Bottle digging with friends! Diamond ring and a human tooth found in 100 year old rubbish dump!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello so here we are today at a bottle dump location yeah in scotland and we're here um because two very kind gentlemen have agreed to share their site with us yes and allow us to scratch around in their digging so we're really excited we are and um those two gentlemen are over there digging doing all the hard work and that is um dave and hello andrew and you'll be seeing more of andrew in a future video because we're doing um a video with him um about something very interesting yeah because android's a talented glass maker so we'll leave here yeah so let's get on with it because we're really we're very excited there's loads of bottles behind us that we might show you as well so yeah let's just get to it and see what we can find fingers crossed see you soon okay so there are all sorts around here this looks like a sauce bottle good ol and black cat and back house which we found those before that oh essence of coffee and chicory which is very common bottle and look at this one this little bottle the cork top bottle and marmalade jars and go over here bob rolls lots of bob rolls that was a poison bottle you can see poison not to be taken and more marmalade charge and yeah basically there's a lot of stuff going on but mom's over here digging let's go have a look look there's bottles sticking out oh let's look oh i quite like that shape it's a funky shape isn't it oh there's more there's more in here oh that one's got something in it looks a bit looks a bit grim literally just says sauce what's that one delicious delicious delicious sauce maybe that's interesting we'll put them back here oh that one looks like as remains of a label on it newspaper oh yeah look oh is it wood oh no it is newspaper oh cool we see that old newspaper i wonder if we have i can't see any words on there you can see some kind of depiction oh looks like the bottom of a marmalade jar let's have a look get a hold of it get a hold of it oh oh it's just a blank one but wait that's one for is it just a blank one another plant pot yay so we'll put that to the side as well this it's actually chalk a block in here isn't it wow and what does it have on it oh yes look at the globe what's that muck e um mcewen is that it mcnewin can't quite see it did you say elliot edinburgh mcu in edinburgh oh that's a cool one oh pipe another pipe look what's that say oh i can't quite read that i'm on the other side it's a little hand oh it's tw that stands for thomas white that says oh coffee and chicory yeah oh cool oh look look what just fell out here it's the teeniest tiniest little green bottle like emerald green color how cute is that oh that heinz ketchup bottle my looks good okay so i just found this little piece of pottery and it's got a night on a horse and a castle in the distance i love it i wish i had the whole thing alex has just found a human tooth oh no oh my god do you think they pulled it out themselves at home oh wow it's actually a human tooth that is horrible that is crazy that's hideous but good oh my gosh i've just found another piece of that like fairy tale pottery this is the back end of a horse oh isn't it pretty it's an archway can you see that i hope we don't find the rest of the human isn't that beautiful max wire 60 amp 500 volt so no prices for guessing that that's something electrical but i don't know what bit of a random find here it's glass i'm wondering if it's part of a brooch or something oh ceramic i'm not actually sure if it's glass or ceramic i think it's glass i think you can just about see light through it no maybe not might just be me okay so andrew just found this really strange thing and none of us have any idea what it is and apparently they found a few of them does anyone have any idea what this is is it something electrical or it looks really strange so if anyone has any idea what that is that would be really helpful that is strange isn't it really odd i really like it though it's an interesting sculptural piece it reminds me of some kind of sea creature or something some kind of strange shell oh wow that's beautiful look how gorgeous that is that's beautiful bottom of the plate i think here oh look at this i just found this gorgeous german marble and it's a little bit battered up it's a very very tiny one though as far as marbles go but it's still very pretty i'd love to find a whole one an undamaged one that would be perfect okay so dave just found this huge lead pig you can see like the hair and i'm not sure if it's a pig is it pink it might be some kind of farm animal pig or cow it's like hairy no head poor thing and mom literally just found a marble a clay marble little clay marble look at that i dug it out and you spotted him i spotted it yeah mom dug out it was a joint effort it's a shiny one so yeah you can see the glaze on there it's all shiny beautiful okay look at this amazing bead look at how amazing it's the best bead i've ever found oh my gosh colorful bead that we've ever found look at that yay wow wow look it's got blues and yellows and it's like blacks and whites oh my gosh yeah it's amazing that's like a problem i wonder if it's an old african trade bead or something do you know look how funky it is that is awesome that is that's gonna really make our bead string look funky isn't it that's the best bead i've ever found that's the best piece either of us have ever found here that is amazing well done [Music] free [Music] they just so kindly gave us these three beads thank you so much look how beautiful they are these red beans they look like berries like four thorn berries or something look how beautiful they are we've got some amazing beans for our beef string today haven't we love everything are they beautiful oh yeah it's like some kind of bung isn't it yeah they are absolutely gorgeous i love special are they special special okay so last time andrew was here at this bottle dump he found this which is the most amazing thing to find anywhere look at that i don't know if you can see that but that is a ruby and diamond an actual ruby and diamond ring and the hallmark on the inside there says it's 18 carat gold and it looks very much like an edwardian style as well how cool is that i think that's definitely going to be on our bucket list for a bottle don't find but that is amazing congratulations that's so cool that's amazing glass down here i think that's a pickle jar look at this teeny tiny bottle oh wow and there's one even tinier look at that it's a tiny bottle half a one of those oh half a marble what a shame i've never seen such a melted messed up bottle before look at that i love it gotta take that oh look at that oh my gosh look how messed up okay so um the guys have had to go but um we are still digging away and looking around and then we just we've picked out some of these um marmalade jars that we're gonna keep for making into plant pots oh my [Music] that is the biggest that is the biggest hole i've ever seen in my life wow what what have you found let me oh yay oh it's a large doll's leg wow it's a wow old doll's like that yeah i think he's got his two missing that's cool so we found whoops blunt just fell on us a rose bay willow herb hunt um i just found one of these little bottles tiny little bottles and it says on there in the corner june and then mum just found one identical we've also got a um bottle stop and um some button a button i think that's a button but yeah not bad i love those little bottles someone found this gorgeous little bottle with its cork still in it and on the bottom it says milton and uh what did you say this was for um well just in fact because um milton's still make the stuff used to clean baby's bottles with oh so uh this is the with some kind of disinfectant you're saying yeah it's beautiful color look at that oh my god a pipe like bowl and a another stubble bobber and i think it's the same as the one we found before as well yeah the globe on it it sounds like mum's made another discovery oh let's go and have a look oh wow oh my gosh ah a ball of wool i just found a ball of wool i literally just found this ball of wall look isn't that mad string but what have you found let's look oh it's another domino you just found one the other day two and six it's very chunky one isn't it very chunky domino it's in better condition than the one we found the other day as well oh that's a cool find here i know gaming things are great entire bottle here and it still has its vulcanite stopper at the top [Music] family [Music] [Applause] okay so that's that dig for today and i think we found some really interesting things yeah i think especially my human tooth i think that's pretty cool yeah you know that's my favorite fine in a gruesome way but anyway so we're on our way home now to wash our finds and you will see them later on yeah we'll see them very soon because we're actually starving and we didn't bring any water along it's still in the car so we have to go otherwise we'll die bye this is the northern mud locks patented curb sink [Music] get yours today we were always um there's always a problem with washing our hands you need to be able to wash your hands after [Music] dump dig [Music] shiny clean [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello okay so here are all of our finds from our rubbish dump expedition yeah scotland with dave and andy so yeah we we don't have as much as usual as you can see but i think we're being a bit more picky about what we pick yeah we have actually found some quite interesting bits and bobs yeah um ink the beads yes of course but where are we gonna start okay so our bottle stoppers um the first one mcewen's edinburgh and the beer there was originally brewed by william mcewen fountain brewery in edinburgh in 1856 and the firm underwent several mergers and in the 20th century um it's merged with william younger which is the other bottle stuff um it was later taken over by newcastle breweries to form scottish and newcastle breweries and mcewens and younger's brands are still going today yeah so that's quite quite a coincidence that we found those two so how old are the these these breweries now they'll be well 100 years old were they youngers started um before mcewens it's not very often these old breweries survive into the modern day so that's quite that's quite unusual but we sort of dated this dump to the 1920s yeah and it's very mixed with other older rubbish as well but we think the youngest is 1920s yeah um according to the things we've found so we've got the pipe pipe one's got a name on it it says leaf but the other side has something written on it but i can't these are actually quite typical i can't make 20th century pipes uh yeah that says but the other side says leith which is in scotland which is in scotland yes and the other pipe bowl we have it's quite interesting it's been burnt so um it's very difficult yeah i think you don't often find wooden ones and it's inside it's falling apart it's still got the plug of tobacco in there yeah can you see that just there look at that there's the tobacco you can actually see the leaves yeah you can actually still see the form of the leaves don't even zoom in any fur looks like the end of the cigar yeah yeah that's been quite big flakes and tobacco yeah that's incredible in there after 100 years and being burnt and being in a fire yeah it's i think that's probably gonna find its way back into our compost tea so if we move a little bit now i found a massive doll's leg oh yeah well it's massive compared to the legs we have been we so once again judging by the little sandal that it's got on a little sock unfortunately it's got a chip out the front hasn't it we could repair that wish we found the head but it is it's the biggest doll's leg we found so there you go and then my domino because i always seem to find a domino yeah this is the third domino the strange thing about this domino is it's made of bone and wood the domino i found in an earlier video which you might have seen yeah in newcastle well in is exactly the same number yeah so this was found in gateshead um almost coming up a year um before several months several months many months yeah so what what are the chances i mean chances of finding two with the same number that's crazy seriously when i saw this one i was like i'm sure we've got one with two and six on it and we had so i don't know what that means so it's um a layer of bone what are the chances this one's actually quite big and chunky it's they're a layer of bone so they're made with a layer of cow bone and then this wood which is ebony and they're held together the two halves with um pins of brass as you can see there and this one's exactly the same but it's more dainty and refined might be older it might yeah it feels like it's older it kind of looks like it's older this one's more chunky yeah i think that's the best yeah how cool is that what a strange coincidence if you remember in the video i found this bit first yeah it's like oh i love that and then i found another bit and it and then they fit they fit together we don't know what pattern this comes from do we if anyone knows it's lovely i know it's quite cool we've got like a bridge a really old ancient medieval bridge there and then a medieval looking european castle in the background and he looks like a knight it's a night of two nights crosses so i'm guessing they're british english english nights templar kind of thing so yeah everyone recognizes that you'd like to know what it is the other piece of pottery is this is beautiful beautiful isn't it it's just so perfectly broken it looks like a schwoo but it's got it's not yeah it's a pheasant it's perfectly broken into this little scene it's like a this tiny work of art isn't it this is a little sharp hand painted um we've got three clay marbles um this one's tiny it's a tiny teeny clay marble so it's nice condition though they are you can still see the glazing on that one's got a glaze that one's smaller i think it does i think it has kind of a pinkish glaze isn't it remains of glaze is on them but there we go beautiful things clay marbles um then alex found this oh this is my favorite bite it's gruesome i know a lot of you probably freaked out by this but i i'm not really it's a human too i think it's really cool it's yeah it's the first well it's actually not the first human um remain we found because we found human human bones before in archaeological excavation yes yeah i actually discovered a whole skeleton yeah in a anglo-saxon in an anglo-saxon church and he'll actually yeah that's another story anyway but yeah this is pretty cool you can see it's a bit dodgy i've i've tried to look up these teeth and i'm not sure where they would have been in them it would have been in the mouth i don't think it's been like right at the back like a molar i think it's been more or less i don't know if anyone knows anything about maybe yeah kind of any dentists out there yeah any anyone because it looks like there's brown there that could have been where it um and then can you see like the holes and the enamel on the side like that you could have heard and then the roots at the bottom don't look great you they don't look like did they pull it out themselves yeah what did the dentist give it to them to bring home or hmm well i think it's a really interesting little curio i like it yeah well you can keep that in your room um okay we've got a glass stopper bopper and that's a rubber a rubber bun thing and then a different kind of bung this several people seem to be finding these lately and we think judging by um i think it was richard henry who told another london mudlark that it was the stopper out of a big chemical jar yeah richard hemley is actually a pottery genius yeah we'll link his channel down below because he's very helpful in identifying the different types of pottery and where they come from especially yeah especially down in the thames if you're a mud lock on the table to come north yeah help out us out with some of these but yeah look fingerprint fingerprints which is the coolest thing you can find on a piece of pottery but if you remember we found a terracotta one of these yeah actually videos it's down here down here it's down here look we've got some boxes down here guys here it is here it is there you go we found this one on the west coast of england north west coast of england we think it's the same kind of thing but yeah there's the potter's fingerprints on there they kind of go up like that and i'm i'm holding the camera with the wrong hand but if i do this and you can see it's like a thumb yeah it's like it's being held like that it's like it's been held like that the fingerprints on the other side so fingerprints yeah so it's like it's being held right like that and there's something brits there anyway that's really interesting um connection to the person who made that a fingerprint so unique it's a very unique thing um the remains of a marble [Music] mm-hmm i know it would have been the most beautiful um german made like candy cane kind of type marble beautiful thing oh there's a mother of pile button which is kind of corroded away and then there's this glass thing which um i think might be out of some kind of jewelry i'm wondering if it had a bezel on the edge because you can see remains of green i'm wondering if that is the remains of a um brass bezel and the whole thing might have been plated in silver could have been a cameo or something yeah and maybe it had something glued on there a cameo or some flowers or yeah so i think it might be from a brooch that's just a guess um but if you think differently of course please comment because we're always getting things wrong and here we have another button yeah i think this is baker light off a big coat i think i've got a picture of my grandmother wearing a coat with yeah because when we were talking about this before it reminds me of that picture we have of henrietta our grandmother tiny lid we seem to find a lot of these oh you do actually yeah you always seem to find lids um this thing she's got a stopper and i think it was screwed into a bottle and there's a hole there yeah and it was probably so you could shake out the contents but like vinegar bottle or maybe it was perfume or cologne or something i wonder it's an interesting little thing and we've got two vials and um i picked these up quite a few around and there were remnants of a label on one i think this one and we think they might have had some sort of medicine in them yeah they might have had like loading them in them or something and some stuff like that yeah i've actually i've actually got some corks and i was thinking you know like these bottles here of um putting sea glass in them so i wish i'd collected more from the dump now because there's quite a few lying around well we'll probably go back so yeah hopefully we'll go back so we've got this interesting we brought it because it looked interesting it's obviously something electrical yeah that's the shape it would have been these bits are broken off and i've done some research and found out it's a can talk 60 amp 500 volt fuse wire holder and it dates from about 1921 and it would have been in a wooden fuse box and the cover this would have had screws in it here and here and they would have taken those screws out to replace the fuse wire when it blew so it's a really early fuse and it was made by the midland electric manufacturing company limited and cantack was a trademark and that was applied for um actually they they didn't apply for the trademark until the 1940s um yeah and that's it they were based in birmingham oh so this is quite an unusual that's an early one the company was founded by walter leonard barber in 1908 and became a public company in 1926. well there you go so that's interesting it is actually i thought it was just really early um i thought it was just a boring electrical thing but it has a history as as does everything has a history and you know there it is so we've got more jam and marmalade jars yeah which we have plans for we've got the ridged ones and the smooth ones and yeah and then an unusual one back there this one is unusual as well oh yeah it's it's matte it's unglazed yeah just um something right it just says england and it's straight-sided and just really plain unglazed like i like it is it stoneware and i think it's earthenware kind of earthenware which is sunglazed um the same sort of pottery as these would be honey and glaze this one is amazing yeah i know we never seen this it's bamboo pattern this design before how amazing is that bamboo jam jar which is yeah never seen that it's got registration number on the bottom as well you could probably look at that damaged and it's also got a rare you can hear yeah that dull sound but we thought we'd bring it because um it's unusual because we've never seen one before we've never even seen fragments of them before and that brings us on to our other bottles yeah so we've got um quite a few including some some here i absolutely love these i mean look at that come on look at that that is brilliant oh look it's so mangled and what's the name of that what's the name on that one it's um um glycothermaline thymoline and that is still going today and it's mouthwash no i've just popped that in there and we've got another messed up one here it's taking on this kind of matte texture it is a um a lemonade uh sort of um what'd you call them would have been powdered wouldn't they yeah with water to make lemonade kind of like a cordial kind of thing like concentrated lemonade yeah um and it says the came cambridge lemonade and i can't remember cheaper than [Music] but i just the fact the reason we took it is just because it's so squished oh i love it we're gonna start a melted bottles collection um here's another melted one oh that's slightly melted this is a jar this is an unmelted version we think these are some kind of like cosmetic cold cream or something i think cold cream but they're a beautiful color they are look at that they're just this beautiful emerald green aren't they yeah oh pretty um and this one's green as well it's pretty oh yeah this is um it's so cute i think it's the only one that has had its lip applied later so all of these uh this one might be older the little ridges in there might be older yeah can you see them oh yeah i kind of got in the glass a little rippled yeah but oh so um this was blowing into a mold and you can see the seam traveling up here and then it kind of stops it kind of disappears halfway up the neck which means that was applied later the top's been applied later and then tooled turned in a kind of tooling finishing thing to shape it you can see the top's very even um and the others have all been made in a singular mold because you can see this seam on this bottle for example travels all the way up here and where is it and all the way right up over to the top of the lips that's just being made in one mold but what a beautiful color that this is a lovely bottle as well look at that look at that i like i really i just like the shape of this amber what did you say this was it says on the bottom doesn't it does it oh milton it's uh it's like disinfectant and it's still used today you can get milton's baby bottle cleaner oh it's like um a sterilizing solution yeah so that's a nice shaped bottle and it's still a cork top um there are no screw tops here actually oh apart from the jars of the jars yeah but i think the mixed age is in this dump so and um these two yeah i've got a bit of information about these and they've got june written on the top um yeah just about seeing it zoom in there are later examples of these but these are earlier ones from the 1920s again and it was bottled by savile of london but i can't find anything more about the company i did find i don't know if it's related i can't find a direct thing but there was a frederick hans savile who was born in germany in 1896 now his uncle um was one of the survivors from the titanic and he was carrying perfumes so i'm wondering if there's a connection because because this frederick savile he changed his name actually to savile um but he was a chemist and druggist in in london so you know i'm wondering if there's a connection same sort of age and it's funny has the same name and he just um happened to be carrying perfume with him on the yeah on the titanic and his uncle left him um money in his will he was uh carrying um perfume samples with him that's interesting so yeah but i can't find a definite yeah link yeah it's just a theory that's the closest i can get it seems pretty plausible though doesn't it which is really interesting we could have a direct connection with the the titanic right here and these little bottles um we've got a few more bottles over here this one has been so shattered up it's just i'm wondering if it's been near crazy and it's gone crazy yeah unless it's cooled down maybe it's got had all these crisps it's like spider webs oh look at that it's got a little spout on the top it's like spicy i've got something written around the shoulders of it it looks like that oh yeah i think it does yeah yes it does has something written around the edge it's not legible though [Music] something we can't read it guys and we might have a closer look at that oh it has a crown on the bottom oh i didn't notice that either oh look this definitely has a crown on the bottom then well i have to have a closer yeah we're gonna have a closer look at that um another little bottle um which the seam goes all the way to the top of it i think it's just like a little blob and then lastly we have this bottle here that says that what's it say it says this you rated disserated magnesium easier limited and we think that's um for upset tummies sort of um would you call it indigestion which is quite a cool bottle and i i didn't really know what it was which is why i took it but it does have a ding a ding in it yes um then we have this i brought this because i couldn't resist it look at that it is actually interesting the clock workings and things are quite cool aren't they i was just lying there and i thought i think one of the guys and we took it because they said we could help ourselves to what was left so i couldn't resist taking this because i thought i might make something out of that yeah but i would love a sandblaster to get it clean oh yeah sandblaster would be perfect wouldn't it might be able to soak in some kind of um solution to take some maybe vinegar or um we could um do electrolysis on it keep meaning do some electrolysis we've got all the stuff to do it but we never seem to get around to it and lastly oh our best finds well um mom's best find and i think it's our best bead find ever down here this little guy look at it this little guy look at it it's quite big compared to other beads yeah so this is our bead string and you can see it's quite big and compressed look at our last ones look they were so tiny we were getting smaller and smaller and then now bam a big one my fingers are filthy sorry about that guys but i think it's quite old and i think it might be venetian glass but if anyone else knows what kind of bead this could be it's got a very smooth surface like it's been around for a while yeah it's really matte lovely matte finish on a smooth feel to it and it's so colorful and like funky it's got so many like it's just ready orange it's just a beautiful bead it really is so i couldn't believe it i know we've not as you can see and if you watch our videos um the beads we find usually small and blue and plain and plain yeah mostly one it's like so yeah wow we don't usually find red bees either that's so cool it's amazing and then um because um because we made a fuss over finding this um dave said oh he found some beads but he doesn't keep them and he put them in a pot at the side yeah and he gave us these um which are they really remind me of hawthorne berries if you're familiar they're so red and cheap if you're familiar with hawthorn but they're like trade beads as well aren't they they're beautiful they're really lightweight are they white in the corner yeah they're kind of hard yeah look they're white inside i don't know if you can see that in there camera's not focusing there yeah i might be able to zoom in am i zoomed in yeah but they're just absolutely beautiful and we haven't we've never found anything like them so they're just like berries though aren't they really white rose hips white inside yes rose or hawthorne beautiful beautiful berries beautiful so there are going to be a very colorful and unique addition to our bead string um as you can see they're they're so different to anything else we found we were so happy um and yeah i think that concludes isn't it our finds from this trip yes which was the really interesting we're happy with uh so um it's goodbye from us until next week um we might have a making things video out um might we have been making videos and filming it it's just been really difficult to get them out yeah um the days just go by so fast and with with filming and being busy and there's our table finally collapsed yeah if you've seen our pre one of our previous videos we filmed um a makeshift table we found and it's just been slowly collapsing i have to tell you though this table was never meant to be no it was it was it was just not temporary quickly um so that's why it's in that stage it's finally bit we can make a better table yes we are capable of making vegetables we're making things video making and making a table no yeah maybe we should just stick to uh mud locking instead possibly but anyway um thank you everyone so much for watching thank you for commenting we love reading comments i know we say every week but we really do don't we um thank you so much to all of our patrons who make all this possible for us to carry on doing this every week and um yeah just everyone for watching in general yes we hope you enjoy what we do because we enjoy doing it and bringing it to you very much so and okay so this week we would like to do a special thank you to the people who have taken the time and trouble and expense to buy us some things from our amazon wishlist yeah and we don't know who these people are but thank you so much yes it's all anonymous so um but we're so grateful it's amazing and they're so helpful we got a book um scottish gemstones which we've been reading already um this which i've been reading um london in fragments by ted sandling and yeah i've been that's very good up to you and this one i've been reading and then we're going to swap yes and read all the best rubbish by either these are these books are extremely helpful to us because they have things history and objects that other people have found which will help us to identify the things that we found yeah so they are tremendously important and we thank you so much it's going to help us a lot oh this is a brass brush for um scrubbing up jewelry and the the last thing here is these dremel cutting discs haven't actually used cutting discs i always cut things by hand but these are going to save us a lot of time and we might be able to even trim up some of our gemstones or something on with them and so we're going to have an experiment see what we can cut they're going to be very useful yeah tremendously all these things are not only useful but they fill our minds with knowledge which we can then pass on relay back to you so thank you so much thank you thank you thank you so much okay so we just like to say a big thank you to andrew and dave for taking us along with them to their dump um we had a fantastic [Music] yeah and it was so exciting and thank you for showing us the ring that you found and andrew is a tremendous glassmaker yeah he is so we're going to give you a link to his shop and his instagram so please check him out because um he makes some amazing things and andrew's the one that actually found that gold ring as well if you're wondering which one's which but yeah we'll give you a link to his is his work and i would really recommend you go and check it out yeah and the other thank you we would like to do is to tim moon a huge thank you and it's amazing because tim actually wrote some music for us how cool is that can you actually believe that we are we are so touched and so honored it's just it's the most honest it's the most precious gift anyone could you know gift you it's just it's just that's incredible to take the time and trouble to to compose these songs himself and perform them and he actually played every single instrument he's very talented in these songs in these in this music and the pieces that he made wrote for us there you go and that's what they're called northern mud larks alex and gail moon out it's an old mud locks moon um alex moon and gail moon so we've been adopted i think yeah um but yeah that's the you've actually listened to this music if you've come this far in the video this is what we've been playing throughout the video and we're going to do a lot [Music] yeah and we're going to give you a link to tim's um facebook facebook and things and his web page i think yes and some videos well leave check out the links below we'll leave something on the screen as well so you can go and um listen to some more of tim it's absolutely amazing we couldn't we opened it and we were like what is it quite emotional actually when we played it yeah mums love absolutely beautiful and mine i love mine i think they suit us very well mine's very jolly and happy very thought provoking and atmospheric just perfect for everybody but it's just our style it's incredible thank you so much tim it's absolutely beautiful and amazing and you're very talented and we'll see you next time bye [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 57,159
Rating: 4.9471989 out of 5
Keywords: northern mudlarks, treasure hunting scotland, northern mudlarking
Id: XfKQln_gFEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 20sec (3020 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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