Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes by plywood in 1:04:39 - SGDQ2018

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alright and with that it looks like the run is starting getting ready to get started so we will pass it on to plywood and his couch Metal Gear Solid the Twin Snakes thank you hi folks my name is plywood and I will be running Metal Gear Solid the Twin Snakes released exclusively for Nintendo GameCube on the couch I'll let you guys introduce yourselves hi everybody I'm daily May nice to meet you hi carcinogen SDA alright PD precious Roy and on our ends Draco Dan and metal Glenn solid and so let's get this party rolling in three two one go [Applause] so this is the 2004 remake of Metal Gear Solid released on the PlayStation which is actually having us 20th anniversary in September so what better way to celebrate that than play not that game but the remake and so we're gonna be going for a big boss rank on extreme difficulty and the main qualifiers for that are I can't get spotted because I have to have game over if discovered on so if a guard ever spots me or a surveillance camera that's it game over and I'm not a big boss anymore I can't kill anyone and I can use at max 1 ration which is the healing item in the game and that's pretty much the basics of big boss rank we're gonna be getting nice and cozy in this locker as we wait for an elevator to show up so I'm just gonna take some selfies [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] we have time for a few donations perfect the first donation we have $25 donation from farken aider which says good luck plywood thanks Park Nader and we also have another donation here another $25 donation from Sean be first time donating for the week more to come later I'm sure I love watching or rather being distracted by gdq and I finally have a job so I can afford to be generous I don't know what Pepsi man is but more games is always a plus to me we have time for like two more maybe one alright we have a $10 donation from the beastmen Twin Snakes for the win announcer police they kept you waiting huh at the start of the run kill and save Merrill at the same time so we're at the helipad which is like the first kind of complicated part of this game gonna make that guard spot us in the distance and bait him over so he won't spot us the guards in this game kind of have a tunnel vision issue and we're gonna hop in here pick up these stun grenades and make sure not to get spotted by this camera and then again exploiting tunnel vision make this guy see something in the distance and ghost right past them and you're going to see me rapidly swapping here with the weapon this game runs on the Metal Gear Solid 2 engine so various things from that game carry over to this game they're kind of like sister games and if you mash a weapon while you're crawling you actually increase your speed so for about 10 seconds of mashing you save about a second and the nice thing about this is that it actually makes the guard pattern in the tank hangar a little bit more bearable I don't actually have to match the whole way because I won't have to wait anyways for a guard to go by but if you ever learned this game get ready to do a lot of this and everyone has a different way of mashing the right trigger there's a there's a guy in the community actually uses his nose or used to use this nose you know there's always some way if there's a will there's a way to mash so we're gonna go to this tank and hang on the wall right here I'll wait for this guy to go by make sure not to disturb anything and roll right through them and he's gonna be--start and realized he's gonna be smart realized something's wrong but we're already out of here and right here we're just gonna be doing some more running to our first destination the cell where the DARPA chief is so we have some time for some more donations if you haven't I have a $100 donation from PD precious Roy which says yo plywood all the hard work is paying off bring it home and make it a TTS anniversary to remember this donation goes towards killing Merrill thanks man [Applause] we have pleasure we also have a $20 donation from blue metal which says hey plywood good luck on the run from myself and the guys at MGS are may the tank cooperate May Sniper Wolf not hug many trees as Steve Otacon because he's our bro hashtag TTS face thanks blue and late time for one more perfect we have a $5 donation from Jay the boss Metal Gear height first time watching sgdq and first time donating good luck to plywood for a great run and also don't forget it's just a box just box so we're coming into the garden counter we're gonna be using this m9 it's a tranquilizing gun but we only have 16 bullets every time I miss a shot during this run I'm gonna donate $10 and Glenn over here is keeping track of that so let's hope I don't miss too many or maybe we should I'm not sure so just lock yourself onto these guards they try to try to dodge left and right but I'm already ready for what they're gonna do I know what they're gonna do I'm in their heads and if you've never seen this game before but have seen the original you're gonna knows the voice acting is a little bit different that's because they had to rerecord the voices for this game due to bad audio quality in the original they didn't actually record those voice lines in a studio strangely enough so they had to rerecord them and David Hayter the voice of Solid Snake actually took a pay cut so that the vast majority of the original voice actors could come back to this game which is a really nice of David shouts to David Hayter let me just crank these guards who are outside ready for them to come in and pick up some SOCOM ammo along the way I actually emptied out a SOCOM magazine and that's for a backup strat when we get to the tank which is by far one of the hardest fights in this game and it happens 10 minutes into the run and let Merrill take this guy out remember a big boss lets other people kill for him not himself and we had time for a few donations like - perfect we have a donation or a $5 donation from my host shows you a plywood I can't watch you live but I'm looking forward to watching the vaad later everyone from the mad father community is cheering you on so kick this games but thank you my house and we also have a $10 donation a private plank reporting for duty I'm happy to see plywood daily May and the rest of the couch for Metal Gear Solid we are all watching at home and wish the best of luck buddy please put this donation to runner's choice that is saving jock and Deus Ex because a bomb is very important to see a bomb time for like one more we have a 15 dollar donation from PMP reach 80 Daly man plywood IRL friend Alex here it's awesome to see people I know be a part of this marathon who would have known it would be also be running a game from my childhood series good luck and donation goes to killing Merrill it's still canon right hashtag TTS face thank you Alex I miss you dude so it's time for a very exciting boss fight shoot this old man in the face just a few times that's one missed shot that's one missed shot so yeah that's a little bit different from the original game because first-person view kind of makes that fight broken but that's okay because in a couple minutes I'm going to have to play a very precise game of basketball with a tank just a typical day for me this upcoming fight you have to think about a few variables the tanks movement your movement how you're cooking the grenades it's a real hassle and during that fight I'm gonna let the couch take over because the inputs have to be pretty precise to get what I need to do I really wanted the 15 guys I'm serious I wanted that 15 but it there's a kind of a strategy there once I see the 20s I kind of let go after like half a second I did get a 15 earlier in the practice room which did curse this oh well lost like a couple seconds who cares man it's alright Kodak all these guys are gonna notice us but that's no big deal ps2 people were wondering why there's no radar you actually don't need to have radar off for that's the wrong floor you don't have to have radar off for big boss but it does save a few seconds at the helipad you're just visiting the holding cells for fun there we go I just love elevators guys if you run metal gear you know that elevators are a lot of fun so right here we're gonna roll through some lasers like a boss and get past the lasers and then shoot a few sensors so that we can safely get across again mashing to speed ourselves up and shoot the three censors role in the role animation is faster except for the recovery animations so you kind of want to do that in like load zones and cutscene triggers that kind of thing and now I'm gonna be quiet and try to play basketball all right so he's grabbing two claymores on the battlefield and has a left over see for opening the fight using a chaff grenade crawl for a sec do the weapon slot trick Jeff grenade goes off walk up to the tank treads we want those laugh throws once you see that little cutscene that means we're we're on point right the webhook the lab throws once we see the cutscene it takes off 1/4 of his meter as opposed to was it a fourth or third it's okay if you get the laughs yeah right and I'm aiming to throw around the part of the barrel where it goes fat from skinny that's where you want to throw roughly a circle around the tank but because the tank is moving it kind of makes it a little bit complicated to do those throws but it looks like we're gonna get through gunner one without too much trouble we get this throw nice see how you like this get lined up come on right on the edge this is this is the fun of this fight it's just so precise that you kind of run into issues like this where it's just on the edge but you're not gonna get it oh right on the edge again so now we're gonna do a fun backup we're gonna throw magazines in the tank because if we land this which we did and I do a headshot on this guy that counts as a full stun grenade lamp throw this fight wasn't really programmed all that well we'd recently discovered that and have made the fight a little bit easier now coming in to thank you the only skip of this game we're going to face through a door by moving in the opposite direction while rapidly swapping the shaft Renee we actually get pushed through the door and this does two things one we skip a codec call it's about five or six seconds long and the guard patterns are easier to deal with so good stuff all around the trigger for that codec is only when you're prone so if you get through a different way you're fine again that's the leftover from the Metal Gear Solid 2 engine we have time for a couple donations perfect we have a $5 donation from maniac Bob we have to save Meryl she is a wonder an impeccable human being a national treasure and a massively awarded and multi-talented actress wait we are talking about Meryl Streep right [Laughter] boom yeah the Nikita you want to be very careful here to not hit the walls and once you turn the corner let the missile fly if not the missile could easily get shot down by the turrets and just so we're clear I want a turret spots me that doesn't count as like a surveillance camera spotting me it's like a like a robot so just just to be clear there there's no no issue there with the alerts coming up into the ninja fight which has seen a lot of revisions over the last few months we recently discovered with the help of a few community members furry to primarily shoutouts to furry - that you could keep the ninja in the first phase of the fight and I'll let the couch explain that while I do this fight absolutely what we're gonna look for here is punch punch Nikita's swing followed by a shot from a Nikita the ninja expects you to do punch punch kick punch punch kick and then go into the next phase the Nikita hit resets that counter so that we can continue to do damage against him yeah they need to do enough combos to finish them off in the next phase because you can't actually finish this fight in phase one unfortunately and it's really nice this method because he complements us and it makes me feel good about myself so uh as far as the Nikita hit so if you equip the Nikita what you're a kicking like in the punch punch kick combo that actually causes the full damage as if you were just doing the Nikita correct exactly and we have to make sure that we're close enough to him to do that kick if you're too close you'll actually bump into them and he'll counter-attack they're too far away you'll miss the kick so there's a little bit of precision there and it's really important by the way that you have previous on when you swap your weapon not unequip that is like super key for this run and that's a ninja yeah I can't emphasize enough how big of a change that discovery was because the fight used to have frame-perfect attacks for the fastest strat and I was never really good at them so when things got easier I gave the okay hand we have time for some donations during this cutscene stream here perfect I have a one hundred fifty dollar donation from sniper Ben oh one four nine goddess shows some support to plywood during my favorite childhood game putting this towards saving maro even though it's going to kill plywood smashing mashing finger good luck to all the runners just for you sniper that's totally okay thank you man really appreciate it oh we can read a few more we have a fifty dollar donation from Python ekeus supporting MSF and watching a Metal Gear run count me in sorry buddy but we absolutely have to save your vest bay Otto Kahn keep killing it up there and bless RNG for lottery roll the entire mgs our community's got your back shoutouts to my boys Roy and Glenn on the couch hashtag TTS face so coming up into b1 here we're going to knock on a wall to alert Merrill so she can go into the ladies restroom because she needs to get changed huh give a little peek oh one of the nice differences with this game compared to the original is that allowed the unskipable cutscenesthat's nice kappa ball cut scenes which really streamlines this game as far as the run is concerned and we're coming up into the mantis fight one of the more precise fights in this game because you can shoot a first-person in this game the issue is on extreme you have about half a second to shoot in first-person half a second or so which means you have to be really twitchy and know how to aim there's two weak points for mantis his right leg and his head and the way this is gonna work I'm gonna be setting up my damage in a specific way so that I can skip the first time Merrill tries to shoot at me the first Merrill possession and that's thanks to a happy coincidence from Roy actually so thanks for right yeah so what we're gonna do coming into this fight is line up the shop initially switch controllers because you have to be on port for shoot punch punch third punch perfect gets his shot on the runway fine line up on the door and take that right leg shooting him at the right leg does exactly as much damage as shooting him in the head correct no random dialogue he can give you a random line there and waste your time because he's very inquisitive doesn't know how to read someone get this man hooked on phonics and down she goes yep so we're gonna do a tiptoe shot here by holding left trigger right trigger and get this guy riding his bald head well just like that no extra dialogue again that's really nice of you man thanks for not talking to me right leg skip the psycho blast and right leg again and we're good good fight that's Twin Snakes in action yeah that's when things go really well when things don't go well in that fight he's gonna be teleporting around around the room and wasting your time and it's just a bad scene so making the fight go in our favor and controlling it it's like a scripted fight and going off script can be very dangerous to both your time and your life and another thing that's dangerous to my time in life are these dogs these are pretty much the worst dogs in metal gear period their animations are ridiculous they have complete priority over you if they jump at you and they do more damage to the upcoming boss I don't know why and apologies I'm gonna have to shoot Merrill here because she's about to tease us and I don't want to listen to that headache what's wrong I thought you were good with dogs not these dogs these dogs are ridiculous seriously if you get to see the full animation of them dive-bombing you it's like there are a spiral football it's ridiculous by the way for the donation incentive we're coming up to the cutoff point so if anyone wants to snipe Meryl saving or killing her it'll be on the final shot against wolf 1 the next boss speaking of the donation insentive currently saved Merrill is in the leave with a with 11341 dollars 96 cents kill Merrill trailing behind with nine thousand eight hundred fifty three dollars and fifty five cents a boy there it is please I have no food okay nice yeah they can actually get you stuck right at that little overhang and at that point you need to punch punch kick them to get off of them so for people familiar with the original game normally you would have to backtrack all the way back to the nuclear command building or excuse me to the armory in tts you have psg-1 T which is right here so no more backtracking or just a little yeah just a little tiny bit it's also pretty great that you do not have to equip key cards to go through the level whatever door a lot of little quality of life changes and it's really nice not having to backtrack that much because that's one of the harder segments in the original game I do run the original and there are some similarities as far as the runs concerned but that right there that difference makes the beginning of this game a lot more fun and so we're gonna do one more repeat repeat trip through the caves but this time we're going to pick up some PS you want e mo because I'm sure I myself would like me to miss more shots so pick up more ammo right what's our count at right now by the way the save Merrill killed Marilyn count no shots or alright forty bucks splash that pot alright roll into the door right past the pup and time for one of the random fights in this game wolf one let someone else explain this ball right spawn it's a nice spot you want to aim below the rail yes yes this is what I want you to do just just take it don't go no no no no that's where I don't want you to be sniper I just likes to hide I don't know I okay okay alright we're good no lady please no okay that's work we're good you could have robably tagged her with a buddy shot that last shot actually couldn't you I could have I could have but man in the moment we have to get going and now's the time what's the results are we gonna save Merrill killer you are going to be saving Merrill all right well considering I didn't save her at agdq I I guess this is fitting that I save her here the mashing actually isn't that bad in Twin Snakes the only issue is and this has happened to a few people you don't want to mash too hard because the auto fire detection in this game could think that you're mashing way too fast shoutouts to my boy Tyler who had that happen to him because he matches too fast thank ya you got that uh got that 15 Hertz on lock a nice little trick after the electricity is done surging through your body it can keep on mashing to regain your health we're just gonna have to do another session of torture after this to save Merrill it adds a couple minutes to the run to save Merrill over killing her we have time for a few donations perfect I have a 25 or a 20 dollar donation from a key zing plywood turned the game console off right now the mission is a failure cut the power right now you'll ruin your eyes playing so close to the TV shut up dad geez we have a $50 donation from axel white even though I'm at work I had to watch this run maybe if I put a box or a desk in a cardboard box my boss won't notice good luck plywood hey this this is our friend Johnny the very polite guard we're trying to Curt cure his comic cold by knocking at predetermined points and he might yell at us a little bit but we're giving him a favor because knocking is actually a little bit faster and having that voice line happen Hey than him sneezing hey hey hey hey dude dude hey hey hey hey yourself man No it's show time [Music] [Applause] thanks guys those are the other played along you now honorary metal gear speedrunners yes we we love Johnny and Johnny loves us fun fact you actually cannot kill Johnny in this game because Johnny is so important in the Metal Gear plot that he cannot die we have some time for donations we're just going through torture from actually me snake there's something I've got to ask you it's why I followed you up this far do you think donations can bloom even on the battlefield money goes to getting that prize Minh any percent with cutscenes running Meryl is now saved and I will not forget to throw the time bomb because ocelots not happy that we went through his very weak torture so he puts a bomb in our inventory no sight no do we just break 600k shouts to everyone who's donated for such a wonderful cause absolutely time for some donations we have a $10 donation from siphon 80 free ply with my boy do the thing and the box is always your friend shout out to my boy PD precious Roy and remember nail now we have a $25 donation from solid wanderer have to donate during this odd remake of one of my favorite games ever good luck on the run plywood and let's not worry too much about Merrill and skip the button mashing [Laughter] get me out of here get me out of here where 180 roll BAM we're gonna pretend to be a french fry to get out of this torture cell and the way you want to do this is just bathe yourself and catch up and trick your friend Johnny into thinking that you are a french fry he's really hungry want some good food it's very important here to stand up after you hear the click after hear the door click what the hell run right through them give him uh give him a little love choke one love choke and he's down for the count all right and get this out I don't want it rather not thank you very much and the only thing to really note about this section coming up is the canyons a little bit different in this game compared to the original when you go through this area in Twin Snakes there's going to be guards and some surveillance cameras in the original it's claymores and some turrets so it's a little bit different we're just gonna be drinking some guards and then running on through doing the door glitch again and getting our way back to the communication tower so we got time for donations we have a $10 donation from our PD two three four hey shut up in there will ya hmm we have a $100 donation from Bobby V which is also hey shut up in there will ya we have a $50 donation from infamous cheeky Yoshiki good luck to plywood on this run and big shout out to the entire mgs our community also thanks to everyone at sgdq and everyone watching for the effort towards such a great cause it's normal day for me there's somebody there what huh rolling upstairs is a little bit faster than climbing up them same as rolling downstairs as long as you don't roll into your face if you have some donations let her rip perfect I absolutely do I have a $100 donation from Rob job ring do you think love can bloom even at a speedrunning marathon where you speedrun neato games starring Solid Snake who's even cooler than goofy combined with guy brush three-foot hooves played Metal Gear Solid at the same time that plywood is well done back through the caves again of course this time we have the handkerchief so the dogs leave us alone thankfully and we're coming up actually on the disc swap in this game a very important part of the run actually in this game the dist wap is about halfway through the run whereas in the original game it's when you get to the end game and there is Tech 4 disc slaw believe it or not I'm left-handed so I'm gonna hold the disc in my left hand and keep in mind that the timer in the game is still tracking this so you do want to do this fast hold my left hand and you got to open up the tray as early as possible but not too early or else you'll get a disc read error and it's a really nice thing to have small hands for these small discs fYI I'm not ashamed of my small hands okay the feels when sausage fingers yeah it's not so good for this can get out of there okay not not my personal best for just swap but not that bad give him the jitters you only beat the best boss [Music] cook is your name and this tower climb is a little bit spooky at the start I'm gonna be doing the first stun grenade throw when I get to the flat floor is no thank you is really important because it's going to be stunning two guards if I don't stun those guards I'm gonna have to throw stun grenades behind me because guards will start chomping at my heels and these guys love to snipe you with foam AUSA's I don't know why they're actually better snipers than Sniper Wolf it's really weird and just tranq these guys as you climb up here's the hard one hug the wall throw at the middle from the wall tranq these guys this guy's out that is how you want to do it and hold the grenade or the grenade the m9 as we climb up it's okay if these guys shoot us we will be getting our health back momentarily again holding the m9 up with B and a cook at 16 and throw at 18 then you know that that works that works and one more set of throws we're going to cook once we get past the column on 23 cook and then throw a 25 then immediately start cooking another one to cover our tracks hey don't do that alright good fantastic well done now we're going to be doing the repels section fun fact you can actually do this repel without the rope in this game by just dropping down from the pipes unfortunately it is slower but you do have the option if you'd like to actually I did not know that I would have thought that would have resulted in a game over yeah you can just press Y right here and drop down and there's pipes and so you have to like go along the pipe drop down and pick up the pipes there the big thick pipes that are coming out of the wall neat little option so two jumps down then pressing B to get on the girder to walk wait for the steam to pass kernels gonna explain repelling I'm gonna explain it even better with the glitch Falls it happens don't shoot me thank you brother and nothing nothing well yeah that's the girder glitch you just kind of zipped down if you do nothing right there and we're gonna tranq these three guards like so pick up our chaff earn AIDS it's important that we move quickly here because if you don't when the helicopter comes up that'll be an unskipable cutscenesthat's just an annoyed people like me like hurts I wish they didn't do that but you know I just wanted to do something a little bit different and while we're doing some Stairmaster we have some time for some donations absolutely we have a $10 donation from starWind Pape I would fettle fellow metal gears speedrun star winner oh my goodness the fellows in here good luck on your run I know you'll kill it we're in the discord cheering you on say that five times fast right good job Starr when you hacked the announcer we also have a twenty five dollar donation from Peregrine 23 plywood good runner good building material we also have a 15 dollar donation from Jonny Sasuke hey hey hey hey what's up hey doing good old Johnny's sake and while we continue up the stairs there is also a 70 dollar donation from gene freak this event is so awesome that it's more than I can take good luck wouldn't than Twin Snakes riding this thank you alright now that we're near the top of the tower we're getting into one of the scarier fights in the run if there's a place where I'm likely to use the rash and it's here the hind fight and can I get a little bit more game audio for this can be a real nuisance since I don't have the radar on I'm gonna be relying on audio cues during the second phase to make sure I know where he's flying he can fly it very erratically and super aggressively we want aggression but we don't want to get shot with the aggression if you get what I'm saying the first phase is fairly predictable but it still is kind of a nuisance because we're gonna take some damage along the way and I'll let the couch explain a little bit more while I get going here starting out the first phase is barely predictable there's a couple of patterns you can get but mostly you're just gonna be looking for those reticles locking on and firing that's set out the camp Clarke the real trouble comes we enter the second phase really not there yet but the pine has potential to play aggressive or safe but we really are hoping for is that it's gonna stay above deck the majority of the times that plywood you just lay damage onto it it's like the auto-lock did not work come on man there we go you can get shot here so you do want to hide and get a cheap shot in while he flies to flow the missile stand right there it's the best spot to stand on the roof and here's the start of Phase two we'll try to do as much damage at the start as possible but he flies super erratically you just have to try to track them and serious time watch the boxes try to hit the front the nose with a chopper a huge noise wall that you have to listen through missing shots here is really dangerous because there's a chance we'll start flying away and that is a really dangerous situation behind can destroy you very quickly this is slow again sometimes be aggressive in a little bit more slow by canning around the roof oh boy sois more that's behind you need to even user ration that's awesome good job man oh by the way you can't stand behind that box the original don't do that in this game you will die alright that's that's pretty good maybe I can even say I'm doing pretty good I don't want to go too far yet you still have a little bit of run to go yes please thank you and as we descend back down the tower I'm going to be cooking and throwing grenades and I'll explain the method in a moment the smell that this method saves a little bit of time but if I mess up the throw it's not a big deal because there's a backup so starting at 25 and that's the little number you see I'm gonna cook right before the number and throw on the first step of the next flight like so and it should blow up the turrets like that and then every four flowers down from 25 so 21 17 13 will do the same process again and we have time for some donations while I do that we have a $10 donation from Kraus ooh hi plywood so far it's been a very solid run greetings from Poland we also have a $10 donation from since ETSU second floor basement psycho mantis metal gear gonna donate another $10 if my name is pronounced correctly fingers crossed we have a 15 dollar donation from loco just a box yeah for all the Box fans out there unfortunately we do not pick up the box turning this run it's actually slower unfortunately and right here we're going to be fighting the four horsemen these elevated fight and the strat is basically two aimed super fast by snapping to each target with beat and if we do it fast enough we won't get kicked in the face and that's what I'd like hold start an a there to get the codec immediately so they say no what are you didn't you mean no go to bed go to bed just go to bed what's our count at no ain't not eight okay and coming into the second wolf fight has a little bit of luck to it just like the first one you don't want her to hug the trees and preferably we want her to be on the right side because there's more room for her to run around over there and I'll be aiming laterally left to right to try to track her head but you don't want to spam your shots because I'm gonna need some psg-1 TMO later for the next boss fight so here we go fingers crossed okay to hug a tree in real life but not in this game no we don't want her hugging any trees well I can hook this tree that's allowed cuz I'm a big boss yeah alright you need to wait for the iframes you can't like shoot a melee headshot this is a terrible tree to hide behind by the way okay you can either predict if she's going to go either way or aim at the middle of the tree good good good Hey I like nature too but nice yeah the big thing with that fight is knowing how she moves around the field and then if you know that you can already have your aim set up and down and just move left and right but she can be a little bit tricky and do like a 180 turn and go the opposite way if she wants to and coming into the blast furnace a little bit different in this game compared to the original you will drop down from the rail no need to deal with the stupid train will take some damage but that's alright it's to be expected roll over here this is all one continuous area so you want to be very careful not to get spotted here because they can't come into the pipe room alright standard and pick up some m9 ammo for the next cargo fight I'm gonna be shooting some dudes in the face typical stuff but there is a fast rat if I get my inputs fast enough nice I actually got a good job so yeah if you snap your targets fast enough and punch in third person you'll spin around to the guy behind you and you can shoot him in the head before he shoots you and that avoids some hits done saves like half a second I discovered the punch strap but blue medal another runner in this game improved it with that third person punch big shout outs to blue for all of his contributions to this game really all the TCS community the whole community has contributed to this run in various ways and really the biggest contributor who deserves a lot of praise is wall guy who's the father of a Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes extreme speedrunning been running the game since it came out before when I was like a great school he was running this game so huge shouts to wall guy and all he's done for this game thanks buddy now we're gonna be going in to Raven and I will let daily explain this fight it's a little weird but should go okay so basically in the original you used an Ikeda to shoot the Raven but in this one you want to go past a crate just past it and then you want to lay down into a prone get the sniper out and just shoot Raven in the head yeah it's a very particular spot I want to go prone and it's something about being scoped and thrown here that he has trouble hitting us he's just gonna scream [Applause] okay good wait till you reload shoot shoot shoot go to sleep man and that's how you pull the ears it's a very weird fight because if the timings a little bit off on your shots you can actually run away and then you have to set it up again on the opposite side do not try to do that fight with the m9 you are gonna get hurt really bad so I have a question does anyone know what a Muktuk eating competition is I have no idea I really don't know I could not tell you hopefully Kojima did his research and that's actually a thing strat for this room is just run run fast don't worry about stuff and we're coming up to a place in the run where I might lose big boss I'm gonna be holding up a guard and killing him accidentally according to the game so uh I'm going to focus here and hopefully get this strapped I gotta set up the movement properly freak there we go nice perfect he's fine he's fine guys he's fine gravity just pulled him down yeah it was complete accident I didn't plan that the benefit of doing that strategy is that now that guy's gone and you deal with them really quickly all these other shots for these guards to make him go to sleep are pretty set in place there's not a lot of adjustment I have to do so really good that I didn't mess that up if you messed that up by holding up too late he'll turn around and that's over game over yeah I'm looking at you there we go and we're not actually gonna leave this room because everything we need is right here we are going to be dropping down to a rope to blow up a rat that took our keycard don't ask me it's just Mel gear solid things but we don't want to mash too hard for this rope because there is a frame where if you're mashing on that frame the game kills you so let's hopefully not do that okay we're good if you messed that you're dead so very important and cook the grenade throw it and blow up the rat and the water this didn't land on the water which is really good make a quick turn and that's that in the original game you have to deal with RNG for the rat in this game you just have to safely drop down so that is really nice and now what we're going to do is put this card in and then freeze and warm this key and on the opposite end of this room are two pipes one with liquid nitrogen and one with steam and that is how we're going to freeze and warm the card key in the original game you have to do a huge backtrack sequence to do so go to the warehouse come back then go all the way to the blast furnace and come back and that whole process takes like well over 10 minutes another huge quality of life change for this game so with that being said we have some time for donations while I do a few laps alright we have a six hundred and fifty seven dollar donation from the Obst [Applause] always great to see what support class has cooked up each gdq including the many bug reports we've had over the years but they've really outdone themselves this time even running code from our upcoming version 22 what better place to test new features than during a marathon with over a hundred K viewers we've always been big fans of the marathon and it's amazing and humbling to know that we are helping power such an amazing cause thank you / yes team thank you OBS thanks guys I have a $25 donation from NYX 238 huge shootout to plywood the quickest discs whopper I've ever seen live good luck to him and all the runners thank you anyone want a 1v1 me to swap hit me up I'll see you and the characters right that's right you don't want to walk on their bodies it's too gross roll over them it's faster I think I have the position for the third person shot here nice so with the third person shot it saves half a second yeah if you can position yourself properly you can just shoot shoot the gun rather than going in first person it's a nice little time save and just answering a call while we're on a rope no big deal no big deal the calls are kind of awkwardly placed now I don't know why these calls happen like 20 seconds within each other guys I have the card let's go put it in I don't want to hear your life story Naomi I don't care about your turtleneck and whatever you're doing with your head there yeah if you got a couple donations now's a good time absolutely we have a 15 dollar donation from BIC this metal gear run is absolutely surgical keep it up hi Wayne thank you there is a ten dollar donation from Johnny 99 Hey where did that prisoner who wouldn't shut up go that's a good question shut up in there will ya we also have a twenty dollar donation from steampunk you hello again sgdq donating again now that the wonderful Sakura is on the mic good luck with the run pi would Pepsi man height he takes off the sunglasses I put them on so before we even get filled in we call our buddy Otacon for help thanks buddy and we're gonna head out and confront liquid snake who tricked us bamboozled us into starting metal gear up what a guy and Mel Gear Rex it's one of those fights where if things go right it's very easy but if Rex decides to troll us it goes very wrong stand about right here time the shot it's all in the timing right here this missile should not hit us I just have to know the invincibility frames here or one to shoot a little bit up to avoid getting hit there another shot right there and one more oh the stupid ha stupid head took the missile that's a missed shot man another $10 for MSF so coming up into rx2 after this guy rambles about Zanzibar land we're gonna be literally standing still and just firing at our brother it's very important here not to any other part of Rex if that happens we're gonna have to play the fight normally and that's a little bit scary stay with me couch there you are right there you are I actually do use the voice line as an audio cube oh right in the face right right nice good rap and now for the liquid fist fight and this is where the lottery roll comes into play I'm going to try to get liquid into a kiddy Korner so that he can't move left can't go right and roll in a precise angle to try to get damage on every frame of the roll it's very hard to do and let's see if I can actually get it and I'll let the couch explain the rest punch punch roll don't kick him there because he'll get knocked off yeah you do not want to knock him off you want liquid in back right no a lottery role for us it makes the most glorious sound he just like streams on every frame it's pretty awesome push him in that corner yep push them in the corner in there and now give them the punchers make some circles right here don't give me the bad pattern okay didn't now he's stuck in the corner and I just make little baby circles what's wrong man one more done and [Applause] [Music] Otacon codex showing that we save Merrill here I can't emphasize enough how hard that fight is compared to the original in the original game you can do an infinite combo against liquid you kinda can do an infinite combo in this game but it's not the same and trying to get that perfect role is really tough I actually have it in my personal best run which is a fifty nine forty two in game time but it's one of those things that you can set up but you have to adjust very quickly and shoutouts to this guy who really thinks he can shoot us all right come on man turn up with this puny little shield he thinks this is counter strike you can't wall shot it Metal Gear Solid doofus hey I actually got damage boost it into the barrels that's great thanks guys so we're in the escape last section of the game we're coming up to time big thing here is to make sure to shoot the barrels because you don't want to kill these guys they do count as kills and if you kill them that's big boss gone sometimes they knock you off your aim straight those guards I can't move look it's Meryl she wants me to get out and roundhouse kick them yeah exactly shoot the barrels don't shoot this barrel too early because this guy needs to move in position you shoot that barrel too early he won't get blown up and you have to kill the final card of the game no good and now the final jeep section the final encounter with liquid shoot immediately here and try to get shots off once he raises his gun no earlier than that so he aims at us fan-in fan-in raises the gun fan in and then I tried to do a third person shot here get a transition shot shoot the guy in his bare chest it's Alaska man put on a coat and just keep on shooting repeatedly wait until he raises the gun hey man do that there we go and after two shots we'll try to go for another transition shot here nice thank you I mean free by the way all these bullets do not count his leave mystic the shots I'm not trading my bank account shoot him in his genes right where it hurts if you and if he doesn't notice how he shoots the gun through his armpit magical talents from our brother and time is when the screen fades to white should be one more shot and time and that hoax is Metal Gear Solid the Twin Snakes I am so happy to share this game with you it's been several years since this game was shown at a gdq and a lot has changed so big shoutouts to the entire Metal Gear Solid speedrunning community mgs are shoutouts to blue metal alien the current world record holder for both categories in this game extreme and normal Tyler 2022 furry - wall guy kale part 4 running this game years ago at gdq and my whole couch what was the final total on bullets 12 $120 for MSF from me thank you all for watching you're gonna get this the IgG at the end I no no no but do you enjoy the song thank you so much and if you want to learn this game or any other Metal Gear game do check out our community mgs R we are always welcoming of new people and I'll see you all next time thanks [Applause] and thank you so much to plywood for that incredible run coming up next we have the Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventures anypercent run by Z master 91 but first let's play a quick twitch edge and welcome back you are watching summer games done quick 2018 powered by twitch again up next this Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventures run by Z master we have an update on the bonus game Pepsi man is currently sitting at sixteen thousand two hundred seventy nine point seventy seven cents out of a forty five thousand so almost halfway there and you're definitely definitely going to want to be seeing this and speaking of certain Pepsi man we have a few donations actually we have a $50 donation from our ease stronger we need to see the best game ever Pepsi man forever we have a $100 donation from liquid egg product 162 Pepsi man may not be the hero we deserve but he is the hero we need please help we need Pepsi man's power for the good of all humanity we also have a $50 donation from grog fella 240 can't wait for the Pepsi man reboot we have a $25 donation from anonymous thank goodness you're here Pepsi man we've been running a charity event to benefit Doctors Without Borders and people have been speedrunning games for days with absolutely no soda based entertainment to be found without any Pepsi based games people are starting to get tired and might not have enough energy to PB you've got to help them we also have a one hundred and fifty dollar donation from max res default - I have a thirst that only Pepsi man can quench we have a $20 donation from Sleepy Endymion great event great game great host roll tide donation to Readers Choice we have an anonymous $200 donation my sister was obsessed with Pepsi girl abs 20 years ago and now I'm obsessed with Pepsi man we have a $5 donation from Bryce c59 come on guys there's like a hundred thousand of us in chat if each of us put in five bucks not only do we get Pepsi ban we almost double the total and we have a 250 dollar donation from fast be Pepsi man we have a one hundred and fifty dollar donation from Shan semaine what an amazing charity and an amazing Drive good luck to all the runners we have a $25 donation from strand you so needing for this Zelda run and the majoras run that I fell asleep for love everyone and everything this event does keep up the good work and remember don't hit the Coco's we have a $25 donation from Mattie Bo don't tell Pepsi man that I prefer Coke products we have an anonymous $5 donation hello from Italy sgdq first time donor and I'm so happy to be finally able to do my part for this event that got me into speedrunning thank you to all the staff and the runners for this amazing event and my money goes to inviting Luigi to the party he deserves so much better so speaking of incentives we actually have an incentive that's fairly close to being met Paper Mario glitch exhibition is only two thousand dollars away from being met it is currently at thirteen thousand seventy six dollars and 26 cents out of fifteen thousand we also have a $5 donation from eggsy one three four I love this game as a kid but was never able to finish it I can't wait to see it ran
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 360,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, AGDQ2018, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: -RhgIqMDR3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 6sec (4806 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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