Metroid Samus Returns by Mr_Shasta in 1:47:35 - SGDQ2018

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[Applause] well hello there everyone welcome to Metro Center and this game is amazing you're not giving us the point fever played this but yeah with me today on carol introduce yourself I'm Jarvis I'm Hubert and I'm the ultimate Stooges all right so think it's not further ado we're just gonna start it some let's see if we bigger will chat down for this one let's go five four three two let's go [Applause] like I said welcome Metro Sansa turns and like I said earlier as well this game is absolutely amazing it's a bit like just like you saw earlier metroid zero mission is also that caliber of remake it's it's that so it's so good it's all I can say yeah first off we have it's just so ginger there's the game the idea is that after Sam Moskow you have a building of Metroid one stuff that's done back here in Metroid 2 and she is gonna be killing the whole Metroid species we have I think 40 Metroid stole those things you see on the bottom stream there what's different this game from the original is that there is three or six three aiming we've seen that soon and also maily maily counter it's the new mechanic of the game they'll be using the take out a lot of your more difficult enemies in the game like this not that there we have to do that one though yes these blue it means to take two shots and then one missile take out a common theme of this game is that a lot of the enemies actually are pretty difficult to take out and everything hits like a truck so keep that in mind when you watch this run oh listen say it's more fall more fall is very fun using this game because you don't have to actually double tap down to use it all you do is just touch the screen like this financially kill those campers like this just like that and saves a lot of time throughout the run just to do that instead double tapping it's much easier to you in general so just entering that room mr. shottish got a missile at our door you actually start with missiles in this game unlike most Metroid games which just makes it easier to you know go through things we're gonna be picking up a lot of extra missiles along the way they're in the way just to kill Metroid's faster is the first skip of the game by the way yeah this is a very important item scan pulse but we don't really need it because we know everything is it just shows you where everything is and gives you a on good luck we will get to later and they're running all right I'll take a little bit scan pulse is especially helpful for casual play in case you don't know where to go there we go so the first part of that skip it skips scan polls which is the Empire just explained right now here's first Metro the game as well as first alphabet train important distinction so the first part that skips skips scan pulse which is which itself seems like 25 seconds because of all the tutorials X there and then the second part there I just day is a one-shot trick so I'll get one chance to this that seems about it's 30 or 40 seconds on movement and skipping on stupid cutscene that's like I made time said you did both of those that was awesome I just went through that wall but yeah and then we get charged beam so just like in previous Metroid games charge beam that's very good in this game too but also if you you ate a spin jump and which charge you values some called co3 attack for eat free Tang right there what that does basically is does the image we come in contact with enemy in this case they can kill Demi like that there's like doesn't have a whole lot of health it's very good if you do pseudoscrew attack into enemies and they don't die you also take damage which can hurt in some situations all right so here's the first Metroid station you'll see this is where you deposit all the Metroid DNA they they take out from all the Metroid's you find in the game and then alters lower that's this purple wire other one that's actually called but so another thing too is I can actually can't I can't see what's brings to their purple wire because it will exponentially hurt me the longer I'm inside of this until I just lose them all my health so there'd be no skips like that in this run this gets like the skips like that get lost stuff for the wrong with you later but not right now spoiler alert but yeah that's the surface area that's kind of the story of the game so now we enter area one and then at the beginning of every area there's gonna be a Metroid station tells us how many there are and basically it tells you what you need to do in the area before coming back let's charge a charge right here then me shoot a missile afterwards if I do Koretz I'll kill all four of them so for what one for two this for me is right here just like that it's a very quick shot that's recognize his metro station you won't see these you won't see these immediately every time in the in each area you'll see them eventually because that's not tell you where to go and everything after you're done oh what's that you noticed as well in the bomb screen which is new this game from the original one obviously is no bomb screen River game but when when close to a Metroid the bomb screen like splash of it's like around where the icon where says the number and the Metroid logo around there it will start flashing and beeping you know here's some noises like that that's how you know I'm near a Metroid in general I guess it's like a little cage for anyone at home watching the worry you'll see a Metroid students and you're one if it starts beeping flashing I think of something Here I am the earth about the bombs yeah the bombs once again very useful in this game just like other games your stuff like bomb jumping we're gonna get like instantly - bomb as long as they don't drop the joke there's also don't drop it you'll see that later oh but yeah it's very good in this game - now we go over it gets two more upgrades really quickly we got an ice beam which is borderline over pirate in this game actually and also fireball don't explain when we get there but yeah that's what we're doing right now we're just getting those two IMS fireballs they cling to walls I'll spare no expense to clean the walls as long as we in the more fall and that it's useful for navigating areas so it's long a quick nation before it gets the next Metroid just doing a lot of moving right now you can go for it sounds great I have a $25 donation you know just some guy teddy one one three he says let's go mr. Shasta you're my second favorite soda superhero right behind Pepsi van on this point understandable another one in like one see what I have two hundred dollars from good luck to mister Shasta during his run Metroid Glock is the best block save those animals save the animals foo kill the animals donate donate to the couch his choice to kill the animals actually don't to my choice to save the animals this is the gal war going on we got a ward on here which side of you on one more day Jason and Donna have $25 donation from vex 46 hey sgdq just swinging through to help support the cause and to support this cinnamon roll mr. Jasper all good luck on your run and fingers crossed for that WR we'll see what happens for the record by the way I'm actually like a mid awful record now like a little less than minutes so I could actually get this run if everything goes freshly but we'll see it's gonna be very hard this game is really difficult but yeah anyways here's the first here's the second Metro going to find the game so probably now it's the first Metro you fought back on the service area it dies in seven missiles this one dies in 15 weirdly enough also you'll see fastly just picked up a missile tank on the way and most of the items in this game come in sets of threes four major upgrades like it's not earlier how I got the bombs ice beam and then I gots fireball like really quickly that sort of thing so I'm gonna go fight the other Metroid's that we have speaking of which now we have everything here go fight all the other Metroid's I'll start really want that missile top but that's gonna do all the admin trades there you're out or alpha Metroid's there's three more units to take out let me go back to the metro station just do all again next area we know how's this one thing that I'll say about ice cream is that it's split up from the rest of the beams that you get in the game so I spoon will always be its own separate thing and it'll be the primary way to kill most enemies until we get some of the later female grades that are even more overpowered I really want this one's right now this little confrontation is a really important part of this part of the road and I'm currently at five I need I guess there earlier takes 50 mistakes in house so that I can hurt them is with ice team right here for every still ultimate or personal metric find the game I'm gonna want to do that basically just stream of charged ice beam so that they first we've been doing a certain attack attack you don't want for them is one thing a charge at you and they're like electrified like around their weak points another thing to use these alpha rays can drop either one or two missiles after they actually defeat them it just dropped the one there which I don't need I really don't want that of course yesterday in practice they all drop - yeah yep alright we got a little bit again hopefully we'll be fine for a nice part thanks so here's a metric that's used throughout all the Metro games I think but if you aren't full health it would get only like missile drops if you're lower missiles if you're if you are low on a health then and are you feeling having only a little bit of missiles left or like only like a little bit of Health's gone or anything like that the game will just give you like it'll still give you energy you like know most to give energy that's just a priority system in a way so like since I was I had like one hit there I had like 20 health gone I uh I got mostly energy drops that mostly missile drops like any of their it's just how it is yeah what my meds right over here he's actually just across the waist in this room funnily enough check out this cool damage booster coming up mm oh okay got bad luck there cuz I actually actually know the bed look I that's good luck there because I missed I missed my chart shots which time something gets I'll saw missiles now there we go okay miss my charts out there so I get I didn't he didn't freeze and thankfully after that he didn't do that attack I was talked about earlier he electrifies himself becomes invincible for a bit because he whenever he does that this is three times in a row every time it's really annoying yeah there we go it's all of the Metroid's in this area now we can go back to the metro station simply enough and the metroid station refills all of your health ammo and everything else so that you can just waste all your missiles on the last metroid in the area and not need to worry about it it's really convenient to say at least it's just tasty bats of full health all all across the board also free mr. tank right here come up we're gonna actually go through a heat room which in this game is he rooms just like the purple wire much earlier will hurt you exponentially as you go through it so we do not want so nobody don't wanted to happen however it's actually faster to do that in this case because we have where it's full health and this will hurt not kill us all the way through here see just like that we're currently have 180 tank but then we get to refill it here so it's perfect it's convenient yeah we can do in the way in because there's no charge nope yeah we did no charge shot oh you did we could at the weigh-in yeah after that would show the very area is now a good time for a donation I'd say it's a good time for like tuitions all right we have two hundred dollars from super shoe can't wait for the Super Smash Brothers ultimate Wrigley speedrun next agdq hey in honor of our favorite space pirate kill those animals yeah we have 25 dollars from CMM one two one five oh hey Shasta CMM here wishing you luck on your run and so excited to be here to support you thanks for being you thank you for being you as well the viewer watching this all right now right there you two so there's actually a skip I can do on the left instead of going to the right okay they're right here which skips initiating this like the metro station if I did that there'd be no cutscene that I forget all the Metroid's in this area layer I won't do it because it's like if you fail a few times it won't save time but yeah there's a response that we're gonna do in the run that bomb drops there's a little bit time we've been going around that room it's very simple - here's a little screw Co screw attack so that guy there's an instance of the first upgrade alphabet raid he's often met friends have a different pair in their back instead of 15 missile to kill them they take 20 missile to kill them I think like four of those there's like four of those missiles Oh No that should be fine there we go okay get induced across through two missile drops nice perfect i'ma go for the blind shot here so they can't see where I'm aiming that I get it nope nope I do miss balance II don't know okay good now here come up on the next thing on the chrome quotes first day on fire again the run r is in the game that is lining armor my armor so here we go a yellow bar just appeared on the bomb screen that is our a on meter right every time I eat destroying and me they drop a on which is the yellow stuff you see we've seen enemies drops too far throughout the entire run that's what this is for since we can pick ups can fold earlier we kinda this didn't get any on stuff earlier also I really needed you to drop me something right okay but yeah this is the first like a on pair in the game we used this is lying armor what it does is whenever you can have it out whenever you want to but if you take damage with it you lose like a decent amount of hay yeah that's the whole gimmick behind it so I go have it out like during these parts for instance because you don't get hurt going through these little patches here I really need missiles by the way I didn't get any drops from that it was annoying anyways so we came upon a Metroid can I assume that's what I need in this list for and hopefully that's affirm too much afterwards for missile it's gonna need a lot of the next area I guess one thing is well about lying ever going back to that that Mike Donnelly was if you have lima routes and using real encounter you get a gigantic are criminal encounter it's like huge and we use that to destroy those storms like it like it it earlier it's very nice it's like helps a lot of those sort of things otherwise you just like shooting beams with them over and over it's not good oh I have a nine missile it's gonna be very hairy I got that shot at least that shots a little bit difficult alright this guy died is a little bit slower in the water because it just kind of keeps us there it won't blow longer during that counter attack animations yeah it's a farm a lot here okay that's what happens there at this farm right here for just a little bit because I'm worried about a missile accounts of course because I don't know I'm lowering missiles and we all the health drops of said should be right here should be good they're good okay you have full missiles that for a really long bomb job nice that's good don't forget that this fight is actually really hard to one cycle which I think I should go again oh yeah just barely just barely got him if he goes to the top of the there's a few metro as alpha matures like this if they go to the top of the room then it wastes a lot of time because yet because they actually healed a little bit on their on their on their health and that's this takes longer to kill them basically I was just note through all four of those those nice I always got the next part very to hear this elevator Pierce tasty to a German Spencer earlier just three items in the row yet you're gonna get just three upgrades first I'm gonna get you the various series which like we saw earlier well guess we guess rights through the lows he had rooms that gain hurts I'm in losses door here quickly as well because that should keep them luckily enough to charge shots always time that way check out those animations for her gain various suits it looks so cool and I did a good job with the animations in this game everything smooth and they made the game were beautiful as he was amazing especially for a 3ds games it's awesome there's various a it's like all really does just is just get like it through his he trims if I get quotation before a nice Metroid that'd be nice we have $100 from dad 195 great run mister underscore have fun thank you got time for one more actually though anymore okay so this nice Metroid is the as the first give em a try I see the entire run or layer on the game host charge beam later on the game you'll see more of them because we have a better weapon to deal with them but for now we only have missed the deal with them it ones do that attack there when you start off you always do this as well to your c4 missing to him these missiles right here so I can turn these out during your attack animation I can shoot a female in them and they won't like do anything before the tag nation comes out I want to shoot four missiles before they start attacking me because officially mourn for missiles they will actually run away from me and either leave the room to make much Metro and flying or just like avoid me in general so the way I've fought that there is actually very specific it's a nipple ation for them that's that's exactly why and you'll be seeing a lot of gamete Metroid's later it's very important to one cycle them here's just a longest parallel passage actually if someone gives like tea or Dacians they can do it right now we're just gonna get two items really quickly wave beam in hide hide your booth sounds great I have $500 from war breaker whoa that's a lot money first time watching gdq and had to donate during the metroid block metroid 2 was the first metroid game i finished on my own as a child to all the runners good luck have fun and remember that myself and nine out of ten doctors recommend we usually don't bring in places get a little in alright I have $50 from cats run Tokyo oh hey Shasta glad we have a runner who brings so much positive energy to this marathon best of luck during Samus returns thank you alright so we just got hydro boost their hydrant boots right well I guess I just wanna jump higher I'll talk my way beam though wave beams allows you just shoots your beam through any any object really but just through any wall that's that's all it does that's more powerful than your other beams that's why I use a mouse that's where we use it for a while so it's probably hard to see but as Chester was falling down the path to high jump he actually started gaining speed so you gain speed as you fall in more fall in this game yeah it's essentially faster it's we're gonna use it a lot when you fall down first I thought we got explain this this is a teleport station where you teleporting to the left here because it's faster we're going to the first clip of the on right here and save about a minute of movement if done quickly there's a pistol clip it's very thick II it might take me a few tries so bear with me here let's see if I can get trust me let me get this is one of the hardest clips in the runs yeah I supposed to go explain it that'd be nice so you can't just move yours stick in a proper way and the pedestal kind of flipped you through it and you just fall down out of bounds until you hit n bounce again till ugh and this also skips is the best metroid item so unfortunately there will be no spring ball in this run oh it's okay the just give it boss by doing this like I said very finicky clip by the way it's not uncommon it's tasting like a minute it's just really difficult yeah the Iraq miss fight though is pretty fun I will say casually definitely is come on it shouldn't take me this long this is longer than usual goes I think by this point wouldn't faster go around whoops come on it's gonna be the payoff is worth it I don't know come on this never takes me this small neither in practice I'm gonna I'm showing this off I don't care all right come on just flip through the thing I guess that's very fakie yet they like holes very specific angle and then like move your your circle pad like back to the right oh okay I promise let's go layer like way barrier layer yeah there are more of these there are more of these but that won't be the only take this long this one's actually the worst one that's a yeah okay come on Marcus let's go jeez this thank you you're supposed appreciate going on here come on I trust me I practiced this run multiple times at least once well mr. Shasta is wasting your time you can always be donating to killing the animals why is this not to happen yet like like I said oh I hate this i'ma get it right here trust me I blame Marathon lock this is definitely a marathon luck even though it's not luck at all marathon I guess I'll just plain something to you so my estimate for this game is actually very very high and and I guess it's a good thing because stuff like this happens I'm gonna get this I swear so between Misa Amane this game and me actually like right in the game here a lot of stuff was found a few stuff like I said like a few months so one thing that was found particular was that this pencil clipping which which actually saves somewhere around ten minutes in the run so that's why I messed missed so high because I couldn't do this before then oh my goodness why I I don't understand this is not taking me this long ever and even in runs or practice my passion I just go around this point it's gonna take a minute yeah just go around okay okay so ever so we get this Joe I'm sorry you'll see a Whaley I'll see you later I apologize okay turn it off or at least so now we get to see the other spring ball skip okay so yeah what's the other spring ball skip now this is good than showing this so the other spring balls hit point is is we're gonna I do a very precise bomb placement here if that makes sense and I lost the skip the only part of game we actually is actually required to use spring ball these fans do you see there Oh first try nice cool so yeah that does that that could take me right there by the way right past our rights in front of the room past were spring ball skip is yeah so yeah rip role darker by the way from that yeah spring balls imma get in area to it you fire rectus which is a throwback to Metro - he's final on that game but unfortunately we not we not do that because it's just slow spring ball just nice to get by casually but in the speed run you can you just bombed um so whenever we need it's a lot easier we're time to as well to bits like gain spring balls like two minutes out of the way whereas just like it's it's like maybe a minute gone if anything for nine spring ball also bad luck here so what you're saying is it would have been faster to go get spring ball than to try the pedestal clip you'd be quiet' oh my goodness I don't know why that happened like I'd say that's not right time go for right now all right so we have the Super Mario Super Monkey Ball Super Metroid Hall at this rate super monkey ball to incentive we need $36,000 for that we are currently standing at just over eight thousand dollars we have a long ways to go and that's going to be around 11 o'clock tomorrow morning so let's get on that sometimes that that see that pop up from the lava will just kind of slip on through the ice to demonstrate very rapidly ads I don't know why it was last mentoring of this area soft Metroid is a powerful one as you see by the tire not in fact it just it's just a slumber hits Ashley destroy you I got good luck there nice so it's a Metroid decides to like drop labia says drop us fireball he'll just like sit still for a little bit in that case that was perfect cuz I can just keep wailing on him and I have to like aim at him which aiming could be like hard to do sometimes I'm pretty I'm good it's so like it's not huge deal but like yeah don't worry ii want to do that it's not gonna take teleport and go right up area to you to the next one area is three by the way oh boy area three is the hardest area of the run and it is it's also long it's the longest as well too it will be about one fourth of the run for the record and there's also an eight areas in the game excluding the surface area so yeah it's really long but we also got the best item in the game so yeah well one of the best yeah alright so it's gonna go over there oh boy okay so you gonna get killed right here full that's always really nice if I want to get a few dream relations then go for it certain time can do we have fifty dollars from site 14 is this really the run of be mister I'm the best at Metroid Samus returns I don't care what anyone says Shasta run so far and here's hoping the rest of the run goes great as well this is going towards saving the animals we must be bad a little backed up on donations I must have been before pedestal Club I guess I do all right real talk time actually second place to this game I currently have a 130 or 406 to think I made a mistake of not putting my PB to the leaderboards before I came to the event so it's not there yes but currently well duck here is I think 139 101 113 133 11 by the believers he's he's actually the first game he's ever run and like he has been ranked it's since released he's really good at the game he's good just say that he runs game all the time so once again follow him on twitch but yeah we're in area 3 now we're gonna go over here and get the next day on power which is bean burst this power is overpowered it's very really really good we're gazing for every single Metroid and like a lot of other things throughout the rest of the game and we're a couple of awesome missiles too for a symmetric fights because let's get the most damage output it's really nice tickets that look at that it's just a lot of damage outputs so you share your a on power between all of your abilities so you can't just BAM beem burst oh my god Lee use anything else than everything like that a little sloppy there so like for instance if I take damage with flying armor I will also lose a on in general so I can't do isn't as much being burst legit right there like that see I want to avoid that right now actually seem to take it off cuz I want take out this and get more steam burst or a on in general so we're gonna take a little bit of a detour here cuz it saves a little bit of time for layer what we're gonna do is go down here and tag this teleport over here if you see on the bomb screen the sulphur is about to turn yellow what say I should get onto st. Alice's that means we tagged in and it's available for use from us that's why I also earlier metro area to you when it will add my way to actually tag a teleporter during the very beginning the area just because it saves a lot of time on movements these teleporters are not met rate to you there's lucid of this game and they're very very handy especially casually but all stone the speedrun - very cool if you saw they're going into this area there is a art go into his room there is a missile door every every room that has a mist door on it is has an item in scientist or so like for instance got grabbed a beam here which has most ice bosses all the island games all the hinds of the game so yeah grab game is very useful we're gonna use it to just go across a lot of gaps like this no tech we can do with it is we can actually press the yard button before we hit the very end of that block it forget like sucked into it like that's also bomb jump hey that's good [Applause] yeah graphene is really good Rikki's it for like most of the run because it just helps doesn't maneuver everywhere really it also long phonier it also has my favorite ability from prime 3 being the grapple lasso where it's abled the blocks or break certain blocks that are crumbled okay that was a little messed up there actually we grabbed it that counts he's lunged at me from upward from above or below I never seen him do that before I was weird our opponent lumber here's this nail doesn't hurt me oh there we go our cope is actually the most annoying Metroid's in this game these are the get Metroid's that go in between three rooms they spawn in a random location this one looks like it's gonna be in the SEC investigation which is top rights we're getting for these guys is hurt them a certain amounts and if they hurt you if we don't have enough they'll actually leave and go different room that's actually bad I think I can take them out still hold on he's not gonna leave I need enough damage okay try this back in stress oh no oh yeah it's gone okay so I guess I'll experience this firsthand something this one happens so okay the bottom of prime right so I guess I'd go into I wasn't top of left what the heck I was weird okay so I guess a gun three different rooms if you don't do have damage to them they will just leave and they'll actually get some damage back orcs in the health pack right here I was actually gonna chase me okay that's weird it's not good okay the idea for his game Metroid fights is that we use bean burst and spam missiles as well like that so what that does the most air jump in the game really the biggest idea more broken down is that we see missiles and then during the missile cooldown we shoot beam burst and that just does a lot of damage outputs we use that for every metro in the game from yarn out except for a few for a few exceptions as well let me get some healthier Ariane I'm gonna yawn because I must have messed up at this you know I think there's an right here that for cabinets this is a free free fill there we had long tall early and have to do a long climb like this and get some little wall jumps in here I think my sister Lee but welcomes have very ease in this game all you do is just go towards the wall and just present interest press B the jump and then unlike in other games more you have to go towards the wall and just like press being away yeah come up is the first and only Islip I'm gonna do this friend ice clipping is a thing where is where he gets one enemy between you and the wall and then just jump in between the enemy and should gauge through that wall this this is actually another kind of finicky trick in a way I in practice I got this relatively quickly but in all my attempts of this game on stream it took me longer let's see if I can get it right here I'm gonna go for it oh okay that's away from the unfreeze now so how's your date going here all right you also spit this full of acid thing in me then shoot me or attack me yeah get me a very specific position this is not it this might take a little bit this is about Minda half by the way of movements attached really banyan back is event I think yes I'm here no I can't okay we gotta get so my visual cue is that he has to go like right below this triangle right here this is it this should be it come on there we go nice Luther I love the background it's amazing thing that beautiful orange background that was beautiful orange look what that hates us yes he just kind of clip inbounds to where the next inbounds walks are again Rhetta Morris else veteran is this alpha entry is actually a very long dead ends so we just clipped out balance to get to right where he is all this is snared that could have gone a lot worse like I said in practice that goes like very well and runs that does not go well at all for me so like that was actually relatively quickly for me for run Sanders I guess but yeah there we go all the way out of this area or out of this uh this dead-end here get through him oh that thing just absorbed my chart shot okay there's also lost form some way out of here these storms give us a lot of drops like this it's extremely useful you see I have most of my a on most of my missiles and most of my energy Oh actually that Oh miss that's fine alright one more there's another gamut over here this one can also just leave the area in the bucket for my careful I love Larry up I am missing him this is fine there we go this is fine if I get this time all right cool perfect that's what now kill him nice one thing I love about this variety is the fact that over the course run get all these cool items and they all stack on top of each other to take it for for more interesting strategy to take and faster strategies take out these these the Metroid's are gonna destroy for instance remember how in the friend area to how we destroyed the metro area of only missiles well now that beam burst and the riskiest remove both at the same time surprise hey like another outnumber another gamer whoops this one's pretty consistent I can see oh listen this that's not consistent there we go alright let's do it again just taken out it's not I kick it so every I was playing the strategy used freeze alpha metros gamma Tauri as well but while I gather this area it's a next teleporter so what we do for them is we come on the idea is that we knock him down for charge ice beam and then we shoot for Muslims then before they actually attack us we're going to do the mail carrier from there that's that's the whole idea for that and then from there we start it's a little hard to concentrate name is from there we go crap I got in turn around if he turns around then saves me time basins I've lost betrayal I apologize we've all been there before it's okay yeah the UPS benchers just know that game pitchers are really hard and like we do a little emulation for them that makes it it makes it easier and they make some like less luck based in general with how they move it's the we just kill them quick because of that one thing that you might not have seen right there you're able to use bean burst open charged doors without having to charge your beam it makes those doors quite a bit faster if you're not preparing for a mission alone health that need to be careful actually I'll be I'll be fine I just think it's just nice China me never here yes Kirby here is gonna be a lot of help I think now that should attempt because if you need to do that the Kuro sky donates $30 and says love the metroid block I agree with the couch we have plenty of time during this run to donate more to killing the animals scandalous [Applause] gamer morin I've got $125 from the Great Seal love this game and want more 2d Metroid it's so cool to watch the run go Shasta go I'm gonna about to say kill the animals but runner is right it's cannon save them [Applause] nilaam or call following right here I'm gonna take this guy out there's one health and giving this little okay that's cool okay so this room has some very odd properties to it first of all you can destroy a beam first block right there and second of all the one of two known wrong warps in this game is here if you died to this Metroid re-enter the room leave go down the shaft and die again you want spawn on the other side of that beam birth block and if you didn't have beam bursts before coming here you can softlock yourself it's really strange we haven't actually like found the way to replicate that at all yeah but if you um the thing about saw Fox in this game is they're really rare because you can usually pause and just returned or last checkpoint but since it changes your checkpoint it's actually a softlock yeah it's really weird because you shouldn't be able actually slough off the game with how it works but yeah apparently not this time yes and we'll get to the other wrong work much later that's not good there's no other alphabet rats upgrayedd just give me bad luck something's good you oh no oh okay good I'll take that there's any bad luck there for a second so I wanted to actually just just use both my bean purse and a missile to kill them thankfully I can serve that in the end hours to come up in this next room is the most inconsistent alpha again Metro in the entire game this guy has ruined a lot runs for me he I do not like him we're gonna try to take it safe but you can still dining room so yeah it's not gonna be you yeah I would take a little bit safe actually I can go through the lobby here and take damage but I'm not going to you I will do from up here though because I think I'll be fined but you that's famous last words yes very good yeah I could take three hits then Arctic for it's actually it's there should be fine this thing does tell you fight damage over it hurts me I guess then earlier this every mu skin hits like a truck the strategy for us get mature in particular is cuz it's an upgrade one after shoots fight missiles into it before I actually heard it like it before bring it down that's gonna look they're nice I shot six as well just totally fine oh we're good gonna run away over here exactly I think it's fine good nice nice first try I guess that thing has ruined so many good runs of mine is a menace and that that's the best strategy combos come up with a fair we come up with for a fight you can do a lot of things like just being invincible so I can shoot misses then for a little bit you do just a lot of things like that it makes it's really annoying which thankfully I didn't get that I got a really good pairing from them it sounds really nice are you a little bit fat tracking now so get to where we need to go there's me a lot of following in the area three just from here on out we're gonna go from basically a tapas area it's gonna bomb this area it's like it that's as hot but yeah I'm gonna take like take you man okay here's digger nuts this is one of two places in the run you'll see him and you I skipped the cutscene there so really just you'll see him later once but yeah he's a gigantic robots and he does not like us that's personal I have to know about him he's not in Metroid 2 as well another thing as I mentioned he's not Metroid 2 but again still don't like this alright a lot falling right here ok cool I'm in need the farm here of just one second hopefully gallant mr. drops I got some okay how you a lot of missiles for his next one this is no there's a three room it through a grim damage right I think got the worst luck to was the worst to like its worst luck okay worst luck isn't bomb left right here this is the worst luck because he actually spawns in the tunnel here before I even like hurt him right here see and he tells us he's also an upgrade metro raids to Lake Ashley before I came to her mattress shoots fight listen to his bombs okay oh that's bad okay come on I fuse a lot I have to save all these missiles here he's gonna run away what am i doing I'm as let's leave right now he's gonna run away he's not run away he's attacking me okay it's might be good okay I think in from here I think I got him nice okay that got really hairy if we do too much damage to that game that's right he will run away to another room that wastes like over a minute these these Metra's are these get Metroid's are some of the hardest things all order in this game wait for starring outs they will go kick your butt a lot but that was really nice that was a good clutch for there all right never see good now we gonna send after go into the very bottom of that area of this entire area I'm doing a very consistent strategy here sweetness method serious ice cream up I always that will always freeze up that measurement or that any there Moz me get right up here save a little time use a little wall tube action okay these last two Metroid's and ran to face they're actually relatively using theirs how the strategies go this one there's a very nice little old stop at the same spots it's like I can just charge an ice beam and we'll just stop right here the like so good alright that's very last one it's actually an upgrade alphabet read and I read you for that is literally just use everything you have on him which unfortunately right now is actually now a whole lot for me I had some pre add some kind of bad fights earlier and I lost a lot of my a on and a lot of my missiles so I'm actually kind of this should be fine but like I'm a little bit concerned that we'll be able to kill them too quickly but we'll see maps like use ice beam on them should I want to avoid in here on out if possible I'm gonna should take you out Kate missiles and health okay I'll take ten minutes that's good let's again get freezes bombs he doesn't do it attack makes it invisible that's not good please come back here sir sir sir please sir please oh no you did the thing well you saw that attack now you don't want that text please attack me he's giving me awful luck you know what okay good this will destroy him he deserves the overkill I said he was easy I didn't say like how consistent he was he's not Isis he's yeah but yeah that's actually the very end of area 3 with all the routing we've done I take this last elementary is right at the very ends like right we need to go yeah this area is just a giant circle kind of it just one gigantic circle I mean I'm gonna show you two dorks plan left to take a little bit to up in in meantime I'm gonna go look to my right and get missile missile tank riding the wall if once recent daesh is there as time you can go for it just like one or two certainly I have $500 from Sean d0 for nice killing the animals seems so harsh let's just ignore them today yeah I like that guy alright so I come up here is I might even King you it's not a buzz where I'm saying this isn't a pixel perfect shot to take out this missile block the other hard thing that hope someone take me like four minutes then just give up on but we'll see oh yeah wish me luck in this I have a better visual cue for it so it shouldn't take too long I'll see shout out the 360-degree aiming yeah it's literally one degree oh that was it that's that was also it but was not same thing of that same thing of that there you go I guess that literally tasteful person all right Rudolph area three that's I guess then 1/4 the run is area three but now we're out of that jag gank area which on the map looks actually small in the other areas but I'm not gonna worry about that they're never out there it's area for area for is actually pretty fun with movements simply the area 5 after this my favorite area in the game a little bobbed up here and something if you notice these spawn jumps are higher you know that he has high jump which doesn't make any sense because you really aren't using boots when in a ball form but we're going to the left over here to get spacer spacer is just makes it makes you have basically three beam that's really all it does I am alone health I'll be careful to walk through I'll be fine now that a spacer spacer is actually very very useful for getting a lot of health and just kill enemies quickly well we'll be fine trust me everything is okay no need to panic so you get to fire three beams and triples your damage would and can shoot those doors with three eyes pretty creative there of course yeah makes sense yeah all right we're gonna go over here teca's teleport in a map and just go back out well I thought it was for brig is that for lair cuz it's been very useful for way lair in this area pretty much when we come back to find one last metroid can't get up your please oh okay i believe that another interesting thing now a spacer all those dorms we shoots actually give us drops as well too so like right there when the threat door I got so I get lies I got pretty much all my hair G back and something on as well to just rid of that these swarm just give us a lot as well but that's what's going on we're gonna walk up steep so the this area this first part is there's actually parts this area this first part has just one yeah metro and you take out then we go back to the word metro station this next part has three three parts to it but this Metro come up here actually is one of those Metroid's that ghost wings three rooms however it will always spawn this room and it's pretty easy to take out so we shouldn't fail it I'm gonna fail now that I said that but we'll see what happens okay four missiles right here pull those beamers okay good alright perfect sweet so I was saying a metric earlier about something right okay I want to mention earlier about these game Metra attacks is that when they I should go and see attack animation we were reeling back to attack me to lunch at me when they actually luncheon me is random so like it's very easy to just gets a little bit too antsy and just like attack too early which the melee camera has a lot and light to it so you don't want to tattoo early because most likely that you won't get in the first place if you just once if you attack too early so yeah be really wary of that what are you personally the counter that is I I actually do enough damage when they're when they're in the attack damage to where lunging at me I do enough damage there to compensate for any sort of bad luck I can get so I can do just enough damage I may like it on my on the actual like counter attack animation it's a little cut it's a little complex but it works that's it we're gonna load the purple wire here and do a little bit of a block puzzle to get to the next area okay now this spacer as well we can take out some enemies there on the ground very easily and somebody was on the ceiling very easily like that guy it's just a huge flaw repeating disparate ralston getting each tank up here cuz it's just in the way nothing on the notes if you want to read some donations you really like I think Tudor is part I actually have a quick announcement go for it but des des Softworks has granted us the opportunity to determine the new DLC operator skin for the upcoming pray DLC pray moon crash the bid war is to save or kill the typhoon and skin images are available on the donation tracker we hurt if notions for that as well to that was the last energy tank that we will be grabbing this room yeah I every time he hits like a truck in this game so I haven't only 3 etanks you think it'd be risky but I've I'm experienced in this cancer should be fine if not the checkpoint system is amazing this game and will spawn you like right in front of where you died usually was that one ever mentioned exception yeah so come up now we have this long chain secrets of digger knots he son well we didn't see him but we saw we encountered him briefly earlier we pulled like his arm out of the wall yeah he is going to take the power that we used to get right here normally and just leave with it and we're gonna go chase him this music is amazing if you wash them terrible championships and I reckon has a section of the game very intense to say at least he hasn't he's a giant drill he's guys choice have got careful solely that hasn't happened cuz we like to live living is pretty nice all right the way down here I hope I get this bomb I think nothing is okay there are two there are two more sessions of that there's one more array over here good I go to the top way here because it's a little bit faster and going bomb if I'm not careful there I guess you lose lobby on on that that's a fire statute I just tried it like lied me on fire but my flying armor though so like who's laughing now but yeah one more section if I did sucrets like and jump right here and get two missiles shots at the right time as I'm going down then good it's really tight though alright one last one it's covered the music just kinda starts over like this with each new section think alike continue because that makes it feel kind of I got a whole section but no no game is line it's gonna go up here because it's a little bit faster for movements using instant touch on Morris right here so you gather more fault very quickly and that's the section right there I was good just go to the ends and go this low corner in the wall and get away get away from your knots and things full earlier what's space jump space jump is very very good allows you just jump if you like this simply enough arresting him is built around this to have done a space jump then we can't beat the game to play enough and basically right here you can just space jump straight to the next major upgrade so that's what we're doing just pedals right there I shouldn't want lying right there I me a lot of standing right here your space jumps oh hello unless you take these guys that just heard the safety like a little bit low in the health right now which I'm not not not too excited for personally baby go yes got super missiles how equip these is we we hold down our to share missiles but instead but we can actually just select and just select super super cooling that say menu that's all it is first we're gonna do is go upwards here we're going to note to the I think the very last flute three-room metroid room in the game I think it's the very last one I think I also got the the closest room which Ashley surprised enough is not the best luck the now supermissiles we do its hon more damage once your missiles equivalent to five missiles for the record so keep that Mayans oh I miss them just barely okay good I'm gonna go right over here and be careful this should take enough not be upset look again Oh it's the worst feeling when you do so much damage here one gamma Tauri like that and then he just leaves the room because you barely you missed like one or two being shots that you're trying to get on them that is the worst feeling but that was really nice there I'm gonna have you that how did that once the well well don't get hurt there she didn't need to not waste a on so we're good so in that last room there was a missile tank are some distinct look to have gone there give me more super missiles so I didn't get that because I got the I got bad luck there that much basically makes a game that Mister mister take his out of the way instead of the other like which takes to the right of that room instead of to the left like a that was so I did not want to get that because of that so we we move down once there mister take that once but should be okay for us to the run all right reduction good we're so we're doing now is going right to the first damage for the game via Metroid's are they believe the aliens from alien pretty much that's where they're inspired by but they're also they're more powerful than game entrants and also Metroid's they just yep the upgrades of them I mean a little more am before I leave doing it may encounter gives you a on lean way carry them and it's killing the loss that gives you a lot of a.m. there we go first I have one super missile it's not good let's do that yeah what's food missiles not good I will not be able to take him out I'll do the quick earlier because of that okay so now I fell for some good luck here which I had not guess if if sees Elliot is a is on the ceiling here you can do this tag which is what I want or can like do that tech to happen back there which he'd not want because he's doesn't expose himself there we go Zen Metroid's have a lot of luck to them and how they were and the attack that I got before he'd spoken stuff driving off the ceiling that tack is it's what is like the attack he won that fight if anything I can also take him up of for he even goes the ceiling in the first place but that depends on like what blood gets but that was pretty good there they're gonna take this teleporter back to this help where he tagged earlier on this area and then go to the last met right just right where the metro station this that that spaceship is also kind of hard to get in the first place when you do the melee counters the animations for destroying the Metro so you get even more cooler the part of the Metro it is mm-hmm plus you get more time to shoot them which definitely helps when killing they are really cool-looking if you want to read some donations here for a bit you can go for it yeah this a good time absolutely we have a fifteen hundred dollar donation whoa you're awesome go on he wants to save the animals ooh can I take back my clapping absolutely okay you're the one then by the way one more I guess not okay so this next outfit Metroid is the I think the very lost alpha mentoring a fighting an entire game if Marik Roetzel a is an upgraded version and since we're so close to her metro station is we're just gonna wail in there with everything we have all of our super missiles all our a on everything like that just gonna say screw everything it did before we're just gonna like to like maybe like didn't ever say we're just gonna do this okay actually that's not good I ran out oh there we go okay I actually did not have a lobby on there so I probably should have done that in the end but you know what it worked at so we're fine yes just for the right blurry on the same like playing everything I think now is actually the time for more donations didn't want any more great we have $30 from Tiffany Tiffany had to donate during the metroid block one of my favorite series of all time good luck on the run Shasta thank you Tiffany is a really good Mario's the Sphero you should follow them we have $50.00 from Michael and Daniel we agree with mr. Shasta save the animals save the world after all it's not the animals fault true high-grade and we have $30 from oh dear God Shasta I played the original samus returns on my gameboy in black and white almost 25 years ago we didn't have colors we took black and white and we liked it we didn't have the pillars skips or clips we ran the whole game and enjoyed all 200 hours of it or you know just ignore them I'm alright yeah either one works they're both good way even he admits it he wants to kill them now no I said they're both to the options we guys you one of them I'm indifferent okay I'll just say is advice they're here do you really want to side with this guy who can't make up his mind ah you're right I'm sorry it's now we're an area five this area is actually my favorite area in the entire game because we get very overpowered this area we get all the best items pretty much and also just really fun to go through normally the movements really something done correctly like that more charge being our charger right there for some so I'm not sure what what the idea is behind this little this little gas cloud here but essentially it will hurt you until we get inside the wire I really don't know I choose that wrong oops otherwise it's like that but it's like that yeah you're kind of wearing like a helmet anyways so it makes no sense but whatever so I used to for last metroid actually its last off on that trailer right in the run i stuck for los motores good do this against this fam everything on them now reasons for that it's not because of your metro station it's because we're we are guarantee League a shield most of that if not all of it before it gets to the very next area wanna go to we're have to find we're met rates and all that so like it's totally okay that we I just did that it's just a little bit of time safe like I think there's a swarm hey look I have all three tanks again Sarah etcetera also hey look the last thing on power Hitler call my hands back Sarah Sarah this is phase drift phase drift flow statement flows down time for everything except for Samus yes so like I can go over these troll blocks right here like this and gets interesting just for free and go back with that and bam now we have a phase rich maria ii on top of everything else we do to take out Metroid's quickly and just use them and take out metros faster yeah there are a lot of unintended ways to use phase drift here's a very it's a very useful item and yeah yeah very much so phase drip especially is kind of broken away we only see it once in the run but you'll see what I mean at very another next area it's gonna be crazy but now that we have this parts and some great music oh my goodness iwi as area Sergei this music was great I mean this whole game has great music exactly Oh laser in the butt that's not good this next room is on the puzzle room I'm gonna take out this robot right here very quickly you see yellow you see his enemies Jan yellow sacs in the back those things do a full a full eating a damage for you you do not want get hit by them they pack a punch even though they look very small they also get hurt the good thing about them though is that they actually get if you hurt someone sits the Mary what they will die which is very nice there we go after all that would get plastic beam and plasma beam lets you shoot those doors to look like metroid the vomit on them or something pretty much I'll show you here before I shoot them right there this kind of like giant vines or I guess vomit it's like on the door ball of whatever it is oh okay good one thing you might not have liked see too much than this run that I used to read it a little bit cells I'm switching parasol blots like on the move before it gets necessary where I need them I know exactly when to do that for each area but just let's just thought pointed out the bomb screen is a lot like a lot more to it than just like looking for you there it's kind of crazy so here's a very metroid as as a section in the run or just this game in general it's like it's like it's problem sets itself here's the thing afterwards a fix to the problem you go through there and so you can fix the problem this case oh my god all this wire is so slow falling was it full there is a better way oh hey look grab these suits just like that look how grab you snooze looks so good in this game too look at that the colors look so great at each other that's yeah you'll see out the rest of the run by the way is 3fi candy I love it the glowing cyan that drug purple it's a grave each other it's better be in smash ultimate I agree never get back just a little bit ideas are gonna get one more fresh peanut not yet didn't run we're gonna fight one metroid then we get the last power that we need in this area like much really groups of three with all these powers but this one we're getting a little bit lair I think it's L bear goes a very tough very outside of this area and then just go all the way around somewhere another game Metroid is like a metro again we're gonna coorporate chase rift into everything else did before so if you keep if keep it if you keeping track at home it's the four missiles which we renew before them so we're gonna do shoot for missiles let's knock it down iced I'm gonna charge ice beam switch over to this way to switch over to super missiles on our menuing switch over to phase drift a quick phase drift or switch over the Beiber so quit being burst and then quit phase rift in the end away from attack me a lock it was on in like the two or three seconds we had before we actually find them it's crazy all right here we go if I can get this nice gum that's a little bit tricky to get and then in addition to water gravity suit also protects you from the acid like this yeah the lavas ball whoever it is just not the purple not just not yeah it's not the purple stuff that yeah if you jump Metroid's for all right now we're going to screw that screw tag is a is like very good scheme as well too it's very powerful [Laughter] yes pretty thanks very very good it's just you know I really were used hard beaming like this famous spin jump it like I do a little damage to enemies that's that's this but like the actual version yeah of course there's one left I didn't kill yeah giant wanna beans I just don't kill one somehow there yeah this your attack there's also screw tag blocks which are broken mess roots a curly we go through a lot of those in this area too like right here I said problems that's itself fixes by gaining power Metroid philosophy right there nothing wrong with it it's just really cool I like the way it does liked is you know other games are like here's 20 text boxes explaining exactly what you need to do now that you've got bombs and there's a crack in the wall and it's obviously you can blow it up anyway yeah exactly I love that's Chauvin don't tell him philosophy for log aims it's my favorite thing in AVM really Metroid series does it flawlessly and almost gum there we go nice always in the for what the heck okay the only one who can clip if you're playing the svq tricking game that's never happened before so yeah I'm pretty sure that Square has been checked off already probably okay that's the last time I'll do that I promise cup is another gambit read this one is free straightforward Avenue it's just the exact same way okay cool nice very quick a lot of the game is just generally killing these Metroid's I imagine like say one just play the same casually watching me like just kind of just throw them in like five seconds like that it's probably pretty mind-blowing in the way down oh we're gonna now we're gonna we're gonna go down elevator back to where we were before and go take out actually the most powerful Zayin meant for the entire game this one has like I think black and red skin our dark red skin around this that's how you know it's more powerful someone like in the game though it's got a lot of health yeah it's a long way to get there if one really quick to the edge you can go for it okay that reminds so we're just gonna go this a little faster go down here instead of using screw tech alright stead of like jumping up earth and here's where these imager is I hope I can kill them quickly give me a good pattern please that's I think two of those not good that's my own fault Oh Oh barely got in time those nice I might be able to take him out still let's see Oh barely not maybe more nope oh you have not seen this attack yet so wait does just a few bunch of beams around the room there and thank comes expose we can drag him down that's nice I'm surprised actually you're hurt by those beans by the way those things are really hard to avoid and gain the right sweet spot to where you don't get hurts is actually pretty tricky that was nice I'm glad I'm glad I just happened and you can see now that those were ScrewAttack blocks earlier by their color yeah Stuart's a philosopher just like cyan with some purple Miller thing yeah just they were hitting a she's now another time for another donation we're gonna go take him we can do like a minute of movement here just to go to the next metroid so ordinations if he's not busy is it business certainly I have $100 from husky make fluff I love what you guys do and I love Metroid keep being awesome thank you one more all right we have $50 from Roy jean-francois in the past I always donated towards killing the animals but recently we welcomed an adorable puppy in our family oh now I have to donate towards saving the animals because they are so dang cute I agree there are no puppies in super metroid that's the clutch there so you sued by the way I killed on the right side and there's something on the left that's the thing this game just does it'll just like mommy on the left there sometimes you know I kill them from the right it's just never you kill them that tray you're sick you're instead location after like the cutscenes done and just set by the game itself so like that's where I got sent to it can lose time sometimes they usually sniper deal I got there lost a little bit of time but it's no big deal check them oh not that damaged I want take damage here on purpose but I guess I'll just not do that alright one last met right in this area after all this just write down a cell very friendly enough this is like the Metro in this area is like one of the only things like downwards elevator is like this isn't this doesn't leave much of anywhere beyond this I think listen for getting something from however sitting this team a while ago but yeah don't think Daniels just that one that trained they were gonna fight in a second oh yeah I don't remember either yeah it's been a while what did for his game was Ashley but Harper said that then start working on the steering for is there a percent for this game harvester Ward for his game by the way is really cool if you ever have a favorite place game before either gonna go for high percent for sure what Emily makes the fights easier oh yeah that's who alright so thank you this is cool buddy a great nice guys just stop him like right there while he's moving oh that's bad luck funnily enough you wants him to attack me like immediately for like all the game Metroid fights but that's the one but I also get phase rift you don't want that to happen because if fast immediately you can you guys should get like sent back just a little bit then interrupts you take mice taking a little bit longer let's kind of weird that way all right little bit of backtracking there's a teleporter in this area in this uh areas well to like where salivary was so we're seeing it take that and go right back to the beginning because we have all seven met friends in this area gonna take me to take out and guess what I'm unless six left's they're almost done it's a game everybody all right teleport I'm I didn't get like and a few more issues going on okay we have 260 $1.17 from Joshua Schuessler letting the animals die creates the other end time okay I have no pain I haven't played that game we also have a another $50,000 donation whoa this is so entertaining thanks for running a great cause run a great cause no problem alright C kill'uh Morin didn't get another if you had one if you have one oh I have a few all right go for it like for instance a $500 donation from dips and nine nine guys love the Metroid series and this block is always a highlight during gdq events great work on the run Shasta thank you so that shot right there is actually required it's like precise and they forced you to do it to beat the game that's favorite there is very annoying cuz there's three pop-ups below where it is and the fan sucks of the bombs if go around it it's just very inconvenient although I it's like that but whatever alright so area six is where things get more broken all of a sudden there is a clip I can do on this elevator here but unfortunately before the event anklets as an ordnance it takes me right to where the nice place where it is but it's you saw the pulse equip one earlier if you fear around like probably good that I didn't do that clip but yeah I won't be doing that like after this like after sgt once we get back I'll be doing like all those clips but right now not going for it I take those two outs doesn't mean a lot we went to the next minute right by the way area six is a lot of lumens metrics fight along with it metrics might Lobby was that's how that's how it goes actually it's a very short area though it's kind of nice just for that regard to what nice little break before or suddenly like some of the harder fights in the game a lot more of the action it's really good you know it's not really much to get here either it's just he was inside there clipped in what the heck you see the head clipped in there sorry I had your up to you my dad's I think that's just saying like there's not much they really get here it's just go do everything no major upgrades really that pretty much was I'm seeing a lot of movement stuff for your a lot Bieber's and they're gonna let that just take it a lot of time use along the way that's that's what I'll be doing mostly pick this okay I'm hoping concerned by the way because they're against the more powerful enemies in the game and I've actually short one this riseth tank from earlier cuz I got like the one lucky I didn't want first me responses I think it's the extra super saintly she gets I should be fine but like I'm still a little bit concerned because what's the result well easy chart for you once the missile equals five missiles in this game jump here is known as a fight it's just a regular one I don't know why the more upgrade versions not here like it that makes sense to me but I ain't assigned this game contrary pop of release oh I think three what the heck is below them I don't you don't need you down one mystic missiles so one thing you don't wanna miss hopefully it's still fine it's not okay oh that's actually good nice okay use good Dalek right here there yeah good orangey food a messed up a little bit that's one of the things I'm talking about this runs hopefully museum Metroid's they are luck what they do in that case I got bad luck into some good luck on the ceiling using you won three attacks on the ceiling and two of them are not good actually one of them is okay but wasn't use doesn't like expose himself it also get back and down and now you gonna go way back over here and get free and refill on the way right here oops how much shoot that doors to the wall cos takes a little bit to open those doors take a while to open they actually are like that because the count from the other side you'll get them from that side that's why it's like that all right so once again sis metro station is place there's only one metro area it'll lock in another areas of various six that's that was the tip edges just another Metroid this next minute we're gonna fight his most powerful Metroid in the whole game actually felling that's a wire Rises here instead of lowers well it changes where it as it moves I think yeah that's what it is yeah I'm gonna preface it a little bit so this next page we're gonna fight is the most powerful one the game not like clearly but it's like post part from regular enemy metro fight it's the iminium Metroid which is the final boss in Metroid Fusion so like you got you know from there it's just like one of those powerful enemies you can fire Santa's but yeah it's gigantic it does not like us it's gonna take a lot of hits to debt to take out in the first place hopefully I can destroy a relatively quickly it's got a lot of walks in as well there's one time I'm trying to not look for will see if I get that it's also a serious like a giant circle so we've actually already been in the room where he is but he won't spawn unless we come from this way if your final weights like maybe like I guess the memory crept it so we can just get to where he is immediately instead of finances a metro than going all the way around over here that'd be cool but I'm not sure if that will happen this game who knows I guess steering's just kind of like that it kills us every law was crazy weird and awesome tricks I have nowhere since I like sometimes anyways here's where the mega Metroid is he has a cage around his chest where his weak point is look him is huge and I got bad luck immediately okay this attack here you can't hurt him during all you do is just shoot the ceiling and hope for drops so yeah he's a cage right here right here we want to break it open what's the breakup and get some drops it is that yeah Worcester missiles Rossum or anything else it might not happen but we'll see let's see I'm using phase drift I'm an easing beam burst and just beepers and this little stash to take him out a lot of damage outfits you also still won't miss all of our anymore shots really especially our students will shot those things are precious things almost dead very close I'm gonna just risk it there we go nice I do this although I use a few away from dying that's why it's bad damage new students item just took him out from there that was very risky because if I don't chill man I'm probably dead he does 25 damage to me whenever he ever I just like touch him that is a whole lot consider we have that means we take six hits for him so yeah not one not the smartest idea to various anyways I get go all the way back down here got phase which will freeze chroma blocks another clip thing what's it alert before this event as well to you is a nice clip right there full world's corner blocks work that's the point basis allowed me to get to where this pestle is our worth metro station is a lot faster that's all it does it's not as essential but I'll give a nice and learn I guess but it's time for CH initely and once we get to hear the real destruction of this game oh yeah again we're coming up upon where this games get very very broken then you see it very very quickly and my brick it might blow your mind the way that remember that orange background earlier oh boy yeah we're gonna be seeing more of those more of those different colors yeah it's like a like a pink but if the purple the cyan it's like I mean yeah very weird looking green it's gonna be nice I'll perhaps just a little bit new something called phase rift clipping it's no thank you technique found by curry master actually while he was doing a harvest around this game just I have no word he just what we do is he climb on top of a ledge and then let go of phase drift until the animation of climbing and that I was just hooked through an object for whatever reason we don't really know why but yeah that's what that does it's really use that right here all the places we aim where we use this in the run at least for this run I'll see how this goes nice prescribe it's not over yet oh I'm very I'm oh crap must put then in the wrong spot I mean there you okay that got a little hairy so that just get diggin OTT and if we also skipped power bombs dig not as a stream is about 3 min long fights this it's not Hillary boss pretty much can't wait for me to do things any attack him his pirate bones which this clip right here we'll skip the only required perilous spawn the whole game Gary for this again let's go and we don't have another option this time yeah we don't another option I have to actually do this hopefully as it takes to too long this is a pencil clip have to hold a tear and Troy Fighter II angle then slide over to V just regular three US history angle that's the idea behind this it is very finicky come on I do not like this trick by the way but saves so much time this does not take this long usually weekend I'll take it a little bit slower to be fair chefs it's not playing on the 3ds he normally plays on yes so every sticks different you can think to field those two days on couch here for this it's a little bit different as of that this worked that practice one earlier actually were perfectly fine though to the weird parts even with us I was trying to help you out here sorry come on why is it taking so long they patch it they must have come on I promise to take this blonde usually I'm sorry this is why yes butts so high I guess come on jeez this is not working it's like yes it's very like movement-based once again Lake gets the right angle that's like why is this so finicky in the first place at the move a very specific way and that was to equip our bounds it's like really odd I apologize it's taking so long as well to you this might be a little more than a watch this is my fault okay if it is but still why is this happening they definitely patched it seriously what's going on I can't go back into this fight digger though I get power bombs come back here this is my only option and I don't understand why is this taking so long oh geez why this a me now come on thank you it's appreciated oh my goodness what the heck is done oh this never happens I don't understand this stuff cha cha cha cha cha one I'm gonna try this I don't know why I'm just this for a good life more anything else reloading checkpoint gets me right here again this is for good luck this is superstition too early come on [Applause] oh I'm sorry this is taking so long this never takes this long an Ikea my own runs them all my practice this never takes this long not even close it's just today is not my day I guess oh my goodness I apologize again thank you I'm glad you do oh my goodness just no little squish is back here cheering for you oh we never talked about little squish all right so low squish is a baby metraid and using I'm sorry another waste Clips like this in area eight we actually do not get to see him in the runs so I'm sorry everyone right there oh yeah we do nevermind you're right it's not normally speaking not normal things ah I am again I'm sorry sorry your resident sleepers in chat for this I don't understand what's going on here yeah so like in the practice room yesterday this one this was light quickly forced try and practice rooms this is like 300 try now at least yeah I just don't understand what's going on here I swear this clip is actually a thing that exists in this game in the first place it's just I'm having the worst luck of I'm having the worst luck of all time with us today maybe though I just save the animals and it might work we stay the metro in this game I I'm sorry just don't worry about it I'm trying not to I'm doing my best that's all you ever asked us me just do my best just take your time yeah get them estimates so high to possibly something wrong with the stick that's different it's a tribute is actually a stick it shouldn't be anything wrong it's just the angle and the way I'm moving is the only thing that's like weird about this cliff which I might I'm taking a little bit slow more slowly and see if it helps goodness gracious do you read you can read the ocean was going on I think until we good I am sorry we have an anonymous $100 donation it says hey mr. Shasta I just want to say I love your positive attitude and I agree that we have to save those animals thank you I appreciate that keeper : we have $50 from alpha Kevin hey gdq greetings from Germany I absolutely had to get up at 2 a.m. to catch all the runs from my favorite series rip sleep and good luck to all the runners my cat just shot me a dirty look when I was going for kill so let's put this donation to saving the animals thank you there aren't cats and super metroid either we have $200 from Anna man twice 1:7 this is the worst as has happened ever I'm sorry kill the saves and frame the animals serious thing the animals killed the save file I swear they patched it there's no patches for this games that's what time look at that 1:35 okay we got plenty of time but like I guess I I'm so sorry if all goes well it should be like 10 minutes left from the games so like we should go on your estimate still for like I was something to go at least sub 1:40 cuz this day I got one for you one in practice which with the pencil clips not going Reva remotely close to like this I think the only thing that went bad yesterday was the ice and the first tip as well I messed up the clip yep that wasn't the one oh it's not over yet [Applause] I told you existed it wasn't miss little clip about time to say there's another one coming up yeah okay nevermind that's fine this is also most powerful mega Metroid the whole game he has more health than all the other ones there's also a very good fight by the way I've been doing very well on this so you're probably there probably died right here yeah well save all the time from pedestal clip yeah sweet only ice beam left I just have a question [Applause] [Laughter] okay now that all that's done some more Metroid's to kill here the rest of area sevens the last somewhat normal part of the game yeah there are three Omega Metroid's in this area get together then we go back to the no actually we go straight to the metro station that we skipped earlier with I has to flip nothing sure there's an instant property of that is that since it's good that miss peso clip the very last two minutes where you find this area why she won't have the ambition of going I've liked the game pinging and showing you where the pencil is or was a metro station this which is pretty cool bad luck to start the spy yeah that look there that's fine I mean we're here aren't we yeah at least we're here in the first place never sides say that as part of the run I practice game a lot too but it's one of those things that just kind of happens you know like you can do everything you can sometimes but sometimes the game just says no and just as if you have to like 6/5 merits two marathons yep that's marathon luck for you I'm run this game of the marathon called handheld heroes like right at like refresh DQ and it's one parent run that doesn't take like 10 minutes on pedestal cliffs that's that run every go good [Applause] finally that's another he's not speak gaming that marathon's mention oh yeah there is very less than they gonna come up over here give me a little bit a little bit distant just a little bit of a movement before I get there though that foes enough the storms that she launched me other side but I'm just trying to do this to lock it you turn around just to be me aim towards the rice bean burst and bam that's all we do alright this music by the way is one of favorite tracks in the game the only appears in area 7 it's really nice it's very like futuristic cyber v and I have good all right last to make it let's go I'm a little bit Lauren hey on but hopefully it's not a deal good I think that lasted for though that's fine wow that's never say it takes something it means I just like hit it against something this game which makes a little tank sounds surface a little confusing that's what I mean by that lots of supers good that Hilbert Actos I learned pretty damaged by the way I think does most of my health so I guess to avoid that attack I want the other ones most the time except for this one oh no nice one away and that's basically the last moments right we have yep that's actually everything in the game for Metroid's I think nor the thing that bonus is one then the game is known as talking about yeah you're assuming by then second but yeah they're making good time still yeah better than I can do for sure by the way just for the record my peeping the schemes of one 3406 its second place in this game that's the run where things went there that's okay good thing we have this large estimate I actually asked like Desmond to be Lord of pips and we didn't do that then why that why it didn't happen yes cuz you never know I guess you never know if marathons sometimes that's just that's really the biggest takeaway from this run here just never know what's gonna happen life is kind of uncertain light then that's okay alright so here we go since since we never got along as a metro station in the first place that mission earlier doesn't didn't play which wastes which wasted ten seconds and we had actually unlocked it there then I have all them Oh all right just me one little little grab a bean puzzle come up over here and then the law just quick movements for that oops listen to mending of there I'll do use phase rift here because that missile block they just destroyed gets respond pretty quickly and using favorite Ashley he's a little bit of time just of that that's what quick mending in there tonight when the most underrated a is fear and ads there's menuing especially on the fly a moment or you moving around this game has a lot on the fly mining like that it's great all right everyone some do another pestle click come up right here I actually asked for sounds in this one so not if I get don't say anything yet actually know what actually long trail yeah it's a long trip those are anything until he's back in bounds yeah until I'm back in bounds and not soft water so yeah we're gonna do something called area a tip using a pestle if that's what we're gonna do hope this goes much further than before oh dang it that burns a lot I'm falling down I know where I am I should know where am right oh I think never I know where I am I think yeah yeah I was falling down it was green instead of pink they really took great care of the backgrounds in this game yeah look at that so detailed it's beautiful hey everyone what's your favorite color by the way I'm gonna go with this green actually this pretty is pretty close to my favorite color I'm not even lying holidays may be a better shade of green all right we're on very steam of the metro of the the area we're usually use a bayonet ready to get out of area eights around the very seam of it or right above it this point I should be good I shouldn't go below and clip in where I can't can't do anything the idea here is less if I clip in I don't have the vein met ready to destroy the blocks here so I will suffer luck so I want to be at the right spot which we were almost there and we're good I'm glad the hardest clip in the run actually went very well because that Clips can ruin runs if you softlock they get to reload checkpoint everything all right one last post of cliff cuz we're still big metropox over here we can't go through hope this one's pretty quick too and this is gonna lead into another trick that must you probably forgot I mentioned earlier so at the end of this clip is going to be the second wrong work and see where that takes this is nice okay let's just use the elevator why not because we need to get past some of those blocks so we work around this nice so here comes the second wrong worth of the game yeah this out-of-bounds is pretty easy the wrong words gonna happen right whenever there's a the black bar that popped the screen is gonna like hit the corner of it we're just gonna go straight up and we're gonna wrong work yet the idea here is that I'm gonna go in between these little seam here where the green is and where the black is and then like at some point it's gonna start like being a little bumpy around the black parts like right there then from there I'm gonna go up right about here just keep going up yeah until it ends it's gonna end like right here okay I'm just gonna go back and forth like that there we go and here's Ridley the last boss of the game and we are in the we're in the Super Smash Brothers ultimate match so it's gonna be really versus Samus who's gonna win who's has their matchup that's good first phase yeah Ridley has three lives so that's yeah so the idea by it really is that you you get you a lot of being burst of them and a lot of just a regular plasma theme he also gets her prints through missiles and ice beam that's really it for entire game it's just super missiles plants of beam beam burst and yeah ways on the ground like this that's what you wants from him you want to be on the ground and like shooting fireballs at you doesn't it's okay that oh that claw act is a lot damage to does like I think Hugh thinks either way don't get it by it everything the Bradley fight just does a ton of damage it ridley hits like a truck more so and everything else in the game like that fireball de 250 for instance and also the attacked I can do three fully tanks for me for the record in the gabe you can get tiny tanks toll it's like that's like four of those attacks in your death also some music is still good and there's a little squish hello squish I friends there's the appearance and then he just disappears he's gone turned that I should want you a lawsuit whistle there because you get some hurts them a lot during that part it's the best way is shoot him mister missiles and time is coming up rather soon yeah time comes up when I lose control samus during after Amelia counter animations I'll point it out this attack right here you want to avoid Oh as close all right this should be over soon okay here we go except no floss Medicare so for the record by the way my time right now once 4735 that would been like a good I'll be like a pretty some time without those clips that I did he lost ball that sign but it's okay so yeah I refused people shouts before this shouts this at very he found a lot of the clips in this game and Gerald's glitter and the Everland crap of this game he found the high split within area three found a lot of just like the Gerald clips that I did throughout the run the shadows salsa - Sid who's a champion for this game he is a monster see so she ran this game on zero percentage fusion mode or his that category zero percent is where I get zero like extra expansions in the game usually I was waiting as when he getting hit for four times of damage from every enemy in the game and he has world record and with a 131 54 over the eight percent normal ko you just saw right now like that's insane can we just talk about that for a sec yeah but I will say that as well the holy verse through his time I earlier has well darker in this category he's actually very close to him now and you should be able to BM soon but that guy's miles ahead of us it seems hey anyways she has to boy first week in the which he has I guess a his well like her in this game he's helped he's helped me a ton with this run is if you want to run this game as well to you goes three intercom / aim to r2 and I just go there there's this discord link there discord you can just join that if you want to help us said me my I myself the believers anyone else around the game will be happy to help you and also another thing too if you want to if you have any question about the run for myself I guess you just choose to be on Twitter afterwards that mr Shasta other than that lets see your in-game time yes she skip the credits in this game that's the air in your time and will not be too good actually yeah 134 355 so actually I just realized something I need not die in that run yeah a good thing so if you die in this game yours not catch horns in time that's why it's a good thing that was nice babies that's it for me thanks for watching and hoping jerusem internet for this and remember to donate to kill the animals [Applause] once again shoutouts to mr. Shasta for his run of ins Metroid Samus returns for the 3ds coming up next oats and goats will be showing us a 100% map completion run of Super Metroid for the Super NES but first let's knock out a couple of these donations we have $250 from squishy flan just donating some money because I want to thank you for showing the worldwide rolling patches are bad donation goes to runners choice we have $30 from cheese toastie sorry you had to go through so much trouble with that clip Shasta but don't you think you're putting that trick on a pedestal we have $50 from shawn $1.99 way to not give up on the pedestal clip love the positivity thanks for the great run Shasta and we have $500 from knockouts lakhs I look forward to this each year let's break some records you you hello everyone this is a Gama and I will be your host for the next two games I would like to remind you you're watching sgdq 2018 benefiting doctors without borders doctors without borders or MSF is a medical humanitarian organization working in more than 60 countries around the world MSF is a private International Association MSF provides assistance to populations and districts to victims of natural or man-made disasters and to victims of armed conflict they do so irrespective of race religion creed afflictive political convictions find out more at Doctors Without Borders org coming up this Super Metroid buyouts and goats he will play 100 percent map completion also there's currently a bit war going on between saving the animals and killing the animals saving the animals is in the lead at about ten thousand dollars having stacked up forty eight thousand and twenty six dollars well kill the animals has stacked up thirty nine dollars and 140 so we have a couple of donations there's the $500 donation you there's a forty dollar donation from Janus CEO huge shout out to the metroid community and super metroid in particular for being so welcoming and helpful to new speedrunners get me into and kept me interested in speedrunning for many years now gotta kill those animals as a super metroid runner
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 384,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, AGDQ2018, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: duayBju29b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 51sec (6951 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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