βͺβͺ Hello! No, this is not
an art gallery. Hello Brains! Hello Brains! I live here? βͺ [ intro music ] βͺ Hello Brains! Welcome to my ADHD friendly home. I've kind of obsessively been trying to... ...make my home
deliberately ADHD friendly. Which means deliberately
Executive Function friendly, really. There's a lot of stuff
that I've learned... ...strategies that I've used I've learned how to function
in a neurotypical world. But in my own home I can
make my world ADHD friendly. And that's what I've
been trying to do. It's a work in progress. βͺβͺ So you know how
we all have ADHD... ...and have a hard time
feeding ourselves sometimes? So this is really easy because... ...it's basically a slowcooker
that cooks faster. So it's really ADHD friendly. I forgot to make dinner..., ...I don't know what
I'm doing for dinner... ...I have a bunch of stuff
I can just throw it in a pot. And like start it... ...and then I can go
do other things. Like, I can go do whatever
else I need to do... ...while dinner is cooking. And I don't have to worry about
burning my house down. Super ADHD friendly! The other thing I do is... ...try to have everything
at point of performance. This was really helpful for
me when I was a server. And it's really helpful
for me with ADHD. Where you have everything that
you need to perform a task... ...within arm's reach of that task. And so for this, that means
I need to get a cup. So I get a cup. I need water, so I fill
the cup with water. The water's right here,
dump it in there. And then everything that I need
to make coffee is in here. So I have coffee filters,
I have the coffee itself... ...I have things to eat with the coffee. Everything is right here. And that does a couple of things. It makes it easier and faster
for me to make it... ...it also means that I
don't have to be like... ..."oh right, shoot,
I need coffee filters". And wander over to the fridge
looking for coffee filters... ...in here, where did I put them? And then like, "oh right, the fridge,
I needed to take that chicken out... ...because that's probably
not good anymore". "Oh right chicken, my dog
probably needs to go outside". So now I'm taking my
dog for a walk... ...holding a coffee mug. THIS is the most ADHD
friendly replacement... ...to this thing EVER. I plug it in, and.... ...it's an electric tea kettle,
which is great. You can choose exactly
what temperature... ...you want the water
to get up to... ...based on the tea
you want to make. It starts out blue if you're
not doing anything with it. You put the tea in the middle... And then you start,
and it turns red. And when it's done it turns green.
Which means it's <i>done</i>. And so all the way
across the room... ...I don't have to get up
and check on it. I can just see
that it's green... ...and that means
my tea is ready. I have a basket. The basket helps me
contain the clutter. If there's clutter on the counter... ...I can easily throw
it in the basket. If there's too much clutter... ...then it probably needs to
go in another basket. Which means it
needs to go upstairs. But one of the things
I put in my basket... ...is the Time timer. This thing is amazing... ...because it shows time visually. I can see how close
I am to done. I can just glance across... ...instead of waiting
for a timer to go off. Which is really nice. Pens. I just...
this is clutter. I don't need pens
in my kitchen... ...but they're there. Oh! Great!
My friend got me clips. Chips clips.
Super super important. If I'm cooking... ...I like to have all my
options out in front of me... ...where I can easily see it. So that I'm more likely
-- not always! -- But more likely to choose
the right thing to cook with. If I had to go looking for each
individual piece I probably... ...would just grab
whatever I could find. This way I can see what
all of my options are. So that I can choose the
best one to cook with. And the other thing is... ...I used to have
a spoon rest. ...but then if it was dirty
I wouldn't want to wash it. 'Cause I might need it again. Or like, it just
wouldn't get washed. And so now instead
of a spoon rest... ...I just use plates. Because now like, OK,
I rest it on a plate... ...and that plate is gonna get washed. And then I just have
another plate I can use... ...if I need something before
it actually gets washed. Using a plate instead
of a spoon rest has been... ...really ADHD friendly for me. I'm short... ...in order to not
climb on countertops... ...I have a stool. It's this little thing,
and it tucks into a corner. And I can drag it
wherever I need to. I would say this one is
ADHD friendly because... ...I don't have to go get
a bigger step-stool... ...out of a closet somewhere. It can just exist right
here and it's fine. It doesn't get in my way. It's small and it's
easy to move around. Basically when you have ADHD... ...the fewer steps involved to
what you're trying to do, the better. So if I'm trying to reach that thing... and I need to go to a closet to
get a stepstool out... ...and bring it back... ...that's not happening.
I'm climbing on the counter. So having the stepstool right there... ...makes it more likely that
I will actually use it. Can we talk about dishes for a second? The bane of everybody
with ADHD in existence. It's a tedious chore, it's something
that has to be done all the time. And we have a hard enough
time feeding ourselves.... ...without not having
clean stuff to do it with. I kind of have a rule... ..that other than nice knives
and my non-stick pans... ...if it can't survive the dishwasher
I should not own it. Because I do not like
washing things by hand. When I do wash things by hand... ...gloves. The sensory thing of, like,
the water's too cold or it's too hot... ...or things feel gross and slimey. It's enough of a barrier that it'll keep
me from wanting to do the dishes. So I have gloves that I
will put on and wear... ...and then put back. So that I don't have
to touch the gross. βͺ βͺ Welcome to the living room! Sensory things are big for me. So this carpet is really plush. It feels good to stand on. I also don't like sitting on
chairs or couches all the time. Sometimes I want
to sit on the floor. So it's nice to sit on. I can be anywhere in the world
and I can be comfortable... ...if I have a soft blanket over me. I don't know what it is. But it's a big thing. So I have extra
blankets over there... Chloe loves soft blankets too. So Chloe has her own
giant blanket right now. I just have a lot of extra blankets. Soft blankets everywhere
in my house... ...especially here. I was thinking about
getting a coffee table... ...but I tend to run into them. So I wanted something
that I could move easily. If I do have some drinks or food or
whatever that I'm eating at the couch... ...I can just pick the whole thing up... ...and take it to the kitchen. So I'm much more likely to
actually clean up everything. 'Cause otherwise I might
pick up one or two things... ...and bring it to the kitchen... ...and leave the rest there. By the way, this is also my
ADHD friendly gym.... ...thanks to CoPilot. If you're interested in
taking care of yourself... ...in a way that's
ADHD friendly... ...one of the most ADHD friendly
supports I found for that... ...is CoPilot. CoPilot is a one-on-one
coaching service... ...where you connect with
a personal trainer... ...who then designs
workouts that work for you. Based on whatever equipment
you have available... ...and however long or wherever... ...you want to work out. I talk more about it in <i>this</i> video.... ...but I'm still using it
and I still love it. I even created a leaderboard called
ADHD Accountabilibuddies... ...and a bunch of people've joined. The trainer I was working with
went to pursue her dance career... ...but I've worked with
a couple trainers since... ...and they were both fantastic. One of them helped me recognize
the progress I've made. <i>[Strength training mixed with
a little bit of core and cardio...]</i> <i>[...and then stretching in the cooldown. Yeah...]</i> <i>[...You're getting stronger if
we're going up there ...]</i> Apparently the app automatically
tracks resting heart rate... ...and mine has decreased 20 points... ...since I started working out
a few months ago. <i>[Can you see that?]</i>
-- Oh, now I can see it. Yeah. Resting heart rate on different days.
That's really friggin' cool. And I'm strong enough now
that he suggested... ...that I get new, heavier
weights to play with. I got new weights,
I wanna use them. I'm gonna move to
the heavier ones. And Darian, who I just
started working with... ...has been incredibly supportive and motivating. <i>[You get to listen to what your body
is telling you and trust that.]</i> <i>[There does not have to be a goal...]</i> <i>[...other than "I wanna move my body".]</i> And it really feels like every workout
is tailored to where I'm at... ...and what I want to work on. Which right now is just
enjoying working out. <i>[Can I give you a little
balance-challenge?]</i> <i>[Just like a fun little thing]</i>
-- There we go! Perfect! I love that! <i>[OK. Perfect!]</i> I'm still doing my regular
workouts twice a week... ...but she added 5-minute workouts... ...that are just to help me have fun... ...and feel good at
the beginning of my day. I love how flexible and
responsive the coaches are. I've tried a lot of things to get myself
to work out consistently... ...and this is honestly the first thing... ...that's worked for me. I'm gonna keep going with it... ...because this personal training
I can actually afford. And I'll let you know how it goes. But in the meantime,
if you wanna join me... ...click my link:
mycopilot.me/howtoadhd And get your own CoPilot
for $ 96 a month forever... ...and a 14 day free trial. I don't always meditate.
I forget to meditate... ...and having a physical cue
to meditate is really helpful. So it's not even necessarily that... ...I always use the meditation
cushion when I meditate... ...but it's a reminder. Looking around and being able to see
a meditation pillow on the floor... ...will remind me:
"Right! Meditate!" Big bins.
Are really important. All the tech clutter goes in this bin. It's not organized at all.
It's just in a bin. It's a pile... ...but it's a pile in a bin. So it looks organized. It's my best hack ever. Chargers everywhere.
Chargers in every room. Game controllers, Switch... ...fitbit. Oh, I have a PS4 in here.
I didn't even know that. I didn't even know my
PS4 was in there. [ giggles ] But otherwise, yeah, I mean.
This just goes everywhere... ...and like takes over the friggin' room. I'm just gonna put that back. When I wrote 'Green Time'... ...it inspired this entire room. This entire room is about
things that inspire fascination. So that my deliberate
focus-brain can rest... ...and I can just chill. So I've got the trees.
I've got the hammock... ...and the textures of the hammock. I've also got the fireplace
and the flames flickering... ...that I can stare at. I've got art work on the wall... ...that I can look at. And just kind of not <i>do</i> anything.
Just kind of <i>be</i>... ...and let my brain wander.
Let my brain focus effortlessly. Instead of having to make it focus... ...on what I'm trying to make it do. βͺβͺ Welcome to my bedroom! This room isn't finished yet. But I do have some
organizational strategies... ...that are a leftover
from my old place. That I still use. One is color-coded
laundry baskets. I have a gray one for anything that... ...can just be thrown in the wash
and thrown in the dryer... ...and I don't have to worry about. The pink one is things that
need a little more care. That way I don't have to
think about it later. I just have to think about it
one article of clothing at a time. When I take off a piece of clothing,
which bin does it go in? Cool. Now I don't have to
think about it later. So this is another point
of performance thing. I have a big fuzzy blanket
right on my bed. And then right here,
my books that I wanna read. I do have a bookcase over there... ...but if I keep my books
on the bookcase... ...I will not go get
the book to read. So I keep them right next to it. These are the ones I'm actively reading. Another point of performance thing... ...when do I take my meds?
Right when I wake up. So where are my meds?
Right by where I wake up. So my meds are here.
Easy to take them. Set an alarm for 15 minutes
or half an hour, whatever. Go back to sleep,
wait for the meds to kick in. And chargers for anything
that I need to charge. My phone charger,
my watch... ...I learned to put my watch
charger up here as well. This is one of the very,
very few strategies... ...that I have used
for years consistently... ...is the Marie Kondo method
of folding my clothes. It's really helpful because I used
to have my clothes in dressers... ...stacked like this. And I would have to dig though
to find the shirt I wanted. A big part of ADHD organizing is being
able to <i>see</i> what your options are. And whether that's clear containers... ...or having things vertically so that
you can actually see them all at once... ...that's really helpful
in staying organized. My bathroom is
currently pretty messy. But there is one organizational
strategy I do use. Hang on. This is for my make up.
It's a travel bag for make up. I keep my make up in there
even when I'm not traveling... ...because it makes it
easier to contain. It's another way of
containing my piles. So I have all my make up in here... ...I'll use it straight out of the bag... ...and then put it back in the bag. And then as a bonus... ...if I have to go somewhere in a hurry... ...I don't have to pack up
all my make up. It's already packed for me. I love this thing. βͺβͺ I really hope you liked this video. Let me know if there are any particular
tips or tricks that you found useful. And share your own tips
in the description below. What's ADHD friendly for me... ...might not be ADHD friendly
for somebody else. Like, subscribe,
click all the things. And I will see
you next video. Bye Brains. I'm gonna enjoy my house.
I felt so called out when she demonstrated looking for coffee filters...
I was just about to share this video!!! Love her recommendation of "point of service" stations. I'll be moving my books.
Awesome tips in this video. I already do a few of the things she does, but the validation is what will (hopefully) keep me doing them.
It doesnβt seem like removing 1 or 2 little steps from a process could make that big a difference, but it totally does.
Saving this video and plan on showing everyone in the house and my QMHP. So we can do some of these things in my house!
This person is so me, I am having an existential crisis after watching this.
I love Jessica, she has great content. π
Me: "Babe....I think we should get a hammock"
Him: "What for?"
Me: "relaxation!"
Him: "No normal person living in a 1 bedroom apartment puts a hammock in their already too crowded living room"
Darn. Love the other tricks though! Might even be able to convince him to get rid of the coffee table and replace it with those trays! I love that idea!
Step 1: have a huge kitchen with an island and miles of counterspace cries in small 1920s kitchen
Other than that, great tips. The "point of performance" really stuck with me.