Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction by MrLlamaSC in 2:24:27 - AGDQ2019

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yep so if you donate a hundred and twenty-five dollars you are able to win that Gauss trifle although it looks like the deletion was closed during Celeste all chapters so unfortunately that one seems to have been closed so anyways we are good to go on the diablo 2 speed run take it away mr. llama alright can you guys hear me Doggett I can good go ahead and get that character name is amazone is that what we ended on yeah I leave that was the one that won the bid war all right let's get the Amazon so I'll go ahead and count this down and then we'll begin the Diablo - you ready 5 4 3 2 so right off the bat I'm going to be throwing down my shield and a lot of people always freak out about it this is probably my most asked comment on youtube which is why do you throw your shield on the ground and the reason is because I don't actually want to block right here blocking takes frames and we are speedrunners of course so we're all about saving the frames beyond that I'm just simply going to be trying to get some gold out here and there's some throwing knives those actually be really nice and helpful and path is not kicking out but we have a well so that will replenish our stamina so I'm go ahead and leave a TP right here and I just want to kind of level up like I said I won't get gold because I want to buy some stamina potions I don't want to buy some javelins throwing knives are going to be that amount of gold so that is the first hurdle tackled in this nice long run the fun about Diablo 2 or a little bit of the difference about Diablo 2 is that there's so many different categories and there's so much RNG and just everything with this run that really changes it up and really makes it just a lot of fun so you can sit there and I've run before here and I've done sorceress and and you have of course the assassin you have the Paladin Amazon barbarian necromancer right so lots of different characters and each character kind of runs in their own specific way you have magic you have physical damage and this character is going to start out with physical damage and then we're going to shift over into magic damage as we're kind of going on from there and before I do too much I'm gonna grab some more javelins I'll just introduce my couch really fast I have Funkmaster he has a Diablo 1 speed runner going in waves they high and and then mr. Kylie she just she plays variety but she's played Diablo 2 a little bit got sacked 5 and then was like now so for the first few levels this character is gonna kind of be awful I have no better way to put it except this is if there was one thing that I could change about Diablo 2 would probably be the other game and you're not gonna see it in this like very initial stage but you'll see it when we're just trying to get to level 6 which is when I can get to a skill that actually does a hundred percent chance to hit damage because otherwise I'm going to be sitting here throwing javelins and having to go through the defense attack rating calculation to determine if I hit and spoiler I don't hit as often as I would really like so that's always a little bit annoying why I'm clearing out this den right now and I have to kill every single monster that's just part of the quest is because I want to get the respect which means later on in the game later on the game I can respec and get a complete change of my skills essentially so I'm going to use a certain skill poisoned javelin for a lot of this run and then when I hit 18 I'm going to switch over into charge strike which will be a lot better for killing bosses and things of that nature though is a little more dangerous since I will be getting up close personal with a lot of the monsters at that time so getting some good resistances can also be helpful especially fire res for later on but that's that's something else that we'll just have to worry about later for right now I'm just trying to find some good gold so that I can have some money coming out of this and heading into the next stage of the game I'm going to be trying to constantly balance my javelin numbers right here I'll definitely miss it it's not a huge deal if I don't always swap them out cuz it's just a little bit of gold so depending on what my gold situations like I'll care more or less about it we're going to be trying to balance the numbers that I'm never at a point where I am burning through all of my javelins and have to go back and shop for them like I say it might happen at one time not too huge of a deal rare javelins right there can be nice I might be able to get some cold damage or something on those to help out a little bit later but ultimately those aren't even that big of a deal because like I said a lot of my damage is going to be coming from the skills themselves as opposed to damage coming from the javelins themselves so not as big of a deal and thankfully we did not run into an issue right there of missing one of the monsters and we did get a cold damage on it so that is really nice so I'll probably leave those on my offhand and that'll actually be useful a little bit later on I do not have a lot of money right now so we're just gonna kind of make do as we can and that should hopefully be fine so this game right here is the sequel oh nice - fan - potato memory to Diablo 1 as I said before I don't even mi4 that the sequel to Diablo 1 it's a flashing new title rocking a whopping 25 frames per second can you account 225 in a second I can only count to 20 yeah this game can that's all I can tell you I'll work on that later funk what Diablo 1 only plays in xx PS there you go so once again big boost to this game I don't know if we'll see a title that can surpass it for a while but you know we'll see we shall see additionally with the expansion lord of Destruction they upgraded the resolution from 640 by 480 to the mind-blowing lee large 800 by 600 it's crazy how many pixels I can see on this screen right now and how many are not actually the game but this tiny little window just something fun this game actually came out in 2000 so it is a little bit old but it is a classic it's one of my favourite games which is why I've been speed owning it for four years and and what I also love about it is just the RNG and the craziness that there and we might actually stop and Duchaine at this point since I think we have save Cain as that incentive so I'll go ahead and do a low Cain save early on that might help with our levels as well because like I say leveling up can start to get pretty rough it still looks okay so far but you'll see me start to miss a little bit here and as I'm really pushing towards that level 6 it's just gonna get really bad so right now I'm just looking for stony fields as well it should be somewhere near this path so I'm just kind of running around and there we go and hopefully we get some good shots nice and I must have put some hacks in here or something it's really nice that looks so much easier than with assassin yeah yeah so this is once again the difference when you have a character like this or just a melee character especially because there's not really melee splash in this game it puts you into a rough position of this one single shot that doesn't even guarantee a hit every time and so later on we have like super geared up characters yeah they're hitting everything all the time and it's fine when you're speedrunning it turns into that game sometimes where do the javelins are going I don't know so we almost have that five oh yeah I'm gonna leave the TP there so we'll go ahead and drop that town portal and this once again is a part of the forward backwards strats or I'm going to move forwards and then move backwards it's pretty crazy right so I do like finding any of these boss groups boss groups are huge for this game this is going to give me they get 500% experience so this is why I'm very much focusing on them and I will definitely be coming back for those archers over there as well and we'll switch into our super jabs now because they look cooler once again still not a ton added here but yeah we get a little boost and though they do have a chance for employ damage it's actually not bad at all so this level up is really nice because it's going to just continue to give me when you do this calculation of do I hit or not hit that actually matters a lot your level in the calculation which is kind of awful for speedrunning considering you're always trying to run at a inferior level or you know a lower level than normal so that's especially why melee just really doesn't work out very well our physical damage I should say just doesn't work out near as well as question just having a magical character which hits every single time calm so that that right there is one of the big reasons that this run is 220 as opposed to like a 130 or something that's one of the initial reasons there we're doing okay though on experience for at five and a half already like I said once I can get to 6 I will be pretty happy but back to the RNG of this game it is just insane and it's kind of a it's a weird concept when you look at or compared to a run such as you know Metroid or whatever where rng is like oh is this going to take you know a couple times how many times is jumping 1 or 12 right or 3 or 12 like that definitely has some RNG but Diablo 2 I'm exploring all the maps the item drops for random the gold drops are random the monster buses are random the types of shrines that you get a random pretty much everything in this game as any or most a RPGs are is just going to be random there are little guides that can help you along the way such as I know this exit right here is supposed to be on that straight across the path and so it gives you sort of guides to say hey you should run kinda towards this way but nothing is set in stone and oh boy that's not gonna be fun oh geez alright we're gonna run around a little bit unfortunately we have a double boss group here but we do not have the javelins for it so we're gonna run around the reason is because I do wanna go save Cain right now and yeah so I have these jabs if I find or had an ID scroll I could ID those other jabs then we'd be somewhat mildly okay and there we go we've found dark wood Waypoint so I'm not too bad at all because I'm actually gonna be looking for the tree here but one of the things that you definitely want to note with it is the fact that with all this rng you're constantly just having to make predictions so I'd say this game looks easy it's easier than it is harder than it looks but additionally a lot of the stuff that you're constantly just doing quick calculations in your mind anytime you see something new with the map a new piece of it because you have to say is this where I need to be running is this going to lead me to you know the quickest spot to the exit is this the dead-end so you're constantly adjusting based on what you think the map is going to do and that change right there is pretty significant I feel like compared to other games and honestly I thought it wouldn't be near as difficult when I first got into it which is why I actually started to be doing in Diablo 2 I thought I watched it one time and I went oh man this'll be a breeze I could get a world record and like a single run and then four and a half hours later with my head in my hands after like two weeks of practice I was like I never mind but thankfully we stuck with it so that was you know wait it only took you four hours for your first run four and a half but that was through normal and like I said I practiced a lot and that was on a sorceress as well not an Amazon I gave up after seven oh you got the Diablo one down so one of the nice things here is we got this Waypoint how do I throw out of that already we got this Waypoint and I'm gonna get my level six so I'm pretty happy about that I also have these shrines on the way which will be very nice and there is that beautiful level six that we just love seeing before we go there though we're going to head back here and I guess I'll just do that we're gonna head back here we'll talk to a Cara and then we'll move our way over there so people always freak out about saving those skill points but the reason is because I want to double down on them and not great so what I mean by that is I want to use them each time for two skills so every level I'm going to slowly spend those out until I no longer need them anymore so at this point we'll just see what stone order is going around there so normally this isn't in the speedrun this is something that right this is just kind of for that fun incentive well it's nice to save cane from a maybe whatever perspective just morale slows you down so generally he finds his way out eventually at the same time we will go ahead and get a little bit of experience from down here and like I say you can see this is a thousand times better than the torture we had to watch before thankfully we really didn't have that that hard of a time to 6 we have a lot of really good boss groups and that helped us out a ton also go ahead and grab works leg at this time as works leg is very helpful and I'll actually quit and then go back in I miss Tamra zone as we are going to be checking these shrines again and there's a chance that I can have an experienced shrine so once again I said shrines are random oh there we go oh my gosh we'll just we'll just double up on that trying to random in this game and so this is one of those moments where you have to start making decisions right we just ran into to experience trying to that's about a one in 12 chance of finding that right there and of course you know just the way statistics work the more often you don't find it the better the chances get that you're going to find another one it's like when you're flipping a coin right I'll have averages says it'll be 50/50 so more heads means more tails in the future so now we're probably gonna have a worse chance for experienced trends there but the fact that we got to experience shrines is really nice because I'm gonna go ahead and make this quick I just all right I got nothing to say now except so really like I say it's really mmm you don't get experience the tale run yeah who is well known for getting all of the experience trends and it does quite well with all of them usually not my luck so I'm just gonna push forward and I'm gonna continue going forward because I just got another shrine so like I said this is where the runs start to get a little bit weird or a little bit different because I'm actually normally I would just be doing the tower right I would go in the tower and I would just be farming down there but since I already have that shrine I don't want to waste the potential of this shrine so I will continue forward with this shrine essentially until it's about to run out roughly around there and then I'll take a waypoint back go get that other shrine and then we'll continue down into the tower going after the runes that we want and the runes are a very important part of the run so me skipping forward here a little bit is a little bit unsafe you might say cuz if I get a ton of experience here and then go back and it takes a long time to get the runes it could be bad but at the same time we only need Talon s room so that is a really nice and really helpful as opposed to needing a lot of runes such as the barbarian who needs towel towel towel towel if LS RAL probably about one round a second round and a couple tears are helpful so a little bit of a difference you might say between the characters and I am only level seven so I can't even activate that yet so let's head back if you want to do a couple donations now you can as I just move around here all right we have five dollars from general turtle donating this from my phone what don't you have one we have four hundred and seventy five dollars from zem as well as promised here's twenty five dollars for each of my 19 deaths it was the pleasure getting to run for you all and let's get that one Milly as fast as possible alright I'm in jail level one so I'm actually gonna go ahead and work my way over to the Waypoint hopefully it's pretty close and we'd have to go too far over here but I feel like at this point let's just grab Waypoint head backwards and then we should be good to go that's gonna be alright I should be good to go otherwise though I'd want to be running straight across so like I said hopefully this map isn't gonna be too rough on us the nice thing is we are getting good experience here so this is actually some stuff we've been playing around with lately in some other categories which is really pushing early on not doing a lot in the tower and then just playing for like super lucky tower runs it's a little bit messy because it ends up being just super like you got it you just got to get lucky right let me just pray that I get the runes I need immediately and it looks like this isn't the greatest Jail level one but that's okay so now go get go ahead and get our second experience shrine and then we'll continue our way down I believe I'm almost out of jobs though so I will need to watch that I might have to go back we'll see how it plays out but another experience trying more experience always good leveling up is one of the other factors of this game that is really under played or under thought of when you first start running so you kind of see it and you go oh yeah you know why don't you just run straight forward to the end and it's like oh you need the runes but it's not just the room you also need to be getting that beautiful experience because if you run without it it's going to just leave you in a very difficult position and we actually have a really nice map right here on level 2 this boss will always be here or 99% of the time I should say will be here and it's also a really good boss being those goat men so I'm very happy about that and there we go dodged the cold blast so yeah so this is gonna be I'll probably run down here a few times like I said I'm aiming for Talon death rune Tala has about a 50% drop rate s has about a 30% drop rate so in total it's about an 80% chance for both to drop at the same time but we'll just have to see how lucky we get or how unlucky we get depends how many rune she drops right so if you want to read a couple more donations you can as this part can get a little monotonous we have $50 from raised QT let's go mr. llama this run is always the highlight of my year remember the path of Exile community has your back over there I see what you're doing I love the POA community the big shout out to them you can do another if you like we have 25 dollars from Evo demon on behalf of all your twitch mods good luck on today's run llama can you share some insight into the diablo 2 bugs that kylie found that allows you to wear your gloves on your feet beef gloves i think you're called the wonderful feet gloves that exists no no Kathy was really struggling with finding where to put the glove well it's placed that way right yeah so it was a good try but they haven't let her live it down also shout-out to my mods they showed up I'm gonna go ahead and restock on some mana potions here I am pretty broke unfortunately I did get a router in which will help a little bit with survivability but we'll be we still need that that Tallis so like I said we might spend a little bit of time in the tower and gold per usual is being a little bit of a pain so not a big deal the weird thing about it or the RNG aspect about it is you can just find one thing huh cheese what fantast this just means we're gonna get like the worst Maps ever later right we're just really really gonna be in trouble there I'm just waiting for like clone after clone after clone ball yep for sure so a little bit about Diablo 2 maybe for some of you guys who haven't played Diablo 2 before first off if you haven't I don't know why but go get a copy and do yourself the favor of playing this amazing game but basically you're playing a hero I don't really know the Lord too much because you know I've only got 15,000 hours in this game or something but playing a hero and you run around and you're trying to get to the end and chase them dude east Diablo or something kill him and then there's you know his brother has got some like stone or you know whatever all those things but essentially it's an RPG get your hero collect items level up run out kill stuff and speeder in the game so that is about my knowledge of Diablo 2 so it's pretty thorough most people would say but you know when your speedrun you don't have time to read the text so kind I either jumped in and played multiplayer back in the day where once again I also wasn't really reading the text or nice to Peter in the game so that's been my experience but if you do a single-player run-through of this game I guarantee you will have an absolute blast and there is normal nightmare and hell difficulty normal usually isn't too bad depends the character what all you're doing like I say there will still be plenty of times where you can just die there might be a couple moments in this run where that happens but beyond that nightmare things start to pick up a little bit and then hell mode they really just throw things make them make things go crazy as they add all these like double immunities and stuff to the game and it can get really really difficult so the the ramps are this difficulty ramping in this game scales pretty hard which i think is always fun it makes for a lot of really fun hell run especially if you're running hardcore and around earth so we don't have towel or ëthe you if I get three rooms and three nephrons that would actually do a similar thing as I can morph those runes together later on but we'll just have to see how that goes it looks like rinds which aren't a bad option either as they will increase my damage here and help out a little bit with that I'm gonna go ahead and put the five points into strengths that I need right now this is purely gonna be for getting a belt later on since this belt that I'm currently using only has two slots and the belt that I want to use will have 3 slit or 12 slots verse 8 you could say if you want to count them all out so yeah if you wanna do a couple more donations again like I say we're in the tower we have $10 from Loki store while such a cool run to see at gdq good luck lama and we actually saved them for one gonna be like first run and gdq first one ever and I've actually saved cane prior to the end you can keep going time if you'd like we have $50 from TMS lft stay a while and listen sir this is a speedrun I know I know I'm sorry what was I thinking we a choice between save cane save the frames we chose cane yes we have $100 from polynomial mister llama SC has joined our world Diablos minions grow weaker I like that can I take that as my new hat or like slogan or something Diablo's minions grow weaker yeah so level 5 again once again really still hoping for that town s the reasoning for it I suppose I should explain that for maybe people who don't play this game and I really confused if you get specific runes and put them into socketed items in a specific order they create unique or I guess just rune words or what they're called right so it's a unique way that's beyond just what the rooms give you they give additional fun bonus thes okay we got tier tile else we just need that earth rune at this point halfway there and this isn't bad that I'm leveling it all right now like being level 11 down here is totally fine once you get to about level 13 which these experienced trying to get again once you get to level 13 is where the experience really starts to kind of fade out so you see plenty of resets in Diablo 2 runs all the time from no runes you see them from I mean just literally everything bad Maps bad shrines didn't get whatever and that's actually one of the unique things as well about this game is due to all of the rng and all of the craziness that you're gonna see not every run as a world record run so for instance and that's also why you have such big ranges on times and stuff so I could run 50 runs perfectly and still not get a run that has the RNG necessary to be a world record run is that a little bit frustrating sometimes yeah sure but at the same time I think it brings in kind of a new twist to speedrunning in the way of you have to be a little bit lucky at the same time you have to be good and it's kind of when you can capitalize on that luck so when you run into those situations where you get the really good Maps then when you do all that stuff you have to be ready and you have to be a good enough runner at those times and not make the mistakes then for it to really matter so a little bit different than a run where 99% of the time if you play perfectly you could get a world record or something like that but that variety also is another reason that I think I really enjoys being in this game and it's kind of kept me in speed running this game simply because it's just so fun right it's just such a good time being able to constantly be thinking and exploring and adjusting how you're going to tackle a new situation simply based on seeing something slightly different in the map and going oh this tile piece you know leads to a dead-end generally or this tile piece is going to lead me in this direction which is against the grain of the way I want to go whatever pieces like that so let's get that earth room blessed RNG and chat come on baby pray hard enough it was close it was today so hey you better watch this run I actually have the record on which is also another fun thing I mean I'm coming from and plenty of other characters but yeah so that's the other fun thing is because you have normal runs you have hell runs you have seven different classes you've got hardcore you've got softcore it really opens up the running scene just in the way of constantly looking for different characters and records to go get and the fun that you can have with you know chasing all of those so like I say with the Amazon you know that this is a completely different time otherwise the issue would be everybody would only run the sorceress and nothing else and I know I think the game would get a lot more boring a lot quicker if we just did it like that so the reason that you see me not run always the optimal direction when I'm running down here is because I'm trying to be exploring for these boss groups especially because I have this experience shrine that is just a really big factor for me and I want to avoid this guy because he's cursed so if he hits me then I lose my shrine but getting that experience like I said it's still a balance if I'm going to essentially be wasting my time down here I might as well be getting experience as well so that when I move forward it's not a big deal so you don't check every nook and cranny but you kind of poke your head around different corners just to say hey is this somewhere that I you know want to go do I want to go somewhere else you know is there a boss group in there or am I just gonna leave it and a lot of times you can tell just by kind of the lighting that you see on the screen that gives you a pretty good indication all right chat one more time one more time let's go so now we're at that thirteen which isn't fun and now we're gonna kind of get into a little bit of the time burner like I'd rather be moving forward positions it is what it is welcome to Table two speedrunning the fact that I have Elrond's is kind of crazy because Elrond are awful it's just at least our ends they're going they're going to be an 8% chance to drop even though it's the first room they actually kind of waited the drop chances a little bit differently and so towel room for instances is the highest chance rune to drop down there and L rune is actually pretty low or at the lowest I should say so getting three out runes and no errands is about as unlucky as you get in that regard but we'll run around here and at this point I'm gonna definitely run a little bit more straightforward to the exits since I do have that level 13 if I get stuff along the way to fight I'll fight it I just realized I don't have my value set on my globes there you go now you can see health and mana fun tip you can click the bottom of those and it'll show the values another fun tip stamina potion stack 30 seconds of pop soda thawing potions and antidote potions always a fun tip because so many people don't know that and that's always like the most mind-blowing change that they could ever witness in this game all the cool stuff that they get to see when you go back to the comment everybody's just talking about stamina potions so you know really nice if you already a couple more donations go ahead we have 75 dollars from Tull had to donate during Joe Blow - with mr. alpaca no wait llama never could tell the difference what is my favorite games of all time remember rushing home from school to play with my friends yep thanks to all the runners and staff for an awesome event stay a while and listen we have $10 from king lovin although I cannot count how many hundreds of hours I spent as a teenager playing Diablo 2 lord of Destruction I've been waiting all week to see mr. llama as he put the pain on bail well donate $50 so to see you take out the cow King - oh we all be will go after him I mean I'm going to be lightning and he is lightning immune so we might have to get a mercenary and do a little cheering for him so the nice thing is we do have the RAL runes which is going to make the later stages of this a little bit easier and I can be a little bit more aggressive which will be some time saves simply because I can fan there and tank venom Lords things like that a little bit better it really is interesting and kind of crazy how much resistances can mean in a game like this so if I'm just starting out and I'm running through and I don't have that fire Res I can get like one shot just by someone coming up and breathing fire on me doesn't happen to like act 3 so you have a little bit of time to get there but definitely at that point having those spare rooms for that spare resistance is pretty massive now something you also might note is I'm trying to be very particular and how I'm throwing these javelins the reason is because they'll leave behind a nice poison trail but that was really scary they'll leave behind a nice poison trail and I want as many monsters to just walk through that possible so if I throw it directly at a single monster in front he's going to get that tanked and then nobody else is really gonna get hit unless they're all kind of walking through so a lot of times it's a little bit better to throw just to the side kind of get a Miss and then you get a full javelin two lengths and then at that point you can feel a little bit better about it because everything is just going to turn over and walk right into it and that just helps a ton or just going past the monsters and then throwing at that point also works so a throne sure would be nice right now and there's actually a boss group in here as well so this is one of those runes that are like if it was a rail rune I'd skip it if it was tearin' I'd skip it there are a lot of rooms that I would just not care about at all in this regard the Talon the eighth rune are just pretty darn important unfortunately the big issue being there's faster hit recovery associated this faster run walk associated there isn't faster castrate released and I mean there is on it but I'm an Amazon so I don't care too much about that but the other pieces are pretty important to the run and we'll be there for a decent time of the run so it kind of makes sense to go and get them I'm still getting slight experience down here so you can fill me still see me kind of leveling up but you know like I say this is this is not our ideal tower run and this is always one of those like awful things that you could have happen you could get a run where you get experience try and experience trying experience shrine didn't know a Thrun and then you know if we were going for world record like we would have reset at this point this run actually has a record that I think still has a little bit of room on it since Amazon's run a little bit less than the other characters so I was hoping maybe we could have had a chance today for it but I don't think we're gonna quit be at that which is okay not too big of a deal so let's try coming in from the other side for sure that's gonna change up how this works come on Etheridge dear diabla so 14 you know it's fun still more experience to be had right here it's cut down for sure but it does exist I can say that at least you can take it up - I've gone until 15 I think before and a run like this when I was doing like a race and it still ended up working out as the run went on later on so just because we've hit a little bit of a dry but in terms of runes here with this we're gonna lose a little time but hopefully we get it and this run maybe next run anything you know today whatever it ends up being if we get to 15 we might just turn this into a stealth 'less run and it'll just be really weird but that might just be our our way to go at that point because I'm not sure at 15 we want to spend much more time burning around in here maybe we could find an errand later on in the run it's one of those things where you just you know you got to play the odds right and and the odds aren't great later but we can only be down here for so long not even a nephron this is the like insane thing look at how many rooms we have I mean we just getting all dude to tears I guess trash trash trash trash trash that trash that you've already got our two router ends you don't really trash trash trash Wow oops that's fine actually well this is fun you guys do you want read a couple more donations you go right ahead I'm thinking all those experienced rhymes messed up your RNG and probably did this is not good we have $10 from wiki Potamus it's a pleasure to watch my favorite streamer absolutely crushing Diablo for a good cause mr. llama is such a great person an amazing runner thank you very much we have $10 from kenty mr. Obama check Jia blow to check chainmail check now all I needed for this afternoon's entertainment always great to see mr. llama running and chatting and tastic atmosphere and I got a I gotta give a shout out just to the Diablo community as the whole all the streamers viewers watching I guess viewers and watching the same thing moderators whatnot I really I think it's one of the best communities on Twitch you know take that other communities I really just love all the people there it's super friendly super positive everybody makes it such a joy to run and yeah so just big shout-out to all of them I really do appreciate it and just love you know that's that's my favorite part of Ryan this game is the community is there any discord by any chance that we could join I'm guy discord that's in my channel Mike discord it's got decent decent number of Diablo fans in it so once we get this earth rune right now odds only sake gonna Nina chances increase right so this has to be it all right who likes stealth us run a marathon first or a run first so we're gonna be a little slow as this run goes on and this is gonna be a little bit different chance for death has just increased as I will not be gaining the faster run walk but at the same time it's one of those like I say we can only burn so much time down there before we just you know we can't keep doing it right at that point the experience gain is starting to get minimal as we start out leveling those monsters by too much so moving forward is really the option in my mind that is the way to handle it that way too right there so I'm just gonna continue tried reading maps at this point and - Ryan really moved forward since we did get a lot of experience if I run into kind of a for sure boss group like champions right in front of me I'll go ahead and launch a poison jab at them otherwise it's just gonna be a run hopefully the maps aren't too long hopefully they aren't too trollee but we'll see how it goes this is the fun of Diablo 2 and fun is very loose but it happens you know like I say this is this is prime I think this is my first gdq run where I haven't gotten the runes that I've needed so I've probably been luckier in that regard than unlucky but I still get to complain about it right something like that yeah funk you want to talk a little bit about your Diablo 1 speedruns and maybe some differences between that and Diablo 2 well I can tell you a similarity sure with without the stealth you're about as fast as we go walking actually true thanks me realize that yeah sadly indie one we don't have rune words which is a nice change in d2 that was added with the expansion was it or correct okay I believe that was 107 109 oh into it then somewhere around there or that's when they just added they changed a bunch of stuff up kind of around there 110 they had a bunch of new rune words and stuff I forget how my patches all go it's all it's all a blur but yeah so they added rinrin's maybe right in with it like just the base ones and then they added a bunch of new rune words as they went along including some of the really strong ones like enigma and that came in the later stuff which had a teleport to the game for all characters as opposed to just the sorceress or just characters with a staff with charges on it or ring an amulet say so yeah that was a that was definitely a change there but rune words in general are very nice and it's one of the things where in a game full of rng at least everybody can get the rune words unless you're running at gdq don't get them but you know it's one of those at least everybody has that and so it's kind of a nice balancing act which is why Diablo 2 classic speedrunning hasn't really taken off I would say because all of the breakpoints since this game is 25 FPS everything is built on 25 FPS so if I want to speed up my character in her just attacks how quickly she attacks it doesn't just happen with +1 attack speed rather it's going to be increasing only at the every you know when you can knock a frame off and so there's different break points for all the cast rate for all of the hit recovery for the is everything like that and so it's constantly changing around based on you know your gear and things of that nature so by having those consistencies it makes it a little bit better but at the same time you can still run into issues like this where you just don't get those runes and now you know you're in a different situation of how do I deal with this and constantly just having to improvise that is the fun of Diablo 2 constant improvisation so we actually add an okay level 1 and level 2 the catacombs are one of those maps where you just have to know all of the tile pieces but you have no indication in level 1 and 3 on what direction you need to run so you kind of have to guess and then just run into tile pieces and go is this one that's going to dead-end or not if it's not I'll keep going if it is I'll turn around and that's about all of all that you get from that so a lot of runs I would also say kind of get lost around there but you can kind of think if you're on like a really good pace and then you run into that and it suddenly turns into well you know now we just have to deal with this time loss or go for the reset if need be so that attack right there with the when she releases the poison cloud that is her worst attack and by worst I mean her her best attack my least favorite of it simply because it does so much damage when it hits so hopefully doesn't hit too much oh and I don't actually have power strike enabled on my swap that'll help so I'm gonna be pumping through some reduced here mana and eventually we will be getting out of Act one so there's not a lot of clapping moment in this game so you can plant that bosses and if we find an errand later on y'all better go nuts yeah unfortunately like I said there really is not just I mean this game doesn't have you know any cool skips or glitches or I mean it's got a couple like tiny ones but it doesn't have a lot of stuff like that rather it is just you playing the game very skillfully and that is about all you get I will take this belt and I will go ahead and grab these gloves as well so chance to cast frost Innova is actually really superb it's a little expensive but with 5000 runes we have tons of money and I'll actually put some money away so it's gonna be nice and I'm gonna actually look for a helmet as well to open sockets and or shield just something of that nature for either of these nothing there nothing there we'll just kind of check in on those as we go because these Terrans and these rau runes can give us some resistances can give us some mana per kill and so that can just help us sustain a little bit so we might not have to come back to town mirrors often so at this point we react to the goal of ACTU is to go out collect the cube collect a staff collect an amulet morph the staff and the amulet into a bigger staff and then take that bigger staff put it in the orifice and then try and kill the boss there's a lot of trollee maps in here as well I would say this is people generally people have less favor for this act overall simply because you can run into maps like the maggot lair you have to go through the mega lair which is just this very tight which is not good for an Amazon who's looking for spread and launching these javelins that's nice that I found that pretty quick so so it's very like tight corridors and you're trying to just run through there and not kill very much but if you get really bad maps it can just lead to a lot of pain so hopefully we don't get too bad of maps there and both of my practice runs I had two of the worst maps I've ever seen and the maggot lair so I'm really hoping that we just like got rid of all that bad rng because that's how it works certain classes also have our harder times than others for example the assassin has a brutal time due to out traps work yep yeah and that's also a good point for when we get into the arcane sanctuary which is another magical zone where you end up in the center of a space there's four exits run one running in each direction and it's a random which direction you have to go so you know another really fun spot where you can gain or lose a ton of time based on that but on each of those paths there's different sorts of routes and some of them have like stairs and stuff and traps just don't work on stairs so if you're on an assassin getting caught with a run with a lot of monsters on stairs can just be absolutely detrimental in just totally destroy a run just about simply because you'll just be sitting there for so long trying to get them off of those or trying to kill them on there and the traps just barely work it can be pretty messy so that's definitely another thing that can sometimes be detrimental for some of these characters is they just run into situations that don't always fit how the character you know you're trying to play it and so it gets a little sloppy so I'm not getting a ton of experience down here which is why I'm not worrying too much generally you want to be about level thirteen and a half you could maybe be 14 to get some experience in here this is gonna be my death most likely it's not over yet yes to go back you have to go back in still the nice thing is I can at least be a little more prepped this time for getting that TP off I'll do that hopefully get an area it's a little bit better and clear out a little bit oh he's also Lightning enchanted so that's really nice so that right there is why chance to cast frost Nova is one of my favorite things ever because when you have that chance to cast frost Nova especially if it's you you double have it it can just push you in situations where you're about to die and then that frost Nova goes off and gives you just that split second a time to continue forward and be doing all right with this so go ahead and head back right here and we've got the cubes that's the first piece if I had nephrons at all which somehow in that magical journey through the tower we found zero nephrons I could morph those three nephrons into an S rune but like I said this this game really did not want us to have a chance at that at all and I don't believe we can get an ethros until after this area anyways so it's one of those and we're out of town portals we should remember that for the future remember that in case I forget and d1 there's no tome per town portals or Scrolls so we usually just count the scrolls we have I'm not used to the little tall one the inventory screen yep little little bit different there and I mean there's also a skill for it right yellow one yeah you can just always cast it that'd be really nice so pretty good exit coming out of the far away's this right here I still need a waypoint as once again I did that forward back strat as I like to call it where we just set that up and then we're gonna run forward and then goes backwards through it so I want to find a way pond right here if I find the exit I'll probably just run around a little bit more trying to find and so I should at least check up here for the exit just to see it can also kill this guy see if it turns off it does not okay so this is the only map where you can get a turn off immediately when you enter an act - all the other ones I guess the rocky waves as well but whenever you're in faraway status or dry hills or anything you're always going to at least run one distance and we do run into the Waypoint so that's helpful let's get some wait for some teepees just in case and you might say oh no she doesn't have teepees that's okay you can just sell and rebuy it back at max quantity what you just learned something new about Diablo 2 it's crazy eighteen year old game Sam agate and here's here's the fun of the maggot layer everybody's favorite level whoever designed this just just that's all I can just shake why you know we all ask the worst part is the most of these guys are Lightning mobs which just make it so much worse yep so the beetles are actually nice in the way of they give good experience but they're awful in the way of they kill you a lot so and especially when you get to nightmare in hell mode there's some bugs in this game that aren't in your favor at all in which case you'll see resist or immunities like an lightning and chant fire enchant things like that stack and then react in weird ways so for instance with lightning and shamp mobs such as like beetles if they are fire enchanted they will release their lightning bolts when you hit them and then those lightning bolts will have fire enchant explosions around them which do way too much damage especially in nightmare cuz that didn't get they fixed it in hell but not a nightmare for fire and champ so you run into situations where you'll be just be chillin having a grand old time talking to your mom whatever take an you know 20 30 damage of bolt and then all of a sudden you'll take 300 damage from bolts from a fire and Champa's group and your hardcore character is dead so it's really fun and a great way to end a nice world-record pace run for sure I bet you're man vs. cream loves that gets you to drop all your fire is this before oh the explosions are so much damage that you can just be sitting there with good fire resist because it's based off of like when that when the fire and chant is based off for the final explosion it's based off like HP hmm so if you have like Lister the tormentor who's the big boss at the very end of like bail right before you fight bail if he's firing chanted and explodes you can be like a max resistance druid you know with with cyclone armor or something and he can just still one-shot you from like 500 HP or something so you have to be very careful and very aware in situations like that but the the beetles are what I hate a little more with it because sometimes you don't even see them and then that's it and we've picked up just the wonderful maps of the maggot lair so enjoy the tour everybody so one of the things that I know down here why it might look a little strange in the direction that I'm running is I know that I need to go to the right of the way that I've come in so for instance I've come in and and my my exit is heading towards the top or right so I need to go towards the bottom right direction unfortunately sometimes it's really far up and over sometimes it's really far down and over sometimes it's directly over sometimes it's back down and then over you get all sorts of finding interesting ways to learn your directions when playing this game so we're gonna continue to the right here hopefully it's not too bad I'll definitely have to go back to more potions just based on how all this has been going but if you want read a couple donations feel free as we have a little time here we have $50 from Athena 229 so glad I could catch llamas run at this agdq another $25 if he gets first arcane way we have $10 from zeros high Lama hi Kylie please don't 4th way I'll donate 10 more if you persuade man too much pressure for a 1st way now I'm voting for 5th the problem is on the Amazon like you can sometimes actually 5th way if you get caught in the horrible situation that's generally more during hardcore runs though where you have to quit out if you were to get caught in a bad situation whereas here I can just drop a town portal so really fun maps are doing really fun things for us today a llama yeah what's that do you have time portal squirrels I knew I appreciate it yeah I had extras and we'll sell it okay so what's that time that we set on this run again did we so this is kind of the crazy thing and I talked about a little bit during my first race run that I did for the gdq hotfix which I did a nightmare horse run there which is pretty fun but one of the fun crazy yeah so it is one of those around and up maps one of the fun crazy things is how much variance you can really have in these times so for instance in the run actual repair really fast in the sorceress normal run somebody did a theoretical run now remember this is the theoretical people lose their mind over it because they're like that would never happen yeah it's theory but basically it is all potential like if odds worked out perfectly every time in your favor sort of run right and and so it's all technically possible but it would just never actually happen like the chances of winning the lottery are probably you know ten thousand times better at least rather than this run actually happening so the normal run world record right now is an hour ten minutes and like forty five fifty nine something around there it actually moved down recently which is pretty crazy and the straps in it are absolutely ridiculous but before that or before that when when this theoretical run came out I mean the record was 112 but this theoretical run ran in about 22 minutes so that right there and they would still run manually by a person they just beefed everything up for that you know immediately they could get all the drops they wanted and experience shrines were everywhere they needed and it was pretty crazy to just see like how much variance there can be and how much RNG and even then that still wasn't perfect there was still changes that we got to the end and went oh we could have done this this and this to speed it up so 22 minutes is you know our effective tabs right almost and the fastest anybody's ever run is an hour 10 so we're not even close but that just kind of goes to show the insane variance that you can have on it and I think that makes that really fun because there always is a lot of that potential for you know oh well maybe we can get this maybe we can get a little more is there any area in particular that you think there's a lot of time to be saved on in which character would you say well since we're talking about on Amazon right now Amazon so for the amazone I'd say the the place that you're really gonna be looking for that is going to be in those earlier stages so exactly opposite of what's happened during this run okay I think the potential really lies in the early stages simply because you have that chance to just get talath on your first drop right and so if you get talath on your first drop you saw that I was able to push forward with my poison javelins and because I have at such a good skill I can essentially push forward and always be in an okay position and essentially the higher up monsters you kill until a certain degree the more experience you're going to gain right this game actually has a cap on that so if you kill stuff that's too high of level you'll actually not get experience you'll get a penalty in the reverse direction but there is that bit to it at least and so it ends up being a little bit strange in that guard but you can move forward let's say you get a first run or second run tala through kicking off of that immediately and heading forward with that and maybe getting a good experience shrine can get you in a much faster position and then you're just kind of trying to play to the rest of the run in a better position so I think the Amazon has a lot in that regard and just like the now sorceress has which is a single run now let's move forward she might be in the same boat where you might not even get the black marsh Waypoint you might play until you know resets until you get talath on the first run and is it a few resets yeah but once you get that it can just be really really great you can kick off a really good run and you're not wasting all that time down in the tower which is something that we've like I said kind of been exploring more and more as we've become better runners and as the times have gotten lower and lower so in the past it was like you always ran to level 13 down in that tower for most every character with a couple exceptions but for the most part you were running to 13 simply because you know getting that experience was safe and it was the thing to do and then since then we've gone what if we challenged that thought actually and didn't do that but instead just push forward and try to be better players in more difficult situations and that's actually started to work out a little bit more so I'd say that's going to be the next year of Diablo 2 speedrunning is going to be running into those situations that are a little bit more rare and you're gonna have to reset a little bit more but have that potential to turn into really great runs there and we run into another bad map I'm gonna look in to see if it's a wraparound run backwards then turn sort of map here so the concept of like three rights make a left exist in this game correct so that's what I'm checking for right now because at this way I wanted to go left of the way I came in oh why not I want to go left of the way that I came in and that was not where it took us so we're gonna see if it's all the way down and around that's a dead end in there hopefully this is it over here this is a really matte area as you're constantly there's a lot of doorways and there's a lot of snakes just constantly charging you I guess a little annoying and this looks like it is gonna turn off and I'm guessing is gonna be where we need to go yep so cool those experience trying to really really hurt us later on with these maps huh rng comes back to bite you one way or the other so I'm also level 17 at this point so that's kind of you know once again that point that I would normally have stealth rune or have my stealth rune word and my character would kind of become you know slightly more immortal because she'd be really mobile but you know at this point we don't have that so we're just gonna continue without it I think I said we've got that's really nice and we got the pieces so we're gonna get out of Act two maybe we'll see how the arcane sanctuary cuz I guess right boots more fire as I don't really need probably could have used that amulet if I really wanted to actually sort of a pair of jabs and then continue forward and so once again the arcane sanctuary the the rough parts are the way that the lanes are played out or laid out is you you run into a couple of zones that you just don't really are paths that you really don't want to take so that first way down the best path is always your ideal situation in our case we're gonna want to probably try and find that the flat paths as stairs also don't do super well for the Amazon so leading up to this I want Chad to start guessing which path and how basically how many paths it will take Lama here to get through there that's right one two three four I guess you could throw a 500 you really want let's pray not I'm spamming five in my heart and thinks if you've already pre-ordered Diablo immortal oh boy how does danger so as we go through a little bit of this fun if you want to read a couple more donations go ahead we have $50 from Ozzie drop hi mr. Campbell and couch I see you got the chain mail and htq once more could you explain the story behind it once more donation goes to mr. Campbell's and miss Kylie's choice thank you the chain mail comes back to a a much dumber time when I was first starting streaming I thought to myself wow if you have a stream you have to have a story to go with that because that's the only way that you can stream and so I said alright if I'm gonna have a story I need to come up with something good so I came up with this entire background story about how I was a llama farmer and some King stole my llamas because they were suddenly like worth a ton or something and I had to go chase down this king or like I tried to get like get people to fight back but nobody would so I was like I'm gonna do it myself so it's about the story of a farmer turning into a knight and it's the story didn't keep but the chainmail has so we know it was because you didn't have enough gold for the potions at ball also also true good all days maybe we'll bring back story time one day to our stream maybe so yeah if you want a couple more donations this is just running through we're about halfway through the first way and a first or second way you can clap a third or fourth way y'all can boo boo Diablo you know not me just yeah we have 35 dollars from Missy hey llama almost didn't recognize you without the oven mitts and sky goggles thank you so once a month I do a fun stream where I try and beat the game on hell and it's got all sorts of crazy challenges and things including oven mitts and ski goggles and all sorts of things of that nature so the reason I'm actually running through here is I want to pop these chests because these chests can ever into them and y'all know we need roads so not first way but second way for sure all right there's no way we could have that bad we'll get a quick restock on potions here I maybe could have kept that if I wanted it had a week in charges which I could have used on bail later so like I said that's the best path as that is the just straight path it's it's just flat you don't have to worry about any of these weird stairs or portals or anything like that nope twisty turn so a lot harder to get trapped in difficult situations now we're getting on to the paths that are slightly less desired and that top right path is the path I really don't want to take that much because it's got stairs on it and they're just not a lot of fun at all so I'm gonna try and skip as much or as many of these monsters as I can right here but I have to also be careful because there is the potential that I run into blocks essentially so monsters could get behind me such as these ghosts trying to come in here and then block me in and then everything from the front and back are attacking me in it you know just leads to a death so you have to be very careful with that stuff and the other issue is these poison jabs don't travel very well across the stairs so it's very difficult or across the gaps I should say as well so it's very difficult to try and make sure you're getting good poison read across everything I'm dealing with this so these frost Nova charges are actually really nice because they're gonna allow me to slow up a lot of the minions enough or demons here that I can hopefully get past and this is one of those situations where you can sometimes get caught looks like we're not gonna get caught there when it rains it pours right the third way we go I guess I could have popped this no please no so we actually have level 18 already which is not supposed to happen I should be level 17 like right at doriel so we're already you know a little bit over level this is once again just gonna be a point of I'm going to try and get to 20 and then not go any higher so early to 20 isn't horrible I want to get 20 usually right around when I'm getting to the travandkel that is a lot of stuff I do love the sound of poison hitting monsters though if I must say so but yeah continuing on the third way here if you want read some more donations go ahead we have five dollars from winter 244 woke up bright and early to see an Austin runner running the game with the most replay value ever lil clans from us West's hardcore ladder is with you Lama thank you so much and yeah shout out to everybody who did wake up I barely woke up I know I don't think I woke up this is quite different than my normal 1 p.m. wake-up time right so we deal with it the things we do for Diablo 2 sorry we have a third way so let's get those boos that's what happened game people boo you fix it even he's laughing at you out of pity somebody has to pity somebody has the other in hiding the other issue is I don't I'm not always able going to see the the deaths and item drops of every monster here so that can be a little bit annoying as uh sometimes you know we might have already dropped an ethe rune but I'm not gonna stand around and wait for every single Monster to drop gear that puts us in kind of rough spot but hopefully down here there are okay chances ghosts also have slightly better Rin drop chances so we're kind of preying on the ghosts right now don't like that cold so Darrell's kind of a sloppy fight a little bit reason being is he has cold attacks but he also has a holy freeze aura so there's no way to actually not get chilled by his frozen aura there's there's freeze and chill in this game essentially two different mechanics so when you have cannot be frozen it prevents the cold attacks from doing that to you but it will not prevent the holy freeze all right and nothing will no matter what so that's definitely a little bit annoying I would say and when you're in a character of this form and you're constantly trying to like melee him and stuff it just turns into a really sloppy you know slow number of attacks trying to just do anything we'll see how it goes hopefully we get it and don't run into it and I'm really hoping that the path down here is gonna turn off that way and lead us to it if not then we're gonna have a decent backtrack and it'll be one of those bunch of turns before we can actually get the correct way there so if you already couple more donations we ran into a dead end we have fifty dollars from no chance mr. Lama no chance here wish you the best orangy run ever get us a world record shout to your mod I don't know if world records inside anymore how about let's get under time not 30 minutes over we believe in you llama no mana potion still so hopefully it's just a quick up and turn and not another down backing around this really has just been a nightmare of map so far but we're only in Normal difficulty all right so that's gonna kick us out to the right so I still might have to come back this way but once again this is another one of those playing our odds I'm going to try and go for the down and around simply because it's slightly better chances that it's going to do this and it is so fun I have to get my cube as well thank you hey llama yeah do you have your cube I don't Thanks well actually our sign persons as well so what llama did earlier with the stamina potions he can do with the thawing potions here for doriel right cube I'm gonna check this so now I have three minutes of 50 coal dress so it's going to help a little bit with dorial I still have to be very careful like I say cuz I have cold attacks plus his holy fries aura so I am very slow I also don't have a stealth armor so getting away is even harder but I'm going to try and do kind of dodging in and out and this is this is a little bit of a strategy that we've just I know worked on a little bit more lately where are you trying to get him to hit you because essentially when you're up next to him he's gonna be stunning you and doing all this stuff but when he's away from you like that you get this tiny moment where you're not going to be stunned by him or you're not going to be frozen by his aura and in that moment you can actually do some stuff and so I can run in and then before the ORAC rocks because the the auras kind of propagate out they're not just a standard it's always within you know this distance it kind of has a range where it like propagates out I think it does on a certain time [Music] just be little careful and so I want to constantly be trying to dip in and out and it's a lot harder without stealth but just trying to get them to miss so I can get a little bit of distance which without stealth is really just getting tough to get more health punch really fast and maybe a couple more thongs just in case one thing that might not be shown is this is actually really really hard as someone who speedruns d1 and tried to pick this game up I couldn't I couldn't like imagine how hard it is for somebody who's newer to pick this game as well because even for me I gave up it was too difficult I used to die tutorial constantly when I played this game yeah Jerell is one of the pain points of this game for sure and the biggest reason is you're trapped in this tiny room so you have very little room to move he does a ton of damage he slows you he chills you all of this here and so it's it just it's just a horrible nightmare and most characters if you especially don't speedrun or don't know you know certain tricks or tips or ways to kind of deal with him can just be absolutely brutal yeah and so often you're also running when you're speeding and fighting Durrell you're running extremely low health as the health pots just don't regen very quickly light healing potions aren't super great and so I just put two in these weird situations where you're just like I got 60 House let me just reach in a tiny bit more okay now I'll go forward and whatnot so I also still want to pick up a to open socket shield or helmet I actually I get some as well so I'm gonna go ahead and do a check once I get to Act three just really quickly and this is another fun little tip once you talk there you can just come in here drop a TP and get right over into mushy so if you're looking to save a few seconds of running across town there you go so like I say I want to get these two open sockets just for the tiryns the terrans would have been nicer earlier for sure but you know we're just gonna try and I'll shop a couple times so if you want to a couple more donations go ahead we have an anonymous $50 donation had to donate during mr. llamas run good luck to all the runners yeah we have $25 from bigger Mac had to donate for my first time during Diablo 2 spent many hours playing and loved to see all the strats that I could have used as a kid right we have $55 from Ares 89 to see Diablo 2 again on the screen I still have flashbacks to the arcane sanctuary but nevertheless a very entertaining run keep going and best of luck yeah the arcane thing sure is definitely a pain point for many I would say yeah not as bad as not finding is true I'd rather a 5th wave ladies notice so one of the as much as people hate act 2 I'd see it I'd say act 3 is hated a little bit more unless you're playing on multiplayer being rushed because then you can just skip all of this so in act 3 I now have to find the I the heart and the brain morph all of those together in the cube to get the flail and then use the flail to break the orb at the travandkel so it's kind of a long process but you can just completely skip it like I said whereas in act 2 you can't skip those pieces an act 3 you can just skip all of that just go right to the traveling goal all right deterrence and then just be done with it from there so online it's not too bad but when you are playing single-player it is pretty miserably slow as these jungles can just be a nightmare so one thing more RNG is that the way the maps connect don't always even connect the same way so for instance the maps in the right out here that's connecting to the sprite a forest can either be the great Marsh and the flare jungle or just the great Marsh I don't care about the great Marsh so I'm always looking to just get right into the flare jungle if I can and that's when you get better RNG but you don't always know if you have that skip or not until you're already kind of at that point and I want to check over here really fast turning off so you're constantly trying to explore and figure out and since for instance that's the great Marsh right there so we know we have the great Marsh right there now we're gonna go check and see if we're gonna get a flare jungle skip going forward and I still have to find the piece down here anyway so I need to be moving through the spider forest but that's just one of the OJS fun okay once again when you get caught on bridges and things of that nature it really just gets a little bit more time I do have my 19 so I could reach back around now if I wanted but I really just like the poison damage out here I find that uh just throwing you could y'all go crazy now alright just going nuts right now yeah so like I say sometimes you can look into it as you go along in the run I feel like it's similar odds actually you have maybe about a 30% chance 20-30 percent chance of finding that errand later on as you're running but once again you miss runed so often while you're here that it kind of makes you go you know just because I'm running past things before they die so that was the very nice right there we got the room now we can speed up a tiny bit the bad news is it doesn't look like we're gonna have a skip nor do we have a great map for getting to the skip unless this is gonna kick out right up here it is not sometimes you get weird connections between the maps in those like tight little areas there and there are there ones that you would never look for until you started speedrunning this game so much that you go like maybe it is in there and then it is and you just just lose your mind cuz it's so great I get such a big time save if you can get those especially when you're at this point in the run right once you've gotten to act 3 you've gotten through the arcane tanks or through the maggot layer and all those horrible maps you've gotten your runes in a reasonable time you got your experience so you're really not looking for resets and all the time saves that you can get at this point are just magical so naturally not can it happen for us in this run but that's ok we have an errand nothing else it matters now right and that's where it's 20 life but this is a speed run so we don't we don't go and turn that in it takes too long so yeah at this point I can kind of look through the map just to verify my thought and I'm actually going to TP back I think it's gonna be faster running from this direction to get there there's our great marsh nothing's kicking out left there nothing's kicking out right there yeah this is just gonna be a great marsh map so the nice thing is it's at least a little bit clearer on that sometimes you get maps where it just looks like there could be that skip and you run all this way into dead-end and then you're having to backtrack all this way and you know this one's pretty cut-and-dry great marsh will lead us to the flare jungle but yeah all of the winding this really makes it difficult to navigate through here and there's some of people's favorite monsters gloams or Dark Souls later they are awful in normal they're not that bad they can do a little bit damage but they're really not too bad but once you get to hell especially when you start adding in all of the boost from the other monsters and you start adding in you know the earthy enchants I should say in the auras somebody has conviction aura which lowers resistances I don't haven't even need that once you start doing all of that stuff you're gonna run into just pain and I've lost many characters just to the instant death from one of those the fire enchant that you were talking about the explosion yeah that proc multiple times from that lightning yes oh well that's more from the Beatles Oh less so from here okay the Beatles and the charge both but if these are lightning enchanted and fire enchanted which they can be in hell then you're gonna get like a dual stack of damage plus the explosions on the book it can just turn into really nasty stuff so you can have characters just tons of health and they just run into absolute deathtrap so I'm gonna leave a teepee just for safety right there because you never know what can happen out here not a huge fan of these boss groups the shooters are a little bit annoying I would almost like birds at this point since I am so high leveled I would kind of just be down to not have to deal with all of the blocks and stuff so when you run into these guys it actually gets a little bit annoying because they're going to just block your path constantly and getting trapped in is awful I'm gonna grab that rejuve just cuz I'm running a little low on that and that could be good for a quick emergency get away just never know there go ahead over here and nothing in there so we'll go back so in this game health potions are an over time heal effect whereas rejuve czar an instant like emergency effect smart so lamas tends to like to keep those for those tight tight moments where he can't exactly just walk out or they're fully surrounded so he can take them out quickly yeah and so you can either wear them on your belt which is generally the safer option and I might put them on my belt later on when we get to like the Kaos sanctuary or something but generally right now I have enough time where I can just open up the inventory and right-click on it assuming I don't miss hit which soon does happen sometimes so like I said we're almost level 20 at this point which is also why I'm not a big fan of being out here killing all these things because I don't need any more experience beyond level 20 yet I'm going to have to get more experience as we go through so we're actually going to get a lot of experience in this game I might finish this run at level 22 instead of 21 which is generally a big no-no but when you finish the tower at level 15 you're gonna run into that situation so I'll go ahead and wait around here I might not really need to but we will just for the fun of it because we can get a nice ring and so I'm pretty pretty good on gold at this point I do want to go repair and I'm gonna go back to act 2 for that cuz it's actually closer just a double check and make sure I don't run I have javelins at this point I no longer want to be going back to town until I get to a waypoint so because then I would overwrite that check out what our ring is sherek some cold red seems nice and probably go picked up a couple stamina potions as well but it is what it is we will just have a little bit of slowdown time at a certain point in act 3 you're not gonna really be getting those cuz you have to visit Lysander which is a little bit further away so I generally pick them up when I'm an act 2 it's kind of hoping that I would have had enough but because of all that running through the spider forest and through the flare jungle etc that just kind of slowed us down there so well they're really nice they're gonna help us increase our stamina again and kind of fill that back up and then this is just to kind of keep things keep paths a little bit cleaner for ourselves as I don't really want to be dealing with getting blocked in from the front and then having a bunch of monsters behind me follow-up for the killer or anything and I wish refilling shrines refilled stamina you think they would but unfortunately not so here's the end of the flare jungle hopefully we can get a waypoint pretty quickly let me go check in the top-left corner and like I say since I am level 20 already I'm pretty much just gonna skip as much as I can in terms of mobs unless I'm in tight corridors or places that I just want to make sure I'm a little bit safer hopefully Waypoint is here doesn't look like it that'll work instead alright stamina shrine very nice so that should take care of all of our stamina issues for the next two and a half minutes three minutes whatever it really is I think it's three minutes and there's a good way point so all good so far and we can just continue right down through here so something you might have seen me doing before and act 2 was I would save quit after I got out of a specific area you won't really see that much in act 3 and the reason is because the act 3 run is prolonged to get back to that portal that it actually is just faster to always just drop that TP go home and whatnot whereas in act 2 if you go through the TP it actually takes longer than to come back and to just save quit and then go back through war of to the west and then take the Waypoint from act 1 so here you can see that our frost Nova is just doing work I'm also going to load up on these reaches at this time and we're going to drop a safety time portal as well dolls are one of the worst mobs in the game as well they explode when you kill them and on explosion they do a corpse explode that does a ton of damage so that is another way to lose your character very easily is to just accidentally be too close to dolls or if you have a mercenary when you're like teleporting he kills the dolls and then they explode and kill you so I can get really nasty so while I finish up this area oh my gosh feel free to read a couple more donations we have 18 dollars from Li 145 hi mister llama SC hello love your runs glad to see you and Diablo 2 at agdq cheers Cheers we have 5 dollars from frob attention hey llama don't feel too bad I have one spent time farming the countess until I had 41 tau runes before the first drop that's pretty rough I want to say we had about 40 runes in total but they weren't they were not all tower Elsa says I'll also donate another $5 if anyone can pronounce my name correctly I'm not sure if I got it but oh well gravity providential providential Abaddon sin for all bitch son anybody check give it a try hi problem love what you all are doing and one day I'll also attend the gdq event yeah you for sure you should come the gdq events are actually a ton of fun like I would highly recommend them to anybody it has a different feel from your other events your touch cons or packs or any of those it's a lot more just laid-back people are just here having a good time playing games speedrunning watching speedruns and I don't know I love it there's some of my favorite events to go to which is live gone to so many so highly recommend and we actually got a really good sewers right there so in the sewers you want to run clockwise just as a note for people who are playing this game simply because you have a slightly better odds that you're gonna run into it or you're gonna run into the chest and then if you run into the chest you start running reverse of where the way you were going getting that right in between those two exits is really nice as opposed to having to run the entire sewers like all the way around and running into some bad area or it's in the middle sometimes you can have some really awful things that happen so overall that was a map win for us in a sea of doom so we're coming into the close of act 3 right here and I'm actually gonna head over I'll probably respec actually after this I think about it so I'll move over there and go for my respec and then while I'm there I'll pick up some stamina potions as well this is one of those you can race pick at this point you can respect after this point but you definitely want to have the respect done by Mephisto because otherwise you're just not going to do any damage to him and it is not going to be fun for you I'll be a little careful here well together I'll put those in the ground so at this point I'm also not going to need jabs anymore beyond just poking with them so I don't need to worry about having two sets and throwing them right thing of that nature I'll just move on with our one set call it good over here couple things erase that so now we're gonna change it up twenty-five there don't really need anything else anywhere else also get a quick repair in and we're actually gonna go into a respek into charge strike here and then everything else into power strike right down below so that is purely the build at this point no more fun throws or anything like that it is just nice and simple and I'll actually make a room for a few more health pots in here just in case and no now we're heading to turn to a level one you want to go to the left of the way you came in since the way we came in is facing man we almost got it awful since the way we came in as facing to the bottom left we of course want to go to the bottom right and as you can see we already found it right there which is really nice and unfortunately I ran into some blocks so things like that are minor slow down in this level we want to run straight across the waypoint will actually be down to that bottom left or bottom right there so I am going to try and go in a straight across direction as much as I can while not really caring for the waypoint too much but taking note of if there's any paths that are really starting to like go down and so that's not gonna be it right there so we'll start heading over this way and see if this kicks off left and there we go should be level 3 so live map reading has just done like that looking at all the tiles like I said before these experience rinds are just they got they're basically worthless now which is why I really don't care that much I maybe could have grabbed that if I really wanted for this Mephisto kill but at this point the experience that I'm going to be gaining is extremely low and that is a lot of damage and so here's some of the fun that we get to deal with here hopefully Mephisto I'm not doing too many attacks they're gonna do too much and there you go so so at this point you got a circlet so we actually have a chance that we could get some faster run walk or Amazon Skills or something on this circuit which would be really nice but don't you have boots I do oh nothing good so we'll trash it and the reason I kept that diamond as I was considering using it before but with all the rounds and the terrans and everything that I end up getting from all those runes I decided i don't really care enough about the other resistances so i'll just move forward like i said fire res is the res to have for act 3 and act 4 light res can be nice for act 2 of course with the beetles and then the other res are just nice to have but i would say overall you really want to focus on that fire res peer Lee for that right there thank you for the example mr. pit Lord because if that hits you you are just like said dead if you have zero resistance is it just puts you in a world of pain so these maps are also pretty easy to read which is why I'm skipping a lot of the directions and corners because there's only three spawn points for the doors so I'm just looking at walls each wall has a specific point where the door is going to spawn and so I'm purely just running to that point on the wall if it's not there then I run to the next point on the other wall and continue as such so it looks like this one is not there's no I'll run straight across here towards the middle of this one and if it's not in the middle here then it will be in the top-left just kind of over there so if you want read a couple more donations all ahead to the cast thanks very go ahead we have fifty dollars from a Griffin 711 good luck on the run llama bless orangey Thank You Griffin we have $20 from Super Saiyan fife had to donate during this amazing run Diablo 2 is one of my favorite games of all time and I've sunk way way too many hours into it you know no regrets keep up the amazing work llama this is going to lifelong happiness to Vivi and quina nice and looking at that incentive we have raised almost $6,500 emma is a $40,000 incentive for later today in that Final Fantasy 9 run go get it so uh oh jeez there's a little bit spicy in here as we're starting to get it so all of the joys that this game has to offer that might be a reset point all right we got our gold so with Diablo once again you don't just have monster and boss group like spawn differences and stuff but you also have what types of monsters actually spawn on a map so if you go into the text files you can actually look and see what monsters each map is able to spawn and so you're not always going to spawn the same kind so that last pairing that we had was pretty brutal especially with those Mahler's right the giant dudes with the hammers or dars whatever they're called at this point in the game as they will knock you back and give you a mini stun kind of when they hit you and that just doesn't work very well surprisingly you know when you're getting stun to knock back all the time normally the only thing that can really sit on you is a hit stun which is when you take a certain amount of damage percent when he whirls there you go yeah and besides that the only other types will that will stun are things like the Mahler's right so yeah so the hit recovery or yeah just the hip stuns are you know comment and just deal with them but you know more when it's like okay this monsters gonna do a ton of damage and will probably stun me but you can still take a lot of hits in general without getting hit you can see me going into stand right there but with the Mahler's they're just absolutely horrible so now approaching one of the next next next you know times a thousand biggest reset points or run ruiners of this run and that is the Chaos sanctuary and the reason is because there are so many monsters you are running into a bunch of these Knights right here which will actually put you into or they'll use a spell called decrepit I on you that slows you down and it's horrible they won't do it until you get into the chaos sanctuary but once you're in there it's just awful you run into a lot of the pit Lords which are breathing fire at you and are very dangerous manner burners it's just all in all a really fun time and additionally trying to get in alone can be very difficult so if you want another clap point it'll be in like 30 seconds probably when I get to these points so there's two two places right out cheese can't get in to start the first place I'm talking about normally this one is you know mildly open not a good sign for us so far they've got a party yeah so so there's two spots that I have to run past here and you have to just kind of take a gamble because you don't know what's on the other side and if it's gonna block or not until you're already halfway through which is of course terrible in a game like this and we're just gonna reset that as that is not even a feasible spot for moving through really really good so what yeah go ahead one thing that will become more and more prevalent as he gets closer closer to ball is money becomes a very very fine commodity as he pretty much is spending it exclusively on potions and they start costing more and more and he's using more and more so I actually have a decent chunk of money right now which is really nice but ya know it's totally true and especially when you get to characters like the sorceress who is burning through mana potions which are really expensive just super fast for all their teleports there's I mean I've seen multiple runs that were on a really great world-record pace and then didn't get gold you know you didn't didn't drop a couple items from Diablo or Mephisto suddenly are in a horrible position so here begins the first of two and like I say all that wins clogs and now it's clogged alright cool so we don't even don't even have to get all the way to the other side to see I really want that guy to move out this is where you gotta kind of dance around and this is also where cold and decrepit I really just get horrible okay so we're through one and the second one's gonna be short hopefully my gosh it's okay it's at least not horrible it's getting worse though all right there we go so I say that's just one of those until you're on the other side you aren't always sure if you're gonna be okay and when you're doing hardcore runs it just gets even worse those you can just really get into a lot of trouble so I don't like these guys right here these manor burns are pretty pretty brutal and having a champion pack there is not a lot of fun so I'm probably gonna try and take care of this a little bit safer with it and and then we can go and begin our journey so just knock out these storm casters here and that chance for an fly damage it's a little nice but it doesn't do a ton for this character because a lot of my damage is actually coming from not me hitting but rather my charge strikes all the charge bolts that are released when I'm hitting so that's where the damage really comes from here and this guy is awful geez all right not our favorite cast I really want to frost Nova here but looks like we're not getting a proc on it yet so you can see the crap of I being mixed with all the other stuff down here really isn't fun and even with like max fire res and all that stuff I'm still having to do a ton of kiting in this area just to try and deal with it so if you get if you get good spawns down here you can save so much time but the nice thing is with all my resistance is I should be pretty good for mostly tanking these guys I do need to be careful if their hit still and they still do some damage but just gonna sneak around get a couple hits on and the blue guy is all that we really care about so we're just gonna drag him out get that kill and hopefully we can get some blocks on this so monsters run into each other that's run into each other and you can use their own speeds to slow down or speed them up essentially so that's what I'm doing in this regard or I'm just saying okay rather than fighting all those extra fast monsters I'm just going to slow down there or get some monsters that are slower put them in the way and then run away and they'll block each other all right so you gotta clear this out a little bit is oblivion nights or my biggest pain point but also the mana burn happening behind us that and we'll go ahead and pop the seal here see what we get these guys are pretty strong I'll draw up a safety teepee I'm also gonna be going back through that anyways just to get more potions here pretty soon I would imagine and with the fanaticism they can do a lot of damage and yeah we'll go get pushings really quickly so if you don't read a couple more donations go ahead we have twenty five dollars from foghorn this run started off amazing I was sir he would get a world record and the tower had me shutting it's here no I thought he shall prevail and find his room he will pull it together and oh my Zod he did it by the hole is that rest give him the hell llama I was beautiful beautiful so that's a bunch of different rooms in the game yeah class for that is there ever a spot holy cow well this isn't good they want you to hit that level 22 well we're getting there this is really bad so sometimes the game just really really has a lot of fun or whatever you want to call it and that is the entirety of this run can we sneak out no we can't oh we're trapped it's just getting worse do I have a town portal set god I hope so I can't remember I'm sorry I still gotta clean it all up anyways but at least we're safe now so yeah sometimes the game is this and this is when your world record run goes away no matter how well it went before sometimes you just get trapped in the spot the best part of all of us is llama was completely out of health potions and was basically on the fly picking them up in youth so at least you get to see some fun examples of like I said this game is more of a skill run and that's sort of the stuff that she deal with right those are the moments that really separate you right there I feel like and can lead you to you know maybe continuing with that record if you had such an amazing time or at least staying alive so oblivion nights are this is just a horrible combination I have these dudes Manor burning me and the Oblivion nights blowing me and cursing me it is just just a wonderful combination here and they just ran off so we're just gonna leave them and we're just want to focus on blue man right here so just gonna try and get in get a couple shots that's nice that we got that frost Nova proc and let's see if we can get them before we die [Music] maybe a poison not a lot of damage where is he now they're all blue there we go aptly named alright alright so now we're fighting Diablo this would be the end of classic right here were we to be just doing a classic run I need to be very careful because of his lightning breath and because of that in particular so if he does a freeze hit on me and then goes into lightning breath my move speed is not enough to escape it and so it actually gets really bad for us so you just have to be careful of that and that is actually half physical and half lightning damage so a lot of people think it's fire damage and then they have all this fire res and then they're really confused as to why that is just destroying them that is why so at this point because I'm frozen I'm just gonna move back and we'll just head back right here and grab a few more potions this has been a lot of potions for this gas tank sorry way more than normal and I'll just grab a couple more thine potions to deal with a more shenanigans I'm very eager to hit with that I just gotta be a little careful and avoid that I was doing some hardcore practice runs since that's one of the records I'm going for and that was the end of me and that run was Diablos lightning breath just a quick couldn't quite get out of the way and easy fall now the nice thing is if you're on nightmare or hell it's actually super easy because you can just stand underneath it so you stand closer to him and you actually won't take damage from it if you're right on top of him now we have this fun to do that sometimes that I could finish him but it's very aggressive with this lightning right now yeah Alam is getting pretty unlucky with the RNG on the lightning good job all right so at least we're good on gold I'll go ahead and do a quick shot just an act for here but gold is gonna be pretty fine at this point continue with our potion and let's go ahead and get a couple more that I'll get a couple more stamina potion just for the run so we didn't quite make it to 21 and at this point experience is going to be near impossible to come by so it looks like we'll finish just at 21 I would imagine here which isn't really a big deal an extra point a charge strike actually could be okay could be kind of nice just because the damage increase is pretty significant especially these lower levels but you know it is what it is that's what we're gonna deal with and I don't think it's quite worth the time to go spend to kill stuff to get that level up it might be that's one of those things where you can just sit there and do theory crafting on and stuff and you can never get an exact answer because you can never be 100% sure on what exactly you're going to get when you get to that point right so if I if I go there and there's no monsters right there then you know all right well now it takes longer if there are monsters then it's shorter if there's an experience trying it's even shorter so you know maybe grab from those experience earlier would have helped but I just wasn't expecting everything to be this chaotic and that chaos to be so filled in stuff so it is what it is and then of course you've got all the other odds that can happen as well for instance you know there's a chance that I could get some faster run walk boot let's say that's about one in 10,000 out here or something like that just from a monster I kill like right around here probably about one in a few thousand honestly from like shank or something so you know so if I'm out here and I kill a hundred monsters that gives me like a 50% chance to get those boots because I either find them or I don't those things that being said if you did get them you'd be pretty immortal at this point I would be extremely yeah so if you want really couple more donations go ahead at this point we are just running straight until we get to the ancients we have 25 dollars from Niko Kaneko's on Amazon rules love what you guys are doing we have an anonymous $100 donation love watching the diablo 2 speed run thank you we have $25 from flash laser nothing better to come home and start the weekend with the diablo 2 speed run love what you guys are doing thank you so much we have $50 from sticky 210 thank you to all the speedrunners and the entire agdq staff special thanks to mr. Lama SC for running one of my favorite games of all time oh yeah and big shoutout can we get claps in the audience and chat or the gdq staff yeah there you go it is a lot to put on this event and they do a fantastic job and keep things running extremely smoothly this is got a thousand more things than my stream it's about ten times smoother so really a big shout out to all of them we have four hundred and thirty two dollars and ten cents from zamorak high so once again at this point this is uh this is just the running portion just kind of depends on what maps you get as is a lot of this game I'm gonna definitely set some safety teepees ten teepees left just low reminder to ourselves also depends the monster spawn sent here I definitely not want to run into death Lords and things death Lord packs can be pretty brutal that looks like that's gonna be our exit down just below us so not too bad if it is if it isn't then this Maps gonna get a lot worse and it looks like yeah so not too bad right there you're always just trying to get these quick turn offs and there can be a lot of time stays for character like characters like this as opposed to for instance the sorceress where she's just teleporting through all of this and so you know it's the difference of generally like five seconds first 12 seconds or something if it's a little bit longer unless you have a really terrible map you know these characters you can lose a minute if you have to run like an entire section so we've got two pretty good maps right there I'm pretty happy with that and and then we will just continue moving forward one more well then we'll get to the ancient ancients are a little difficult on the Amazon you're definitely want to gonna want to split them up at least that's the strategy that I always prefer so just spreading them out and then dealing with them more one at a time I find is the helpful way to not have to worry too much about getting spun on by mattock or italic when you're trying to deal with madacorp core like jumping you know all these things so there's different ways to kind of abuse them if there's any real like good glitches or whatever in the game or bug abuse its abusing the pathing of the Ancients just and the visibility of those monsters so that they're not always just right on top of you following you everywhere okay interesting those death lords right there and right here and right there and right there those are all really scary they they do a 1 they have really big attacks but 2 they have a frenzied attack and so the more times that they hit you the more like the faster attack speed gets and it gets really quick and the faster they get as well so it gets pretty deadly pretty quickly if they're doing a lot to you so let's see we'll just drag these guys over here and I want to really split off mattock if I can but if I get mattock in there so there we go we got him spinning to the corner now I'm going to run as fast as I can to this other side and hopefully this would just drag the other two guys and now I'm going to try and just lost him I was trying to deal to get him into a special slot essentially where Mattox gonna be throwing at me but talax not gonna be there core like he'll be hitting our eyes there's been away this might be tough we'll have to see if we can get there we're gonna go hard to the corner and see who comes [Music] all right we got one we can deal with that oh that is nasty damage though so it's also best when dealing with Maddock to generally have him up against a wall or something so that way he's not going to be turning and going in different directions this is also we're having that +12 cold damage is really helpful so I'm going to try and get him to move this way a little bit more if I can and then I'll push him this way and try and there we go so now he's not gonna be running away and now give us a little bit better chance of dealing with him the same time we do need to be a little careful because like I said he does have damage that's decently high at the same time these ancients bond with a random gear on so you might get one time where you're fighting them and Maddock does no damage and another time where you fighting him and he does 300 damage a shot kind of just depends what gear he spawns with and sometimes they'll have cold damage sometimes though I mean it's just all sorts of stuff do you really have to just watch and be careful with all those things another thing to note lama can't actually go back up to town for more potions or else that will route that this fight correct yeah this fight is one go and that's all you can't leave this area you can't go back to town whatever it is that'll always reset so you have to make sure that you have enough potions and everything that you need to deal with the fight in one say one take so hopefully I wasn't really expecting him but he took a little longer than I wanted so a common practice for newer runners here is before the fight starts they'll empty inventories of potions onto the ground yep so they if they need any more they can just pick it up yeah so medic does have higher light rez whereas these guys do not so a nice way to deal with that is you know it's gonna be a lot easier to kill these guys and Maddock at the same time you'll notice that talaq is no longer spinning on me this is because I'm up against a cliff wall and he would actually spin off the wall and he were to try and whirlwind so this is a great way to abuse him and you can do this in multiple areas where you just pin yourself up against the wall and then talaq is no longer going to be able to do whirlwind which is really the way that you die in normal Ancients later on there's a lot of the ways to die hell and ancients and stuff but in normal ancients this is your big like killer so that's always a great way to just abuse that and yeah what funk we're saying is very true especially in hell I'm not sure there's a single character in a hell run that doesn't drop potions on the ground to pick up later and of course you have to be pretty quick on that as well as those potions will eventually expire so this case though pretty easy normal agents aren't too bad once you get them separated I was mesmerised sorry oh good so now we're in the world stone and this is pretty much exactly like the catacombs and that I have no clue of which way I need to run in level 1 in level 2 I'm gonna want to run in a clockwise direction because the Waypoint is going to be from that counterclockwise way essentially and so I want to kind of avoid that and just get right to bail and then level 3 I'm going to have no clue again so exactly like catacombs just exploring the map checking out tiles looking for exits and if I don't see an exit I'll just continue moving forward and it doesn't look like anything there we'll just keep going this way so one more a great place to lose a few minutes in your run when you're on a great pace you'll notice that's a theme I'm also going to drop a town portal right here eat lift just in case I do run into the Waypoint because if I do I can always take that Waypoint back to my town portal and then that can sometimes be a quicker route rather than actually going running all the way back if it's in just such like a horrible position so for instance if this is the Waypoint right here because it's gonna be something then I'll take it back and it would be up there but since it's not will continue forward into level three hey Lama what's that your shields breaking I [Music] [Laughter] don't have to worry quite as much about fire damage but bail does have one attack that deals a decent amount of it so hopefully we can avoid that I suppose hopefully it's not broken before then and then death lords once again are scary and do exist down here as well as souls and when you're in Hell so those are the real like scares when you're running this through hell if you're just teleporting through and you get caught on those guys are running through and there's a pack of and now you can see they're faster because they got hits off oh jeez oh boy come on baby let's go so we're just can't try and avoid all of that mess right there hey all right because that is nothing that we want to deal with twelve so the nice thing is the Amazon can actually kill death Lords pretty quickly that is the benefit but you can only really face like one at a time cool there's two you can only face like one at a time because if you start running into more they're just gonna constantly have you stun locked and then you'll just get locked up forever so that's why you have to constantly be in this slight kiting mode to just pull them back and just to fight piece by piece and the less of these guys we have to fight the better for sure I also need health potions so we'll set that up see what all we have in here doesn't look too bad sometimes you can get in here and have like 14 death Lords and then you know yet again bye-bye to the run so the potions here are actually more expensive because I didn't do the first quest in in act 5 I should also get TVs so because I didn't do the first quest the potions are more expensive but because I have so much gold I'm not quite as worried about it so that's one of those trade-offs that I'm just kind of making additionally I have a diamond which is worth a little bit of gold if I really need it but I'm really just trying to stay as low as I can right now because bail will decrepit find me oops I was accident and there's a portal delay on entering and leaving so that's why I waited before going back in so I just want to stay as low down here and kill as much as I can before I have to go up and get decrepit eyed and deal with stuff wall to cover fight which he didn't gratify me very interesting he'll do it soon enough he's laughing he fooled you that poison is really not gonna do much damage at all but you know why not all right good and there's that a cup I nice thing is we did get in the kill on that first group or on on the boss cuz he can actually pretty annoying if you get two Cup fight before killing him and then you start missing some hits especially at the attack speed that you have when your decrepit eyed if you're missing hits right there and then you're getting put into hit recovery you're just non-stop like having no chance so unwavering to do a little bit of a drag on these guys and that's totally fine I just want to get all of them away because being cold and decrepit fied is basically impossible I mean there's like no way to do anything there and they constantly get respawned if they're right next to those guys so they are xxx ranran let's move up here and now we can despite them we'll get to cover five probably pretty soon there you go but not a huge deal except they're doing a ton of damage and by yeah so if I if I'm to come fight and cold I mean I'm I'm just not even getting a hit in pretty much [Music] so I was trying to actually stay at one health right there the reason is because I'm going to now do death straps so this is of course unique to softcore only but I'm going to just die right here to these guys thank you and then we'll come in here instead of TP and now begin dragging these guys out and hopefully we get all of them I saw one just went up there don't want to die yet so because that dude is light lightening enchanted it's quite miserable I don't have the boss there's the bus so they all follow on a leash of their boss so if the boss stays in they will all turn around and run back to him eventually if the boss comes out then they will most likely all follow those sometimes they don't quite make it out so they did that time which is good and we'll just do this a couple more times and then we'll pick up a body again so I guess in terms of abuse of this game this is the most abuse that it has basically if you get out of this throne room it counts that as you having cleared the waves for some reason they didn't set the trigger on like the boss dying or something they set the trigger on if monsters are still inside of the throne room so just simply moving out of the throne room moves on to the next wave so it's very convenient of course for speedrunning especially when your character is quite weak and it could take a long time to kill those waves so instead you just do this and avoid these waves and then you're good to go so after this we will be fighting bail and the line ends right around there so I should be good to just die right here so yeah timer will end on bail kill we still have a little bit of time with it I'm actually also gonna get a couple more potions and some flying potions I wonder how many haha' are in the chat so this will still take a tiny bit of time Amazon is decently strong but if he's being a punk and dropping a lot of clones or doing a lot of cold damage whatever it can still take a little bit of time so this is always another great place that you can gain or lose a lot of time depending on how nasty or bail is essentially so far he hasn't been too bad hopefully that wasn't it jinx all right good so far is this the fabled no clone no clone Bell that's a fantastic don't jinx it he can clone himself and then it's just horrible awfulness to try and deal with as there's now two bales putting you into hit recovery so trying to avoid that as definitely very nice sometimes you get zero clones sometimes you get ten it really just varies and you can be spun it but that takes time so getting zero clones would be very nice so we are very close to and hopefully not too many more of this I'm almost and time Wow no clothes good job llama now is a run [Laughter] so I believe we have cows incentive right we do have cows all right just all head over and grab some potions and then yeah get some moves in the chat for some cows right here so they actually went around this is something I talked to one of the developers at the game max Schafer and he said that when they were doing that they just literally went around and had the developers and stuff just mu into the like what right just go ahead and just move for us I'll just move into the tape recorder or whatever they used and so it's all just human moves from people that were going wait what like they didn't even know why they were moving at the time I'm pretty sure oh my god so we actually already have all the pieces we need which is really nice so this is the what at this point we are all so it's a little tough because normally I would be a poison since of course I can stay away instead we're gonna have to do some fun kaity stuff and it's gonna be a lot harder so you know and so we're gonna have to deal with but for all the Moose is you can hear the confusion in the moose right ya know just imagine like someone come up to you all your at work and be like hey new into this for me real good and then the guys who just don't care whatever alright let's go yeah this this really is to highlight the style of play with kiting right which I feel like it's a lot of the Amazon but especially when you're in the cow level you're just really going to be kiting all over the place but these frost Nova products really are really nice and this also goes to show just how bad of gear you actually need or you know how good of gear is actually required to beat the game it's basically nothing a couple things that you pick up along the way sometimes you finish a run without boots or gloves or anything like that it gets pretty interesting sometimes just how little you'll actually have on your character so I'll look through the gear really quickly at the end there this because it's fun to laugh at and it's not just on normal runs it's also on hell runs that you'll run into that as well so I'm pretty sure I finished a hell run one time and I literally had a white boots on okay because I never found boots that were better and it was a sorceress Oh she had teleport so I wasn't gonna go like shop shop any boots really and you just you just can't keep going like you know it's not not always worth the time to shop sometimes it is it really depends but once again it's always that how much time am I putting in verse two I think the survivability is gonna be worth it what's the odds of getting it and I mean you guys know I'm really good with odds and stuff so usually how hard is how hard is cut yeah they don't seem to move very fast [Music] we'll take our extra point in charge strike so this actually also used to be the part that was used for leveling up let's go into hell run you would continue with poison jabs he'll Amazon is actually a very different piece it's really fun to watch because now we mix him to boas on so I'd actually be an exploding arrow Boas on which does quite well but I don't do cows with it I'm actually moving forward with it instead but in the past used to do the cows and you would use poison chests and so it's very just I know is very different and a lot of lot of character actually leveled up in the cow cows from level 20 to 25 or 21 to 25 because at that time we were doing Bale cows and then you would move forward back to bail but our new strats now are where you get level 25 or up to 24 I suppose before ancient Oh before you get to act 3 when the experience is still good that way you're not wasting experience essentially by running through act four and five when you're not gaining anything and like I said the reason for that is because there's a level cap until the monsters in Act four and five are actually too high of a level so they're harder to kill but I don't get any experience from them or 5% until I get to level 25 and then they remove the upper cap and they only have the bottom cap on at that point so I as soon as you get 25 you'll notice that like everything is just giving you crazy amounts of experience all of a sudden because there's no longer that cap and so that's what that's when bail runs become effective which is why people go do barrel runs at that time I've always wondered did you do something to these cows llama breed them you know because they steal beef that's a lot of beef but yeah so so like you say normally when you're dealing like you don't want to be melee against cows so you want them kind of spaced out and things like that but in that case if I was running poison still I would just run the poison then would be all good and things would be a lot smoother there because I could just run around and just throw poison shafts and everything would die pretty quickly are you thirsty llama don't you seem to be milking this level pretty hard [Laughter] what is this crowd so now we have the cow king who is lightening and chant or lightening immune mining in chance of lightening moon so we can either sit there and try and do stuff or we can share on a mercenary I really hope you can do this yeah ffensive sure and let's get some potions for you give him the bow now will really stack him up here will give him will be nice I'll give them a helmet too how strong is the bow against bovine enemies not very though oh yeah no pikes alright you want to get a pike for him we're gonna bounce back and forth and one cold damage is something to be really nice Wow alright let's just hack the game okay so perfect and so now we cheer him on as he fights go [Music] [Applause] I give you armor and he drops a bunch of stamina potions because know so I'll clean up a few more cows here and then whatever you guys need they've killed the king we can we can head off there wrap it up prison okay so yeah we'll kill this group of cows they're razzing doing work get it buddy now what a tank and can we get one final move from Lama big shoutouts and everybody thank you so much thank you for the couch again and yeah thanks for watching guys make sure to get those donations in we got to be near a million right let's get to that thank you everybody peace and of course Thank You mr. Rama we are going to be taking a quick ad break so don't go away we will be back soon [Music] [Music] devolver digital is everyone's seventh favorite indie game label at least in the top ten and proud supporters and obsessive viewers of games done quick - none over to devolve her done quick calm for a selection of gdq run games and upcoming releases and up to 75% off alright and coming up next we have an interview with kz frew our grand theft auto vice city run lair today is sitting over an interview area with darkman so we're gonna head on over there and see what they got alright everybody welcome back to agdq 2019 I am darkman 78 and joined with me right here is KZ Frew he is the runner for the upcoming grand theft auto vice city run so KZ well my oh man I am yeah okay well it's not like 30 minutes are you ready yeah I guess sometimes practice okay that's cool so welcome KZ absolutely so talk to me a little bit about grand theft auto like you know Vice City in particular as a game this is like when somebody thinks about it you know they think it's a huge open world game you got a lot of exploration we got a lot of missions to do but you're gonna do it in under an hour yeah I mean there's quite a big sequence break in like the the second to third act just pretty much skip a lot of what's called the asset missions okay and that's what really brings the time down back in the days of of Adam McKay and and Oasis or just like really old-school runners you run around to do all this and there was like a lot of orangey because you had to collect cars and yet you know there were a lot of orangey patterns with like blowing vehicles it was just all over the place so you know we cut straight to the end gotcha straight to the you can't go straight to the end that's Estes you were running any % no Estes you not doing that gosh yeah yeah have a little bit of fun you know right yeah exactly gotta play a little bit speedrunners like to play their game that's right actually believe it or not who knew yeah so talk to me this isn't the first time you've run this game GDQ yes this is the second time can you draw upon some experience with that based on how the last run went to see maybe you can do it better this time or you know how does it how does that help yeah well you know me and vice city of G tequila goes back to 2017 age of the keel that was a very fun event and I think they're pretty good and then I went to ESA as well couple times took it to G 2qx in November right feels like it was just yesterday or I'm already back here did I ever leave I don't know I'm not sure yeah me neither no but yes so you know I've done this a couple times yeah and I've been playing a lot of ice field lately actually there's a tournament going on I'm undefeated all right yeah five and oh it's pretty good five wins or losses that's good no ties that's what I'm getting it is yeah yeah in case you didn't know at home exactly yes so I've been just playing a lot there's been a lot of runners there's been like 45 50 people playing the game that's crazy that's big numbers see so I'm pretty confident yeah I mean we'll see how it goes it is it is Grand Theft Auto and right very it's an entropic game there's a lot that can go wrong sure but it's all about crisis management hmm stay cool okay all right we wouldn't be remiss without asking the hard-hitting questions so we got to know right now grand theft auto vice city I ever saw go out of touch by halle notes I can appreciate that it's not even the discussion I can appreciate that there's a song in there by total it's called the Africa I mean never heard of it it's you know I don't know I don't know if todos got it man oh I bless that song so uh-huh sure you do alright so we're gonna go into a few social media questions we got the hard-hitting questions that were sent to us via Twitter so thank you very much and of course with all most of our interviews you can submit Twitter questions yourself if you want to ask the runner some of them so we have from at peace world says KZ Frew how's your day man you're really uh it's a hard eating question I know you really not pulling any punches here mm-hmm let's see I woke up I did eat Dean there's a good start okay breakfast is very important I had some nice eggs they did decent food here I'm quite pleased with it yeah good coffee you know so I'm feeling I'm feeling pretty okay right that's good you're not you're not here every day and GDQ is uh not not a year-round event that's right it's got a mini event sure but right you know it is special okay so you prepared for the occasion I like Ellicott we'll give it like a seven point nine out of ten point nine yeah I mean can you not bump that up to an eight all right well thanks just for you all right all right from @mb dt w kz frew can you confirm or deny the rumors that Billie Jean Israel over and I just I don't know these questions man these are rough I did say they're all right yeah really really getting under the fingernails what goes on with me and Billie Jean is mine and her business but you know it is my word over his over hers I am sitting here it's just Billie Jean here have you seen Billie Jean nope exactly but you're gonna believe no one think about yeah alright so last question from o-p-s bus I believe that price said that completely Rama doesn't matter KZ Frew when's the cars to PSB speedrun you know cars to PSP that's that's a gauntlet man that's a gauntlet if vice city is a rocket to the moon if vice city is ambition incarnate if it is just everything that speedrunning is about packaged into one our cars to on PSP I don't know man might be a rocket to Mars we might be going to Mars it's not there that's good yeah I'm getting that yeah it's up there don't mind the technical difficulties that happens that's fine somebody somebody press pause alright don't worry about it alright final question I want to ask you KZ a very passionate commentator like you know I've seen you like that run you know whenever you're doing it run for GDQ just very super passionate super like yeah a lot of energy like what is it that like kind of makes you go to that route like what is it that makes you so passionate is it the game is it just being on the stage what is it I mean it's all about bringing people into the Hobby right and I think that's a great way is to just embody what speedrunni-- is about we we love games I don't know video games pretty pretty good very good we like them so much that we're here and that's really cool and we're doing this thing all for charity and it's it's a huge deal it's really cool why would you not be happy to be here why would you not have energy right I can't argue with that exactly that's what it's all about in Austin that's what I try to bring to the table I love it well Casey thank you so much for taking some time to you know take time the interview with us for the upcoming grand theft auto vice city run but before we go away it's everybody's favorite time the wonderful man himself cent cent welcome where are you yeah I don't see you I'm right over here I'm just on the other side of the counter ah you know it's so far away it really object permeance is a really high ground I understand you know Casey hey great to meet you wonderful interview by the way absolutely thank you I had a question or two for you yeah so you know we had our wonderful in-house artist okay do you uh do a little bit of a sketch up of you you know when we last saw you it looks like you have six wanted stars there and are driving a go-kart no no maybe explain what happened there really well it was long day all right you know a lot of you sets a lot of things going on sometimes you just got to run from the police you know I've you know what I mean I've never been there but I've I've totally been there go karts are our crazy thing man you never know what's gonna happen yes exactly sure so anyway I got a bunch of really great prizes that you guys can get in to win if you get a donation in between now and the end of pokemon gold which is coming up a little later I think two or three runs away I think right after GTA actually exactly yeah so I mean first up guys we've these beautiful eeveelution pillow buddies from a ginger Kitty art you know I love these you know we got a sylveon we got a Glaceon we got a leafy on here it's the green one you know but I love them they're cute you could fold them up and then a little got a little feet or you just use them as a pillow you know however you want to do it $20 minimum donation I get your donations in dark van Casey what's your favorite eeveelution I gotta ask you know evey is such a polarizing Pokemon Vaporeon Vaporeon alright alright solid choice we don't have that one but solid choice okay see what you got for me I play grand theft auto man I don't know anything about Pokemon alright great I'm gonna take you home thank you thank you for the gift sent I really appreciate you gonna have to give those back to me until you finish the cars to speedrun I'm I'm just down the stakes are high here but the stakes really have been raised for sure really for sure so from our wonderful friend Carrie Frye we have this beautiful field guide the Kanto book it's just full of all of her amazing artwork girls let's see what random page I opened to that appears to be an upside-down Kabutops that is there's an upside-down Kabutops great Pokemon looks good upside down sort of sideways it's probably a better angle for it is it maybe okay $5 minimum donation for now until the end of pokemon gold and just as a reminder you know I love cards books all the dust covers function as posters I'm not gonna hold it up this time cuz I'm probably gonna hold it up upside down I think a baton 0 for 3 so far just think of the multiple ways you can use that book you can use it upside down sideways or 4 look I mean however you learn to read dark man I'm not judging you I opened it right-side up this time so the joke has not worked so well yeah I'm just gonna put that right down there up so I'm gonna reach back here from our good friend yep inspiring magic cosplay I cannot read the day right behind dark fan we have a beautiful Magikarp at $10 minimum donation hat is probably the best form of Magikarp I you know I don't know about you dark fan dude do you think there's a better form of Magikarp out there than a hat yes alright we're just gonna stick with that that's probably true I am generally wrong about hats it's good though I like it yeah it's super cute and I love it again $10 minimum donation from our friend Julia Z we have this beautiful Pokemon home sweet home cross stitch I you know it's just a picture of you and Pallet Town with your Pikachu they're loving it it's that's good it's adorable it's it's only a $15 minimum donation so I mean hey this is definitely somebody go to put that the Magikarp hat to be honest oh look like they're that good that you want to combine them okay yeah you want to put the Magikarp around the cross then yes I respect that be careful though it might evolve into a Gyarados crossed it that'll be scary on No yeah we'll just put that down real quick so from whoops from our good friend bags brothers aren't we have this absolutely beautiful upside down print I'm doing great today yeah no no it's but it's an amazing print of a Samus from um some promotional artwork that was done back in the late 80s to promote the original Metroid game I mean I love this piece it looks ripped straight out of a comic book when I first saw it I was like is there an old Metroid comic I've never read like is this just you know a piece of that but no original piece of art works super cool and again it's only a fifteen dollar minimum donation I mean this is the kind of I'd hang in my room for shame yep and again that's now until the end of pokemon gold so make sure to get those donations in guys last but not least we have this absolutely amazing little handmade um I'm come on you got it you got I got you got I'm not gonna mispronounce come on I've come on it all week come on no klonoa there we go I want to call him klonoa or like I can't even pronounce it wrong now I've gotten so wrong I can't do it wrong it's crazy but this plushie is absolutely amazing it was said to us by Ellen Cramer it's it's super detail that's super cute it's super soft it's got the big floppy ears that clinto is known for love this thing $20 minimum donation from now until the end of pokemon gold make sure to get your donations in foreign guys don't forget that all donations you guys make are getting you one step closer to entering into the grand PI's drawing I gotta put on the gloves for the lair yeah you know put them on yeah I can't can't handle this one with your bare hands oh yeah so we have this absolutely gorgeous Hylian Shield and Master Sword from our friends over at heroic replicas these are one-to-one scale replicas of the Hylian Shield and Master Sword for breath of the wild they are absolutely gorgeous that's two hundred and fifty dollar minimum donation but that is cumulative throughout the marathon so hey I mean you get twenty bucks and now you get twenty bucks in maybe a little later in the day and before you know you're already just about entered to win at this amazing sword and um yeah guys I think that's gonna be just about it for all the prizes we have right now always remember to head over to games done 'quick calm and check out the tracker if you have any questions about upcoming prizes speedruns incentives bids all that information is gonna be right there for you and that yeah thank you most so much darkman for you know having me on here always love coming out and showing off these cool things there's always a percent well we're not further ado why don't we just go ahead and throw it back to the host thank you very much for watching and Thank You dark man and sent I'm sure that KZ run is going to be fantastic as always
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 428,642
Rating: 4.8096676 out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2019, AGDQ2019, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 38sec (10178 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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