Book of Revelation Explained 60: The Two Resurrections (Revelation 20:1-5)

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[Music] [Music] if I remember correctly I haven't finished with first number three yet in chapter 20 I covered the first part of verse number three but not the second part so turn with me if you would to the book of Revelation chapter 20 I'm not going to begin in verse number three I'm actually going to begin in verse number one because I want to keep this in context so I'm going to begin in verse number one and follow along with me as I read two verse three and I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand and he took hold of the dragon that old serpent was just the devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years and he cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal upon him that he should deceive the nation's No More till the thousand years should be fulfilled and after that he must be loosed a little season now I want you to underline the phrase must be in verse number three hopefully you brought your Bibles just underline those two words must be must be is translated from the Greek word dive which means it is necessary so I want you to notice what verse number three is saying it's saying that it's necessary that Satan be let loose for a little while after the Millennium after this thousand year period now why do you think it's necessary for Satan to be let loose for a little while what's the purpose in that I mean let's let's be honest here we finally have taken Satan we have chained him up we put him in the bottleless pit we've locked the door to it we've sealed it and for a thousand years we have utopia we have this perfect world here on the earth why in the world would you let him loose and yet verse number three says it's necessary what's the purpose of that well I'll tell you what the purpose is the purpose is to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the necessity of eternal punishment I want you to think about this Jesus is going to rule on the earth for a thousand years without any satanic influence the curse that was placed on the earth is going to be reversed animals are going to revert back to the way that they were created to be before the fall occurred there won't be any sickness or disease no deformities or abnormalities no oppression or persecution there is going to be worldwide global economic prosperity it's going to be the closest thing that you can have to heaven on earth but just as soon as Satan is released he's able to deceive men and incite them to rebel against Jesus Christ they literally surround the city of Jerusalem in rebellion to Jesus seeking to overthrow the king of kings turn with me if you would to the book of Revelation 20 I'm going to read verses 7 through 9 I want you to get the picture of what's gonna happen when Satan is released and when the thousand years are ended Satan will be released from his prison and he will come out to deceive the nations throughout the four corners of the earth Gog and Magog to gather them for battle why is he gathering them and again for the four corners of the earth represent the entire world if you were to take a map take this little globe peel it off put it up as a map on the wall and you look at the four corners of the earth what it signifies or symbolizes is the entire world so he's going to take the entire world and he's going to gather them for what battle their number is like the sand of the sea and they marched up over the broad plane of the earth and they surrounded the camp of the Saints and the beloved City now what is the beloved city Jerusalem who is ruling and reigning there the king of kings this is the capital city of Jesus Christ he's been there this whole millennial period we are reigning and ruling with him in other parts of the world but he is the one that reigns at Jerusalem so they come to the city of the Saints and here they are surrounding the city and it says but fire came down from heaven and consumed them now to me this just blows me away just as soon as Satan gets the chance he's going to rebel against Jesus and he's going to influence men to do the very same thing and the truth is if you locked up Satan for another thousand years after that he'd do it again as soon as you released him and then if you locked him up for another thousand years after that and then you released him he would rebel again and he would continually do this and you would think after time that he would learn his lesson he would submit to Jesus Christ but he'll never do that that's why Satan and his angels can never be given another chance now what most people don't realize is that Satan and his angels were created to be eternal creatures they were created to live forever so if they can't be let loose because they'll never repent what our turn what alternative do you have except to banish them for all of eternity and people man is no different God created man with an eternal so in other words our soul was designed and created to be or created to live forever and those who accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior we're going to get to live with God forever and ever those who reject Jesus will be banished from God for all of eternity but people in is necessary to do that and letting Satan loose for a little while after the Millennium proves that because the mortals who are living on earth during this millennial period they get to experience a perfect world under the leadership of Jesus Christ there is no oppression there is no persecution there is global prosperity no one no one is being hurt in any way manner or fashion but just as soon as Satan is loosed they rebel against Jesus proving that if a man won't voluntarily accept Jesus Christ he'll rebel the first chance he gets people the truth is if you won't accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior while you're alive you never will that's why Satan and his followers are eternally damned and God is justified in doing so for this reason it's necessary to release Satan for a little while because it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the necessity of eternal punishment you can argue all day long over this topic but the proof is in the pudding as soon as Satan's loosed he rebels and just as soon as those who have not accepted Jesus as their Lord remember these mortals they still because they have a free will have to submit to Jesus but they don't do it and just as soon as Satan is loosed guess what they do they rebel against Jesus Christ proving the necessity of eternal punishment verse number four and I saw Thrones and they set upon them and judgment was given unto them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God and which had not worshipped the Beast neither His image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and they reigned with Christ for a thousand years now those that are sitting on the thrones are who the Saints us those who were raptured have come back with Jesus to rule and to reign upon this earth if you remember we get to rule and reign with Jesus upon this earth for a thousand years in fact if you study so many of the parables that Jesus taught what are they about bikina move heaven and what's going to take place when we're on this earth and we get to rule and reign with him when you look at the parable of the talents God has given every one of us gifts talents and abilities and if we use our gifts talents and abilities wisely for his glory when the master returns we are going to be rewarded and the way were rewarded is he says I will give you X amount of cities we're going to get to rule and reign with Jesus Christ upon this earth well who we're going to rule and reign over those who make it through the tribulation those mortals that are going to repopulate the earth we get to rule and reign over them and as a result of that that's why it says judgment was given unto them judgment is given to the Saints we're gonna reign over different parts of the earth and therefore judgment is given to us we will be kings and judges but what about those who weren't rapture but accepted Jesus Christ during the tribulation because we're talking about those who came back with Jesus but those who weren't raptured but accepted Christ during the tribulation do they come back with Jesus giving you the answer before do you remember the answer is no they missed the rapture so they don't have a resurrected body yet so only those who were raptured get to come back with Jesus when we were studying the Battle of the getting ready to study the Battle of Armageddon we see Jesus sitting on the white challenge or a challenge wide horse the white charger not a challenger as a vehicle but a charger so anyways he's on his white charger his white horse and we are with him do we participate in the battle no we don't have to because Jesus basically just speaks the word and he's able to slay those who are with the Antichrist and the false prophet but the interesting thing is the ones who are coming back with Jesus or the Saints now does that mean that those who missed the rapture but got saved during the tribulation does that mean that they won't get to rule and reign with Jesus during the Millennium no it does not mean that they will get to rule and reign with Jesus during the millennial period but first their bodies are going to have to be resurrected look at the last part of verse number four because that's what the last part of verse number four is all about and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God and which had not worshipped the Beast neither His image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and I want you to underline that word and reigned with Christ a thousand years so those who accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior during the tribulation will live and will reign and rule with Jesus Christ for a thousand years the Millennium now the word lived is translated from the Greek words Auto which means to live to breathe to be among the living and people that refers to a resurrected body now how do I know that because when we talk about spirits or Souls we don't talk about them being among the living breathing now spirit literally means breath but the reason we have the spirit of the breath is because we have this body so by using this word zato it tells us that their body comes back to life so those who missed the rapture won't be able to come back Jesus because they don't have a resurrected body yet but shortly after the Battle of Armageddon their bodies are resurrected and reunited with their soul and they get to rule and reign with Jesus Christ during this thousand year period known as the Millennium now to make sure that everyone understands the correct sequence of events let me explain the different resurrections using a timeline I want to make sure that you understand what's happening and I think I can do it best by using a timeline and what I'm going to do is I'm going to draw a timeline because I'm such a good artist on this whiteboard and I'm going to place certain key events on this timeline I'm going to place on the timeline Adam and Eve the death burial and resurrection of Jesus the rapture the tribulation the return of Jesus Christ the Millennium and the great white throne judgment so let's do this let me just kind of put this little timeline in here let's just draw a little line all the way across BAM and I'm gonna put here the great white throne judgment great white throne let's do that we know that that's the end that we're talking about is there more after this yes we're gonna live for all eternity but we're looking at a specific time so on this timeline we're going to end with the great white throne judgment it doesn't mean that it's the end people it's just what we're ending with now let's start here and we're going to start with Adam and Eve alright so we'll do that and then the next thing I want to put probably half way here I'll do this here is the cross now what does the cross represent the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ right so automatically that tells us that we're going to divide this into the Old Testament period in a New Testament period now from Adam to Eve to the cross as how many years roughly four thousand years now we're using the genealogies supplied by the Bible and we're looking at this from a Jewish perspective and from the Jewish perspective history goes from Adam to Eve using the genealogies the Bible and they place it about 4000 BC is when Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden alright so we've got four thousand years up tier now from the New Testament we have what is known as the church age we started off revelations with this church age and we looked at the letter to the church and we realized that each one of the churches represented a different period in church history we saw that do you remember that he was actually looking into the future and saying you're gonna get to this last period and what is the last period the church elated to see you we're looking at that apostasy church so we're getting that point where you have churches like the Unitarian Church you have the churches I won't go into that but anyways all right now the church age is going to end at what point what's going to cause the end of the church age he said after this or after these things after what things after the church age the rapture so let's right here rapture that will end the church age why does it in the church age because who is the church we are the church so when we're raptured the church is no longer here now there are those who went to church but they never really accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and had a true personal relationship with him so they're left behind they're gonna know uh-oh something went wrong we're gonna find out that they're referred to as the foolish virgins we're gonna look at that tonight alright so the rapture occurs that means the church age ends now what happens immediately when the rapture occurs the tribulation the tribulation is a seven-year period right we're gonna go up there we're going to experience the marriage supper of the Lamb now the marriage has already been consummated it was the price that Jesus Christ paid in order to redeem us and so now we're going to go immediately into the wedding feast and the wedding feast is going to last for seven years it's going to be a great time of celebration in heaven but while we're experiencing that great time in heaven seven years of tribulation is happening upon the earth now at the end of the tribulation what's going to have but what's the last thing the Battle of Armageddon is what we think but we're gonna turn this the return of Jesus Christ so I'm gonna put here return of Jesus Christ all right now after the return of Jesus Christ we found out number one that the Antichrist and the false Beast the false prophet were actually taken captive and they were thrown alive into the lake of fire and then the angel comes down and he has the key and he has the chain and he grabs hold of Satan and he throws him into the bottomless pit and he changed him inside of there and he locks the entrance to it and he seals it for a thousand years so what is after this the Millennium so we're now going to come in here and we're gonna put the limb millennium that is a thousand years now after the millennium what's gonna take place Satan's let loose for a while for a little bit we just read that and all of these people during the Millennium that came they're going to come in and surround Jerusalem and they're going to be consumed with fire and then we're gonna have the great white throne judgment which we're going to go into detail so basically this is the timeline that I'm going to work out off of alright so we're going to explain all of these events as they happen on this timeline now let me show you what happened or happens when a person dies during these different periods of time before Jesus death burial and resurrection whenever a person died where did their so go in the Old Testament period went to Hades and Hades is divided into two different parts one part was called the bosom of Abraham also known as paradise the other part was referred to as a place of torment and there was a chasm between the two we know this because Jesus taught on Hades and Luke chapter 16 verses 19 through 26 he gives us a parable but inside that parable he gives us insight into what happens when a person dies so we're gonna read that now there was a certain Manon habitually dressed in purple and fine linen Gately living in splendor everyday and a certain poor man named Lazarus was late at his gate covered with sores and longing to be fed with the crumbs which were falling from the rich man's table besides even the dogs were coming and licking his sores and that came about that the poor man died and was carried away by the angels to Abraham's bosom and the rich man also died and was buried and in Hades he lifted up his eyes being in torment and saw Abraham far away and Lazarus in his bosom and he cried out and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue for I am in agony in this flame he's in a place called the place of torment and it truly has flames we don't refer to it as Hades in America we refer to it as hell but Hades in Hell are the same place but Abraham said child remember that during your life you received your good things and likewise Lazarus bad things but now he is being comforted here and you were in agony and besides all of this notice this between us and you between those between those in the bosom of Abraham and those in the place of torment between us and you there is a great chasm fixed it doesn't change in order that those who wish to come over from here to you may not be able and that none made the cross over from there to us now I want you to notice that he says that there's this huge chasm between the bosom of Abraham in the place of torment now what is the chasm a chasm is a deep steep-sided opening in the Earth's surface that keeps you from going to the other side it's like a drop-off that you can't cross over and you can't go around I want you to think of it kind of like the Grand Canyon with one exception you can't get up or down on either side that's what a chasm is so before the death burial and resurrection of Jesus everyone who died their soul went to Hades those who believed in God and worried affecting a messiah went to a place called the bosom of Abraham and it said to be in the center of the earth so we have two places we have the bosom of Abraham uh put Abe does everyone know who Abe is all right and then we have the place of torment so I'm going to draw two stick figures I told you I was an artist and the only reason I'm drawing two is because we can use these two people to represent two groups of people so you had two groups of people in the Old Testament you had pagans and you had those that believed in one God and they also believed this one God was going to send up Messiah so we're going to kind of put them as believers and unbelievers even though that's a New Testament term is that okay all right we understand that's the New Testament term but I want you to understand that this one right here we're going to put as the believer and this is the unbeliever when a believer dies his body is buried in the ground but his soul actually goes to the bosom of Abraham now this happened before Jesus cried died and why could they not go to heaven because no one comes to the Father except through me except through Jesus Christ that's what Jesus said and Jesus had not yet died for their sins and their sins separated them for God from God so what happened is when a person who believed in God and accept it and accepted that the Messiah was going to come when he died his body went in the ground and it decayed but his soul went to the bosom of Abraham when a unbeliever died his body went into the ground and it decayed but his soul went here and that's what happened in the Old Testament now when Christ died Christ went to hell to pay for our sins and after our sins were paid for he actually preached oh I forgot to do something let's make a chasm there you like that chasm okay so what he did when he went to hell is he preached to those who were in the bosom of Abraham why because you can't not go to heaven unless you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior again I'm going back to Jesus words I am the truth I am the life or I'm the way the truth of life no man comes to the Father except through me so unless you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you can't go to heaven it doesn't matter if they believed in God it doesn't matter if they were expecting a messiah until the Messiah came and died for their sins and they accepted the Messiah their soul stayed in the bosom of Abraham so what Jesus did is he actually died he went to this place of torment and he paid for our sins and then the scripture says that he preached to those who were in the bosom of Abraham look at 1st Peter chapter 3 verses 18 through 19 Christ suffered for our sins once for all time he never sinned but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God why did he die to bring you safely home to God he suffered physical death but he was raised to life in the spirit so he went and preached to the spirits in prison now the word spirits can be used interchangeably for souls in the Bible so he went to preach to the souls in prison Wow so after our sins were paid for Jesus preached to those in prison in other words those who are held captive in the bosom of Abraham not to those in the place of torment and when he went to heaven he took captivity captive now why do they refer to this as being in prison because you can't get out once you're there there's nothing you can do you're confined to this place in the middle of the earth and there's not a thing that you can do about it you're in prison and so when he ascended to heaven he took those who were captive held captive in the bosom of Abraham to heaven with him look at Ephesians chapter 4 I'm going to tell you to go back and read verse 7 with it but I'm only going to read verse 8 therefore it says because in verse 7 tells us that before he ascended he also descended first that means he went down before he ascended so therefore it says when he ascended on high he'll a captivity captive and gave gifts to men so let me kind of explain what happened when Jesus died his body was laid in a tomb but his soul went to the place of torment now Jesus told us that you could see from the bosom of Abraham to the place of torment from the place of torment to the bosom of Abraham so they actually saw when Jesus went to the place of torment and something was different about this person and while he was in the place of torment he literally paid for all of your sins everything that you've ever done wrong he paid the penalty for it and when all of your sins were paid for according to Leviticus 18 5 the scripture says that he could be legally raised from the dead because Leviticus 18 5 says the man which doeth these things referring to the law will live by them and because he kept the law he never sinned he always did what God wanted when he had paid for all of our sins God looked down into this place of torment look down into hell and he saw so that had never sinned and he was able to raise him from the dead but he had coveted with us and we had become one that's how he was made our sin so we're one with him but when he has paid for our sin everyone in the bosom of Abraham can see it and so he's literally able to go to where this chasm is and he preaches to everyone in the bosom of Abraham according to the book of first Peter and then according to Ephesians when he's resurrected he goes into his body now we're told that when the women come to the tomb they meet Jesus and Jesus says don't touch me why I'm not yet ascended the scriptures also tell us in the Gospels that during that time period said certain people who had died that were disciples and believers they came to life and walked in the city did you know that because their bodies hadn't completely decayed yet but they didn't hang around and the reason they didn't hang around their bodies went back down because after he came he was here he was resurrected then he took all of these Souls from the bosom of Abraham and he ascended he took captivity captive so no one is in the bosom of Abraham any more so now those who are in the New Testament period when we die we don't go to the bosom of Abraham does that make sense so when we die the same thing happens in the Old Testament except as to where we go when we die our soul is separated from our body and our soul goes to heaven but the body is left behind on the earth and it decays in the ground but one day our bodies are going to be resurrected and rejoined with our soul now before I get too far ahead let me do this because now we're at this New Testament period so we have two groups of people in the New Testament we have believers and unbelievers each one of these stick men will represent both groups when a believer dies his soul goes to heaven but his body is buried in the ground here's a little casket now when an unbeliever dies his so just like in the Old Testament goes to the place of torment his body goes into the ground why it's important for me to tell you about his body because unbelievers bodies are going to be resurrected too don't you buy that live it it's not the Bible teaches that everyone will be resurrected one to life and one to damnation now one day our body is going to be resurrected turn with me if you would to first Thessalonians chapter four verses 13 through 17 and now dear brothers and sisters we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope for since we believe that Jesus died and was raised to life again we also believe that when Jesus returns God will bring with him the believers who have died we tell you this directly from the Lord what does he mean directly from the Lord Paul is saying Jesus told me this personally I tell you this from the Lord directly we who are still living when the Lord returns will not meet him ahead of those who have died for the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with the commanding shout with the voice of the Archangel with the trumpet calls of God first the Christians who have died will rise from their graves now wait a minute something's wrong here because in verse number 14 it says when Jesus returns the believers will return with him did you see that there go back to verse 14 now I want you to notice this in verse 14 when Jesus returns God will bring back with him the believers who died but then verse 16 says the Christians who have died will rise from their graves what's the deal he's talking about the soul and he's talking about the body when he says the believers will come back with him he's talking about the soul so when the rapture occurs let's draw a little cloud and I'll just put a crown here is that okay because I don't think I can draw Jesus when Jesus comes back in the clouds for us it says that those believers God will bring back with him so all of these souls who went to heaven we are coming back with him but we're not going to go to the earth at this time we're going to meet him we're gonna find out in the clouds in the air let's keep reading then let's go back to verse 16 first the Christians who have died will rise from their graves then together with the with them we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air then we will be with the Lord forever so what this is telling us is all of these bodies of the Christian when these Souls come back these bodies the ones who have died are going to be resurrected and they're gonna go and they're going to be United with their souls and we're gonna have a a body just like Jesus had when he was resurrected now he also said but those who are alive and well on the earth when Jesus returns and they believe there's another group this is a group of believers that never died when Jesus comes there if they're expecting Jesus they are immediately transfer mated or what would transformers that's kind of a neat name isn't with that movie out but we're going to be translated we're going to be transformed into this new body like Christ's hat does that make sense okay now how many of you know that Jesus taught the rapture have you ever heard someone come up see what the Bible doesn't teach in the rapture no one ever heard that people Jesus taught the rapture look with me in John chapter 11 I'm gonna read verses 25 and 26 this is at the funeral of Lazarus Jesus knew that Lazarus had died he purposely stayed away he's been dead for four days Martha and Mary are good friends Lazarus was a great friend Jesus always stayed with Lazarus when he came to Jerusalem because it's just a short distance you can walk it you could walk it in 20 minutes if there wasn't the two valleys between the places but with the two valleys you can walk in an hour maybe less in fact if you go to Israel with me will actually go behind the seven arches hotel and I'll show you where Lazarus lived and then you'll be able to turn around and see the old city of Jerusalem but anyways here Jesus is Martha is upset with him because if you'd been here him and Mary Martha Mary are upset because if you'd been here our brother wouldn't have died so notice what Jesus says this is John chapter 11 verses nema classes jesus said unto her I am the resurrection and the life not just resurrection I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live so everyone when Jesus returns that's dead if you believe in him you're gonna be resurrected that's what he says in verse 25 but notice what he says in verse 26 and whosoever liveth and the implication is when I return and believe it than me shall never die believe us now this do you know what Jesus was telling us when I returned the people who have died they're gonna be resurrected but there's also going to be people who are alive when I return and they will never die they're going to be translated they're going to be changed in the twinkling of an eye so I want you to think of death as sleeping and kind of like sleeping because when you sleep how many of you dream when you sleep your mind is still working but your body is resting and death is kind of like that when you die the soul is still working the soul goes to heaven and every one of the senses still work when you go to heaven your soul you will be able to touch you will be able to taste you will be able to feel you'll be able to smell you'll be able to hear you'll be able to do all of those things Jesus tota sent but here's what's interesting your bodies at rest in fact its decaying in the ground and that's why the Scriptures talks about or use asleep as a euphemism for death because in a sense your body is at rest but one day the body of every believer who's ever died is going to be resurrected and rejoined with their souls and we're going to have a new body and if we're alive when that happens we're going to be snatched up to heaven and that's what the word rapture means and we're going to be changed into supernatural bodies and you can go back and read 1st Thessalonians 4 13 through 17 again so I've already driven that there but what about those who miss the rapture because if you notice the rapture is right here but there are going to be those maybe even some of you because you've never accepted Jesus as your Lord the rapture is going to occur which means you're gonna be living during the tribulation can you get saved during the tribulation yes contrary to some of this false teaching out there you can but as I stated those who get saved during the tribulation most of them will be martyred probably 99% of the people now when they die what happens to them the same thing their soul will go to heaven but their body will be buried in the ground why would the body be buried in the ground because they missed the rapture and because they don't have a resurrected body yet they don't get to return with Jesus Christ they missed the rapture people but shortly after his return their bodies are going to be resurrected and rejoined to there so just like the rapture except they're not going to be caught up in the air Jesus is on the earth read Revelation chapter 20 verse number 4 again let me go ahead and read that notice what it says and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God which had not worshipped the Beast neither His image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands that means they live during the tribulation and they lived though came alive back among the living and reigned with Christ for a thousand years so guess what when Jesus Christ returns they're so still in heaven but after Satan is thrown into the bottomless pit and he gets ready to set up his kingdom guess what their bodies and their souls are going to be reunited just like ours they are going to be resurrected well what about unbelievers I told you that everyone will be resurrected one day when are unbelievers going to be resurrected what happens to an unbeliever when they die well we saw in the Old Testament we saw in the New Testament it's the same thing through the tribulation when an unbeliever dies his soul separates from his body his soul goes to that place of torment to Hades except the only difference is he won't be resurrected until after the Millennium after the Millennium his body will also be resurrected and rejoined with his soul turned to Revelation chapter 20 verse 5 but the rest of the dead whose the rest unbelievers the rest of the Dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished now when were the bodies resurrected after the thousand years were finished in other words after the Millennium now let's jump to verses 12 through 13 all we're skipping is the part where Satan is loosed and he gets all the people from the four corners of the earth and they surround Jerusalem and fire comes down and consumes them we're skipping that part but jump down to verse 12 and I saw the dead small and great stand before God in the books rope and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works and the sea gave up the Dead which were in it and death body in hell so delivered up the Dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to the works so all of the people all of the unbelievers at the end of the millennium they're all going to be resurrected and their souls in the place of torment and their bodies are gonna come together and be rejoined and they're gonna be judged at the great white throne judgment which occurs at the end of the millennium now if you counted there are three resurrections but the Bible only speaks of two you ever notice that turn to John 5:28 Marvel not at this for the hour is coming in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evil to the resurrection of damnation so according to Jesus there are two resurrections the resurrection of life in the resurrection of damnation but we counted three resurrections one at the rapture one at the beginning of the millennium and one at the great white throne judgment did we not count three why did we count three it's because we number the resurrections according to time in other words when they occur there's a resurrection before the tribulation there's a resurrection before the Millenium there's a resurrection after the Millennium right before the great white throne judgment but God doesn't number the resurrections that way God numbers the resurrections according to type and there are only two types of resurrection the resurrection into life and the resurrection of damnation there is not a third type that's why the Bible only speaks of two resurrections but the first resurrection has two parts to it there's a resurrection at the beginning of the tribulation and there's a resurrection at the end of the tribulation right before the Millenium and both are considered to be part of the first resurrection now knowing this this gives us great insight into the parable of the ten virgins most people do not understand the parable of the ten virgins tonight you will five were wise five were foolish let's read it very quickly this is in Matthew 25 one through thirteen then showed the kingdom heaven be liking the ten virgins which took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom and five them were wise and five were foolish they that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them but the wise took oil and the vistas with their lamps while the bridegroom tarried they all slumbered is left in it midnight there was a cry made behold the bridegroom cometh go yet to meet him then all the Virgin's rose and trimmed their lamps and the foolish said unto wise give us of your oil for our lamps are gone out but the wise in saying not so lest there not be enough for us in you but go you rather to then the sell and buy for yourselves and while they went to buy the bridegroom came and they that went they that were ready went in with him to the marriage and the door shut the door was shut they weren't ready afterward also came the other verge saying Lord Lord open to us but he answered and said sorry I said to you I know you not watch therefore for you know neither the day nor the hour when the Son of man cometh now what is this saying the wise virgins were prepared they were prepared for the rapture the foolish virgins were not they had lame people in other words they knew they should be prepared that's what the lamps symbolize but they didn't have any oil they did not have that ripped that relationship with Jesus Christ so they have to go through the tribulation but this is all you need to remember in God's eyes there are only two resurrections the resurrection of believers also called the resurrection of life which is the first resurrection and the resurrection of unbelievers also called the resurrection of damnation it's the second resurrection and I have to read revelation 20 verse number 6 so that I can start on the great white throne judgment next week verse 6 says blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years blessed are those who are part of the first resurrection whether it's before the tribulation or after but if you're not part of the first resurrection god have mercy on your souls because you were created to live forever don't be mistaken that you can only have eternal life through Jesus you have eternal life through Jesus with God but if you don't accept Jesus Christ you will have eternal life but that eternal life will be in the lake of fire everyone lives forever and the Bible teaches you
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
Views: 10,208
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Keywords: the book of revelation explained, the book of revelation explained bible study, the book of revelation in the bible summary, apostle john, four horsemen, apocalypse, torah, is this the end, holy ghost power, bible mysteries, how to understand the bible, how to understand the bible better, the resurrection of jesus, 666, yom kippur, the feast of the lord, messianic, bible stories, allen nolan, end times ministries, revelation explained, the book of revelation, bible, end times 2020
Id: BntAgr7aawE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 19sec (2659 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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