Kingdom Hearts III coop relay by mistmaster1, CrispyMe and ninten866 in 3:12:02 SGDQ2019

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hey what's up guys hey hey alright so we're just gonna get started here we'll do an introduction just on that okay on go wait I should get to the three two one go yeah so I guess we'll just start out simple introduce each other I am mr. master one I'm 1986 six I'm Krispy me biscuit zero four seven and this is Kingdom Hearts 3 beginner any percent because carioca mode was not out yet fortunately beginner mode is the fastest category by a good amount because you have obviously a higher damage multiplier as well as of course more HP and MP mmhmm yeah we like to go fast we have to go a little fast alright so basic overview this is just a little tutorial section we're gonna get our initial stats going we're gonna be heavily using magic throughout this one if you haven't heard magic in threes it's kinda it's kinda good time comes you know so this is just really pretty much just a tutorial nothing really too special here like I said just doing our initial stats a couple tutorial fights the gist of what a normal Kingdom Hearts tutorial is unfortunately we can't skip this five-minute downtime of picking our route this is what it is a man I played th one I'm used to this yes alright so basic problems you know triangle button who's gonna be used quite a bit in this run so there you go that's very vital button to know enjoy this pic of just cage one store because you're not gonna see them again so nicely ten-second homage to that thank you score so this is where you get your options you have two rounds of options the first determines your HP and MP settings and the second determines your abilities that you get while you level up and there's also home to literally the biggest time loss in the entire first third I guess we'll have serious time you know I really shouldn't but I mean I really don't want to hit no so yeah so what are the first three options we're gonna go with the one that increases our MP the most because I'm beginner mode especially we don't really need the HP but even so just having more MP in general in this game with how good magic is is just a much better benefit okay yeah what do you desire okay so we're just gonna go for the the mystic thing and oh nice good start go right no I'm just kidding and like this this is gonna pretty much determine our base i HP and MP and we're gonna have the most empty by picking this thing like I said magic is really it's pretty good so we're gonna just adhere to that so that Prime and so same on this you have the Guardian option for defense you have warrior for physical and then you have mystic for magic obviously we're gonna go for mystic just for the abilities I better not hear any bad pun just Knight it's giving you a recap in the tutorial dude they know the whole case it's the whole it is impressive how fast this category has progressed the game came out in January mm-hmm and we already have it here at sgdq fully routed out pretty well I would say it's pretty crazy like in just a couple of months it's gone from like us I have an hour time from initially now it's just like about three hours so pretty nice yeah when the game first came out it was like really hard to keep up with a lot of stats or ever being found by the community every day thankfully that's slowed down considerably although there was Lestrade that was found literally like two days before the marathon so no pressure on me because it's during my portion okay I think I think yesterday we learned there's other things we can look into as well make sure you press note here yeah sorry all right fantastic I was actually genuinely worried about that yeah that's good and so now our ability path and our general stats are set up at this plan and we're just gonna go right into our first tutorial it's nothing really too complicated it's just to get you acclimated how Sora functions on the ground how he functions in the air with his combos and we don't really have much to work with right now but trust me that will change over time this is essentially the same as Kingdom ours want into it's a tutorial you do a little tiny fight first and then a little mini boss by it this isn't a reference to anything okay and this is also not foreshadowing a future area we'll see in like three hours oh yeah where hearts return hash tag we will finally be able to start skipping cutscenes after this like five minutes we couldn't because we skipped like the first few cutscenes but then just like just flat on tutorial for a bit okay they pretty much just take two hits and that's it in these basic combos nothing really to come don't go underground okay what's different about this game physically with combos is that you can cancel them really fast and also the aerial combos in this game are pretty insane you can stay in the air the entire time against this fight trying to hug Darkseid's volley a little bit there because that actually decreases my descent speed a little bit so I can stay up here and actually just keep getting combos up you're gonna get bodied by these orbs pretty much no matter what so just tank them where I beginner mode nothing really too much to worry about just focusing on the hip primarily cuz it's just a massive hitbox and less likely to whiff now you don't need to worry about taking damage right here pretty much and this is a pretty simple fight pretty fast no just let me go dude okay good all right and I'm good for now so many problems I have to look out for okay now we should be set for a while and now we're just pretty much gonna go over to Olympus Coliseum our first real tutorial world this would be a good time for a donation or to absolutely we have a $10 donation from earthbound Ian that says hey Kingdom Hearts community Ian here sorry I couldn't make it this year but I hope to see you all at agdq next year I say it each time but this community is like a family to me and I'm happy to be a small part in all of this I love you all dearly and cherish each and every one of you good luck on the run boys I know you all will kill it thanks buddy okay there's a common mantra to this game pretty much almost every time we enter a new world we're just gonna be brought into like a mob fight right out the gate so just get used to that because they're gonna be sitting it happening a lot that's Instagram nodes we don't talk about those okay so basically here I'm gonna want to primarily focus on this large buddy right here he just has a mass amount of health I'm gonna just be doing a series of water he's hearing cuz interesting thing about water is it actually has two hit boxes you might be saying I'm just kind of like and also you can move all using magic so it allows for if an enemy is moving away you can just kind of catch up to them and with waters double hitbox if I if I'm next to the enemy wall and also casting it then if we just do a lot and that was a really good fight - yeah okay now the game's gonna introduce us after this menu to wall running as well but first he has to tweak some abilities there as well as set up items mine is kind of rough but that's okay that goes there and we're friends can isolate Donald to it being a heal about just for us because nobody's heals I mean that's funny you can do that in this game so we actually do not use the DLC keyblades in this category because they're not allowed especially because there's some exclusive keyblades between the xbox and playstation version there is like categories where you can use them but like three people run it or something so I mean all right so this is pretty much just mob fight central this world you pretty much gonna be moving and then doing a mom fight moving doing a mom fight this like a couple bosses will see later but it's just a kind of like introduces like save points we'll see a move of shop right here save points fully heal your HP and MP and also your focus gauge we'll get into that more later and also a Mughal shop we'll be using to buy various items such as especially ethers ethers are very good and also upgrade key blades later on so keep that in mind for later so in this fight right here you're gonna see him utilize water spam a bit more because of the two hit boxes he wants to be up close on them when he uses them it's also very important that he keeps his MP for this fight because if you don't you can't really spam physical combos on these guys because they can break out and do a little tiny desperation move or they're temporarily invincible at the beginning Thank You Donald and you can't chase them in the air with physical combos either oh they're nice and cooped up together let's get that okay good and I think that's gonna do it and no spigot that's like yeah your party can pull some shenanigans in this game that it's it's common in Kingdom Hearts your your party in this game is pretty strong but you know like there please why not help you know anyway so I've had that save to fully heal my MT and like I said we're literally just gonna be doing movement a little bit of flow motion tech there they'll be they'll be more of that across the run this is basically the same exact fight is the last one they're just a little bit more spread out he has to be careful not to get hit because this game has status ailments burn status where you can get stuck in a really lengthy silly animation that ways a good like five or so seconds so far this is going really well yeah guys like one hit left hopefully they can get rid of them no okay oh there's another guy we worked it out okay yeah and also this is the world where we try to ignore goofy as much as possible we don't do this Trinity slid very much but there's really no good way to get through this initial part so we'll just take this but we're pretty much not gonna see that move again we'll see it like way later like in like two hours we pretty much never see that move anyway you see em they're utilizing the sliding mechanic it's a little bit faster than just air sliding through there so I'm gonna try to do some moving here this is actually imported intact for a little bit later in this world I'm doing air slides in an attack to cancel basically the cool down between the air slides so I can do an air slide immediately again after I do my physical head now you can stay in the air pretty like indefinitely with diagnose hacking like me or indefinitely anyway you probably extremely slowly might as well just be hovering in the air the whole time this is yet another flame core fight group so he's gonna do a little slow-mo here to kind of group them together but not do the attack and then just spam water on them together and hope it just plays all of them at once basically you ran right into me that's good Wow those very foes yeah you saw that flame for kind of breakout into his little diem but it gets hit by fire and canceled I'm at full empty though that's okay get over there when you're actually like doing stuff is a little wonky but uh thankfully not really a big deal there I'm also burning empty here cuz I want to go into empty recharge because when I get to the next Force fight there's pretty much not gonna be a save coming up again for quite a bit there and another way for us to just get to full empty is to go into empty recharge so so that he got that magic ring because as we've said magic is really strong in this game so we want to get that stat up as high as it can get so he just equipped that and he set up ethers we have no reason to have potions on so it's all ethers there's actually a little bit over there there's actually a little bit of a tough movement thing coming up here I'll just take a little bit of serious time it weird like I said we're gonna be ignoring goofy pretty much this whole world aside from that one part so with carefully position of flow motion and physical attacks we can hopefully get through this without any issue it's a little tricky though definitely a bit faster than using the shield you also see them doing things they're like targeting an enemy and doing an attack they get a little bit of momentum boost to because you're a tax change if you're attacking an enemy or just the air and now here's a nice little fight I actually don't have my MP back which is gonna be a little bit vital cos like these side water is pretty good against these guys now that I have the magic ring they'll actually die in just two regular hits and a water and my idea for this fight well I didn't get it oh that's okay but we want to try to build up second for him because now Keyblade transformations have now become available just I guess right now I mean that's that's cool and there's a particular strap on to a keyblade transformation that kind of alter is bass or as a alters bass Sora's combos for whatever Keyblade you have but in this instance we'll have Kingdom ki which is second form so I'm just gonna go into that right now and hold we I wasn't trying to kill some of these flame for us here again using some water no you do not do that okay good and so waiting for this next wave is fun okay that's good I'm gonna give try to get right into the center hopefully I do not get attacked because I can be really obnoxious and hopefully get this magnet first to kill pretty much everything okay very good that's good and now we have this last wave so water has built up as well so let's use that right here only a couple guys left not too bad like I said one to regular hits and just the water should be fine and there we go very nice so that was the first instance of being able to go in it to a transformation and you probably noticed right away it didn't pop up and that's because they are unfortunately random in this game yeah so you will be there will be a lot of scenarios in the game where we kind of just hope we get the situation commands where you want even though we're trying specifically to build up for them thankfully it's not too common but I mean work this is games done quick so I yeah alright so rock troll this guy's kind of obnoxious you also have a little bit of iframes with water right there I definitely plan that in avoid all those fits very professionally that wasn't luck of all my problems okay and so pretty much we're just gonna use water water is gonna be like the most amazing thing in this world another thing I'm also gonna try for let's guard those I want to try to get in a second for me if I don't it's not a big deal but it would be nice I have the attraction there that's our first instance of that popping up I kind of wanted to do like a very specific attack but I can build up second floor maybe I'd like to use second form though okay that's work out fine he's about to be dead anyway okay that should be good and just do the finisher and see you later nerd Hey and I got second form so I'll make movement a lot easier for the next part what's great about this game with the Keyblade transformations is you can actually store them which we will be doing after this world but for now because we're not allowed to use that dlc keyblades we only have one on right now so we can't store but that is a mechanic we will utilize where if you switch Keyblade it's well in a form it keeps that form active until you switch back to it later mm-hmm that's gonna be very important for later so I just stopped by the moogle show off really quick because once you enter it it gives you a free ether I mean we can get and having just even a few at the very start is good because we don't really have much money yet but that's not gonna be a problem later but in the meantime let's just get as many as we can MP is our best friend if that point isn't clear like by the end of this run I mean I don't know interesting right here he's grabbing the water cufflink which for some reason exists in the first world it gives us access to the waters a situation command which is the strongest water magic you can do so of course we're gonna grab that for a speedrun nice diving second form there to make that jump pretty easily it's possible to make that without second form because if you notice we have high jump in second form and now that that's gone away I'm back to my normal jump but didn't have to put up with that thankfully and so coming up here is a yeah it's a sequence break I guess it doesn't say that much time but it is pretty nice we're just gonna get right up here and line up okay and we're gonna do that same thing earlier I was doing in town I'm basically gonna be cancelling my air slides every time by doing attack right after which and I can just restart my air slide over and over again and hopefully I make it over there and we don't fall all the way down and there's like two minutes okay yeah you skip an entire fight right there you call for a hero now we're good we're good all right so very synonymous with other games we kind of need to get away from the enemies here before we do our next menu so what I'm going to do here is equip the water cufflink and you'll see I'll distract this man as you're getting on Donald these abilities here these abilities here and a menu too fast I can't describe what it is so just take my word for that's everything veneered did fought Lucky Strike on God goofy there because we actually do need some sins drop items to be able to Keyblade upgrade a little later all right and coming up is something I really hope I get although it's extremely finicky if I don't get it's like 10 seconds it's not a big deal but it would look so cool if I get a literally two days before this marathon started a news truck I've found for this particular boss fight that basically allows you to skip a phase but you only have one shot at it and I know that perfectly yesterdays so obviously today I'm a little nervous because you know just doesn't abide by most of the time but we'll be faithful I believe I believe too hopefully if anyone wants to explain generally what I'm doing that'd be good since I'm gonna be focused here so basically misses on his way to fight rock Titan honest way climbing up so originally the game wants you to take out both of his legs but misses gonna utilize air combos to hopefully climb his leg and if he's able to do that he'll just be able to go immediately to the heads and just actually do damage and finish the fight that way if not though he will have to take out the legs but it is a decent amount faster if you can pull this off it's good start he's gonna keep attacking here to get some height because as I've said aerial combat in this game really lets you stay in the air from there what are you doing from the other the thing does not want you up here yeah early not intended now he's gonna go over to his arm here to get more height and then get a second shot like it's so clunky to climb off this thing but it looks so cool Oh what are you doing man alright come on and we got this we got this just calm down that should be better just get up his arm dude the 5 for me is so janky let's okay and we're gonna climb up his arm here we're utilizing that whole thing by canceling our cooldown with the air supply as we're doing an attack like so get up here hopefully there we go alright nice and what we're gonna do here now is just get over with a few more attacks using the same type of movement and we're just gonna use waters uh well after we do this first set of combos he just doesn't attack you in this first phase like so if you do it this way you'll probably notice that you can't even lock onto him up here right now because you're not supposed to be up here there he goes we got it and she you better donate we got the show that really hard I'm just happy I was able to pull it off but yeah someone said they'll donate $50 if I get that so pay up man okay he's gonna grab this fluoride chest right here as I've said since items to upgrade key blades are a little important we do it quite a few times there's a what is it three fluoride so we need yes correct and if they're on the way we might as well grab them there's actually a place you can get them during gummi missions but that's just completely random and hopefully we will be able to get them during gummies because that just cuts down on extra chest we'd have to open but don't have to worry about that too much unfortunately the drop rates with the meteors is pretty low yeah I never know man maybe I'll be like reverse GDQ hahaha it's pretty bad so basically you're gonna want to build up waters as quick as you can because these guys have armors our first time seeing armor I believe in the run but water oil completing a lemonade all of the armor and also the feet a ton of the dose will come whatever they're caught it has better so I don't know the enemy named purple guys purple boys okay there we go and hopefully this one's like does that oh nice bright in the middle that made up for very well meaning the power of the water coupling definitely empowering their magic really get too much of a chance to see because obviously we couldn't really see brought a and so far not too bad but especially during the Titans fight coming up pretty soon you'll see how destructive waters actually is just burn a little bit of MP here and just so I go into empty recharge don't have to stop by the save for a minute so you'll be seeing that a lot in the early part of the game at least yeah your MP comes back faster when you're in recharge mmm-hmm this game muscle doesn't generally restore your HP and MP as much as some of the other Kingdom arts games so you do usually have to focus on the and again there's a lot more movement in this game compared to I don't you know Mike absolutely this game is like chock-full of movement there's gonna be several moments like I remember I learned all this and I was like you can do that yeah just like there's so much movement opportunities that you wouldn't even think about unless you saw it it's crazy and as we progressed we're gonna be getting more movement abilities as well to help us out to go even faster yeah you guys get the fun part alright and here comes like a really horrible section that I wish wasn't a thing but that's okay introduction to our stuffing and they love to put these little bits of debris in the way so I'm just making extra sure taking a second because if you there we go that should be fine alright good we didn't get tripped up by that that's good that's a very common place to lose and we're just gonna go right into the science fight alright so at the beginning of this fight is going to immediately shotlock the ice titan because you have to take both of the mouths you know you do have to kind of wing it and damage yeah as evenly as you can it's not smart or faster to go after only one the whole time until it's down and right here I'm gonna try to do an air stuff like right about now and hopefully avoid that a lot of breath that he's gonna do okay that's good so that way I can get right in and start using some waters and now we'll start to see the destruction of what waters actually does just a little bit here you can give me a different pattern here and depending on what he does let's see that's okay I'll just use this waters like here check that helper just like half his house is just gone right away yeah unfortunately the lava time can go invincible unlike the iced item that's good let's use an ether here so you want to make sure you don't go into and be recharged while you're doing that because then you'll only keel back part of your MP instead of like um pretty much whenever you're in empty recharge it will only ethers basically only refill half your MP and you still have to wait for that to fully recharge and it's just a mess you want to try to avoid that if you can using the carousel attracting or just waiting it out a little bit I'm waiting until lava times done attacking do the finisher should stun both of them like so okay and let's try to get rid of your health okay that's good he'll get staggered by water Salah more easily in this phase water is on you yeah the idea is you get the kill before you run out of MP because I mean we don't want to do many physical attack on this run anyway it's magic like I said very good I'm just gonna burn some MP here just so I go an MP recharge for the second phase so win tine he'll start the fight up by shooting to Brady we can hopefully parry this and not get owned okay that's good that's fun it's kind of random how many of those buildings vote when you knock them back all right let's do this there's a lot of opportunities for various strategist because I mean they're called situations for a reason so in this case let's just use Hercules want to get into around three bars hold if not more like let's see okay that's good alright good and we also skip the second side where you would shoot debris in so a pretty good first phase we're in a bit of a freefall segment right here where we're just gonna go straight down to get to the second part of the fight where if he does it correctly he should basically be able to one cycle it and pretty much ideally here I want to try to just do as many waters as I can and get into the finished version so I consistently stagger this guy oh now he's got a waters uh so that's gonna be helpful right out the game doing a series of attacks because Sora homes in on enemies when he's in the air very quickly when you do it that way and what we're going to be looking for here is for an attraction to pop up this will be blaster blaze it's kind of random when it actually shows up so hopefully it won't take too long he's kinda way in the while here if it does take too long we might have to go through another phase he really doesn't want to get right up next night always sketchy when you get that super late because just like my the second phase that he goes into is just yeah if we turn airports away then you can use a lot of time because depending on the attack he does yeah then you have to chase them down as well I like this white screen I like the Instagram ones okay so we actually got our next few late here we're only really gonna be using it for this next world coming up but it's one of my favorite strats honestly in the run you'll see heroes origin gives the counter shield Keyblade transformation and I guess it's like because I'm gonna be having my hands full during that fight particularly essentially that Keyblade transformation it allows you to go into counter shield and every time you guard you store up a sort of counter attack and if you do a series of two guards you just have like a barrage of counter attacks you can only shine the enemy that's going to be very useful for Twilight town coming up soon but before we have that let's play as Riku for like two seconds oh yeah so there's a couple times we'll be playing as different characters in the run and this is the first line so we always get fun double duel if we use some fun doggies what I'm gonna do is a buffer and eat there there so I get five uses uses underdog guy and Mickey cleaning up making that fight really fast for me very nice yeah make it can do a lot of damage right there yeah at least it's not HQ Mickey so pretty much we just have a bunch of loads here so if you have time for donation or so you know would be a good time for that absolutely we have a one hundred dollar donation from blazing chaos that says I had to donate during the Kingdom Hearts 3 run good luck miss master I love donation from crunchy kimochi that says my dudes I'll send another $20 if Minton and crispy dab just the basic that we had in one into so before we go to Twilight town it's gonna be pretty much where that a green marker is over there we're gonna stop at this little module right here because this will actually create a war plane for us to travel back to you once we get done with the next set of worlds we have here just simply put its there what it's to confirm that you've actually been there and we can pretty much return to it at any time that's gonna be helpful for a movement once we go to kingdom of Carano so now it's active we can warp there whenever we want it was actually pretty difficult to run out the best gummy movement in this game because there's a lot of different routes you can take it truly is open world as they said and that changes things greatly from the last main Kingdom Hearts game arrow is basically a form in an autoscroller for each world actually like i'm using this game surprisingly I mean when you compared to one in two oh my god dude of course alright and like we said before we could also potentially give fluids from these rocks although it is unlikely but I mean you never know and just checking that means I can skip one chest so that's good so there's one on the way I know exactly what I have to get and that's good and knowing me I'll get like three on the next let's not worry about alrighty and before we get into this next thing we just have a long load so we have time for a quick donation absolutely we have a $100 donation from Allison that says yay GDQ yay Kingdom Hearts yay one of my favorite streamers hosting during this block putting this towards I see the light since tangled is so awesome alright so like I said the mantra of this game is pretty much every time you enter a new world it's like oh hey mob fight so I think there's like one or lower that doesn't have it and so get used to it we're gonna be supporting that new attire for us or oh so that's cool but uh the actual strat here we're gonna be using surprise water because we have water zone and our goal here is just built up waters as quick as we can there is spread out a little bit much but that shouldn't be too big of a deal sometimes you just kinda have to deal with whatever pattern you get okay you want to wait a little bit okay this one should be fine hopefully that kills more than one okay that's good fine and right here and I'm just gonna build a counter shield I really need to find there he is okay I did get over there really quickly Oh No where is he get over here No that's okay that's fine so hopefully that will pop up again later but in the meantime let's just go into counter shield and let's just do another barrage of magic here of course that didn't happen in practice that's kind of like the thing about this game is sometimes especially when there's the attraction sometimes they just show up pretty much at any point and sometimes I can like spawn behind you all my alright and this is the pirate ship we use this kind of briefly in the rock troll fight but at this time we're just gonna kind of use it to its full effect here yes you can move the boat and the camera I didn't know that my first playthrough alright so there's that guy over there and see if we can shoot him with those fires knife it may be okay now we're immediately thrown into another fight and it might look a little terrifying with the HP bar at first but it is somewhat scripted of a fight I remember the first time I do this was like what the heck and then okay so I'm not actually gonna move at the start I'll just use this initial shot like this forces over to this side I'm gonna try my best to build up what's it called second form because I want that for later in this world doing a series of one two and waters hopefully okay that's good we'll save that for later he's going to dive from the sky and that's fine counter shield guard that and like I said I want to get two guards so I can do a flurry of attacks like so so let's just get that going and if we're crafty get another guard right as it ends that's good and hopefully he just does the thing again because I have like no magic to attacking with and you know okay there's a come on get down here there we go I'm gonna oh he's really okay and I'm gonna buffer in to second form in the middle of that just so I can preserve my brush and so that's like right there where you can actually do to counter shield counters if you go into a form that's queued up in your situation commands right when it goes off and the nice thing too is once I can form for later in this world so I basically used like not only am I going into second form for later fights but it also allows me to get in that second attack there at the end so it's like a two-for-one thing really nice yeah unfortunately we won't really have much use for County show after this one that's pretty much the only time it's really utilized but I mean I'm happy we get to see it at least once because it's one of the cooler strout's in the run up in my opinion yeah doing some fun motion out here in the movement can be a little bit trickier but uh no problem how's good okay and coming up is like one of the worst fights in the game I hopefully we don't have that problem with attractions like we did in the first place but I hear a power welds same general Strad as the start of demon wave i'ma do two shots just to get rid of these initial waves here and then hopefully we get splash burnished rope which is the attraction here and they are getting very close I don't like that yeah a little bit mess to what he gonna do he does want to try to stay generally in the center area this room though because it is quite large but the enemies all these fought in the center thank you and I'm gonna try to get towards the middle here this is a little bit funky but I'm not doing these for damage I want to do the magnets to hopefully bring a couple together okay there's a few right there that's good let's just kill off a few more enemies I want to wait until another wave spawn zone of like for power wells before I do the splash run like so okay get over here and this thing has a pretty reasonable hitbox so if we're lucky this actually kills them all but there's usually like one or two stragglers at the end okay that's fine that's let's like normally like in practice of course I got to kill with that so you know that's not gonna happen it at the actual marathon okay there's another one somewhere where you add this guy just tighten out back oh it's all frozen for any thank you fortunately in this game system you can't lock onto enemies that are behind you like you could in cage too so it's a little inconvenient sometimes to search around for the last enemy there's a fairly severe step return beating down a lot throughout the run can move really fast fire slides a novice so far that's okay because that's actually a thing that you can do is chain hair slides if you in q1 upright is the last ones ending but not really that that important anyway we have time for a donation right now we have a one hundred dollar donation from ecchi that says I miss miss $50 if you successfully skip leg day figured I'd give $50 per leg best of luck for the runners thanks for still casing a great run for a great cause thanks man alright so this is the last real fight of Twilight town coming up this is well the mansion fight pretty basic name I don't know it's essentially just gonna be a series of dusts and no shadows and the ideal strat for this is we're actually gonna utilize Magna first and second form once again but in a kind of a different way we would normally use it for damage I'll get inside just a sec just do a series of waters here hopefully this hits something okay good very nice once the next wave of spawns in two three four five do the Magna burst before the damage goes through going to mad teacups and if we're lucky this will kill everything but it looks like there's one or two guys out there that's not too big of a deal that was still very fast only one yeah Magnum burst doesn't do enough damage to be worth it to use the ending of it then and since we successfully skip leg day I can just head right back to Twilight town and we also got a fluoride too so we saved it either and we save the fluoride so no loss there and very nice the movement back here is pretty much it's basically the same thing but in Reverse but it's a little bit trickier because of like you Bob terrain and will not the terrain but just like the objects that are in the way and hopefully and we keep going like that okay so far so good I ran and very nice very good and we're just gonna do with this little party it so it's not important it's okay we're just doing a collectathon nothing nothing out of the ordinary here it goes ingredients I think it's a good spot to donation of that yes that's like a now we will yeah definitely we will get this boy right what have you signed us up for and since we were lucky enough to get a fluoride in the gummi ship mission we can we're done with fluorides now so we don't have to worry about that anymore we got the one from OSI got the one from soil a tone and an orangey one from gummi ships so looking pretty good there also was no actual cooking done to this rod in case you're wondering we buy the love things we need spare from the audience and just really quick only thing I'm gonna do here is unfortunately heroes origins already outlived its purpose and we're gonna switch to the superior shooting star which is gonna be just a better magic like Keyblade in general but it's also not gonna last too long because we're gonna get something pretty nice pretty soon but uh more on that later okay probably coming up now is one of the more notorious parts about the spirit about it I would say roughly a month ago I actually discovered that you could skip two of the three gummi boss fights by doing pretty much a frame perfect input either you you turn which is l3 or you press the camera which is the touchpad on pretty much the first frame at the fight and if you're fortunate it's gonna just basically be luck because I just mash I mean I'm not gonna time that and if we're fortunate we won't be here too long but this is definitely one of those like really nerve-wracking parts of the run because you could be off to like a really great start and just lose like easily over a minute here maybe even more than that so hopefully we won't have too much of an issue now fortunately only takes like maybe 10 seconds very try it and a nice little thing I think this is like the only actual time we really do this in the entire run but we're actually gonna get into an encounter like right here and that's gonna fully refill our boost gauge so I'm just gonna enter that up and in the battle it's gonna put me back on course to where I'm going and I'll have the three boost back again also coming up here and take a little bit of a clean route hopefully I'm not too far off that's good okay pick up the moogle constellation there that's gonna allow us to have a little bit faster gummi missions after this particular coming mission and then once we use that we'll have like a super uber fast ship coming up in the middle part of the game okay so coming up is is the time I hit this first try yesterday in practice like guarantee I almost guarantee it's probably not going to be nice to me today but we can fray I believe man believe believe that's okay well that's this is what the fight normally looks like like you can't open the camera I can't really do anything so now ideally you would have to beat that guy in order to actually get into this world okay I was hoping within 5 so you just handed Delos the fight and we even though this is a huge shrouding cloud of Darkness let's go nothing scary about that all right she's really nervous about that to try yeah it's pretty good it's a frame it's like they're frame perfect so it's pretty anymore together the only downside to doing that is that you don't get the upgrades for the gummi ship we would normally get there which means there is definitely a workaround to that but it does make the last come a fight a little bit harder because we don't have bug oh my god Kingdom Hearts 4 and once again another mob fight because we just love mud fights in this game and same general shadows we saw in Twilight town we're gonna try our best to get a water zone right off the game if that is an opportunity I'd like to maybe get in one physical hit or a couple because there is a chance I can also get the Keyblade transformation for that there but at the same time want to try to get enough enemies killed before I use this waters where you going then I'd kind of need that he's lying away ok that's good and what two of them okay and use this water clear out some more enemies and we're gonna use yellow for the first time which is a linked summon get used to this because we'll be seeing him quite a bit throughout the run and before I do the mad teacups Keyblade transformation and if we're fortunate once again maybe they all get caught in this sometimes they like to get away that those nerds over there flying away it's okay we have a little bit of cleanup and if we can just snipe over there there we go nice okay that was the first time we used the link they used unfortunately your whole MP bar and that was also not exactly the normal way to use Miao he just went right into the finisher because it's a giant AoE explosion that and links are also based off your magics that which is important to note so I'm gonna do my first Keyblade upgrade here just to give suiting star a little bit more with the Magic's because that goes up I want also I will be buying a chocolate mousse for consumption for magic buy ten ethers and we will get a tents as well tents are gonna restore HP and MP more specifically is what we use it for which is very useful because sometimes there won't be ice a point nearby to restore it before a fight as well so our first instance of using blizzard movements because that's pretty much it's all it's really good for in this game and we're just going to shoot that and pretty much if you have a straight away path it's ideal because it's a lot faster than dodge rolling and if we're just going straight it can cover quite a large distance before it actually dissipates and also coming up is the gimmick of this world which is the mech fights I know everyone's favorite and we're actually gonna NC we're gonna utilize pretty much all three mechs that this world has offered we're gonna start off in the blue mech which has the exploiters which is thank God it starts us off in this because it's easily the best thing I'm gonna try my best to save the exploiters because you see they do like massive damage right there I'm trying my best to save of the exploiters for the red and blue mix particularly just because the purple mechs are kind of lower on the amount of HP and it's not as worth it so to speak but I mean if there ever does come a time where like this guy is the only one I see right now might as well do though or just gets out of the way that's cool too next wave spawns and after you get the first few mechs and also we want to be careful because sometimes the when the mechs are too few they can kind of get in the way blend in with the other mechs that are actually alive and can be a little bit confusing but uh yeah pretty much basic strats just use exploiters on the mechs and if there is maybe one or two small enemies because your party does a terrible job of clearing them just give them a punch and use exploiters on the next and not too bad Thanks what's nice about mechs as well is that they actually are really good for movement so that's exactly what we're gonna do right now is grab one that's off to the side now we're gonna go see water cufflinks best friend the fire cuff link who is going to just completely like utterly out class at this point one is it's not bad but we're gonna want fire Raza so just use the mech right here to get off and this chest has its let's do that and we'll be seeing that put to use quite shortly use a little bit more blistering movement since that's a straight away just to get right in there pretty amazing that you can get fire cufflink just I know it's crazy how how much they just give you it this makes I mean I guess I guess it's nice for the higher difficulties but figure it's like oh my god you shouldn't have okay so the red makes a little gimmick here is he has the tackle ability which will pretty much just well the tackles the enemy does like almost half their helper ideally what I'm gonna try here is just due to punches this fight is like the easiest part just two punches tackle do it three times pretty easily so a lot of people didn't realize there was a mech at the beginning of that I didn't did this the hard way we don't talk about that and a nice little thing is since I got the double bogan arrows in Andy's room I actually have a little bit of extra movement that I can do which I normally wouldn't be able to and so let's just do a little bit of moving in the vents here normally you would have to wait for this little updraft that comes up but because I have this cutely transformation I can just kind of do this and just get right in there that's nice and quickly before we go forward this is a refocus or this will actually be important for the world boss so toy box but uh we might not be finding him as soon as you might think but we'll get to the end of it err stuff for this guy you can also air step to enemies and from air stuffing to enemies you can either cancel out or attack them just kind of get out of that it's just very vital we make that cyclone we don't get blown back up by the turbine there yeah it's like oh can be difficult to make because it starts all the way from after you finished it as forced by it mm-hmm and coming up in just a minute it's it's a little bit of a subtle chest but I mean that's gonna be quite nice because we want as much money as we can get hopefully not fall off I was like buzz here is the gold amulet this basically turns any small amount of money into a rather large amount of money and that pretty much applies for virtually any real well maybe not every money stock but pretty much most money stacks will be getting throughout the game so get over here and since I also have the Keyblade transformation I can just do this and simplify the moving a little bit more what's nice about gold amulet is that you can put it on your party members as well because that wise it's very useless mm-hmm don't forget to put that on Sora man all right so coming up is the Trinity of really dumb fights is what I like to call it and we're gonna start off by going to the doll over here but before we actually do this fight I'm just gonna do a quick menu here I'm actually going to replace the water coupling with a fire cuff link give Donald the gold amulet and the water cuff link for kicks unison fire recovery fire boost combo plus and very important let's use this cuisine to boost our MP and our magic stat a little bit okay now what I'd like to do to start this fight off is actually getting one particular physical attack because that spawns the chance of double Boggan arrows showing up so hopefully this game doesn't scare me like wasteful blast I can actually give it to me okay well that's not a good start that's fine pretty much every time we start off a new combo I'm gonna just use some physical hits just to make my life a little bit uh less scary yeah it's vital that he gets that double arrow guns here for the next fight coming up unfortunately fire tracking on this enemy is actually a little janky it doesn't always end up hitting me I'm gonna just play this really safe because it's very rare not to have double bogan arrows by this point so if you just do a series of physical attacks you can typically build up the thing without any issue unless it just doesn't feel like working for whatever reason unfortunately a little bit of a slow fight from mud but I mean it's very vital that I have let's keep an eye on that HP let's just go into that I'll switch to Kingdom key and hopefully finish the fight off from there okay roll there cuz it just didn't pop right away but I mean if you don't have double arrow guns for this next I mean I guess maybe it won't even help me that much we'll have to see what happens but it's pretty vital for the ideal strat to happen that we have that Keyblade transformation and it's completely luck if it shows up there but it usually does here is probably the worst part of early a.m. in my opinions so who someone takes this I gotta focus so basically he's gonna utilize the 4 Me's in right now to do this Auto shooting on the UFO as you can see there's a bar in the upper left that it has to deplete the win the fight and because it auto tracks the UFO it's useful use now we spawn some other enemies around and now the UFO is going to be kind of sporadically he pushed and that's unfortunate that's okay um hopefully I can hit him with that no dang yeah it's a little unfortunate when this does happen because you're just kind of at the mercy of the enemies in the fight like so sometimes they can just kind of bullet you flat out get just get over there thankfully he only has like one or two hits left so this shouldn't be that bad okay that's okay just because like UFO is very notorious for just you know up neck just kind of getting in your way and kind of body vlogs me a little bit there but thankfully the recovery is into beds so long as you're not getting beat up too much yeah it's super difficult to keep track of the geophone mm-hmm that was yet though another example of why restore forms sometimes is that we get a better benefit at the beginning of a fire rather than having to try to slowly build up a form I'll get back up there that's okay um no I'll just fall back down why not and sometimes that happens it's whatever okay let's jump this time and get out there there we go okay yeah this area for some reason doesn't let you just air step right to the top you have to go to the second floor first that the third floor right and here is the viewer max minigame there's only like one really important thing that has to go right here and if even if it doesn't I mean it's just kind of like whatever but ideally I want to just kind of get through the first phase by killing a bunch of enemies in the SAP trap towards the center here and I mean more mechs that's fun yeah I'm just gonna focus for those so it's basically built on waves there's three waves there's a basically a bunch of just enemies you have to kill at the beginning then you have like little mini bosses that show up and then the boss so he's kind of setting this up in a way where you kind of just explodes them like right there as they spawn in that trap right down there hopefully will spawn in the next wave right here that should be good okay that's the actual scary part so we got that done that's good so you got to take out almost all the white mechs right now next up for the mini one to spawn the boss so he's gonna be chasing those down and ignoring a lot of those smaller enemies yeah just two waves of three white max then you want to get rid of the wall music's lit and if we can snipe that bomb over there please don't run over here okay good nice that was a pretty good second phase as well this guy has a tendency to just kind of be rude so hopefully he cooperates ideally I want to use exploders a couple times against him and then just shoot him a little bit while he's recovering so that's fine okay exploders get some damage in there shoot him a little bit wait for my exploiters to recharge and wait till he gets with specific HP gate right there use it again we're looking pretty good I'm not gonna be someone that's okay that's very no slip-ups there okay so now we got our second link which we're not gonna use quite yet which also happens to be the hardest to learn and use some and usually yeah okay so normally at this point we just kind of start going to the world bones because there's only like one real portion of this world left before we get there but uh the boss is kind of bad to fired right now and so we're actually just gonna do a brief little detour but that'll be coming up in just a little while in the meantime let's just do some cool air so I move in to get over here and also another thing I'm gonna be using a blizzard to do that straight away and also another thing I'll be popping a cure because that uses up all my MPA and I'll want to be in MP recharge just for the second fight of three that's coming up here because I want to use maole and like this side before you need full empty to actually use your legs so right here and just pop back here that's good and let's start the last set of this now thankfully your MP recharges while you're inside the back so same general thing is the first real fight here we're trying our best to preserve the exposures for the red and blue mechs but if it does come to using it on the purple X that's fine I mean we will use it probably at least once just because there's only two of each color that's fun in here so so far so good it's also mentioned this earlier but I'm also kind of moving my camera a little bit like left and right accordingly because the blasters are on two different sides and by just utilizing proper management I can have both sets of the exporters and that just is what deals massive damage there that's also why he's up close on them too so they take full damage from it so they're gonna be three sets of blocks that mist uses to build something I don't quite know what it is but yeah all rights pretty cool alright so the second fight we just fought flowed right up to here I'm gonna start by using exploders on these nerds right here oh that's fine good UI here and then a really cool thing since my MP should be back right about now okay that's good I'm just gonna go into meow whoa once again and if I do a finisher right here and just watch that top left you'll just see like a million enemies just kind of die on the spot so pretty cool the boundaries don't really protect them from the wrath of meow so be careful and then at this point we're just doing a little bit of cleanup on the more heavy suited enemies that have quite a bit of HP got you and you're the last one I think okay but yeah links are pretty reasonable and this I say reasonable you'll see you later but I mean for the time you might think yeah like pretty decent but trust me you'll see like they're full use especially when we get towards like the middle part of the game it's kind of nutty yeah actually utilize like every link and there are you swore on your own away it's good it's great to you because we used to skip some of them and was like why we even especially I'll make sure to note when we get there okay hopefully this doesn't crash the game get ready for please don't do this kind of full scary yeah the ps4 chugs just kind of a little bit there and so just a few more fights here can should come back and they're a little bit spread out so oh wow that kill them yeah the reason that's a little bit strange but it worked out okay and this will be our last of the blocks and we'll finish building something you can't really tell what it is I don't know I've never seen it before huh interesting oh all right and just a little bit of boost with the mech there let me just walk on your face really quick we're gonna actually ditch buzz sorry magic ring and tie jump and yeah let's just leave the world for now ESMA said it's not worth fighting the boss right now we'll come back with a much better keyblade and the benefit we get from beating the boss doesn't really help us in the next world and I'm actually accessing my information and go missions really quick because that's gonna allow the moogle ship to be rideable so we're gonna go back to that war point we opened up earlier and you switch the moogle ship and get don't get too used to this we won't see it for two we see it for like really two missions but it is a little bit better to have than the base Kingdom model so that's why we pick it up only takes like five seconds really inside pick it up in the in the gum machine switch to it and it also has a little bit fast to recharge on boost and just a little bit faster speed so speed up the mission after this quite considerably but most importantly it's cute it is cute that is very important as well I'm surprised I didn't say that first we probably have time for a quick donation we have a fifteen dollar donation from Ally's 62 that says watching missed run Kingdom Hearts that last year's sgdq is what got me into watching speedruns so excited to see him running Kingdom Hearts 3 this year best of luck dude I'll get body when you guys are upstairs okay alright so once again this is probably a shocker but we're gonna start with a mob fight it I told you really everywhere in this so uh a little bit of diversity here we're not really gonna use magic I don't think we actually use magic at all in this fight we just use links and shell block in a pretty clever way and I guess I can remind everyone that this is gonna be doing the first third and then Chris B is gonna be handling the second third and then I'll be doing the bit of the game buffering ether here and going right into meow so my MV is partially charged if some wants to like I'm just like describe actually hold off on that I'm gonna use me I declare out the first wave do have roughly a sixteen or seventeen here it doesn't really matter I'll get a little bit of MP from these guys hopefully this next wave spawns get in front of the tree and yeah well should kill everything else here very nice okay good just drive quickly like ether buffering because it does a little bit so basically you can toss an ether and if you'd immediately go into a link it actually still will restore happier MP similar to the way that it works in cage two so we use that to our advantage and right there I just did a quick customization menu because we just got arrow from that file and we also got thunder from the dreaded UFO fight which we don't talk about and you know it's just a convenient time to add a little bit more stuff because those are pretty much all magic spells we're gonna be using for this next portion of the game this second force fight coming up is probably one of my least favorite just because the thing with arrow in this game is if you're too close to it when you actually cast it you kind of go into this suspended animation of flow motion where you just fly super high up in the air and it's not fun so I kinda have to do like some weird movement while we're casting just so that doesn't happen but yeah so you're gonna see him mainly staying away from the arrows the best he can especially moving to the side while casting it but not forward into it arrow is needed to get rid of the armor on these big guys so that's why he's basically spamming it but it also helps to eliminate the smaller guys as well and he can also get Aurora as a situation command hopefully a little bit that shouldn't be a big problem though just get that and pretty much these guys are pretty weak to arrow so you know might as well use what works Oh get out of that I hate when it's right next to me that's fine yeah so basically error stays the hitbox stays on screen even after enemy died from it so it can take out two waves at once be a little bit careful here I'm also keeping an eye on my eight my MT during this because I really don't want to run out of MP and during just the whole chaos that's ensuing wanna see if I can save one ether here because I'm at right at the end of my MTU but I really don't want to use it we should be fine here and then maybe a funder to kill there we go alright this run has quite a lot of improv if you haven't noticed already oh yes but then you know that's the fun and also not fun part about it you know it goes both ways we're just doing basic move in here and so we have time for another donation we have a one hundred dollar donation from lingo maniac eighty eight this is what's the biggest perk of being a keyblade master being able to pull up some sweet parkour moves of course just wait until mid game you'll see the the sweetest parkour to come stop by that a that save just because I need empty we always need M pain and just another series of air stepping cancelling that with the actual attacks and just kind of going from place to place coming up in a little while is the first of two Reaper fights this is actually the nice one even though they're kind of notorious for well I guess toria's for their moves but also Natori fires a little notorious for its tracking but hopefully we won't be too bothered by the but you might you might see a few fires maybe not quite do what they're supposed to do the unfortunate thing about these enemies too is that if you try to physically attack them they can just go in Vince the bouldering it's so fires really the only thing that reasonably can stop that I'll use that fight oh no I don't want it's already to you that's okay it's not a big deal generally you want to use the fire Raza on the ones with more HP and just because they will fire also actually one shots all these guys so pretty nice to have that do you know I thought that missed for a second I was gonna hardly man it's okay yeah like I said fires tracking is a little bit questionable but it's not too big of a deal and party members help out a little bit there we go ain't that done we also just started doing a little bit more movement to the next area so another quick donation can be right here well we have a twenty dollar donation from crunchy kimochi that says y'all committed so here's the other twenty good luck boys thanks Frenchy Thank You Frankie do we have an update on the dark Inferno incentive by the way we do we are less than seven thousand dollars away push that's all we need just a little push and we got it yeah that is we've gone down tremendously and just like the last 45 minutes that's crazy I guess also one thing to mention sad we'll also be having our first disney song nope pretty shortly not like a medium but it will be coming up in the near future yes a little bit of a blizzard moving here wow that's actually it's not too bad it can be a little tricky here just because there's so much ooh and a little bit extra at the end that's nice give you a little bit weird to do blizzard move from there cuz like I said it's meant for a straightaway but there's like five million trees in the way and just a bunch of rocks and little points where it dips out and so if I can just get even out remote play there that's good and coming up actually here is gonna be our next synthesis material which we're gonna need for Rock upgrading our certain thing that's gonna be coming up and then your future but this is the Damascus it's basically like the secondary like the next level of Floria and we'll be picking up two of those in this world the next one's coming up in just a bit we break it a little bit we're gonna do some platforming that's not really that intended but uh this is like the one instance where arrows little well I guess maybe to it depending what happens but also I'm gonna attack these trees for a little bit of money and just to make my life will be easier or our life a little bit easier we're gonna use arrow here and we can actually use this to get up like that and just kind of avoid doing the other climbing and if I do a particular jump this is a little tricky there we go okay the ledge that they hit the text on those ledges is really sketchy I didn't get hung out there and you might be wondering why am I going back here there's this one chest which has our second Damascus which we'll need for a keyblade operating later I have no idea how our funds I got up here but she used her hair man the game wanted you to do three of these segments but all right someone explained this next bit so basically here he's gonna use some EOL so rather than use the finish really just gonna be using the tornado pounds so just do decent AoE damage these power wails he actually got a splash run there so he actually immediately used the finisher and then afterwards you'll actually use the splash run immediately again also use the picture and that should take out oh all these power why there's a chance like maybe one or two survived but it's not very likely okay good it's a pretty fast okay and so chaotic sure I'm gonna switch to my kingdom key really quick and use this she'll look just for a little extra damage she's gonna charge right at you so I mean you're probably gonna get bodied if you do anything else so let's just get that going we're gonna wait until he stops being super crazy and we're just gonna use some more fires once again fire Raza but from via the fire cuff link is gonna melt through this guy's hole another thing to note is he's really only susceptible from what's the code i'ma pop this to you three he's really only susceptible during like whatever port portion of him is outwards so I gotta be careful so our first piece of Ralph's is this but this is not really the way you're supposed to use them but it just so happens that it works at and at one shot this guy two bars once again links are based off magic and because our magic set is so high that's how that worked out I will try to get a double bogan arrows again just for a little bit of movement if I don't get it's not a big deal because there's a secondary thing I can do there alright that's fine and we're just gonna kind of clear Moss using some more fires in like I said fire Raza it's pretty good and let's see I want to save a little bit of MP just because like I didn't need that alright okay fire Raza finish there we go nice okay see those a little taste of what Ralph those but hopefully we'll get a better understanding as to how good you can actually be in a little while a little bit yeah while hopefully anyway because there is some weird things that could happen oh my god those yeah let's just do it right there okay he's loud there we go that's fine do you know use the situation that's so bad I'll just burn empty again if you use situation commands typically tend to linger after battle and they're like the most annoying thing that you can activate when you're just trying to do something as simple as interact with something like opening a chest but uh as long as you're mindful of it you give it a second for the chest actually loading shouldn't have a big problem with that I feel bad for our puns over here yeah we're just being dirtbag Soraa for this whole world we hope we don't get time dude we gotta go fast if you were to actually do the little minigame [ __ ] that she has you would get rewarded with a pee boost at the end of this area but there's no benefit to them in this run a little bit of creative movement here using air steps I like to personally not air step to this last one I'll try to just okay that's good and we can just repeat that portion up a little bit I remember we used to just ride the Hill down but that's a little bit slow so era stuff speed that up pretty well we're just gonna be doing moving up to this next part we're just gonna pick up in ether and we're also gonna pick up a rune ring and the rune ring is basically gonna act as like a kind of sort of empty safety which allows you to hold on to one empty even if you don't anybody have the MPD casteth but before we do the really fun part of this we probably have time for a quick donation actually for a lot of donations thank you happy to see Kingdom Hearts 3 being run thanks to the runners staff and donators I just want to also say a quick thank you to that donation train coming in I see the the amount for our goal is slowly slowly going down so thank you so much for that we have a twenty five dollar donation from onyx of Octavia this is can't wait for the Kingdom Hearts front just finished the series and fell in love with it can't wait to see it beat in a tenth of the time it took me this is so fun so we used in the chat just pretty much we're just gonna enter a Sun wheel twice and there's not really much to explain there is like kind of a set of I guess but I mean it's it's so just like you get the point and don't really to go into too much detail we're just gonna be doing a series of movements so we get into the second Sun wheel nasca pretty much be the end of an have time for probably one or two more donations we have a three hundred and three dollar donation from Sergeant man-fish that says donating a dollar for every hour I spent on Kingdom Hearts 3 took me forever to be infernal the first time hopefully you can do it faster I would fry so yeah the barrel is pretty much oh come on dance with me thank you the barrel is pretty much built up a gauge like super quick so we're just going to like trade off partners a little bit just to have that respawn oh we're gonna go for the alternative flag strat a little bit more swag and yeah that's gonna be bad you guys have anything else to say her I mean so you could match yeah buttons here you don't actually have to tie this up I'm gonna does that for some reason there is no penalty keep dancing this is actually one of the better minigames of this to to the poet said of in where is he I could have been worse unfortunately you get a magic boost for your efforts there which is obviously and so here is the second Reapers fight we're gonna try to look out for the attraction like what's it called I think it's magic aerosol I believe them all right they right there thanks man that's exactly what I wanted also being mindful of our empty that we don't run out use this fight Roslin to take out pretty much all that guy's health immediately very similar to the first fight except there's gonna be a wave of Dusk's this guy is this guy has been really I grow that's okay just a series of fires that's fine by Rosa on you we're gonna clear out three dust got two-for-one there that's good I'm fires accuracy then and hopefully it's sometimes you can actually get a little bit of damage on the last wave if it's not that important that's okay but I pretty much clears out all the desks right there hey that's good if I Rose on you and I know there's sort of fires on you they love to move around a lot and also they're moving with the conjunction with how fire is you know how the accuracy on that is not a very good combination working as intense as intended this is so messy that's okay we got through it thankfully I don't think we're gonna be seeing any of those again like regular enemies to deal with in the early game so that's behind us now and so now we're just gonna make our trek back to pretty much the start of the world a little bit of movement with Blizzard err steps all that so if you have time for another donation a couple yeah you can probably do like two or three we have a fifty dollar donation from fate zero nine zero that says hey Jake you had to donate during my favorite game series looking forward to the Kingdom Hearts 3 run and long time watcher of Nintendo's kid sorry crispy hoping all the DM skips go without a hitch also why dark Inferno and not dark Albert I'll donated $50 if the reference is caught on we have a $20 donation from Ron Thomas's rooting for a simple and clean dark Inferno fight sorry partners would use a shield as a weapon that'd just be goofy I'll take that it's fun ingredients donation that's cool you have time for one quick one we have a twenty five dollar donation from William good that says this run might be a good spot to find some ingredients anything that's okay for that alright and coming up here is going to be the second to last fight of the world it's just a pretty basic mob fight one thing to note is that uh the enemies here with super armor actually they like we said like we did earlier we used arrow but thankfully yeah well actually has arrow like an arrow property to his pounds right there and by just getting rid of the armor we can pretty much do the finish burn in that fight immediately and here it is now you get to see the power of ralph as a link most people did not casually use him well or at all on their places so they don't understand that they've damaged capabilities so just pay very close attention to the bosses health while we use ralph in correctly at the fast pattern hopefully that works just watch Ralph actively is it's not a big deal we just do a basic [ __ ] you know just a casual eight parts a health gun and see you later pretty good pretty strong he's pretty strong you just see just like ten bars he'll just go away immediately I'm surprised I actually didn't kill with how much it went away at the start but yeah there is a little bit of RNG to it based off the pattern and she did give me the fastest pattern and it's hard to kill instantly that way but I was still very good Oh should we do the Disney song thing like a tally on that yeah it's coming up this yeah the first Disney song will be needed soon in first place we have let it go surprise okay so this is gonna this is gonna be the last portion of my section I'm just gonna head right back to knocking a face-to toy box to fight king of toys and also from beating a grim Guardian s we have the ever after Keyblade which it's really good just you'll see how it is in just this next fight II then but before we do that we have a little bit of menuing to do we're gonna pretty much reassign our equipment to be more magical oriented have ever after going and we're actually going to put in all of those and or send materials upgrade materials whatever you want to call it just to give ever after a little bit icing a little bit but a pretty significant boost and we'll be doing that across the run so ever after a shooting star has outlived its purpose let's use a refocus sir we're gonna use the rune ring and the mages earring ability is water boost super jump super jump will be used in just a little while and that magic boost and now let's have some fun by just upgrading this thing like a million times so we need the throw right where to fluorides for this and the to Damascus that we picked up in Corona is also used up great that I believe that's everything I don't think I'm forgetting something good ideal thing for this is we're gonna be utilizing ever after shot lock because it is like you'll just see how destructive it actually is but the ideal thing here is we do to shot locks build up our focus gates a little bit use that refocus here we got earlier to hopefully get three shot locks and get the kill like that so right out the game just gonna target this guy I get a 28 try not to get at 27 don't beat you and see that that's really bad if that happens he's gonna charge that's okay guard that I'm going to do a series of thunder is just to gradually rebuild my focus gauge because you just barely don't have enough in order to do three focus three shot locks let me just toss that there and hopefully no shenanigans have and sometimes the environment just loves to the body you in this place but I think we're looking pretty good as long as I have enough focus kids this should be perfectly fine oh my god he's going away come back very nice and hopefully this should kill as long as there's no other shenanigans very nice that is my abortion yeah now we can go to a Disney song yeah and let's go to the Disney song alright again that's let it go from frozen done by SUNY shadows to power up audios usually gonna play some music for me the snow glows white on the mountain tonight not a footprint to be seen a kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen the wind is howling like this swirling storm inside I couldn't keep it in heaven knows I've tried don't let them in don't let them see be the good girl you always have to be conceal don't feel don't let them know oh well now they know let it go let it go can't hold it back anymore let it go let it go turn away and slam the door I don't care what they're going to say let the storm rage on the cold never bothered me anyway it's funny how some distance makes everything seem small things that once controlled me can't get to me oh it's time to see what I can do to test my limits and awake through no right no wrong no rules for me let it go let it go I actually don't know these parts this part of the song I was supposed to do the first verse of the chorus but the gummy [ __ ] so long actually I don't know this part of song rage on my power flurries through the air my soul is spiraling frozen fractals all in one crystallized let it go and I'll rise like the break of dawn let it go let it go hey let the storm rage the cold never bothered me anyway and also like to mention Chris be showing me off and actually got this he hits the frame for a food trick first try and very nice perfect timing on that was very good thing right man nice [ __ ] so as usual we're gonna open monsters with a mob fight he's just gonna simply shot like this the giant beetle enemy thing and then go into meow-ow mm-hmm I think it's a turtle turtle I think spike turtle turtle toad is though I like autumn beetles so yeah ever after Sherlock is just really good you'll be staying at many times without there on king of toys was just kind of a taste of what it can do and on top of that I believe Oh is he going to finish the mouth normally sometimes another thing to note is the ever after also has a partial shot lock where you can actually steal health from enemies and sometimes that's also a good way to clean up so I was gonna do a quick shop here I'm just gonna buy a coupe of coins right guys and then buy a sign food buy something or something if you don't know how the group of coin works basically if you died in a fight you get auto revived so it's basically like a second shot at the fight you can only hold one at a time though this is also like meow well the world and so again used to seeing this guy who pretty much pretty much every fight maybe not the last one but pretty much most fights so he did a thing there where he used the tornado pounds just a little bit to weaken the enemies and then did the finisher and that the environment actually hurts the emmys as well and he was able to go right into the second phase of this fight just like that he's gonna pop another ether and just use me ah Wow once again and hopefully that will kill everything as long as very nice one thing to notice that these floods can actually go underground so it can kind of be a little finicky if them you know a finisher doesn't damage them so hopefully that doesn't not happen so I'm just going to the tent rehook use the tent here real quick to refill my MP and also eat some food to refresh our food duration I don't know if any went over that but food is only a time base yes has now the next tier of food as well it's also very imperative that he's at full MP going into this next section because he's gonna open up the next play with meow and like we've said before you need a full MP bar to actually use links on the skin so you can do super slides here to speed up your moving a tiny bit but you don't want to get hit by the enemies along the way remember the old days we just try to go through the head lame but possible it is it's it's very I didn't know it's like a frame for a feature so it's not worth us so here we have our first laugh fight I'm just gonna open up with me oh and this should take out the first wave and then afterwards I will be using a bunch of arrows to build up IRISA and that will be very useful later in this fight also very important to note after we upgraded ever after I believe it is to level 4 instead of it being just Aurora like we were getting earlier and the level of 4 ability forever after once it's leveled up so that point is actually just having it's essentially a wind or arrow cuff link and you go right to the grand magic of arrow instead of the level 2 magic of arrow so it does quick shot like here to do damage to these large bodies and just need to take out these last few enemies just want to make sure that you get all the kills on the enemies before Rosa runs out cuz he really wants them for this next phase then hopefully this picks out everything not quite but all these the P offenders are taking out these and where is this like only one or two things you have to clean up that was pretty good so for these last fights so once we maximize the kilometer on the top left we're able to do this scream strike attack and it basically ends the fight instantly if only I did that would you get it in an actual fight it's a lot better here than anywhere else once again just stop and buy that save because it's gonna be pretty much our lifeblood HP MT focus all gets recharged riously over that for like a second so and considering how often we're gonna be using yellow as well we're gonna want to try to be at full empty most times in this world and he's just gonna go right to the end of this section we probably have time for one donation we have a $50 donation from Xcel oh that says this simple and clean run is the highlight of the event for me and a sanctuary from the worries of the world one of these days I'll face my fears and play the game on critical mode but my terrible and awkward game gameplay skills will need to improve it's great to see the donation tracker goal soaring to higher and higher total all this money will help people recuperate from so many things keep it up this marathon you can skip that five-day one speed run there any like oh that's the thing so yeah he's just going to be doing some more movement this is when this is pretty much the first world we have super jump now which is like a kind of add-on to the overall flow motion movement we'll be getting more as the game progresses but this is the first real world where the movement starts to really pick up we'll be doing a bunch of air slides we'll be doing a bunch of super jumps Blizzard movement to a degree just midium is just chock-full of really good movement and in I would say maybe San Fran is also like competing with that but maybe it probably has the best overall movement in the game yeah sometimes like like there's just like a wall in front of you like for no reason so you think the laser room here I'm just gonna super jump just uh getting some height and then just eagle eyes ears slight attack there slide to retain my height there the game wants you to take the path and do the little reaction commands and whatnot but you can just do that or dodge roll through it just fine and then just a simple movement to this next part actually coming up in a little while will be the the second lap your fight but before that there's also gonna be another mob by which like we said before yeah Wow is like the best in this world so coming up on that pretty soon but in the meantime just a little bit more movement forgot how strong that music starts dude yeah it's just like boom right in your ears right nice little movement with super jump there and also attacking to get a little bit more distance he's gonna buffer an ether like we used earlier that will fill up his MP considerably go right into the finisher of yahwah hopefully they can sometimes get really close to you you have to do a little bit of recovery type thing there and just get your distance that's the big thing when using shot logs is you want to make sure the reticle is capturing everything that you're actually using otherwise it's not so good but you should get as I'm feedback after that and finish the fight with yellow as you can see meow finisher is pretty strong in this world being able to one-shot most things this is pretty much like the end of Yahoo you will be sitting out one more time after this world but it's we won't see him for quite a while so this was basically a memory of yahwah because you're pretty cool i'm just gonna quickly mentioned that he used to be jump right there to skip at the movement section we're gonna be doing that a lot dr. ron she's gonna pop a quick tent there to refill my resources and this is probably the artists fight in this world very one of the hardest guys probably in the game there's just so many enemies everywhere it's really obnoxious so starting with the [ __ ] trying to take care of the beetle frog things I don't know what we're calling it turtle beetle frog turtle okay that's good and hopefully there's a thing with this point where you can actually get in extra wave if the enemies I believe all very nice and that's well we're not done yet but still it's very nice and so because he was a lot he a lot of the enemies not to really interfere with Sully there we're pretty much advanced right to this next phase this is going extremely well so far I guess otherwise you have to deal with like a huge other set of enemies like more the turtle build frog things and thankfully he didn't have to put up with that this is going very smoothly so far has six video pass mm-hmm there's going excellent it's gonna pop in the ether real quick and then someone yell and one more time and hopefully it does finishes some don't wait for that flutter come up yeah there weren't any like real burglars there so he just got them off mmm-hmm yeah if a floods able to survive me ah Spanish I would just have to like awkwardly just bonk it with my key blades so it's kind of kind of glad I didn't have to deal with that also we just finally got combo master which is convenient to get it at this point and actually this is another thing worth noting on the coop aucoin obviously it brings you back you can only have one at a time like once you hit your HP hit zero but another a real big reason why is because this boss the world bossless which we'll be seeing a little while we used to pick up the fire fighter rosette in that chest over there but we're gonna be skipping out on that you might think because it's beginner mode if we pretty much have no worry no worries about dying there are definitely a few instances though where you can lose health very quickly and our first real instance so that will be the lumpa for boss fights so hopefully we won't have to use the cupramine on that but uh hopefully he can he can be pretty aggressive a little bit of flow motion there into this next fight so yeah we're gonna have two of these uh fire when I verify it so I guess fire fights conveniently well and sometimes in conveniently you can actually get a splash run as an attraction from one of the enemies here ideally these crispy is gonna kind of just wait a little bit until he sees the text right there that's gonna be his cue to use it because the last wave of this fights gonna spawn in sometimes if your positioning is very strong it's very it's not very likely because they're so spread out but sometimes you can get the kill with that but yeah this usually like one or two stragglers over there that's that was pretty good so far this rolls going yeah this world that this might be so this might be the best world so far and now I'm pretty much just going straight to our next bite that's basically one after another in this world and this is where a full emotion and just very something that really takes effect he's gonna do some bluesy movement right here and try to get into the walls and start doing some flow motion off of that and try is best to get over there it can be a little bit awkward just because of the angles and all this other stuff ooh nice and yeah slow motion is really I cannot wait until we get to Aaron doe because that's when it has like a really sick move inspection coming up I was hoping for a pirate ship there but that's fine this makes the next fight slightly faster yeah and then this incline right here is a little bit awkward but uh just to working around it a little bit can drop down from there yeah just with super sighting in general or you don't want to go into wrong direction but it's really easy to do mm-hmm stop by that safe once again and this one can be a little bit finicky Oh or maybe not if the game feels like being nice today and this world has been it is really yeah this world has been perfectly nice so far so yeah oh just to get some initial damage and he also look out the attraction from out so he's just going to use that right away and conveniently enough our MT is also gonna come back right from there so he can just go right into using some water and there shouldn't be too many enemies left that was extremely good very good firefight is like the cod world hopefully yet another link we just got is we'll be seeing more of him in arendelle one of the more ridiculous leaks as well also got a fire a little ways back and obviously fire is gonna be more important than fire if the game never really specifies this but it's gonna keep your initial magic if you don't actually change your stove so it's kind of important that uh that gets put on before it really matters so thanks go ahead yeah so here I'm basically gonna take out that throat out here and I'm gonna do some physical text and hopefully I get Mirage staff here I'll be very important for the final boss for this world I don't know if we explain the but you actually build situation command faster by hitting multiple enemies at once this game so that's why he does things like that this world has been so good I just hope you go everyw it's no that's the only thing left all right also worth noting he put on Mirage stuff away cuz like we've mentioned earlier that's gonna keep the Keyblade transformation active for as long as the bar was left before we switch the Keyblade and we're gonna want as much Mirage staff as we can for this next fight I really like this fight because it's very well I mean I don't like this fight but I mean I like that I like the strat for this fight because it's very unique it's kind of synonymous with how it deep inside has the counter shield thing yeah these are the only those are probably the only two fights where we actually utilized the form changes and it's nice because there's actually more and more resources getting utilized really good so this boss has like extremely high defence to basically everything in the first part in the first phase before he does his desperation move but we have clones in Mirage platform and as you can see he's actually not doing the finisher of them because if you don't do the finisher of the clones then they actually stay there and you can see he keeps building up situation command nearly infinitely to keep the form going along as well so he can just keep shredding its HP doing this also if you pay attention RHP you'll see that even though this is beginner mode without those fires okay well Donald came in clutch that's good but yeah the fires can be pretty deadly here so that's always one thing to look out for in the kupo point can bail you out nice utilization of that arose taken out that phase that's a little monkey when that happens but thankfully not too difficult to work around try and deal as much damage as he can before he goes into his next phase where pretty much all of his armor goes away it is actually technically possible to skip his second phase but you pretty much just he pretty much has to do like nothing the entire fight he has only a couple of hours of flow so here comes Ralph for the final time this run this is the correct way to use yes anyway this takes him out Reckitt very nice so I must office basically how we're all forces such with the blocks you can see that it'll like you can see light coming out of the blocks and you just basically want to chain those in to each other and the damage is amplified by a lot as you can see back in right now how I don't get a lot of work to the agreement Guardi it's you chain it completely I think the final explosion is like times 40 damage so that's why it's best if you do it that way normally I think I have time for donation we have a two hundred and fifty dollar donation from Sara Star do that says just want to give a quick shout out to the Kingdom Hearts community one of my favorite game series and I love how much these guys do with the games will donate another $50 if we can get Bizkit to dab like no one's ever seen me do that before pressure me to dab next um yeah probably get to it donators mm-hmm gonna utilize that Waypoint I got earlier oh yeah and during that uh Disney song he also picked up the Endymion ship which is it's super fast like it did seem like it was super far out of the way but it's very much worth the time also opened up this little war point here so will be close to arendelle right after Monstropolis you can see it's like is significantly faster than the Mogul and the full ship that we started with also the boost come back and like only a couple of seconds yeah not only is the boost deeper fast but it comes back ready it's crazy probably a time for like one or two junctions we had a $1000 donation that says once again the Kingdom Hearts speedrun chao i should have been using some into the entire time and i just want to say that we are less than three thousand dollars away from the dark in the final level one critical let's hit it come on guys let's hit it alright now surprisingly we don't have a mob fight to start this world but that that's only gonna be like for like 30 seconds it's a nice change of pace we don't have one as soon as we enter the world there's gonna be a series of movements krispies is gonna do here i mean i believe you said this world actually has some of the best movement all run it comes in the flame more towards the second half but i mean it still has some pretty spicy moving right you'll see krispies just gave you a super jump air slide attack air stuff like the chaining of movement is just so good in this world nice we ever explained how the air side can be changed i pretty much whenever you have a sort of incline that's kind of sloped up like this if you actually input a you input in air slide right as the first like the one you're just doing is ending you can sometimes like chain up another one and that can just kind of go on for as long as your timing is good or until the slope just kind of changes to the point where you can't really do it anymore yeah it's like nearly frame perfect so difficult to do yeah he's not just mashing it like you might think yeah mashing it's probably not ideal for those it doesn't work alright and just like how i'm yawa was like the centerpiece of on struffolis the centerpiece of this world is gonna be Simba that we just got a Monstropolis a few minutes ago and I don't think this guy needs any real introduction he just kind of speaks for himself and see the size of that that fire shockwave feeds pretty much any minor enemy in only just gonna do a few attacks to get rid of the initial small enemies lower the ice trolls HP a little bit and he's gonna do a series of shotlock slowly kill it off fortunately there's one reindeer heartless that's alive right now hopefully my team can take care of it you have a little bit of shotlock left just cool that you can shock there in that guard by the way oh hello OH two of them man well I gotta be that way the important thing about that uh that heartless is that it can actually gain an armored gate eh and personally we don't want to deal with so yeah basically Simba he does good a OE damage if you're just spamming the Roar or even jumping and then he has a strong finisher as well so he's our go-to link for this whole world basically mm-hmm and you're about to see more of it through this labyrinth just see a lot more actually like the whole point of this entire area is just you someone hope that you get the kill because there's gonna be a series of ah nobody fights of the ninja nobodies and essentially what we do is just do the finisher and pray because they love to move around and sometimes you might have to pick one up with like a spare shot lock but hopefully yesterday we got like 4 4 4 is so I mean gdq lock I mean I don't know we'll see what happens when a little bit of a spicy movement they're just just taunting my enemies I can't so we're hoping Simba well I guess what more so we're hoping that ninjas cooperate here and yeah that can happen sometimes unfortunately oh hello he doesn't usually use that attack but that's ok around roughly a 20 [ __ ] should kill da house feel good basically all these fights in this area are gonna work exactly like that and you're pretty much just hoping Simba's manager can take all of them out because sometimes they just you know are out of the way ador take bra better than yesterday - that's so obnoxious so yeah it's pretty much just a series of movement up slopes going up going down and also just uh ninja fight every now and then and pretty much like we said just hoping somebody and hits Simba does his job in the know but he's also doing just completely get out of the way so hopefully and we get it this time hopefully that's what's gonna happen for the other two fights that are remaining here starting to think they didn't really test him but all in this game just some maybe a couple others and we have air stepping back again but it's like a lot less painful than it was back in uh OC there's no debris thankfully - really in your way just a bunch of enemies hey what's up and there you go alright always - giving you a little prayer krispies just so us of and no other shenanigans happen I'll give you a prayer this should be free this is like the smallest room least amount of enemies but I mean this is kh3 yeah that's something that should like never happen but this game just does that sometimes huh oh that's alright oh good a health left that's okay there we go so when I was three so for everyone out yeah that's more coming up yesterday yeah really unlucky use it like it's not actually I think it's more common that you actually get the killed then you don't get the kill with it too so a little unfortunate there it's just balancing out that good monsters look unfortunately another set of rails here and he's gonna do his best to try to avoid getting hit because that's gonna stop his moving completely gonna do a series of jumps and dashes and very nice okay and here comes the okay sure yeah let's give them some flat for that that's good hopefully it Simba will do some good stuff here we get two out of four to anaphora be okay all right I'll take this side better than 0% yeah and that's pretty much gonna be the end of the ice labyrinth but before he actually he's gonna use a tent because he used up so much I'll lock there before we actually leaves he's going to pick up this chest right here on the right side there's gonna be another Damascus that's gonna be important for more Keyblade upgrades that forever after if once we I get to one of the last movement shops in the game there's also another material we're gonna pick up in the world after this and from those two were pretty much gonna be able to finish off upgrading ever after and in the meantime here comes like the most cool-looking air stuff in the entire run just blew my mind when I saw this the first time after like six lives in a row and we can just go up there saves a lot of time because you don't have to climb all those extra cliffs over there oh speaking of which we will need our second Disney song coming up pretty soon our second Disney song we have is I can go the distance my boy Wyatt all right so pretty much we're just gonna have this autoscroll the sled selection no we're not listen to that we're pretty much we're pretty much just gonna be dodging enemies collecting money it's a no you taught us Rollie part we can get on with the next one all right so our next song I can go the distance from Hercules buy it buy it why why why hey what's up hey I don't have a backtrack don't you think I evolved in dreamed of a far off place where a great warm welcome will be waiting for me where the crowds will cheer when they see my face and a voice keeps saying this is where I'm meant to be I will find my way I can call the distance I'll be there someday if I can be strong I know every mile will be worth my while I would go most anywhere to feel like I am on my way I can go the distance I don't care how far somehow I'll be strong I know every mile will be worth my while I would go most anywhere to find where I'm below very nice nice driveway Wyatt why hello he's basically just picking up a ton of money here because money means more ethers so he's going a good route he's grabbing as much as he can while also being fast there's also this like little part right here that's kind of obnoxious you gotta get right in between the trees it's so awkward to set up at the end day it's like the actual like only real thing you have to look out for and yeah after this you will be fighting those frost serpents you saw him running away from at the very start and pretty much simply put fires your best friend fires your best friend pretty much anywhere in this game at this point but especially here in arendelle and also he will attempt to do stuff like use a shell lock in interspersing the fires and hopefully they do have a tendency to just go underground but the only thing you really have to worry about is getting rid of the main bodies HP and since if that goes away everything else kind of follows to it which is kind of obnoxious because this game loves the target like everything that isn't the main body but hopefully they play nice this time all right hopefully that killed all right oh oh deny that's absolute denied all right that's good oh man all right this is looking pretty good hopefully this guy doesn't die he's a little bit far away but uh looking like it very nice all right pretty good a prompt there yeah smart do an arrow that's what I love about this game just the improv is so good and now the worst part of the world oh right we're basically just gonna be building a snowman I mean Christmas is gonna go around the area rebuilding Olaf and then we're gonna have like a really minor mob fight where we just use Simba so if you have time for a donation or maybe even two that would be a good time for that we have a $50 donation from Sarah star to again that says nice stab here's that other $50 I promise Thanks yeah we also have a $25 donation from Ventus Ventus that says had to donate during the game that means the most to me I'll donate $25 more if the couch managed to find an ingredient around here water ingredients we also had a $5 anonymous donation that said the vending machine is also agreed for us to find some ingredients I think I might have seen all right so that concludes this minigame and once again Simba's kind of like hum yahwah was back in Monstropolis we'll be using him again and then we'll also be using him one more time later but probably not in the way that you'd be expecting but in the meantime here's this next fight it's against image justice amazing job at clearing out stuff like that shockwave reaches out quite a while so yeah once again links there based on your magics dad so it's important that he uh that's why and coming up is probably one of the best movement parts of the entire game so he's gonna do a menu where he's just gonna put on a few things and more importantly he's also gonna put on that elixir we picked up when he did that cool air step thing but also he's gonna put on another air slide and that's gonna make our air supply movement really really fast now and it's gonna be most of our movement for now on it's just gonna be air so I think since I should pretty much outclassed dodge role in most cases now and it's nice too because this whole place to sort of inclined upwards so that way that you can chain their slides if you if you're a god at them like Krispy has been this right lot of unintended moving things here he's going to do a super jump right here and get over there and another super jump like right here as well the coolest parts yet to happen though nice little air stuff right over there and get past those little Hills this is my favorite part very nice nice those walls are also very finicky before you can actually flow motion off of so it might've seemed like it wasn't too bad but trust the hit detection when you're doing when you're doing flow motion is really janky there so really nice that there was no real trip up ooh nice food you can the enemies hang in there that was nice I didn't even know you could stand on that actually that was interesting alright and yeah he got through the movement up there and can he do the thing where he chains all the air slides to the end let's see only one away in those grade okay and this is pretty much like if it hasn't been a thing that fire has been just really nice this entire run this is probably the first real fight where you just see how disgustingly powerful for you and actually try to pay attention to the boss's HP the whole time if you really want to see how fires work it out here anyone likes the more I was waiting I get it so yeah if you just look in the top right you see the fire is just literally like quite literally melting through his whole fire it's honestly kind of insane he's gonna do a couple more fires and he's also gonna go right into a shot lock because with the residual damage from the fires and also the shot like that should give him the kill very night boy and now the far we've all been waiting for us coming up pretty soon no pressure crispy he's also gonna make his way over here because this is a four spring which again is gonna eat us pretty significantly in our magic so it does seem a little bit out of the way but we really want to get as much magic as we can before this next part because it's a little bit of a doozy so just gliding or air sliding over a little bit more and he's just gonna hit the loads in as soon as he takes this bend right here I think it's kind of funny how there's a lot of stuff down there but you just fly right over there's a little invisible wall on the right here currently so he can't just jump over there yes to hit this cutscene the first mm-hmm and this is kind of the awkward part of the world because you're just going like from movement to cutscene moving into cutscene but it does pick up again quite drastically in just a little while here also notice that crispy pop to cure a little bit earlier because once again he went into MPE recharge that's gonna give him full MP once that fully finishes off by doing so he's gonna because he's gonna be using Simba and very nice to came back just in time too he's gonna be using Simba again not for combat actually for a little movement thing because this blizzard section notorious for blowing you back and all that takes a little bit of time but with good utilization of Simba he can just kind of go right around it you'll see worse now normally like you'd have to you know just go through several blizzards but you can just kind of jump up there with Simba you can fight the storm which Simba as well and ideally we don't get a second one because we also have to factor in the time the Lincoln actually stay out very nice once you make it there there's no more Blissett to worry about he's gonna pop a tent and also equipped the forest spring just so he we want full focus and magic for this next by itself alright here we go alright one of the scarier parts of lower absolute this may not look super difficult but it's actually really really difficult you got people ruin for you man you can do it give some love man come on you got okay alright so he's gonna guard that first attack from school he's gonna dodge this next one and trying to position himself properly so we can get two shot locks off pretty much right out the gate a little bit of a ways there and that's good now the ideal thing here is we keep still stun logs between a mix of shot luck and fire the entire time but there are some shenanigans that could happen with this played but it's laughs to a good starts so far so to Shylock's going he's immediately gonna go right from that into a surge of Pyro's that's good he's gonna pop that elixir in order to refill those focus gauge to do some more fires hopefully I get that fire Azoff and in a row so - oh dear that should be fine I think he's okay and that's good and now maybe another set of fires and hopefully you can get a twenty eight shot lock as well from that oh man he's moving he's moving and this might feel a little bit sketchy it's okay not a few more fires hopefully this is a little bit sketchy but he hopefully can pull it off but the factor in the travel time the Arizona's well there to insta stagger to school there you don't like using goofy goofy bombardier on the guy it's good right and he's just gonna do some more move into the next world so we probably have some time for a donation or tuna we have an anonymous $50 donation that says I've been holding on to this donation all week for my favorite series kina parts so now it's time to let it go I don't get it we also have a two hundred and fifty dollar donation from Memphis Matt that says the Kingdom Hearts series has meant more to me than words can ever Express so happy to see Kingdom Hearts 3 being run by such talented gamers for a great cause you have time for one more we have a $100 donation from Donuts that says have to donate during my favorite run I absolutely love this game series and learning new tips and tricks during these runs good luck to the runners thank you all right so coming up next is the Caribbean the just kind of thankfully there's actually going to be a split for this well kind of similar to how its way box was and crispy is only gonna be tackling the first half the first half of this world it's not like great but the second half is definitely alike what it gets known for so we used to do a ring set up here for the Ariel boss will be encountering soon but ever since the most recent patch they fixed it so you always do a certain amount of minimum damage on it so that it's not worth switching from a magic set up to as the ring set up right now thank you Square and this huge thing is just like a long straightaway so Blizzard movement is very ideal here I love this because there's just like a million lines being thrown at you like in two seconds that's just a few cannonballs to the face 1 2 FPS actors crispies gonna do a series of fires here and a full shot like should kill both these guys are definitely some of the more annoying enemies in this world or just in this game even in general for a regular Enderman but thankfully like we said ever after it's it's pretty good it's felt like is really nice fires helped clean up that little bit of extra damage and very nice and now everyone's favorite everyone's favorite gimmick that they added to this game game boss Oh much agency it's so much about it is well their first introduction actually using the boat and I don't know if you guys have a few other things to say we're just going forward but there's gonna be a lot of ship stuff after those next yes couple segments Denton will have a lo fun of that later I will have my I'll have my portion as well so yeah ideally uh hopefully okay that's good you see those orbs on the ships they're basically just like one-hit ko points if you can land a shot on that nice knife there that was really tight angles I hit that that's just a taste of what's to come like I wish all of them were that easy but uh we'll see now we're at everyone's favorite face okay I hope you've been like backed up on donations because there's only like a handful of things to explain what this fightin is just kind of like a few minutes of a grind fest but a raging vulture essentially we're just gonna be trying to shoot missiles and just use our regular cannons against this guy and also trying to make sure that the other mini heartless they're around us don't steal the target and also making sure you're close enough so that the missiles actually do connect because if you're too far away they don't but this is pretty much the whole fight and you see how that HP is just kind of going down this buffalo has and see that you can use and do physical attacks on the head but it's not worth doing but many heartless could also damage you pretty quickly but that shouldn't be too much of an issue but yeah there's really not too much to explain with this plate so if your impact upon donations that would be a great time suppose oh boy am I ever we have a fifty dollar donation from Dante zero one zero one nine two that says it's nice to see Kingdom Hearts game back at a CD Q and hi biscuit alright we also have a $50 donation from Rika cone that says Kingdom Hearts is my favorite single-player game series I was waiting for the kingdom hearts 3 run to donate I also just want to say we are less than $1000 away dark inferno mode so I believe in chat I believe - we have a $25 donation from little chef from The Bistro that says another $25 if we can confirm this dark Inferno has my ingredients and we also have a $50 donation that I'm not sure miss is gonna be too happy about that says I'll donate another $25 if the couch dabs all at the same time okay three and cs2 one better doing it this is how you raise money for cherries take alright so that was a fun little fight there crispy is just gonna stop by the moogle shop right next to us once we get to this next part here he's gonna think of three crepe suzette which is gonna be our last I didn't really so hold on each for you were oh man three crepe Suzette that's gonna be our last food for the game and just stockpile as amazed as we can that's pretty simple menu oh the Mogga card that's useful definitely all right fortunately in this game water movements actually pretty cool you can go as you can see pretty rapidly fast which is a common mistake other certain games and to make with water movement so right now he's pretty much just zip into an underwater boss fight we are gonna have to do before he gets there it's a little bit subtle but there's this little indent in the wall with some boxes here he's actually gonna break those and so synonymous with how we were picking up damascus 'as earlier in the run and that actually has the adamantite Keyblade upgrade item which will allow us to get ever after to the level that we need to for the end of the game so that's pretty much it done picking up those something to know about audit underwater comm yes yes is that you are unfortunately very restricted underwater you have a just a normal base physical combo and then magic that's really if there's no transformations you can't switch a keyblade there's no situation commands and you also which kind of work so well here you have a base magic it's not only water instead of your bloody stuff so it lets them spam fire more here than usual because it's not like Z Phi Rho or firaga less empty intensive because of the restrictions there's really nothing else you can do here that uh is work just hoping that he doesn't do like one certain move that will slow the fight down almost got away with it fortunately that move can kill you but the other one nice pure Pop Idol there at the very end thank you and we're gonna pick up only one supposed to particulate like I mean all of them are ridiculous to apply but just wait till you see what area we just have to keep reiterating like you'll see even coming up in the next world we won't really see Ariel in Caribbean but pretty much the other two worlds that we have remaining in this run you'll just see how insane Ariel is that are damaged but first we have more boat fun to get the road fun that's what I call it and right out the game your might be tempted to just kind of use the ship is because now we can free roam but before he does that the crispys gonna come up to this top five from here there's a chest there it's actually has the celeste Riyadh that's gonna replace our fire cufflink and you might think but you get fire are immune oh the fire cufflink why would you take it off well at those points it's honestly not gonna be too long until we get fire on and once we have fire Agha the fire cuff links pretty much not gonna really be helpful for anything because it just allows us to go right in from level one or two right to level four or grand magic and so it also gives you a fire boost on top of that so essentially you're sacrificing the fire Raza for a fire boost which you'll have fire August Eleni way do pretty similar damage and you'll also be able to use fire Raza on your own whim without that item anyway so it's worth it also gives you a Thunder boost anyway crispy build up a little bit of his bar in the bottom left you see there and just so he can get a series of situation commands from this next fight coming up yeah once the bar is full you get a situation command on the ship the nice thing is it carries over into this fight so this is basically a race it's you just have to be careful not to try to take a shortcuts to do the rocks because then you'll bump in everything but basically you've got fun oh man nice so basically you have to take out these chips that are in your path or else they'll just bump into you and knock you off course so he's gonna shield here so he doesn't get pushed and this specific minigame is the only one that gives you these tail and situation commands so he uses them to go a little faster another thing he knows that these both enemies sponsor just completely random ideally we get more since we'll need a specific level later in the race yeah so don't go on the left there that's pretty much a trap yes countering that the hard way yeah I think we all did but yeah just farming like it not only is he getting those boosts but we will have to cut we will also be able to cut down on the time we will be farming for our last like major level over the runs so the more we actually get the better and not just for movement purposes but also free XP coming up on the anterior sole extra rubber bands kind of know if you slow down a tiny bit you could actually do this pretty easily no spawns here but yeah he's the tidal wave endless now I'm gonna start within like roughly 400 of the end you can pretty much get there I don't think ships are supposed to do that good point and so here's the first there's gonna be a second boat fight later in this world but uh let's not talk about that the first fight essentially what crispy is going to do is he's trying to build up all three situation commands which are wind chasers raging cannons and tidal wave we saw a bit of tidal wave right there but essentially every time you it's also important to know that when you actually blow up the orbs you get a pretty significant boost to that so he's doing pretty well so far got those all three of those built up already going super fast he's gonna use a tidal wave just like close and just pay attention to that hella far really quick cuz you know kind of just a casual like five hours gone six bars gone that's pretty nice next up he's going to use the wind chasers that's good too and maybe if he does a little bit of damage like extra maybe he might go into raging cans just like a touch early err if not you just right out that's good too and hopefully this should kill and the reason we want to do water damage that once it's because this ship can actually disappear very nice yeah it's like a little mini desperation move so now we can actually board the ship and do a fight so general thing here it's a pretty big mob fight he's gonna be utilizing a lot of funders and fires throughout those trying to maybe potentially save his grand magic of fund aslha for just the last wave since we'll be dealing with two of those big guys at the end there in the meantime fire augers are good for picking off the singular and it big enemies like that fun dolls that clear out that wave right there so far so good and is that Alton oh there's one over there that's good oh there's another one oh man yeah I always hate having to like it's not worth it to like burn just a little bit of empty when they're like no health it's so obnoxious going in for these last two things here this should be the final wave fund also hidden bowls of them with that very good clear out that guy and where's our other guy oh nice very nice at the end there crabs crash I almost want to say crabs in the chat but I don't know if that's like a bad thing or well well we can say is the Kingdom Hearts 3 level 1 the critical mode dark Inferno has in fact in men you will be seeing then 10 do that fight right after the run now I actually be sitting in ten play in just a little while here that's it yeah thanks nothing much to say here we're just collecting 300 crabs yeah it's route as obviously I Emily so I could probably throw in more donations here we have a $100 donation from Steve the pirate 17 which says our Steve the pirate here donating on behalf of the best pirate and Disney character I've ever seen Captain Jack Sparrow let's keep them donations rolling in right here he's gonna try to get a track from the match he comes in be really quick here because those crabs and the rails will try to spread out super quick but thankfully just a couple of fun a couple of fun doggies and just right into that attraction build up a lot that's that's just a nice fuzzy good that's good company's a good range also know we got a thundaga from that fish boss we found a little while ago so yeah our thunders are pretty powerful now because that's like the next level magic and the camera up here we're gonna all right I'm gonna head pick up a tea chest here one will have the sorcerer shrink which is a really strong accessory that get increases our magics that and also an ether and a little bit of cool air stepping back to the boat a little too far away that's okay yeah I almost surprised me Kitty respect I was like oh that's faster than just you know air sliding back over all right very nice so the game wants you to continue this world but actually we're done here for now we're gonna come back when we have farrago so for now we're gonna leave and not fight the boss because if we do it without Moraga that's yeah we don't want to we don't to fit up with that yeah before I leave I'm just gonna do cook menu I'm gonna equip that sorceress ring and also one more ether since we got we gained a item slot so this replaces this equip that ether and then we're gonna head out and that is all right very nice man that outfit all right and we'll be switching out in ten will be closing it out for us oh whoa a plot twist well while they are swapping we have a 555 dollar donation from soresina that says of course I had to donate during the series that inspired half my gamertag glad I got off work just in time and I hope all the runners a thumbs aren't to essaouira after the end but still donating to the Inferno fight this is just one guy going whoa dude what are you doing all right this will be our second last guy me of the game it's pretty straightforward we don't have like any major gummi boss skips or anything left so an intense just gonna head right over to our San fransokyo I'm still gonna pick up some money along the way mm-hmm they give you so much money in this game is crazy yeah it's a little bit faster to just go straight there but just so much money here mm-hmm I want to make sure we have enough ethers for the remainder of the run fortunately they're not too bad to get in this game just because I'm how much money you like it's like 200 would be fine if they didn't give you money like every like few seconds but it's also comes with gold amulet as well so I think you've had in the second world but I appreciate it so here oldest basically be thrown again into a forest mob fight so Nathan here will just be a coursing through the bridge here and he'll just be using thundaga to take out these sentry go I guess that's okay I'll remind you after way after he takes us out this rock trolls okay pay attention to what we're gonna use Ariel for this fight uh it's gonna speak for itself just pay attention that HP bar for a little bit last time we see that we'll see her to even greater effect than what you just saw right there but that's just a little introduction as it turns out Ariel is incredibly strong on big enemies that don't stagger quite easily not to mention we have the water boost as well from the oswestry ad so she's doing even more so we have one equipped and one from that customized as the tricky part of co-op races as we all tend to have our own customized that is yes I'm like the really and we're gonna just get like a bunch of items here and a magic boost as well we'll be getting a couple of those in this world and we'll do be doing our last few Keyblade upgrades like so and ten magic very good and we're gonna head over to the transfer course now I know this minigame oh yeah it's so good we kind of just don't do this minigame the intention yeah it wants you to go through all the cool colored rings and get a lot of points but we want to go fast and we don't do that it's actually like a lot you can skip in those minigame it's kind of crazy like the development of this minigame in particular over the last few months has been sick yeah the this mini wants you to go to the hoods and you'll just see mutant just kind of advance for the next part shoutouts to go go didn't quite get here that time you got this so yeah this next a little part right here it's not really too much going on but as soon as she gets off the rail here like it's gonna pick up pretty much immediately there's just so much so much you can skip in this and just so many wacky era steps and air slides and everything we're going all over the place like it'll be I'll show you a tracker before you should be going we're just gonna be like and that's cool dude I'm gonna go over here and that's gonna be like we're gonna do that like five times so we just completely skip that go to these rings he's gonna do an air step above that and actually just kind of not have to put up with did not happen I did okay okay there cuz he's not supposed to do that but it worked out fine he's doing other air stuff to these poles moving in San Fran is so sick air stuff let's look into that vacant up there and then he's just gonna do a series of get back up there series or more air steps to get over to that point up to that point right there that should spawn the final set of rings get into the little air duct here and as long as the game is a thumb there yeah very nice that outfit is so snazzy I like it is that the surprise you were telling and that is our final link that we get in the game which is stitch which may if you're gonna think he's just not gonna be seen but you use every link it's some fly in the run the stitch will have his moment but that's for later unfortunately you get him too late to be yeah readily useful and he's just doesn't quite cut at verses ones like Ariel Simba even Ralph he'd probably be okay in a few situations if we got him earlier but we just have a lot of other stuff at this point so but he did one use that he does have his super important yes very he's the reason we saved like several minutes that like later at the end of the game so it's gonna kill a few more enemies there for some excuse me for some exp and just air stuff right up here and just kind of marvel at the fact of how good fun dog is just the hitbox on this thing is so or and arose aloud I guess I'll just get a double show kids yeah I was like you know that fights like three waves of enemies just everything that looked like tones away alright and we have the Dino boy does this thing's hell like Kitaj stronger asserts I have no idea there's like 20 letters there's golem bricks yeah simply you will see the Marvel of Ariel come out once again here so if you saw how bad it wasn't the first fight we kind of disrespect this guy pretty well he'll go into his like super armor thing but that's not gonna hold up too much and we're just gonna get him down to like 1 hp cool unfortunately this is a bit of a scripted file oh nice - ether pod yeah this is a bit of a scripted fight where you actually can't kill him until you get to the second phase but I mean if he's down to one HP you're pretty much in there anyway so he's pretty upset about that my HP yeah you can walk on from super far away and arrow has like immediate hit bollocks as soon as you cast it so it's a really quick way to end off that fight and to say this is also a really nice sort of respite from a lot of the other worlds in this game this is actually like extremely consistent world and most mistakes are on you if it actually does happen so it's just gonna get away from stuff especially since we have Caribbean just kind of waiting in the wings so yeah change of pace not much luck involved in this road it's actually I cancel one of Zera slights early get to this chest right there and this has a magic boost and that actually be one more magic boost we'll be getting in a little while we'll have three total since we got one from the US on shop a little while back now we got kind of an autoscroller so we have some time for donations we have a $500 donation from jrx 1981 loving this Kingdom Hearts they run we also have $100 donation from Leia Bo which says I've been playing King of Hearts since I was 7 years old when the first one came out it's so fun to see it here me too yea and dark cubes can be pretty aggro it's actually possible for you to take a death here if he's like it's super aggressive thankfully uh-oh tickets now on sale let's go buy us on yeah just trying to be mindful of dark cubes doing his attacks there because especially if he has like the Master Hand or like the Falcon punch move that does quite a lot of damage if it connects just being a little bit uh careful about that and now here comes one of the coolest parts of this world and this is the big hero 6 rescue it's gonna start off with you in some air steps right up to wasabi pretty much all of these guys get rescued in different ways you're just gonna do a free fall and an attack to finish that'll break him out and he's gonna quickly go over to honey-lemon be very imperative thing about this as he moves pretty reasonably quickly because if you don't if you don't go fast enough you actually miss out on the cycle of where we're gonna rescue gogo at the very end log on is a little bit questionable on this part but that wasn't too bad and an intense gonna use a blizzard just to get rid of that you can use water or a blizzard on the blue orbs there doesn't really matter alright that's okay and in the meantime since you have to wait anyway he's just gonna make his way over to this other chest which also contains the magic booze pick that up and next up is going to be Fred he's gonna do a series of double flight air slides air steps to get all the way over there and if he's been very nice just get right into the polls he has to start grabbing yeah that happens sometimes okay and gogo is coming up in a little bit but he should have time you need to basically make it to that right valen time you ain't really far with that era stuff that was good all right and just get on there and very nice make made the cycler very good all right and that's pretty much that it's honestly a lot tighter than it looks like if you waste even just like a few more seconds like that didn't go like as pop properly but I mean it was still very fast but like you see Coco can just kind of escape like at the last second and then it's really bad so trying to get away from the enemies here so we can do this next menu a very important thing is we're gonna be utilizing those magic boots that we got as well as equipping a few other things have a refill on our cuisine and also very important we now have access to fire a gun so enjoy this and explain normally this is a really annoying fight because it's very time wasting cycle base we get the way forever and have the boss be open but because he's just doing this onslaught of fires it's just constantly staggering this boss so that the boss doesn't get a chance to do anything remember when this fight just used to be so orangey it was but then we learned the game now that all that's left is dark baymax which is basically an autoscroller yes a couple things for now like he'll be going around the screen all you have to adjust your positions you can parry some of the projectiles he will throw at you and then eventually it goes into like this sort of second phase which is not really that much different than from the first one so I don't know if you guys have anything to say or should we just do some donations donations perfect we have a $25 donation from Captain canary 1 1 7 that says Kingdom Hearts 3 hype we couldn't come to this gdq but are so excited to do a gdq disney extravaganza in orlando good luck to all the runners and let's get that dark inferno run well we did in fact meet that dark inferno run but we're still working on our bonus game number 4 Super Mario Brothers 3 race so if you have something that you're you know holding on to for a good moment now is that moment to get in for that race it'll be a fantastic thing to watch we have a $5 donation from ten five six one four zero that says good luck missed crispy and in ten is time to defeat the darkness and remember I think there might be some ingredients around here I almost got away with it too and I was like yes we didn't get meme done and as I go we also did get a two hundred dollar donation from Jacob Gunn that says finally able to donate for a great cause let's see that Kingdom Hearts 3 dark infernal fight thank you one little thing intent is gonna do here is he'll actually take the initial hit and from that you can just kind of hold the button down and you can just hang pretty much every other hit without actually getting interrupted so we're just gonna kind of be we're just gonna hang out with him for a little while give him a hug and you know he's trying to like horribly murder us but via the power of taking that initial hit and just sitting right there we can just kind of clear out the last of us off like so who's gonna run out first just a little note about that the shooting is actually magic based so that's also why that's so strong interesting okay and now we have the best part of the run coming up Caribbean - is it something you can intend did a good job yesterday so clearly since it's the marathon day he'll do it perfectly this time - I don't know about that one but yeah that's the main reason once again we left Caribbean is to go get fire go because that's gonna make the world boss of Caribbean just much better because we doing a lot more damage with fire go versus a fire run so we're doing this out of order but usually people are used to being in San Fran and getting tossed out as soon as you leave instead of going to the gummy being thrown into the you know anti aqua fights but now it'll happen here because it just it depends which world you do it knows that you didn't complete both of them oh yeah there's also a lot of cutscenes yeah just wait this isn't even the worst part yes hey we can play again and I have to wait again bag trouble probably could throw in some donation have a $25 donation from wins Requiem that says amazing run of an amazing game the Caribbean is by far my favorite best looking world and don't forget this might be a good spot to find ingredients how many is that so far like five ingredients donations I blame you so this world's not fun friendly just just being blunt and basically an intense can I just make his way over literally like halfway across the frickin ocean so on the way there he's gonna do kind of a similar thing that crispy did in the initial like acquiring of the boat where he's gonna build off the bar in the bottom left a little bit just so he has a some of that going into the fire and the ideal thing for the second boat fare that's coming up here is we kind of want to build up the three normal attacks but also be one like sort of orb blast away like when you kill the orb your meteor fills up we want to be like one of those away from a fourth one so the game plan is hopefully via killing them via the orbs and maybe their sails as well because if you break the sails you also gain some gauge on top of that hopefully not have to put up with some of the awful things I can actually happen during that five you can actually upgrade this ship and make it have like a boost in speed but it's not worth doing in a run also stronger cannons as well yeah so yeah you usually get about like two fights at least I don't think I've ever had a third fight on the way here but oh what a bunch of jerks Dean yeah that's just kind of the starting point that's from this world that can just happen hopefully that will not happen during the next boat fight coming up here but it's a sign I hope not dude but yeah we'll be closing in on the next boat fire pretty soon here okay there's only like five ships and once you get to this little island right here that's this is when the fun starts and intents gonna start off by going to the left this looks to be okay but you also have to be very alert pretty much all the time you really want to get rid of these guys ASAP they love to just kind of take off and try to hide their weak spot from you as much as like and there they are behaving pretty nicely for the start let's hope that lasts a little bit so far so good once it gets down to two ships in this phase the next one will come in and ideally he will hopefully be able to use a tidal wave to clear out the ending but sometimes that can be really spaced out so that doesn't always work out but so far hasn't been too bad it's not so far away yeah he's run to come back that's just the nature of this fight sadly not really too much you can do about that when things like that happen I just built up his bar a little bit more here like one or two more attacks should do it always going for the snipe cane he hit it so close and they got body blocked again yeah this is this place is just really obnoxious so yeah and they're spread out a little too much that's just how this fight goes sometimes unfortunately but it's got to hang in there fortunately they give you a long time to use these oh yeah but you know panic too much if it's like it's short it's like a lot of the other ones like this fight with these like even worse than it already is and hopefully they're a little bit spaced just maybe we can get because it has a huge hitbox very nice oh good that's good so tidal wave has quite the massive hitbox like you can be just if you're even like remotely close to a ship usually it hits and ideally when intents gonna try to do here is wait until the ships spawn in and then he's just gonna use the barrage of raging cannons trying to take out three orbs right here and slave the one at the very back of the ship for solo kill ideally maybe not okay there we go I mean that can work too it just needs to take out one more and then hopefully get the raging cannons use that and it doesn't get Bobby blocked and very nice okay good if you don't kill that [ __ ] fast enough it will teleport away and then get the weight and we get to go from one great fight to another take that fish before this names like a frame every time you do this secret stress that's why I do it maybe pictures shoot behind dude yeah they they got their money's worth for the amount of pom plates we have to do in this world man so we go from one boat fired right to another but thankfully this one is like nowhere near as obnoxious so coming up here is the fight with the Kraken it's gonna be kind of along the same lines as the last fight in the sensitive we're gonna want to try to build up raging cannons that ship on the slide there will always have an orb located somewhere on this side and if you blow that up a few times it's obviously gonna fill the gauge up and you will always get raging cannons every time the bar fills up here and that will just deal massive damage to the Kraken here also important to note that the spawn is random he could show up pretty much anywhere you cannot break the wall of tentacles without raging cannons so if you use regular shots those will just not go through but thankfully using those not a big problem it just eats through that help are super good and if you're a sometimes you can spawn like super far away to the left but it's been very fortunate being in pretty easy to snipe places so far so far so far might have to do might have to do one at the end but walk away and see oh wow very cooperative this time and he just needs a few more hits and he'll build up a tower ragin canons to finish the fight off very nice all right that was good as well he doesn't pop up at the last second alright first true humanoid boss kind of so when intends gonna try to do here is build up a fire aza using a series of fires like so and then hopefully lure Davy Jones into the back of one of the top ends of the ship and do a series of fires again and hopefully doubles Charlock to kill it can be a little bit obnoxious doing this buffet cut wait for this attack to go through and now he's gonna do the series of fires and hopefully the environment is like you're worse than Emma so during this place so hopefully it cooperates so far so good I have to kind of do some movement in the air he's easy I get that second twenty eight push Tamela he got it this should kill as long as nothing dumb happens very nice yet another TMS if they're so good you up in getting those coolest Keyblade and now this is the part of the game where they just literally throw everything at you you know it's pretty nervous to do that by it's not easy to get that damn scale okay this is all time if you missed it too party members were trying to screw with you but worked out good so now that we finished both of those final two worlds it's gonna just launch us right into the next bye mm-hmm is this where we have donation timers it out I'm thinking we don't really have much time right now it's gonna go right into the fight okay okay we could definitely do it after this fight though so this is the second of two Riku fights and this one this one takes a little bit more time than the first one but hopefully it'll still go by pretty cleanly as well ideally when intends gonna try to do here is build up dark fire raga if you would literally do anything besides physical attacks you just don't get that so Nintendo whale on this guy until that pops off also important to note because the last fight was so quick that he in this particular instance yeah if when he goes red like that he has like a lot of defense so ideally we want to try to hit him a lot when he's uh what's it called oh man already that's unfortunate ideally we want to hit the demon tower when what's it called he's yellow instead of red because he'll just take a lot more damage that way this music is amazing by the way yes by it's my favorite thing ever did looking at it so pretty close uh he went ready and that's okay it's gotta be a little bit more evasive here just get in be a little bit more aggro alright he's yellow again he should be pretty close to being dead now very nice okay that's good and now it's really immediately after that we're gonna go right into the anti aqua fire which I guess you'll see for yourself for a lot of the fights in this and you'll just kind of see how she gets treated here at HP bar go down a little bit and fire Raza to finish and pretty quickly alright and now we have just a few more cutscenes here so we have some time for donations we have a $50 donation from Maleficent maybe I'll find that box in the dark infernal fight good luck on the rest of the run we have a actually we have a donation in the amount of $25 from Ventus Ventus again who says ah yes water that'll do here's that $25 and we also have a $500 donation from dr. to it that says as easy as it can be Kingdom Hearts showed me a world outside the troubled home I grew up in seventeen years later I found my name had made it into Kingdom Hearts 3 and I could not feel more honored thank you for the great run that's cool dude thank you alright and so now we're just here at lineup departure you can do a nice little movement tech thing here just skip through that's okay but you normally have to go all the way around and you can just do some double flight to get up to this next part quickly and here's our one time we get the players lipo for like 45 seconds yeah in tennis tart off with a couple of fire augas going into a [ __ ] this is the prison reigns it like literally the exact same as 0.2 has to be a little bit tricky here because the timing on this is just like weird but ideally hoping to hit that excellent so we just get a lot of extra prison range shots going there any just being a little bit of a bully here but that's fine there we go and start backing him off with some fire augas and do another shot block like so ah dang got 27 that's still okay though unlike birth by sleep adidas can't just break out randomly anymore so we can kind of whale on amongst we stagger them working in that spell Weaver say if you played 0.2 you should be you should be perfectly fine with us and this last pitcher does a lot of damage and that'll be venetus very nice oh yeah we the third is Nissan yeah our third Disney song I see the light from tangled hi hello excuse my strained voice all those days watching from the windows all those years outside looking in all that time never even knowing just how blind I've been now I'm here blinking in the Starlight now I'm here suddenly I see standing here it's all so clear I'm where I'm meant to be and at last I see the light and it's like the fog is lifted and at last I see the light and it's like the sky is new and it's warm and real and bright in the world is somehow shifted all at once everything is different now that I see you all those days chasing down a daydream all those years living in a blur know that time never truly seeing things the way they were now she's here shining in the Starlight now I'm here suddenly I know standing here it's crystal clear I'm where I'm meant to go and alas the light and it's like the fog has left Ted and the last I see the light and it's like the sky is new and it's warm and real and bright and the world is some house [ __ ] all at once everything is different now I see you now that I see all right and now we are just gonna head right into a qiblah graver you'll see that an intent that go my boss in particular you might be thinking well you skip the other two can you not skipped I want in the answer as well you can actually deal owed it the same way but there's kind of this huge you know container around us so we can't really do too much with us so we're pretty much forced to fight it so it opens up I just want to mention that I felt like five or six all right so up here is the 10k Phi it you know kind of similar to like how the 1k if I was accepted there's like so many enemies here so what an intense gonna do is he's gonna clear out some initial enemies I use a few more thunders to get rid of like this is one of those fights where you just have to kill a certain amount enemies and then we can move on to the next part of it so he'll do a barrage of fun doggies there and we're gonna use me out well for our final time during this run cuz his deflate - it takes out a lot of the weaker enemies quite quickly like you see there this is actually how you're supposed to use me I allow any way it's just convenient that it works well here also love that we go from that epic music to just this really fitting hit use a big square so he's just gonna use deflate - until he's about to run out of me I'll do the finisher for a few extra heads and he's gonna go back to using a fun dog is now to clear out most of the remaining waves very nice is dealing with that rock troll very quickly they're in and gone arose the - and that's really nice and so yeah just fun dog on it's just insanely good AoE and we can hit multiple enemies at once with that it's gonna be our go-to for just clearing out as many enemies as we can in a short time for him want to be a little careful here because we only have so many ethers and we'd really need MPD to just get rid of these guys pretty quickly but it's been going by pretty well so far that's the last ether now the hope is that the mountain coaster does pop pretty soon here Mountain coaster is the attraction that actually shows up once you've hit the sort of town for the amount of enemies you're supposed to have knock down oh you had another one on blinds that's a good and hopefully they'll be popping up pretty soon about two-thirds of the bar on the top leg it should show up it's always a little sketchy because it just yeah there it is okay because you get to like the very end of your last 10 feet it just pops up so so now we basically win for free because this will just shred it to the point where we can finish with the reaction command that pops up and that Barco sound like super quick with also eventually an info bar will show up and basically McDonald's sees the finish command and so is it pop so you can end the fights Vega as flyers that only two times the entire game we get to use this but I mean it is pretty destructive that's fine it's good all right and we are going to put on the nano gear people not quite yet but we're gonna have that on so we can switch to it we're gonna use it for like two fights three fights in this whole thing but it will come into play just in a little bit here is our introduction to Keyblade graveyard we're gonna start off by dying just right out the gate yeah let's go yeah this will pretty much direct us right to the final world that's actually what it's called it's called the final world and it's a mixture of movement and some pretty much just a series of fights of the same enemy like eight times but we'll get there probably have time for a quick donation we have a five dollar donation from ingredient that says this might be a good spot to find me I can't believe Sora is dead this looks familiar and so essentially we're just gonna be grabbing clones of Sora until the next part of the game happens you have to get all of them there's like 12 or so here and then we're gonna actually have to collect a little bit more than that in the second part only like a hundred eleven but thankfully the routing for this second part has been been solidified pretty well show Stan in time by the way for this next browning here is actually pretty interesting it used to be really all over the place like especially when the game was brand new I have a pretty solid route going for the snow yeah actually when I first started writing this game I had like no idea what the best way just was though one night I just spent like hours routing this and now we still use this code to this day that's pretty cool man it's pretty efficient so he's just gonna get about 30 clones there pick up all the ones here he'll want around 50 before he gets to the first instance where he's gonna just rotate the whole platform pretty good there and do some air steps over to these clones right here 48 about 50 that's good and he's going to hit this it's gonna rotate give him some serious time so he hits this tea house they really hit it there we go okay that's that's the really scary part of that because if you if you fall it's not a lot of good backups for it so that's good movie has been really solid so far he's going to get this next set right here do another err step right up to this one right here this one has insane amount of clones just right just right for the picking there one around 90 before he heads down so just gotta clean those up there they love to just go everywhere and it gets hard to find they're hard to pick them up as there's less and less but that was pretty clean got those there 96 now used to have been perfect for here and then there's ten more for this so just got to pick these last ones up 107 108 109 very nice exactly as really that was exactly oh no you could get more surah clothes here to get HP boots at 2 2 2 & 3 3 3 obviously there's not a reason to do that now but some people do and then after that we pretty much move on to the actual combat portion of this world which and it's it's ok I guess you'll see but this is a kind of its homage to Kingdom Hearts 1 because we're basically gonna go through a brief instance of every single world that we've been to so far so kind of a throwback although it's not as good probably of time for a quick donation to you actually wait uh no that's ok let's go so what's gonna happen here is this will be our final Mughal shop of the game what Nintendo he's gonna sell pretty much all the accessories and armor that were not using just to build up a little bit more funds and simply put just buy a few more ethers and we should be pretty much set on items at this point so that's good cherlene 10 will actually do just some knee movement yeah skip a lot of the we didn't have that yet and then right here he's actually gonna do some farming just to hit level 30 because level 30 will give us a combo Plus and also another magic is just around things off with the enemies here spawn infinitely as well even though jiminy just wants you to go away and progress but speaking of survive somehow and he's just here with us that's pretty fun and so these fights are pretty cool we're just gonna do a full fun dog a combo and Gucci so nice I hope you like that spread because we're gonna be doing that a little bit more now but yeah that level 30 is very imperative for the ending of this run here we actually used to get level 30 during the huh we we used to get level 30 during the coaster but we realized wow that's really slow so we can just get level 30 right there for short catch a break man yeah he needs to hold still alright and the nice thing too is every time you go through these portals that actually are fully heals you as far as HP MP focused gauge and we we used to stop by the sayers but then we're like oh it fully heals you anyway so we can just kind of go from thing to thing not quite sure why they give you safe why not after each one yeah that's a little weird maybe you have like a favorite list by you wanna like have a fire or not just the absolute destruction of magic in this game makes me so happy yeah if you actually do let the Lich's get away then it does get a bit annoying especially in the Monstropolis all because we basically skip a whole wave of enemies that can spawn in this one where the Lich actually disappears from the fight temporarily right so this is gonna be like the last fight where we're strictly using ever after and this is like this is the one portion now we're actually gonna switch over to neo gear because the Shou luck is good and it also has pretty okay magic as well so his he changes up his attacks and patterns a little bit here so we gotta be a little bit uh improvised a little bit differently we can't just do like the flat on funder spam I mean we will to me to greed but just not in the exact same way that was the takes that's damage to Thunder I'm pretty sure right yeah intends gonna get right up post impersonal and just get that shot lock going and ideally this whole pretty much knock him down right out the gate yeah like so and just a few thunders to finish off and now everyone's favorite Lich fight in the Corona want to be careful with this one especially because if he gets away it's it's so obnoxious to track him down nice yeah thankfully fun dog has a pretty nice hitbox to avoid any major conflict there and this will be the last litter fight here another thing to like to know it as well is like if you actually went to just not go into the one that was directly like a next to you the game would force you down to the lowest platform every time so there is no way you can actually not go into one of these so Nintendogs gonna use some fun dog as I believe right out they go he's gonna use chili first okay sorry my bad I was thinking of something else so use the shot like right off the bat I'll knock him down and just a few thunder should I clear it out and we're done with them we also gotta Roga so that'll be fun intent anyway see that yes so now we get thrown back into Keyblade grave error now that everyone's back to life so first thing we're give you is go beat up demon tide and of course because it's a large non stagger bull boss we're gonna go with Ariel oh yes Ariel was I mean she still has put in quite a lot work but this is probably like the best example of just seeing how Ariel is just so destructive coming up you're just like look at how many bars of HP this next boss is gonna have it's like the same amount as like last time but we actually have to kill up this time so Minton's gonna get right in position and he's just gonna have some fun just using an aerial so like we said before we have water boost so it goes super quickly just so if you just take a moment to look at that helper you see it is just going right down man and ideally what we want is just to have him dive right right into the floor sometimes he can persist over the ground for a while but if there is a little bit of HP left we can just use a few fires to clean up and there you go we're supposed to be a whole other phase to that fight oh yeah you could skip it 0.2 as well oh my god whoa what's happening what is happening shadows to all the people on the left side he made in the gdq yeah these are pretty much oh my god all the hype is too real okay those are pretty much all the top players of Union crossed I made into the game when they have their little I know it's been like it's your name in cage 3 and I thought it was a pretty cool way to incorporate it into the game so this is basically just a giant press triangle like 500,000 times and will win the fights without further ado if you have some time for donations that would be a pretty good time for that we have an anonymous $1,000 that says hey mateys Watson this friend has been great for event to sing some stress but it's time to stop goofing around and get a squall of donations in for the smb3 all forts run we also have a $25 donation from each lone heart that says shout out tune in 10 glad I'm able to catch most of the Kingdom Hearts 3 run before leaving for work also what's that I think I see a lucky emblem yeah I'm surprised we have a $5 donation from loon master that says I couldn't find any ingredients but I did find this donation and we also have a $25 donation from wins Requiem that says great job with those ingredients now let's find some more maybe those pesky seekers of darkness have some better go beat them up and see and pretty much now once you get to the end we'll just have one final command and we're almost finished this side so just do that and let's take it home I love this moment so much the first playthrough oh and and now that brings us to the organization fight which yes so I hope you guys like fire I hope you've liked it this whole time because you're gonna be right in your face for pretty much most of this but it's okay we're gonna do some neat little movement tech to get to place the place since you actually have the choice of going between like one or two fights and both the instances here I believe Nitin SCANA opted for the right path initially it's where he fights what's it called luxord lark scene and marluxia so make sure he makes it to the door before closes we've one last little menu here and he's also that's gonna be the last of our food for this run so smart oh my god okay I'm gonna have to make it like after closed they thought about box so ideal thing for here we're gonna try like luxord is basically in god mode we can't really do much with that branch right a lower large scene in my lucious health as much as we can because this is kind of asana time sort of first phase here ideally like probably somewhere around one-and-a-half bars is good because that's just kind of where their HP will sort of sit up so yeah just do it just go into town on some fires they're making some really good damage to so this first face will be ending in just a little while here he set it up pretty well also important he has full MP for this next part so he's gonna look for the card that's a shaking he's gonna do a full combo followed by a fire Agha oh man please very good back up bad deals with luxord and yeah now we just kind of take out these last couple of guys here yeah fortunately the HP carries over for all three or however many bosses are in those fights so you can kind of take them out fast if you distribute the damaged oil before they even desperation move well unfortunately they're but that's not too bad man just put them down Wow well it's just kind of a kind of a nerd anyway and following that we'll be moving on to the second fight which will be against Riku replica and luge I mean ah so it's pretty much gonna just be a whole rinse and repeat for a lot of these fights just using fire Raja Pyro's when you get it maybe even like a few other things like Rosa fat pops up this is phase one I don't know if you can even call it I just left for a little pretty phase and then we actually get into the fight here so a little bit annoying in this particular sense because xigbar will try to snipe you pretty much at any given moment and unless you're in your finish or wild extremely fast unless you're in you're a finisher you're pretty much just gonna be successfully getting knocked out of your combo so try your best to get as many fires off in a short timeframe avoid all that nonsense you'll get knock a little bit knock back here if he gets knocked back you can always use a thundaga or if he gets close to getting a few more fire I'll go this looks good to you one of the there is a potential for at least amount of improv because sometimes if they're like no health and they're far away fun dog I can just clear them up pretty well so you'll probably notice that it when you take out one of them the other will diem at the beginning of the next fight always so it's important to realize that with your strats hardest puzzle bars man grab God's Torah so yeah a basic little puzzle here just a little bit of a sort of interlude of with movement going into the next set of fights gonna be along the same lines but there's a Nintendo should totally do the thing by the way so coming up is the psychics play and also some other person that's here but we don't quite know who they are right now hmm I don't know but initially with us IX he will be invincible at the very stars so an intention to it's a little while there and once again we're just gonna be utilizing a decent amount of fire the ideal thing here is we want to get that pitch dark gauge filled up twice which will be once that blue bar fully fills up to the side in the meantime just dodge through all the chaos that's happening and there's this is a little scripted part of the fight stop it Hey and now suddenly Roxas and he was just absolutely annihilate Sykes along with the fires this will be a pretty fast end of the fight here he's good I just I just remember Roxas like doing literally all the work for people is he is so good yeah and this will be the last of the set of four before we get to the big boys coming up soon after this but uh this will be Tara Nord and Vanitas and believe it not the strat here is use fire so he'll just be doing that again maybe a little bit of an oversight you think yeah now you get to see like a bigger deal as to just how disgustingly powerful magic actually is across this this is why we go for the magic build because you just see those health bars just melt like nothing with just it's like fire is pretty cost-effective it's very fast to fire and it just also does like really insane damage so all three of those work very well for those let's go let's go okay we're done already just a couple of cutscene skips here and we're pretty much just going straight into one of them honestly probably more technically like you might think it's not that technical because it's just used fire but a really particular thing about this next by coming up is we really want to kill these set of threes in or it's in a particular order just because it will have a much easier time dealing with them in the Keyblade storm that comes off normally because it is actually possible that you can kill some of them like you can actually technically kill all three of them but ideally we want to save everyone besides xemnas because we'll be able to deal with the other two pretty easily best saw so pretty much you're just gonna get barrage by all three at the start while these key blades will be coming after you intends gonna try as best to build up just a little bit of a situation command maybe potentially or you know maybe not this no arrows there that's fine but just getting in some damage with fires is good so guard these attacks here he's gonna move over back to this part of the arena and once again we're just gonna try to work it out so that as I'm this is well we're gonna focus on and some actually who are you fires down a little bit be very mindful of Young's in art because he has very little help and he tends to die very quickly so that should be pretty nice maybe just one for good measure and now we're gonna try our best just hopefully not get destroyed by Young's Ian or it kind of body blocking okay that's fine and at this point we're just gonna strictly go after killing xemnas first should be good so far yeah yelling Zen art is definitely one of the biggest pains in this fight because he just body blocks but we got send this first that's good alright and now ideally we'll kill these two during the inter interludes of what the actual fight would be sown intends gonna move forward a bit to a few bits of magic and get him out of the way that's good and hopefully Anson will also cooperate he's led a pretty good amount of health so we should be able to get rid of him pretty fast here and just pop that hand there we go very nice place so as intense as that fight was we definitely wanna give an intense some serious time for the status by I'm really nervous about yeah it's gonna be really hard this is like the hardest fight and it's the hardest fight in then I try that's okay just stay calm d do this and it's because fire spam doesn't work yeah so we gotta do something else this suspense oh my god you got this man so here we are in Scala we'll sleep for like five seconds alright so here is he's just gonna put on Thunder for a fight that's gonna be coming up in a little while here so do some movement into town and I will stop talking cuz Nintendo suppose nice you can just kind of do that and you just go right into the next play it's always good it's because you're using attacks that have multiple clones so it just feels insane damage when you do things like that God when we found that stress those so funny all right now we have the actual fight so this is what the community refers to as going on in towns gonna start off with just a barrage of fires and he's gonna tank this hood hopefully that's okay ideally maybe dodge the attack there but that's fine just have to survive this attacks a little bit more cool wall knocked back alright that's good and he'll do another surge of fires oh that's a little unfortunate he got interrupted in the middle of his combo there so unfortunately we did get the fire pillar but thankfully it won't take too long from here to actually take him out you can see pretty clean I thought so that's good and there's three phases to this flight this will be the second one we have underwater combat which might be like an O type thing but thankfully this isn't too bad it's all it's probably you've liked the easier phase of the three thankfully so get some fires going maybe intersperse those a little bit with with what's it called arrow as well just to keep them staggered a little bit more and a couple more and okay that's okay we should go you got this there we go okay nice we skip the DM on that that's good and now this one's a little bit tricky he's got to get funders out really fast and go into a 28 shot lock it if he doesn't quickly we just skip this entire phase but you have to move really quickly here it's looking good hopefully very nice that should kill very good awesome all right and final boss times so once again we're gonna use some fire or alternative arrows stress that's interesting all right and then we're going to use fire there we go so ideally around what's it called once you get him to about half his HP we'll move on to Phase two and there's gonna be a little bit of a surprise there so for the time being just get in some fires really quick you should be entering there you go second phase and we're gonna don't blink at this okay we're just gonna toss some stuff and all of a sudden we're gonna use stitch clean up the game and we're just gonna build this little box right here and we're gonna wait until we see a in order to pull the star back and then activate the finisher now watch this yeah very nice collar I did very clean ending to that those those fantastic alright you had a really good section do I know it was really good run you guys all did great I'm really happy yeah yeah thanks man mm-hmm time it will be coming up pretty soon yeah just get ready on that the second he just had like this last little thing he has to do here and then we can just go mr. white what I thought you had a coupon wait what happens this is a real final thing I didn't buy this the first time okay so just interact with the controller a bit and that's our last input and now for real timing will be coming up very soon here all right time to finish it out and now we're also skipping cutscenes because we go by in-game time and these actually add to it so just don't - we're just gonna do like just to see what our actual in-game time is no corny blonde no I can't see the time all right yeah there's just side of cutscenes here we this is traditional at the end of every run we just skip all these and we get to see what our final time is yeah we can see now okay love that ending screen oh god did I actually PV like five years for the thing to load in and so good yeah they like the VL cinematic battle report then the text Emma actually gives us the time to finish like maybe maybe better than one of your TV is or something like that I don't know what you guys that's really so now we're jumping I assume right into the level one dark thank you guys for joining for this and if you thought beacon was a little bit too easy basically he will get one shot and with almost everything if he gets hit so we were trying to make this fight pretty fast yesterday so we came up with some things but we're gonna hold back on some of the riskier stuff right now he has three Thunder boots stacked I assume still he's gonna be using that we don't want we can't fire spam this pipe completely because the boss is actually immune to fire and the third phase but we're actually are going to be using ever after Keyblade for its shotlock believe it or not and a level one were so under status that we're under the damage floor so that's why we have accessories on for the Thunder boost even though we don't get high magic from it but it will still deal a lot of damage here's like the actual cool moves that we didn't get to see the actual around so he's gonna stagger him on that knock back with a shot lock and he's gonna set keep going with thunder into it another but while he retaliated but that's fine so basically he's just gonna keep trying to do this because it does a good amount of damage for level one otherwise this bite is very slow he does have a koopa why not in case he does actually get hit but you only have one retry on that hopefully we won't have to use that fortunately every attack dark inferno does is reactive all so even though it is scary to potentially get one shotted as long as we're reacting properly it's all dodge able and punishable right it was a little slow on that shot lock otherwise would have been able to get it off it's not safe to do a full shot lock if he's about to attack either cuz he can hit you out of the cooldown if it doesn't stagger him oh that's okay he was trying to build up a gauge there too so now things in this phase get mixed up a bit he has slightly different patterns but essentially it's the same Stratus boy he's be alone here dude if you approach him he will do an attack when he's doing that so even though he could go into a mirage that form now and do even more damage with these lenders you lose your guard in that form so it's not as good of an idea in a marathon the attempt that and even though it would speed up the fight but since you don't lose guard in a guard based fight it's a bad idea and since he has elixirs equipped wholly for this that's how it keeps getting his shot locked back as well Oh a little unfortunate there but that's ok so now he's in the last phase where he's immune to fire which is why we've been stood up for thunder the whole time let me give you a second chance so now he's going to stay on the outside with these orbs which are very scary the good thing about the last phase is that he's very predictable he practically loops himself but if he misses any punishes his patterns will change and he tries to cross you up with a different set of attacks that can't be garble and they will one shot you on level one if they hit you yeah that was a good reaction for that nice yes yes it's over thank you guys again we always enjoy to be edgy is the cage community up greatly appreciated as well there's so much cage rep at this gdq yeah some to have everyone together so really nice time for GDQ to have us again yeah I just watched out the community so many of them showed up to this gdq specifically and it's been really fun to hang out with them and we're all really welcoming and she also if anyone ever wants to learn cage has a speedrun we're always looking for and we will always help just come I did it's all good man yeah so that was Kingdom Hearts 3 and thank you again everyone thank you for letting us go case this I hope you guys enjoy the run thank you guys alright yo and thank you again so much to the runners can we get another round of applause for these fantastic runners thank you guys so much we have a bunch of donations to go through still so let's knock a couple of them out here we had a $1000 donation from hit Steph oh that says love sgdq and agdq so happy to be here to help out a great cause like this looking forward to that secret boss in Kingdom Hearts 3 they're always amazing to watch let's get there all right so we're gonna take a quick twitch ad break here so I will see you guys back in a minute or so welcome back again everyone to summer games done quick 2019 here in Bloomington at mini in Minnesota let us quickly do a sponsor ad break and again we will be right back how many years have I waited the warrior of light a warrior of darkness rated T for teen Best Buy is a destination for all ps4 Xbox one Nintendo switch and PC gaming needs pre-order pokemon sword and pokemon shield at Best Buy and get $10 in rewards also pre-order blood-stained ritual denied at Best Buy and get an exclusive metal case and preorder cyberpunk 2077 at Best Buy and get one of three exclusive steal books Best Buy carries exclusive physical limited run games including the upcoming Celeste and toejam and Earl and with that we're gonna throw it over to an interview with feasel and dode hey everybody i'm feasel and I am here with dote dote is going to be participating in the super mario world romhack relay race coming up next and then a little after that going to be doing a run of a romhack called Invictus SoDo - thank you for talking with me today and can you tell us for people who haven't seen this before what is a kaizo rom hack so kaiser rom hack has simply put a modification of Super Mario World specifically in our case kaizo typically implies that it's got some crazy difficulty or linear style so you guys are gonna see that for the next couple hours here it's gonna be a lot of fun and so what makes these really difficult ROM hacks appealing to you over the you know thousands of products that are out there so the fact that there are thousands of ROM hacks mean that like only so many can stand out if if you're playing a ton of easy hacks they got all kind of feel like the same after a while but if you step up the difficulty then they really can stand out in that regard oh that makes sense and certainly are plenty of really good guy so ROM packs out there and that's what people tend to gravitate the most who it seems at least among the speedrunners so can you tell us a little bit about this particular rom hack called Invictus that you're gonna be running a little later so Invictus was created last October it was released just cook made it who will be also performing in the race it is very chocolate as opposed to what people call a vanilla style and what that means is there's a lot of custom effects that you won't normally see in the vanilla Super Mario Walt game so there's a lot of inspirations from various other rom hacks like storks and apes and crocodiles booy booy world cooler cruel packs like that and he made it really RTA friendly so in real time a lot of people are able to beat it but it's still pretty difficult I see so that that is an interesting thing because you mentioned being a chocolate romhack it has a lot of elements that you're not gonna see in many ROM hacks because they're kind of custom written so I guess this is something that would really appeal to people even who are people who are very familiar and seen a lot of a lot of rom hacks right so speaking of Invictus we actually have a question from Twitter here Shenzi code and asks are there any tricks or skips you're worried about and which tricks are your favorite in that run so there is actually one section a skip was discovered by me pretty early on that you can do some I'm not gonna spoil too much but you can do a key jump and a particular manner that saves about 5 minutes on the run it's kind of risky I can get it first try or I can get it 100th try a novel see what happens well I hope it's first try so you have another project that you're working on that relates to this do you want to tell us a little bit about that correct so Super Mario World Central has a database for all these rom hacks that people make and currently there are over a hundred and twenty kaizo mario rom hacks and i am in the process of trying to beat them all I've beaten about 60 of them but since I started it I've only beaten 29 so I still have about 90 to 100 left to go are there any that you get really stuck on is that I mean do you really get like completely brick walled with with one and you have to like stop and move on to something else or do you just kind of go through it at a casual pace do always just kind of go through it but I have put games down for weeks at a time before because I've been per called super responsible world took me sixty six hours which is insane my little puzzles too was designed to be played with safe States but it but one of my roles is that I will not use savestates so that one took way longer than I'm ever willing to admit and I think there are a lot of people these days who are really interested in ROM packs in particular we actually have another question from Twitter here which asks from the bouche who asks what's the best way for the average person to get into playing and creating rom hacks I would say first of all start out with Super Mario World or whichever game you're getting into rom hacks of Super Mario World is just a very versatile game and that's why it's my favorite but you know there are linked to the past Super Metroid smb3 other hacks for other games but Super Mario World has been around and the wrong hacking scene since probably about 2000 or so so it's been almost 20 years of rom hacking I would say start with Super Mario World if you like it pick up another game that you see somebody watched their tutorials for creating on YouTube I know Barbara's King made a lunar magic tutorial Pangaea panga made a kaizo tutorial hack Nexus 15 is made one as well send me send me some questions like personally I'll be happy to answer them if you want to like start anywhere alright last question you nervous for this relay race or you got this in the bag a little bit of both I'm nervous in the regard of we don't really know what's to be expected right blindly and we've been told like as soon as you turn the game on you're gonna be surprised so people are looking forward to our reaction I have no idea what it could be how that's got to be real exciting as it is I'm excited alright well thank you very much for talking with me thank you dode it's gonna be one of the runners in the relay the blind relay race super mario world kaiser rom hacks coming up next and a little bit after that play Invictus thank you very much Joe thank you what is up summer games done quick I am your host sporadic erratic you may also know me as flappy hat girl and coming up we have the most amazing speedrun I am so excited no idea how high I am for this super mario world blind really race it is gonna be off the chain in the meantime I want to remind you guys that our incentive for a bonus game 4 which includes several of these amazing runners you're about to watch still has not been met we have a super mario brothers as three all forts race and our goal is $125,000 and we're sitting at 37 thousand two hundred fifty three dollars so we definitely need some donations for that one so if you are about to donate for Mario Brothers please consider kicking it towards another awesome bonus game I have a $25 donation here from Delta's ID donating to make sure we get the all sorts raised in smb3 ten more dollars if we see hammer suit browser ko five dollars from Omega thanks for the great event you guys here's five more dollars towards all sorts raise five dollars from dr. dinner time let's get that smb3 donations rain going I have $50 from Mario man first gdq I'm watching live level the runs so far and hope this helps get that smb3 race going good luck on the rest of the Kingdom Hearts right you guys well I think they did an amazing job they smashed can we get another round of applause and a Kingdom Hearts run that was awesome I have $100 donation here from HH 2020 I wanted to give a shout out to grand Pooh Bear who introduced to gdq speedrunning and my favorite speedrunner barbara's king i have a five hundred dollar donation from average guardian shoutout to everyone in the mario block boo mitch barb Penge dode you guys all rock I could not be more hype to the next few hours let's get that all sorts race chat we can do it I have $25 here from DK wings Grand Poobah is my favorite streamer I'm so happy he's back with the Super Mario Brothers 3 race there's yet a long way to go but I believe we can make it happen let's do this I have a $250 donation here from Kesey Bob bonus game for is the Super Mario Brothers 3 allsports race we cannot miss that I agree we cannot miss that you guys are doing an amazing job by the way I am watching the tracker just tick on up we are now at 41,000 $630 towards that $125,000 goal let's keep those donations coming for an amazing cause I have another $500 donation put this towards the smb3 all for trace thanks all for a great show I have $100 from dr. disc SMB blind race i always dodi when brand FUBU bearers involved adding barb so many other amazing runners is a definite donation I have a two thousand dollar donation here my guy says long time watcher always glad to donate to a good cause looking forward to the Mario World race here's hoping we can get that all force race as well I have a $25 donation here from Ben P that just says all forts and another $25 donation from Jen let's see that is nb3 raised thanks to everyone for being totally awesome a little heart I have a $25 donation here from donation that says it's the me a donation all right I'm hearing we are ready to start this amazing run yo what's up everyone welcome back to summer games done quick 2019 I am Spica cheetah and I am joined by two much more intelligent and talented individuals than myself we got Dacula and jaku from the super mario world at kaizo blind raced community after a bunch of words in there you gentlemen doing today awesome yeah right here awesome to hear again guys we are about to go to I hope you like Mario because we are about to have almost every Mario game Under the Sun
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 430,145
Rating: 4.8444757 out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games
Id: 7fhTddZaiaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 10sec (13270 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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