We played EVERY Mario Kart track

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all right guys you want to buy this shirt to look as sexy as the four of us yeah now's your opportunity this the last time to buy this shirt I know we've advertised it for like the last four videos but for real no more after this this Sunday last one berus do you agree yeah I agree yeah out yipp I love money every single track in Mario Kart 8 uh Deluxe DLC everything we're going through all of it everything baby we're going to be recording for like 5 hours today you're [ __ ] welcome dude so I wanted to have everybody do our um our Mario Party Mains but Brent said no he had to do funky call with the stupid ass C to be meta bro this guy race look at him go got it yeah baby no baby no oh lady thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you lightning thank you no thank you lightning bro that lightning was perfect but ah too early too late I actually just like got fifth place cuz that bro didn't bro Place below cat peach bro Oh my days Brent I want to hear your best meow me okay that was pretty good Baby Daisy with one point what are you doing you are not carrying about Daisy bloodline effectively at all cut off from the generational wealth oh you got a coin yo we should touch coins together Brent no yo hey try pass me bro just try just try oh yeah you try good try good try good try oh my God bro try it again try it again dude Eevee I'm sorry I can't let you get first big guy try try oh my gosh I had a f mushroom ain't that sad ain't that sad ah it's about time someone else other than me gets hit by this oh of course of course when I'm in first place are you serious my brother what no way please Mario what the hell of course the very end bro at the very end I got star now I'm in eighth place I was literally in first place bro God damn it dude yo sweet sweet Canyon I know for a fact I'm going to be feeling very sour at the end of this one cat peach move who hit me who hit hit second place with a red shell bro actually like go get a hobby this is my hobby dude these hard CPUs are a little too hard I'm am I not gamer is this my wake up call mother [ __ ] I'm by I'm bagging I'm bagging I'm bagging I don't care I don't care I don't care I'm bagging I'm bagging I'm bagging I'm bagging B gaming uh definitely not nice place now right right you know what I'll take third at least it's not like anything worse than that at least it's about baby fck cat peach oh no adult cat peach baby cat peach don't give Nintendo ideas bro come on eer he goes lower and lower bro it's just it's just bad luck bro oh I did a wheelie yo Berto swag snipe oh I'm cringe [ __ ] you no [ __ ] you Brent no [ __ ] you Nick no no [ __ ] you Brent what the [ __ ] did you just [ __ ] say about me you little bit I'll have you know that I right top of the class of the Navy Seals that I'm high traed Gorilla War stop oh my gosh the boo somebody took my banana from me they're better not be any beros near me brus you no no no no no you you drove into my shell like red shells I hope you like red shells bro why is Mario here oh my God go away holy sh I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it holy [ __ ] I [ __ ] stole that third place dude this game is TR I need a different one I need a different car I I have to change I can't but hey guys this time I'm using tilt controls oo if we were playing Survivor I would vote to to kill you [ __ ] I got no boost no boost [Music] oh verus I saw that and it was a little embarrassing yeah uhhuh uhhuh you not hitting me with that red shell was a little embarrassing uh-huh berus that is not embarrassing that was a valiant attempt by me Valiant attempt really oh that oh berus I saw that one who is what is bower Jun here doing here bro yeah I got his ass don't worry we have to ban against the CPUs bro yeah absolutely okay okay I see how it do be sorry burn you burn apology accepted money money money Goomba the Brenton Fort the vinky I got hit by like 20 shells back the the computers me over more cuz they kept sniping me with green shells man waa Shy Guy gaming oh my god dude again like what the [ __ ] God place oh my God CPUs are actually killing me I'm going to throw it backwards just in case Brent's behind me holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I had the feeling he was like right behind me um he's right behind me isn't he [ __ ] Boo don't be mean the boo you love boo yeah not when he steals my [ __ ] my [ __ ] well that's what Boos do man ber Please Please shush see bagging Works bagging still works the bagger dude I am F fighting for my life and I'm nine leave you alone Shy Guy no shot what how did what right you bastard no I saw that I saved it for the last second what the f come on come on one red G please Buble gaming go Buble gaming Buble gaming yeah gaming car car car car car give me the B just to pass next the lucky allegations are not being settled today Nicholas I'll take it bro why sh I guy just basically faster than me are you serious my brother I get hit by one [ __ ] Red Shell and I'm in fifth bro we need another blue shell [ __ ] stat bro how am I how is this possible why you sound like an anime character this is impossible how how did I mess up God damn it I boot that [ __ ] oh wow I messed up yeah my dream i g a [ __ ] up bro I don't think anyone messed up as bad as I did yeah still third curious they should invent a new slur just for shy guy bro wow we're going far out for his hatred aren't we you know what that's it I'm throwing a blue shell at uh at bre just cuz y'all may be mad bro oh damn you killed the blue shell so wait wait did I yeah how no that's bad why would you do that I saved him oh what the two in the same [ __ ] game bro mother [ __ ] oh [ __ ] balls ver verus ver verus watch out verus watch out there's a COR PL on your ass verus watch out watch out verus watch out I we I we I my back cam I weaved you're so lucky no I am simply better than you I win yeah are you are you are you ready tell me more tell me more about how you get hit by that Firefly yeah like that's not easy to hit at all yeah sure oh get his ass get his ass please let me finish this race thank you oh no no no no no no I think I'm fine oh my god oh you're so lucky you're so lucky bernius you're so lucky simply weaved nice coins bro I [ __ ] love getting coins as items actually my favorite F thing bro yo same same no Dam it I was hoping I wouldn't get hit by the banana that banana almost hit me a verus was like get down Mr President he saw the banana he want to eat the banana oo yeah Bren if you hit the bananas you get bonus points so make sure to like you the potassium come on just want to inflict damage upon my enemies I had the perfect opportunity you guys were lined up in my sight then suddenly lightning thunder spell we're about to be so back I just need a blue shell to hurt Vern's feelings and then it'll be awesome like that one right there oh wait oh Neptune yeah well now you're second Bubby not even are you yeah uh better than where you are at okay yeah but shut up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah why you keep talking to me bro why shy guy us the biggest goddamn hater I've ever seen in my damn life dude Bernie has no shortcuts he's cringe go outside how okay okay you pray for my downfall at every turn and you call me cringe for averting it okay I can't win with you dude it's it's so nice seeing a beautiful Leu after Mario Party 3 he's so [ __ ] ugly I like the AP laudes they're funny look show how naked lito looks like in Mario Party in in Mario Party oh I saw that oh I saw that that was hype [ __ ] baby Luigi what are you doing bro who are you oh my God bir he got right in front of me what do you want me to do you know I just had to do it to him oh my God damn it you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] baby Luigi oh my gosh [ __ ] it me a new slur for Baby Luigi that's it it's over Christ biggest enemy bro no please you of you piece of [ __ ] no you got it wait no you no I didn't you got it I didn't get it I I didn't get it either what the [ __ ] is this game Trash yo we NE of us that's so ass no oh God oh God oh God no way oh my God you're so lucky Nick you're so lucky you're so lucky holy [ __ ] that was the scariest moment on my life bro you see Funky Kong just hop in his seat friend first oh get his ass nice oh my God I'm shut up nerd mother fu shut up nerd what the [ __ ] this going to fight perfect timing bro perfect timing yo let's go who's going to break who's breaking oh you're not break I swear nothing bad ever happen to Bren bro it's funny when bad things happen to Bren I don't like it when bad things happened to me oh my God how many Ed keeper breed sh count what the [ __ ] and what is this yeah nothing bad happens by the way Holy balls four red shots and a blue shots are you still first bre oh my God and a fifth red sh thank you BD yes you know compliments to you yeah yeah how do it feel bur bye-bye get a mushroom oh my god it feels great BR what the f dyn are you kidding me what's in the sink oh sh sh Ru everything oh my go live on TV baby oh my gosh that's so bad oh wait that's good yes please are you ser serious bro dude I got hit by three blue shells and like seven red shells holy [ __ ] oh my God bro so it starts that was the last laugh I would have won [ __ ] you verish you R to me Nick fell who fell to my left editor can you that come on red shots for Nick specifically why green sh oh it's going to be even more embarrassing while these hit him none weave they call me the Weaver this one that's still with the boo we'll hit him oh nice get his ass guarante oh yeah of course of course of course what the how is shy guy so fast even after the lightning yo kill me come here Shy Guy come here Shy Guy come on come on come on towards the good good item good item no I didn't see a banana what wait wait wait yes wait [ __ ] no [ __ ] no how is he so much F I had a good shot I had a good shot shot win oh my God I had that I [ __ ] had that but then a green shell came out of nowhere bro see I I can reference oh who's that embarrassing oh my gosh embarrassing I think I think if my eyes do not see me that the Easter kind of spun out in the beginning uh it's been happening frequently nobody surprised Etc but if you did though that would be hella embarrassing cuz people are exp wa what oh so if I I don't have a cringe pass but you do balls M the amount of bad words I want to say bro he literally wants to get the party crashers canceled huh that's my goal bring you all down with me oh my God this sh guy hitting the ramps too he's insane I'm going to lose it that [ __ ] lightning came out of nowhere oh that's the worst that's the worst don't go forward [ __ ] I I it's over it's over bro it's WS no no everybody in the game get at the very end dude Ed has to show my side Ed has to show my side what the hell happened to you what the [ __ ] we bro I am losing to the people who don't even get the Boost in the beginning that's that's just so sad there there's a word for that Nick I wonder what it is yeah they're called wores bro no I'm I'm saying you still losing yeah tell me more while you while you explore the bottom of the cavern over there oh my God lighting get a red and I'm broke this a Bullet Bill what the [ __ ] go away mushroom gaming no this have the same as Bullet Bill gaming I need a I need about a red Ed I need a blue shell in my life right now I just got hit by one dude yeah I need another oh why is sh gu doing so bad now what the hell he fell off off oh here comes the entire Lobby oh hey I was looking behind me I'm so this me this game is making me depressed bro I just need one first place and I'll be happy bro I just want one first place just give me that and one and one Brent in 12th Place bro that's all I want bro please oh finally bullet Bell gaming bro thank God I deserve this [ __ ] me bro too much my prayers have been answered oh iing hit me oh my God saw that wa oh kill myself oh out of my way oh okay way please just not ninth please just not ninth okay I'll take it all right this one editor I get at least third a you verus why you are out here to make my life worse that is your I just it wasn't personal I just happened to get a redell and you were run in front of me oh that banana peel almost got me Bullet gaming in fourth yeah buy this oh bullet gaming in second don't mind if I [ __ ] do or third rather holy [ __ ] Brent is [ __ ] far bro kill that guy yeah baby all right you know what I reached my goal I'll take it oh my gosh I I bumped into the Berto safe spot yeah you almost did you almost tested me this the track I'm for sure familiar I'm literally trying to like double dashed boost no defense no defense please you sure about that what the [ __ ] how' the entire Lobby just pull up on me right there oh more bulletville gaming yeah oh perfect thank you bulletville gaming are you serious what is that [ __ ] shortcut that shortcut is giga ass oh my gosh Bo gaming please course you're fifth place bro you're so good at the game yes thank God thank God I'm so skilled guys it's Morton from smashy Bros oh smashy Bros you me because strong SMY Morton from smashy Bros yeah that's where I know him from bro why am I only getting a singular Mushroom in sixth place I should be getting bull Bill gaming every item the thing about being bad at video games is I have to deal with Eevee now because Bren and Vern are too far in the front so it's just Eevee bro he's the only one I see hi Squidward no dude oh my gosh that bomb shaved your ass BR you fre Cod no I should have held off to that bomb I was being a hater yo Nick what are you doing Nick away bro you you're a gorilla bro oh my God you took my I don't even know what he said bro I don't even know what great item to hit Nick specifically no please bro I just I come with that my game to win my game to win my game to win unless oh I just like to be a my why why why was he throwing a red shell backwards what the [ __ ] oh my God snap animatronic I forget verus is a Zoomer of the group though I think you guys have also seen and have heard of FAP okay I watched the movie and it was a movie I'll say that I don't want to talk about that I don't want to talk about that sh sh I hate when blue shells don't hit people who aren't in first what are you doing why you hit me at least some of us are having fun Eevee you better watch out bro you better use those mushrooms I'm using them I'm using far as possible that was very smart very smart please please just give me fourth I'll take fourth I'll take it [ __ ] you B yo [ __ ] D It's So Giga over it's so Giga over it's so Giga over oh Giga over bro that it no more f oh thank you Eevee eeve gives me hope anytime bro mother PD go away buddy nice okay I'll take six it's crazy how I'm settling for six now bro baby pork yay no this this is where the meta changes bro now from this point forward I start winning every game get ready nerds green shs are kind of silly on this map honestly like just throw all these back that'd be so silly and funny Eevee so quirky I am a quirky dude oh I could pull out in time oh my god oh Jesus Christ BVO gaming no there's a singular Red Shell okay you know what that's fine oh my God how did what s you Bren I hate you actually go outside you fre Giga virgin oh my gosh I was first all the time I hate this game you should have done tighter drips buddy shut the f I hate you oh my God died go the out if I ever get a r saying should have done tighter drifts I'm going to kill myself next time I hear that bro nice a coin yes no defense delicious wait no no no oh man that was the worst Nick only has fun playing Mario Kart when he has a bullet bro we should have put these [ __ ] in norval I swear to God that would make it nearly as fun yeah that yeah that'll just be us four playing the game the whole time that's no fun [ __ ] you pety piranha idiot stupid idiot stupid he playground insults God they're killing me I need more blue cells in my life stat Giga stat right now yes I summoned it I manifested it yeah baby oh I should have [ __ ] waited oh oh my god oh it doesn't matter but still bro it just scared me yeah it was just a little jump scare oh thank goodness I thought I was going to I thought I was going to spin out and I would have been depressed it's going to be a lot of sensor beeping happening over the course of this yeah editor make sure to censor everything with no extra hey oh oh hey your green shells touched your neck I see you go away no I will not go away I can smell you all the way here you smell you smell bad I smell like roses I smell like daisies I'm going to smell like Victory Bubby come on bu ging in seventh place please God damn it bro see Nick byebye oh smell you later your Club baby shut up oh my God you know what get out of the way get out of the way bro verish you greedy greedy son of a you not need all those verish you can only have a Max of two you got like three item boxes what is wrong with you you [ __ ] oh my gosh no damn it dja Bo baby move baby why how did Baby Luigi knock me off I'm [ __ ] three times his wave bro no 10 times his wave no 50 times his way what the [ __ ] I just need you to move cow reference thank God somebody acknowledge it actually you know what it's probably for the best that nobody acknowledge it so [ __ ] you for acknowledging it I need a blue shell stat usually when I say that it manifests so I need to get my dick suck stat I just need to manifest right do we all get top four cute nice I get the hate on Brett specifically father yeah baby I got oh I got knocked off the Speed let's go I'm perfectly timed okay now someone hurt B next oh nice I I go off detour to get one coin bro that's great what the [ __ ] finally Jesus Christ finally oh my God BR ni has seen night of Victory I saw Funky Kong in my rearview mirror I was going to Sho my pants bro Jesus oh that's what how did that hit me from the side because I was on your side City oh my ver oh my God oh my ver dude it's cuz Vern is a word that like you just put it anywhere and it just makes sense yippe a star yep just what I need as for sure going to help me a lot as everybody's currently ending the race right now oh got Dy bro Funky Kong is about to go extinct it's so funny playing Mario Kart questions your morality bro you start you play long enough you'll start to doubt the good in the world yippee I'm then jump into uncoming traffic oh yeah why oh my God rck stay off the car nice nice and the Koopa passes me bro he is a source of bro and it's a green Koopa he's the reason I get keep hitting by sh why am I going so high what the [ __ ] game I've never seen that what the Koopa Trooper what the [ __ ] okay well here here we go here we go here we go here we go we're going to get a lot of distance off of this I'm not getting any or off of this oh really dude I grind my Ash off to get shed avoid that what I still got hit by the what the [ __ ] he avoidance in question where'd you come from shut up [ __ ] ber that's what you get bro oh my God he cheated wa I'm not the cheater BR Dam it that was the worst timing for a a mushroom thank God thank God something good happening to me once more baby no what the [ __ ] Dam it bro oh my God bro a please oh my gosh I'm gamer editor no you got to replay that bro not many many would have fallen there but a better gamer like myself I'm cool so I make verus you fre you imbecile verus imile I know his brain was doing the Mario Kart roulette s Nick GP oh thank the Lord thank the Jesus thank you Jesus thank you what I saw that Nick second place gaming second place gaming yeah yeah don't I'm literally sputtering out just cuz I'm bagging that's why Advance copium oh let's go finally thank you thank you Jesus let's go Jesus Jesus gaming shut up but last I Boomerang no no sorry sorry it was defense it was defense yeah I'm not blaming you for that yeah stop bir don't make me feel bad for hurting you back uh I will make you feel bad ha take that emotions activate oh my gosh you're Daisy balloon let me ride that [ __ ] bro I'm going to I'm going to kill that balloon got that toad smacked it with my mushroom come on good livs good LS this is to turn the game dang it dang it D it who threw that what the [ __ ] I was not in Rage of that bro yeah gaming gaming whatever whatever as long as Brent's suffering as long as Brent gets hit by the spirit of I got like a Quadra kill on that seventh Y what time are we currently in I'm not going for that Center one that one kills me all the time okay fine I'm going for it a and I died oh what the oh the vernation actually oh my God I'm not even in front of you anymore oh at least I can torture next physically yay hating Bro [ __ ] off Eevee oh I had the horn anyways by used on the Red Shell okay the blue shell didn't even matter damn snipe snipe oh I'm crazy oh my God you the stiny no get my life oh my gosh that gave me a haircut yippee I haven't felt first in a long time oh my God you are the stinkiest [ __ ] I have ever encountered in my goddamn life bro join your your Canadian Brethren and go skating with him bro I don't want to hear it B this is L your living room bro I don't want to hear verus what the what the f oh my God it just ignored you lightning in the end I don't know how a red shell missed me dude I love how happy music notes are they're just big guys nice nice baby two coins from two different item boxes that's so sex really that's so cringe bro and another coin no again yo and yo yes let's go let's get get blooper blooper eth place yes wait sh bro oh I got hit by a red shell too how many F RS do you need oh oh what are you hit five red shells y that was sick oh I almost missed 420 [ __ ] don't worry Brent we can be unfunny next time shut up B it's funny oh we all chose left and Vern went right that's obviously just wrong I'm Different bro I'm Different no that's not that's not different that's just wrong oh my God you literally just [ __ ] break just hit me I got hit by something you are the stinkiest [ __ ] I've ever encountered in my life Bren is finally experiencing the Mario Kart bro he's finally I'm not trusted that yeah how am I in first qu crazy something I haven't had anything bad happen to me yet let's go I should have held on to that that shell actually you should have held on to that eeve I saw that I should have held on to it God damn it now I don't get I saw that eeve there goes my first simply because I didn't hold on y y that my first too yep there we go oh my god there that was my first cuz I didn't almost you almost Club Bro e join the club I got my first Rob from me so many times bro can we just say we need a we need a raise for doing all this in one sitting cuz my God I'm getting tired yes every viewer watching this I I you better not skip the ad if the ad appears you better not skip it watch the whole ad baby nice try burn nice try bernas why do you get two what the f maybe you shouldn't be talking until I'm done playing B gaming yeah well I got stuck by lighting I'm so lucky guys let's go no move mother no you move bro move bro this is bren's natural habit bro we are literally where Bren goes to sleep this is where Bren eats dinner bro all comes full circle I I I wanted I was out for verus now I'm out for Nick bro oh oh ah who uh why didn't I get starved for why and both Lightnings both Lightnings screwed me on the flight so much unfortunate go [ __ ] what the [ __ ] yeah Squidward oh uses go no that's bad that's bad that's bad no Mor in Mor in no suck my shells Mor in let me just pass you really quickly Nick good of course NOP she rip defense on the max you guys talk a lot we're YouTubers what supposed to you should talk less please don't fall off no I'm waiting waiting him out okay there we go just for you bro you're so ass where did I get the star from the game's just giving me stuff for no reason maybe because you keep asking the game to give you stuff yeah finally sorry Nick Bullet Bill gaming really I lost to Morton actually end my life oh my gosh yo Morton climbing the ranks bro ah you pick one m a i hate this one bro I got my ass beat here oh my God verus you [ __ ] I'm take my anger on Nick oh my God who threw that it I did it I killed the Brent oh thank God I what I'm a little crazy no I had two red shells eat you B also editor put the Vernie's face on the moon right right there who threw that who [ __ ] threw that has to be whoever threw that shell your mom's a hoe oh my God you you guys need to take a [ __ ] shower holy [ __ ] you're the last person to be saying that and you know it I got pushed I got pushed no got his ass got his ass got his ass stupid oh my God that I'm so sorry oh boy I got a coin what's going to happen to me I'm [ __ ] course bro poetry in motion you know what more you sh Lord what even hit me well I guess the shy guy wins now yo yippe hyru when low rule enters the field oh wait the joke is that there is a low rule there's a low rule have you not played A Link Between Worlds he doesn't play video games what do you mean wow that's that's the dark word fromong to the Past yeah it's like a it's like a dark version of hu funny and the Zelda there is called hildo Hilda oh really oh I've seen the the smash Spirit yeah I see is she a bad lady uh bad guy yeah she's she's bad yes she's one of those that she has good intentions but she'll do like that's not what Nick was asking honestly no that's literally what I was asking oh his ass was not listening I got two of these boosts in One race wa W is wor is wor is shut up do not make me sound like a Pokemon No Bananas you [ __ ] head shy guy oh my God G Savage me six Giga sabotage BR got his ass you're not shy guy bro you're not him I I plac those bananas down it wasn't that that hit me it was shy guy you oh why you H bananas then you said bananas excuse me oh my [ __ ] you I say excuse me look at the response that Neanderthal gives to me bro [ __ ] off you TR you're literally below me in the evolution chain I don't want to hear it bro oh wait okay that was good that was good oh that was good that was good oh my God I see I see a that's what you see BBY man no way see this is why I hate this [ __ ] track I saw that in real time on top of that mother please let me finish oh fren shut up bro I didn't even see anything mother might as well have oh my God bro I'm going too fast dang no defense in first is giga yep yep that's what happens every time okay okay oh kill me who did that ick hate you yippe no see this what I'm talking about verus is actually a snake bro wait what I I don't know if I've ever done this one what the [ __ ] I thought I did all of them but this I've genuinely never seen I know this this is like Persona bro okay buddy yeah I I don't know about that one bro I'm editor don't show that don't show that I I saw that sorry dude I Bo that I got hit by a train why is there a track oh in the scene place where there's a train going on that's a [ __ ] T the hazard I fumbled I fum sorry not sorry ribo rib see how it feels ver or hurts doesn't it shut up Nick got let's go hey eie how many more points do I have more than you eie no verus it's okay to punch up but not okay to punch down ver you're bully verus wait there are two Captain Falcon tracks in this game yeah bro they have two of his tracks the iconic ones and his vehicle and no Falcon himself actually disrespectful at this point B gaming oh hey oh hey it's my friends hello guys oh you got my way you see that Nick being mean doesn't pay yes it does bullet B oh oh that was so perfect bullet B gave me yeah yeah oh let me guess got bull very get oh amazing aren't you guys amazing at the game no why Nicholas you booby head what what was your plan Nick what was your plan well aren't you skillful Nick what I'm I'm very good at this game time that's happened too he gets carried by a bullet build the very end just to pass me specifically and only me oo all right this is a new set of of of videos guys okay this time we can for sure mix up the order Brent won't get first berus won't get second I won't get third and Eevee won't get fourth this will change bro who did that I want their name number and social security number now here I got you bro so mine is 417 94 98222 don't try using that by the way it's it's fake what's the point of the joke e you do not commit oh my God how long is left bro bye-bye bro are you Ser literally at the very end what did verus do to accomplish that win absolutely nothing bro really you you're a [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] Eevee you're a motherucker you know that oh my what unnecessary now these are going to be the placements for the rest of the video why are you guys holding [ __ ] in your backsides how many ret shows does verus actually get he's I don't know why get so many of them man I have no idea you actually the most carried person holy crap oh finally Justice bro Justice in this world well get out of the way rip off the Band-Aid why who keeps throwing redes backwards what is the purpose of that wait was that mine I think that might have been mine bur see this is more accurate bro NPC in front of eeve yep that that sounds about right is that your bero impression no that's my lawn mower impression bu gaming Buble gaming bble gaming God damn it bro how every time ironically how car do you have to be this is literally every single time to just get past me specifically bro get destroyed get destroyed Eevee I don't want to hear it we we need to start incorporating it's Vernon time bro yeah I can't believe there are no examples of that here here's one it's Vernon time guys we're on Coconut Mall I mean this is about the time in the video where Veron usually says that his famous line it's Veron time oh God damn it it's not ver time all right blue shell yes thank you literally as I smoke it oh my gosh finally motherucker D for doing that oh my God you are the ugliest mother guy I've ever laid eyes on channeling your inner Thanksgiving turkey why do you sound like SpongeBob and passing with a MAG pun out what the f oh who's behind me who's behind me whoever passes me I swear to God it's ver right oh course ver oh my God ver why you are actually so ug I hate this no I just landed on you I didn't see you underneath me oh you [ __ ] I used it first yes yes yes more verus I deserve that I hard deserve that bomb Oh my God ah who's do that Boomerang oh who' I get from behind baby oh my God the boomerang actually did something you Nick the double snipe oh my yeah yeah see you buddy mother of of course I I didn't need to look behind me I just knew it was you just knew yeah oh please please oh let's go baby too I got to go yeah baby baby that was a nice little third place of course a fing course it's okay Eevee you got up above Brent bro that's what matters I did okay that's good I'll take it then that actually makes his day better he's like mood instantly fixed ooh ooh well who's going to get hit by that oh let's go Justice and the snipe oh no snipe oh Justice against Burn yeah Vernon has has evolved into the bad guy now no you just want a Target y'all just want a bully that's on you Nick that's you well maybe look both ways before driving no you know what burn did that to me bro it was Burn's fault I I was forced to throw my red shell backwards save my placement well what the where did Nick come from oh damn it I could have gotone first if I oh my God so close I almost had your ass B so close Brent you had a coin Dam what the rip boo rip boo question mark well we're going to mess up at least the end the first La of of course B throws it back for no fing reason oh my God I didn't see you I just wanted to throw it away cuz the item box I have never prayed on someone's downfall more now more than ever bro holy [ __ ] wait server maintenance who Ser main just scar okay we have an hour to Fitness the rest of of goddamn courses why Boo and you GES me a coin please no red sh God please God Jesus you mean like this oh you're a [ __ ] oh hit Nick what the you had eye frames oh my god oh let's go how did I win that what the you still had eye frames are you serious oh I can't believe I won that I didn't know which way to go I know either I I think I've done this level like one time so okay now this time not this time good what was that that is insane okay that is genuinely unfortunate Veria suffering yeah baby Donkey Kong the best musical it is they're not wrong bro all my GRE can you just just say what you just said again but slower I said you took my what really who threw that red shot of course it was bernius Bren I understand completely bro oh my God a that boosted the end nice oh and here's King buo just randomly passed me at the very end huh wow that was fing awful what happened to you guys oh my God I got [ __ ] up in the middle damn and I never recovered never recovered bro it was over and after that yeah bro it was all Vern I think we should be nicer to each other that's a good one Vern it's very adorable well I tried okay that was a sick hop editor you need to highlight that cuz that was actually pretty cool on my end editor was it cool be the judge verify for us you got like 3T of air that time oh let's go please please please please thank you oh worst timeing to get hit by Red worst timing worst timing please don't get fifth okay I'll take this I'll take this rzo rzo oh my God that wasn't me let's be clear on that right it's not me oh let's go get his ass get his ass what the did I just witness see Eevee Eevee what buing where are you bro oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh that was so perfect isn't that just great RNG for you every time something nice like that for you ain't that great ain't that SW this is my favorite DS map you mother you mother you father you parental figure woo just made it of course he did bro I have to wait so long for you guys to finish oh my gosh do you guys be better Australia the land of kangaroos The Underdogs base of operation stop Brent why do you smell so bad bro who get a red no you B you're such a hater you're such a hater this guy waited to let me go in front of him and use oh my God I can see his face too behind the camera right now bro why do you keep rolling red so backward I'm sorry God damn it I can never anticipate those wait guys guys we can be funny for once in our lives we can do it edit the unfunny meter is going through the roof right now editor please oh I got the snipe I'm crazy you beit ver of course it's ver is yeah of course I can hit skill shots of course oh I hit I hit they on the road I hit with fire did you know B oh what you're so L Eve you're so lucky that Roy took the bullet for you oh my gosh that's all I hear next no no no you can't do it as good as me also guys how do you um put the item behind you do you not know no dude how do how have I lost this guy bro what the hell why that was the worst fing timing why really I lost cuz of King to King Bo because of that oh my gosh I know I'm embarrassed too I'm embarrassed as well oh Sky High Sunday let's go let's go nice coin Bren I'm sure that'll defend you oh my God I just assumed it was verus that time too on top of that maybe you should not assume things so much I will assume things the next time I'm going to get hit I'm going to blame Vern Vern what the [ __ ] that actually was you oh my God oh my God that was insane editor I'm actually so surprised I actually L that oh my God who took that b got his ass off me oh me too Nick no no we fall together as brothers damn it you're so fortunate you had that red sh bernus yeah you're right I could not pass him safely you should be more fortunate then British what the hell I don't know what country claims you but I feel bad for the Vern Nation CA me what you're banned no mother of course the moment I get hit by a red showell who passes me if we're not here oh thank you Mor thank you for feeding me wa no way bro what do you mean you [ __ ] you oh thank God thank God how does that not hit you how many iames do you need skill oh my God I'll take third I'll take no no no no no no no no no no no no no fourth fine okay y what's the point in anything honestly holy [ __ ] bro that last exchange oh my God yeah Jesus Christ Bo Lake I got in this fing stage what it's your Homeland Nick you love boo I do love boo but he is mean to me oh my God oh my God editor what the that was the worst thing ever got his ass stupid bro how many wins in a row is that editor I'm on my a game today yo awesome I lost another item cuz he went for that one specifically yo let's go when I'm in a complaining competition and Eevee is my opponent oh that's so bad damn it my iing fumbled that's kind of cringee H yeah a bit cringe yeah ver is you are not even competition to me bro you are my dust that's what you are oh thank God thank I boot at the most clutch Mill second oh cool awesome that's you get e for trying to me come on hit Nick hit Nick hit Nick how how funny would that be if that hit him it did it did good try Bubby it hurts oh Berlin byway [ __ ] me yeah that's what you get e get hit by a fuing taxi what the who thr a red shot back backwards oh I got you let's go oh my god oh let's go ver you sucks you suck you suck Nicholas you suck H you're fuing you're crazy oh my God yeah I'm crazy good oh PE Gardens I like PE Gardens oh I saw that in real time baby verish you [ __ ] why would you take my [ __ ] you're the worst worst human being on the planet bro oh my God no I'm going back for that I don't care editor let's see if this was worth it I think it might have been I think it might have been edit oh Eevee you lucky you had that boost eeve you lucky you had that boost all right marry mountain when the mountain is Mery how fitting we're playing on this map when it's close to the holidays yo you're right very true ho ho on the ho unless Eevee someh screws us up oh my God it's over bro I'm not messing this up I'm not messing this up I'm not messing up I'm getting my first place thank God finally holy [ __ ] is gting first I deserve it I deserve it I deserve it got it wa Eevee is the most merry out of all of us bro yes dude another rainbow wood it's been so long oh of course I get hit by Red sha I didn't even need to look back but I still look back anyways and I see ver bro hi Squidward oh my God why you get two you got saved oh my God thank you lightning you got actual pla armor from that one there another one another one what the f how many do you need how many I don't know it keep giving me so many of them oh I like go the perfect time oh oh god let's go most undeserved win once again that was literally well timed on my end you got outplayed I had more skills sorry to hear oh my God you're right Nick BR just has one win in his life bro holy [ __ ] oh dead server maintenance started Ser main started watch out uh oh nice knowing you guys oh really okay no I need this to end right now cuz I had a bed I had a bed he needs server maintenance and bull Bill gaming at the same time to save him bro I am I have like double the points you do you're not even competition to me I don't want to you're it God damn it oh and of course of course I look back and it's very it's a present for you see sir see sir wow wow wow how caring do you have to be yo here comes the entire fing lobby after that awesome oh double hit hey oh my god bured oh let's go let's go a blue sh might be helpful though got him oh my God Dam it oh what was that no no no no no no no how do you like a bird huh stop throwing red shells behind you the red shells oh my God Nintendo cannot stop us ah there it is there it is I got communication error 15 minutes later we took our 15minute lunch break the server just said you let's make our life harder for the editor who do that oh my God Eevee what the what in the Richard did you get hit by the bomb you so awesome if you did yes oh hey B B gaming okay you know this is my oh that was amazing timing that was incredible timing unless Vern has a mushroom this is in the bag yeah I couldn't make it ah damn let's go I'll take second pass bre of course I can't press bre of course holy [ __ ] that was such a bad performance I think we keep this order yeah and then get back to G piece of sh oh yo I saw that oh my goodness how do you even do that I didn't even know that was possible no way that was a worst worst timing worst timing no Bullet Bill you at least I beat Eevee at least I beat Eevee yeah I've never played track what the yeah wait what the hell for real are you serious my brother blue cell is meant for not for six place for first bur bro no mother okay we take well I still lose anyways but haha I'm doing so ass bro my lead is in the fing non-existent yo guys Mario circuit oh my goodness how many circuits need Mario a eer he does not know bro eeve would not got HIIT by that if he knew the tech of how to hold the item behind you you that is so funny to me bro no bro that was so bad that was so bad Brent you're so lucky bro no one's luckier than Brent no one bro had a red shell and everything oh my gosh this this isn't the Waluigi Stadium I know and love oh lick I tried to be a hater bro I tried to be a hater and I slowed down yeah I saw I break and then you break like wait what the and then lightning struck so nothing that didn't matter oh nice coin Bren nice oh you're so fortunate oh my goodness burn why would you do this oh I see your bomb do you burn oh my gosh that should have hit you oh oh you missed it as you do yeah oh my gosh woo close call close call close call oh my God no are you serious no what up [ __ ] let me no I hate you let me I hate you let me oh you're tired with Larry e Larry I hate you what the is this map it's Athens bro wait what wait that's not an opening what the wait that's not an opening Daisy oh yeah oh yeah first place oh yeah please please let me let me pass let me pass okay sit your ass down Larry daisy daisy daisy you sist wow it's like the first time he call me by real name yeah yeah that's his first name his legal first name I left a present in the pool huh Vern po bro ver that's disgusting I left a bomb in there that's what I was to you children peas in the pool for sure I guarantee you it's a bomb excuse me excuse me you Brent how dare you win on Daisy circuit a I'll take second I'll take second snipe snipe oh my God oh my gosh I'm crazy another snipe another snipe ni you hit that I got part of the no bro motherucker yes yes huge mega huge yeah baby oh yo let's fing go yo fing awesome dude get him Eevee I got him I haveit you know what I got him too wow and yet you are still nowhere near me that is so neat and yet you're still missing every other shot cuz you can't for shut up shut up yeah good good good aim bro oh you're so good at aiming wow you're so crazy wow yeah oh wow bro wow wow that shurn w three of them okay you know what I am eating my words yeah exactly hor wh okay now eat my dust instead get destroyed Bren you smell so bad yes yes yes yes I can't lie Nick that was actually so clean on squeaky clean spr oh my gosh why would you throw that backwards you freaking ber there's no one in front of me first world problems first oh oh Dodge this first world problems is it the last lab yes is damn it that's bad I didn't know why is he first we got a fix that we got to fix that ASAP I'm stupid you're so lucky Bren you're so lucky oh my go oh my go oh oh my God I clutched that that third oh my God hating hating hating that's still hit me what the Y it went in a hole what the f how did it not hit you oh finally Justice bro finally nice oh nice he he avoided it he's very good at the game I can't pass him cuz he has 15 different cheater mechanics what do you mean bro I use a mushroom to dodge a blue sh that's crazy oh he did that oh my my gosh this guy that actual cheater mechanic Jesus Christ bro actually go outside for real bro oh finally we got to go to Canada bro vaner really worst editor there has never been a worst timing ohja feeling is it is why do I hear someone's engine it's the ver Nation you just got vered on yeah oh my god really how is that possible how is that genuinely possible I was holding a banana who's first not verus me what where did he come from yeah why are you underestimating me why are you doing about this race what the oh Justice no no no no thank you lightning no way bro got his what what the my God yes yes yes oh my god let's go let's go nice coin yeah dude yeah that's really what I wanted this how it feels man this just sucks I know bro first time you get it's a coin and you get a red sh immediately terrible dude it's a worst combo oh my God it's so necked neck fudge fudge all right that's a rip okay well that is a rip that is unless no okay thank God okay I'll get to third fine at least we're playing on Dy circuit shut up D sorry sorry sorry what the oh my god well apparently this is the right way Ed is not showing that uhoh oh they said a coin I see brener Ro shy you're so lucky Brent a mother you deserve no you deserve that you dodge the red what the I got hit by cre on the side let go baby we can't win Daisy Cruiser but we won Daisy circuit yeah baby I'm the best AA plank Co Mario Kart brings out the worse than us it's like more than Mario Party oh my God you motherucker what the oh yes Justice on my side I know oh verus thank you wa you're so oh thank you verus I see the BR are on my ass oh my gosh really worst timing that was not a good decision that was first the whole time two blue shells bro oh my God someone else gets Mario karted now oh got a bomb Oh my God by verus come on just give me the win please than you that's actually a pretty solid win actually I'm actually very far ahead you oh my God yes oh did you have a mushroom no no I just had a boost oh what the that can H oh wait I saw that bro what the heck run shoot those oh my gosh you [ __ ] it's called protection yo I hate when a blue shell hits me yeah there we go there we go another first place another first actually yo what the hell two Eevee wins in a row yeah actually unheard of gig rare to the surprise of everybody to the surprise of everybody two more to go after 90 tracks Eevee finally gets to enjoy Mario Kart bro I've been mean to go outside all day but I've been stuck inside playing Mario Kart with you idiots oo the jums the hoppies yet again editor look at that how cool I am sometimes woo excuse me part me excuse me part me excuse me P me ah yes why a fing course bro boost oh my God we've actually made it to the Grand Finale okay okay this this race is worth like 10 million points yeah you know I agree bro 10 billion points for this one this is the rainbow road to end them all why let's do this gentlemen oh I can't believe I made that wow wow all my days so talented I should make this a career I fing used it what do you mean boo oh yeah you didn't do it oh c I literally used it the second he came what oh you're into my into my green sh oh finally Justice bro no oh my God that was the worst timing wait you didn't get the invin ability really wait no way I'm surprised something bad actually happened to him first place all right we're gaming we're almost there no bir just disappeared really godamn it oh wait that was worst timing bro well just one more lap I just got to stay here for one more lap I see Funky Kong breathing down my godamn neck are you fuing with me got his ass excuse me come on no I went under the map for a second okay what the hell was that see desync moment desync moment of course I needed that that was the game winning timing right there damn it that was the game winning B buom timing oh yeah baby all right I'll take my second place over verus I aming exhausted all right baby full day of Mario Kart this is what happens to us bro we did it we're free from the curse we're done and the goddamn recording editor we dearly apologize oh my goodness
Channel: Party Crashers
Views: 478,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4F38Lc6FHjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 22sec (3322 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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