EASY MONEY Abandoned Storage Locker Brand NEW STUFF Everywhere

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crap is everywhere i mean all brand new okay ready this may scare you guys okay let's open them up eleven brand new i told you they were probably ran oh my gosh oh there's some michael jordan's shoes in here all right we have our store anybody want to come by anything come on come on come on come on down we're not open yet [Music] all right we bought another storage unit we opened up the truck because it's a beautiful day right now hey wade yeah you think we bought a storage unit or a mini department store i think we could have bought a department store we have grand adventures here guys we have the truck empty we're ready to rock today and here is a storage unit we spent 400 or almost 500 in this unit i know what you guys are seeing thinking this thing is trashed guys probably 70 of this unit is brand new stuff never used guys all that is brand new up there brand new we got brand new toys by the way the kids don't know it but i'm keeping this for them this thing is so cool uh brand new stuff down here we've got doll houses over here guys this is gonna be such a good unit to go through we got a ton of tubs look at all those tubs there's like six tubs down there yeah there's more tubs and boxes down there guys this thing is gonna be insane to unbox it's going to be a really really good unit it's going to be a hard units on box because everything is everywhere so we have to kind of make a path before we start the unboxing but guys look at this thing there is so much stuff in here even got some salsa that we're probably not going to use yeah we'll use sanitizer yeah everything is brand new in here guys it's in the box um i think they made coming to conclusions but there's some of the stuff maine may have little sticky fingers to it you know i just don't know you know um a lot of it i think it means a ton of fun for us yeah it's all brand new in here this is this is a 10 by 10 guys this is a huge unit all right so real quick i want to show you what it looked like before we messed with it uh i need to get in here guys and make a little path and then we'll start unboxing and showing it's like we messed with it but boy it came this way yeah yeah yeah it's gonna be a good one so let me make a little path this way and then i'll put some stuff over here that we are in the pathway i'll show you and then we'll start the unboxing so don't go anywhere it's gonna be great i can't wait you can't wait i can't wait i can't wait it's crispy shockers yeah i bet they were just very thrifty they're thrifty that's what they are we'll say they're thrifty right what i want to do is have something you got lip fluffer okay so we're going to dig stuff out and uh do the footage but we're just gonna film um because unfortunately it's it's such it's that's a crazy unit okay so we got this out a little cart thing there so we have some olay i'm telling you guys this stuff this storage unit those are uh nice i like that i'm gonna use this for my car we got some limp plumper here brand new who would want to plump their lips you know some of this would be good for my mystery boxes we'll see uh we got some silverware in here as well all right oh we also found this door stop it's brand new it's an electric door stop yes if someone opens the door you know isn't that crazy yeah okay all right so let me uh we're just gonna film on the fly guys i'm just trying to make it easy for you give me one second let me get some of this stuff out of here oh my gosh let me see what's in the bag it is all full okay first let's get this stuff out of here all right because uh oh my gosh it's opposites how cool it's a bunch of um is it a bunch of uh that's a tape measure okay don't don't open everything up yet now oh i know i gotta wait for you guys gosh see everything is like this is gonna be a beautiful unit but it's so hard to film uh because everything's everywhere okay this is brand new this is brand new maybe no why don't you fill up the table and then we'll go through everything okay all right and 99 no okay i'm exaggerating ninety-five percent might be bragging oh my gosh i think a lot of this is brand new guys okay it's like falling on me though so i gotta do this oh we have a box a box finally okay oh my gosh wow we're not gonna ever have a headache again all right let's show them what we found so far out of this little area here all right we're gonna never have a headache again we have a bag full of put it right down here if you can let's show them should i dump it yeah right there is it all sealed oh they're all sealed guys but what i like oh wait it doesn't expire until 2003. yeah but these are cool they're little measuring tapes yeah you can use that put around your wrist we may measure some stuff okay we have nothing in here i don't know what they're for it says something about water this is brand new guys this could be good for a rolling cart yeah this could be good for our uh we're gonna do a garage sale at our house and so we're getting a lot of good garage sale stuff here i like this you fill it up and roll it around with crafts yeah we have this guy that i think this is brand new guys it is like everything this is sealed this is brand new as well this is a barbie girls love barbies yeah i didn't have something like that when i love my barbies it's all brand new that's that's gonna be a theme of this unit brand new i'll put this stuff back this is a beautiful um i think this is bamboo probably it's bamboo silverware that is a nice one that's smart guys okay so we have all this brand new you guys already seen all this brand new we haven't even got in oh we got the box oh my gosh oh my god what's in the box you have no idea no i don't looking at this unit i could not even make guesses okay close your eyes don't be oh oh they you have glasses they're gonna think they're gonna know you're peaking look at this oh wow that's in the box i got it all this is uh for the kids colored pencils i think i think this unit was um look at oh my i want one of these this there's so much there's so much money here ashley's gonna love this unit and we've only we've only gone through look at the little step here guys we've only gone through this little step [Laughter] sharpies are not cheap no no no there's money here guys look at that oh my goodness yes what's in there probably oh this one's awful oh wow okay oh it opens up oh my gosh it's full of all new stuff and you know these are new pins so you know they're not out of ink no you know what i mean look at this calendar be cute for kade to keep his appointments on all right guys let me put all this weight back in the box clean this up a little bit and then we'll continue we spent five minutes we haven't even gone in the unit look at those big coolers guys we'll be right back don't go anywhere i just found a whole box a big you hooked you to uh big u-haul box full of brand new nike shoes in the box i can't wait to see him and i didn't peek i just saw him there's there's oh there's a massive u-haul box full of nike shoes brand new you did disappear in there and i couldn't see you stop it okay uh brand new box full of nike this unit is gonna be insane guys okay i'm gonna start giving you hold on one second before you show them because uh right i actually bought these for the kids recently now those can be used because there's nothing they last forever yeah okay there's no rhyme or reason to the stuff i'm getting wait there's no way to do that yeah it'd take us five days just to sort it out oh my gosh this thing's 150 pounds dude it's so many oh my it's oh and it's in there it's brand new activity center a doctor medical center for kids it's brand new guys never open or the patient be the doctor or the patient it's brand new it even has a chair for them to sit on while you i bet this is 150 bucks right here oh it's a lot it's a tarp only at target wow it's exclusive target exclusive look at it it's all in there guys it's got stuff for broken arms and everything oh something else fell on me okay hold on man that is expensive oh wow can you believe it the clock and the clock you set the clock it's got a phone uh-huh it's got all the accessories this thing is brand new oh that's not a toy i like getting kids though yeah you have to keep track of it all and then we have this this is brand new never opened love this we're going to give this to the kids i got a little video of them playing on it yeah but look at that guys right there alone that is so neat that is neat every kid would love to have that yep completely brand new nowadays they can play real doctor with actual yeah yep we used to just have a little kit that had to pull it up got to be careful here uh-oh something happened no this uh oh it's a lava lamp oh and it changes color and it's still in there it's the top in there somewhere here to the floor is this the top no that's the bottom no careful there's i bet the top is still in here but it fell i want to look for it okay we'll sit it's a huge lava lamp no tops not in there we'll set it right here and wait no no can you put on the truck so it doesn't fall i didn't know they came with bottle cap tops i can't believe we found brand new nike shoes in here you're dying to get to them aren't you but i can't get to them yet it's amazing how his eye went right to that oh my gosh there's more brand new stuff in here guys brand new clothes this whole unit is brand new okay here we go look at this brand new building blocks brand new hose right here brand new clothes dump them all out on the table of course we'll see the bag these are all brand new guys look at that sealed they're a little big for cade right now but yeah these are great for the garage sale oh look at maybe that they're cute too they're they're thick material all brand new in here wow i'll put them on top of this box over here i'll start have to and then this as well we can i always get a lot of these in units with seats we always get those chairs yeah those are cool too brand new ashley's going to love this unit yeah i wish she could be here yeah ashley's going to love this unit it was definitely worth it we got a good one tomorrow this is brand new brand new look at that should go camping for the fourth of july it could be brand new camping stove guys two thousand beats yep never used wow okay okay oh should we do another brand new item okay i'm gonna stop saying brand new but yeah that word is but what can you say yeah never used let's think of different ways to stay brand new never used oh still in the wrapping yeah yeah yeah yeah i like that still wrapping okay okay i gotta figure out how to get all this stuff out of here and then of course we have food it happens to be my favorite kind of salsa but i am gonna restrain that's one thing i can't do that's nice right there oh somebody will want that yes it's for you put your phone up there and it's got a light yeah it's when you're on air so they you're all lit up like glowing yeah i think you can use this in your octane you can blow oh my gosh there's more new stuff in here it's crazy brand new this is for um this is to keep your kids yes let's hit the road and they don't have to have sun in their eyes you know how they sound with sun in their eyes yeah oh yeah okay i want to see what's in the cooler starts oh man so look we got to open that up can you use uh oh we don't do you have the keys no i don't okay i'm gonna do it i can do it oh my gosh guys this thing is full oh you ready okay hold on one second i'm gonna peek i don't now that isn't fair oh wow oh i love this little vase all right what do you got my favorite sealed never used hand sanitizers aren't they cute look at this guys all brand new hand sanitizer i love i think wade could use this in a month yeah i try not to use too much i like i like clean hands [Applause] what is that deep cleans tough on grease oh it's cleaner is it cleaner yes it's and it has a floral scent it's a multi-purpose cleaner with a floral this tulip it's all brand new hey you can you can't have enough cleaner no we also have something that's floor cleaner we have floor cleaner in here wow that's going to save some money isn't it yep all right so i got to stack this up real quick and we'll be right back we'll put that box over here for counters and chills thank you you're welcome how nice of you i appreciate that we've never had anybody do that for us if you want you want something like floor cleaner and there you go i can't do that okay all right you're welcome all right so let me start stacking this up real quick guys we got our waters that was so nice of her yeah she's super nice she's she she's super nice she gave us some waters out here it's a beautiful day cold water look at the day guys look at the day it's beautiful today okay let me get this in the truck we'll be right back you ready i'm ready okay all right so i got the coolers out we did peek they were over here uh she peaked i didn't pee i didn't peek but look at the first of all before we do it look at these beautiful coleman they're huge they're extreme colemans and they look brand new guys be careful the kids will fit in we're going to put these in our garage sale somebody will buy them but okay ready yeah open up [Music] look at that it's full sanitized family there ever was yeah and i was already sanitized guys we'll sell this at the garage sale too for like a buck or something but both of these are full these things so i graham adventures had a good idea what was your idea which one i have a lot of if they were selling this during the pandemic oh oh you know early on sorry have you go get some water early on in the past uh they were running out of sanitizer everywhere but people were hoarding it and i think they might have been harding it and that's why we got all these shipping boxes yeah because they were selling it at a higher price i think that's what they're doing and then amazon cut people off from doing that yeah you know in the beginning two years ago yeah that's why i had a lap but look how big this was guys this is full sanitized three feet long no it's more than that because it's 90 inches so yeah uh well this is 90 inches so well where's my calculator yeah that's over three feet a little over three feet right anyway we got two of these big bad boys but but we're gonna get through this now we got a little pathway here those are the nike shoes i was telling you about they're all brand new in there i think i i i didn't open them i promise you that all right so let me uh let's continue here um let's continue this is such a hard unit to film i'm sorry guys it really is um it's a hard unit film because crap is everywhere i mean all brand new but it's all like except the tubs and the boxes it's all everywhere so we're doing our best here to to do a good video so oh my gosh i think this is brand new to this huge car scene in there wow all right let's get going guys um i'm gonna do my best give me one second let me set the camera up here harder when it's like this yeah is really hard to film yeah we also have this tv in here i gotta get out of here too oh my gosh there's wow he keeps seeing stuff while he's trying to move stuff anyway let's let's get this out of here first this guy is huge is it old or new i don't know [Music] it is heavy guys it is heavy i'll have you move this real quick okay oh my gosh dang this thing i'm not sure that it's not new no but it is nice it is very huge that's a beast oh man that's a big freaking sony that's got to be a 60 incher i've never seen one shaped like oh i said oh it's scratched a little bit right there but it's shaped kind of odd on the side can you see that wave yeah it is it's called a bravia what is it sony bravia so you have to be really brave to lift it up and move it it's got to be over 100 pounds i mean i've never lifted a tv that heavy okay all right well okay this might be a two tripper the more i see stuff come out no i don't think so all right give me one second i know we're taking a lot of commercial breaks sorry let me move all this stuff we'll be right back don't go anywhere all right we're back we're back stacked up nicely in the back of the truck tv's right over there massive thing so you ready are you ready wake up guys wake up are you guys ready i can't even see in the unit so everything he brings out is a surprise i have to uh get the tubs out of here guys and the boxes because there's a lot of loose stuff and the truck will fill up quick if i don't i need to get all the tubs and stack them nicely and then everything else will be loose so we're gonna oh my gosh oh it's all brand oh okay let's do this all right this is all paper supplies um craft supplies are you ready make sure it doesn't you're dumping it out make sure it doesn't spill they got to see everything oh my gosh it's all brand new oh look at these they're still on your site i'm not meaning to but dude look at the dolphin color hold on they can't they can't see anything oh come on this ain't your first rodeo well it's my first rodeo like this okay oh let's show them color crayons for the boys and their dolphins i'm setting those aside okay well just put them in here well trust me i think grandma gave them too i know they will look at these shaped crayons those are nice ones what'd you find an egg there's there's something in that egg okay but it's not opened we have a keyboard oh look at art uh scratch and design sheets okay this is full found a brand new pencil sharpener new backpack oh my gosh brand new paper in there which we can always use and some brand new crayons here's more we should just say ditto all right you know paper oh these are cool they're actually like eight dollars a pack what are they uh and i know that because i bought them they're not the puzzles oh gosh the kids love bubbles they're eight dollars a pack i'm not sure what these are brand new fan what are those i don't know they're little wood things look this is another brand new live monkeys or five monkeys jumping on the bed oh that's cute yeah it's a little game okay just normal uh stuff everything is sealed this is the same melissa and doug that we found on the melissa and doug uh ashley i called ashley and she's super excited but she said that uh there's a bunch of these they're pretty expensive that brand they're a name brand um youtube people the kids go on youtube and then they get famous and then target and the stores start selling their name stuff there's another fryer in there another what another turkey or another fryer air fryer yeah i love air fryers okay okay let's oh my gosh okay this is candles it smells oh smells so nice and they're all brand new oh my gosh wow okay we gotta move this over here a little bit oh when you put stuff up here cold spice moisturizing motion my dad uses old spice oh brand new this is what smells nice oh bunch of candles yeah stella stella here's some cute little metal pans with pants okay we got wait we gotta show them one at a time okay sensitive scents white jasmine there's two of them in there old spice body wash you know this is probably like 12 bucks right here it all adds up but that's all brand new uh i don't know what this happy valentine's day aloe body this is all body wash oh oh my gosh oh tie dyes so you can make your own tie-dye i'm a teacher yeah candle holder that is nice it's a big candle holder too some new baby clothes oh there's two of them two matching ones wrapped up in new baby clothes we got brand new tie-dye so anyone wants to tie dyed yep wow look at those those are nice oh there's one oh that's different it's a little different yeah oh that goes to the bottom so oh there's two of them wow secret deodorant there you go brand new it's even got the even got the little safety top on there look at this caress soap it almost makes you want to hurry and take a bath yeah oh it's daily silk daily silk soap this looks good this is really good hand lotion yep and it's still sealed guys okay now the rest of this is body wash we got some mr clean mr clean a desk lampa bulb this is all brand new body wash guys look at that got olay oh here's another old spice if it's sealed i'll use it oh this is awesome and this is all brand new that's my dad's brand name old spice he's used it for a hundred years he's almost 100 years old and he's got oh brand new in there okay let me put all this away real quick and we've got five more tubs to go through don't go anywhere oh my god okay he keeps pointing the camera at me i'm the least likely they want to look at look at that closet [Music] let's pull this one out i've been waiting for it so i've been waiting for it i called it a closet like our poshmark closets but yeah i want to see what the furry stuff is okay that's all i can do guys there's probably twenty thousand dollars worth of brand new stuff in there okay ready individual pancake maker wow and it's brave people are gonna be like okay people are gonna get drunk and can't go to the hospital mere hardware a bunch of it in there okay they want to see the nike shoes sun killer they got awake they gotta wait here's some mirror uh hardware we gotta hey let's move it in there rulers rulers go figure i mean flex rubber they were into flex rubber screws okay you have a bunch more rulers now i'm going to bring out okay don't open one at a time bring out all three and see if they're uh brand new in there all right because despite what people think we have the box they're all set up we haven't checked we okay before they do it here's some more gosh look at all these flex rubbers in here everybody place your bed new or not okay let me know guys do you think this is brand new do you think these are brand new or not we're gonna give it five seconds one two put in the comments by the way three four five okay ready okay size 12 12 size 11. okay let's open them up 11. brand new i told you they were probably brand new size 11c children yeah 11 children these will actually fit my kids so 12. okay well see no i bet you that glows in the dark yeah there's like they're probably 65 bucks each they're called nike star runners what about those okay two match these two aren't they the same color yeah brand new guys these are the same size [Music] what do you think about that them apples i think the kids are gonna have very stylish feet what do you think about them apples okay that paid for half the unit right there right there okay it wouldn't be complete we got every kind of sanitizer they make in the world right that's my favorite i might put one of these in all the mystery boxes tell them it won't be a mystery i can't do that okay now well we can oh my god oh oh oh oh oh an avalanche i can't see an avalanche a new vacuum in here i feel like that's uh are we a jeopardy is it is it jeopardy and wait guess how much this costs is it jeopardy i think we can make it into a let's make a deal okay yeah we can do that let's make a meal okay let me get these out where the price is right oh my goodness i love that i'm going to keep saying it guys because that's all you that's just amazing let me pull this you can say different ways never out of the box uh still in the wrapping okay we have better homes better homes unused this is better homes and gardens sterling noble clock that's the thing is huge brand new wall clock so and it's glass so we gotta be careful that that thing is gorgeous these are matching themselves yeah those are matching those are my fans man our garage sale is going to be insane isn't it they're going to start lining up right after they see this video wait wait until they see all the tools that we found you know we found a lot of tools in the garage or for the garage sales our garage sales are a lot of fun yeah free hot dogs guys i love talking to you you get free hot dogs at our garage sales they shop around then they get to come and wheel and deal okay here we go this is brand new poor wade he's working so hard eureka brand new eureka wow that's not a bad vacuum no and it's brand new guys it's a dog vacuum it has a seven foot extended cord never lightweight never been used guys it's washable you don't need bags i hate buying bags look at that that's nice somebody's gonna love that can you believe how much stuff we're pulled out of this thing it's insane the variety is unreal yeah it's all household stuff it's perfect okay all right let's pull out another i'm trying to get this unclear so we get to the bottom it's fun because i can only see this one corner so i have no idea what he's going to pull out and it's always like whoa we have a massage chair that honestly looks like it's never been used oh is this for a car yeah i don't know if it's for a car no it's not it's uh for a house it's a brand new massage chair i mean that doesn't look like it's used yeah well you don't need i don't need it you bought me with the beautiful nice one he's got a big cherry sits in but still i mean it this is one where you sit put in your chair it's a good brand yeah it's probably 75 good brand wade yeah 75 massage chair when it was brand new i don't know if it's been used much because i don't look it we're gonna say use but it looks brand new guys right because we don't know for sure yep but i'm it doesn't look used i almost feel like the word used is nice to have now oh we got so much oh my gosh i love those brand new with the stickers that's why they're called big joe yeah look at that are they kids they're kids sides aren't they look at that guys there's two of them there's two of them new with the towel gosh look at that there's two of them these are kids sizes brand new and it's like fluffy when you sit on really they're like a new modern bean bag yeah and look there's another one on here [Laughter] and it's got oh oh crap oh my gosh hold on guys i got an avalanche brand new big joe's yeah christmas in july there you go new meanie okay two of them these are for kids all right let me put this in the towards the back and we shall continue right yes we'll be back for a while yeah yeah all right we have our store anybody want to come buy anything come on come on come on come on down we're not open yet all right first we have a brand new air fryer let's open them up just so you can see it's brand new they know brand new never opens and they know how much i love airfryer i use mine every day they're expensive too okay so we have a brand new bed sealed yeah that's air mattress we used to have to replace it when landon stayed over for a little while remember yeah yeah my brother i replaced two of them land and broke all right uh we have a four shelf all this is brand new so nice oh this is brand new look children's hangers children hangers look a five foot nine lamp and i've seen this done my sister has the exact one now look at this guys this is sealed never opened a car seat and stroller guys look at that it's called the dash travel system yep and it's never been open we have a bunch of these guys all these are sealed so this is a lot of these will be at the garage sale if you need any shoe organizers come on over yep all sealed brand new and then we have four mirrors never used guys these will be at the garage sale as well i used to have one of these by the way um all of them are brand new along with this hit the thumbs up button hit the thumbs up button okay so let me put all this away real quick and then we're going to try to get some some tubs and continue on i'm excited you're having a march along so let me give a little sneak peek before we go anywhere i have a ton of boxes and tubs and they're all in there boxes and tubs i mean it see they get to see what i know but i'm enjoying seeing it as it comes out yeah um there'll be sometimes we pull boxes and tubs out and show you there'll be some times where i lay it out here because it was loose and not in anything makes it easier to film so stay tuned i can't believe that right there that is going to be so nice bendy too yeah somebody's gonna love it you're split in half you got sun over here and shade over here praise that split personality no it's all sealed oh gosh yeah well we could save it for next halloween or give us or give it to the neighbors and piss off their hey come over here guys we don't want to give we don't know how old it is is there dates oh i guarantee this stuff is not expired oh this is a really hard marshmallow treat okay all right i think they're supposed to be okay yeah all right we're gonna do the next two tubs let's shove this up there i'm all out of sleep okay here we go more can you can you spell out brand new oh it's in there oh wow they're cute put them over here okay i'll set the stuff over there we have some eight eight glasses never used so we go from glasses to shaving our legs okay let's let me dump some of this out real quick oh did you get something from santa oh yeah i did it's for a man though they think i'm a man no no coal but you got candies in there okay this is the first like non brand new box that we've received huh these are the tiniest scissors right what's in here what's in there it feels like this is in there oh my gosh it's brand new scent watch look at that guys it's a brand new stuff never never used and i had to say brand new oh wow and still got the paperwork in there that's a nice watch i think this might be your auction item yeah we'll put the watch in that one we'll auction that off we got a bunch of random stuff in here wade does all the jewelry some dove night lights oh open that up let's see there's something in there okay i think oh oh oh okay squishables well it felt funny wow what is this yeah you can't shave your legs though i don't know okay dump it out with the rest of it get this soap i don't know if you wanted that's fine all right i don't know what that is i can't get it open dove old quarters okay all right not in the most exciting box but we did find the watch should i put it back well let's do this last tub and then we'll this watch is cool [Music] summer is coming uh there's nothing else oh it's a remote controller we found that okay what do we got here oh my gosh oh wow there's this is games okay let's put this on the table all right there's something heavy in here okay let's scatter it on the table for something well you want to be careful right here so it doesn't fall through all right oh there's some michael jordan's shoes in here there's michael jordan this is all breath all this is brand new too oh my god ready oh that's the only way i can do it okay okay let's show him what we have a phone case brand new phone case let me look before i tell you is it in there oh it's a book okay i thought it was something more this is brand new a little elephant missing bulb but you can get a bulb for it we found a purse with nothing in there i think the cord's right here for that okay that this is a where you put your photos is what that is okay there's two of these brand new these are like 15 20 bucks each there's two of these no chips you got a hat you can put that on and it was brand new i actually like this hat okay we gotta see if this is in here oh ooh do you think it is a size 7c yep it's in here it's in here and it's brand new they're too small for axel no but um the baby we may give this to ashley's uh ashley's uh sister new baby yeah new baby because these are girls i think i think they're girls new baby but that that's over 100 bucks right there i love these little baby here's another one of these brand new gosh there's so many of the stuff that's what is this thing that's a heater oh oh we got those are the chords that maybe go with it oh what's in here careful that's something it feels like it's like jewelry there's a ton of this in here s gx new york oh my gosh what's in there maybe you should take the camera away for a minute is it adults no take the camera away okay okay hurry hurry oh my goodness what the heck just give me a minute i don't think it's gonna show them inside okay well we got a bunch of this eyelashes okay don't forget your okay ready this may scare you guys hit the thumbs up for me it's a wig yeah yeah i think they get that that's clever of you it only took like 20 minutes hey the wig feels like nice hair though it only took 20 minutes okay well it takes me a while to put a wig on yeah i've never done it before okay let's show them all this oh my gosh six sets premium professional it shows all the bridges on the back yeah it's brand new that's very oh and phone charger and we got a phone charger we got a bunch of brand new makeup in here guys never used coverall i've never i cover all yeah i've heard of that actually they're commercials beauty guru this is growth oil i'm not sure what you put it on yeah whatever you want to grow yeah my hair uh okay we got elf we got some elf here all this is brand new guys look at that look at this eyebrow all sealed makeup there's a lot of money in this unit my goodness we haven't even hit on it oh these are new oh no they're not that's what it is yeah that one's not i'm just surprised we have anything he used in here everything is new okay got to put all this away real quick upload a new battery don't worry i've got plenty of battery and the grip all right you gonna put your wig back on no it's hot all right we're doing another it wasn't in a box so we're gonna show you this is a garage sale course some of it will be online okay we got a sprayer no what this is is a biotic sanitizer where you make your own disinfectant with salt and water okay sounds good never seen one before a beverage dispenser guys brand new wade drinks a lot of lemon water i love that what do you got over there oh this is an automatic hand vac okay spin it around the other side so you can see it that's brand new guys never opened there you go and it says it has a charger and battery we found some barbies brand new in the package those are those frozen dolls from the movie frozen yes they can see they're from disney room essentials a brand new uh it matches the other set we found flatware set so there's uh quite a few of those plus we have a really cool ottoman bench brand new for the kids where they put basically they can sit down it's padded and they can put their top they can put their toys and stuff in there barbie dolls okay next we have some hangers we have boxes of hangers here this look at this set this is a king-size six-piece brand new beautiful orange and white and it's in the box guys never used wow they got this from ross and they paid 45 dollars for that thing wait this is a powerful i know one thing at a time what all right what do we have over here it's a blower it's a blower and it's brand new it's for kitchens garages workshops basements and more okay and we found one of these brand new this is a 14 inch lava lamp i had one of these when i was a kid found one of those brand new got a better homes it's got um oregano all the different uh spices it's a container set yes that's nice i think they use this for um they look like a gun case but i don't know if they are no i think you can put anything you want in there there's three of them they're brand new they lock they're pretty nice somebody's gonna want that they're called a vaults okay over here we have two well first of all we have the frame brand new we'll put that over here okay we have a beautiful pillow brand new do you need a pillow oh no i've got like okay uh and then we have two seats here look at these these actually have the stickers and these would work great uh for soccer i thought you and ashley think about those little stools at cage soccer games yeah a winter windshield cover brand new but yeah we got two of these these are really cool and they're pulled up plus you can put stuff inside of them right here oh that's cool so that's nice all right so let me uh put all this stuff that you've seen back in the unit here and then we'll get some tubs for the next one we'll alternate tubs okay we have before you show them the crystal brand new um we're gonna go through these boxes real quick right here um as you can see you gotta have a system with this unit or you'll have to take two trips it took us a minute to work out a system but wade always does if you don't pack it correctly you'll have to take two trips and i don't want to take two shows how well you're packing this i'm i'm proud of how well you're packing this uh it's it's it's hard to pack this stuff because it's not boxes it's or it's boxes but it's you know anyway let's get on with it very awkward okay so what do you got i have these doorknobs or not crystals look at the side of the thing oh and i'm sitting here trying to think what can i put these on i love them what can i put them on well i can't i'm going to sell them yeah they're six crystal knobs guys i can't think of anything to put them on and they're brand new okay all right let's open up a box we'll open up this box here um it's a little better for your camera it's a little quicker all right so dump it and then uh put it back in the box closer to the truck nothing closer to the truck again i'll take this out got it perfect all right good job yeah all brand new what do you know i had one of these before that's for somebody that has hard time seeing oh man this is a huge remote and it's completely sealed guys wow look at that that is cool that's a huge remote okay craft organizers are you okay oh yeah yeah i hit my finger okay so we got some plastic organizers here computer uh speakers computer speakers logo live the life you love nightlights these are night lights how do you uh i'm not sure oh you take them out that oh they plug in yeah they plug in oh my gosh they plug in and there's a bunch of them they all say the same thing yeah see they're there they oh wow i've never seen those before have you well yeah wait a minute i don't know if they're night lights they are they're i think they're air fresheners air fresheners okay okay i don't know what we're doing oh you put them at the bottom well they're night lights and they're i don't know are they both let me read it okay okay you put fragrance oil bottle in them okay they are all fragrant you do not get a light okay oh they're this is a mini twist and seal okay i wonder what's in there i think it's a grenade i don't know i was wondering they all have different scenes oh no they say i'll say the same thing okay okay we're done from those next what do we got we got these wood things oh they're hanging wood shelves oh yeah look at the picture those are nice there's three of them they're all brand new we haven't seen brand new yet on this clip so try not to yeah we have a heater we have a heater we have another heater yeah we don't need that right now and then if it gets too hot we got a fan we may need that we may need that it's getting balls hot over here okay all right we got these brand new [Music] i like these i like these i i was looking at them from afar because i did these are shower curtains with the for christmas you can make your bathroom christmassy that would be they're kind of cute i like it those are really cute and then we have this that you were excited about i am excited about this and this is going to be in my auction i stood my ground on this it's a it's got 24 different scissors it's brand new and it has the caddy ladies i will have this 24 set of scissors and if i don't i'll just be sad we're gonna we're gonna put this on graham adventures auction guys that'll be our next those are those friskers are not cheap either no they're not they're teacher recommended okay let's see this box now oh wow i think it's valentine's i don't think we want to dump all this out i'm not sure but oh yeah oh yeah it's all uh crafty valentine's stuff it's all valentines there's a little bit more valentine's day that's a cup yeah yeah here it is it is take a sip take a sip no thank you are you sure no but you could have a rose okay oh no you can't ashley needs to give you i don't watch i don't watch that road show yeah sunglasses glasses what else we got in there valentine's hair dude all this is brand new guys oh look at these they're little things resealable valentine's bags you got oh yeah and some valentines more valentine's candy stuff nice all right let's put this away real quick we'll be right back don't go anywhere friskers a red mug a red mug i kind of think that's cool all right we also before we go to anything else have a six and a half foot christmas tree and a huge chair so there you go can i tell them about the next one uh which one that one well it's not in there it's not no you can see there's stuffed animals i haven't opened it up yet but oh i didn't see it yeah darn it i thought it was a cricket maker all right what do we got what do we have a huge box whoa is it all a bunch brand new oh yeah that's for a baby isn't it yeah this is brand new infants um with the tags and it's got it's a uh life jacket that's kind of cute it is cute look at the t-line yeah these are all hundred of them oh lantern and headlights oh wow this thing is cute guys look at that oh my gosh what else did you is that brand new yep brand new they probably got this from harbor freight still brand new and some drill bits with it 15 piece i'm sorry uh rain jacket rain jacket we don't need that now i'm not sure bucket okay we have what is this this is a insect repellent okay we may need this actually yeah we need that oh my god these are big batteries oh wow yeah these are not cheap is there how many is it there okay and then there's uh these other things a couple of those try me yeah let's put them in here okay this guy never used oh the variety is just amazing yeah i just can't get over it look at this lamp though isn't that cute yeah i love that okay let's go on the next box that we thought this uh circa maker was in here but it's not and it is right here we thought the circuit maker was in here guys but it's it's oh no it's not that is shiny oh this is a one of those uh beanie babies yeah yeah oh people love these for their yard it's metal yep they have i don't know what's it maybe a shelf oh this is a shelf wow this is heavy maybe it goes on there oh it's a brand new oh that's a very that smells so nice okay we got a few cakes wow can you guys smell it oh here's one you plug in and then it sent your house yup and this one has batteries it's one of those candles with batteries yeah we can use those okay we have a looks like brand new wow yeah it's a brand new iron it's not even scratched at all this is a brand new jewelry box saddle ceramic and it's sealed it's got gold on it oh a bird [Laughter] oh here's another one of those things now we have two of them and of course [Laughter] what's that it's something for our planet oh it's a 12 inch bottle brush oh brand new fast and furious now all right one more box on this clip one more box clip oh man oh my gosh oh my gosh oh wow you guys got an hour get your coffee yeah oh my gosh those are foam things for the bathtub we got to get some of those yep i don't know how they packed so much of this in here oh these are expensive yeah it's febreze yeah these are expensive guys they're like eight bucks it's ridiculous oh there's a lot in okay let me uh let me pull it like this dump that one no i'm gonna but i'll bring it out you show it okay all right look at that what is that i don't know i gotta read it it says sharper in image virtual lead space on oh you can play ping pong uh in the air it's a ping pong game that you don't need a ping pong ball for oh look at the key holders out the tops there oh yeah they must have had a cold house a lot of here oh by the way we have like 30 dollars here that is nice this is like 30 dollars guys and we actually use for breeze in the house so this is one of those there's like 30 bucks there guys you go in there wade goes in the store grabs a whole bunch off the shelf fills the cart up this right here these are like 30 bucks too yeah he plugs them all over these are strip lights i like these are really expensive this is 49.2 feet wow yeah yep yep yep yep no stud tv hanger how could that be i don't know oh this goes this is a surround system but uh we got oh we got some more yeah i got he's got all his stamps look at this guys these are expensive we should auction these off oh yeah here's one more we should auction these off because there's like 150 bucks here these things are really expensive we got a bunch of them you got one more you put it behind your tvs your beds um these are not cheap they just give your house a little light yeah like on top of your cabinets yeah they're really really cool look at this okay it's a it's a runner for a table and it's very it's silk and it's i think it's very nice and then it has this one that goes to i love this this is a pillowcase this thing is cool so cool yeah you can play ping pong in your chair while you're watching your games all right oh oh is that a ponza tree yeah it's a fake it's a fake bonsai tree we don't know what's in here okay let's open that up let's try to open that up let's see could be a gift because i see a little wrapping on there well it's never been opened before like everything [Music] okay here we go oh okay there's a couple things in there oh they're like lantern lamps yeah oriental and shoe shields okay that's it and deep treatment mask for your face and arrogant oils arrogant oil people put that on their hair it's but it's a hair mask that's nice all right so let me put all this away and we'll move on to the next clip um just so you guys know oh my gosh guys there is a lot left in here the light's not helping there's a lot left in here guys stay tuned we're gonna try to get cold in the truck for a quick second with some ac and we'll be right back don't go anywhere okay we're back we changed things up a little bit um i've got to get this truck loaded continue to film it then i got to unload it tonight to pick up another storage unit tomorrow so we got a busy day we got a busy month this has been a busy month um all right so a couple things here found a bunch of diapers found this beautiful fort shelf brand new of course another brand new massager in the box we have two of those now then we found a ton of these shelves all up in there a ton of those um all right so that's the status so far we've shown you everything in there truck is getting full by the way guys but we changed our setup we have grand adventures here in the corner we're gonna do it inside here guys um even though it's gonna be a little cramped because it is hot outside and i'm getting sunburned i mean it is hot um right now it is gonna be 80 degrees but in the sun it feels like 85 90. so instead doing it out here we're gonna do it inside are you ready yeah okay look at those massive have you seen tubs i've never seen a tub that big in my life you know they made them is this thing six foot freaking long this thing's gotta be six foot long i think if we emptied it out you could get in one it is so big okay let's uh let me oh man that's the challenges where i put the camera right because this thing is uh here you hold the camera real quick i think we're gonna have to empty the tub out put it in the truck and fill it up oh my gosh this thing is so heavy oh dear i can't stand that okay i'm gonna have to be camera person okay this thing is oh my gosh this thing is full it's it's all brand new uh we're not gonna be able to show them every single thing in this unit but we'll try we'll do our best guys let's let's just oh my gosh look at that and i am definitely stuck i've never bought a tub this big before it's all never oh i remember these remember these yeah we're gonna have to run through this kind of i've got this battery and one more battery so we'll guys we're gonna run through it a little quickly but we'll show you everything okay this is a lot of craft stuff this one is yeah it's gonna i can tell you that right now it's gonna be okay so let's see this went to the circa hopefully we found that machine supplies for one oh my gosh look at this oh my god look at that it is full handle let's rub this around okay little plants we have fake moss in here man this is the fake plant unit yeah i mean and then they got little wood things okay we do have some um tools in here hiding in here as well we do oh here's the rollers crafting rollers we even have makeup in here what is going on with this unit oh my gosh i thought it was all the other pumpkins in here that feels different is that gold and silver oh that's the candle holder that's nice okay ooh getting a little freeze in here too okay let's move this box over a little bit i'm stuck i'm stuck as well we're both we don't have a lot of room in here all right so what is what is it what are those let me see i hope they're notepads can we please find some notepads uh these are notepads are they and bags and hearts to glue on things crafty things yeah this is crafty things oh yeah these are little uh pencil sharpeners we have scraps that look like hearts all this is brand oh new god okay let's move on to the next box oh wow it's a little overwhelming when you're here doing this okay so we have um more paper numbers there's gonna be so much good stuff at the garage sale lots more craft supplies okay the kids will like those those are blues aren't they yeah those are water balloons see it's dark in here i'm gonna take my glasses on yeah there's water balance in here oh these are all crafty stuff yeah and some more pins and chalk i think that's outside chalk oh my gosh these are actually quite expensive these are uh these are draw or uh oh yeah painters oh yeah those are nice painters stuff oil oil pastels a lot of crafts is this let's get started oh i think the circuit machine's in here this is this this goes to the boxes this goes to the circum our circuit machine this is behind our knives did you and i left them in the truck okay all right okay okay play brand new play i love working with clay i used to do that when i had my craft store oh look at all these crafts we have ribbons in here ribbons and clay and more red look at this this unit isn't there you're gonna have a great uh craft box for your auction this coming week look at this guys wow that's all ribbons in there people love that i know i do a whole box of ribbons wow okay we have a printer is it a printer or a craft printer no i think it's a print it's a regular printer it's a cannon it's a cannon okay i just wondered with all these craps you want some diamonds no why are you dying like real diamonds oh okay so if any uh you know don't even go there don't even go there any uh i see where this is going don't even do it that's not nice okay all right what else we got over here some glue we always need glue is it blue i don't know um it is glue sticks glue sticks some weird signage we got some stamps oh my gosh there's so much oh yeah uh embroidery thread yeah nice so not only are we getting all this brand new stuff but we're getting a ton oh this is all stamps oh they're uh a b alphabet yes remember all the stamps yeah those are cool ladies we have more stamps oh yeah but uh they may be going on the way adventurous auction huh we'll have to see there might be a battle i'm joking grab adventures consult okay here we go we got a bunch of these uh premium vinyl oh that's the cover books and stuff yeah looks like some more um [Music] blue no no guys we're joking we have so much stuff it's unreal here's another uh circa i think we're gonna find it we're gonna put all the surface that i think it's called oh cricket yeah we shouldn't be wrong though are we saying it wrong i'm saying i think we're both saying that okay but we will put all that stuff together and make a little bit out of it oh my gosh there's look at these beads there's beads for days i love beads i have a partial fondant for me glass beads in here guys oh here you go there you go open it up oh i need it for my auction it's your birthday and so do you yeah we both need notepads yeah okay so this is a bunch of craft stuff guys we already went through it all let's put all this back real quick and then we'll go to the next tub that's six feet i bet you these are five or six feet they're probably now they're actually more like forefront when we get have our break i'm crawling out of the corner and doing this over there all right we'll be right back oh my gosh look how big that thing is okay let's take off the lid oh okay let me go over here i'm making room [Laughter] before i can get out oh my gosh this thing ooh are they in here oh oh wow what's in there old old christmas oh i love christmas oh look a little red riding hood some wood ones some drums people are gonna love that old christmas all right there's a lid right there by the way but look at this do we have more old christmas do you think i don't know i like the box i think there's something in there areas yeah we don't get excited for those this goes [Music] what's in there is it a tree topper i just opened it yeah it's old it's a tree topper look at that not beautiful and it's got really pretty porcelain wings she's old love her love her girlfriend hello love her girlfriend no nails looking good he's bugging me we're having heat stroke probably okay what do we got over here it's laurel um floral ones yeah they're all floral yep and there they are nothing nice hey girlfriend there you go bro yeah all right stack them up uh over here and then we'll give you some cool stuff okay oh what's in that it looks like a fan of something that's the christmas oh oh it's brand new yeah it's got wire on it yeah oh it's a huge santa hat yeah does it look good does it fit oh we got santa oh wow people are going to be buying this soon oh and we got santa pajamas yep i do love simon sam okay whatever i'm not getting there i got you guys your first set of uh family matching pajamas yes that was pretty cool look at these there's two of them are they're cute beautiful brand new shape are they christmas or halloween those are christmas okay i need to get some water here that is guys that is i think i need something a little stronger [Laughter] okay let's open this up oh there's some brand new stuff in here well i'm not surprised anymore no you stay brand new and it's like oh it's like you get christmas and then you get teething mats oh see so you get brand new teething mats oh wow it's a little hat there's two of them here's a new york driver 2020 hallmark that is kind of cool that is cool and that probably somebody in new york will just love that and those are collectors flexible yeah all right let me scoot over here i can barely scoot okay that is nice look at that that is beautiful i do love that and i think this is pretty charming too yeah that is really really charming okay yep those are nice that's a big cup and i was thinking ashley would i don't think ashley has a big cup can you imagine drinking out of that thing this is like we're gonna have to start using the pot for her coffee there you go here oh oh you know what we ought to do on christmas i should get her ashley would you like me to get you a cup of coffee try taking a drink out of that thing okay here you go honey it's just a steal take a drink out and see how big it look oh it's got i was like what the heck okay we have some other cool little christmas stuff in here decorating decorating okay i'm gonna put all this back real quick put it on top of that big boy and we'll be right back [Laughter] oh look at this we're in a desert it's hot okay we got ground adventures in the corner um okay so a couple things guys that weren't in boxes let's show you what these are real quick and then we gotta box it up my goodness guys there this thing is full this there there was way more stuff in this unit oh my gosh the picture was very deceiving wasn't it yeah i just didn't i'm a good packer but man this is you are one of the best packers you pack every little crevice anywhere yeah all right so let's show what we got we have a brand we have a brand new seat uh for kids guys yeah and you know i think uh axel's ready to go on from his car seat into a booster seat yeah that's a booster seat we have two brand new coolers there's nothing inside them um but i'm gonna put stuff inside them to pack we have a drew barrymore brand new [Music] hair blower i didn't know drew barrymore had a hair blower and it says it blows your hair twice as fast so if ashley doesn't grab it i know somebody that will but she gets fruits choice and we have some uh noodle soup bowl that's brand new we also have these two guys that are brand new uh these are vinyl mini blinds that we didn't show they're cordless we have a butt i am not going to demonstrate this please please no uh beautiful thigh uh i did get some cookie i did find these can you show them no our neighbor uh sells cookies i wonder if she has this mold bath let us know oh my gosh guys okay all right next we have i've never seen these before these are but they are very nice but that is for a woman's size and they march the right they're massaging booties yeah while you're watching your soaps put those booties on look at these rich deep dark purple slippers yeah there's there's there's two pairs see the back of them yeah those are nice and they're super soft they're very soft are they victoria's secret i can't no i don't know look at these guys these these are beautiful soft we have we have christmas presents for days in here oh yes yes oh and this is to wash the wind uh windows at the top of his house well no i'm actually gonna use it for my truck out here and then you can scrape the ice off with the other end so i'll use it for this truck guys to wipe the windows off of this truck because it's long all right okay so let me uh move this stuff real quick all right we're back uh let's let's show them this stuff shall we yes oh wow they're brand new dried flower thing oh be careful there's a lot of look at all these beautiful these are expensive oh my goodness these are expensive they go in dried flowers and there's a ton there's a bunch of them they look good here a lot your real tall uh vases thank you this box smells really nice no this is this is not cheap floral uh flowers i bet these are like really nice ones yeah oh wow you want them all out yeah if you can oh i just found one more of these by the way so yeah i found another one of those look at that guys that's insane oh man ninety percent of it is new oh wow look at all these if who loves to do floral arrangements like this kind like this they're expensive like really tempting [Music] real nice there's greenery all these are brand new yeah this is for tomorrow arrangements thank you oh people that does that i bet they're loving this look at this they're not the cheap ones do they smell nice well they're they i think they do they smell like real ones yeah yeah all right there's quite a bit of them here there's a lot to work with here this would be a killer lot okay let me throw it all back to the box here all right these are the ones that i really gravitate to because they're so expensive yeah these are beautiful and i love this oh isn't this one beautiful oh that is pretty good really nice those are nice okay what else you got i got a movie night game there's a little puzzle in here for movie night but if you're having a good movie why would you have a puzzle oh it's a popcorn puzzle so instead of having the popcorn you do the popcorn puzzle but the movie must not be very good or why would you want to sit and do a puzzle i mean it's puzzling to me oh toe warmers oh my goodness look how big there is there's a ton of them these are so nice during the winter yeah so warmers oh i love this what is that collagen facial makeup okay cleaner a baby thing i think okay i think this is all baby medicine yes it's pain reliever baby medicine just uh dump it we'll see what it looks like all right and a glue gun in with the baby medicine and some electronics yep if it's not expired and it's still sealed and if you have lice got it covered got it covered we have everything covered basically we're the walmart people are gonna feel like can you rob a walmart they're gonna they're gonna call email us you know uh i think i could use that lice remover don't worry i'll get it right off i'll ship it tomorrow yeah we're the amazon prime by the way we found these beautiful tables guys look at these these are those rulers that you put around your wrist wouldn't they be handy for somebody who's doing some kind of craft that uses little rulers oh yeah there's a bunch of them put them in your mystery boxes see oh i could i throw those in mystery boxes one in each one look at that you don't lose your ruler that could be that could go in our history boxes there's a lot of crafters that do small stuff yeah look at that and then you just pop it up like that that's a ruler and then you don't lose it because it goes right on your wrist you just put it right on your wrist huh you love that idea okay well there there is some cool stuff in here we got some more boxes also but look at this i already showed you once already but these things are going to be amazing oh they're brand new even the tables are brand new what is going on right now i don't know but i hope they have another one coming up soon oh another unit yeah by the way um we got you guys another box of uh sanitizer wade if they watch this video there's no way you can at least put one sanitizer in every mystery box i should i should as a souvenir of this one it's insane thank you god we're going to get all house cleaner where's the good stuff hey you're going to get a toe warmer too yeah don't don't feel don't feel left out you're gonna get some good stuff in here and you're never gonna have a headache because we got that all right we're gonna go on to the next box in just a second be right back all right another box we're gonna do a few boxes on this clip we're gonna do a few boxes okay oh my gosh we have more it's easter we have valentine's day we have we have christmas mountain we have all uh we have it all okay okay easter eggs another one of those though another we found two or three frost guard you know you have two vehicles three vehicles yeah oh this is um this is where you hook up your phone and you have a light those are nice oh my gosh my youngest loves eggs guys yes he loves them there's a ton of them in there and there's some glittery ones yep there's a keyboard for a tablet yep that's a nice before easter is coming we have a keychain that is cool i think it's for your dog yeah it's a dog comb oh this is brand new i think it's sweet it's oh these are toilet seat covers those are toilet seat covers they're portable like if you go to somebody's house i know jane watches her toilet but it has to be safe i'm going to use my toilet [Laughter] oh man kills germs hand sanitizer new kind we haven't had yet okay and another yeah we don't we don't mean to be quick guys but we got here at 10 it's already 2 p.m because filming takes a long time so we're going to shove everything in boxes but don't worry we're going to do it nicely when we we're just going to shove stuff in we're going to do it real nice don't watch him he's got the video on me oh my gosh this next box says random stuff like if that's random what was the gosh you know we saved a lot of money at this cleaner stuff though the cleaner and i heavy weight because there's a lot of sanitizer so he really won't have to buy anything for a year maybe maybe a couple months oh random with just this random stuff right there see friends oh my goodness it is great it's all brand new just dump it just dump it you got it it's a heavy dump yeah just dump it and it will show people it's all brand new everywhere okay not bad we didn't do bad on that one oh my god oh wow gosh here's the friskers you know what wade men look wonderful in white t-shirts i know i i if those longs are dry fit i love them these are really nice i think if a man puts a white t-shirt on they look strong and here's a whole bag here they're all brand new yep these are these are your kitchen plates and stuff so you can get more on your cupboard okay oh this is a tank okay let's show the stuff we'll show them we'll fill them up oh yeah we got a bunch of adventure that they shot man this jumped at the target and uh goodwill or uh target and walmart [Music] organizers [Music] oh what is that i don't know i i i don't know okay here you go you got friskers look at this i bet you that was 40 bucks or something right yes look it's all brand new another one of those tangles the cutter these are walmart and these are nice we're things humans search for weird things humans search for my cat wants to kill me my cat wants to run away this is searching on google my cat wants to kill me yeah my cat wants to be a dog well you know you'll have to use the doggie bathroom instead of the count or instead of the kitty litter box see if he likes that new backpack yeah a pretty colorful oh my god let's see this unit what this unit's so hard i know oh look at the the brush for blinds don't hit me this is a nice uh that is huge that's good for a big hamburger you know what i'm just gonna say a mega hamper were you there so i heard johnny depp that you had a mega hamburger he had a mega drink yeah in a mega cup and he looked at the lawyer and goes a mega cup it was a large one okay go john go okay okay ooh what is this oh the bucket of it oh no i thought it went together though okay this is brand new i'm not sure what this is that's a candle oh okay yeah we got a bunch of these um some kind of a bottle plate let's just scrub the toilet oh pretty fancy oh maybe the bottle cleaner yeah uh just i mean this says uh sectioning cups for happy hair oh when you're doing your hair coloring i guess look at this this well i've seen these commercials for these they're supposed to be pretty cool my eyes are almost i can't even tell what stuff is anymore this unit bubbling blowing bubble bath oh axel would love that bathtub okay what is that oh measuring cup adjustable beaker up to four cups okay and then we got the cutting board for crafters or chefs thank you okay and the white t-shirts okay all right let me put all this away real quick we'll go on to the next one it's such a good unit guys but man every box has got fifty fifty two hundred it's gonna be yeah it's all brand new it's like how many hair brushes can okay anyway we'll be right back all right guys we're wrapping it up here at the storage unit but we are not gonna fit we're not done because there's these boxes are packed i can see 50 more boxes and they're all unless i'm seeing them double it's all brand new it's all brand new so what we're doing right now is it's 2 p.m i got to get some food guys i only had one sandwich this morning that was it so and i we can't take breaks because the truck so i'm going to load the truck up this is all stuff that we filmed already and i'm going to load this side here with stuff that we have not filmed and then we're going to take it back to the house and fill in the rest kind of like we did the other one because there's a lot still left in here guys and um i gotta get this all i cut it yeah i gotta try to fit all this in the truck so um that's what we're gonna do we're gonna take this party back to the house kind of like we did that one storage units are you okay with that i think it's a good idea yeah because this this is a huge undertaking wade is uh he's worked non-stops for hours now non-stop he needs a break he needs food he's one of those people hands down so let me uh pack this remaining stuff up guys and hopefully i can get all on here i do not know and um and then we'll be right back next time you see us we'll be at the house hit the thumbs up button because it's a lot to finish yeah i can't it just goes on forever i feel like somebody keeps adding to it okay see you guys later see you at the house you
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 188,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy money, storage locker, storage auction, storage auction videos, auction videos, live storage auction, storage unit, how to make money, making money, top 10, abandoned storage, storage wars, abandoned storage unit, found money, found cash, brand new, storage treasures, treasure videos, abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, abandoned videos, storage locker videos, real auction videos, storagewars, storage wars videos, storage, storage videos
Id: _kEmsUJpQWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 42sec (5142 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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