Top 10 WORST Mario Powerups!

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five years ago i posted a video where i ranked my top 10 worst mario power-ups and after reacting to it a couple weeks ago i realized that the video sucks so i'm redoing it today basically i'll be ranking out my least favorite bar ups in the mario franchise for me a power up is an item that gives mario new powers or new abilities meaning that this list will contain those that give you abilities that are not that useful this also means that the poison mushroom will not appear on this list as it's a hazard a power down if you want now that everything has been set subscribe and hit the bell and let's just jump into it for me the coins in mario games have always been sort of useless they're there all over the place waiting to be collected and once you get 100 you get an extra mario okay cool but if i wanted some extra marios there are far quicker and easier ways to do so like using a koopa shell a bullet bill and so on the thing is super mario 3d lan and 3d world included a new power up that is only meant to give you coins you see this question mark block well make sure not to hit it because it will stick on your head the coin box is a new power up that appeared in this game and oh boy how useless can this thing be it's a box that you put on your head and it will give you a coin for every couple steps you take that's it it doesn't allow you to jump higher it doesn't give you a double jump you can't fly with it you can glide no all it does is give you some yucky coins this bar up is definitely not for me as much as i love super mario world and all there's a couple of not so useful power-ups in that game there's one power-up that i remember not getting at all back when i was a kid i remember hitting a block and then wings came out of it and i tried desperately to grab those wings or interact with them but to no avail they didn't seem to do anything well sooner than later i figured out that you actually need yoshi to use those wings and what they do is that they transport you into a bonus world filled with coins and once that bonus zone is done you're back on the ground like nothing ever happened oh wait yoshi actually changed color wow that was um useless i like to think of the yoshi wings as a far more complicated bonus vine you know remember in previous mario games how you would hit hidden blocks to uncover vines that led to bonus areas well they turn this vine into a power up which in my opinion is kind of dumb [Music] a lot of new power ups introduced in super mario 3d world are masks or hats that mario and his pals can put on their heads the light box allows you to see in the dark and defeat some booze and peapods the canon box allows you to defeat enemies and break open walls to uncover green stars and then there's the goomba mask it allows you to disguise into a goomba yay i can now blend in with the crew what's up gamers i'm a goomba basically with this mask equipped all goombas will leave you alone but who cares really goombas are not even threatening so why would i need to hide from them this item doesn't even work on smarter enemies at least in 3d world it did get a buff in super mario maker 2 now working on all enemies including thwomps and even more but yet again i don't want to hide from enemies in mario i want to jump on them i want to fight them i don't want to be friends with boom boom the mad lad cringe i wanna jump on his mad lead head the super mario galaxy series introduced so many cool power ups be mario that allows you to fly boom mario that turns you invisible cloud mario that allows you to create cloud platforms to walk on these are all cool power ups and then there's the spin drill it first appeared in the spin dig galaxy and with this bar up equipped you can drill through the planet to come out the other side wow exciting you lose this power up if you get hit and you lose it if you touch or launch the star or if you go inside a pipe so what's the point basically this item seem to only have been created for this one single level only and then they kind of ran out of things to do with it because it sucks sure it does make a comeback in like two or three more stars in the game but yeah who cares this bar up sucks new super mario bros ds was a breath of fresh air when it first came out on the nintendo ds and there's one power-up from this game that appeared and never returned afterwards i'm obviously talking about the blue shell when you grab that power up you turn into shell mario which means that from this point on every time you'll run mario will hide in the shell and if you hit blocks or walls you'll start bouncing all over the place losing all control you have on mario wow a power up that actually forces me to slow down if i want to stay in control of myself well that sucks what i like about mario games is to run like a madman and try to beat it as fast as i can so this bar up is not really helping me out that much flying in mario games is super fun i remember getting my wing cap in mario 64 and flying in the sky for the first time collecting red coins and basically just having the time of my life well it seems one developer over at nintendo wanted to bring back the joy of flying in super mario galaxy but looks like he was the only one in the team that wanted that near the end of the game you're given access to rosalina's gateway and in it you'll uncover the red star which negates all gravity and basically allows you to fly in the sky like there's no tomorrow and then you get all of the purple coins you get your power star from this level and you never ever get to use that power up again yup that's it the red star was not even in the sequel mario galaxy 2. what's the point of having this power up if you're only going to use it once and never afterwards what a shame the fire flower is cool you grab it you get some shiny new clothes and bada beam bada boom you can throw fireballs that will bounce until they hit the enemy in front of you simple and effective how can you ruin that well just ask super mario land on the game boy a game that decided fire flowers were cringed and needed to be replaced by the super flower with the super ball equipped you can now throw bouncing balls that will start bouncing on floors walls and ceilings and that's the main issue they bounce all over the place it's kind of difficult to aim at enemies and targets thus making this spar up very annoying to use it came back as a secret power up in super mario maker 2 and to be honest i'm still not convinced most of the levels using this power up want you to throw it with the perfect angle to bounce and hit what you need to hit this trial and error mechanic is just not fun to me sorry super mario maker 2 brought back a bunch of old school power-ups but it did also create a brand new one exclusive to this game the super hammer i have to admit that mario does look super cool after getting this power up sporting his builder outfit with the helmet and everything but the look is pretty much the only cool thing about this power up cause with it equipped you can now use a big hammer to break some blocks in front of you the thing is it takes a while to dig yourself a hole through those blocks it's kind of boring the other ability you gain from this super hammer is the power of amazon packaging yup you can now make boxes appear out of nowhere and use them to build a tower you can climb on and you can also use those boxes to walk on water or lava which is neat but i'd rather float on lava using a shell or simply fly over it with a propeller suit or something i just feel like this powerup is a boring replacement for other existing bar ups there have been many power ups that allowed mario to fly over the years the cape feather in mario world the wing cap in mario 64 the leaf in super mario 3 and a couple more and then there was the p balloon from super mario world this thing was horrible turning mario into a big inflated version of himself and allowing you to glide for about 20 seconds before you deflated and fell back down and probably died or something the thing is i can't really have this spar up on the list anymore because in super mario maker 2 it was revived and improved by a lot you can now float in all directions by farting in the sky neat so what am i going to have here at number 2 then well remember the power flower from super mario 64 ds no well let me quickly show you what happens when mario collects it boom it's the mario world p balloon all over again very cringe very useless no i just hate it with the release of super mario 3d all-stars i replayed all of the classic 3d mario games on the nintendo switch and got once again the chance to play super mario galaxy i love playing this game so much and then i reached toy time galaxy and then i stumbled upon the spring mushroom look i can't stress this enough this bar up controls like garbage like i get the idea you're a spring you go bong bong you bounce super high it's fun haha that's very cool but the controls man the controls controlling spring mushroom mario is not fun at all and all of the stars you get using this spar up are a little bit tedious oh and there's something new i can add about this spar up that i never experienced before after having played the switch version joy con drift and spring mushroom thanks a lot for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it and i want to know what is your least favorite power up in mario games let me know in the comments section down below i'm genuinely curious about what you guys think if you want to watch more videos well tap the cards on screen right now and if you want your name in the credits like those amazing team bbq members well hit the join button down below bye bye [Music]
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 354,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario, Super Mario, Power-Ups, Power-Up, Powerups, Powerup, Worst, Bad, Worse, Cringe, Poison Mushroom, Top Ten, Ranking, Worst Mario, Worst Power Ups, Countdowns, Top 10, Top, Ten
Id: TE4n2lsIwWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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