Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! Co-op Speedrun by Shockwve and Amyrlinn in 1:56:46 - SGDQ2018

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let's make that glitch exhibition happen please one more note from our runners about Borderlands the pre-sequel at one point Amy will be going through a level backwards while we were reviewing the run I said hey why don't we get some backwards donation comments and so this is your one opportunity if you've ever dreamed of donating to gdq backwards go ahead and do that I'll try to get them in at an appropriate time in the run as the borderlands pre-sequel setup continues how about we continue with a few more of your donation comments rainy 34 donated $25 saying my partner and I have met through the borderlands community so we had to stay up late to see it run live at a gdq donation goes towards that glitch exhibition because frankly we just can't get enough of the series update on the glitch exhibition we only need about $2,100 to meet that one and honestly about the same amount to meet the Space Jam incentive the come on and slam anyway that's enough for me for now in the meantime we're heading back to the main stage it is time for borderlands the pre-sequel co-op any % tamerlan shockwave take it away alright hello hello hi hi everyone so um you might be wondering i'm amberlynn i'm shockwave by the way we apparently have a have a running theme now in all our co-op runs we're gonna do absolutely awful cosplays of the characters are playing yes so I'm playing is claptrap who has a trash can skin and I decided hey what would be funnier than making myself in pain for two hours for you guys this this trash can is filled with heartwarming messages from some of my greatest friends here at the event and also village and decided to trash talk meet and write that I'm bad at video games on it real quick before we get started a couple of important things we are currently playing on patch 104 current pet the current patch of the game is 107 the reason we're playing on an earlier patch is to allow for a couple glitches that are impossible in current patch is specifically infinite ammo and that has to do with a claptrap which is also the first patch that the character irelia was introduced which will be key for the exact beginning of the run and nothing else yeah and shock is gonna be changing characters and he'll explain why yeah at some point after a toe prolix our man what are our findings because we'll go ahead and get that set up in the first place we have wah Luigi so capital L no X wheel the filenames not steamed in your steam name and I'll shows up this trash show all right and the second place is all right company is thinking we have hash tag blood for blood wing oh that doesn't fit will say BW there you go and then change your steam you good enough I'll have to tap out to do that so whoops sorry producers why tap shift tab the overlay is disabled I didn't disable with it's a hashtag blogger blogger who's going great we planned this really long yeah they've never done this before Lee I loved when you when you started claptrap it gives you free text box I'm not sorry Slurpee to my bad make sure that you really want no don't do it no don't do this I fine I'll take it alright alright so go ahead and confirm all right so clutch up has three confirms it makes me really want to play as him so time will start in five four three to one God okay so Borderlands pre-sequel I the intro is a lot nicer than Borderlands 2 in that it only takes about 15 seconds from loading into the game - when we first stand up and get control unfortunately the intro section of the game is 10 minutes long as opposed to Borderlands 2 words only about 5 minutes yep Oh what happened I didn't do this on purpose this time I swear who's alright anyway so I picked over Elliott because her starting gear is way better what is going on windows I have no idea what's happening right now actually Kiki's I didn't hit shift can we actually like reset real quick I don't know I'd no idea what's happening sorry about that yeah I I'm blaming windows for this I don't know what's going on I'd be happy to read some donations while you try to sort things out yeah we have avatar SoCo $25 saying breaking games is fun let's break this one done what happened the for you I broke the computer how did you Borderlands Rokia are we yeah I think we're good at this point we're good sorry the time right now honestly yeah okay we don't really care I'll give a better countdown three two one go again okay okay all right so I picked a raelia for that echo and that sniper on the ground I'm going to quit and now change characters this filename is wrong I will fix it later just because we did not know the incentives and two other names until we got there I'm waiting here until he loads back in because this actually does yeah the ruling is we have to build complete every objective of the game so him doing that is doing objectives without me yeah that's okay this time I'd like to remind you that the glitch exhibition has not all right we got yellow carded at this point so walls are like super fake in GPS they gave us a double jump in this game which lets us get hundred pounds really easily but I didn't even need it there you can just jump through that wall that lets me get to this area a little bit sooner it's a very common thing we're gonna see throughout the entire run this game is unfinished I guess is the right word you're the one wearing the trash can't on another thing you're seeing them doing is playing the echo log over and over and over in this game it's actually permanently can use it as much as you want as you can hear and if it's played before any dialogue and then after any dialogue then it skips that dialogue also by the way this is totally normal I can just duplicate guns it on my hand yeah that's so that has a couple of side effects the first one is very important I can get extra critical damage for duplicating snipers any weapon that gives you bonus crit I can just increase my chromatically there's unintended side or really negative side effects that can happen later we'll get to that later because it's not really that important right now alright so the center of that room is really weird I have to hit the head hit the middle of it Africa was enemies I kind of set the stutter step to do this right here is Jack he's having a great day so far jack is the mate like she's the hero but yeah if you play TPS you know where this is going at this point if you've played Borderlands 2 you know where this is going we're trying to play we're trying to learn about the back story of Jack and how he became the evil CEO of Hyperion so yeah I mean Jack is like already evil at this point but absolutely this shows his further distant evil while we're clearing out some of these enemies actually I got a grenade already jeez oh wow those that's early I I realized he forgot to do a couch rolecall I'm the bun gainer I'm ladies cyndaquil and unliked we have we have matchstick man Z on that side and lady Castro on that side of the couch as well so I'm just gonna spin my echo here because there's tons of lines that would just go to skip by doing this so at this point I'm just gonna keep making snipers appear to my hand this will happen for the entirety of the run so I hope you get used to it yeah we're gonna need him to do a lot of damage by the end of the game is there some big health bosses one thing we're seeing with his grouping is that he's filling up his weapon slots before that she picks up our weapons if he picks them up early he doesn't actually get the stat increases so it doesn't really help it also doesn't let you do from so it's very important to do soon so I'll just do it I'll do this do pedestrian spot here a lot of these cutscenes are rendered in world so you'll see this is like it looks basically like the game does normally so I can do things like mess with them by making guns appear in places that they probably shouldn't be and you'll see in a second why all right demonstration right there there's a sniper just in the cutscene a couple snipers actually I appreciate that you pointed at my screen you know shame can't be like right there it's right there right there right there there so this is a gum this is a character that's never really adequately explained the show games a game again and this not yet not yet I really hope it does get resolved in Borderlands 3 but I'm not optimistic about it alright so with certain dialogue lines they have moved triggers or other different triggers inside the dialogue lines so if we skip them too fast we'll actually break it one second there's actually audio cues here so people just want to scream so I don't hear it that'd be fantastic yeah really really make some noise hiko we got a bunch of these you actually did so if he if he skips one of those improperly we actually softlock jack because or he doesn't walk to the button right away so I think rats for playing along yeah at least wastes a lot of time yeah he's moving triggers associated with his dialogue we have to read the game again it goes that's a slight little zip there if you kill the plane when it's flying over the boy you don't have to kill the two troops with it as well all right now we're gonna make a lot of money yeah characters they will sell for $100 but you can buy them back for free easy button sequencers three enter one enter but it's like you know my pants pieces and I forget to do what I'm doing I wind up selling my entire inventory which isn't a problem I can buy it back but it just messes with my interests a little bit one difference with currents compared to pre-sequel and two is that we get our actions scale at level three just a minor thing that's actually super useful for him in particular because he needs to get a certain thing to happen with his action skill as much as possible yeah that's so one of the things about GPS is that like by all rights it should be a better game than borderlands 2 is but it just isn't like the the action skills are better the characters are better the skill trees are better everything is better but it's the worst game because there's no endgame in the leveling is really awful bad alright it's perfect mister I'm gonna pick apart TPS bye you do what you signed up for alright so this is a boss you about to see why I'm here so that was the first phase that was the second phase Congrats that's a boss yeah I appreciate the supportive remember really that was super easy you can do that solo so at this point there's about two and a half minutes of just straight basically exposition I mean were to be running around doing stuff but there's nothing important to explain so we'll use this to explain like small things for example our alias echo the reason I got that is because it's one straight line of dialogue and if we do a certain set of actions correctly on accident we can actually break the entire dialogues sequence while that echo is playing it saves a bit of time but it's why I grabbed that echo over Athena's echo and then the other thing I'm going to mention is with the sniper rifles if i duplicate certain sniper rifles my accuracy and recoil is going to start to increase dramatically to the point where it's gonna be impossible for me to aim or even control my gun so I need to try to replace this sniper as fast as humanly possible so at that point I'm gonna glitch my camera out here this is fine so just like that I can see if I can glitch out of here oh there you go yeah that's the netcode in this game in the previous installment heard hilariously bad profiling using these it's not very good if you're gonna use this profile check turbines because it has like Crouch on the right arrow I don't know who actually was like yeah right arrow approach yes so now I'm doing the whole money thing as well so I'm there just get some dialogue here there's a huge softlock that can happen here if Amy's skip the dialogue too fast all right so I've got another audio cue here so you know if you just wanna like yellow on they'll be great I don't need to hit things actually I missed it anyway so and everyone I mean you can you can scream anyway if you want like that's fine I'm actually gonna be really cool cuz if I miss that and then that's like a sign just cramp actually yeah and I should have heard playing echo actually just how long he takes so at this point we're done at this point as again just something minor to mention um if you have the DLC characters echo and your inventory that whole buyback glitch we're doing only gives you 50 dollars because the DLC characters are sell for 100 buyback 400 so they fixed it quote-unquote it doesn't make sense just roll with it that's kind of the theme here so that's so we have a we have a good amount of time for donations here for like another minute min and a half you want to one thing real quick I'm gonna try to softlock my character here it's totally fine we can continue the run but it's really funny I did it by accident once it starts been trying to do it consistently ever since all right I firlock's now you can do donations awesome favorite time of the run for me hi guys 301 floor with a $5 donation says back a collab trap startup sequence alien shop I couldn't be there on the couch but I'm still watching claptrap dominate do you first try Vlad off and no funds are king and nor rubber ducky okay that was that was Piegan right yeah yeah so rubber ducky actually has some uses in coop Wow thank you a donation of $25 from Alex wave he he says marmalade with some toast shoutouts to shockwave and amberlynn for being the people who's run at agdq 2070 got me the speed running and this awesome community shoutouts to toast and greetings from you so one thing go one thing real quick this is a loading screen disguised as a cutscene and I I'm not sure why they chose to go this route I almost would have prefered like in actual cutscene or like skippable it's unskipable by the way so we're not like trying to play with you here like we can't see can't do anything we can't even hit escape here and like quit we can all tow for the game but then at all we have to agree watching anyway you are a hundred percent force to watch this cutscene yeah now if you want to do one more you can get you can do that yeah Milton also donated two hundred and fifty dollars nice shed in Melbourne or to up-and-coming Borderlands to all quests runners and they're starting to starting to get up there and get close I'm excited okay he's gonna kick me out of the game because he hates playing with me exactly so I'm gonna do a solo stick here that relies on an audio cue that I use there so I should a trick I should've told you guys to make me fail it actually can do it even yell if you want again by the way go for it mr. doe another [Applause] all right got it there we go so what happened there is I used the audio cue with my shield but recharging which lets me know I've loaded into the game about half a second later I opened my menu play my eco log underneath Janie's dialogue played again to skip it and then play overtime between you hit the button and move on so you'll notice that my movement here looks really smooth and unnatural that's because I have jumped down to scroll up I can't swap weapons using the scroll wheel at all for this run so my weapons are on 6 7 8 9 because I have the best vines in Borderlands history no you do not know you do not best I am the greatest runner I think when your girlfriend says they're wrong that they're wrong ok she converted your scroll wheel by the way I forgot to mention I'm playing with two mice I have this one and then I have this one over here don't worry about it it's fine I have a swap bound to scroll down and drop down to scroll off by doing that I can duplicate snipers of my hand I forgot to explain that but it's like very minor you can do this with any two mice but the two mice that I particularly have make duping really easy I've three grenades because I got it like right away yeah alright so we're just skipping more dialogue here because this game is great with the beginning of it where we're just gonna do pointless crap and just do like this yeah so I try to stay on the ground as much as I can Ellis for right here don't worry about that I can't menu from in the air obviously and then I'm gonna do for the next boss already because again there's actually another boss coming up so here's the reason I have jump bonds to roll up right here you're gonna see me start bounding really really fast across the landscape this is a technique we called be hopping we're geniuses nobody has ever thought of calling this bunny hopping before pretty sure anybody any other game out forget about the half-life run you saw like there was no we we made this up and I actually failed it right there so if I jump within like a frame of hitting the ground I actually maintain all of the momentum I have going so I can maintain a grenade boost and enemy boost they're really good if I can hit there by the time he turns in the quest then I did really well Gomi you did it I'm proud of you thank you thank you for helping thank you for the validation audience I am wonderful that is one of the really cool things about this game one of yeah it's movement system is actually really cool it's got all these grenade jumps for the post player it's got but slams which give you extra movement in there it's it's really fun in that regard at least yeah so I'm sure many fans of the series know that Borderlands 3 is on its way soon and that's fine your firing I really hope they maintain this double jump somehow because yes this is did like this movement on its own like not in a speedrun is very nice what just happened okay sure all right so I do a death warp there and after hitting that fuse and it lets shockwave start the next boss so I'm gonna slam into this cutscene the cut seems like right in front of the jump pad but if you slam it an angle you can hit the jump head into the cutscene so I can get really close to this boss again I have been stacking my critical damage it's really high so get to the point where this boss is good die in like four or five shots so this is a boss well it wasn't Ross I should say it's actually kind of unfortunate because that look tests them with the best voice lines in the entire game he also has a sick spacesuit yeah for him we're actually any kid that like I'm very excited for it so FC briefly mentioned it but if you use an unmodern aid and you jump it'll boost you really far so we're gonna be a lot because of the low gravity yeah that's that's how I maintain the bunny honking goose because I do stuff in unmarked tornade so example you'll see me utilize it here I'm going to use a grenade jump up this terrain here except I can do this I can jump around this corner and then this terrain does not match what it looks like you'll just you just mess with this and it just does not work at all so I'm going to use another grenade here and jump across this giant pit so deadlift deadlift dropped a gun called the van der graaf and it's this laser I have in my hand currently it is a TD or laser which means when I shoot it and reload I throw it like a grenade and that'll become important a little bit later but right now I'm just kind of fighting this car gun and waiting for shocked at a certain point I'm actually alright so I'm gonna grab this vehicle I had to death point here so he's just gonna fall and die and get over here driving sucks in this game if you've played Borderlands 1 or 2 it is worse than both of them probably combined yeah it like Borderlands 1 the strategy was said to improved on it and then TPS juices went backwards hey they at least patched it kinda yeah they had to patch driving because it was so bad except the fact that I can softlock myself I ended up hanging if I do something wrong which FC was really trying to convince me to do for the run waste like three minutes yeah please don't know please don't it's they might be funny but please don't do it not I kind of want to do it you only get stuck in the ground how about we do it later okay I can try to you can try to do it if the go check submission gets mad you can see me get stuck in so I just crossed the gap that what you weren't meant to cross it that way if you have a little bit if you have boost you can make it over that gap if you just angle it correctly yeah so if I had I'd gotten out of the car any later I would have been in the ceiling how did we get that I was in the menu we need sure coupled border lanes is weird dude yeah I agree I mean I I already got yellow carded for it so at this point I'm waiting for the red card to show up pull you off couch FC has to finish right so here's another another softlock potential right here there's another audio cue you know I and the stop block is he disappears there and just doesn't come back yeah he doesn't get his reappear also he's stuck in this animation he'll just see when he comes up the stairs he's trying to give us a high-five constantly so what we're gonna try for something that looks really funny we'll see forget it though later bye that's actually kind of hard to do yeah yeah you have to so you have to get the right animation in the previous stop and then when he's coming towards you if you give him the Arbitron when he's moving he just won't stop so I got an act I got a Krieg's action skill there that's very good I need those axes because in this patch you can drop them and pick them up and that's a little broken as you're gonna see in 20 minutes I'm sure you saw all the weird numbers next to it it kind of just translates to you shouldn't have done this I go alright alright so um Slurpee see here Slurpee high I think I think we're gonna go ahead and recess I'm gonna start a new game yeah it's we can read we can't afford 20 minutes right now that's fine I'm getting a death glare can you yellow card heads for that [Laughter] so that was actually a glitch I deliberately did to set up we love you Slurpee what that did is that trick the game into saw that I started a new character and it gave me an unleveled bullpup and Smasher gun I don't care about the smasher but the bullpup is actually very good it's an omnivore or it's a Hyperion shotgun that is blue rarity and so does a lot more damage than guns other guns at our level and with the new game which we can get one on level all of the time and I think it works on current patch it does not work on fence I know yes he has an old patch like we were using alright so this is just basically the entirety of Concordia is just five minutes of just X traditional crap that we're just gonna do and I say crap because it's just a waste of our time like we're just coming here to just touch stuff in leaves there's nothing important that we're doing in there you know I mean at this point I actually I can mess them stuff up which is pretty funny yeah yeah it's it's a lot of class so at this point I'm going to say yo prolix how the donations looking not the most important donation I have but in a way it is the GU two over here with $10 saying I know a Merlin says he's not cheap and he hates dabbing but I think ten dollars for me will be more than enough to convince him to do nice treat hi so what do you know the reason that really hurt on topic yikes $50 donation scenes also neat glitch here he can grab this through the floor if he lines it up quickly like that okay here is $50 from a Sewell who says hey guys had to donate during one of the first games that I worked on i Skyped in with aunt Wendy Burch during the PL two around a few years back and I'm super excited to see you guys break this game just as hard yes got to get that Slam Jam and yes we do we are really really close to the glitch exhibition some help so get your donations for those incentives now they'll be open all game laws that's awesome I remember that run the run was really really cool to hear I got a couple donations along this line anonymous with $50 names you get a good look at me I will I will try to show it off after the run that's written on the back of the trashcan Robin with $25 erlan hate to miss the run because i need to sleep but i thought i'd donate before i go to bed good luck and i was remembered directive free claptrap e with $20 says i give for the diamond pony and $50 from hello hello hello dear Chaka Navy here wishing you luck on this outer space escapade to save the moon I'd like to add that I'll donate 50 more dollars if a Merlin can name all of the optimal duping snipers for each manufacturer that's okay no I'm just just take the money from me I can't not gonna happen up to three hints from shock another $50 if the crowd will yell zords on with jack and I'm told you can cue them on when that'll be coming up yes you can do that so crowd some audience participation for charity later on oh yes I know I don't pay attention to the dialogue in this game anymore so when is that I know there's one of them that we skip he does it a couple times I'm gonna actually take low okay this is why driving stinks so I'm gonna give a quick shout out to actually it's do right there he spent hours upon hours testing every single combination of sniper rifles and that's like 50-plus combinations for just hours doing this so can we get actually around applause for him for doing all of that work booty he saved me a bunch of time and effort to have to do that and it's just me can't even name one of them okay one of one of them is Hyperion I think my party can you not use though doll stock yeah out of you I I never learned it because I never have to deal with it I did not get a jumper and I have Rapids around me that's really not good I have not found a sniper by the way okay that's too far forward and this is just a mystery mini bosses but I just have to kill I mean obvious reasons of me fighting things oh that's not fair I got same framed if you get downed the same time that you shoot someone you will go down but you won't get credit oh why do you do this to me why so this is the gimmick of claptrap you can mess with your friends while you're playing with them and it just becomes annoying so now I'm jumping constantly but it reflects bullets yeah how's that a ver you don't just play gauge I missed the booster oh well all right so I'm gonna go okay good I mean I missed it so this I guess this is one of the quote unquote fun parts you have to adapt to whatever it to he does yes so that's why I'm not gonna be rolling my action so what because it can actually really must be some struts that we do also I just ran out of oxygen claptraps a robot and it doesn't matter for him yeah that's that's all it is I don't I don't have to worry about oxygen management at all in this run adding it in so alright we'll have to wait here I'm gonna fix this is this fellow because I'm moving my arms a lot we're having all sorts of fun malfunctions today would it really be a Borderlands run without them I just hit that right away all right we're just gonna okay so coming up here is another audio cue so guys you know to do something give me some help really really make me miss this [Applause] keep going Rallo I fired two you're done by the way okay that's what I missed it there thank you good job so coming up here is the first death fling I'm gonna do and it's part of the reason that I could play claptrap he's a big wacky character with a lot of big wacky things that he does dude he's so wacky well I set this up and see if you would like to explain what I'm doing sure I know he said big wacky character it's really more small wacky character and that is what really helps to use that swings because he's still low to the ground he can get kind of wedged in certain spots really easily and at higher frame rates falling back into those wet spots will launch him out and since his corpse also explodes outwards into multiple different parts those different parts can also also hit save point which so I have I have a very suggestive one I need to check the shop anyway yeah so I have a very specific lineup I do for that where I look a certain combination of ways and that makes the death animation I do consistent if I missed it it means I didn't look far enough one way just it's the angle right it makes the FGS as high as possible at cetera yeah and the death animation look first claptrap slumping back to the right because it puts him into the wall name kicks him out at really high speed so if you have a humanoid enemy like red belly and you don't want them to do anything and just stand there and get shot just let's lay them over and over they can't handle it and that's the first phase of red belly it's very easy I'm actually gonna go down here but that's alright hey you'll get up from the XD anyway what is hep okay he's just totally glitched at this point this is not like yes oh that was a boss by the way you can clap yeah like I even do on like decent damage that boss I have damage so this is a special chest that we're gonna roll to try to get it oh please don't okay we didn't okay alright that can have a rare item that we can use that will level speed up the run a little bit but we didn't get it so it's unfortunate we have one more chance of getting it it just won't be as huge of an impact as it would be here the weapons themselves can increase the experience gain and that can be duped so that's very important yes I'll start I would start taking off on levels oh please why just stops quit and we're done all right so I'm gonna new game glitch again here I'm gonna do this one more time after this at level 10 I'm just waiting to join because it's faster to join after he's already in game than it is to go in the lobby so I actually have to get that's not where I wanted to go I actually have to get that text of getting the reward reward items or they don't actually show up in my inventory all right good all right in this next section coming up is also just a bunch of expositional stuff again as we said there's a lot of areas what we doing this this will be the last one for a while it'll be at least one more later that we have to do but at least we don't have to deal with this for a little bit so I'm gonna grab these I'm gonna check those tracks by the way any two really bad luck the simple challenge here $10 from army of dragons says someone from the couch signs and merlyn's mainframe thing while he plays I'll donate another $10 of a pen right it's it's somewhere on there I'm gonna check it again by the way just cuz we need it yeah or I should say I need it alive smelling sharpie for two hours Street you're welcome this is taking a while to load actually uncommon but I'll get in it just sometimes the the connection for this game particularly is not stable yeah when we uh when we run at home it's actually very fast for us to load in the way we do but it might be faster to use here oh wait that might work we'll see I'll try it and I'd be faster here to actually load in immediately test it here I would like a shotgun keys they go thank you for shopping so I can just duplicate I said I can go pick like a guns a lot so we'll see we'll know by the end of this elevator where this is what this one's good or not if it's not good then I need to get rid of it as soon as possible it looks like it's really good actually oh boy pots hanging out things don't react well to this elevator including guns and also I guess in my opinion they just kind of freak out unfortunately we're here at another big expositional part of the run so there's not really too much going on yeah this is like a couple minutes of exposition thankfully the middle of the run is very active and and also very hard so you probably it's just a bunch so if I hear correctly that means that we used to do some donations everyone out there still enjoying what is happening here's ten dollars from anonymous saying cool Pepsi man in a trash can the cosplay thank you Pepsi for TV you gave Pepsi for TV game is that what the line is all right yep right with the $50 I prefer Pepsi for pizza um right says amberlynn shockwave I've loved your co-op run since I first saw your borderlands 2 run one of my favorite parts of GD key thanks for being awesome oh dear oh dear we have $50 here from slurpy he says don't give right there there with the red card baby you're right there slow baby red car does nothing right behind you right now that's that's how long did you sit there waiting for that to happen $150 from dr. Oh who says look at all of the Borderlands royalty in one place look at them yeah we have a lot of four claims runners here it's like a people on the couch and then a bunch of people back there on second couch that you actually can't see looks like a rock owes $10 says cluck-cluck the fat trap initiate boot up sequence I'm almost positive you two broke the echo and shockwave crashed his game's Avatar Sokka $25 commenting saying it's not a glitch it's a future I mean if you play the DLC that's actually true and of course a sandal fun on the same note with a $125 donation thank you for your generosity Sandalphon so just like walls where we're going we don't need you but walls something here I'm sorry I got you I did the ceiling in the mayor of Sophos just doesn't exist if we go out of it I'm sorry FLD well it's less than it doesn't exist and more it's just about five feet higher than it should be yeah don't ask $5 from couch kid she says emissions include up sequence hello guys greetings from the back couch we are cheering you on thanks Kona and be they have been so all right just as a side note my sniper works so my crosshair is better than his now and it's going to keep getting better you know he's gonna be almost a hundred percent accurate by the end of the game so I'm mainly killing this guy here cuz he's a he responds every time you save quit or if you wait if you've been playing the game for 20 minutes real time alright killing him because again experience is super tight at the beginning of the run so we need to hit level 10 as fast as possible I actually got a decent code which is really nice the combo is Bob everyone can see that's as Bob like Marco Polo get ready Bob Thank You audience for playing this game a bob so we get a stingray from this a stingray is the other vehicle in this game they're actually they're useful in a different way than the moon buggy the stingray jumps so if I hit F instead of boosting forward I boost upward it basically just carries my momentum forward it's mainly useful for this map and basically this map will be broken because you can do things like this we just hit the ground here and then boost over an entire section of my mouth so that's not I don't have to do and we have the fights here I don't have to fight any Vietnamese I can just drive right past this there's a couple doors there that are meant to prevent you from taking a car but doing that just lets you go right past it you can also get these over those doors so yeah but it's much safer to do stunts wrong only one of us need to do this so at this point I'm staying back I'm gonna hit echoes and I'm gonna duplicate for some more critical damage because again there's a boss coming up that's basically kind of the theme is like we go here we call the boss go here kill a boss go here kill a boss just that part is that critical damage I've been stacking has now gone away so I need to reset it up every time yeah and it's also better for me to do this section because I can do it hi buddy huh and that'll let us get to investor I don't one which is okay and maintaining a sprint jump bunnyhop is faster than continuously sprint jumping what's the pickle pickle is my son and he is a great character I have a very soft spot for kaki excellent I think they're really cool you said bad character wrong yeah I heard weird I don't know I will be the martyr for this cause now the only good pickles are fried typical all right so I'm gonna do a two second time Steve here this hello you can I thought I thought he was done sorry I bet right so that door opens but it doesn't actually open until two seconds later but if I hear from this side we just save two seconds for free that's it I can fall off the edge and die there and it's really embarrassing and I've done it once all right so this is the second hardest map in the game and the hardest map is coming up next it's hard because we're super underleveled and the scaling while the numbers are lower is way tougher just because everything is so closer and also we have now a lot of damage reduction because versatil 11 so it's really easy for us to go down here mainly him okay at this point that was an incredible really sick bunnyhop by the way that was that's exactly the route you're meant to take that keeps you super safe and away from enemies it's just hard to hit so the enemies here can wreck me but thankfully I have a lot of health I say as I get shot yeah so this gets a couple of mandatory fights I'm really sorry guys this three out of my voices I learned I forgot how to think a while ago so I'm doing a lot pissed-off muscle memory so I need to get up here and this skips a couple more mandatory fights I was a bad girl named please don't leave anyone saw that I did stream didn't see just cover cover it with your hands Jane can't see I mean I can just tap out again I don't think Lee would like that though I heard of get up out of the chair out no no s T's been so f C's not like running this game for like two years at this point basically since his GDP run a couple years ago and he's been yelling at us all this marathon to do different strats that we don't know how to do or these just tell us how to do the read is faster probably but we're lazy it doesn't matter we're not used to it that's my excuse this is this is a speed fun do you want us to care about this game you want us to care without you yes okay you got it if I can maintain this speed here it looks really cool but I failed it I did just tap out don't forget well I have mine full screen window it's if I tap out it's not gonna you know refresh the PC and I said hey like I plead the fifth here alright so I'm just good do an unnecessarily risky jump here just because I you know I want to hey I made it cool good I don't have to do that I'm just bored cause it's fun bored because it's fun on host that's easier because he has a different slight different movement mechanic I don't have access to because I'm home the glitch exhibition goal but you can still keep donating toward the come on and slam and please donate towards Space Jam it's so funny clothes sitting remember you can die right here if you need to I'm gonna try to not die but I mean that's just a perfect demonstration of how hard this particular map is yeah the enemies basically just one show me I got really lucky killing that jet fighter I probably shouldn't have been a reminder this next map is harder yeah by a factor of like 10 yeah this next map is okay alright although EG is down what could be that look oh I'm getting hit okay Trash Can oh hey that's up from here I'm hiding in a corner because it's a big scary monster out there alright so pity's fall it is faster to go through this area backwards so we're gonna be doing that I don't keep any coaches this is importance to through a hilarious series of glitches at this point the hardest fight for me is coming up after we get inside the ship yeah I do not want to die because is that he's gonna go through it backwards if I die then I go to a death point where I can't complete the fight and completing the fight is good from an experience standpoint yeah we really need the experience we want to hit level 10 and then yeah you'll be fine hey you'll be fine we just reload here another audience challenge for you when you're ready we have an audio cue so this is the perfect time for it actually I do oh I broke the dialogue actually thank you okay actually this wait wait before you do that hope you guys like walls because I know now I'm out of bounds that's it it's that easy just crouch there you can do it on current patch it's really dumb okay what's up all right there is 25 dollars here from Josh who says loving the run so far and the entire marathon I'll donate another 10 m DS a clip into the next end PC claptrap sure we can do that in Concordia I guess no I should no wait we will be forever until we see another one maybe I'll be fine we popped it remember it then brilliant this is bad I mean I finished the fight basically I think come here sir come here be my friend be my friend please it's actually not that bad that I died after this point I killed most of them will just be very slightly behind so if you get and it lets you like fly around places that'll be fine I'm gonna dupe over here so it's also another downside is that he's in a completely different section of the map so I need to stay away from that point over there so he doesn't teleport back over all right so now the hardest section in the room for him in particular yeah so I have like a level 1 shield I got the first one okay so I'm gonna be dodging essentially just running around and like dodging enemies and hoping they don't murder me I need to hit four things actually I was really good I got a boost I need hit four things and then the area is on a timer so after that I just need I basically am here for him because there are certain what though what was that I'm not actually not sure what does a suicide lunatic nice you might be dead so I've actually never seen a psycho is still hanging out par for the course in this level yeah so I've actually never had that happen to me before normally I can that's never happened before the en whatever I'm killing I guess uh so I'll say one more thing before at this point we'll just throw it to donations because this was to be audio skipping a fun crash I can do if I equip a skill point too fast I crash literally that easy okay I'm afraid Slurpee will like give me ten red cards at this point if I do that okay crashing here would actually be really bad shock wouldn't get some dialogue for later just an off topic donation from earlier great send in $100 is it my wife is asleep on the couch next to me if she were awake I am not sure she'd let me spend this money hi Luna I love you and I'm so sorry if your what if you're still watching this and your wife can hear it about 45 minutes from now she'll probably wake up because of something that we're gonna do 20 dollars from mica sources hey et PS night crew here's 20 bucks 10 for each yellow card you've both earned so far so great job keeping up the energy overnight and here is $150 from anonymous who says so excited to see another Borderlands run I watched all three amy shock and fun cannon Borderlands 2 and pre sequel GQ runs to get hyped for this you see my love for Borderlands and speedrunning started when a claptrap boot up sequence here's the Enigma of $50 saying I've played Borderlands 1 into at least 15 times so I had to donate during a Borderlands run please mousou for higher with $25 greetings from Sydney Australia Twitter lands co-op runs are always so much fun especially when the NPCs have such a broad Australian accents I swear we don't all speak like that donation goes to the Oathkeeper cutscene which in Kingdom Hearts 145 yeah that was those are just as unique about the scale it was made like UK Australia and I buy so that's why all the characters have Australian accent to the accents except for characters that are they exist a game changer gave us $20 for Doctors Without Borders and said first time donating to a GDQ event and I had to do it during a Borderlands run still waiting on the Borderlands 2 all quests PS Vita ok I've done some stupid stuff with Borderlands runs that's just no that's just straight-up no I don't care who's gonna do it just know it's a bad idea a lot of snipers here under the huskies send in $10 and said you've got a good looking mainframe over there it would be a shame if something were to happen to it here's ten bucks to get the glitch exhibition run going in greetings from slovenia and all the Europe people sixty dollars from echod mikham who says Borderlands is thinking man that got me into speedrunning here $60 - Space Jam and don't forget that claptrap start boot up sequence alright I tried the angles for a launchpad there cuz I'm still moving while the cutscene is playing so I'm trying to hit a junk launch pad so I can get really close to him I just realized I can hit my knee on this table plague that actually kind of hurts you just don't have the mobility to scratch your leg what me I think I'm fine yeah your friend carefully I mean wait oh the guy that's wearing plastic trash right I forgot that he was there we also the poober oh yeah by the way this is a boss I can just shoot through his shield because I'm off post okay that's it that just happens that's not that's not like me trying to do something weird or anything that just happens if you're not the host also one really funny thing is that if you but slam enemies off the edge they die and you get their experience alright so I'm gonna roll this test over here I have to look at it Norah for it to open it's great maybe No okay we're good we'll kill magnet rivers once alright so I'm still so I'm gonna be actually rolling that a lot here because I need to have to buzz axes before the upcoming glitches I'm gonna set up because I only currently have one are you sure I got this ready what are you doing I got this I don't got this Oh No okay I can use this guy so c'mere burgers as we said this is mini-boss responds so he's a really good source of XP that we can just kill really quickly cause we're just trying to do at this point because at this point we kill him we'll get level 10 anyway go wash that you're not done right now oh here we go so in the solo run the vandergraaff is actually used a lot I need to set something up here because so this is the RNG section of the run if you've seen a Borderlands run before you know what that means is we're gonna be quitting a lot and looking for a specific done I'm gonna set a timer on this because it can literally go forever and we can never get it once two minutes passed I'm actually going to use the backup save that we have in a normal run we would only use I would be the only one checking because we run off in game time but since we're at a marathon it is much better for both of us the checks to the 792 torch it'll work it's it'll work at this point you just need something so this point we need to rocket launchers we need just I got it whatever I'm gonna check I need to do game glitch anyway I'll check your buzz activity please come okay it's not I can turn that timer off so doing Newt Gingrich here for another shotgun cuz I need something to keep up with damage and also he'll use it for one section later but mainly for me cuz I do not get infinite ammo only he gets it Oh keep mine then now we're good that's a pretty one that wasn't the gun I wanted to cook here's your glass where you'll find it I guess yeah I bought a new shield because I haven't found one yet and I apologize for going in my menu eight million times alright so now I'm going to set up an infinite ammo once I get to you the next part I really like the movement in the Stingray and it really saddens me that it's actually not useful in a lot of places because like doing stuff like this where you can just kind of well okay I messed it up but uh doing big stuff where you can't reverse the math like this is really fun and entertaining to read out so I used to use the Stingray in a later portion of the game until the one of the big GPS runners Sean P R came on my chat and yelled at me because B stingray slow if you also haven't guessed the theme it's that we run the game and then people who know more about the game than us just keep yelling at us to do better stuff and that's how we get better yeah all right so if you've seen Borderlands 2 you how to set up infinity I'm just gonna fire the blood off once plaintiff launchers have a have a property where the firt the second shot after you pull it out is free and then every third shot after that is free so if I shot it right now my Clippard Romanian seven so I'm going to swap to the ex soft to the blood off and then swap to the launcher I want to use and now I even wanna Daddy gunman and mommy gun love each other very much then you get infinite ammo thanks that's so I got a skill there that makes me it makes claptrap generally better at everything his fire rate has increased weapons have speed increase reload speed is increased and it's it's just my my build doesn't matter too much I just go for survivability at this point I killed three mini bosses I needed to for experience when I eat alii this thing's pop excellent I got my two axes we're go alright so now I'll explain why I need you bus Exodus because you're like a Merlin what the heck you said I've been finding Emma with one bus accident like yeah you are correct oh yeah why do you need to so the probe in this game is a moxie weapons and that means that any shooting you do with any damage you do with it is healed on your character Roxy weapons normally heal from 2 to 12 percent of the damage that you do but for some reason because The probe's of I think because the probe is a very early game gun and they figured that nobody would have it Latham game and it does five damage the probe heals 100% of the damage that you deal so if I merge that property onto my character now suddenly while I'm shooting my launcher 100% of the damage I deal with my launcher heals me I forgot to get shotgun by the way I'll get to see you later that's funny oh I didn't look for first Quinn's location it's not there just get it in the way fight I'll give this to you after we play the first ring in the production yes also notice that he was able to pull the water out of his slots and he's not doing that with the probe if you did that with the probe you would lose the healing but the wad off it doesn't do that and that's just because of how the variable actually gets applied to your character yeah if I also if I swap to the probe I lose the infinite ammo what no I lose the healing hello whichever I think it's that same thing are you okay I'm man I hope so let me know what I get to have one day go for it and this is just gonna be a wave right all right no no get me the give it a shotgun here I'll give it to you here I mean I'm just carrying around here anyway thanks with level up I'll go ahead Pro alright I could have real touching one here from Z goggles as a goggles said hey late night sgdq I've been waiting all year to hand this money to you and Doctors Without Borders my grandma passed away late last year and she was always interested in international affairs so I'm sure this is how she'd want this money spent as a goggles donated $1,000 Li mo Li thank you we appreciate the heartfelt message we also got $10 from same name as you saying those little fist bumps are so adorable can we do that because I split on my keyboard with my right hand and he splits with his left hand so instead of us instinctively hitting another key on our keyboard we just piss pump yeah I mean yes we really like playing games with each other big bros we actually so a big a big meme in the borderlands community is the two of us used to live together for a few years and we would run on like true land which has a way faster RTA loads and so everybody would be like freaking RTA land real cheaters and it was it was pretty hilarious for wrong but now we live apart so we use a big land program right at this point it's not there god I hope it's not in the first spot I'll be embarrassing I mean all right so TPS really well tested really well maintained I'm gonna miss what I'm doing and look like a fool I'm out of bounds now you can just jump through that ceiling I encourage you to try it on your own it's very fun so I can see the whole map from here I almost missed my jump I'm gonna hit this death trigger from out of bounds down myself and die and then we're going to work there and that's gifts yeah the mandatory fight in the room and then enemies come out of the thing yeah that we're supposed to go through the thing hello what's up hello I haven't done that face hello hello Gladstone is great now wish we heard him more but can you just your name is gonna get a chance yeah I need grenades for I'm gonna do first we have to do this for quite a fight there's a lot of required like your fights that we have to do lasers yeah it's it's actually pretty ok that I got a cryo launcher because cryo is the slag of this game alright Ammon so when I when I cryo an enemy they take extra damage so I'm gonna do it here i suspend my grenade button twice and then jump I'm gonna get through this little crack in the wall right here runs and I can go out of bounds and go out here cool hip runs by the way it would still have to be a little careful because you can go too far forward and softball like yeah that's the key thing amy has to hit a trigger for us also the reason I flick back to my grenades is because if I have my shield out when I throw the grenade it blocks all the damage you said you got blings right alright so obviously the simple explanation without getting too technical because it's 3:00 in the morning and it's too early to get technicals that will just increase my damage my critical damage way faster than it is before just because of a special of property that has on it the same gun exists in Borderlands 2 if you know what wins head is that's we just been looking for it it spawns in one of five locations every time you go through this map guaranteed yeah a real simple way to explain that is instead of his damage being additive like 100% crit plus 100% crit is now it's 100% crit times like 30% crit which is a lot of big number and we don't have to do math did we skipped math and fries we learned that earlier to freeze beam and skipped math I mean it was too early to get technical but I multiplying by 30 I mean it's like 4:00 in the morning who cares at this point keep changing the hour that it is it's actually that night now it's now actually 7:00 a.m. oh no free breakfast at the hotel I want some and now it's 2019 good job oh it's painless no one can see the time oh by the way we're less than $200 for meeting the Space Jam incentive donation page over here looks like a lead sheet from quad city djs yes now the the Space Jam admission is so good it's it's hands-down the best piece of writing in this game I'm fine Anna : that's why it is just easy for me strip yeah this area is a lot of hey you do this and I'll let go okay now it's your turn now it's my turn oh it's my turn can I we do that until the next section you can move funny bit if you want oh this is okay so a lot of enemies in this game have fire lasers and they will just constantly set you on fire it sucks that's it for whatever reason they just made every enemy extremely accurate balance it at all so it's very easy to get fire dots on you and just die yeah it's just not fun see if I could cry oh these guys they'll be really cool then they can't run around and also they shatter when they die these security BOTS have really weird death animations and sometimes when they die they can kick the item if they drop across the map but that was really nice of them to all come towards me and then die in the same place thanks guys I cannot go for you I'll just get more important we keep the echo active then for me to complete the objective in that case just because there's a lot of dialogue we just wait for here also I can spam this and like just ruin his audio thanks I really appreciate it I mean you can ruin my audio later in the game Oh we'll get there don't worry well I plan on it that's the guy with the sleeping wife I'm gonna be remembering that guy good morning or good night depending on where he is yeah whichever just our deal 8 foot run that's a very good run you guys did not see that run I encourage you to go watch it hey can I have the what I was the air horn thing yeah traded or can I heard your thing by the way yeah he go he didn't warn me I was producing at the time and Trey didn't warn me that he was gonna airhorn the run after a boss and so I'm sitting there just you know making sure this making sure everything's going okay and I hear a airhorn blasts right here I'm like oh my god something happened left it on the door I forgot it can you give me another one I'd like to say that's the first time I've ever forgotten the shotgun like that but it's not I've done it multiple times before we go to donations hey guys what's the rule walls don't exist great cool currency I don't need well by the way me too again so actually this reveals my oxygen even on that this is great so if you want to read donations no no actually I need to explain further faster noctus alright so this area used to be an experienced farm because enemies to spawn continuously out of that little tunnel until you kill all the turrets they don't do that experience for them anymore but this is a very fun area casually especially as Athena you just throw to grenades in front of it and they continuously just die and eventually it'll have a very large pile of bodies it's it's very fun to play the game hey how many corpses until your game lags yeah you can actually crash your game by passing of corpses here it's pretty fun you say fun like it's I know you hate this game but let us enjoy this moment yeah so I actually I used these badasses and as an experience like as a quote-unquote experienced farm really afraid like your flash drives on the computer I'm really good I'm gonna smack it like snap it no it's already been smacked at this point yeah so that I let the turrets focus on the normal enemies and I can because I have the healing on my gun I can just hold down left click and look at these cool menus while I'm sorry go ahead I think my gun is cooking inside this guy I don't think Oh donations right sure yeah do that now we can view donations this is right this is the big autoscroller we have a $25 special guest appearance from mr. face McHugh D with a name like this you know I have to donate during a Borderlands run [Music] I wish Facebook Trudy wasn't dead it would be fun to see him come back technically he's still alive right now he said thank you yeah that's true he did say thank you a thirty dollar donation from all in one mighty who says this borderlands run is hilarious a Merlin and shockwave thanks for the laughs I've never had so much fun with the game hello from the stream tech station hi calm Snorlax donated $25 and said come on and slam and welcome to the jam the mountain slam if you wanted Jam vinyl donated $100 saying basically the exact same thing but thank you vinyl for the generosity we appreciate it thanks but I know another Borderlands runner yeah more lethean donated $20 and said somebody said something about space slam and with that I am proud to announce we did just meet the insult to hold up one second this wall doesn't exist by the way wait actually hold up I can top that to this ceiling doesn't exist either listen he looks real mess tough and let's just end it with this one doesn't exist either alright cool now you can clap clapping for Space Jam and no walls right yeah no walls get some credit sure we mostly care about Space Jam I agree yeah when I started reading donations we were about fifty dollars off of that nice so one of the things about felicity in this part is her hip box is literally just are rectangles she blocks any bullets that you try to shoot through her legs hey man don't body shame her she's sick what just happened I just got teleported okay I barreled you please don't do oh that's that's actually problem we can have I can barrel him which basically means that I shoot a barrel and it kills him and that it's really easy for me yes just one word he just kept straight doing it it was really hard to get anything done I wasn't doing it on purpose I actually f is doing it accidentally do you want a shield I mean shields are nice but I have one which we worked for hundred okay so I'm just gonna keep increasing my critical damage because of this I guess I get this point we're not gonna save quit anymore and the second-to-last boss has just so much health that's impossible for me to stack enough critical damage to kill him quickly I just need to keep going as fast as I can with expecting and unfortunately Glenn's head is level 14 so I can't duplicate it quite yet I can only duplicate when what let me try that again I can only duplicate weapons that I can hold in my hand so I need to be a certain level in order to actually equip it yeah this this room is really bad about barreling because uh there's there's a bunch at the beginning and if shark just jumps into the middle I can kill him for days it's really funny but it wastes time so I mean like completely worth to do but hello by the way hello so claptrap has a really good meme about him when he's his rocket launchers in that he's claptrap is very short and when you're sprinting you aim your rocket barrel down roots as you can see and then if you shoot right after you sprint the crosshair for rocket launchers is so large that claptrap can shoot himself in the foot in down result and it's really bad I hope it doesn't happen to me dude it's so wacky it's wacky and wonderful the wrong parts you can do that just normally to ring in the shop that can just happen Wow 109 railgun in the chest oh yeah well explain why we need that later cuz that'll be a good while before we actually use it yeah something to know you want to echo something to note one he's gonna do a trick but to my critical stack English does not work on this boss it's strange because it's the only one between two and increasing pool that this happens to it I can do it for one shot and one shot only after I shoot her once it will never happen again oh I cannot crit her for a lot of damage again yeah so Felicity's Felicity's really hard boss so instead of fighting her we're just gonna not fight her hopefully you'll be fine galaxy brand of thinking about them it's really hard so instead of doing it we're gonna not do it I can only see out of this eye when I'm looking at this oh it's okay I can only turn my head so far I look right there and I die and I go through the wall and I hit this death blink don't clap for this is really easy you can see right here like she just does not take extra damage so at this point I'm just gonna go under the stairs and just hide like I'm Harry Potter what is so touching that testing that death point is actually the end trigger for the level so we just hit that and leave and now we're back in Concordia and we get to one of shots favorite Maps coming up next no it's favorite enemy oh I don't want to talk about that we had a practice when I really didn't see any of them and the moment you mentioned it we saw one yeah okay so we traveling up there to skip Jack Lilith and Roland walking over to the travel station remember somebody wanted you to empty a magazine on the clap yeah dollars yeah you want to go do that yeah sure I'll do that because I can't empty a magazine right now you could if you tried I mean it I could but then I'd have to roll another X bar yes or do that that's the easy one you guys are way better at this than I am I'm actually gonna wait all right we're wasting no time hello I got to go empty of Meg cuz I went how many max do you have just like use a pistol over there yes all right cool all right this is not gonna empty no I'm canceling that's not good empty I'm doing this for full $10 there you go there's your tears [Applause] thank you for the $10 so help of heroism has some interesting it relies very heavily on a lot of dialogue just want waves of enemies and if we can trigger that dialogue faster or skip right costume as we want to do we can spawn those ways faster and then we kill them and then we move on at this point I'm just heading to the I'm heading to the next objective as fast as possible while he's clearing out the area that we're gonna do the way you fight in really launcher it's cryo should be good credit is reduced damage any element rocket launcher dis reduce damage is a good gap launcher oh I'm gonna have a buggy enemy aren't signing which is gonna be really mean of them sometimes I think it happened power suits can spawn up on a top level and if I don't kill him I they lock my progress the area just really dos sergeant's are nice he's gonna come on II bit more experience actually please oh we got a Boomer core nice I got a room corn so I got this is technically a legendary know there is badass las legion marine alright cool they're not actually bad essence they just suck that's about it yeah they don't give more experience than a normal yeah we normally want badasses this one except for those because those are just harder to kill and you don't reward you for killing them that's probably a bug sorry that's probably a feature it's a feature all right so this is where no and Chuck will be skipping dialogue for me to spawn the enemies faster or I'm gonna look like a dang fool and nothing's gonna happen ginger snaps hey ginger snaps so if you guys know what's coming up you know that this is the birthday cat and a racist hot dog part we're not gonna hear many of their lines purely because it's faster to skip past them to spawn enemies it stays like two or three seconds you know essentially hey do you wanna kill this clip soft as I can't oh very well it's a power suit or is it bottom I think I tried him and trying not to murder myself I think we're good yeah okay we're good this is just a bunch of wave fights and then one of us will be in a menu skipping dialogue so actually this would be a fantastic time for more donations all right so you've emptied a clip into claptrap are you ready for your next viewer challenge sirs I guess that's us that we're doing now yeah yeah it's a queue and the line is huge it says hey shocked and Amy you guys are super nice and I was running great games so good luck with the rest of your rounds also I'll donate five more dollars to this amazing cause if both of you guys admit brilliant bob is a great no I don't know back there but no no that game sucks the problem is five dollars was not enough Gary Bob is bad there is no amount of money that will make me like brilliant Bob oh oh I'll admit I like mine all right and then I've got an interesting dichotomy in opinions on this game some some people siding with you here Louie do with $10 saying a big fan of Borderlands just need to donate while playing the Fez and then of course the obligatory claptrap thank you thank you but then we have never good barefoot whistle here with ten hundred dollars who says whoa had to donate during one of my favorite series donation goes to runners choice less than three PS hi moon you don't think so I'm giving him some gear for later in the game well like we'll explain that when it becomes apparent or no best quest objective of the game we're gonna come here we're gonna travel out I'm going to touch a button all right I touch the button we're good all right cool that's our subjective is it we did it an objective I there's more dialogue in there but we don't need to listen to it it just gives us the next objective if you wait long enough there's a bonus chest in there but why would you wait for that you got to respect the lore man oh also speaking of lore this area has hands down one of the best quest in the game but it's not Space Jam it turns out the Hyperion voice line lady is an actual person and The Lost Legion Marines have been making her say stupid things so she asks you to kill them booty salads booty to play actually okay now it is booty salads it's booties to play I'm pretty sure it's I'm pretty sure we had this exact argument like two months ago okay no lost and then we looked at it when you found out she says both things that would be pretty good Oh jack says booty salad and then she says booty suppliers yeah yeah yeah we're both right yeah also send those more right visible right I think I think of the people on this couch it actually has the most hours out of any of us in this game I think I do yeah you do I have I have about 200 or so I haven't checked my Steam I mean well like I wouldn't tap out to check but Slurpee would Yellowcard be 500 yeah I thought you stopped oh so there's a torque Queen in the back I thought you got the 420 and they just quit well things change and I regretted it okay oh right you did the yeah come here thank you see it's okay all right so at this point I'm gonna duplicate this weapon this is the Gwen's head I had earlier I'm gonna make sure I can duplicate it as much as I can 219 hours that's just a hard dialogue skip to do so I'm just not gonna attempt it yeah so like I said my bill doesn't really matter at this point I just kind of got I get more defensive skills there is actually a defensive subroutine skill that I could get but it decreases all of my damage by 15% and that's not really the best thing to take when we're so under level this is the only area of stalkers exists by the way they're just it's very weird yeah hey here's this one enemy okay cool now you're gone this this character has some also some great dialogue he's he's got a kid and his kid sounds like a real treat oh I got a bunny hop all goodness that's like hard to do with that is actually hard for shock because he's off post and it's good you want the boo the corn oh but basically got one I mean I can't use it yeah but like do you want it the Dory just opened there wasn't supposed to open by the way he just hit the button twice and it worked yay kids okay for having basically a happy trigger finger so the Gwen's head is actually somewhat a nicer weapon to use just in general while I'm moving around just is easier to aim and also there's a higher base damage so the crit will be just a tiny bit higher but the shotguns still better for killing bosses get out from underneath me those bouncing on his head and then almost shot myself in the face and then I just shot myself in the foot with my launcher don't shoot yourself in the foot with your launcher but really trying not to it's difficult I'm done hearing his voice my turn to use a launcher for like two seconds these enemies have really bad hit boxes for off post players so it's in general it's just better for me to use a launcher for this part I'll use a launcher one other time but other than that I'll be using the shotgun and technically there's one in Jack's office so yes actually there's multi there's a bunch of there's a multiple of them so lay fun-seekers donated $25 and it says $10 equals 30 second time loss okay I will spend another 75 if a Merlin spends a complete clip on the next day no I can't he can't and then think I can I can if I lose in for the damage shots will count that like waiter talk to me yeah all right oh that we are strength that that clip is really hard to get it I essentially have to wedge myself into the wall and then to wiggle up until I hit the area for it so I got a first try and that's really good that seems like two minutes but we'll make a compromise that donation he can shoot six shots actually needs to keep the infinite ammo I could empty six shots into myself I could just like dump myself six tons I agree alright so I'm here just to get the correct spots on the boss and that's about it because I can't really do that much damage to it it's actually really hard to doubt myself for the kryolan sure anything about that after you give him the teddy bear down yourself once there you go that won't work again okay I love that you're stealing your stuff I'm actually healing save the probe I have what else do I don't I don't heal off the probe I heal off my skills and then the fact that I think Trump my damage is really starting to fall off now so it's good that we're gonna hit 16 soon I see you can kind of see it's they can be like instead of one or two shots to take me two or three to kill enemies long stuff so stalkers tend to kind of group up a shock just leaves and I kill them all if we don't kill all of them before we knock on the door or knock on the windows and tells us to kill all and no way siccola seconds because he has to really think about what he's doing oh my really I hate alright by the way this is a mini boss alright cool he's dead that was kind of it if you want to actually go ahead and do donations from this point for like two minutes on it's just more dialogue that sucks is trader Kirk with $25 she says hey guys his run has been a lot of fun and I'm sure it'll inspire new runners just like the deal to co-op run that got me into speed running keep up the good work you guys are great it's a trap thanks thanks Kirk we have Leo Wattenberg donating $50 saying my first experience with Borderlands glitches was finding a hole in the ground of Borderlands 2 and falling for 5 minutes or so before finally hitting the death plane yep that sounds about right since I knew Borderlands we're good speed games Thank You leo and of course I would be remiss in my hosting duties if I did not let you know that now that all of our incentives are met here the next one coming up is for Bionic Commando of earrings just $5,000 will be wearing the classic Spenser skin instead of the modern one and that still has plenty to go by on a kind of is up next so there's got a small amount on it to get the money in there that's line weight bollocks knees homing is rage mode winning I can find out I have to really beat my keyboard to death so if you really appreciate a mechanical keyboard I'm sorry that's why I didn't get a mechanical keyboard for this run red guard gonza donate $100 said much love to the runners and Merlin and shockwave in the entire board only in speedrunning community' hi gonzo gonzo we missed you comedic you again donated $50 ammo pieces Yoshiaki Oh Amy love you guys no one better to wrap the order of the offer at a gdq a mopey hey I'm up man $15 for anomalous saying I love TPS so much my favorite out of the borderlands series sorry hey it might be a bad speedrun but it's still an okay casual yeah no I completely agree TBS is birth oh there's another one stop go away yes was worth precisely one playthrough and then play clap tastic and then never play it again optimal I wish I knew more about this donation no dude donated $5 and said hi we'll donate more money if you do the thing okay I'll do I hate that way yes three two [Applause] more money now however much that is thank you agdq for portal Institute so it's only fitting we do it again there's such a good video Oh agdq Borderlands dev and you're welcome for 30 seconds of your life yeah so this this area is really mean this is where the enemies start becoming like really high level and also one shot us for days and also have a lot of health does a volcano in the shop what marathon luck way to use it I can't just $36,000 hang on I'll see how much I have it's 36,000 there's no way you have enough nope that's $30,000 basically right yeah they start with the steam digit obviously over like the lifespan of the universe 3000 is the same as 30,000 sure alright for Alec save me with one more donations we have a 10 unit Sam donated $50 said I always love watching your co-op run as a Borderlands 1 junkie I hope one day to see you break the classic that started it all oh it's already broken oh it's so broken at so broken Amy were you wondering about the hype mode I was yeah that was close we got over $9,000 out of 10,000 to meet that so we're doing pretty well there that run is coming up a little bit later it's Bionic Commando it's up next there's the classic skin incentive that could use some health Bionic Commando rearmed to happen a little bit yes the classic skin is very cool but also if you want to donate to safe mode like movies and wonderful oh yes and a lot of love so luckily the actually sort of intend for you to jump around the building instead of going through it that's a nice little touch from the developers yeah they have a they actually have a dialogue line in the game that's like or you could just go around that way oh that's cool it's definitely not like intended you know it's it's possible it's accepted by the devs in fact this is probably one of the only levels that gets better in this speedrun which is impressive because it's a horrible area the launcher yeah yeah this area is terrible casually no fast travel to it sparse tree spawns it's the authority throws you around like actually throws your character around which is unpleasant to deals that was it this this just sucks for me there's nothing I can do really speed stuff without using like launchers and high damage weapons so I just have to shoot this until it dies he has a rocket launcher with infinite ammo hmm that's great I wonder why it's easy for you well I'm sorry at this point I actually want to die perfect timing on the death yeah so if anyone saw me just get flung backwards there that happens any time you blow up one of those and it's faster to deathwarp back to this death point than it is to get out of that place and ride the launch pad back hi what's up cycle the airlock right here so he can run out immediately because this is like the only place in the game that we have to both be standing in the same location and audio queue right like that and then like this oh I almost got it I almost got on the top all right cool okay so that was veins of Julio's that was the last that's that was last like super difficult part of the run after this it's because things are gonna things are gonna occur that are wonderful and great and also also interesting well just it's what we've been waiting it'll be like about three minutes from now yeah it's like it's it's the major a notable glitch of TPS and it still works on current patch so when we explain it if you want to boot up the game and test it for yourself you can do it and feel really good about yourself because it's stupid be broken $5.00 from mildew not that thing the other thing what other things how many things do we do we've all been done one thing we only do one things you're in the crowd just got it out sorry for five dollars so I stand here in spam until this door opens because that's the way oh because this is the way to the next area over the next location I'm going to his mouth there's a box okay hold up right there good that's not creepy welcome to horror games done quick occasionally wait what the come back here we're learning I need to grab you alright these two sites are important for us to do so one thing I didn't mention yet is that claptrap is a robot so claptrap is a robot and claptrap is also a playable character what this means is that all Flavel characters take extra fire damage because they're humans the claptrap is a robot and the stakes extra corrosive damage as well because gearbox hates us so claptrap is the robot filled with flesh which is really weird but think about did you know claptraps the robot no that angel is dead Jack's daughter bro spoilers I mean my friend to break his shield correct Rebecca that one time what happened to my accuracy that was weird we were playing TPS and I forgot who angel' was because there's just a picture of her on Jack's desk and I was like who is this and then everyone made fun of me for two months gee I wonder why it's like a huge plot point of Borderlands 2 yeah but we were on a DPS grind at that point so I forgot Borderlands 2 Tom Sox office was a grenade my jump doesn't really sync up that well with my actual character on death points so I have to just kind of hope that it works so Moxie makes fun of us when we screw up and hit the wrong thing specifically skip that line otherwise I have to wait in time for like a great bug I mean sorry features if you touch this button and walk out of the room everything will despawn as long as I kill that guy look it like that oh my god please least go hungry okay we're good yeah we'll be fine all right yeah so we just leave that room then this thing will just autocomplete at this point yeah anything an enemies spawn based on your proximity and like what room quote-unquote you're in and they just never expected people to leave normally for an objective like that they would still spawn enemies in the room but in this case we just want to worry about it you just walk out and we can just let this particular thing to stick down until it's done there's an enemy around here but I don't know where he is I think he's in the wall this point they're just doing side quests for a bunch of experience yeah one of them specifically gives around 20,000 experience this is around the entire level loader boy is incredibly important okay oh this is the audio thing this is the audio thing we're mentioning we're also mainly saying that so power of audio can save your eardrums yeah all right you guys so much so in this game there is a called the fiber pulse the vibra-pulse is another moxie weapon which means when you she did it heals you for I think two percent of what you were doing and it's special thing is when you shoot it it chains a laser to the nearest enemy now when you swap away and back from it like Jacques is doing now you chain two Blazers and then you chain three and then each chain five and then you chain 200 so it just it stacks infinitely and here's your demo I don't know it wasn't close enough for me I didn't chain it well fine I'll find it later oh there's one yeah so oh here's a good demonstration incredibly incredibly loud and yep it stacks an audio glitch really rapidly and I need to get up so I actually need to do this quest oh that's not fun weird I didn't drop it yet sorry Oh 60% okay they will continue to get much much louder as the game progresses yeah yeah which again we mentioned earlier that I have I actually don't know if we actually get the reason I'm Athena is because of my scale Maelstrom there's your fire it's behind you I have a skill where if I do shock or fire damage I gain a stack of Maelstrom gives me point four percent extra fire or shock damage every time I do every time I do chuck fire damage that's also counted for the multiple stacks of I repulse I have oh there's a good one I'm not sorry by the way I have to do this I can keep chaining that multiple times vibra-pulse also counts for multiple stacks so not only do I have multiple vibrant pulses going off I have multiple stacks that go up and you can see in the bottom eye screen I have 120 stacks that's not normal I can get way more than this up to 999 times and I'll be using it on the final boss yeah so it just it continues to get bad are we are we good on inertia turn my audio down a bit we're actually trying to save your eardrums because this can get bad okay that's fine so I'm just waiting up here in stacking vibra-pulse while highways I need to stack i basically this is one of the few times i'm gonna actively try to freeze his game you need to go until he starts to lag with no legs that's what I need to stop with enough fiber full stacks my cane legs and it's really funny because it actually freezes the coal loads I'm gonna stand here for a little bit and wait until this audio saw toe scroller finishes you stalled the railgun ring yes okay I only got a blaster for my questions right so one of the things we didn't explain about the vibra-pulse is that right now it does 30 damage and all of the chain lasers react to the 30 damage and do proportional damage if we equip another laser of any kind now we do a lot more damage so I have a 100 damage railgun and i'm gonna equip that 100 damage railgun and do a lot of damage yeah so both of us can do this anyone in the game can do by repulse glitch it's just the entire like it's insanely effective on Athena you want to just drop it free yep okay $20 from mill do you says thank you for doing the thing welcome we did it whatever was you'll never know to us yes oh so I might go down here oh I'm fine $5 for Maxwell 2 to 3 please stop I'll babysit agree there's a real gun down to free the vibra-pulse always does shock damage regardless of the actual element of the railgun that we're shooting Oh what's your name that makes sense I get it I know this I'm sure all right so this is actually two buses in one we're gonna fight Sarpedon in her big ol mech suit and then she's going to come back to life punch out of her suit and we're gonna fight her again but shock now does a lot of a lot of damage with the vibra-pulse stacking the way it works is you have to shoot an enemy that's not the enemy you're trying to shoot so you can shoot when a little Marines and there goes a big chunk of her health there goes another big chunk of her health there we go that's that that's a boss yeah so i'm gonna i keep stacking for the rest of the run cuz there's actually like no upper limit on what i should do there's just one line of dialogue to skip here so I forgot to worry about it can we just have the crowd shut so I put on now because we accidentally skipped it so 3 2 1 I'm sorry thank you guys thank you my legs are I wonder it because it's like you're wearing a try sitting in a very weird way so she's over here that was almost a boss if she wants to look at me what are you doing come back here if you go down I'm gonna be really bad actually dead we got a legendary and we saw her die in the back very high-quality game yeah oh and what a weird I forgot where the camera is the trash can like you can try to see your lung no I have a lot of room there is more room than you think in here I would say you already had yet Nisha is one of the other characters in this game she's used in gear oh she's she's like hilariously broken if you played a Salvador in Borderlands 2 she's worse or do you mean better no no worse she's actually bored she can create with rocket launchers which is stupidly broken that's not a glitch that's just the skill yeah I'm not saying broken as in like glitchy I'm saying broken isn't overpowered I'm really sorry if you're Anisha I mean but you're like you're so now we're just gonna spam dialogue for about another minute and a half here yeah this is this will be the last time we're just sitting here spamming echoes so if you want to do donations here sure thing get Z no meds with $10 saying the borderlands games are always home of my favorites had to donate while the pre-sequel is on gdq gaming for a great cause you guys are awesome and keep being awesome each tournament chimed in with $50 or paid off put this toward V the fun cannons choice thank you I can't actually see oh there you go it's your boy knees so glad your runs on at a good time for me so I could catch it live good luck on the run this teams need some news by this certified gamer Mikey neighs watch your ball uh donated $25 said I wish I had a pun for this game but it'd probably be terrible Oh too bad look forward to it GB shala donated $25 and said when I found that claptrap was playable and pre-sequel I immediately picked him as a lark he actually ended up being a pretty awesome character loving this run so far and everyone's energy and interactions are fun to watch at this late hour keep up the great work yeah that's one of the cool things about GPS is that there's no like bad character I mean like Wilhelm is not good but he's not you know he's not useless he actually has a couple okay nothing here cuz I've never played Wilhelm will home has some really funny glitches that you can do with glitch guns and someone actually posted a video of it the other day in the borderlands discordant it was really funny you'd be doing to do a claptrap right is that it was that a thing I mean I've been I've been doubting myself that's why your downing yourself yeah do it even if it weren't a thing just do it by shot one is that all right so we're gonna do something in this game that we did a lot in Borderlands 2 but there's only one use for it here you can turn in quests in-between travel ticks you can open menus in travel ticks and you're not meant to be able to do that but if you do it within one tick it the game's like okay sure alright I'm gonna try to break your car by the way he's really funny do it you might have a fight it's fun no I didn't do it so it actually legs so hard that I went down twice don't shoot here please yeah we had it happen in practice room where I lagged his game so hard his car got stuck in the floor permanently and then me and they respawn a car and it would be stuck in the floor yeah I'm still not sure how it happened although I could spawn cars totally fine so I don't know what you did wrong played claptrap apparently alright so we're actually like coming up to the end of the run there's not that much left there's like 15 minutes maybe you can see now like the utter destruction that vibra-pulse has any enemy any at a area with just tons of enemies to shoot one they just all die yeah and that's that's important to note actually is that we do need an extra enemy to do this glitch because we're gonna face a little bit of problem later but we thought real hard we figured out some strats around it that will be fun to watch so the dialogue actually does I can't hear it so about the destruction his his game doesn't skip mine does and there's a really funny one coming up and actually let's go watch you take off so I look at the upper right of this die I fly forward I should I think you overshot it no I got it you got it okay [Applause] there's there's two versions of what I can do there I can either hit a DES point and then hit this cutscene or hit a death point and miss the cutscene missing the cutscene is better because it saves a couple seconds I got if he's in the death tunnel when a cutscene plays after the cutscene is done playing he didn't move around freely yeah it was it's useful than Borderlands 2 and TPS it's kind of like a showboating feature yeah it's it's useful in Borderlands 2 for saving like 10 seconds so I'm still swapping vibra-pulse on the way remember too when we go through the story to vibra-pulse this guy it breaks the audio in a really funny way okay I'll do that [Laughter] what okay I can't even do it so I can't get my voice to skip like that but you know if I were a robot like cop trap is maybe I could do it wait robot hatch IP is in fact a robot thanks professor professor professor it's 5:00 in the morning okay it is not favorably it's 5:20 in the know it's 5:20 see that's plenty of time no sorry actually it's 11:00 at night we can get this in time everybody say hi I have to run there you go unplanned mid-run selfie yeah by the way this is the been stacking for this will be fine it won't be the quickest kill but it will still be enough yeah our k5 is a fun boss I guess they decided they needed something like bunker from Borderlands 2 and so made this and it's really awful casually in speedrun it's completely fine because he tends to murder the heck out of it in terms of the initial routing of the game this was by far the biggest run killer before we found all these damage witches you would be four or five hours into the initial runs and suddenly get to this boss and you would just die for another hour oh that's not fun it's only nice that he's this easy now this Guardian is really giving me the business I can actually hear it through the speakers in the stream like I couldn't I was down that's no way we can skip the why oh I like the game that's why I was like why can I not fix my aim oh it's because I'm lagging you all right cool that's so normally we can skip that last line with an echo but because I went down I wasn't unable to stand them on you I need needs I'm gonna do this one thing and just buy them I'm proud of you thanks so he has to hold that door open otherwise they get locked out of it for a second and right about here I can kind of stop stacking vibra-pulse and just rely on my railgun hope everybody loves hearing that noise because you're gonna hear too long it doesn't it doesn't stop by the way yeah it gets worse in fact we can actually get infinite vibra-pulse yeah and if that happens I'm just gonna turn off my sound that's even louder than normal - and persistent yeah uh I almost missed that we're doing basically a bunch of jumps that are out of sequence I hope this thing opens thank you I whipped because I went upward and not forward as long as you hit the thing we just hit the death point use warp over I no no no okay just go in that case I'm just gonna go for a big skip here I'm gonna get a lot of horizontal speed I'm sure they just released a matter um by the way again walls don't exist good joke you may have to wait a second and I'm gonna jump to sideways here because there's a death plane right here so I need to jump around the death plane and then also this wall doesn't exist either yeah wait we don't going through there though okay cool just so I can hello yeah I'm gonna wait here because there's a trigger that he has to hit by the area that I jumped over and if we don't hit it we can cause a softlock and we'll have to come back here yeah also um the enemies in this area hurry Turtles and they're really bad gearbox if you ever watch this run please please do not put an enemy that when you knock it down to half health just regens all of itself very annoying to deal with this is your soapbox yes this is my soapbox I'm making a change I'm making a stand right here no more eternals they're just out an awfully designed enemy they're not fun to fight casually they're not fun to fight in a speedrun so I just need to make it down to the end of this area and then we're on the home stretch yeah I'm actually I'm doing a backup here just in case he dies because some enemies are really mean I'll do a challenge to go so this is one rate of 10 3 enemies here now there's one now there's zero you did it huh no don't die please I'm trying not to okay so this is the final area in the game this is Ellis here this is another cutscene disguised as a loading screen mm-hmm loading screen disguises the cutscene yeah oh the game crash no okay press key kind of frozen bro Slurpee come on man wait help us out here please okay alright we're just gonna reboot the game here's gonna yeah all right okay let's go so you can edit cutscenes in this they're just a video file in a folder so yeah oh you made it to the door nice yeah because there's a boss to kill this is the most disturbing boss in the game yeah this is this boss man I think they were going for a kangaroo but they made it messed up that's actually terrifying so I'm gonna train one Maelstrom off there oh there's my real gun that's might kill him there we go all right I'm up top already I just killed him alright whatever cuz I'll be fine you know I really wish we could kill this elder because it probably is enough experience open open please alright Jesus being means let's shoot I'm trying to shoot okay so it'll you don't have to switch away we're okay that was infinite uh that was infinite vibra-pulse if that can happen if and you know an enemy at the same time you trigger a vibra-pulse chain it doesn't go let's go away so I just do that on purpose I swear yeah The Sentinel is the only place we can really do it on purpose so this is Sentinel this is a seven phase boss fight and the first four phases are with a humanoid Sentinel I'll show you the last three phases are with a gigantic simple so we're gonna give you guys a little preview of the game that's coming up a little bit later today in the first phase of Sentinel he spawns no enemies and that's a problem for vibra-pulse because we have nothing to chain off so we have nothing to killing with as we thought for a little while and we said you know what let's copy strats from a very popular game and make them our own so these are zelda windwaker strats - he is a shield and in zelda windwaker you give zelda your bow and she shoots you and you reflect the arrows onto Ganondorf so we're gonna do that I'm gonna go stand next to the Sentinel and he's gonna shoot me and it's gonna bounce off me and hit the Sentinel like six hundred stacks of Maelstrom so now I'm just starting to do ridiculous amounts of damage yeah and if we manage to stay in the duel he can actually just do it again and it's it's really really fast we can get through all four phases and this is actually so dueling here is actually a pretty safe strat as well because if you go if both of us go down then the Sentinel fight restarts but being in the dual means if I go down I automatically get out there we go oh cool that was actually the best thing yeah fight we've probably had in like months like ever so now I'm now I'm purposefully gonna lose the duel yeah there we go hey blood cuz it makes that go away and it also is pretty safe for the next part because he's gonna be chaining off a gigantic enemy and it can hit me and kill me that was the first like basically all that isn't so good sorry we played the attachment starts with like a really good gun Oh surprisingly we play our speaking casually who knows who knew who knew that but if this oh yeah the first like half of it is kind of sucky but at this part my repulsing is just free yeah you can see how big he's become his head and body count as different hitboxes for vibraphone sake so if I just do this yeah it gets taxed yeah so a lot of you might have remembered this fight is like hey this was pretty hard when I did it just do this yeah just use vibra-pulse trust me no one will think worst of you and also as a fun little note in vs the raid boss version of this it's actually easier compared to this version because in the first phase you have minions to shoot off of so yeah part of the first phase is also not having the minions means nothing to second window well actually it'll be finally actually skill because we're gonna get wizard we always get gonna wizard at this point because the game loves us yeah that's phase he's resistant to electrical so I need to swap to an actual gun to crit him in the face there's nothing else I can do really yeah the corrosive or the vibra-pulse lightning chains are shock so it's yeah just use different gun so the corrosive phase this is awful for any people who play claptrap because you died three years that's because he's a robot cuz he's a robot alright by the way that's the final boss already yeah that was it and it wouldn't be pre-sequel if we didn't start by echo sniffing and by echo skipping there's one line at the end we have to skip here when he touches the thing that'll be time so time is coming up okay wow that was really good really yeah that was that was hands down like one of the best runs we've had in a long time for this game it was probably a 148 RTA no 151 so that's like so we turn through in game time through a load remover we have yeah so this is an unskilful cutscene there's three cutscenes at the end of TPS so if we will actually want to go to break really quick we're gonna alter for the game and restart it because it's faster than sitting through you know eight minutes of cutscenes okay alright I will be right back we'll be right back here's some donations while they get this scene back to the runners axial two to three chiming in again with five dollars hey Amy how much for the trash can $10 from Captain Obvious hey did you know that claptrap is a robot yeah mentioned that the Bionic Commando classic skin incentive is still open and you still can't donate toward that Bionic Commando 2009 is coming up next so there's still time to board that Slurpee you could probably just market his boat see uh Daiichi donated $25 earlier fulfilling a request we had for the backwards donations they said residents the annoy to orphanage viewer for claptraps 25 are here prolix Thank You Daiichi I did I did read it forwards and it since I think thank you for the 25 claptraps for my orphanage see we had a donation of $500 from that one ginger guy and yeah this one was completely backwards here I go it was a sec till mo s Stella DRA sees truck cab nip UT there we go thank you that one ginger guy he said taping backwards is hard let's see some glitches thank you thank you very much Cecil vole Bo with a $10 donation so when are you guys going to get to that boot up sequence for handsome Jack RGB gaming donated $10 and said awesome getting to see Borderlands TPS speedrun we loved exploiting all the glitches in those games PS love the vault suit hello guys Rebecca yeah so that that skips fast a bunch of cutscenes so we are gonna start the glitch exhibition off so there's a there's actually not much in the run that we don't use in a speedrun like damage wise so this is just some things that look really silly in this game that we absolutely hopefully get left in for the future games because these kind of kind of kind of bugs and Easter eggs are hilarious so first off I am going to not kill myself there they're good enemy in this game called the sugar wrath it's that big thing right there so they're flying normally you can't really touch them or doing to anything to them from the ground but if you hit them with a stingray and I don't fail I'll try right good I think you picked them really we picked the highest one on the map to do it on but there's no one over there I'll go to the other ones that I know work we'll just do it on my screen as well I'm gonna down win tonight can you just good alright so there's a couple over here that we can do it on as well I'll through my vehicle will heal by then yeah it does your vehicle does take collision damage when you hit them I don't think I don't worry I get a little low yeah yeah I'll try it so we're just gonna mess around with this until we get my car this is not working well at all this is great your little low level slightly well you have to be a little level otherwise if I use my other high level character I'll kill myself I'll kill them before I actually do the thing there we go oh yeah he's just gone so when you hit them I killed myself but when you hit them they spin around finish it's just gone yeah alright let's see if we can get that set up with one of us watching yeah so they just do not know how to handle being hit by cars or any vehicles so they just instead of you know just saying like oh you hit me I'm just gonna freak out and go everywhere sometimes they're still flying around the map so you'll just start seeing like a shooting star just of them flying around alright are you good try that one go for it let me set up for that camera angle we've login now we're getting ready for spaced and we gotta get ready for your audition tape there he goes there he goes where is he oh he's completely above me he's going completely dissipated to try another one there we go got him where'd you go I think he went below the map oh this one did not so yeah again also possible in current patch so you should go do that it's pretty fun oh geez this I died is okay right uh either one of them doesn't really matter just pick one in the other I think this one is fine so Timothy is Jack stop anger oh this is our gun yeah this is our Verdun yeah so we're back here we're gonna we're gonna see if we can I don't think actually I can load in this map now on this patch actually you might have to travel out the door and I'll just load the other character no you have to do it on that cat okay yeah yes sir so Jack actually used to be used in the speedrun he's not anymore just do the Athena being stupidly good yeah it used to be claptrap Jack was the optimal combination and then we realized that Maelstrom on Athena is ridiculously powerful morning's so I'm gonna do the same thing here again we are pre rk5 at this point I actually don't might be a problem you'll be fine if you do the same clip is earlier died into the wall and went like way nowhere yeah apparently missed everything all right so I'm gonna go through backup then yeah I wish oh all these missions so Jack has this skill called merger which overrides your melee ability which is this it gives you wrist lasers that doesn't work well if you use your action scale correctly and there's an unintended side effect if you use it on the same frame as your action skill you can make them permanent so it has some funny properties when you start using it in I don't want anything I wanted during the cutscene because they will it'll deal load when you go to next map get a setup for it I'll let you how yeah you got it well I missed the cutscene okay okay we don't or you alright hit the one way did you get the good yeah I'm good at this video game man huh but it's a claptrap a robot though making you look bad you're wearing a trash can listen I just realized I can't get up I can get you a second yeah unfortunately it's just one of the bad things that sometimes maps don't let you stay in them when you save quit so even though I set up the file to go to the next area we have to wow this is just utter chaos what is happening here even though we set up the file in the next map we still have to travel there anyway oh nice yes he's way over level so you shouldn't have a problem killing anything yeah okay load into outfall if we are safe quick yeah okay no why would it be six it needs a quick miss no that's fine I have another attempt oh well that's fine alright so if I do all right I'm gonna retry again but I do it on the same frame it's a client sided trick so it's only matters on whether you get it on your site or not but don't don't go through the door by the way yeah just don't hit the button the button will be fine it'll just take a few it's looking frame perfect tricks at 60 frames okay got it all right so this is Internet wrist lasers so here's the thing since cutscenes are rendered in game now you have a laser and the part of the best part is that it actually damages him during cutscene he's gonna fly like right into it and then take some damage it's not much but so yeah at this point this is also I had the fire pulse in my hands I can just look at enemies and they just die so like I mean I'm over levelled so yeah but it does have a range at some point so I can't hit him like infinitely but yeah I just look at things they just die this is this used to be used in the speedrun as just a sort of history fact but it's just really funny to do it during these cutscenes yeah another fun thing about it is that it takes your crit damage as well so if you're off host and get a lot of quick damage suddenly oh yeah you can scrape with it whoa everything up yeah that's our k5 so you want your zarbor down again yeah just go through the door behind you that should be fine it's just some some maps are one-way travels and they didn't really code one-way travel maps like well yeah though or anything okay look they tried casually this game is great yeah you know while we were going to the next boss I'll just take this moment say while we're bashing the crap out of this game it is worth a casual playthrough yeah it's entirely worth picking up this game it's on sale right now during the steam summer sale pick it up play it it's worth it it's fun that grabs some friends and do a blazer so we like this game deep down not him fantastic voyage is the best DLC in all of Borderlands so absolutely I forgot that I have the claptrap language look good yeah we can use a file editor called Gib can you go for a second through we can use a fellow turd called gived and get pretty much anything that work here yeah whatever it was give me more chances at the Tigers releases again so there's one more cut team will show off the wrist lasers in once it comes up it's on a really long cooldown okay got it nice see that that trick is like a lot harder to hit than it seems it mean it's just it's a frame perfect trick and but luckily it's not based on legs even though we're playing co-op so you can he can play into my eyes and it makes me blind so here's the other cutscene that it's really funny to watch it in just because for speedrunning so the laser ends pretty pretty good cuts yeah it's interesting that it goes away because of that backdrop but that's that's not good Han with the laser this is this is this is merger in the cutscenes yeah so alright alright next thing we'll do a Space Jam next cuz the last glitch has a really nasty yeah well avoid doing that we have to go to the canyon I believe both of those maps are too big yeah that works all right Oh God recoil so here we go we have to go and just go all the way to the back of the math there's really no way to make this faster yeah we could like a valid complaint is those flash travels in a really bad location so all of them yes we could like use o'clock man okay so I can actually get over there pretty fast yeah well we'll race each other now you're you're being smart using a car I'm not using a car gotta be smart I'm sorry I'm not wearing a trashcan exactly this Lake Space Jam is unfortunately hidden in the back of this map all the way in the corner they had all the really good things away from you so you don't see them and then you think the game is bad so like fun can yeah just cuz I'm right also this map is really confusing vertically there's no way to get this faster we have we do apologize it's just the unfortunate placement of this quest actually when do we get I'm gonna go grab the quest you wanted to go stand where we have to go grab the ball ball yeah yeah so we might want to she's gonna get out there we might want to bump the audio a little bit here cuz the the dialogue is the main reason for this quest it is absolutely find his ball because it is right here hey fetch questions also I magically have the ball now magic alright I won't get ready for Space Jam get a camera angle I was going and there he goes I just got that's it so that wait you brought you brought a friend with you alright so that's the first one and now it's our turn to repeat don't just Watson dunk and I was told that we have to do this while we're all take turns you go first right so I'm gonna set myself on fire here we go bit that swim actually it's way harder than it looks wait what I want to do you accepted it too quickly I want to set myself on fire yeah are you gonna I did not get set on fire oh yeah there's a fire barrel it's so hard this might be one of the hardest question the game boy why are you bringing so many friends over with you having a party will give this like a - Tracy got him there we go there we go so it completely destroys the entirety of the booth alright go for your postgame interview right so this is actually [Music] all right cool that was active that was the safe gym class that was famous some of the best riding in the entire game all right and time time for the final glitch this is this is a tradition we do on our streams when we get a really good record or run you can actually yeah let me do it with vibra-pulse because it's just worth it yeah so again I'm going to mash duplicate this gun so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna forced equip this gun and then he's gonna do the same thing so now I don't have any guns in my hand or maybe I have a lot like Baby Alive Oh like a lot of like a lot of almost died there I'm going in oh did we break them or open the menu yeah do we break the merge oh I have to do it again well that's right our inventories now are combined so I don't I can't do anything right make gun right now here try again just bring a weapon with you we got we got a crush de game normally save quit cuz ya actually had a frame drop there I missed an input because the game runs at like 5 fps well that's happening so we're almost done with the glitch exhibition I promised it's really cool when the game crashes I'm gonna try to make it explode this time yeah not gonna because it just because when my game crashes that actually really messes with his side and once you load in yeah just give me anything did you just drop the vibra-pulse again man this load is really taking a long time I hate this consistency of TPS there we go all right I've done this lots for ya he's like you can feel the slowdown when it happens so my audio cuts completely oh you have a problem there no I think the game's too runny and also his game uh he loses collision with like a lot of things and can just go through the map even get here quick enough before I get kicked out from the game so I can go like through Des Plaines right now because the game is disconnected so bye it's not loaded anybody kicks me out all right so that was Borderlands pre sequel a Merlin and shockwave everybody you are watching summer games done quick 2018 supporting Doctors Without Borders aka MSF let's read some of your donations that came in during that derp and as a donated $5 and said had to donate during borderlands as it as my all-time favorite franchise here is to the glitch exhibition mega dodo donated $100 said awesome to see borderlands at gdq have some meat bicycles google donated $20 and said i got dragged into the craziness that his borderlands by a couple of friends and it's been an absolute blast so far the petition donated $55 and said my first experience with this amazing franchise was Borderlands 2 I bought the pre-sequel during the summer Steam sale this week and when I saw that this run was today I had to beat it beforehand I succeeded but it took me 20 hours coño Rican donated $25 and said going to watch Borderlands with a mom who wanted a copy for her birthday hey Sarah coast donated $10 and said nothing can suck the life out of me this morning with pre-sequel Bionic Commando to k-9 bye Murph and then beat him up Spurlock's hope the lake crowd is feeling awesome Evek solaris donated $5 and said can't give a whole lot but I had to donate during borderlands one of my favorite games thanks for everything have a good time and show off those glitches we had talked about backwards donations ahead of time so a couple people chiming in on that - Jeffy the undead donated $10.01 saying putting in a backwards donation is difficult but here's a palindrome instead Thank You Jeffy and Higuchi donated $10 saying my friend silver absolutely 100% loves borderlands and is 100% watching this run with me right now please tell picklepuss she is the best friend on pandora also backwards message fph i thinkyeah forward i think that means hoary thank you I get it coming up next we have a bionic commando and any percent run by a Murphy Gator and then we'll be running into a bound on any % run by chuckles eight to five also something I'm excited about a little later on Catherine bye goooo - it's not just a babble run but it's babble pairs one player two controllers and then who wouldn't love the double dragon block later this morning double dragon by Ella Rock any % and a double dragon 11 wait that's not how Roman numerals work double dragon - the revenge any percent by sinister one so some fantastic runs coming up in the future here and we will continue in a moment after short ad break [Music] welcome back to summer games done quick 2018 just a few more Borderlands related donation comments here for you lay fun seeker donated $75 following up on their promise well I don't want to be a killjoy here are the $75 for a Merlin killing himself as claptrap great run is awesome to watch you too and here prolix reading the donations greetings from Germany and we had $20 from anonymous saying all was impressed by the depth of knowledge runners have about these games super cool to learn the claptrap was actually a robot Lin hours donated $5 and said hi gdq first time donating i had to donate for borderlands a furthermore well shockwave a merlin and the fun cannon are there I'm always amazed by how broken borderlands games are claptrap start boot up sequence I always loved giving chat something to spam so why not here's a donation that came in from anonymous $20 saying from someone that's currently pulling their hair out in med school I'm happy to see you supporting a foundation I both love and hope to be part of one day hashtag respect PS can I get some Bob Ross's in the chat Thank You anonymous and now I'm going to send it over to the interview desk to talk with our runners take it away hello everybody welcome back to a summer games done 'quick 2018 I am darkman and with me here I have an old lady and a trash man yeah actually we have a shockwave an Tamerlan the two runners that just finished Borderlands the pre-sequel co-op fellas welcome how uncomfortable are you right now actually I lost feeling in my legs but not like that is uncomfortably many messages for my friends like omnigamer which exist I like that you start off and shock can't do anything for like you know good solid minute yeah I kind of throw you off is that making a little bit nervous no it's more just getting random kinks out of the way or something like that you can't really plan for so I was actually nervous at first and then that happening was like all right okay so this is Borderlands TPS everything's good so overall it seemed like a pretty good run I don't think there's anything really complain about it yeah that was way better than our goal was like sub 2 and in practice rooms we were constantly getting like 158th and 159th RTA so 156 is incredibly good I'll go back and just like a 53 RTA yeah so yeah sure so talk to me about like a co-op run in particular it seems like there's a lot of different things you have to be aware of what is it about a co-op run that's a lot different than like a solo run or a race so for at least for Borderlands there's a lot of things we just have to sort of just trust your partner to just do the things correctly and we've been playing together for like two years at this point now at this point either it's just reminding because you know we just had a lab school board having an extreme interaction we both have that happen all the time or it's just we just genuinely forget and that happens all the time but in this case we just kind of do things and it's just we just kind of go a better way we don't really worry about oh hey did you screw this up do you mess this up yeah and in terms of like actual differences it's a lot safer then I saw the run of this game a solar one in this game is really really incredibly hard so like raw stuff on Canon for being able to do it I could not do it like claptrap is the character that you play in solo because he has infinite ammo he's not an easy character to play so in particular like obviously you just talked about you know a little bit about being coop owners and I know you talked about fun cannon your third partner so what is it about you two and maybe you three that like you know makes things like so easy for you for you guys to play together well we used to live together actually look at that house we moved out recently just mainly because I just moved in with my girlfriend but we we live together a lot and actually one of our decisions when we begin together was we were going to have a real land to play with each other so great motivational together it also just kind of helps it like you know we're really good friends even outside of you know before we lived each other really good friends like I couched for his time run two and a half years ago so it was it was just very easy cool all right so we got a couple of social media questions I want to kind of get into so our first question from King dinga kind of talked about before but still what motivates you a Merlin and shockwave to perform your run and a custom outfit I mean I do it for the entertainment yeah yeah last so last gdq they mentioned the dying light i actually texted my dad who there's like half an hour away from the event and said hey can you bring two of those gigantic mag lights that you have because we're gonna duct-tape people to our shoulders god bless my dad he did not question it at all showed up the next day this to my boys and this this was an idea I had for a while I just but I thought it was really funny I I just got a friend to make something to wrap on my head so that was kind of about it yeah this is painful to take off do you think it's funny but does your back or your niece think it's funny I mean I have really good posture right now yes that's what it's forcing actually true if you're looking to improve your posture just wear trash this is the scientific breakthrough you're seeing live on sgdq so we have from des - des - des do you both ever troll each other Wall Street money yes yes absolutely 100% being example barrels there are tons of barrels in TPS and he has a rocket launcher rocket + barrel equals I die yeah when we live together I would like go to the bathrooms and they can play for me because is all quests in Borderlands 2 where we have to sit in one room for like 10 minutes to shoot enemies yeah so I would just go to the bathroom that's great awesome I'm from like in Rock 71a me and shockwave it was said that $5 of donation it's not enough but how many dollars did you do they're referencing brilliant Bob probably no no no there is a reasonable but I'm going to get the answer of no I played one level of brilliant Bob and then bored because we are we appreciate you Gary but no I'm just buzzed in I made this game by the way really sorry if they came across country militia all right good my final question to you fine folks is on a scale of 1 to 999 how brilliant is the invention of dabbing the invention of one dabbing I don't I it's it's great you know as we all know and this roller dad stands for destroy all bacteria uh-huh so when you when you dab yes you're practicing a sneezy motion uh-huh and that helps keep you healthy and safe I believe shock agrees with you because he's not really saying anything so yeah I'm just going to me agrees with you exactly no no you put that away another you know two yellows makes a red that's no good it's not how color works it oh it's not but that's how it works that's gonna do it for us once again we have Amy and shockwave who were just the runners of the borderlands the pre-sequel co-op run and I'm really tired so I'm just gonna fall asleep so see everyone throats for the hosts all right thanks dark man at shockwave and Amy you were watching at Summer Games done quick and we're gonna take a quick break you [Applause] all righty thanks for joining us for these awesome speedruns we are raising money for Doctors Without Borders let's read some of those great donations here we've got $10 from Mario 166 that says good morning from Germany let's break the $1,000,000 we've got five dollars from jakku vyas says
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 553,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, AGDQ2018, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 25sec (9565 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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