Bowser’s Fury but every Shine makes Mario BIGGER....

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hello everyone today we play through bowser's fury but every cat shine doubles mario's size so here we are we're starting off tiny and soon we're going to be absolutely ginormous but there's a big problem with being this small if i jump through something i just no clip through the ground and die so to prevent mario from falling through the ground i have to go and collect some cat shines oh mario's normal size here but i can talk to bowser jr he can become my companion he'll help out a ton with this where's the first cat shine that i can get because playing this small is going to be really difficult i can't do this for long bro i keep on no clipping through the ground one thing i am wondering is what happens when i collect the gigabyte that's going to be really interesting to find out okay okay just let me collect the power up without clipping me through the floor please [Music] but if i can make my way up here without clipping through the frame okay i'm not clipping through anymore i don't know if it was just like a one-time glitch or it's because being small in this game actually changes your hitbox and i guess the models in this game collide weirdly with mario brings this small and our first cat shines up there our first cat shines up there it shouldn't be too much of a challenge to get to oh i got really scared by all those things the goombas are here i think i can just climb all the way up here to get my first cat shine i better not clip through the ground here no no oh wait fury bowser spawning i might be able to get him to break a block around here and that will spawn a cat shine yeah here these bowser bricks if i get him to shoot his fire at me come on he's so intimidating compared to a little tiny mario but if i get him to shoot the fire here i can get him to break these bricks come on hit them yes okay he's hit them and i can collect this cat shine nice and that will double mario's size there we go he's scared off now he's scared off by the cat shine will mario be bigger let's find out look he looks a bit bigger yeah he definitely is bigger because before he was bigger than his footsteps now his footsteps are like a reasonable size for him he's still got giant feet but he's not like the same size as his footsteps what can i get by doing this will i get something cool a fire flower i guess that could be helpful because this challenge is quite hard can i still fall through the floor at this size it looks like i'm falling through the floor less i might be able to just make my way up now now that i don't have to worry about falling through the floor and i'll be able to get to the next cat shine which will double my size again and then i think i'll be like a reasonable size and to get around here we are here's the cat shine there we go oh i saw him grow there we go we've got three shines now we seem to be like regular size we're about the same size as bowser jr but i wonder what will happen when i collect the gigabot will gigamario be any bigger or smaller than normal well that's a cool gigabyte yes it is i really want to know what will happen with the gigabyte here but what i can do is i can get another shine up in this area it seems about the same difficulty as normal it doesn't seem that much harder at the moment all around my normal size i want to collect all these mini shards because if i collect every single shard here i unlock a cat shine we've also got boomerang mario here which will be really helpful i think over this wall there's another cat shard which i want to collect all the cat shards come on do a dive no no okay i almost fell down i almost fell off but there we go we've got the second cat shard oh there's one up that wall i want to get to this wall there we go i've got three of them now i only need two more and then i collect the moon why do i keep on calling them moons they're cat shards i'm used to playing mario odyssey i've got like mariota see brain on not bowser's fury brain i need to change my brain to bowser's fury brain now but if i make my way up here i'm pretty sure there's a cat shine at the top and that will double my size which will be pretty epic but at these really really big sizes i think it's gonna become really difficult there we go here's another cat shine shard shard not shine there's a difference between the shards and the shines yeah there we go down here there's another cat shard shine that one's a shine that one's a shine this time i gotta send flying forwards and there we go another cat shine and that doubles my size did you see that he just blew up again right on the end of the animation he's looking quite big there and there's another shot and i can get that if i get a cat suit i need to get a cat suit i don't know if i'm too big to climb stuff now but now i'm bigger than bowser jr bruh what happens if i jump on him nothing can i still fit in these clear pipes i might not be able to fit in them yeah i can oh my ground pound up here i think i get a cowbell yes i do i might be able to snipe this cat shine if i snipe this cat shine you have to subscribe deal all right let's go cats snipe oh yes let's go now you have to subscribe oh okay okay i'm getting very big here a message from the super bowl i've unlocked the super bowl because i've got five cat shards let's just wait for fury bowser to spawn again we i guess we can get another moon in this time i want to make my way back up here but there's a button that spawned there's a button that's spawned here i'm at the size now where it's going to start affecting gameplay because of how big i am hurry jump high jump fast okay i want to be fast i want to jump high to get this power moon to get this pat no no it's not a power moon it's a cat shine to get this cat shine oh fury battles are spawning i want to get this before fury bowser spawns because otherwise it will scare him off and i don't want to scare him off oh i can't i can't clap cat climb on stuff anymore okay i might be able to get this two seconds yes there we go nice you see it started to rain that which means that fury bowser is on his way oh my controller is starting to shake again i can hear him spinning that means that the yes it's turned night time that means that the super bell is about to unlock this is gonna be so interesting what happens with the super bowl cause i think we're on four times the size at the moment will the gigabyte be four times the size i wonder how big this is gonna make mario but we've collected it we'll find out in a second i'm so interested it looks about the same now but i'm pretty sure this is just a cut scene yeah this is just a cutscene so when we get to actual gameplay we'll find out hmm no it seems to be the same as normal oh i think it's set to a certain scale that's kind of sad i wish it would have done something cool wait it's glitching a bit do you see that he's like flickering to a bigger size that's strange maybe it's trying to be a bigger size but it's shrinking me back down but he's about to ground pound on me which means i can ground pound on him ground pound on me oh no i got hit i lost my cap there we go i just want to grandpa one more time and then we unlock more places to explore which is called the cat bell he's flickering into a bigger size i reckon it's meant to make me bigger but the game's working against me i guess the code's working against me it's about to ground pound again i want to be careful jump over him and then do a ground pound on him oh he's so low i can just do a cat swipe to kill him now i think that's why oh okay he's about to ground pound i just want to jump over his fire attack and then jump on him there we go fury bowser's dead ah i forgot how pretty this game is i love this game like the cat shaped rainbow that's so wholesome and we've unlocked all of this area now no we've unlocked this it's coming out of the ocean i thought it was just like a giant empty lake i haven't played this game in like six months so i've forgotten a lot of it we've unlocked plenty what happens when we jump on plessy's back whilst we're a giant that's gonna be an interesting experiment what happens when giant mario jumps on plessy's back wait why am i back to normal size bruh what okay he just grew up out of nowhere that is so strange but before i jump on plessy's back i can get another cat shine by grabbing this daisy rabbit that is cursed that is so cursed it looks like he shouldn't be holding it he's like picking it up using mind control mario's a magician he's using mind control the cat seems quite happy though so it can't be painful why is this so cursed come here kitty oh he's sad because he's lost his baby i've got your baby i've got your baby for you no it's your baby take your baby there we go i threw it at you and you didn't even realize cats honestly but there we go we get another cat shine i'm getting quite big all right now let's test what happens when we jump on plessy's back oh okay all right it works like normal it works like normal he's just got a giant mario on his back plus he shouldn't be able to do this i think this like defies the laws of physics that plus he can like support a giant mario on his back [Music] is there anything for me to get here though it's weird how plus he can go on land oh all right i want to get a cat suit i want to get another katsu there we go and i can press this button what will this button do what will this purple button do oh i have to kill all these enemies to unlock a shine i think but i want to do it in a time limit oh no i just got damaged it's going to be very easy to get damaged now because of how big i am how big my hitbox is this seems pretty easy i don't want to get hit by the fireballs and i just want to jump on this piranha's head and there we go another cat shines unlocked nice [Music] i saw a shadow get bigger i should have saw mario's shadow get bigger i've got another cat bell and i want to make my way up here what will happen when i go in the ice skating view there's an ice skating pool up here i can somehow still go in this clear pipe that looked really weird what will happen when i press a giant mario just shoot out the cannon yeah bruh that's so cursed what will happen when i collect this power up though this ice skate power up what what how does that work it's like he's riding a bike he looks almost like he's riding a bike oh man this is too funny this is too funny is my hitbox affected i can still hit these yes oh no i lost the ice skate because i bonked i can collect these shards though these shards will be helpful oh i don't want to get damaged it's so easy to get damaged in here looks like how big i am i have very little wiggle room well i get another ice skate though i want to get another ice skates this is quite funny there we go there's another ice skate here but there's another shard up there which i can get bowser jr to collect all right i can get myself into the ice skate and make my way down here oh because i took damage on normal mario and normal mario looks also really funny oh he's so happy he's so happy with his ice skate that he has oh this is wholesome wholesome moment in bowser's fury it's really difficult because i can't i can barely see anything because of how big mario is now oh this is so how is he not getting hit he's got hit he's getting hit by the spikes visually but nothing's happening [Music] okay i just clipped through the wall what is this what is this i clip through the wall trying to get up stuff through the wall doesn't seem to have texture though you see mario's texture seems to be like clipping onto it well this is so weird wait it's not letting me out okay it is letting me out it just wouldn't let me out through one of the walls okay okay i've made my way up i can get bowser junior to collect the shine for me yes thank you bowser jr you're so kind there we go another cat shard my size is gonna double again wait i think i just saw him double in that screen there but there's also a cat shot down here which i can grab oh mario's doing a dive down nice there we go that's another one i'm nearly the size of the lighthouse now it looks like the game's probably going to be unplayable soon but i'll try to do as much as i can i reckon i can make it to 20 shines before the game becomes unplayable that's my prediction let me know what your prediction is in the comments how does that work he's standing on nothing i can just get flung by standing on nothing oh do you know what would be interesting doing a boom boom fight fighting boom boom whilst i'm this big that would be interesting very interesting to say the least but fury bowser is just about to spawn which means i can get another shine by breaking the breakable bricks by getting him to shoot his fire at me he is so scary there's a load of breakable bricks by the super bowl i need five more seans to get the super bell unfortunately i just got damaged no stop damaging me i get hit by everything because of how big i am i died bruh it was almost unfair because there were so many projectiles shooting at me ah i can't get the bowser bricks anymore but i think i do want to fight boom boom for the sake of science i think i'm going to shrink down so i can make it into the arena it's for science so it's not here there we go we're in the arena i can become big again see and i can fight boom boom because boom boom should be here boom boom versus mario's legs who will win because we can only see mario's legs oh no wait this is going to be really easy because all i have to do is jump and i can bounce on his shallow tone i can combo shell bounces as long as i don't stay on the ground long it should be pretty easy all right he's gone invisible i just want to jump okay this has made the boss way easier oh no no no i guess i ate my own words sir i shouldn't have said it was easy let's try that again i just need to not fail i need to not get cocky i guess if i become fire mario do my fire balls become giant let's give that a test no no they don't what was i expecting was i expecting him to have giant fireballs i got hit i shouldn't have got hit there i was jumping i guess he's got like a hurt box for some of the time but he only needs one more hit to go down i think because boom boom only needs three hits in these games there we go i'm surprised you didn't get killed by just one hit because of how every mario must be mario must be really really heavy [Music] oh and i can also get that bunny rabbit i'm pretty much in jail here i'm trapped i think i'm gonna have to cheat again to get out you saw nothing i burnt your eyes for a second you saw nothing you saw nothing there we go i'm big again all right we can jump on places back now to chase this rabbit how will this look riding on plessy what what on earth is this oh poor plastic classy must this must be really painful for classy never mind mario's just floating i can barely see the rabbit i just have to guess where the rabbit's going i just want to chase this rabbit down come here bunny hey bunny can i stun it yes let's go i caught the rabbit ruins rabbit play tag i'm surprised plessy isn't going slower because of how heavy mario is i can also go get that plasti ring this plasty ring here will give me another shine okay i think i have 20 seconds to make it all the way over there go through this like obstacle course this is gonna be really difficult with having like my vision blurred because i can only see like half the screen at this point i just want to hit all the boost panels though i have a very good idea where all the boost panels is because i played this game before and i'm a professional mario player i know what i'm doing oh i'm nearly there okay am i gonna no no i missed it all right i'm trying it again hopefully i don't fail this time no i bonked again i bunked again come on yeah it's okay i hit it this time very nice very nice ah all i see now is mario's feel this is so difficult i've got an idea of a starter or a shine that would be pretty funny here yes here this like box isle with all the bullies on believe the cat bullies yes here okay what i want to do here is hit this invisible box here there we go bowser jr activated the box and now i'm giant star mario i can't really see much but i just want to run into the bullies can i go into snapshot mode oh he's got like a glowing aura on him okay there's another print bully behind me where are the where's the last bullet it's the last bullet there yes i hit all the bullies that was so chaotic giant star mario i could barely see anything it was just like a rainbow on my screen but there we go we've got another shine mario is so high up oh can i pick up that baseball over there will i still be able to pick up objects at this size let's give it a test it looks like i have i'll have to go into snapshot mode to see what what's happened to this baseball then he's holding a giant baseball that's made the baseball ginormous when i throw it will it turn giant no it goes back to regular size this is so sad what i want to do here is get a key okay key to catch on i want to collect a key along here i have to duck down if i want to do anything i i have to stay permanently so i can get underneath like everything it might be even easier to do everything with classics plus he has a smaller hitbox and mario at the moment okay i can dismantle classy and make my way up here and i think the key is somewhere along here all right i've made my way up here am i gonna be able to oh am i gonna be okay i've got the key i've got the key whoa okay i might be able to make it down to the cage i want to be careful because bowser fury bowser's about to spawn i wasn't able to clip in oh i want to be quick because fury bowser pretty much kills me instantly because of i just get hit by all the random projectiles that he froze out come on i need to make it to this key i had the key a second ago am i gonna die now i'm not what did i even get killed by all right so i think i've figured out what's happened when when i touch the water i lose the key so i want to make my way down somehow without touching water i touched water here though this is so annoying maybe if i go up this way okay i haven't touched water yet i've still got the key i might be able to throw the key along okay i threw the key down [Music] got the key again oh [Music] what wait do i have to walk up to it i think i have to shrink down if i actually want to use the cage that's a bit annoying but i did bring it there all the way down there we go i can go become the size again there we go yeah a little bit cheating but i was just annoyed because of how long that moon took that took me to get that shine to be too long to get mario is almost the size of the entire map now you collected 15 cat shines okay i'll be able to defeat fury bowser now and i think we're getting pretty close to the game being unplayable now but when fury bowser spawns i'll be able to collect this gigabell it will come to life won't it there we go mario's way bigger than it it's meant to be some like big giant object that's meant to be like intimidating but mario's bigger than it i can just run up to it to collect it there we go he's probably smaller now than he was before all right i just want to beat this fight then i can ground pounder on him there we go there we go i can hit him again i can ground pun on him again i can ground handle on him again there we go we should only need one more ground pound well never mind that's what i'm doing oh i might be able to fight pom-pom now in the arena that boom boom was pom-pom should have spawned i want to fight pom-pom this is going to be really cool all right let's make our way to pom-pom mario's so big he's also kind of fake not gonna lie once again i'll have to cheat to get in but here we are we can now fight cat pom pom this is gonna be super interesting because i might be able to stomp on all our clones at once because it looks like i'm the same size as the entire arena all right i just want to jump and then oh her clones just disappeared immediately if i keep on jumping i should just be able to stomp on her clones this is the easiest boss fight ever what i just didn't needed to keep on jumping and i jumped on the head instantly but there we go [Music] and our size has doubled again i don't think i'm getting out of this one i don't think there's any more shine so i can realistically get mario's constantly jumping on bowser jr now i might be able to get an infinite height glitch in here not quite and i'm stuck here i guess this is a good place to leave it but if you enjoyed this video you might also enjoy super luigi odyssey but every moon doubles luigi's speed it's a really good video very entertaining and i'll see you over there click on screen now to watch it and i'll see you over there bye
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 2,918,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, challenge, funny, manx ninja pig, odyssey, smo, mods, modded, mario size, mario size comparison, moon, power moon, mod, lost kingdoms, manx, mario ost, mario series, super mario, funny mario videos, mario memes, animated mario, mario videos, nintendo switch, jumping, new mario game, mario youtube, mario challenge, mario mod, mario challenge runs, mario mods, bowser's fury, bowser, morio, 3d world, fury, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, bowsers fury mod, modding, Shine, bigger
Id: 7M8n9WcRTro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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