Back to Basics (The Vast Mind of Christ)

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okay here we are tuesday this is the wow service and about message if you're watching me from sri lanka welcome uh you guys uh this is going to be an enjoyable evening i just want to remind everybody for wherever you're watching me from that um the vast mind series like i said before i started the boss man series when i was in the usa and i'm still on it okay and this will go on while i'm in the usa again at the end of this month okay and we're going to really go into it a bit deeper um so last couple of weeks like get if you if you're just coming right now and if you're new to wow or even if you are you are all to wow and you've not understood the series the last couple of sessions like the last session session before that i am sort of reminding you again what it's about and i'm showing you different facets of what the vast mind is about and why i'm going into certain certain experiments like quantum experiments and science and stuff like that and so if you caught me only in that area this is what it's about and i'm again today uh i am taking uh it from another aspect another area for you to ex for you to understand what the wise mind of christ is about um and i i call it a fundamental and so i'm not dumbing things down when i'm trying to explain this in this way i'm actually showing you from a different perspective when you look at it from a different perspective it can get easier and i must tell you if uh if you've watched me for a long time if you've known me a little while or even if you know me for a long time what you need to understand is that man to build a concept to be able to express uh yourself you know you're so trapped with like english and words you know i i'm blessed i know two languages i know uh single age and english you know but still like words are so uh limited if you know just know one language it's like you feel so trapped and then i can then switch to single ease but then but some of you won't understand it or i'm trying to show you so because of that i'm showing you different perspectives a language is just an interpretation a language is just uh uh let's put it like this uh it's a a language one word one letter holds uh the interpretation of a memory of something you know if i say uh speed in english it means uh something to everybody else speed could be 30 kilometers per hour for a sprinter it can be 10 point something seconds that happened recently in the olympics speed to a race car driver can be 300 something kilometers to a pilot it can be completely something else i just want to see how um elusive this language is it's a collapsed wave function or it's a it's a memory isn't it and when i say the word just speed and uh to someone who who who takes drugs speed can be completely a different thing you get what i'm trying to say so whatever what i'm trying to explain is like speed is one it's s p double e d that's like one two uh three four i'm not reading my spellings five letters okay that five that that that right there is holding so many thousands of millions and billions of memories for different people and um and that's those memories are what we call a collapsed wave function that means you were able to extract it from a spread out potential that i just explained that so many people have different interpretation and suddenly you collapse it and now you bring it into what we call language so you can see how limited what i'm trying to say is you know it's so frustrating because you have there's no other way we communicate uh this is how we communicate we can use my hands i use a lot of my hands gestures okay micro movements communication and so uh i i never know when people really understand me or not or you would never know either uh it's such a it's such a futile experience or you won't even think that people really understand you because they everyone reads it from the language or that one word that they figure it out from their memory banks okay now why am i explaining this to you is because when i talk for one hour and if someone can think so kirby explain this in one hour explain the vast in one explain the concept explain god in one hour so many people misunderstand you can't help it it's like the legalization listens to it from a legalistic way a skeptic listens to it from a skeptic lens uh it's the believer from some other guy some other lens the new ager from a neat different lens and so so many people take it from a different lens and and therefore one hour is so so hard to be able to explain something that is massive so that is why i i try and bring different perspectives like a facet of diamond you know showing it every facet it shines in a different way and then you might have another experience another experience another experience okay so if you're watching me for the first time please bear with me what i'm saying right now take with a pinch of salt uh when i say pinch of salt means it's just one hour of me babbling away and you listening to your lenses okay and then you listen to me again and then you'll see something else and take that pinch of salt because at the end what is going to happen is consciousness will increase and there will be a personal realization that you will have and there will be a aha moment in you and you'll have aha moments even when i'm speaking today and that's what's important that is what's important so um it's a futile thing to get me to try and to explain it better or you're telling me some people say kobe can you explain a bit better or can you reduce it or dump it down a bit or uh explain it in a in a more simpler way and i'll say trust me i'm just going to explain it in the way i know how and then what's going to happen is you will get it in the way you know how and that and you and i can walk together okay so i mean uh that's the best thing i can do okay i can the best thing i can do for you so if you are coming in for the first time i am going to now i'm going to facet this around okay i'm just going to show you another perspective and i'm not going to go into the science of it anymore or not now i'll do it later on not today but showing you a perspective again and there was uh uh there was a discussion on the connection coach group and uh i think liz had uh said liz bake had said something really beautiful in the way she put it and uh someone else was also explaining like we were they were explaining so well i'm so proud of you guys because there you're coming from different perspectives and when you're explaining it in my in for my lenses i'm realizing that it looks very similar it looks similar to what i think it looks similar to the teapot i'm talking about all our teapots are different okay so uh so i'm going to again uh try and uh explain this concept of the kingdom of god uh the mind of christ the vast mind uh god okay uh from a perspective given by jesus christ okay and his words and uh we were discussing on the connection coach page we were discussing really the um the concept about this field i'm going to read it to you and we're going to go slowly there again uh and to see it matthew 13 is amazing uh chapter and by the way i want to tell you i'll be in the usa at the end of this month okay and i'll be meeting all the coaches a lot of coaches who are coming for all our events and it's just going to be amazing i'm introducing uh the touhou meditation which is a secret of the golden flower and i've coined the phrase tohuwa bohu but it's actually if you uh understand the touhou meditation it is a secret of the golden flower it is uh the secret of the golden flower is a oral tradition ancient mysterian meditation passed down orally through mystery schools and really anyone who is a mystic even if you are not a christian you they they have gone through this meditation and amazingly it's a christian meditation even the even the uh eastern people in these areas do this meditation and was given to us by nestorian christianity 2000 years ago can you believe that and it's been practiced in temples and practiced in uh hindu places and all that they're practicing a christian necessary meditation that got inculcated in their culture 2000 years ago that's what is amazing and that's amazing it's mind-blowing i i love the fact that uh christ at that point nestorius is a hero i mean people must celebrate him he was a he was the largest church in the world bigger than the european roman church and uh he he penetrated these areas and brought in his the teachings of christ in such beautiful ways that even kings embraced it like dynasties embrace it like china did you know that china the kings of china at one point believed in jesus can no one talks about it but it's i mean search it out it's there genghis khan's grandson who was an emperor of china he himself believed in jesus so can you believe it you know no one talks about these things but that's how powerfully nestorius penetrated the eastern parts of the world and that's where i'm from and so so these meditations are ancient and historian christian and they completely enlighten someone to who christ is and so i'll be doing that uh at the at uh washington uh icicle creek i like the name okay and it was white owl i think it was icicle creek i love those names i'm doing it there and um it's going it's going to be really awesome i'm releasing this meditation that i have used and it has changed our lives uh really drastically and you're going to have it this time in the usa and then of course we're going to release it throughout the world the websites are being built and stuff like that so it's gonna be really awesome so be there okay now also the other thing i must tell you uh before we start you won't understand me unless your mind is still this is something that is a caveat i must tell you that that uh the concepts that i'm bringing forward to you are from uh deep contemplations and meditations and and therefore i see the bible in a completely different light than most people uh and so i bring it from that aspect and from its former dimension like the dimension or the consciousness that has caused the problem can't have a solution for the problem you have to transcend it for you to see so you have to climb up the mountain up the mountain it's death it's a completely different dimension you bring it from there so i'm speaking from a certain place and i'm hoping that we will see it it's not it's not i'm not saying it's a higher place but i'm saying that it it's a place of sensitivity that at one level of sensitivity uh it's hard to grasp what i'm going to say so uh i like this i saw this in luke 24 uh it says that jesus when he was eating uh with his people and i'm praying that that gift will come upon me he says jesus open their minds so that they can see the scriptures i just loved it when i saw it worse i didn't want to meditate on the words jesus open their minds wow okay so that they could understand the scriptures okay and i think uh that's what needs to happen to the church their minds need to be everyone is dealing with the spirit okay let's work with the spirit you have to get in the spirit you know jesus opened our minds so that you can understand the scriptures it's a mind that needs to expand not the spirit everyone has a spirit okay it's the mind the spirit is it pushes to the mind and the mind needs to expand now okay so if you come in right now make sure you share you get extra cookie points when you share and consciousness increases when you share it's a it's a little prayer i'm doing is a special prayer for the sharers only so make sure you press the share button and share this someone is going to have an expansion today okay right now okay at least i'm not telling you please buy this oil and then then you or buy this uh buy this uh little booklet and then you know i'm going to pray for you i'm going to say share this and someone be expanded okay i think that's a good deal okay it's it's good now okay guys now let's let's let's look at the last matthew 13 okay and um let's see what he's saying matthew 13 says it like this okay at the end of matthew 13 it's uh an interesting story and he's talking about the parable of the story remember this is the parable if you don't understand this you don't understand anything parable of the soul okay and then he explains the parabola so that the the sower is showing the word which is the mind isn't it it is a revelation i i won't yeah it's like a concept it's a revelation he's it's he's showing the information okay it's not the word means the information okay so the information is coming in and it's sewn into consciousness so he says the ground is the field is the consciousness okay now he explains that so we don't have to run very far from that the field is the consciousness okay this is the consciousness here we are okay now then he explains the consciousness okay the feel and i love it because he explains the ladies and we'll take it from 1913 upwards and it says it uh in verse 52 he says therefore every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a house holder who brings out of his treasure things new and old okay you just see that there okay so he says so the teacher described the one the instructor concerning the kingdom okay he brings out things in polarities new all black white you see he and not that he's polarized in fact he's not polarized a good teacher is bringing in the whole the wave function he's not bringing one aspect he's bringing out the whole okay this is what needs to be understood okay and so then he goes on and we go into 47 he says it again again the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind wow you know i it reminds me that word of every kind reminds me when god made the world and and um and how in genesis he says that he made every kind the creepy crawlies the animals every kind the heavens here the book of jubilee actually has a wonderful version of genesis chapter 1 where he explains how he made the angels the heavens and the earth so on the first day of the angels the sons of god like he asked the question what do you have in the sons of god saw me create morning you know so like everything of every kind was created okay now so uh everything was created okay by god okay nothing created itself when we were in the garden there was every kind in the garden in fact there was a kind that we had to subdue in the garden okay that was created by god i created to destroy to destroy and so because we eat from a tree of polarity we say why did god create evil and all i can say is that god never created evil he doesn't create evil he creates okay we through a poor resolution nervous system we identify things as good or bad as right or wrong it's like i told you about speed speed can be thirty thousand uh at thirty thousand feet and thousands of miles per hour okay so 500 kilometers per hour or something like that or it can be uh uh uh like like me right now you know i can maybe run uh uh five kilometers in uh less than 30 minutes so that's speed for me you understand it uh for a cheetah it's a completely different uh thing so what you consider good and what you consider evil is extremely relative god is not interested in good and evil he said in fact don't eat from the tree of good and evil he's interested in truth it's a higher level justice is a high level you kind of you can never give justice out if you're eating from good and evil you can't give true justice out it is impossible because true justice is the cross and it why the cross is so scandalous is that it forgives every single thing that you would consider evil so that should just take it's such a huge perspective that he has the heart to forgive every single thing every atrocious sin that you think is evil that you think that justice needs to be done he in fact comes and pays it out of his own so that should just show you that we are completely off the grid when we understand when we're understanding this thing okay so the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that was cast in the sea and he gathers some of every kind okay which when it was full they drew it to show and they sat down and they gathered good into vessels but threw the bed away it's like haha there you go yeah that's the refining process that is happening to you and me that's what you need to understand the whole thing is the dragnet the kingdom of heaven is a dragon that gets every kind together of every kind and now the refining process is happening you yourself has good and evil in it man if you go into some of the original church father's doctrines it will blow you away why don't you go into nestorius why don't we go into like before the politicization happened and before they started throwing these guys out like pelagius historians these people were spreading the gospel to the east and other places and because of that the the roman european church wanted to consolidate power at that point of time these guys were heritage because they were growing much bigger than the european church and because of that they were cut out it was politics pelagius was flying in towards the celtics okay and they all learned from this one guy called oregon i don't really heard of him okay but every single one every single one of them okay he was a massive he was a massive thinker organ okay and they all learned from him but they cut him out it's like because some of his stuff was like paul you know paul was so misunderstood peter himself could understand paul and many times pete and paul fought and peter goes on to write he said sometimes the things he says are very hard to understand and you know so they take they have this they have this christian sort of lingo you know you chew you you you you eat the meat and you chew out the bones and throw it out you see and they did david oregon and they still do it with anyone including me you know oh you will just take what kirby is saying partially we'll just take this part in this one this sounds good but that is slower that's too much i can't handle that or that so definitely so they leave with oregon as well but oregon's mind was amazing you know and you know when you read what he what he wrote so all these guys came from there why am i saying all this stuff because you'll realize and and i was having a conversation with a friend of mine recently and truly this kind of stuff i opposed it as well but it was the restoration of all things or even believe in the restoration of all things oregon went on to say i mean just understand that the adversary the devil this is what oregon said you know what kabbalah is saying here's what oregon is saying the adversary the devil is your deepest darkest wickedness that you're fighting against it's you it's yourself you're fighting against yourself so when you are when something comes up against you you call it the devil but it's actually your self that's oregon and it's deeply uh psychological isn't it it's like uh that's what carl jung like people celebrate carl jung today but kalyan is getting from oregon and people like that like your your at what you're fighting against constantly in your life is you you call it the devil because it opposes you and if you did mystical marriage you'll realize that god gave you a wife with the same like the word adversary or your partner adversity for the same name one who stands opposite to you because that's what refines you okay i i i want you to understand that's that's deeply christian theology i just shared with you much before augustine came into the church everyone believed that okay then they started dualism dualism was not a part of christianity that's that's something else that came from a completely different stream the dualistic model but oregon's concept was everything you're fighting is your adversary that is inside of you that is coming out of you and challenging you and you'll point it out as the devil or adversity there's not such thing as devil watch who is satan there is only the adversary the opposing force and in the old testament like i said before god in fact some of some of the places where they say was that word adversary or devil was to angels think about it like when balaam was tested they said the devil tested but in some places it is the angel of the lord so it means the angel becomes the devil the the adversary not like how we pentecostals think and then uh i say weeping across i want to identify but honestly i'm finding it very hard to identify anymore but um the fact of the matter is again uh you see this the time in when uh when um uh when the angel was standing with a sword and david had to go and number his troops in one place he says the devil you know tested uh tested him and one one one time he says the lord and so he the the lord himself the lord itself can be your adversary at some point what about the lion spirit am i i'm just reminding you constantly and continuously what i've thought for literally years what about the lying spirit god anthropomorphic reference god is sitting in the divine council he's like standing sitting on the throne but when he wants the king to get the wrong prophecy he sends a lying spirit doesn't mean god lies i'm just throwing out at you he sends a lying spirit god sends the line spread there are a whole lot of complications there it could that confuses everybody okay but it's in your bible and we need to deal with it we need to talk about it okay it it it sends you on a tailspin like it's it says a lot of things there if god is sending a line speech come on let's not let's not let's i hate i hate the fact that these christians can't talk about this stuff or if i didn't talk about this stuff i mean or some pastor or some ruler over someone will try and block their mind and try to teach them how to think you know we don't need to teach each other how to think you are a creative force god talks to you as much he talks to anyone else in the world okay think about it let's talk about it okay god is sending a lion spirit either god is like god lies i'm just trying to say okay or either uh god hires and employs demons which one is better you choose which one i mean you can choose which one is better that god hires demons to do his work sometimes okay doesn't or he lies which one is better i don't know okay and it's good to have this this tension because it builds faith trust me it builds faith when you explore with a true and sincere heart and you truly because people who can't grapple with this stuff are really not interested in god they're only interested in themselves the people who want to grapple with stuff and really understand then that means someone is a true seeker sincere seeker and most sincere seekers are most of the time they're living in the mystery and they're completely okay with the mystery we don't want to nail it i don't want to nail it i don't want to say this is this or that is that i want to say i live in the mystery in the unknown and let's talk about that i want to go into the unknown too that's why i'm doing this with you now let's look at it again so he's a dragon he brings all new every of every kind huh that's the kingdom i like this one and this is the one that is most confusing okay is 44 again the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field which a man found in hid and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field like think about that like he said the kingdom of heaven is like a man who finds the treasure or he better like the kingdom of heaven is like it's like a treasure hidden in a field that's more like it a treasure hidden in field and then he explains it there's a treasure hidden in the field wow a treasure hidden in the field a treasure hidden in the field there's a treasure that is hidden in the field which a man found okay and look at this guy like if i find a treasure in the field like if i find a church in a field what would you do i would take it and i would go and sell the treasure and i would spend that money on nice houses and nice cars and i will promise you i promise you i will give the poor i'll do that as well i promise you i'll do things for the kingdom i like build churches and i will do things for god as well i promise you i'll be there for the poor i'll be there for every person i won't hide it back again it's my treasure i found it think about that then you realize certain things he says no this guy finds it and guess what he does he hides it back again in the field but he was so happy he's not spending it he's not using the money he's doing jack with it he did it again and then he goes and he sells everything he has and he buys the feel now i explained this to you when he says the field he's already told you what the field is what is the field consciousness the heart okay and so in consciousness in his heart okay you can decide you can interpret what you think is good bad whatever it is the rest of the field like liz was saying the rest of the field would have been barren some needs to be worked some needs to have been toiled some of it was arid you can't plant there some of the field was you know all types of things they're different types if you understand the field they explain the types of field one the birth of the outcome and you can't plant anything there because their birds come in taking the seed in another part of the field uh it's there's no shade it's too sunny you can't plant anything there the sun scorches it one has just rocks on a field you know that's the same field they're talking about because he just explained this field to us and then he finds that there's a threshing in the field okay in one part of the field but he buys the whole field he doesn't say i don't want one where the birds i don't want about the places where there is no uh uh that way is arid and we can't plant there there's rocks and the place where there's no shade the sun is still scorching there i i don't want that part just give me the area the square foot where the treasure is this man's foundation you could just go and not buy the field people want to live their life like that they want to get something from what is coming now discovery tell me the formula tell me what it is grab it okay now i'll go i'll run i'll make some money and then you know forget about rest it's not about the rest it's not about the money even it's about the process like if i go back through my life okay and historically look at myself i mean what a process i love the process there's not one area in my life that i regret i love the whole process every single part of it my growth my pain my sorrow my suffering the arid places the places where the birds came and picked up and took things away every one of it is the kingdom of heaven the places where demons came and attacked me the place where i exorcised demons the places where uh demons were in me the places where demons were not in me they're all a part of it i know where the treasure is but about bought the field places i cried the places i didn't cry the places that was hard the places i beat people up in my hands the people the places that i pulled guns out and pointed at people i won't go further than that they play all that they're all i'm not ashamed of any of it i bought the field i bought the field you see the kingdom of heaven is like that i know where the treasure is okay but i need to buy the field now let's talk about this treasure because now you're going to see something that is quite mind-blowing okay because you go to matthew 6 you realize why he bought the field okay and you turn to matthew 6 and you see it here it's quite awesome really and i like this passage because it explains it a lot and it says in verse 21 remember the treasure okay for where your treasure is there also your heart will be wow well let me remind you of david david is in a cave okay and the treasure is given to him hands down in fact god tells him i'm going to give you the treasure the treasure walks in with a little cloak okay all all and he was all alone taking a pee or i don't know what else okay maybe something else okay but he was there finishing off doing his business okay david could put the knife on his throat and finish the business off right there okay and then the kingdom the treasure would be his what did david do he bought the field think about it think about who the people of god is did he it's about a kingdom man it's about a man getting a kingdom many people just want that treasure he's here oh i've found a treasure in the field in the cave i'll take the treasure and now i leave but no he bought the field he said no i want the process i let him go i won't even touch him i know where the treasure is i know the treasure is on the throne but i like the field i'm taking the whole field i'm going to go through the process how many years did it take for him to really be able to not force it but to understand the fullness of his process and his process goes on and on and on and god says a man after my own he mirrors me my own heart you see the feel so important so he says because where your treasure is there also your heart will be so this guy who hit the treasure knew this i'll tell you a story i was offered i can i can remember time where i offered millions literally millions of dollars and and to when you offered that type of money the temptation is so so much you know you will tell me sitting there or someone will tell me i hear this all the time oh you know i can resist psycho resistance oh yeah when you get it you can resist this how long you can't get it you you you try and get millions of dollars into your hand like there's nothing you don't have work for it and you resist it when you resist it then you talk to me all all pastors like oh pastors i can res i i can resist i can receive beautiful women i can visit this i can resist that they can't even i mean the fact of the matter is you need to have that happen to you you need to be out at the club you need that that beautiful girl to come to you you need that attraction to happen there and then see whether you can resist it i'm not saying that you need to be attracted but that attraction has to happen to you and then you tell me that you could resist it don't tell me sitting at home that oh i can resist it it's the field it's all in god it's all god you buy the field then you refine it gold has to go to fire to be refined you see the process is as important as what you get at the end and so here he reads and i love this statement right here because he says it here he says it's so beautiful he says for where a treasure is there also your heart will also be now watch this and he talks about the matrix and i love it because he talks about the eyes let's see and the way the eyes see and here's the mind-blowing thing okay he says the lamp the lamp of the body is the eye the lamp of the body is the eye okay so that means this is interesting okay now we are getting into deep stuff here okay i have to remind you this is wow and this is tuesday the lamp of the body is the eye if therefore your eye is good and the word good there is single or it means one very important understand this the lamp of your body is the eye therefore if your eye is one your whole body will be full of light so literally you know what it's saying it's literally saying that when you're looking at something you must understand that what you're looking at becomes you think about that it means the way you see something okay if it's one if it's single if it's one then what you see becomes you there is no borders there is no they it doesn't go through any type of even a friction grid it just what you see mirrors you that's what it says there and it's mind-blowing that means it's a light and that is why the torah boho meditation is the secret of the golden flower which means turn the light around turn the light around turn the golden bowl around okay it means you're turning around and you're realizing them i'm looking at myself okay that means he says it's not what you're looking at it's how you're looking at it in another place jesus says it's not what you are hearing it's how you're hearing that's what will make you light or darkness he says if you see it in a certain way naturally this thing that is empty will start reflecting that very thing and it blows me away because he's explaining that where your treasure is that's where your heart is if you are looking at a certain thing in a certain way that's what you become and i have to remind you that this whole series came from exodus 6. exodus 6 is a place where god is revealing himself to moses and it's the most mind-blowing thing because in right there he says i have not revealed myself like this to your fathers i've revealed myself to your father should i that means a completely different name mighty one uh modern enough all kinds of things okay uh and there's a lot of teachings on that okay but to you i'm revealing myself for the first time in this name yahweh okay and you've got to take it for his word right there guys there's a lot of history and stuff like i can tell you if you want why that that is absolutely on the dot that he'll not use the name yahweh yahweh before that okay and historically i can show you the way this describes i put it down and all that kind of stuff okay i won't go there okay second temple period all this kind of stuff okay editing all this stuff but i won't go there you gotta take it for its word right there in chapter six it was the first time he said into your father's i've been ill and else should i but now to you my name is yavi and i'm not been known to them in this name ever before so take that word that means for the first time in exodus 6 god represents himself as what is the question that i'm asking you he's going to meet a pharaoh okay and he's literally saying how pharaoh says is how i will be as he is so while will i be as i am so will he be he is literally saying i am who are you who do i say tell him that i will be him for the first time the concept of the unconscious subconscious mind what oregon is talking about about i will be if he is a devil i will be the devil if he is jealous i will be jealous if he is selfish i will be selfish if he's strong i'll be strong if he's loving i will be loving if he's freedom i will be freedom and then he shows them he says and you we don't understand the concept of the concept jacob is fighting an angel and he's fighting an angel and he can't look at his face look how many times the bible says you cannot look at god's face because god's face is empty there's nothing there it's a void and because when you see his face you see you and so you can't see his face what is your name what is the name angel i'm having the the dark knight of my soul i want to know who are you and he turns around and says you will not know okay but i'm going to give you a new name because i've what what you who you are is what your what your struggle is your pain has caused you to be who you are your suffering causes who you are and that's the struggle jacob is suffering and struggling with his brother and his issue and all that and he gets victory and he says now you are the one who struggles with the unknown and you'll become constantly god says if you see his face you will die yes seeing his face you'll die because it means you don't you won't exist any longer because you'll realize we are climbing up the mountain on top of the mountain is the dark cloud of the void you're climbing up and up and up the mountain and the higher you go you go into void you go into nothingness elijah realized it he's like i can't find him anywhere and look at the elements he's not there i look into the element i looked in my eyes i'm not there i'm not there none of us are there that's the problem and we realize that everything is us everything is a mirror of us everything we're looking at i mean if you understand the mountain just just understand that just a little trick you can play on yourself is just look down at your feet even by looking at me and you can see oh this is my feet but there's also a ground and there are things before you and then you look up from your feet you can see your knees just do it with me okay you can see your knees like haha this is me but he has also seen the couch and you're seeing the ground as well but you're pointing only at your knees and saying this is me and that's how ridiculous this whole thing is then you look it up back a little more up oh that goes on my thighs oh that's me but then you can see the chair and you can see everything else but no but we say don't this is only me but who's seeing you're saying where are we seeing it in your mind this is the vast mind but we know we want only the good we only want this part we don't want to see that that is me and that is me and the space is me and the time is me and the couch is me we want to hold no this is only me my body this is this is the body we're body conscious and so then you go up and you see oh this is my tummy that's my tummy but you can see the chair and everything else and then you go somewhere here and it's like okay i can see my chest but now anymore from here you're up the mountain you're gone you climbed up the mountain and then what you're gone you've never seen yourself in your life and you realize up the mountain i've never seen me you have never ever and it should blow you away when you just understand simply that that you have never ever seen yourself never and you can never try you can never try to even manufacture yourself you can never see yourself ever but kobe when you look at the mirror that's not you that's not you then you should take the mirror as you and then you should check the glasses you you're seeing something but that's never you you can if you turn around if you turn around and look at you you'll never see you put your hand in and put put it like this you'll see that your hand goes in and there's a place where you can't see your hand where is it and put it right into the void that's you that's you you see if you put your hand like this and you go like this you'll see at one point the void starts eating it up you see oh it's gone it's gone it's gone it's gone oh whoa whoa i'm gone the wide and if you turn around like where am i going you see that the wall is behind you constantly we're constantly empty space where like if you point at this space here in in in the air right here this space india right here okay is you because because if you actually turn around you're just there you are an empty space you are absolutely wide empty space and you're walking around thinking that everything you see is separate from you without understanding everything you see is the very reflection of who you are that you're projecting the eye that is good that is one one so if you just go here the eye is one which just takes you take your hand like this and you see like this from here it goes away but you can hear oh there's a big right there's a big vista here i can see it here but i can't see here oh this is all me i'm looking at me you're looking at people you're looking at me kirby laneral i am you you are talking to yourself even as i'm talking it's it's a it's a crazy thing but we said no that is you kirby but this is me where touch yourself and it's gone like who is that it's an empty space and once you understand that that everything even your hand there's no difference between your hand and the the phone you're looking at the hand and phone looking at the same thing it's an object in your mind and that's what how this thing started and you realize oh i who who am i i am anything i identify myself to be and that's the power that was given to moses and to pharaoh and to every single man he said from today onwards for generations i will be whoever you are and so now if your eye is wicked or if your eye is one and you see oneness single means oneness so if i see everything as me as one then guess what happens life is phenomenal life is awesome i went i met a friend recently a very very dear friend i met him after years and years and years and we used to party together and he was a he's an awesome awesome human being that i have learned so much from honestly before i got to know bible i got to know a living christ in this person you know there's a christ in every single man and he's living christ constantly talks and i think sometimes the times he's most he most of the time he's flying off his tree on different different uh things you know and and the fact of the matter is that i feel i honestly feel that it's easier for god to get into a person like that than to some of the christians at church because he speaks wonders he's not on the stuff that you and i are consuming if you know what i'm saying but he speaks wonders and of all my life when i met him a long time ago he would stop for moments and speak and i would know that god is speaking to me and i would hear the voice of this of what i think is a man but i realized no this is god who is in my space and this is how god uses this being because he's so non-judgmental in his world he can't be judgmental okay in that world you can't be judgmental okay he's so non-judgmental god incarnates him and then he speaks wonders and then you're like whoa i just heard god from mounts of babes but if you're eating from a tree of knowledge degree will then you'll want to say oh that's bad this is good this guy's a drug that guy is drinking this guy oh he can't talk he's god can't talk to him but you don't realize the whole matrix you're looking at is you that god is speaking to you it is how you see it and so i for my young days i could see it like this you know so i saw i i i realized god was talking to me but in this that just a couple of days ago you realize oh my god god is talking to me anyone else would have seen it they were like are you crazy this guy is flying what are you talking about he's he's not god is not talking to you like you don't understand the most profound words are coming out right now and i'm taking it because my eye is not going to be dark it's not going to separate it's going to be like this is this is me this is god this is how it's coming to me and that's the most profound thing when you understand that you are empty you have never seen yourself you are never given the opportunity to see yourself you are the deep dark boy you are up on the mountain and you you and you are not there sometimes when i'm running i realize oh my god i it's everything is going into the void because things are disappearing i'm just eating it up eating it up eating up because i'm still the mind is just still it's vast it's huge it's still and i'm projecting everything the eye the eye the one eye if you see everything as one you realize oh this is all my projection it's the lamp and it shines back like the camera you know when in your old real camera you know how it reflects and comes back you know the real projects and it comes back but it really is playing inside the release playing inside but outside is projecting that's exactly what's going on and you realize oh my god i'm projecting everything but everything is in me and this is exactly me what i'm seeing is what makes me there's no separate when you put a hand like this and you can't see it okay there is no border you don't know where it ends it's just but suddenly something goes we are in the void if you turn around if you're ever capable to turn around and look at yourself you'll see just an empty space the dark void and we're all that if you close your eyes you see that there's stillness outside i look at my watch and i'm saying oh the uh i've got this got this watch but you know the hand is going i know it's a it's a digital but i've got the the second hand going like this when i look at time is going outside out oh two seconds three seconds four seconds five seconds but that's outside but if it turned around to me there's no such thing as times it's kairos meeting kronos but it's so effortless it's so seamless kairos invading kronos so seamless but there's such a duality with us and so we look outside and say that is that but what is this this inside is the oneness the one god everything that you see everything you create you create your matrix it is your life everything out there is you not just you in the mirror when you look at yourself that's me no you got it wrong you realize that's not me the mirror is me the good is me the wall is me the house is me everything me the dog is me my friends are me everything is me you'll treat people very differently you'll do things that are completely different because you're seeing everything as you it's a part of you not just the little picture that you see in the mirror that you say that's my body even the the hand right here that's my body that's one part of my body this is the whole body and you understand that i can't even see where this ends you know it goes in and then it goes into the body it's just coming out of the void because i can't see where it connects really you know so if you really try to see you can't and if you go into you you'll find quantum and empty absolutely empty space even if the scientists go into you like you're seeing it from your frequency that this is a body okay and that you see together but if you just understand how crazy it is to even think like that because you're traveling at something like 68 000 miles per hour that's the speed you're traveling at right now you and i all are traveling at that speed if you're going in a car at that speed you can never even catch a glimpse you are creating your matrix it's a it's a crazy thing when you draw a circle we think that we can draw a circle we can never draw a circle if you take a pin and draw a circle like this and you think you close the circle you never close a circle because the place where you started that form and where you finish is gone at 68 000 miles per hour it's gone it's something 18 miles per second or something like that and so that's why if you stir a cup you just see it in a vortex what is what it's vortex vortex because it's our eyes that create that illusion that you close the circle it's an illusion that you close a circle you never close a circle you can never close a circle if you go around like this anything you fall into the same place you can never that never happens it's not the same place you're flying at this moment of time through space and time because we're going so fast and that's why you can't put your hand through yourself we're saying why oh you're substance no you're not something you're wave but your your your consciousness is creating you in this steady space which is a which is an illusion you're a wave and so once you understand that you'll understand why he's explaining that hey it's how you see and then we want to say this is good and this is bad and this is right and this is wrong and all this kind of stuff when we don't even know in most of the time we're not in one place and so just understand that it's saying that the lamp of your body the lamp of the lamp of your body is the eye therefore i is one then the whole body is full of light you see the wave particles your whole body is full of light okay but if your eye is bad your whole body is full of darkness and i like the word darkness that dark the word darkness there is a very interesting word it doesn't mean evil it means opaque just get that opaque opaque means it is impenetrable that means it is solid you can't it's not transparent that's what it means the word opaque is transparency if therefore the light that is that that is in you is darkness how great is the darkness you see so if we can't see so it depends everything depends he says on how you see if you see right if you project right then your reality changes depending on how you see you become i am whoever i identify myself to be someone uh asked the question today how do i know i'm in christ i die identify yourself in christ as simple as that say i am in christ or i am the christ there's nothing wrong with that that's not blasphemy and then you you become whoever you want to be if you are in a bad mood it's because you identified with how you see if you're offended you've seen something that offends a frequency attracts a frequency you can watch news without getting offended trust me it's so possible i live in a socialist country do you understand i i live in a country that that i mean i mean you know i'm i mean i'm okay with vaccines but i'm trying to explain to you but in sri lanka it doesn't matter if you're okay with vaccines or not because everyone is going to be forced to be vaccinated just understand it i have some crazy pastors in in under me in my diocese in the pentecostal diocese i i have 600 churches but some crazy crazy guys who are telling me that they don't want to be vaccinated and i'm saying you can't even get to a public you they won't be able to have their church service number one they won't be able to go to a hospital or a restaurant if they don't get vaccinated so i said the same faith that you you have that you won't get coronavirus is should be the same faith that you have that when you get a vaccine nothing's going to happen to you the bible says that if you you can drink poison and it won't kill you so what's the big deal when you get coronavirus or get a vaccine or whatever it is get vaccinated so i tell my pastors i said i'm if you're in america i'm not telling you anything you have a democratic right there to do what you want to do but i'm just trying to show you in sri lanka you they'll catch all of you they're in your house and they'll drag you and they'll get you vaccinated they'll force you to get vaccinated this is a socialist country so are we trying to tell them oh just stand don't be don't get vaccinated and then then not be able to even minister after that no i said have faith and get vaccinated because it depends on how you see it how you see it is how it's going to happen if you're going to see that something's going to happen to you something is going to happen to you then darkness if you see it as darkness it's going to close in like that whatever you see the matrix as is how it's going to happen you have the power to collapse the wave function fear will collapse it in one way faith will collapse it in another way and that's the story of the experiment it all depends on how you see it's not there's nothing as it is out there everything is in your mind every concept is in your mind every ideology is in your mind include your hand including the camera including everything the phone it is all in your mind now you can change your mind and if you change your mind your matrix changes just get that if you change your mind the major exchanges and that is what i'm teaching okay so i think we've done well for now on this and so we're explaining again the vast mind everything you can call it devil demon whatever it is if you're fighting devils all the time you're going to have devils come to you all the time okay if you're into deliverance ministry guess what yeah it's going to be an awesome party for you because you'll have deliverance every single day in fact you yourself will have to be delivered because you believe in deliverance okay but if you believe in the vast mind that everything is under your authority everything is in you you're like dragging it you're like the field you know you know what is good and bad and all and everything is inside of you and everything is in the mind of christ and you are the son of god and everything is in your mind every principal power thrown dominion okay then guess what happens to you you have everything without any fear no judgment no fear and you can move forward with absolute authority you can say take a right take a left stop here stop there you can do everything because there's no judgment but you have embraced the whole thing which is the vast mind of christ and you can collapse the wave function in any way you want and that's why the bible says that the spiritual man is not judged by anyone but he will judge everything that means he will give the definitions and he will give the lines and he'll give the boxes for everyone else but he himself will not be put in a box i hope that's good i hope you got it okay and i'm going we're going deeper man we're going deeper sunday okay and guys make sure if you're in the usa make sure you come and see us because we would love to meet you we will be there at the end of the month okay love you guys and i'll speak to you soon you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 2,652
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, depression, anxiety, transformation church, wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, church of the east, The Vast Mind of Christ, Vast Mind of Christ, Mind of Christ, mind, christ, Back to Basics, you have the mind of christ, jesus christ, renewing your mind, take every thought captive, how to think like jesus, biblical meditation, training your mind, brain and the bible, basics
Id: uX5WOohF_eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 23sec (3323 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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