I tried beating New Super Mario Bros. 2 without touching a single COIN !

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i've run away from this moment for quite long but now i just cannot run from this anymore i have to play this game i have to beat it without touching a single coin it's time for me to do it new super mario bros 2 it's me versus you so let's see who's going to win this one the rules are simple we are going to be playing new super mario bros 2 on the nintendo 3ds without touching a single yellow coin this game is actually special because it's all about collecting tons of yucky coins there is even a big coin counter on the title screen itself and here's the thing this counter needs to stay at zero forever i actually need to beat bowser and still have this set to zero can we do it well let's just jump into it world 1-1 is actually quite easy just make sure to jump above the coins and go under those without bouncing too high on the note blocks and this will be done quickly for 1-2 you'll want to be small mario for this part to get under those pesky coins but once it is done well the rest of the level is pretty easy make sure to grab a super leaf in 1-3 as it will help you glide above risky coins and will definitely be helpful for later mondash tower features a couple of annoying coins and you'll have to be extra careful on your way to the top up until you reach the minibus reznor and to defeat this dude well we have to hit the blocks underneath and these blocks also contain you guessed it yucky coins oh boy are we in trouble already well not that much actually let's just go back to 1-2 and grab ourselves a fire flower and make our way back up the tower using those fireballs we can now defeat resnore without touching a single coin epic 1-4 features a bunch of coins spinning in circles but there's typically always a way to get through it without touching any coins trust me it will be all done 1-5 is an underwater stage and begins with this part where it's kind of impossible to get through without touching a few coins even though it looks like mario is not actually touching the coin well according to the game he is now this is a big problem unless you know about the secret exit in one dash tower let's go back there and use it to reach world 1-canon and hopefully keep the quest alive so for one dash canon it's not as simple as entering the canon and being in the world no no no this game actually decided to make it different there's like a little mini level you have to do where you run super fast and you want to make sure to enter this level with a tanooki leaf in order to be able to fly above all of the yoki coins because if you can't fly well then you won't make it to be honest this special bonus level is the most difficult level in the quest so far as you have to memorize it all where you can fly above where you should fly under where you should jump or you should dock ah this took me a few dozen tries before actually mastering it and finally making my way to the end to world mushroom but yes i eventually managed to do it and so will you well mushroom dash one is actually quite easy and getting to the end won't be much of an issue mushroom-2 is yet another underwater stage and oh no here's another part where we cannot fit to avoid the coins okay now i'm in big trouble i actually need a mini mushroom if only there was a way to have one maybe this mushroom house can help me out so let's get the secret exit in this stage and go visit it shall we and yep the house features a mini mushroom yes now that we are mini we can actually squeeze in between walls ceilings and yucky coins this one is a very slow auto scroller level but by being careful you'll soon get to the end mushroom ghost house features tons of tricky parts but it's possible to beat it easily mushroom dash 3 is a very slow auto scroller but the me mushroom actually makes the level easy as we can avoid all of the coins on the way mushroom dash castle is quite difficult as there are tons of coins all over the place and there's also those big spiky balls ready to crush you if you're moving too slow avoiding all those hazards on the way is quite difficult and it took me a long time but i can assure you it is possible world 3-1 is actually not too bad plus being mini mario allows you to run on water making this level easier than it would have been without it dodge a cheat chips and things will be good 3-2 doesn't feature that many coins so it's actually quite easy finally an underwater stage that isn't a pain in the butt 3-3 contains some spider webs you have to climb on and there are going to be a few scary coins here and there like this part there yeah it was annoying but thankfully the power of being mini mario is actually helping out quite a lot 3-tower is an underwater stage once more and you'll have a lot of coins to avoid as you swim your way through this slow auto scrolling level eventually i realized that i would need a fire flower to defeat reznor so i had to get rid of my mini mushroom in order to become big this allowed me to get to the top and defeat the bus and as you can see well there is also a mushroom house next to the tower so we can actually just go inside and grab yet another mini mushroom nice 3-4 does feature a lot of poisoned water and you don't want to go swimming in it trust me so be extra careful there's also a few coins to dodge but it's all possible 3-ghost house is a level that features those platforms held by ghost and these guys will try to move you around getting you to touch some yucky coins but by being careful we can actually dodge them all you'll never get me to touch a yucky coin you ghosts get out of here 3-5 starts off with a very difficult part where we need to swim in between all these yucky coins all of this while dodging the annoying bloopy the bloopers this part is actually really difficult but once it's done the rest of the stage is easy redash castle isn't particularly difficult and the mini mushroom is actually super helpful to avoid all of the coins and the sauce ready to destroy us world 4-1 is not difficult at all there aren't that many coins on the way 4-ghost house is actually quite easy and i ended up getting the secret exit by accident on my first try and you know what using the secret exit will allow me to skip 4-tower and that way i'll be able to keep my mini mushroom so let's just do that shall we 4-b is also an easy level up until you get to the end because well look at all those coins spinning we have to make some epic gamer jumps to avoid them all but it is possible and with that level done we can go to the castle well that was quick 4-castle contains a few coins that will require you to do some scary jumps all of this while avoiding spiky boulders but don't be afraid and you'll soon beat this one nice world 5-1 is an easy level so no worries 5-2 features some annoying lakitus throwing out spineys but thankfully it is not too difficult to beat the stage and coin wise there's not that much anyways 5-3 starts off with this cannon that shoots you through a dozen coins and that's not really cool i tried going under by walking on the spiky parts but it is no use are we in trouble well yes and no yes because we're going to have to get rid of the mini mushroom to keep moving but no because replacing it with a super leaf allows us to run on the left side of the pipe near the beginning and by moving left and right and left and right you'll eventually be able to fly above all of the yucky coins great finishing the game without a mini mushroom will definitely be more difficult but thankfully well this level is also home to a secret block that contains you guessed it a mini mushroom nice we finally have an endless supply of mini mushrooms for this quest making it way easier i'm actually pretty happy now but my happiness will end quickly as 5 dash tower already trolls us hardcore as we have to keep a fire flower around and we cannot actually do that because this level is all about giving us some super leaves annoying well let's go back to 5-1 and get to the secret exit and hopefully this one will be better 5-ghost house is actually super annoying and you'll need to get to the secret exit and that is harder said than done look at all the spooky jumps we need to do in between yucky coins very difficult but possible 5-a is a level that takes place on this boat and normally there are tons of coins to dodge but if we just chill on the boat well we're going to be all good 5-5 doesn't have any difficult parts so it's actually quite easy 5-6 is also pretty easy but get ready to do an epic gamer jump near the end 5-castle is actually also pretty easy so it will be done in no time world 6-1 features a few boulders falling from the sky so make sure to avoid those at all costs and everything will be good 6-ghost house is actually not too difficult and as long as you know how to navigate this house well you'll be able to reach the flagpole and beat it coinless 6-2 is a spooky boat ride as there's going to be coins bouncing out of the lava ugh make sure to get away from those it's pretty scary i mean lava bubbles but lava coins i don't want to see that anymore alright let's move on 6-3 is easy just walk on top of the bricks near the end to dodge all of those coins in 6-tower well make sure to grab a fire flower before you enter the stage or else you'll be stuck while you fight reznor yet again 6-4 is actually pretty easy if you have a mini mushroom and the same thing goes for 6-5 those two levels are actually pretty easy welcome to 6-bowser the final level in the game and this stage only features one crazy difficult precise jump under the coins but that's it yeah the bowser fight is easy and the second phase is also not difficult just avoid the few coins left and right and soon prince's speech will be saved and we did it we beat the game and saved the princess wait a minute the challenge is not over yet the credit screen is the true final boss of this quest mario is actually carrying peach around and there are coins falling from the sky coins appearing from the floor left and right this is actually insane okay there's no real trick to this credit scene but to try over and over again and memorize the coin patterns it's actually super annoying and it's even random at times like sometimes you just cannot avoid the coins and you have to reset but eventually all of the stars will align and everything will be good so is it possible to beat new super mario bros 2 without touching a single coin yes it is i just cannot believe it a game that's all about collecting coins can actually be cleared without touching a single one now this is insane that was one heck of a challenge but thankfully it is possible thanks a lot for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it if you did well please give this video a like as it really helps me out subscribe and tap the cards on screen to watch another challenge video and as for me i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 633,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nicobbq, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario, Mario Bros, Challenge, Coinless, Without a coin, Hardest, Stages, Courses, NES, Super Mario Odyssey, Mario Odyssey, Nintendo Switch, Switch, New Super Mario Bros, New Super Mario Bros 2, NSMB2, New Super Mario Bros. 2, smallant
Id: lZsnkhFE96s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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