just walk into your house okay before we go we have to see Mr Jr Mr dooner is doing magic tricks I love this guy that's that's just juggling that's not a matter we can finally be Mr tutor we could be him hooray oh I can turn man look at me no hey no hey okay hey Kirby guess what what chicken butt [Music] okay look at me who are your biggest fans Mr duder please sign my face I am so duded right now okay yeah I missed you I missed some of the line I'm alive to tell the tale of how I missed these eyes oh okay Mr Judah wasn't strong enough all right so we're gonna up let's go aren't you guys forgetting something uh who's that what the heck what who is it who is it it's a oh he has returned oh my God he's so obese hello that's not how you say hello what'd you bring me back therapy has taught him nothing clearly I'm having a DDD moment yes I mean what is the deity moment with you honestly it's okay dude you could be the star of the show that's the name you should know he's the king of the show I'm looking at the reflection real quick why do I look like this what happened to my face what happened this is a new game right yeah essentially it's brand new what do you mean essentially as in there's new things in it what is this the same Kirby game yes it's kind of close it's close to it oh I quit how do I quit there isn't really a way to quit Make Way for king of Dreamland I begin I have a you won't get far without me so I'm coming too yeah you know what I gotta read up too I'm bandana Wilde everyone hey I'm everyone's favorite and everyone's favorite little guy stop it stop it I got a big heart and a big Spirit okay you know you're all horrible people you're terrible okay now read your all right let's look at Meta Knight his unrivaled speed it was the result of this intense training yeah who is this guy I've never seen him in my entire life there we go oh there he is oh well ew oh guys it's a big nuts yep it's the big nut it's the reference like when like in the animation screw your nuts oh okay okay well okay Harry I don't think you mean that in that way all right why are we playing the exact same game again because there is a ton of new things to discover I just want to say that is what you said about the last mod we played and it was exactly the same well okay I didn't do my research I'll be real I saw oh Kirby game but hard interesting most excitable wait Kirby get get the mech get the mech get the mech get go go go get it get it ah Master we see this is a new game I simply have to kiwi's got to make an appearance from this one hey thanks for the one mom twister thank you to all the members and dodos thank you I'm sorry hey thanks for all the money guys thanks for the money guys thanks for the money thanks for that money do you want me to say oh I guys I actually hate money I don't yeah I think you should you know you should be a bit more humble I another charity stream yes didn't think so hahaha check this out all right what do I do do I jump or throw yeah jump okay I'm gonna jump all right everyone careful all right all right are you ready to catch me I'm so ready to catch you stop stop don't stop shooting at him stop putting pressure on me bro I've gotta do it yeah oh my God all right here we go yeah so close why didn't you catch me my turn all right here we go oh and there you go hooray wait who's gonna get it it's yeah okay yeah good job can everyone donate to me so I can get facial surgery so I stopped looking like this freak that was a marketing oh yo strike let's go Harry we got this get off me then we have this Purgatory let him go no no let me out let me out look Harry it's therapy let's go together get me out of here please did y'all see DDD like his face scrunched up getting sucked into the portal yeah he's ugly yeah this level goes on forever yeah this is a tangiest tire hey I'll keep saying it's a baby gamer y'all have the freaking attention span of a baby you'll feel like a baby you're like you're like a big baby yeah at least I'm big oh good comeback at least you're big hello everyone hello I'm gonna kill you everyone Harry's returned look we're leaving we're done here wow he's so cool I thought he had his normal face wow yeah he did the cool guy pose he's so cool if I had to be honest about his rebranding I don't know what you call this it's all right I feel like maybe DDD did need a redesign but I don't know if this is it if you don't like his face so much you can get a new face what the hell is this join us wait what is it you guys are like stood on boxes are you are you all short is that is that the problem why are you all me but don't you love yourself what's wrong with four of you instead of one and I thought one of me was a problem now there's four of them can I put my face on my face yes yes you can so if I wave now am I just like an emotionless being yes essentially I don't know if they can pose underwater hold on I need to swallow ew that looks gross I did not like that yeah I I was not a fan about I'll be real all right make one funny joke right now uh my sense of humor self-deplocation is not healthy for the song don't talk to me about unhealthiness listen while I was in rehab I learned a lot of things and why do or exactly how to how to dismember while the in 20 new different ways how to do this oh yeah that's pretty effective pretty cool huh again I think you went to the wrong facility but good training I think I'm gonna contemplate for a moment move on nope we're not doing this no I I ways to contemplate my feelings and nobody struggles moving on no one cares about the model D's that's what I mean by oppression this is what I'm talking about what do you mean but it's very warranted though like it's probably justifiable okay this mosque is scary it went from happiest fella to Kingpin with that mask okay I don't do a lot of art requests but can somebody do you know like the no like Emoji thing where it's like you've got the two hands and they're crying wait wait is it the one that disintegrates yeah but can somebody do with ddd's new face because he's so he's so upset about having an ugly horrible face God she's so ugly DVD take off the mask it's okay are you sure can I oh I'll put it back on please you're beautiful you're beautiful man don't let anyone say otherwise I don't believe you I have a box who wants the box if you want the Box you have to eat your friends no no no no no no no that was not a moment as a hesitation this is the third time we've played this game right yep sure is we've played this game more than recommended legal amount which was one give the characters outlines they'll never notice yeah if we're making Federal requests can someone make fan of a bandana Wilde in the shower like that one guy like completely cheap I'm sorry no no it's a guy what this guy just really asked for a fan art of what'll be in the shower no no no it isn't no no it's a guy who's like what it's all the caption why is everyone so mean to me like looking down all sad because someone just do that with Walking Dead wildly please that would absolutely make my day he wants HD ass and that's kind of weird I'm making sure you all understand what the hell I'm talking about because I sound freaking weird as hell we know no don't show it on the street do not show it on stream actually that's are you serious yeah there's no way you're legitimately about to pull up a man's ass on stream are you serious then I I wasn't gonna say this you're the worst streamer honestly Fair honestly Fair no not in terms of like entertainment but like for like a technical like everything technical wise yeah okay the worst I've ever seen look look my faces and where you're coming from the POV the spider that lives can I go through the ending level yes yeah you can go for the gold door yes yes all right like this isn't my one one request of History by the way you guys still have to listen to everything I say aye aye Captain everyone let's jump off the cliff maybe don't do that yes sir yes sir you're spitting yes sir yes sir let's all jump off the cliff you're supposed to follow DD's orders that those are really bad orders everyone jump off the cliff I'm I'm good spend all the lives everybody yes sir yes sir yes sir we're gonna need all of them dude everyone waste all the lives on this level yes sir yes sir wow we all suck true the third even more oh yeah there's the kicker I was just wondering what was going to be said there thanks Chad I think I'm a pretty good streamer I think I am thank you Chad that was a paid comment I saw the ball guys there was one Survivor go tell the tell the land a terrible land warned them warned them up in discrepancies hurry hurry rub before they come back before you finish the job don't worry everyone I want to do it again no no please don't no no you got big balls he got freaking big balls like a freaking ping-pong ball the steroids they're finally working yeah I knew you didn't go to therapy there was no rehab guys I got a bomb guys I got a bomb we gotta go guys we gotta go guys we gotta go we gotta go guys we gotta go I have a bomb I'm gonna blow up the bump planting bump guys it's gonna it's gonna blow yeah okay let's all stop rolls I'll be Duke uh okay Duke will be Kirby okay Kirby will be various and vernius will be me why am I Vernier okay come on man oh my god really come on Duke hello everyone hey it's me Kirby kid I'm really good at Smash Bros and I'm awesome and hilarious and everybody likes hey guys I'm bernius I like buddy thank you for hello I'm King Harry my face is ugly what the hell that's so that's so that's not very nice that's not very nice about yourself why would you say that about yourself like a physical mean thing I just I don't think Harry has ever made any comments like that about anyone that's really the old characters never you guys are taking this whole Persona swaps kick a little too seriously we're so good that is so bad true Kirby you can do better I'm sorry you're better than this I know I know I know I'm not supposed to be on grannies bro you already have two crying emojis what's one more right you know one phrase play through it makes sense right this guy has two crying emojis I don't know how much I cry one more time for every time we play this God forsaken game you're the one who's making us players oh look I held you I'm freaking gun porn or something um hey harry I know you hate this game but I actually have your entire family hostage if you don't play with Kirby Return to Dream Life well the third time in a row I will annihilate them all oh my God who could it be it's puffer guys I will use my new ability I just found out oh joy what is it wait what's the bun it's oh my god oh whoa the sly tech oh I'm dead that move sucks I got this using my trip ability I will kill yep wait no do we need do dude all right why would you do this why would you skip Duke because Duke is dead everyone Duke is dead hey look I'm dancing hey let's go hit it oh you don't want to clap his feet whoa oh what a hideous creature and now it's time for what plays in Bowling remember that one guys spear wait there's actually stuff in this yes oh my goodness there's like a whole like different game yes oh fatty puffer is in the park he's just hanging out in this wait oh my God I love him oh so Samurai Kirby you press a once the exclamation mark appears it's a game of reaction time wait what am I doing it's a reaction as soon as you see the exclamation mark oh what I'm in the UK okay what does that of doing anything I'm very far away from you guys it's true hold on hold on quiet no what's 9 15. what the heck hold on yeah I'm holding I'm holding Blood let's go priority he has poor priority that was important okay yeah poor priority at Port three let's go we can't get TV6 we can't stop bringing smashing persons oh my God I feel like if anyone will move the fastest it will be curvature I'm not even think right hold on door I'm pressing it oh my God I think your headband looks weird shut up damn it I'm impressing your ass all right we're back in we're running back all right Toby kids pride is on the line right now I am gonna Mash I'm gonna Mash here we go three two one you got outmasked I got nervous I got nervous I got nervous I got nervous oh you flinched [Music] oh my gosh wait why am I out why am I oh it's because me and Bernie has clashed so it's just between us we're faster yes I was talking [Applause] damn it I have a hammer that time I think Meta Knight gets a bonus because he's the cool character it's true I deserve it honestly this is so hard oh God I flashed again how does this keep happening how how what's happening what is going on ah we are evenly matched I see I will be the next taco okay you can't stop me yes it's Hokage first of all go oh go um okay my controller disconnected so I lost that I'm the best my controller is disconnected it started blinking so I was like oh that's it oh here we go yeah oh yeah perfect rotation God damn it bro perfect shot yo this is silly I kind of like this one got him all right I'm out of ammo he's out get him 360. no got him oh no where is it where'd it go it's gone oh you got hit out of it that's why I was getting hit should have got hit damn it I should have gotten hit now talk smack gets yeah yeah yeah that's fitting whatever activate the laser cutter oh he missed Next Level here we go oh goodness gracious wait why am why am I only level one what are you doing here what in the goddamn Wario that's that's not Wario ah no not those super blasters oh my God looks like it's just me and you right all right shoot wins I think you can last shot wins oh gosh oh my God he is the biggest bird oh I'm the biggest bird I'm the biggest bird oh my God look at him why does he look like that he's so massive oh my God so what does level three like then I believe it's like just a different Terrain oh oh yeah yeah yeah here we go see there's like little barricades oh come on mine no I am with me guys damn it yeah I've always sucked at Shooters man I suck at these I am the Superman now run run run come again oh wow that was that mystery I can't take him that's fine it's probably the second mask obscuring his vision oh you invasion God I have nowhere to go oh good what a shot what a shot oh congratulations you're ugly you're ugly no one thinks you're cute don't be mean hey hey zip it hey you're way uglier God he's so rotund all right let's try the last difficulty oh come on oh it was so close he was almost home free it is just a me and you once again oh you better run you better run oh I'm running I'm running no no look at I was done looks like the winner is I guess I could have shot him huh that would have been a great idea actually yeah I agree with that statement can we play a different game now is this like Kirby air ride it's like that smash 3DS mini game what's the squeak doing there no squeak be careful what are you doing oh oh well don't come on I got it what the hell damn okay um I'm stuck step bro I'm stuck yeah let's go let go I did let go my hands are off the controller I just charged and I'm stuck uh oh let go I did no he's mine he's mine yes I'm gonna get this guy I'm gonna get this guy I'm gonna give this guy all right what boy man where have I seen this Victory scream from before I I just can't put my finger on it well go through the mask go through the mess this is hilarious meow meow so are we doing a whole another world now uh yes I like how much confidence you said that with like we were going to go along with that I suppose so due to the peer pressures of trying to make videos happy I guess we will see crying please tell me he's crying no no I am so thirsty I need to drink his tears please tell me he's crying shoot me into the the hole hit us against the wall I got it good job Harry from his prison can't do that yes yes that is that's not what I meant ow ow stop it you're having too much fun I think this is the appropriate amount of fun can I I can't even oh I can't wait oh I can't even leave inside I'm St you can't physically live ly you are stuck here damn it oh my gosh wait what if what if here we go oh I can't even I can't goodbye that wasn't me I I words actually have no words that one was not me I wasn't present I I blame uh verdeus why is that Kirby he was alive no I know I was I was dead I was dead or who died first everyone who blames vernius for all their previous problems in life say I I I I no what does it guys my hands have been off the control guys guys it was funny the first time all right we get it we get it okay we made it we're not done yet though I did not like making out with band energy twice oh the first time though you were more than okay with guys no no oh oh really now really first time you really said oh two is a little too much for me he's just too sexy press a I did a little too quickly wow you suck come on everyone my fellow ddds I will show you the way of the DDD wait for me don't do not go on about me you're not going without me I don't like this image if you believe even you two could be dude it could be more weirdly obese and have anger ish that's so rude you spawned in an onion ocean wanting to kill us all that's fair no what is it Thomas gotta kill him kill him he thinks he's me he thinks he's me he didn't even this guy's an awesome to me everyone kill her this is what happens when you don't sub to me kill him kill him and that's what happens if you don't subscribe to me oh my God you literally are let's go he's daddy he's Didi there Diddy I'm Didi okay [Music] come on no I don't spare you guys no kill him kill him kill him I killed him no oh my God no way the Doom of Spears I haven't seen these guys before it's green though and that's new so he's Irish okay yeah they tried Irish turkey in there well that was like a callback or something it was so greedy don't go in guys listen gggs masks off who the hell are you guys it's a good day to be on top good job dude I'm happy for you ah my paycheck finally what are you doing I'm figuring it out wait you might have a my hammer oh you just have a stick Guys somebody get this man a new Hammer where'd it go Kirby's Hammer wouldn't do that I'll beat you to death forget you coming that's an orange thingy ugly disgusting an orange your friend and you're better do not call the orange thing my friend bandana D is the type of guy that I see whenever I go out and I'm like oh is this guy and my day literally gets completely ruined just like his presence being there I'm sure you got like a pair of fake glasses just to get past me just so I can't even notice no let him cook Kirby sees bandana D in the club and he's like oh okay we gotta we gotta get out of here oh hello hello hi there uh you see we are we are King Diddy but small you're very handsome d d and d all right yes I've got this all right I'll show you what it means to be a DDD okay ready all right please please let's observe all right I'm learning so much right now [Music] no no no no no no wait wait wait I'm actually making progress I'm actually you're doing it wait no wait wait wait wait wait Kirby Kirby get on my back Kirby get on my back get on my back Kirby this is so easy let's go why is this working wait it's actually working it's always working no this is this is a video game of all time you need to get Kobe in wait wait all right all right oh I'm gonna get that sorted enough go away go Kirby oh we're up here oh you're so good I did it we are so talented all right Kirby get back online is just like oh what is it wait wait do you need to come back oh oh this game was not made for four players I feel like we have very unique I feel like that's the best way to put it in unique videos yeah we're all very quirky Harry I only took us three players for the same goddamn game to realize that like Kirby kid is definitely the Kirby to my wall D so it's a fair what does that make the rest of us oh you know it's hard to make comparison like I guess Duke you were a better night to King Harry you know observe my mighty God observe my flaccid belly look at me and weep for you will never match my physique an absolute Prestige I am sexy and you are messy you know like I can say things like hang on I can say things like like you say oh my you know honestly honestly Harry listen yeah I'm not even mad wait hold on look like say say something offensive to me chicken butt I'm just glad Harry was finally able to speak his mind and I appreciate that you're communicating to me no I'm glad that we all got that off our chests we can move on we could save Dreamland for the 80th time we're gonna have a great time everyone watching you should turn on the gas tops and chemistry class you just turn the board turn on all the gas types and chemistry is not a certified chemist do not listen to him now that we're on this level I have to be honest this is my least favorite level in the game and why is that there's too much going through the portal and they're like oh go on this side then get this thing and then look see look oh look the key and we grab the key and then we go back and then we go on the other side and look I simply enjoy the existence of the ghost wildies I think that's pretty funny I killed them all I killed them I want them all to die a second time you see that that's not how dying works okay well if you're an expert in the topic then why don't you tell me those are the souls of the Damned you've sent in the jars you killed these nope and now I will never die I think that's a GG bro I think you have to Shake The Game's hand you guys know that image of like the kid with like the vein bulging out of his forehead yeah he's trying to hold something in that's me right now I'm trying not to go I'm trying not to try not to let you be in your world challenge fail genuinely unwell bro we missed one but he gave back to reality Kirby yeah welcome back [Music] so much hostility okay you can't understand that I'm playing this game so many times has hurt them more than it's hurt me into a point where they're trying to Gaslight me and to make some kind of funny comment what are you talking about okay wow it's that it's really cold in here whoops let's warm up guys yeah yeah stretch out the bones let the blood flow in oh yeah we're just stretching out Namo fired up ready to go look the sand castles in the country we're defending our home turn oh no he's destroying get him This Is War we're back fighting Goku here I come Goku I don't care what suit level of Super Saiyan your coyote can't I don't care I don't care about your bottom plus I just want to defeat you oh no he's gone Super Saiyan guys remember that yeah I remember that one oh good is gracious he is very powerful ow oh no he's biting blast look out I'm gonna talk over it oh how dare you ruin the moment me and bandana D did a fusion yeah we did I saw I saw like we both like put our hands together like oh my gosh Kirby we held hands let's get married I really don't want to okay uh maybe next playthrough the next playthrough of What Not this game here I come to kill you Whoopsie Daisy that is DVD's like death stare whatever you want to say if it offends me shut up I was going to say wait hold on what was I going to say do you don't you mean SD me you know what I'm not even gonna kiss you you don't deserve my kisses wondered kisses come to the equation because I have cake like I ate a piece of cake and you need help oh so if you bought me a cake in real life you'd be like okay I have to kiss you now like normal I don't want to kiss you yeah I mean what have you never eaten cake yes I have and I haven't kissed anyone you know what this guy's never been invited to a birthday party clearly what are you talking about what birthday parties are you going because you eat cake at a birthday party and then kisses okay in the UK has some weird birthday parties what what are you talking about this is entirely your fabrication shut up be funny right now I'm so good at this whoa you didn't know you literally killed okay bears are funny there's your freaking funny I hope you laughed I want wings thank you okay let's find you a bird kill I'm killing him he'll kill him I am killing you what is wrong with you you killed me now you sound like dead you sound like a dead person you want to hear my impression of you yeah that's it because you're dead don't be weird I got it I got him it's unequip it bro that's my goat we ain't got no lives oh wow the first ever continue of Dreamland Deluxe so not yet not yet for real what the [ __ ] why did you do this okay yeah now this is an epic fail yeah check let him have it epic fail moment for sure no Harry you still need to do the Nae Nae uh you can't okay I guess yeah that's a good excuse for you now to Nene Harry join back we need you for this I need you okay oh yeah okay this was um this was an experience was I standing on nothing what do you mean I sound like Frieza [Music] why would you wish that upon someone that's so mean maybe Ben will stop freaking crying about it then oh oh what's happening what was that noise yes you do he did don't worry guys I'm back oh joy personally I'm glad that hurts I know you missed it again it can't be that's impossible I said Harry it's nice look I'm a YouTuber everyone look at me British enemy tuber dude pick a struggle honestly being European is way better I'd rather be European than whatever nice approach wait Harry this is your time to shine what I have here is three Mallet thingies stumps and you have to choose to correct two and you win one million dollars okay make sure you get a good stretch look around and see there's so many options and that include three this this one that's fine Hey look it's a smiley face it shows how capitalism is awesome but I'm actually if you check the cabbie law it's actually a reference to capitalism destroying the Earth you can see in the world of the Frozen Planet you sound like a nerd no good [Laughter] I did it for the cause I did it for the cars I'm back all right all of us are here oh yeah let's get it going I forgot I could just cheat sister that's how everybody remembers it the Dreamland Trio hey I think uh three plus one yeah oh wait what did you really fast to a point where you have to just have leave in that regardless the hell is going on in this neck of the woods welcome back oh wait a minute wait what smack this man smack him what the [ __ ] yeah you just won one million dollars dude hello today I have trapped my test subject in the Box we're going to be playing party rockers in the house tonight over and over again until it's party rock is it's party rockers not party Rockies it was it was a bit I was doing a bit but yeah I am agreed I am disagreeing to your stance on the bit you're a bit annoying [Laughter] a walk [Music] I got you bounce on my head what is wrong with you guys can I get it can I get a rip from multiverses that game sucks and I always said it sucks where is this one I think you know what you kind of spit I'm not gonna lie wow this is such peaceful stomping music it perfectly blinds dude hey perfect out the idiocy that I'm hearing from the death sound effect oh my God I'm dying just taking before disaster oh God do you think you'll have a big fish what do you think this is a fight like real man kill you guys well I guess first dad I will never see him again I'm right here uh I can still hear his voice his cringe as for how we can improve his magnificent gameplay there's nothing else to improve on I'm perfect maybe the ego could be a good start Maybe [Music] yeah somebody just call me a new command but I need you I need you to leave real quick apparently this makes you cringe damn it worked oh hey I know that one too oh [Music] anyways we're playing Kirby's Return to Dreamland hey why do you look just like watercurred because I can see already little face why are you so mean it's called Barrel he's gone Barrel yeah that was perfect that was so perfect this feels wrong can I please have big daddy back I don't know can I have DDD back yes yes you may come on come on it's right there it's right there come on you got the last time finally skip button skip point we dropped it oh my face no way I haven't seen you okay can you let go of that please that's ours check out my [ __ ] move yeah I got this oh it's time for the one player game to play again God damn it give it to me away from me get away oh whoa where is he going oh my God bro oh my gosh please what a pint of Guinness with the lads I'll see you all in hell I hope I never ever see you again Irish Kirby thanks for everything for the last for the last playthrough of Dreamland we will return to dream we will ever do we needed Irish party to be with us for the finale the show that we have to move on I feel like that is a horrible idea I think you were all horrible people oh yes no yes in the whole game finally unlocked where is he where is he where is he he's so perfect dude dude [Music] what what do I do now but you could have told me oh Harry got right oh my God right now wow you two should kiss we're so studious oh my gosh well it graduates oh easy are we doing a whole other world today yes um I was planning on it this is vanius oblivious to the fact that he's wasting everyone's time oh believe it we're gonna have to deduct that off your paycheck for this session that we spent a lot of hours doing oh what we did it wrong try again yeah I wanted to do it by myself I could have done it but you've ruined my mojo yeah but I'm good at this game wow he's so good at a game half babies oh my God you're annoying your toy [ __ ] feedback of negativity that I didn't ask for yeah we're on fire right now guys um the bits have been a bit lackluster what hey that's a good bit I like that one he doesn't miss but does he kiss I'm sure he does wait what the whoa what was that what oh you forgot about that move existing we found new tech what why didn't anyone tell me why didn't it why didn't anyone kill them shut up a lot is that actually yeah yeah exactly that much damage I might kill them I cannot wait hypothetically I want to be like I've been she wants this that's how you actually throw oh my God okay okay nice bit buddy yeah I love how every ability Kirby gets now is just further enhanced by nightmare's face it's like dude yeah he was just taking a nap it was so sad why isn't it working anymore I'm pretty sure you hold it you hold which button it's literally literally Dash post y I appreciate everyone else who told me to it's why apart from you because you said literally how about you literally got a friend you you should literally subscribe and like the video yeah I'm not the one who freaking spent 20 minutes trying to input one move I am spending time trying to better myself what could you say you know what I can't even argue with that fair point like the guy just said I can finally say I got roasted by Vern's friend that is a huge roast for saying I am not his friends you know what Michael is my new best friend [ __ ] you what you were you just made us exit the stage and start over yeah yeah Madeline was my best friend now freak you guys what is your problem you you are a problem that was happening I see death do not kiss me those lips are reserved for one man Harry you can do the default dance later don't worry I can do it now it's Smiley oh my God [Music] let's go [Music] let's go hey harry ddd's nuts thoughts Chris buddy okay good one pitch no it's not even called plink he's called pitch yeah that's that's who y'all were referring to it's pitch uh his name's plank now uh he says it says right there it says please you son of a me too oh you're trying to get it so perfectly tired now all right nice track me I can't get out [Applause] oh did you see that Ultima I don't know how you're gonna I'm gonna be straight up okay we've played this game like three to four times we've expended everything Kirby related to talk about what did you want from me I don't know I'm just saying good luck with everything we've done so far that's all I'm saying I can't with my edit a good look at his job can't say that fine got it I just hope I just hope ultima's having a good day I hope so too yeah and every time every time that I acknowledge Ultima like that in a stream they never put it in the video but just just one time I just want some summer videos I don't think they want their name associated with us you know I mean that's fair but oh yeah I just want some acknowledgment that like my my wish my well wishes are not falling on deaf ears double the doomers double The Ore false the end we've cried a long time well there's like the like there's like the boss in the final boss and then the final final boss and then the final final Final Boss and then the final do I have to see a single more waddle dude no ah give me that Crown it'll look better on my head the final tie will ever have to fight landia Arena the final time in the story mode we will have to fight landia what the hell are you talking about Arena Stan you did it you are ugly no I'm beautiful Bravo Kirby you truly are in your reputation as a hero you helped defending Linda yet was invaluable I fought the land Yeah by myself and lost so I fled to the planet that's when I thought struck me I could have you there for me a stroke of Genius without hesitation oh would you eat cubby no I would not eat Curry the pizza the Kirby Cafe I would eat at the curvy Cafe but I don't think the main goal of a cafe is to eat the chef oh my God it's a hole here we kill this guy please yes oh yeah pause for lore I don't care I don't care I'm going to plant a pipe bomb in your mailboxes more like win boat attack because you'd have the votes winning is it a failing [Music] I don't care [Music] we've killed Fred from 2010. you're right it's Fred but it's a movie trilogy hello it is me forever from 2010. I don't even have sand anymore your sand did nothing to me stop breathing Paul why do you still have a pulse that's a weird question you missed okay don't try again with bubbles no my balls are bigger on your balls don't sit over my balls that will hurt yes how I have two silence you know you and I are so different oh God anyways there's dragons no one of these dude oh I am dead oh give me that Crown yeah you can have the crow yeah I think we need to see other people yeah I think so too no we're free from this hell hole of a game finally so do those dragons just own the ship now I have to believe so let's see that's how property damage works there that we finally figured it out I only took three playthroughs bye don't come back I am please please don't come back we killed magalor but he's still alive like he's still alive you would think I haven't finished the freaking job yet oh I know this is just the same cutscene no I literally get to watch this over and over again this is what my happiest dreams look like that and it's drifting through hell good suffer this looks more like Purgatory okay just pretend this is undertale okay he fell down he fell down he did fall down he actually did not alone we have to join I thought we're just gonna watch you oh I'm green okay everyone enjoyed the cult could you just try to have fun bro how can I have fun in this game this isn't Five Nights at Freddy's bombs what do you think of gravity pretty cringe it's a button like who even invented it I'm getting there am I carried by gravity is that what you're trying to tell me no you're held down you're actually held back well I hate this play take me to Mars okay Elon Musk that's what he thought about videos that would be Reddit epic did you know vernius has uh five thousand dollars invested in dogecoins he has gifted 700 worth of Reddit Gold to people on the internet just so he can see them say thanks for the accusations are you going to place upon me today I don't know somebody lists them down he also burned my crops poison my water supply and delivered a plague onto my houses people are saying Health [Music] okay I think we'll be fine yeah you can go wrong just don't die though exactly don't pull a failboat on us you can gladly give me more money to tell me that we're going to need help but it's fine oh hey that's a fan let's show them what we think of our fans up is that Mr tutor I'm looking away at the screen I've never fought this guy yeah but to say this is your first time electricity duder calls Vista it says electricy duder wow oh no this place is cool wait who's that guy I'm gonna kill him what the what the [ __ ] what is happening oh my God wait run he jumped on me why are y'all dying keep going good game everyone listen why do we need help we just have to pull this goals whoa magazine maglord Canon those poor scarfies something came over me when I saw that meter I'm sorry it's like kill kill meter kill that clip of Family Feud or Steve Harvey yeah give yourself a moment sorry you're fired yo I I like this game Bob is very fun I can tell here's what we're gonna do at the start we're gonna throw a lot of bomb and then laser sorry 12 seconds later bodies here he's here wait wait there's just enough no I don't want to use it I got him it's my turn it's my turn that was a complete waste [Music] I had my time to shoot the big laser that was my time magalor said it was my turn to use the big lazy all right we're all Bangalore I need to say it was your turn I think it's your turn to shut up editor add just tons and tons of crying emojis this is the last upgrade is just walking a little bit faster I've been busy you're pretty busy guys I don't know you could have gone round how about I Roundhouse when we're in a room with nothing in it and we have the blast I'm gonna need us to do something okay noted Max combo very nice yo okay I'm gonna say it the same this would have been much better if it was just DVD what would he be in purgatory for what did he do wrong 74 whoa oh 100 100 hold on hold no no somebody got hit and it wasn't me it wasn't me shut up don't point it out okay I'm gonna just be like two seconds I gotta change because it's way too high in my room right now it's like 70 degrees I'm not wearing a tank top on the lower half of my body you guys and Olive chat all of chat can I talk to all you guys in the kitchen please how do we get rid of this guy like I'm all for requests of redemption and everything but this guy this guy is really harshing my Mellows man he's been following us around for like ages now how do we get rid of him um why are you bothering me no way oh my God fish hype fish hype I dodged it he died he was Ultra Instinct in that moment that's my bad use your Kami Hami yummy yeah there we go sit on you move wait can we can we do the thing I want to do what do you want to do all right everyone come here okay okay hi Hi friend okay vernias you stand behind me so YouTube YouTube laugh at what I say and then Vern you try and join in okay I already don't like this plan but okay and then I said that is not Aaron laser [Music] that was awesome that's the most expensive button to push ever what are you doing wait how did I do that he's dead you can't save yourself like I was looking at the wrong magdalore curvy kid I don't know how many times you look in the mirror to figure it out but you are white the other magdalars also like they still have white they're cute they're clear as though like you are just white oh I'm sorry your car that's old dude I should have five appreciate knowing that I am making someone stay happier and we are being very funny it was probably about who did it what the fudge no I just like the idea that vote like you turn around and it's burning the other car he's grinning menacingly ultimate you know exactly yeah we we all know the image which image you're supposed to use here it's like it is lined up the puzzle piece is emboldened with shiny red markers saying use me now well have you heard about it you know bomb bombs are my new best friend honestly hey I'm gonna sleep with a bomb under my pillow from gnome yeah trying to rob my house thank you we're only forming a dead corpse we're farming a dead game you guys want to talk about Herbie that's a great idea let's talk about it Kirby to beach go um I think megalore is cringe which Kirby all right next Point why am I dead come on guys I gotta keep up oh shoot I don't think I know what my dad I died I mean I don't think I need to do it I want Dash who got hit editor left except this is me please don't wait a laugh at me I pay you this week in Edison's Union bro all right guys we did it we maxed out every single upgrade let's go this is awesome we maxed everything out wow wow what now oh my God oh we get a great bomb again yippee oh it's a goddamn level I'm out of here yeah not intervening with that one no I got him what a perfectly placed bomb give me their apples wait what oh it's still evil come on Evil's disappearing you're cheating it's cheating oh no wait what the hell hit the trees now I understand why it was wispy's always friends because then this could freaking happened oh my God be blessed Oh I thought wow [Applause] just like that what's he gonna do now though he's got phase three what's this this is just Elden ring it's real holy shoot oh go go wiggle we go come on come on [Applause] why don't you make like a tree and split no that was good that was I like that one yeah hey Kirby that pretty freaking awesome and also daylight he becomes the gem Apple salesman he planted the tree of gem apples and it's something constructive wow oh that's actually pretty cool so he did end up turning good magalor canonically just introduced microtransactions to Kirby yeah enjoy over ripping off all of the little kids in the world who wants to play Furby games the arena only the best of the best come here to fight just hit the high scores check the high scores as you can see Harry has taken first place I want to thank everyone for this huge opportunity to show you that I'm really good I'm really good at Club hey Luke you should um press L plus y erase records if anyone accidentally refers to Lucas Kirby you put a dollar in the Kirby jar from here on out and why are you looking like that what is this void Kirby what is this it's from Kirby an Amazing Mirror which is gonna play very soon right Nintendo right right oh wait oh it's probably the nicest rating you've ever given anything in this game to be fair just like that give me that give me that bro this guy's an idiot we can his ass easy peasy oh my God it's Meta Knight his cable Bluetooth cousin more of a knight than mess at night what do you mean yeah what do you mean by that W or you've acquired your very last dub describe Shields up down he's right down he's down I've got a fish to kill um watch out okay I don't mean to alarm anyone but my controller is acting up again I can't do it yeah huge issue oh my God skill issue I'm not a fan of this toxicity can you move can you can you change at the moment it's it's it's still really bad what like it's like it's like eating every it's only registering like one input aside you're turning into a robot is it you're ah I'm trying I'm trying to run a speed test on the internet connection and it is telling me that I can no wait turn around to me turn around to me yes yes oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] plant your feet grit your teeth and eat that horse oh that was always my balls are useful hey what have you got there burn a smoothie yes can I bring a box with me can we already try this 12 seconds later oh I just want you guys to know mines are off the controller my hands are off the controller right now and Meta Knight is just going left he wants to leave me for real I'm stuck I can't do it Veronica's needs to get good at this easy game who is Veronica some people have misspelled my name as Veronica Veronica these nuts let's do this chat lend us your energy what I love this episode we did it we beat the true reader everyone yeah we have in a prison next to our names because we're just so delightful [Music] waste Mennonite aside for now we enter stay true on Monday night has been wounded from our previous battle I am talking right now and you were talking over me [Music] uh I'll have one double cheeseburger with ketchup and cheese only I'll have medium large fries I require a milkshake I hate you I love you we have to get to get this now Kirby banging the water do you Mennonite and King deded wait wait I'm the meme yeah please hit him with the Spirit Bomb he's not ready wait he's like Shadows it's Goku black wait wait wait please please please please please please please please please God damn it if we can stab him he can die oh that was good goodbye see you in hell yeah we did it that's another one down wait okay you ruined us whoops oh my God I was curious about uh shots vernius let me be a Gary about it stop stop this is not a funny bit I'm dead I feel like I'm playing Twitch Plays right now like meta Knight's not responding to anything and it depends I'm pressing I'm getting a snack I'm hungry oh my gosh what the hell is this thing is this new no he's he's a returning boss and he's still really freaking annoyed yeah how to what let's go first I just can't believe it's working like I just super jump you're just playing deity drum Dash whoa cool color scheme Shadow the Hedgehog go go one more time for good old songs [Applause] 12 seconds later wait wait oh bro couldn't have been the last time ever without 1ko you know what's up with like try harder because we want to get done with this I'm tired of Kirby I never want to see Kirby again I guess I think I need one of these real quick hold on hold on let's at least get there let's let's at least get there first what do you what does it matter he needs to get world record Pace who yawning how do you feel Duke you get to finally meet your idol for the first final time does it say my idol wait who's your favorite I thought it was blood tonight loser I don't care my favorite is me I'm my favorite well that's a little narcissistic but sure okay cool who's your favorite person to talk to myself it's called confidence I got confidence this is it Lads we're almost out of here remember when we had bombs doing this last time I miss having them it was so easy they were so cool oh come on what we did it I sat on them come on and keep stabbing him boom boom damn it folk jump oh my God everyone salute everyone's salute we're almost say goodbye get him get him We're Gonna Save Dreamland forever come on please die it's done camping in the fork oh no for the culture [Music] oh my God just get me out this game Kirby oh that's cheating that's cheating that's cheating oh oh help me help me please hands please hands please go into the freaking foreground get him [Music] please never again never again kill him kill him for good no more Kirby no more toys no more damage no more no more funny things there is no Kirby there is no megalore and there is no Queen of England see you in hell you goddamn we're finally free hey High School yeah oh it feels so good to win it feels so good I can't wait for the next playthrough of Return to Dreamland I want to go home [Music] thank you
Channel: Vernias
Views: 196,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vernias, kirby, vernias kirby, kirby's return to dreamland, kirby's return to dreamland deluxe, vernias kirby return to dreamland, vernias kirby's return to dreamland deluxe, vernias kirby's return to dreamland, nintendo, switch, nintendo switch, kirby's return to dreamland deluxe gameplay, magolor, kirby magolor, magolor epilogue, arena, kirby arena, kirby return to dreamland deluxe arena, kirby return to dreamland arena, true arena, kirby bosses, kirby return to dreamland all bosses
Id: rzP2UH5wr4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 9sec (5769 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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