Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle | The Completionist

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I thought the music in the video sounded very Kirkhope-y. Sounded like something straight out of Banjo/Viva Pinata/YookaLaylee. I love his stuff.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/byniri_returns 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

I don't get where Jirard was coming from for this review.

He called it a compelling story and yet it was entirely childlike. Where was the engaging character development? The deep, moving symbolism and themes? What exactly made this compelling? It's not like silly child-friendly games can't have good story, look at Medievil, but this wasn't it.

Same for the music. Calling it one of the greatest ever and yet it sounded like a generic comedy movie score from the 90s. Where was the artistic passion that grips you by the heart and pulls you along? Video game songs like An Arrow Through Time, Hollow Bastion, City Of Flickering Destruction or Greede, The Capital Of Freedom do this, but not that bouncy tuba score he played.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

Second week in a row that Jirard has covered a game I've actually completed as well. That doesn't happen often, and I feel pretty good about it.

Well, I'll put air quotes around "completed" for this one. I did everything else, but gave up on grinding 235,500 fucking coins to buy every single weapon, and just bought everyones' ultimate weapons instead.

I tried to do it at one point - and might've actually found a faster way, as challenge 4-6 with maxed Golden Shot on everyone takes about a minute and gets you ~500 coins per run - but I gave up pretty quickly after realizing how long it would take. Jirard is an infinitely more patient person than I am.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Scizzoman 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

Has anyone found out what the gold cannon at the end of world 4 is for? I figured it only unlocked after you 100% the game but haven't heard anyone talkin about it...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Airules 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2017 🗫︎ replies
I don't know about you guys but I love when companies work together the collaborative process of two organizations coming together to bring something fun to the table has always been special enjoyable and admirable whether it's something fascinating like Final Fantasy 15 in Assassin's Creed or something weird like a like a CGI penguin movie in the WWE collabs have always had this neat essence to them earlier this year at e3 2017 the world saw Super Mario merge with the Rabbids Nintendo and Ubisoft coming together the reveal took the whole internet by storm especially when the creative director David so Leon II was shown crying as Miyamoto praised his creativity he became a meme in that instance even he even made me tear up and I was right there in the audience needless to say this collaboration was something no one had asked for but it's already becoming a project that all of us will remember hey everyone and welcome back to another brand new episode of the completionist I was in the audience when Mario + rabbits Kingdom battle was announced and the energy in the room was through the roof I am myself however was super skeptical at first but then I played this very well developed demo at e3 for a few hours and I was immediately hooked so just as a disclaimer Ubisoft did in fact send me a copy of the game early hashtag free product but I couldn't get this game done in time for our video last week because of how large of a game mario + rabbits actually ended up being for a completionist so today join me as I complete one of the most endearing and enjoyable experiences on the Nintendo switch let's begin yes [Music] the Nintendo switch has been out for a few months now and with the fire of breath of the wild Mario Kart 8 splatoon to Sonic mania and even super mario odyssey coming out in just a few months the lineup is unstoppable and here comes Mario Plus rabbits Kingdom battle which ends up complementing that lineup very well especially when we consider that Mario Plus rabbits is not like any other Mario game we've ever seen and that's huge considering that this game was not made by Nintendo but rather by Ubisoft the relationship with Ubisoft and Nintendo has been solid in the past but just like with all third-party developers interactions with the Wii U things were rocky for a while however when it comes to franchises just dance Rayman and the rabbits have always done well with Nintendo consoles but when Davi so Leon II got the chance to become the creative director of a Mario game the pitch for the game was far from comfortable the biggest stipulation for the game was that it couldn't be a platformer or something that Mario was already known for the idea for this game from Miyamoto himself was that Mario should be going somewhere new and exciting with regards to gameplay that combined with the rabbits and you've got a bizarre tactical RPG that almost feels like a first party Nintendo title what's even more impressive is that these Nintendo and Ubisoft characters are all equipped with guns I never would have imagined seeing a plumber team up with a crazy rabbit thing holding guns from a fifth element as they destroy other beings Ubisoft worked real hard to make these guns look so different that Nintendo in the end was happy with the decision I am still in awe just thinking about this game and how it somehow came to exist it's like a genuine goddamn miracle not to mention the elephant in the room now this is just my opinion and mine only but I'm sure to come out and say it there's a few groups of characters out there that I cannot stand because of their childish appeal I mean when I was a kid I loved things like Boogaloo Choki Bo's goombas and Jin [ __ ] even the Smurfs in recent years we've been exposed to things like the Rabbids and the minions from Despicable Me and those side characters have been less than enjoyable I know I'm not the demographic but I really dislike the minions like really and the rabbits have always been hit and miss with me so here we are with the weird divine on one side we've got Mario and his pals and the other we got Rabbids that look like Mario characters dealing with more rabbits potentially this game could be really awesome or really annoying Mario Plus rabbits Kingdom battle is a tactical RPG that no doubt features weapons and a leveling system which means I'm gonna have to collect all the weapons and Max everyone out no doubt there's also a co-op mode which is completely separate from the main campaign and within the main campaign I'll have to get perfect rankings on every battle thrown my way and I'm sure a whole lot more either way I am very excited to see what the possibilities are for this game especially when you consider the magic that can happen when the franchises crossover Super Mario RPG is one of my favorite games of all time Kingdom Hearts for all of its quirkiness has become a ravenous fan favorite help Marvel vs. Capcom has always been a top tier franchise in my mind we play the game but I'm trying to emphasize that collaborations can be healthy alright thank you you know Street Fighter cross Tekken was actually a pretty good time would you just hurry up [Music] mário plus rabbits kingdom battle goes from zero to 60 in terms of plot at the start of the game we are shown the room of a young female inventor who remains nameless this young woman really really really loves Mario and Nintendo dolls posters even themed carpet and bedspread this girl is the Nintendo fandom right here named as inventor of the year she and her companion Bebo are convinced that they can change the world with their special visor that combines two things into one but the visor still has some bugs to work out and after a failed demonstration she storms out of the room enter the dimension-hopping rabbits who all show up in the young woman's room immediately causing chaos as the rabbits do beepo tries it's best to calm everyone down but fails miserably one of them puts on the headset and the Hess it's arts to fuse together some of the rabbits in the room with various Mario memorabilia soon a massive vortex is created and starts sucking in beep oh all of the Mario merchandise and the rabbits - caught - the Mushroom Kingdom proudly celebrating Princess Peach's accomplishments with yet another statue when suddenly the vortex that was just created appears over the Mushroom Kingdom immediately all the Mushroom Kingdom gets sucked in characters pieces of the world everything just gets yanked into this massive vortex what's going on well the vortex essentially is a major bug caused by the headset and it's combining the world of rabbits with the Mushroom Kingdom into one realm the rabbit with the headset then merges with it being dubbed the name's Pawnee later on five hour junior and while Mario is separated from his friends he arrives in this new Kingdom with Bebo a rabbit dressed as peach and a rabbit dressed as Luigi unfortunately their introduction to each other is cut short as enemy rabbits have fused with various objects already and want to start a ruckus Bebo insists that in order to return the worlds back to normal they'll have to find spawn II and along the way Mario and the Rabbids not only have to find Mario's friends but rabid versions of Mario's friends as well if they can find spa knee they can return everything back to normal already out the gate I love how quickly everything gets established in Mario Plus rabbits there's not an insanely long plotline here everything is easily conveyed and Mario and the team aren't subjected to full voice acting just the way we like them in fact no one really talks that much aside from the young girl bebo acts as the main driving force for everything team Mario rabbits beepo is adorable not overbearing by any means at all and is actually very sassy at times people even swears no joke this little robot thinks answers itself as it swears and it totally works kind of funny how that works huh Mario plus rabbit's kingdom battle looks incredible everything feels familiar despite it not directly referencing an actual location from a Mario title with the exception of peaches castle so Leone and his team made sure that whatever atmosphere you are playing makes you think of Mario but you aren't necessarily nostalgically reminiscing or upset that they got something wrong it's all original and it feels way bigger than just Mario and the rabbits grew even the animations feel larger-than-life the CG cutscenes alone feel animated as if they came straight from Nintendo and a battling rabid Kong makes everything feels so big and fun visually the game runs at a near 1080p docked at a locked 30fps there are a few moments where the game slows down but it doesn't hinder gameplay at all the overworld while somewhat linear has intricate and large set pieces exploration is certainly encouraged but it's very limited given that you're going up and down hallway type corridors within these realms there are tons of secrets to explore making the world feel that much more large and throughout the game you'll find various rabbits who are just messing around and it shows within the writing itself there's even a cute Red Baron penis reference with a rabbit sleeping on top of a doghouse between the writing and the atmospheres you're getting a massive experience speaking of massive let's talk about the soundtrack done by legendary video game composer and my personal good friend grant kirkhope kirkhope had some pretty large shoes to fill here considering that koji kondo had almost always been the musical mastermind behind a Mario making grant one of the first Western composers out there to work on a Mario game and with regards to making gaming music this year grant kirkhope is two for two the Danny Elfman vibes mixed with his previous legacy of rare titles topped off of Nintendo's history infused into its core makes the Mario Plus rabbits Kingdom battle soundtracks one of the best video game soundtracks of all time he paints every little battle and cutscene with a sense of urgency Wonder and excitement his rendition of peaches castle from Super Mario 64 is perfect his approach to his pal David wisest Donkey Kong Country Music is remarkable [Music] and the world 3 opera scene maybe one of the greatest musical segments of all time and what's great is that it's not overbearingly nostalgic it is in fact new and in the moments where it goes in the stall jig it does it right ladies and gentlemen the tour club grant kirkhope somehow made Mario Plus rabbits and even bigger and a better game and we haven't even started talking about how to play the damn game but as we've learned here on the show a game can have a compelling story incredible visuals and great music but still suffer from hard to grasp tame play and while I love games like XCOM and Final Fantasy Tactics I hope that you'll be soft brought their best for Mario Plus Rabbids [Music] now usually I would have a new game like Mario Plus rabbits kingdom battle done by the week of launch providing the company sends me the game early but I ended up having to push back my video for one simple reason Mario plus rabbit's kingdom battle for a completionist is a pretty meaty game but before we get to that let's talk about how this game works there are four worlds in which Mario and the gang must traverse through the locales are the ancient Gardens the sherbert desert the spooky trails and the lava pits each of these worlds features atmospheres that are drastically different from one another sherbert desert is half ice half desert where as spooky trails is an expansive spooky area that features pumpkin patches graveyards and of course Nintendo's boos amongst these big set pieces are rabbits lots of them lots and lots of rabbits and we've got to kill them all well I guess in this case killing them as a strong word vaporize them evaporate them send them home send them home sounds the most safe send them send them all home the game is split into two phases exploration and tactical combat exploring the different lands is pretty straightforward but in between combat stages you'll get all different types of opportunities to solve puzzles challenges and find secrets you'll find all kinds of different block puzzles align the pattern puzzles things of this nature there's the familiar 8 coin challenge from your traditional mario games the blue coin challenges where you have to solve a puzzle very quickly while getting blue coins and there's 10 combat challenges that get unlocked once you clear a world now most of these challenges are right in front of you as you play the game however be PO not only acts as your tutorial guide but actually has abilities that you can use on the overworld things like pushing blocks destroying set pieces you get the drift however you can only get these abilities at the end of each world these abilities are designed to help you find those hard to get secret chests for us completionists it's a bit of a mandatory task when you solve a puzzle or challenge you'll sometimes be given a chest these chests oftentimes will include all kinds of collectables such as music tracks 3d models experience orbs tarot cards concept art and more but the bread-and-butter of Mario Plus rabbits kingdom battle is in fact the combat system if you've played an X comma tactics ogre or a faun Fantasy Tactics game this will all seem very very familiar although very different in my opinion combat is much easier to understand in Kingdom battle but as you get better at the game you'll realize just how deep it all really is by the end of the game your entire party will consist of Mario Luigi peach Yoshi rabbit Mario rabbit Luigi rabbit peach and rabid Yoshi and before all you [ __ ] complain that I spoiled the game they're wrong the boxart goddamnit all of these characters handle extremely different so no one character feels the same combat involves you controlling three characters in any given battle for the main campaign no matter what mario has to be in your party similarly to that of Mario RPG another ground rule is that you can only have two Mushroom Kingdom characters in your party at a time meaning you can't roll with Mario Luigi and Peach you would need to roll with Mario Luigi and a rabbit variant of a Mushroom Kingdom character I know that seems really lame at first but honestly every single character has so many different benefits but you'll get excited when you swap out characters depending on the battle this is one of the few games out there where no matter what you're gonna have to constantly swap your characters in and out some battles are just unwinnable with a certain team comp you will have to move your characters across the battlefield within a grid formation each character has a set of different stats that will determine how far a character can walk jump and tackle when it's your turn in the active battle phase each character can do up to three things attack move and/or use a special ability let's talk attacking [Music] you can attack an enemy with either your primary or secondary weapons primary weapons usually consist of some type of gun while secondary weapons act as a short-range or long-range device such as a grenade rocket or sentry secondary weapons do have cooldown times but can change the tide of battle depending on the location you can attack on every turn as long as your enemy is within your attack range what's simple but clean about Kingdom battle is that you'll know exactly what your success rates of attack are even before you move your character to get into range if you attack an enemy with a 0% chance you won't hit them obviously but you'll maybe do damage to the atmosphere that's protecting them 50% chance is obviously 50/50 and 100 is a guaranteed hit this is nice because those numbers are the only wavering numbers there's no weird percentages in between in most tactical games this lack of changing attack percentages could be something that holds it back but with Kingdom battle it's all about movement and spatial awareness and because everyone moves so much this works quite nicely with movement each character can slide into an enemy for a tackle jump on a friend for a team jump for distance or simply just move but each character has special abilities attached to their team jump movement and knowing their order of how to move them is very important for example Mario can jump on enemies so it's important to try and get Mario to move tackle an enemy jump on a friend for a team jump and land on a different enemy to deliver a bunch of damage all in the same turn when yo she does team jumps he damages everyone nearby peach will heal everyone in her surrounding area this alone provides tons of different tactical advantages for having certain party members around more than others even the rabbits have some nasty advantages Mario and Luigi rabbits have insane tackle abilities that can literally hand you the battle victory in two moves or less and finally special abilities each character has two different abilities that you'll be getting to know quite well each of the Mushroom Kingdom characters has an insight shot move wherever an enemy moves will blast them to all health and you can stack these with your various party men but in order to understand how important these moves are you have to understand each character Mario is your well-rounded guy with a normal gun for his weapon and a male a hammer for his secondary he can jump on enemies incite them and even buff the team for large damage increases in your current turn Mario rabbit is a big boy tank with the ability to tackle fools shoot them with a massive shotgun and can even top the enemies to follow him so he can follow up with the massive AOE melee swing I think you guys get the point every character has a largely different purpose for each fight and the fun comes when a watching and reacting against your enemies now in battle you'll have to duck and hide behind blocks for cover while I'm dealing with various enemy types and honestly that's one of the most fun things about Kingdom battle you're constantly being challenged by various enemy types that gradually get harder and harder what's even cooler is that your characters eventually get access to weapons that have elements that can really make everything go even more crazy the honey-almond freezes enemies movements for a turn ink makes them blind so they can't attack freeze makes them so they can't use any special abilities my favorite stat effect has to be vampiric as not only do you leech life from enemies when you hit them but that status lingers for your team the whole match and no one battle is the same you'll have to really outsmart your opponent every time and as I said before each battle has a ranking system in order to get gold you'll need to win the matches by making sure that everyone is alive by the end and that you've successfully beaten the map under a certain turn threshold doing so grants you bonus experience points and coins as well as a gold statue for your records it's obvious that the goal of each battle is to win by wiping out all the enemies right well it turns out that there's actually different types of maps and map objectives defeating all the enemies is the most common objective you'll encounter but as the story goes on you'll have to do escort missions which admittedly are pretty hard you'll have to control Toto debt or spa knee across a large map as designed to take them out spin typically patience is key with this one eventually you'll stumble upon missions where you'll have to kill a set amount of enemies in an otherwise infinite spawning map that one is all about speed and damage as if you wait too long for your enemies to show up you'll be outnumbered and knocked out quick and finally last but definitely the easiest head to the highlighted map zone as fast as you can pretty straightforward growth plays a huge part in getting your party exactly where they need to be understanding the skill tree is just as important as learning combat as you can know exactly what you're doing in combat at all times but if your party is not well prepared well then you're dead baby at the end of each battle chapter you'll get experience orbs which you can then use to purchase point into the skill tree these skills range from passive buffs to unlocking new skills to simply buffing your HP or movement grid capabilities as a completionist I cannot stress this enough collect every item and explore every hidden aspect of Kingdom battle on your initial campaign playthrough one of my absolute favorite aspects of Kingdom battle are the boss fights both mid bosses and final bosses each boss fight feels specifically designed for a different type of situation but you'll just have to learn and adapt it's challenging it's exciting it's never annoying or crazy they are clearly there to not only service the plot but to make you show the game devs what you've got which to me is the best way of having a boss fight go down and almost all the boss fights are hilarious references to other Mario games or characters once you've cleared a world you can then revisit the world for secret chests and the ten combat challenges the chests are pretty straightforward with regards to location if you ended up somewhere without the required ability before but the ten combat challenges are way more difficult than the actual main story which to me is perfect I learned how to do so many cool tricks and maneuvers in battle through these challenges as they take what you've learned and put it on its head not to mention doing each of these challenges gives you experience orb so you're only in your chances of success earlier I mentioned that there's a co-op mode and honestly it's one of the weaker things about Kingdom battle it doesn't feel very necessary especially as you get closer to completing the game it's fun because you and a friend can work together and you get to control four characters instead of three with the ability to use whoever you want however you can only use the maps of the worlds you've beaten so in my case I ended up waiting till the end of the game before I played the co-op mode and to my surprise it ended up being a bit of a snore fest because I was already too powerful another gripe I had with Kingdom battle is that it doesn't really resolve its story it's a shame because the game sets up such an awesome premise with fun characters across the board but it just kind of ends hopefully the DLC will bring some clarity to an otherwise well executed and cared for game but hey at the very least kudos to be soft for making me actually like the Rabbids in the past I felt that these guys get on my nerves quite a lot but with Kingdom battle I've loved having them around every step of the way so why did it take me a bit longer to complete than usual well truth be told combat battles lasts anywhere from 15 minutes to 45 minutes and in each world there are ten chapters each chapter consists of two to three battles which means at any given moment each world could have up to 20 to 30 battles and that's not even including the ten combat challenges at the end of each world needless to say there is a lot to do in Mario Plus rabbits Kingdom battle but as someone who fell in love with this game none of it feels mundane or tedious it all has purpose and rewards you as you complete it [Music] mário plus rabbit's kingdom battle is one of those games that presents a ton of things to do within the constructs of simply playing the game there's not a lot of new content than unlocks but rather more content in the core game just becomes accessible that sounds kind of weird what I'm getting at is you don't really unlock more modes once you've beaten the main story or even completed it as so much so you get a few secret areas that are now available to go to completionists heed my warning you may be a little unhappy if your time investment in Kingdom battle it's a bit of a disappointment considering the game encourages you to go ham on completing it but doesn't quite meet you the whole way with regards to rewarding you let's start with the weapons and experience orbs owning all of the weapons while fun and interesting to look at or do you ultimately with nothing naturally you will not get enough coins to unlock every weapon so you'll have to grind a lot to get them and I mean a lot hundreds of thousands of gold coins here's a tip world one challenge for Yoshi golden skill shop maxed out with a bazooka you'll get a lot of coins in a few seconds you're welcome [ __ ] if you're an amiibo collector like myself using the amiibo early on for Mario Luigi peach and Yoshi amiibos will give you exclusive weapons these are better than a lot of the starting weapons you get access to and you'll be using them for quite a while but once you get better ones you'll probably never use them ever again on that same topic the DLC adult pack that's already out is a fun addition but both the pixel weapons and the steampunk weapons are too low damage starting out I really wish that because all the weapons look and sounds so cool at different and you could kind of customize all of them with their functions and sounds and whatnot oh well still fun the game does not provide enough experience Orbis for your entire party to be completely maxed out so you'll want to plan your party accordingly you'll almost max out everyone but not quite with regards to chests and collectibles getting all of them is pretty straightforward once beepo has all of its powers you can visit the museum anytime you'd like to review any of the content that you've unlocked I can safely say after unlocking every piece of viewable content in the game that goes into the library you will get absolutely nothing but you have the ability to view or listen to any of these things whenever you'd like in the midst of you discovering the ten challenges in the post world content there is also one secret chapter hidden in all four worlds these secret chapters aren't really any different than the challenges themselves or even the main campaign but they are considered a secret chapter and unfortunately they don't really add anything to the flawed beating all of the ten post world challenges from all four worlds once again gives you nothing but experience orbs coins and the satisfaction of having everything completed to the same subject beating all the chapters on every world with the perfect ranking ultimately gives you nothing as well however as you complete all these things in the game you'll notice two things one your hub world is adding more and more creatures characters and things to the atmosphere now that already happens as you progress through the story but as you unlock more things like the secrets and getting more chests more things get unlocked overall in the hub world the second thing is your save file not only does the game keep track of your progress but it turns gold on a certain subject once you've got everything for that item so if you've got all the collectables it's now gold hmm that's weird I did all the challenges I beat all the chapters with the perfect ranking and I collected every chest and secret in the game why does the game sing I am missing a couple of percent in the challenges Department well once you beat the game and get access to all of Evil's powers you can find four hidden areas in the main hub world that will lead you to something called the ultimate challenge and there's four of them these challenges are no joke if you've loved playing this game so much and you've wanted that true testament of strength then these challenges are for you one of these challenges took me four and a half hours to beat and let me just say I had a goddamn blast playing it every step of the way the difficulty spike is huge here sure but it really feels like it's putting you to the test it's not unfair by any means beating each of these challenges will unlock ultimate weapons for all of your characters in both their primary and secondary slots once you've completely gone through all three categories 100% with the three icons being gold the Word cleared in the game file select is now also gold as well meaning you did it the game is completed when you load the file you'll find toad and toadette hanging out in front of peaches castle hill essentially tell you that the citizens of their world thank you for all of your hard work I think that's the game's way of saying thank you so much for playing in my game while this is a standard practice for most games today I really wish that gave us a big reward here I'd almost even prefer a golden piece of poo from breath of the wild cuz it's something that I tangibly have in my inventory but at the core of it at least the game says thank you not the greatest reward but it's a reward nonetheless now something I said earlier on this video after going through the ringer of actually completing everything I realized that I messed up I was wrong I was very very wrong a few moments ago I made a bold claim that the co-op missions were a snorefest if you read these one or two sentences in an article somewhere I give you my full permission to yell at the author for not King playing the goddamn game because holy crap these co-op missions snowball even more than the main story or 10 post challenges I would even argue that some of them might even be as difficult as the ultimate challenges like the main campaign there are four co-op worlds with four coop challenges in them each time you clear a world you'll have to replay the challenges you just did on hard mode and hold each if they are in fact hard grab a friend and plan accordingly because man oh man this will take a long time and a lot of focus we [ __ ] did it it was a goddamn good time but unlike the other completionist tasks in this game the game it does not give it about this you get nothing for doing the co-op challenges pray to your Lord and Savior or whatever you believe in that you do not die during a match because matches lasts from an hour to two hours and that is not fun when you have to start over because your friend didn't listen to you Ted I listen to exactly what you told me to do you shut your [ __ ] mouth Ted in my playthrough of Mario Plus rabbits kingdom battle there were at least 120 hours of total almost non-stop playtime and dozens of unlockable weapons acquired two hundred thirty five thousand five hundred coins farmed which let me tell ya it was hard but that's the way game completed goes 28 pieces of art forty playable soundtracks 48 3d models and 22 Terra cards open from chests 80 challenge maps conquered which includes both the coop and ultimate challenges and one large dream in which Bowser or DK becomes a playable character in the DLC come on baby give me my boys Mario Plus rabbits may be one of the most fascinating games I've ever gotten the pleasure of playing it's such a different venture for both Ubisoft and Nintendo that I really hoped of the DLC not only does well but it hopefully lead to another game this game is perfect for you and your brand-new switch and I am confident that you won't be disappointed but if you are a completionist the fact there's not really a true ultimate reward even when the game hints at there being one is a bit of a bummer for an otherwise super enjoyable game Mario Plus rabbits Kingdom battle is the game that no one wanted until today everyone has to play this game it is a phenomenal piece of work from start to finish as a completionist as always our our view scope of how we review games to be different than most people and it is a little bit of a completionists nightmare with that said you're gonna have fun doing these completionists tasks the unfortunate thing is that you don't get anything in the end that's really worth the reward of the journey of completing it all but it's still fun no matter what from that whole entire experience so with that in mind guys I give this game my completionist rating of finish it that's all time here for today guys so please as always let me know we said about today's episode somewhere on the Internet check out this bad Atlas the people over here all of these awesome people are our patrons they're supporting us over at slash that one video gamer if you want to join us for the behind the scenes stuff that's actually being filmed right now you can check that out as well check it out if you want to be on the executive list you get the cool credits that's always there the whole time so thank you for that if you're new here you like saw and you want to stick around hit that subscribe button below and make sure to hit that Bell so you can smash the like button on all of our videos baby smash them smash them all like a smash character if you missed last week's video on bayonetta you can give a click to that right here as well I've been Gerard you guys have an awesome week and one big final thank you to grant kirkhope I Love You Man this is me saluting you I don't know why but I'm saluting you grant
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 1,047,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario + rabbids kingdom battle, mario + rabbids kingdom battle review, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Gameplay, gameplay, review, mario rabbids, mario and rabbids kingdom battle, mario, rabbids, kingdom battle, ubisoft, nintendo, grant kirkhope, switch, zackscott, zackscottgames, zack scott games, rabbid mario, rabbid peach, IGN, game reviews, Video Game (Industry), mario + rabbids, before you buy, gameranx, gamespot, luigi, peach, peanutbuttergamer, PBG, gamexplain, TOVG, DYKG, projared
Id: Zdr1CGmUxZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2017
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