Time Capsule Found - Unopened for 45 Years! Treasure Hunting for Historic Relics. (Amazing Find!)

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look at this we found another time capsule and it has some kind of like embroidered patch or something in there okay so we've been on an adventure today and we haven't found anything at all now i found a bit of copper pipe oh okay pick up pipe but um we have found this old telegraph pole with these ceramic insulators on and they're really big they're massive they're amazing so we're gonna see if we can get some of them off because they're just beautiful there's one up here that looks like it'd be easiest contender oh it's turning ours really yeah i think they're screwed on they're screwed on wow oh that's so cool wow that's actually oh look hasn't got it it's got a name what does it have in it made in england wow okay i'm gonna try and get some more look there's loads of them some of them are chipped but we're gonna take the ones that are gonna take the ones that are in good condition oh oh if you could just stand on the other end over there i'm gonna try and get this one off okay basically it's not going to happen with with one hand it's not going to come off as easy as the other one yeah it came off screw it the normal way that's really stuck i can't get it off oh well let's try another one try another one ah it moved a bit i heard a click i wonder if you put um gloves on it would help spit on your hands i've seen men do that before they do a job like this they spit on their hands oh actually it helps it helps more groovy see men don't spit on their hands for nothing come on alex you can do it oh that's a shame try those ones is it moving oh yes it is yay we can cut that off that's great then it's got the date on it's got a little beetle in there find him a new home hello okay so here we are back at our local dump and we're going to have a look around it's quite a big dump but um a lot of it's modern and yeah that's old not a lot of it's been exposed no um but we're going to have another look and see what we can find fingers crossed we find something okay i'm still waiting for mum but while i was waiting i saw a few things here i found a stoppal popper and then here i thought this was a marble but it's like elastic bands strange maybe it was a golf ball i know golf balls are like this inside i think golf balls are like this inside and then i've seen something down here as well which is unusual i left it in situ this thing it's funny oh my gosh it's a little face oh that is wonderful oh wow look at him little chubby face with a hat it's unusual i've never found um a little face like with that kind of glaze on it before oh that's cool i can't tell if it's a man or woman and a stopple bopper i'm not sure if i'll take in a random elastic band ball but oh mom's here but i found a pipe ball and it has nothing on it but that's all right we can do something with it oh look a bead i think that's a bead can you see it i don't think you can it's very small tiny little pink bead there oh wonderful i can't get it so tiny oh that's pretty that's very pretty little tiny pink bead i think it's a bead yeah it's a bead a bead and a pipe bowl very well convines okay so there's something hiding here under this piece of plastic and it's a bottle stopper that's a really nice one it's so clean and shiny we have had some heavy rain so i think anything lying on the surface has been cleaned i've just found the tiniest little jar look at that it's like a full sized jam jar in miniature i'm going to keep it it's a bottle just sticking out here i wasn't gonna do any digging but i might as well you never know i can't get off i'm gonna have to get my scrapey thing out i can see it's almost whole so far but i'm not gonna hold that much hope it's probably broken just on the top oh my goodness it's not oh wonderful oh beautiful look at it and then we're doing a ceramic swing top on the top there but look at this wonderful you know what it says bottled by i think that's sanderson sanderson edinburgh beautiful be taking that home i'm not sure but i think this is a bead oh yes it is it's a little green bead oh that's so cool there's a few bottles here including this very common bottle we find it very often it's a um california fig syrup co san francisco these californian fig syrups are very popular especially um over the turn of the century i've just found the most beautiful stopper it was just sitting right here wow look at that cut glass oh wow that's beautiful see it's ground a ground in stopper that's beautiful sauce bottle here coffee and chicory that's a very common one and up here i i saw another one another stopper there and this one's just absolutely beautiful i love that it's very um it's very deco kind of looking beautiful that's a beautiful vine going i'll stop a collection lovely little bottle here but i'm trying my best not to take them because we have so many an interesting square shaped bottle down here though i'll try and reach it without falling down the back there we go got it oh it's not broken there's nothing on it but it's not broken i really really like that square shape oh i really like that i know i said i wouldn't take any more small bottles but i'm taking that because you can't stop me i see something really really tiny actually just here can you see that looks like the lip of the tiniest bottle you've ever seen let's have a look oh my goodness that is the teeniest tiniest little vial ever it's got stuff in it wow what on earth would have been in that probably something very poisonous whoa you could make that oh oh we could make that into a little necklace put a little silver cap on it oh yes definitely love that that's a good find here's a find i think you'll all recognize it's a god marble and another marble of sorts it's one of those little clay marbles that we still aren't a hundred percent what they are little bottle here it's just plain looks like it's got something that's something white in it should i take it oh yes i can't resist it oh this is exciting i've just found one of these little jars and i've recently been reading about them which is really interesting oh it's complete so in one of the books bought for us um from our amazon wishlist i was reading that these smaller um stoneware jars had essences in so this jar probably had some kind of essence in who knows what but um yeah that's strange i just i was just reading about these oh i've just spotted a tiny bead down here look at that looks black like black glass and then here is a piece a tiny fragment of old newspaper it looks absolutely knackered though it's been in a fire obviously the wind's getting it what is that pleasure in introduce your introduce pleasure in introducing is what i can read oh and it looks like a car a car oh cool british pistol rinco limited coventry oh i'm gonna try and i'm not sure where to put this to protect it because it's very delicate i think i'll keep that anyway i'm gonna pick up this little bead here i think it's a bead anyway yes tiny little black glass bead this look at that not sure what that would have been actually so mum actually already found this in a previous video and one of our viewers pointed out it was a spittoon and a spittoon is a receptacle made for spitting into especially by users of chewing and dipping tobacco which sounds pretty gross anyway i've just seen something down here actually at the corner of my eye what is this under here oh oh how cute oh it's this one it's a bisque swan it's broken oh what a shame interesting shape bit of brass or copper or something here not sure what it is oh i think it's some sort of button off the end of something it reminds me of something look there's like a little hoop can you see a little hoop hmm i have no idea well i have a small idea but i'll keep it and a little one head that's a huge bone giant mongoose oh i'm just spotted another mini whiskey bottle oh i'm gonna have to take it we've got a mini whiskey bottle collection now so this is gonna have to go in it what's this here oh i think that is a little person very broken this looks like um another bottle stop yes it is there's nothing on it but i still love them another stubble blopper second glass one of the day a pipe bowl oh it's got a heart on it might keep that to make something with looking like rubber stopper here just in the lip i'm going to take the stopper because i don't know really we just kind of started collecting them oh there's like a random collection of bottles down here the jar tiny one's knackered sauce bottle oh it's a poison bottle but it's melted squished ah not in good condition it says on there i don't know if you can see it poisonous not to be taken i don't think i'll take it then in that case it is a bit damaged there is a little burst lip bottle here though and they are very cute oh what's that what's up oh oh that's lovely look at the color of that that's gorgeous it's a poison i think it says poison is not to be taken look it's a burst lip and it's the most gorgeous color i love it shame about the chip out the lip though i'm going to take that bone anyway i think cause that's really pretty color okay i've just pulled a pipe bowl out has it got anything on it nope it's absolutely clean of anything but it can be made into something oh wow look at this it's like a toy wheel but it's big oh that's interesting keeping that um oh look at that ink oh wonderful yes on diamond burst lip ink and it's so ditzy oh i think i've hit a good patch here there's some more bottles down there oh on a plate i've had that bottle before and this one is tablespoons trusty tablespoons bottle but it's got a chip out of the lip actually we've never found a full one of these a whole one it's a very common bottle but for some reason we just can't find a whole one actually it's not chipped on top it's actually been melted it's got a melty top oh i really want to find a whole one of these so it's tempting to take this one let's see what else there is anyway oh that's a very dark bottle i think that says um schweppes and a plate oh no it's not a plain jar oh it's got loads of writing on it it's a screw top let's read it i'm struggling to look see it through the horlicks oh it's a horlicks bottle oh we have horlicks in the kitchen actually oh that's interesting oh no i'm not supposed to be taking bottles and i'm finding all these interesting bottles ah i might put them to the side and then have a think massive old pop bottle and yeah this is what i was gonna about to pick up to take home this old plate vintage plate because we can decorate these we can turn them into sponge wear dishes so i've been looking forward to finding another one of these i think this is a little bottle stopper yes a little metal one and it's got cork still on it cool this is such a tiny cute little bottle look at that i don't think it's got anything on it but i love it oh look at this ah look it's a pounce pot so you would have this would have come in a set and after you wrote something with ink you put your pounce on it shake your pants over it to set the ink to dry it so that's cool and it's undamaged so i'll take that it's a collection of electrical things down here lamp fittings and here's a really old lock now that's definitely at some kind of at least victorian oh look oh vintage light fittings and things oh there's the switch bakelite keeps for doors oh you oh my gosh that is so strange for my bedroom door i need a new one of these and there's loads of them here oh my goodness i think i might i'm gonna take one i'm gonna put one of these in my bedroom door that's so weird what's this a pipe bowl i think it's i don't think it's got anything on it actually this is a caster you can see the ceramic wheel and that's where the leg of some furniture would have gone into it so random why all these fittings oh my goodness oh i find this actually so cool it has its key oh my goodness what on earth the key is still in there the whole victorian key is still in the lock oh there's no way we could get that out is there oh what if we could no surely this is knackered by now oh no i'm tempted to take it i'll show mum and see what she thinks so i found a whole jam jar and it's not damaged so i'm going to take it i can see a skull down here but i don't know what it's off hmm it's hard to say but i think it might be i don't know i don't really know look i found a whole pile of them they think they're um the pulleys out of sash windows it's a shame they would have been ripped out of the at the old victorian houses and the new modern plastic windows would have replaced them which i think is really shame a real shame because i like the old victorian windows but there's just yeah loads of them here oh that's got something on it something black currant something there's loads of things down here oh what's that oh my gosh that looks like an ancient gold coin it's a button oh that's really interesting actually that's really weird it's got something on it it's got lyle scott ah that must be must be some kind of brand oh that's exciting we can look that up there's something really interesting here actually there's so much stuff i think someone's cleaned out an old shed and dumped their stuff here button another button keep finding buttons but anyway in this jar there is like there's a marble and an old um poppy for remembrance day and remembrance day poppy this is like a time capsule maxwell house oh this is exciting let's have a look it's an orange cat eye marble and oh look it's one of the old um poppy day remembrance poppies that's so sad and um i think an old bit of light bulb and things oh and a tiny little toy soldier plastic they want to take that little poppy and the marble look at this we found another time capsule and it has some kind of like embroidered patch or something in there okay so we've decided to take this jar home and open it there because it looks like there's some kind of embroidered patch in there and some buttons and things so we're going to take this one home and open it there so exciting so stay to the end of the video and we'll open this jar and see what's in it okay so looks like the last find of the day it's this little tiny bead because it's getting dark i'm gonna have to go back home hello okay so here are our finds and we've got once again a very strange mixture oh yeah definitely this time and um these two things are here which is just they were random so before we went to the dump we went on a little adventure close to home and we found these oh and they are humongous i mean they're giant my this was mine and this is mom's this one's bigger yeah and this one's got um a date on it which is 1937 made in england and there's that we couldn't make it out at first but that looks like the logo is a hand holding an insulator and there's like sparks coming out the top of it yeah so yeah same here except this is in 1936 six i think but we can't find we haven't found anything similar to these on the internet so if anyone has any idea um any information on these yeah be grateful so they'll probably be going in our garden somewhere they're beautiful though they are i mean they would have been handmade you know i know um and uh we got brass so we we love polishing our brass yeah and copper things because they just look so nice how shiny do we put them in an ultrasonic cleaner which loosens all the dirt sort of in a gentle way and then we give them a scrub and they come up so lovely so um here's a cog this is a picture hanger yes not something off a window we think this is the end of a webbing belt a hinge other thing of a window don't know this is the fitting of a gas light so they probably you know obviously change the gas lights to electricity a lovely piece of um just copper pipe which i can't wait to make something very shiny actually we're collecting these things because we want to make things yeah i think this would actually make a really cool bracelet isn't it yeah yeah you could make that into a bracelet i love that old hinge um so yeah these are all like perfect crafting material right here and then we have alex's lock i was absolutely just so excited to find this it's amazing and we did actually get the key out so we put it in the ultrasonic cleaner with a bit of citric acid and left it overnight and by morning the key worked its way out well i worked out of the lock um but unfortunately the lock itself is knackered it's iron and it's it's busted quite a bit so a bit fell out of it and you can hear like it rattling around inside it's just knackered yeah so it won't ever be used um but the key is pretty cool i think it is and then we've got a keep yeah amazingly a keep so my bedroom door the keep is actually broken so this will actually be used on my bedroom door i'll replace it that's quite cool and it has this beautiful brass like tree yeah i think this was um sort of inlaid into the wall and that would be the only bit showing oh i see like yeah yeah oh okay yeah well yeah that will be put to use definitely which i think is brilliant yeah it's like daddy mummy and baby yeah this one is absolutely gorgeous look at the size of it it's so teeny it's cute isn't it it's got 30 on the bottom yeah i think this was an essence pot and these probably had jams um or marmalades in them and talking about jars i also found oh my goodness a tincy little glass jar so these two kind of um go together yes we've found like vintage glass jars like this before we find yeah but we've never found a mini one it's a cute one um and then we've got some more bottles um this really cool poison bottle here it does actually say but it's quite hard to read it's very faint as poisonous not to be taken and it's just a beautiful color we've never found one like this before no not that shape so that's unusual i think yeah definitely um we have this mineral water bottle and it says sanderson edinburgh and that yeah would have been a mineral water bottle yeah it would have been a swing top as well you can see on there but that's rusted off first half of the 20th century um and then our favorite bottles oh i love this one look at this yeah we both love this one it's fantastic i love it we've never found a burst lip ink in this style before no sort of bulbous bit on there yeah definitely it's beautiful and then we have the teeniest bottle we have ever found look at it it is a bottle because it's got a lip it must have had some kind of i think it might have had been a perfume sample oh yeah you get them in there yes oh that makes sense yeah yeah perfume sample and then on the theme of perfume we've got this bottle here um which um turned out to be a perfume bottle or something similar because it's from the brand yardley mum's got some information on yardley i couldn't find out exactly what this bottle held but i think it might have been lavender smelling salts they did have square bottles that had the smelling salts in but this one's a bit different so i'm not quite sure but anyway um a little bit about yardley and yardley is said to have been founded in 1770 by the father of william cleaver in the city of london cleaver married hermia the daughter of william yardley who acted as a guarantor for a loan that cleave had taken out when william cleaver was unable to repay the loan william yardley had to foot the bill and so became owner of the soap and perfumer business it was handed down through various sides of the family becoming yardly and stay them and then yardley and co limited in 1910 they opened a shop at eight newborn street in london and the company has held several royal warrants and it is still going today of course yeah i think we've actually got some yardley perfume obsessed yeah be honest i do you've got some ropes yeah i've got some rose perfume so um yeah so that's a beautiful little bottle um and then we've got some stoppers down here and one of them is a ground stopper this beautiful um cut glass um very art deco looking isn't it which is probably out of a perfume yeah but unfortunately it doesn't fit there this is a ground glass bottle you can see the kind of rough matte finish inside there but yeah it doesn't quite fit it's slightly too big sadly but that's a beautiful stopper it's gorgeous isn't it um and then source bottle stoppers probably outsource bottles they could have been out of other kinds of bottles but mostly sauce and some more stoppers here we've got a vulcanite which is just plain and this it's still got the cork on which is quite strange it would have had something screwed on the top there maybe a knob of some sort something decorative or maybe like a pointy like a funnel kind of thing yeah yeah for pouring something like that um and then this which um mum found out quite a while ago what these were because we have found a few yeah it's from a novelty writing set which would have had a pound spot which this is um and an inkwell and something to hold the pens um we've seen examples in the shape of old cars and things like that yeah yeah so this is it's probably quite cheap uh came more of an ornament really yeah yeah it's very unlikely to be used by uh by then um by the turn of the century yeah um and then what else have we got oh we got our crockery and pottery pieces and alex found the king and then the queen and these are our current queen's parents that's king george v and queen elizabeth was made for their coronation yeah yeah you can see it there oh yeah carbonation coronation um more pottery pieces we've got a beautiful bisques one part of a beautiful bisque swan yeah unfortunately um this cheeky little face yeah look it's a bit creepy to be honest it's kind of peeping out yeah it's like then this strange face um yeah i don't know is this is that like a riding hat or something or yeah it looks like it not sure if it's a man or a woman no it's probably someone like john peel or i don't know um and then this piece of pottery here which has got a little birdie on i think that's some sort of majolica or mayalika pottery they're very brittle um i think that's what it is not 100 sure okay and moving on to our little plate here in the middle and this this saucer will actually be decorated with sponge wear like our jars and on it is a few interesting bits and bobs so we have this marble that alex found yeah this came out of one of the jars that i emptied orangey color um a cod marble um a sort of ceramic marbley thing and we actually recently found out what these were we found proof of these didn't we yeah um we found where garden rubbish had been dumped and there were literally hundreds of these on the ground yeah they were all very matte on the surface and that's yeah slightly shiny that's slightly shiny but we'll show you a clip of that now yeah we've made a fabulous discovery down here yeah look at this look at all these balls these clay balls look there's thousands of them we find these regularly in dumps and we didn't know what they are and we think this is where people have been dumping their garden rubbish for many many years and look they are identical to the little balls that we find on the dump now i'm pretty sure that these are out of plant pots yeah they are for drainage and plant pots and such so this isn't that cool is it because the soil dumped here yeah behind us this looks like soil out of someone's plant pot and amongst it are the little balls so i think we finally got to the bottom of that mystery and then we have a horse or cow front tooth yeah the roots disappeared um and then we have a little plastic soldier whoops looks like he's throwing a grenade yeah yeah you should put a bunch of flowers in his hand yeah um a little plastic flag probably 1960s um we have got a plastic green bead oh um this thing looks like a head of a hat pin or something yeah and we've got a glass bead here with a bit of wire kind of rusted into it um a flat black bead here which is unusual and this pink bead is not a bead at all it's a pinhead yeah mom pointed out that pointed out was actually a pinhead unscrew yes glass pinhead okay and the last thing before we move on to our time capsule jar here is buttons we've got three buttons here in the middle yeah and this is very unusual button for one thing it's it's dark for one thing it's massive yeah and um it's this funny shape i thought it was maybe like a cufflink but it's too it's too big yeah so not seen anything like that before but i like it this one does has have writing on the back but we can't read it it's very very faint it says something limited yeah can only just be limited on there unfortunately and then this one here is quite interesting it has lyle and scott on it and a date 1874. that's pretty cool i thought it was a big juicy gold coin when i was when i first spotted it almost had a heart attack so i've got a little bit of information about lyle and scott and they were founded in the small town of hike in the scottish borders in 1874 by william lyle and walter scott the brand grew rapidly in the 1960s when its golf collection was worn by the great golfers of the time including gary player greg norman and tony jacqueline so apparently william lyle's favorite motto was good work makes more work and that's how they've prospered probably by making good work it's a beautiful quality button it does maybe it came off some golf clothing yeah because we have found golf tees and i found the inside of a golf ball remember golf is very very popular especially here in scotland yeah every town has a golf course they it does yeah so okay that being the final find um no it's not it's not the final slime but this the exciting thing now as you can see in this jar we found there's lots of boring like wall ties and things but there seems to be a piece of cloth with something on it yeah there's some kind of patch in there it looks like it's something military yeah um so what we're gonna do is open it for you right now and try and find out some more information about what that is yeah so someone's going to tip out the contents into this bowl we have here can't wait let's see what's in oh might be gold's coins hidden in oh i doubt it oh it smells does it oh it smells funny here what's it fell off i'm gonna give it a sniff i don't know let me get this one oh no it's all dirty oh oh no it's horrible stinks some more things in there it smells like some strange greasy oily stuff there's a button in there but i can't get it out i don't want to put my hand in there at this moment no yeah that seems a little wow this is what we wanted to see wow we're going to have to get a wash i think yeah it's in such good condition oh my goodness that's amazing it's embroidered ar and the star and these look like lightning or electricity or something it's definitely something military isn't it it's like something that would be sold onto your union radar or something not sure let's see what else there is i don't want to touch it i'm going to get something oh wait i can poke it with this okay oh these things are off i mean this stuff is sort of wet so how did this survive look look look is that that oh oh it's bullet casing what is that 303 it says something on the bottom there i don't want to touch it i'm going to have to look it up definitely says something on the bottom there let's put a pencil and there's buttons looks like that's about it mud locking on our table it sounds hollow oh it's got 1978 on there oh wow this one's coming from the 70s yeah so it's at least 1978. that's interesting so there seems to be nothing much of interest in here apart from the bullet casing and this the badge i wonder if these are related perhaps they are we'll have to give them a wash up and do a bit of research and then we'll come back i'll show you at the end of the video if we find anything out about uh this alright so we've given these a bit of a clean up alex has gone to town on this bullet shell oh yeah i gave it a good old polish that's for sure she looks amazing it looks brand new probably better than you yeah anyway so that is a norma point 0.243 winchester and it's a popular sporting rifle cartridge for medium and small game and it was introduced in 1955 which again would um go with you know the things that we found yeah um and then we've got this our amazing patch here and i have done some research and also thanks to the people on instagram who also gave me some very good clues as to where to look so thank you very much for that um but i got in touch with a military museum and so a massive thank you to ken sutton who is curator for the royal navy communications branch museum and library at hms collingwood in fairham who very kindly supplied us with the following information this badge denotes the man wearing it was a royal navy radio electrician's mate heir first class and was used between 1948 and 1955. however this title was changed to radio electric mechanic air first class from 1955 onwards the badge would have been worn on the right arm of the man's working dress commonly referred to as number eights the air denotes that he worked on the electrical systems of various aircraft so that's very specific yeah so probably on an aircraft carrier that's so cool so mystery solved and once again thank you to ken and we'll give you um a link to this really incredibly interesting museum they have a wonderful website um so yeah we'll put that link on for you to go and have a look yeah so it'll be in the description below but um yeah this is an amazing find because how often or how likely is it to find surviving cloth in a rubbish dump i know we've never found anything that's this well preserved on a rubbish dump before we do a cloth it's incredible because rubbish dumps are so acidic and things like this would just deteriorate really really quickly um yeah that would be gone now but yeah it's amazingly well preserved it's got a bit of staining from the um nails and things that were in the jar with it yeah and i think that smell that was in the jar was um the glue yeah the glue kind of oh yeah it was a bit weird no it wasn't very nice but yeah that's that's it that's it for this week yeah we just like to say a humongous thank you to everyone who's contributed to our channel in any way we really really appreciate it and we'll see you again next sunday bye you
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 62,716
Rating: 4.9489455 out of 5
Keywords: treasure hunting, bottle digging, northern mudlarks, northern mudlarking, mudlarking Scotland, mudlarking uk, scottish mudlarks, treasure hunting Scotland, bottle dump, mudlarking, time capsule, historic relics
Id: -NXKN29Oym0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 0sec (2880 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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