BOWSER'S FURY but I can't touch WHITE!

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welcome once again to bowser's fury and today the color we'll be avoiding is white you know the rules if we touch white we lose it's as simple as that while the intro cutscene is playing well make sure to subscribe and to hit the notification bell and let's just jump into it once you regain control of mario you'll have to explore this new area and there's a couple of white parts on the boat but they can be easily avoided it also looks like the sand is white so i guess i'll just walk on the grass instead which will allow me to get my first cat shine alright it's day time again and i think now is the perfect moment to address the dusty clouds that appear behind mario as he walks well first off i do believe that these dust clouds are gray and they're not white but anyways even if you want to go down in the comment section and argue that they are white well as you can see they appear behind mario and they don't actually touch him which means that we can keep this quest going also yes mario has white gloves so he's touching white at all time you lost nico hahaha very funny guys just grow up now we have to jump down and as you can see the beach is filled with white sand i guess we're just going to jump in the water instead we're going to have to avoid bowser jr now by going on the sides and oh wait okay i know mario's walking on white sand right now but it's a cut scene it's a cutscene i'm not in control of mario i did not touch white it's not me it doesn't count but what does count is where i will jump after i regain control of mario so you know what i tried jumping in the black goop to avoid the sin and while i did avoid it i also died which isn't really helpful but after a couple of tries i realized that going that way was pretty useless just look over there trees sure looks like the bottom part of the tree is actually white but as soon as we grab the top part of the tree well there's just no way to tell if the tree is actually fully white under the leaves i even tried to bring the camera inside of the tree to check out the color under the leaves but besides seeing mario's pp in full hd i couldn't actually find a tree trunk so if we don't see it it's not white we are all good let's jump in the goop and keep moving and i made it to the other side alive yes let's start playing the game now scamper shores is typically the first level we visit in those quests but this island is actually surrounded by evil white sand meaning we cannot actually go there right now alright let's visit the pounds bounce isle instead thankfully this level is mostly blue allowing us to climb to the top easily and get a cat shine grabbing all of the cat shards is also possible thanks to the help of our friend junior the third catch line is located on top of those platforms after you ground pound that switch but watch out make sure to ground pound the sides of the switch because the icon on top of the switch is clearly white you don't want to touch it reaching other levels will prove to be quite difficult without a power up that allows us to fly for a little bit in order to grab the power ups we need we'll have to either tap an amiibo or collect 100 coins hey i managed to get a cat suit which will allow me to climb on the sides of scamper shore and dodge the beach part nice reaching the top was actually not very difficult and i finally got my fifth cat shine and i can even reach the big bell by doing a cat dive from the highest point of scamper shores yes i guess it's time to fight big chungus bowser now and luckily for us there's not much white on this battle arena meaning that as long as we stay in the water far from those platforms and the white sand well we'll be able to defeat him and unlock new areas oh oh these areas are pretty white aren't they hopefully our new buddy plessy will be helpful but you know what just before we visit those new areas let's get more cat shines from the ones we've already visited pounds bounce aisle has a key you have to bring back and even though the cage is on the white sand we can just throw it and then jump to grab the cat shine once the animation is done we'll just dive back on the blue platforms to be safe i also went back on top of pounds bounce and dived down to grab another cat shine over there i made sure that i wasn't touching plessy's white face when jumping on top of her and we're good to go using plessy we can now jump and ditch her to reach previously unreachable areas thank you plessy we can now visit fort flaptrap and getting the first cat shine was actually pretty easy i also sent junior to collect the final cat chart from scamper shores and he did it good job to get another cat shine in ford flat trap you're meant to jump on the p-switch to spawn blue coins but no matter what i did mario always touches a little bit of white on that switch so this just won't be possible so i guess now is the time for us to sail the great sea and explore new areas let's just go through that plessy ring first to get an easy cat shine so trickety tower might look all white at first sight but there are those blue platforms that only show up when you stand on top of them so by using those we can actually go to the top and we can also grab all of the cat charts from this level while we're at it when you go down this part to go grab your cat shine make sure to be careful not to touch the white platform so just land correctly and you'll be fine so i wasn't too sure about the claw swipe coliseum at first but after checking it out the floor is light blue and not white meaning we can actually fight boom boom the mad lad we can also grab the cat shards using junior which will give us our 14th cat shine one more until we can fight bowser so let's just go grab that one using plessy and now it's time to fight baobao that actually was quite an easy fight yet again but sadly we'll have to fight him again before we get new levels to explore let's just gather 5 more cat shines and you know what this bunny over there will definitely give me one crisp climb castle is the next place we'll visit and getting to the top is a bit of a pain in the butt as there are many white platforms all over the place look at the jump i had to make using the propeller block in order to just start climbing this tower that was intense but thankfully it was also the hardest part of climbing this tower so i managed to get all of the cat shards and the cat shine on top which is kinda cool i then got bowser to break those blocks and that gave me another shine and finally i jumped on this switch to get another one i have to admit that the landing was quite spooky but as you can see i am not touching white so we're all good the rematch against bowser took about 30 seconds and he was a goner this time though defeating him allows us to visit new levels and hopefully we'll be able to clear this challenge using those levels hey move out of the way white birds because i need this cat shine rolling roller isle isn't too bad although some platforms seem to be grayish white so i made sure not to touch those i managed to send junior to get all of the cat shards and i opened up a wall using my pal bowser i have to admit that pipe path tower was kind of easy as it doesn't contain a lot of white so getting all of the cat charts and getting the cat shine on top was a total joke my next up was risky whisker island and to be fair this level doesn't really feature anything white so getting cat shines is actually pretty easy so i managed to get all of the cat shards i defeated gooey luigi i ate all of the fuzzies with the plant and i even pushed that switch to get my last one while i was there i also used plessy to grab another cat shine in the water in lake lap cat some of those plasti rings also allowed me to get more cat shines and i defeated gooey luigi on scamper shores and then again on chris climb castle heck using plessy i even managed to get on top of slipskate slope to get some cat shines that's pretty cool alright i now have 40 cat shines which means it's bowser time and he's gone it's no longer bowser time you missed it cause you blinked why did you blink come on next up i wanted to clear mount magmeow but the problem is that in order to fight cat king bully we have to stand on this battle arena that is clearly white so i guess this fight won't be possible but i still managed to get all of the cat shards on my way there so at least i did not explore this area for nothing speaking of i actually explored every single part of lake labcat in order to gather the last few cat shines needed to get to the final boss fight this wasn't easy and i actually needed fury bowser to break a bunch of blocks but i managed to get all 50 cat shines i needed to go fight the final bus and guess what it was pretty easy time for the final chase sequence and luckily for us there's not much white for us to touch while chasing bowser meaning i managed to defeat him and save the world pretty easily so yes it is possible to beat bowser's fury without touching the color white this challenge was actually more complicated than i expected but i'm happy to say that i did it nonetheless thanks so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it and if you want more color challenges well tap the cards on screen right now as for me i'll see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 168,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nicobbq, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario, Mario Bros, Challenge, Coinless, Without a coin, Hardest, Stages, Courses, NES, Super Mario Odyssey, Mario Odyssey, Nintendo Switch, Switch, New Super Mario Bros, New Super Mario Bros 2, NSMB2, New Super Mario Bros. 2, smallant, Bowser Fury, Bowser's Fury, Super Mario 3D World
Id: 85626ZE7RzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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