Rich Kid HUMILIATES Pool Boy, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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what go turn that thing off you can [Music] i said turn that thing off whoa hey is everything all right no everything is not all right i'm i'm sorry was the noise too loud you think i was over there trying to relax and you are ruining it for me gosh i'm sorry how would you like it if i came into your house making all of this noise while you were trying to relax i don't know to be honest i never really get to relax but if i did i probably wouldn't like that yeah exactly now there's a rake over there go ahead and use it so you don't make so much noise but that'll take me way longer [Music] you better get started huh get to it [Music] yeah did you guys see how crazy that game was dude for sure yeah boys pizza's here [Applause] yeah hey so since your friends are here maybe you guys all can help me put up the christmas lights it'll save me a lot of time what do you say nah we're busy uh you know what you should ask him yeah adam unlike you is working why is he using that rake [Laughter] hey adam how come you're not using the blower it'd be much faster i i just didn't want to disturb them with all the noise the blower's pretty loud oh please oh they have it easy enough there's no need to make it harder on yourself hey it really isn't a problem if you say so hey do you think if i gave you like 50 bucks you'd be able to help me put the lights up when you're done wait seriously yeah of course that actually helped me out a lot help you yeah i'm saving up money to buy playstation 5 for christmas so any extra money really makes a difference wow and to think i'm just giving jason one while he just sits by the pool and eats pizza all day oh by the way have you eaten anything no but i'm fine thanks for asking you've been out here all day you must be hungry go grab your slice i i really wouldn't want to take any of their food i bought an extra large they're not going to finish it go i insist okay thank you so much [Applause] [Laughter] we could just like hop in after that i mean i'm pretty sure maddie's house they're having to park what do you think you're doing oh uh do you guys mind if i grab a slice your mom said there's extra no no there's not okay and don't put your filthy hands all over our food without asking give me that i'm sorry you're right i should have asked what are you doing over here anyway huh i mean aren't you supposed to be over there working or something uh yeah i'm i'm just taking a little break before i help your mom put the lights up break okay you're getting paid right uh yeah why so then why would you expect us to feed you i mean don't your parents care enough to give you lunch exactly um uh it's a long story sounds to me like you're taking advantage no that's not it at all i you know what never mind i'm sorry i asked watch this hey wait look man i feel bad now alrighty you have the slice of pizza are you sure yeah man here take it all right thanks oops hey where do you think you're going back to work um aren't you in charge of cleaning the pool yeah ah well then um the net is over there so if i were you i would go ahead and hurry up get to cleaning chop chop [Music] [Laughter] losers thanks again for your help oh yeah it's really no problem at all i'm just gonna run in real quick and grab some more lights all right sounds good bro what kind of throat was that man you could have still caught it ah yeah right man dude you need to learn how to throw football dude i can throw a football way better than you can bro you're crazy no look robbie who's the better thrower ah i don't know why don't you guys compete for it okay how yep um you know pick a target so you can throw the closest that's the idea okay uh uh oh watch this oh that was a good one oh i can't believe you just did that get over here you're in a lot of trouble oh someone's in trouble i'll be back guys oh my gosh are you all right sweetheart i felt pretty hard but i think i'll be okay what were you thinking sorry look we were playing the game at adam's expense i am so so sorry i didn't raise him to be this way can i get you an ice pack or anything i'll be okay i promise okay how would you like it if you were working on someone's house and they threw a football at you uh i don't know because i would never be working at someone's house in the first place i'm not a laborer clearly not all you do is just hang out while adam is out here working hard do you know why he's doing this to save for a ps5 for christmas while you're just getting one handed to you look it's not my fault that we're rich he's poor jason what is wrong with you hey hey i'm just telling the truth see that is exactly the problem i have spoiled you too much and now you become entitled look it's not a big deal i promise i'm just gonna get back to hanging the lights no no you're not because jason here is gonna do it for you what okay yeah no that's not my job oh it is now along with a whole lot of other things going forward you're going to do the work while adam here relaxes okay mom look i'll be by the pool if you need me it's either that or no playstation for christmas [Music] what no no you already got me a playstation and uh i can return it just as easily what no no you know how long i have been hunting a ps5 well you better get to work then huh honestly it's fine i'm not gonna lie i i need the money so i'll probably just do myself don't worry you're still getting paid okay as will you the same amount as adam as long as it covers the ps5 then you'll be able to get it you have to be kidding me right do i look like i'm kidding so what's it gonna be this sucks you can start with the lights here come on adam i'll make you something to eat really yeah okay jason is not happy for the first time he's about to learn the meaning of hard work as he puts up the christmas lights he quickly sees is not as easy as it looks all the lights come crashing down and he has to start all over [Music] with adam gone jason now has to take care of the yard [Music] he dislikes every second of it especially when things get harder jason now also has to take care of the pool he sees it's not as fun when he's the one having to clean it after working hard and being the one responsible for everything jason finally starts to realize just how hard adam's job really is [Music] hey how'd it go horrible oh my back hurts from all dirty and sweaty it was not fun well i will say that i am proud of you and after today you have officially earned your christmas present seriously yes go ahead it's not like you don't already know what's in there thanks mom all right well i'm headed up to adam's to give him his christmas card you know where he lives yeah i had to mail his last check why you want to come sure uh you know open this up later can i help you hi i was wondering if adam's home he takes care of our yard i was hoping to give him his christmas card oh he's not here oh he's at the hospital oh my gosh i hope he's okay he's there to see his brother i see well we'll keep your family in our prayers i'll just see him another time thank you well you could take it to him there if you want he's at summit in room 213 if you want to visit him okay thank you so much and it was nice meeting you bye dear [Music] hey you all right guess so i know this has been by far the worst christmas we've ever had but i still got you a present you did yeah sorry i didn't get a chance to wrap it but i got you a ps5 you did yeah i feel terrible they get to spend the holidays in years so i thought this might help thank you so much the best big brother ever you're welcome excuse me excuse me oh hey guys what are you guys doing here sorry to intrude your grandmother told us you were at the hospital so we just wanted to check in on you that's nice i'm just here visiting my little brother so we're gonna be taking some of the ps5 you were saving up for for him yeah i feel bad he's stuck in here so i wanted to give him something to cheer him up that is so nice of you adam do you mind if if i asked what happened uh last month my family got into a car accident and oh my gosh my little brother was the only one who survived he's been in the hospital ever since i wasn't in the car but i would have done anything to have traded places with him [Music] i hate seeing him like this i am so sorry i can't believe what you guys are going through i'm so sorry too for how awful i treated you thanks i've been trying my best to deal with it all while staying strong for my brother sorry um i i need you for a second uh yeah no problem anyway i i gotta goat yeah of course of course but thanks for checking it upon me of course oh and i brought a christmas card for you wow thanks we'll come back and see you if that's okay that would be great there you go grandma happy holidays thanks sweetheart happy holidays [Music] one second grandma hey man uh what are you doing here i uh actually decided to bring you your christmas brother you got me a present yeah i uh i decided i would give you my ps5 what no no i i couldn't possibly take that i insist why do you deserve it a lot more than i do are you sure i mean this is so expensive i'm sure gosh i mean no i feel bad i didn't get you anything honestly don't worry about it i mean you you gave me more than i could have ever asked for i did yeah man i mean you taught me kindness and and hard hard work look i'm not taking no for an answer hope you enjoy happy holidays wait do you want to come in you know so we can play really ahead i'll pick you up in a couple of hours all right yeah let's go this story is about a landscaper who gets shamed devin's character he bullies me because he's ungrateful for what he has it's an amazing story you
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 29,583,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: 638jB_t9ezI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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