We transform incredible beach found gems into precious designer jewellery!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] do [Music] wow so the um carnelian and agate gets washed down the river tweed into the sea and then back up onto the beach alex just found another bit can you see that it's got like quartz oh yeah oh that's nice here's a nice uh yellowy piece a couple of nice yellowy yellowy pieces what's this thing here oh what is that i don't know whether that's glass or stone i think it's stone what do you think alex what's that yeah i can see the bands around the edge it's a bit of carnelian wow look at that beautiful [Music] so many pretty pebbles beautiful white quartz alex has been collecting all the little tiny pieces and a tiny bit of sponge wear there that's cute isn't it all just so pretty it is perfect for just lots of tiny little eyes in it and it looks like a brain [Laughter] lovely oh this is pretty it's almost like a bead just needs a hole put in it can you see it it's like a really orangey calcium where's the little crevice there it is look at it for the sparkling jewels full of sparkly crystals to hold up to the light oh and this and there's a bit we just spotted down here as well a piece of agate oh i'm gonna play did i get that got bands in it and i can see loads of bits tiny bits of carcinogen around here it's magical oh wow that would be amazing if it when it was like if you wetted it yeah i'll have to put some bits in the sea oh it's beautiful so you definitely see the bounding in that oh look at this piece oh there's bits all over the place it's wonderful oh there's a bit it's a bit of carnelian oh yeah it's got some vanilla it's like amber there you can see the barns in there oh that's like honey honey colored isn't it there's so much we don't even have to move we're still on the same oh look that's got little eyes in it as well little tiny eyes in it i'm gonna i'm gonna have to take lots of lots of close-up photos of these so you can see them better i can't turn off the camera because it's just everywhere i see a little bit hiding here oh that's a nice piece oh it's so yellow oh it's gorgeous so much just in this little spot i've just got down to the beach we haven't moved a lovely piece of chalcedony here it's like a piece of half melted ice and what's this wow wow beautiful piece of carnelian wow it's like a sweetie okay so i just found this bit here literally just lie in there and then i saw this amazing the brightest of oranges look at that color it's crazy gorgeous carnelian now if we look at this one first i'll have to zoom in you can just see that little orange glowing in the background there as well oh wow yeah look this quartz inside there it's all sea one that's beautiful wow that was amazing color and then this which is also the most amazing orange bright orange wow look at that treasure okay right i'm not sure if you're gonna be able to see it all the swirly bits in there yeah i'm going to have to take some close-ups back at home but i don't know if you can see oh there we go that bit there wow it's another beautiful big chunk of carnegie it's huge there's quartz inside here's some of that stone it's got a uh it's got a name but i can't remember what it is oh yeah we saw it that stone and now we've forgotten it's really beautiful isn't it gorgeous beautiful here's another one of those stones that we can't remember the name of but look how amazing it is with these quartz i think it's quartz veins in it tendrils something going through it it's like lightning we found this here before on some occasions we've got some lovely examples of it but we can't remember what it's called i've got a little bit of agate there as well beautiful that is treasure look how beautiful those rocks are here's the hagstone see with it peeping hole in there it's lucky that means we're gonna have good luck but i think we've already had pretty good luck with the oh my oh my gosh i picked this up in the space of 20 seconds or less you can see bands and just golden goodness carcedmian oh carnelian some little um banded agate in there as well there such gold look the golden glow oh my my hands are really dry with all this salt water today can you see what we saw and and lunged ourselves at oh it's huge it's got like huge strange spotty skin it does have little spots or spots all over it's the biggest piece of carnelian look the sun doesn't want to even shine through it wow look at that it's just gemstones on the beach there they are they're just gems gemstones all over the beach and there's some few smaller ones that we've placed here as well isn't it magic oh wow that big chunk's just beautiful i love it they're gonna look really juicy when they're all wet as well [Music] most people and we definitely are getting some funny looks sprawled out on the beach staring at the ground okay so here's some of mom's vines from the last few minutes look at them in the sun oh my god oh my god there is an array of beautiful textures and colors here we're still finding them we're adding them to the pile now we've got carnelian and this sea glass as well that's a bit of sea glass and more carnelian and i'll just collect it up look at this sea glass haven't been concentrating on the sea glass okay i've got an array of treasures here and i think you can probably already see the bands in some of these pieces oh and i have to zoom in but it's difficult to there look and that tiny one as well beautiful connie and calcium it's everywhere look at this tide look how fast it's coming in the tide is sneaking in behind me look so i don't think we've got much longer but i found some beautiful so many pieces i've put in my pocket and not been filming as well because we've been chat people on the beach but there we go some banded pieces and that's a piece of chart but it was really pretty and some carnelian yeah there's there's lots of tiny pieces and i can't help but pick them all up because it's gonna look so lovely set into rings which is what we might do at the end of this video oh wow look at this amazing branded piece mom's just found oh wow it's like what those colors like honey reddish orangey honeycomb and then it's got like white around the edge wow it was like that and i picked it up and i was like oh there's this little piece here as well oh that's that's really nice as well yeah fans in that the carnelian color [Music] the water's lapping up at your feet now [Music] okay so i just wet this big piece that i found earlier look at it look the dots it's spotty yay and the sun's finally come back out it's spot spotty have you seen spotty agate before they look beautiful after you put them in the it's water quartz in the middle and bands around the edge just spotted something the texture looks like chalcedony it is it's a big nodule of calcium this looks beautiful yeah i can definitely see the banding in there okay so here are some of the goodies that mom's found look at this that is amazing that's crazy look how beautiful is this in the sun and then there's this big bit of agate here zoom in on this it's a bad banding and then fossilized carl wow this teeny tiny agate has some crazy bands let's have a look let's have a look wow look at the little eyeballs on it it's huge it's got quartz yeah i found a piece of well i found a tooth and then i found this piece of meat just lying there on the beach raw meat can't see that actually it's a really beautiful piece of agate jazz baguette rather oh bubbly agate what's the term for it by roidle buy cruel i'm roidled by i can't really buy croydon it's something like that what goes with your shirt sort of it's very pretty [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] okay so here they are all about beautiful so juicy and we've got um obviously the the carnegie in which is very obvious carnelian agates and then we've got the chalcedony it's just this beautiful it's it's like solidified jelly it's lovely but i think it we've got these yellow ones but i think iron influences the color so that's the reason that they're this beautiful red color um these are our most vibrant ones and these are our chunks of chalcedony but we have got banded agates in there as well and i will have there will be a slideshow at the end of the video where i will show some i like these great close-ups yeah beautiful gray and they've got this waxy texture that's just beautiful yeah wow we couldn't believe it when we found all this stuff on the beach we weren't really expecting it yeah well we we know it's there but we didn't expect to find so many pieces did we thought we'd find a few little bits like this yeah which we have done before but really we were really they looked they're just oh they just look so nice don't they lovely and one of these is going to be made into a cabochon yes and then into a ring as we promised in the video and i may try and carve one of them into a bead because up here in the window on our bead string we have what we found years ago on the beach a beautiful carnelian bead yeah that's a similar color isn't it it's very very very similar in color almost identical isn't it some of them identical to that yeah look at that color it's amazing maybe it was carnelian maybe it was a local um yeah local carnelian used so it would be very old and we found this it's hand drilled you can see on either end of the bead when you hold it to the light um where it's been drilled yeah and from either end so we think it's quite old it's not a modern bead yeah but anyway i thought of having a go at making a carnelian bead out of one of these pieces it's not easy because we've got all we've got our hand files yeah we've got a dremel but it's not that good for doing this no um so we're mostly using hand files and sandpaper yeah we don't have any lavender equipment unfortunately but it's something we've been trying to do for years so you know what in the ancient anglo-saxon and viking times they didn't have no that's a good good point [Laughter] ah let's move on um our bigger pieces we've got some bigger pieces this is really interesting it's like i don't know how did you how did you describe this it's got like it's got like eyes in it and it's like a big chunk of car certainly really it's really weird it's very strange and then this which has several different types of rock in it including quartz and um [Music] and a bit of the um it looks like the volcanic rock yeah the house and this one here spotty spotty one wait i'll wet it does anyone know what the spotty agate is called does it have a name it's not spotty inside no it's not just on this one's got like a coat of quartz yeah and then a layer of carne carnelian and then these spots so that has a name let us know um then we have this agate which i think i got it right in the video i think it's called bicroydl agate it's this bubbly blobby kind of formation in the in the aggregate but can you see it there it's like fine drooziness look at that it's like a blubber but this also has little eyes and things on the other side yeah look at that yeah it's beautiful there well again i'll take some more close-ups but we can't talk about every piece but but we have a lot here lots of really interesting these ones are abandoned aren't they mostly banded there's lots of banded ones and not banded ones i think they're all just mixed up but um yeah like like one's like this you hold up to the light it's not interesting circles got eyes inside of it that weird oh it's lovely and then it's like and this one here that's sort of yellow on the outside and rough and inside it's got crystals beautiful crystals so there are agates and carnelians and then quartz pebbles which we were thinking of polishing up and making them nice and shiny and we have more quartz pebbles which these ones are pink and yellow yeah and some of them are a bit more see mossy quartz um agate is basically quartz it's just a micro crystalline quartz so all of these rocks here are all related um jasper's the chert what a bit of chert here which is related jaspers agates quartzes they're all kind of related in one way or another and we we did find a bit of sea glass because well you can't walk past it really can you no there's a nice way i'm looking for it but i like this one and there are two i don't know what we're gonna do we've got quite a lot of toothed and yeah county you don't know what to do with these teeth and a little bit of scottish sponge wear our favorites probably 19th century teacup here we have a solitary hagstone yeah and this is the hackstone this amazing stone i love it yeah i know it's beautiful it's got the veins of um what do you call it it might be cool it's cool it might not be caught i don't know veins of something in it anyway does any we can't remember what this is called and we don't know i'm sure it's got a name but i just can't remember we don't know how to look it up because we can't if you can't remember the name you can't look it up so yeah this is just a random chat which i thought was kind of pretty as well looks like an eye but yeah if anyone knows the name of this stone please let us know because we've forgotten it and can't find it anywhere okay so that's all of our lovely agates yeah and carnelian and everything that we found we're amazed really i never got on the beach i know and it was such a beautiful day and it just seemed to glow in the sun and it was oh just wonderful it was lovely on the beach that that afternoon um so we would just now like to say thank you again to everyone for subscribing for commenting commenting and of course a big fact thank you as usual to our patrons yes who are very important to us being able to continue doing what we do that's right and to all the people who have very very kindly brought us things from our amazon wishlist and have sent us things as well and all the people that have sent us things too we really appreciate it we're so generous we're overwhelmed really we are so thank you so much to all of those people and we'll see you again next week and enjoy our jewelry making [Music] bye [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] my so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] okay these are my materials for my ring i've got some thick silver wire here which i'm going to roll put through my roller to make it um half round i've got some quite thick silver sterling silver plate for the base i've got some 18 karat gold bezel wire and of course the little carnelian gemstone that we found on the beach and that i polished by hand which was very time consuming so let's get started [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] do [Music] this [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] well it's just got to go for its final polish now and then gonna have a better look at it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay well here we are and here's the finished ring and i have to say i absolutely love it and mom i kind of polished it in a oh doesn't it look nice kind of polished it in an uneven you can see it's veering slightly to the left to give it that kind of ancient vibe and it looks amazing with the gold bezel as well i think she said it was 18 karat gold bezel which is amazing and then i made this bead actually a lot of hard work went into this quite a bit of my skin on my fingers and my fingernails yeah they didn't mm-hmm all that's on this bead so i don't think i'll be making another one in a hurry until we get the proper tools to do lavendary i made it on a grinding wheel um and i also used hand files for much of it and i hand polished it and drilled it i double drilled it which means it's an ancient ancient method of drilling stone beads by drilling from one side of the bead and then from the other you reduce the stress and the beads so it's less likely to crack and that's what i did with this but i used a modern drill press with my dremel and i use a diamond bur drill bit but i've been doing some reading and apparently in antiquity what they would do well in ancient times we're talking about um thousands of years ago here but what they used to do is use a flint drill um and an abrasive paste made out of ground up quartz so yeah that's what they used to use to drill them and i have a lot of respect for um bead makers especially back then when they didn't have the tools the electric tools like we do now because this took me a long time to make and it took me many hours to polish this beautiful carnelian as well which isn't this ring just beautiful i think i'll take it off and i'll show you a little bit closer she has um she rolled out some round wire in a rolling mill and rolled it out to this half round shape and then she's hammered the band textured it and of course polish the stone it's got a nice shine on it but we can't get it mirror shiny we don't have the right tools to polish it up to a high shine but it looks pretty good i put a bit of beet wax on there cheated a little bit carnelian is actually a stone that's been oh my gosh oh my gosh did you see that little cool horror fly i was just gonna say uh carnelian has been widely used um especially in antiquity the romans and way back into the neolithic period um used agate in beads and in jewelry and in intaglios and it was of course used right through the centuries and people still make agate jewellery now so um i think um mum's ring is beautifully sympathetic to the beautiful carnelian stone as well so it's not perfectly round it was very difficult getting it into that shape let me tell you but um it looks pretty authentic it i mean you wouldn't be blamed for if you found that on the foreshore for thinking it was from the grave of a neolithic queen or [Music] something [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 75,483
Rating: 4.9515619 out of 5
Keywords: treasure hunting scotland, Sea glass hunting, gem hunting, jewellery making, Mudlarking, beachcombing, bottle digging, mudlarking uk, treasure hunting, northern mudlarking, crystal hunting, rockhounding, carnelian, northern mudlarks
Id: cY9g-D3u2QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 10sec (2650 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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