Book of Revelation Explained: John on Patmos (Revelation 1:9-13)

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the end of time as we know it is rather preaching the great battle armageddon is upon us how will this final chapter all play out in the final days of man answer is documented in the book of Revelation verse number nine we finished verse number eight we were really moving tonight we're gonna go all the way to verse number 15 I promise you that all right I've cut something short in order to do that I John who also am your brother and companion in tribulation and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ was in the isle that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ now today the island of Patmos is known as Patino it is a small rocky barren island in the Aegean Sea it's located about 50 miles from the ancient city of Ephesus and 37 miles from elitists let's go ahead and pop that up I kind of want to give you an idea of where it's at because you need to understand a little bit a little bit about the conditions that John was in when he had this revelation he wrote this is the Mediterranean Sea here's Egypt here's Israel here is what in the ancient world's known as as Asia Minor but we know it is Turkey now and here is Greece and here's the island of Crete now let's just zoom in a little bit can we do that good job here is Patmos here's the ancient city of Ephesus and here's Malita Malita s' and then over here we have corinth and we have athens so that kind of gives you an idea we're going to leave that up there because i'm going to talk a little bit about pappas Padma's is about 10 miles long and 6 miles wide it was the Alcatraz of the ancient world because it had a penal colony there but also because you were unable to escape once you were sentenced there and the reason you were unable to escape is because you could not swim to the neighboring islands you could not swim to the mainland now it looks like wait a minute there's some islands here but what you need to understand is the currents run from north to south and if you tried to swim to any of the neighboring islands which these two are the closest the currents would carry you out into the Mediterranean Sea and you would drown also because it was a rocky barren island there was no trees there you couldn't build a raft so if you were banished to the island you never left you basically worked in the mines until the day that you died and according to Herbert lock your anyone ever read any of his books Herbert Locke your rights that the prisoners worked chained to their slave barrels now you don't talk that way today so let me explain what a slave barrel is a slave barrel is nothing more than a wheel barrel everyone knows what a wheel barrel is right well they were actually chained to those slave barrels they slept with their slave barrel there they worked with it they went to the restroom with it you never were released from it so unless a prisoner was pardoned or unless they were granted amnesty they died in the mine what a life but that's why John wrote I John who also am your brother and companion in tribulation here he was close to 90 years old do you realize that he was almost 90 years old when he wrote this in fact what's kind of interesting is that most scholars believe that the book of Revelation was written in the year 95 AD so here he is 90 years old he's imprisoned on the island of Patmos and he's forced to work in the mines with very little hope of ever being released he's too old but he used his situation to do want to encourage others he says I'm your companion in tribulation now that word tribulation is kind of an interesting word it's the Greek word ellipsis originally it was used to describe a certain type of torture in the ancient world if you wanted to torture a person you would tie their hands in their feet behind their back the hands would be and then you would slowly lower a boulder upon the person you didn't drop it on them you would slowly lower it on them and eventually it would push all the air out and that would begin to crush the internal organs it would break the rib cage and then you would die but it was a slow cruel death that was what ellipses meant in fact that's where we kind of get the phrase between a rock and a hard place that's the lips as' now it evolved to mean any type of affliction you were going through any type of suffering or hardship but here John is he's almost 90 years old and he's writing this and he says I'm your companion in tribulation if you think you have it bad I've got it just as bad I am chained to this wheel barrel I'm almost 90 years old and I'm forced to work in the mines now according to Iranian John was granted amnesty by the Emperor Nerva in AD 96 after the roman emperor Domitian died and he was able to spend his last few years in the city of ephesus now tradition tells us that when he was in Ephesus his health was so bad he couldn't hardly walk and so what the people would do is they would literally carry him out in the streets on a pallet and everyone would gather around and he would begin to tell stories of his early days with Jesus and what it was like in the ministry and he would tell all these different stories and then he would preach a mini sermon and he always ended this way I beg you to love others as Christ also loved you that was John I mean that was his life now let's look at verse 10 John writes I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and I heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet now what does John mean by I was in the spirit well let me see if I can explain it to you in the Old Testament prophets would go into what is known as an open-eyed trance the best way that I can explain this is to use the Prophet Balaam as an example how many of you remember the story of Balak and Balaam Balaam was a prophet of God now you need to remember the criteria for being a prophet if you are a prophet according to the Old Testament you prophesied something if it didn't come to pass were your prophet no what did Moses say was supposed to happen you were supposed to be stoned and so if you were a true prophet of God everything that you prophesied did not fall to the ground in other words it had power had life it would come to pass now what's interesting is the Bible says that Balaam was a prophet of God so Balak is here he's seeing the children of Israel come out Egypt he knows God is with them he sees what they're doing to all of the nations around he says boy were in trouble so he calls upon Balaam and says Balaam I know your prophet of God I've got all of these riches if you will curse the children of Israel I'll give these riches to you and Balaam said Balak you don't understand they're not my words when I prophesied these things I go into an open eye trance I can only speak what the Lord puts in my mouth you don't understand he said well just come and try anyway and of course we know the story and all the things that took place and finally he goes over there but I want you to notice what the scripture says because when it comes up to quote curse them he goes into an open-eyed trance and what does he do he blesses the children of Israel now notice what it says in numbers 24 for he hath said which heard the words of God which saw the vision of the Almighty so he's a prophet of God who's the Almighty God falling into a trance but having his eyes open so he went into what is called an open-eyed trance so we go a little bit further same chapter verse number 16 we see this happen again he hath said which heard the words of God and knew the knowledge of the Most High which saw the vision of the Almighty falling into a trance but having his eyes open so although Testament prophets when they would prophesied the reason none of the words would fall to the ground is because they go into an open eye trance now one prophet took advantage of this and God had to take him home he was our prophet Elijah why did God have to take you Elijah home because he's a prophet of God and if anything that he prophesied didn't come to pass then he wasn't a true prophet and so God had to uphold the words of his mouth and when the fifty come and they said we need to go the King since I'd be a man of God that fire come down from heaven and destroy you paint and they're destroyed now is that the love of God mm-hmm so another king servant comes with 50 men and they want to bring him in he says if I be a man of God let fire come down from heaven destroy and it doesn't got some wait a minute go ahead take this boy home why because if your true profits your words do not fall to the ground they're going to come to pass but the reason they would is because they went into an open eye trance and they would be able to speak the words that God put in their mouth now we go a little bit further because this is what John is talking about when he says that he was in the spirit when he says he was in the spirit on the day of the Lord what he's talking about is I was in the open eye trance now we're gonna see this a little bit further but I want you to notice that's not just the Old Testament that's also the New Testament Peter and Paul also experienced these phenomenons they referred to them as ecstasy's in the Greek they actually went into a trance and they would receive a vision look with me if you would in Acts chapter 10 verses 9 through 16 we're gonna look at Peter first the next day is Cornelius messengers were nearing the town Peter went up on the flat roof to pray it was about noon and he was hungry but while a meal was being prepared he fell into a trance hmm he saw the sky open and something like a large sheet was was let down by its four corners and the sheet were all sorts of animals reptiles and birds then a voice said to him get up Peter kill and eat them no Lord Peter declared I had never eaten anything that her Jewish law also declared to be unpure and unclean but the voice spoke again do not call something unclean if God has made it clean the same vision I want you to see he went into a trance he had a vision hmm now the word trance is translated from the Greek word ex stasis does that sound familiar it ought to our english word ecstasy actually comes from this greek word it's transliterated from it now in english ecstasy can mean one of two things it can mean in intense joy or delight or it can refer to being in a trance-like state but in the Greek in this context the word ex stasis means to be in a trance an open-eyed trance and to see a vision now let's look at Paul's experience because he has the very same experience the Peter does turn with me if you would to Acts chapter 22 verses 17 through 18 says after I returned to Jerusalem I was praying the Temple and I fell into a trance guess what Greek word that is big stasis our English word ecstasy comes from it says I saw a vision so when John says that he was in the spirit what he means is that he was in an open-eyed trance that's when he received his revelation of Jesus but I want you to notice what happened when he went into this open eye trance look back at verse number 10 I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day the Lord's Day does not refer to Sunday as many of the commentators say how many of you have a commentary on Revelation if you go home and look this up the majority of commentaries will say on the Lord's Day refers to Sunday but this verse has nothing to do with Sunday or any other day of the week for that matter when John says that he was in the spirit on the Lord's Day what he means is that he was transported in time to what is known as the day of the Lord now how many of you know what the day of the Lord is is that a familiar term well let me explain it basically the day of the Lord refers to the day of judgment that God is intervening into this world and he is judging sometimes in the Old Testament you find out that God judged a nation and that's referred to as the day of the Lord but basically and broadly when they say it talks about the day of the Lord it's talking about the end times it's talking about this tribulation period why is it referring to the end times well the reason is referring to the end times is because the day of God's wrath and God's judgment is going to be poured out upon the world during this tribulation period so in a broad sense the day of the Lord refers to the end times in a narrow sense it refers to the second coming of Christ because when Christ comes and he comes on the Mount of Olives the Battle of Armageddon is getting ready to take place and Jesus comes and he brings judgment with him he wipes out all of those nations and now there's going to be the great white throne judgment so that is referred to as the day of the Lord in the narrow sense now John is using this term in the broad sense he was in the spirit on the day of the Lord in other words he was taken by the spirit into the future to that period of time that is known as the end times he gets to see a real true documentary of what took place and I should say it in that way in the future he sees what took place Oh in the past he saw what took place in the future he's able to see it all he saw all of the events that are mentioned in the book of Revelation he saw all of the events in the tribulation he saw the Battle of Armageddon he saw the return of Jesus Christ he saw the miss en ik Kingdom being established so he is writing what he saw while he was in the spirit on the Lord's Day now I want you to put yourself in the place of John living in the first century the fastest thing that you know of is a horse the greatest weapons of war are the weapons of the Roman soldier now if you've ever heard me teach on the spiritual armor you realize that their armor was considered to be a weapon because it allowed them to march forward we've looked at all of this but that is your concept of warfare you literally would march into the enemy and you had archers and you had lances and you had your armor on and you had your shields and you had your helmet and you had your sandals and your sandals had two inch metal spikes because when the enemy went down you stepped on their neck and you immediately killed them that was your concept of warfare it's what you know it's what you've seen but then think of what it must have been like watching modern warfare watching 21st century warfare think of what it must have been like for John watching tanks shoot their cannons atomic bombs exploding helicopters and jets flying through the air now imagine John seeing all of these things and he has to write what he saw he has to describe the events that are taking place well that's the book of Revelation and yes some of it is symbolism but some of it is just trying to describe 21st century events with a first century mentality limited to a first century experience and vocabulary tough but that was John and he did a wonderful job in the spirit because he was in an open-eyed trance and where the Old Testament prophet would only say what God put in their mouth John would only write what the Spirit would cause him to write now look at verse number 11 saying I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last and what thou see us write in the book and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia unto Ephesus and unto Smyrna and into Pergamus and unto Thyatira and unto Sardis and to Philadelphia and unto Laodicea now I want you to notice that John is commanded to write what he sees he is not supposed to wait and then write what he saw no he's supposed to write as he sing the vision while he's in the spirit now I know many of you are asking well pastor Allen how do you know that I know that because of the Greek grammar you see the word write is translated from the Greek word Robson now Robson is not the root groffo is so if you were to decline this then you would come in and you would say it's from gras foie gras foie gras fo which means to write but this is grop s'en it's in the airs tense which means that it's punctilious it's in the imperative mood which means that it is a command in other words john was commanded to write and to do it now in fact twelve different times john is commanded to write in the same tenses used the same mood is used why because in all probability the natural tendency be to simply watch in astonishment as this vision unfolds think about it if you were in the spirit transported in time and you're literally seeing these events take place it's not just a movie screen it's like you are up in the sky and you're watching all of these things take place now what would be your natural tendency to get caught up in the story to see all these things taking place you're seeing the white horse come out you see the red horse come you see the atomic explosion you see now the famine that takes place you see the death that's happening then all of a sudden you see the first century martyrs that are stepping up and standing up for this then all of a sudden we begin to see all the other seals and the all the other trumpets your natural tendency would be to just stop everything and to watch all this take place so as we're going through the book of Revelation God wants this vision to be recorded while he's in the spirit so 12 different times John is commanded to write son write once here and once in verse number 19 and then seven times in chapters two and three each time he addresses a church he's commanded to write and three more times during the course of the book chapter 14 verse number 13 chapter 19 verse number 9 and chapter 21 verse number five now let's look at verse number 12 and I turned to see the voice that spake with me and being turned I saw seven golden candlesticks not a good translation I'll tell you why in just a little bit but I want you to notice that John turned to see the voice now people you can't see a voice so John wasn't trying to see a voice that's just a figure of speech he was trying to see who was speaking because the voice was like a trumpet it was a wonderful powerful voice but when he turned around the first thing they noticed was seven menorahs you see this up on a chart here's the seven menorahs but they're not just any minore so these are seven golden menorahs these seven golden menorahs are symbolic we're told in verse number 20 that they represent the seven churches and that shouldn't surprise us why should that not surprise us I'll tell you why because the purpose of a menorah is to give light and that's also the function of the church the churches are meant to be the light of the world remember what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 5 verse number 14 through 16 if you grew up in church you heard this every pastor has taught the Sermon on the Mount and gone through the Beatitudes and looked at all the sayings of Jesus I mean that's just wonderful preaching material but remember when Jesus said you are the light of the world a city on the hill cannot be hidden neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl instead they put it on its stand and it gives light to everyone in the house in the same way let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven now you see the purpose of the church is to shine bright to the world to show people the light of God's Word to show people what God is like so when he turns and he sees these seven golden menorahs they symbolize in verse 20 tells us that the seven churches and what's interesting as we get into the 2nd and 3rd chapter and he begins to address the churches in chapter 2 verse number 5 jesus said if any church fails to shine forth with the light of God and I'm kind of expounding on this adding a little bit here it would be removed from the Lord's presence look in revelation 2:5 look how far you have fallen he's talking to the Church of Ephesus and what we're going to find out that the Church of Ephesus represented the Apostolic Church it was when the church was in his prime just starting out but it didn't take long towards the end of that period for them to begin to lose their first love to begin to get to the point where now that we're going through the actions and it really wasn't in their heart now come on you know what I'm talking about you go to church you pray you read your Bible but the word is not becoming alive in your heart it's not like it was when you first got saved and everyone thought you were crazy because you couldn't help but tell people about Jesus so what does God tell him he says you need to repent you need to turn back to me and do the work she did at first if you don't repent if your light doesn't shine I will come and I will remove your lampstand from its place among the churches now you need to understand something we are the church so he's talking to individuals that's why in verse number three chapter one he said blessed is a person not just who reads it not just who hears it but the one who heeds all the things that are written therein when we get to these messages to the church you need to understand the messages are to you because you are the church how does it apply to you now the reason there are seven menorahs is because this number seven denotes perfection or completion I'm doing alright I looked at my watch we're fine these serve seven churches represent all churches the complete church the reason there are seven is because it is the complete Church of God Jesus and we're gonna find this he's gonna be in the middle of these seven menorahs he's in the middle of the churches they're not they're illuminating Jesus now what's the message that we have here what are we supposed to be doing in this world illuminating Jesus people need to know who Jesus is how many of you on Wednesdays gets the tailee the telecoil daily press do you ever read the church page I always read the Unitarian Church you need to do that they talked about Jesus today hmm my heart goes out for them they don't understand who Jesus is but the church is doing an awful poor job of reflecting and illuminating Jesus to the world and that's very sad let's look at verse number 13 in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like into the Son of Man clothed with the garment down to the foot and Girt about the paps with a golden girdle now some of you are probably wondering why I'm reading the King James Version because when you perform exegesis you go to the original Greek but because of all the reference materials it's kind of the standard thing to do but I do bring out the NLT and the other verses to help you but only after we look at what the original language says all right because we don't say paps Girt about the paps with a golden girdle do we anyone even know what a pappy is well it's interesting the word mastectomy comes from the Greek word that this is comes from but it means chest so gird about the chest now notice what it says in the middle of these seven menorahs john saw one liken to the son of man son of man is a title that jesus gave himself when he walked upon this earth look at Matthew chapter 18 verse number 11 for the Son of Man is come to save that which was lost Jesus is referring to himself he's calling himself the son of man now why in the world did Jesus refer to himself as the Son of Man well he did it in order to make people stop and think you see the Jews used the word son in two different ways they used it literally and they used it figuratively when they used it literally it denoted the male offspring of a person let me give you an example I am George Nolan's son I'm the male offspring of my dad I'm his son so we use that in a literal light just like they did but they also used it figuratively it was used as a figure of speech now when it was used to in a figure as a figure of speech the way you did it was if a person had a peculiar quality you would call that person the son of that quality a good example is the terms son of Belial how many of you have ever been reading through the Old Testament you come to this phrase son of Belial and you're thinking man this man Belial gets around he's got a lot of sons running around Belial is not a real person Belial means wicked or worthless alright so when you're reading in the Old Testament and you see a person that's wicked someone who is worthless you would refer to them as a son of Belial because when the word son is used figuratively it means that that person has a peculiar quality and you refer to him as a son of that peculiar quality does that make sense let me give you a real-life example looking judges chapter 19 verse 22 now as they were making their hearts merry behold the men of the city certain sons of Belial now what does that mean well every Hebrew every Jew knew what that meant it meant these men were wicked and worthless they had the quality or the characteristics of wicked people of worthless people so they were referred to as the son of Belial now let's take this and apply this to Jesus why would Jesus refer to himself as the Son of Man well the reason he referred himself as the Son of Man is because he was calling attention to the fact that he had the qualities of a man he had the characteristics of a man but by doing that he was implying that he was much more than just a man think about this if I started referring to myself as the Son of Man you would go well if you need a figure of speech you will well yea you are a man you've got all the qualities you've got all the characteristics he's crazy but you see all of these people were walking with Jesus and they were seeing Jesus do things that men don't do Jesus was raising the dead Jesus was healing people of all types of infirmities he was healing the blind he was healing the lay people had leprosy fingers were falling off and when he healed them they had new fingers they had all of these extremities to them Jesus was performing miracles he was walking on water and he was turning water into wine and so when Jesus says I'm the son of man you go whoa what are you talking about you've got the qualities and the characteristics of man but you're no man Jesus was implying I'm more than a man I'm God now in verse number 13 John says he was like the son of man in other words when he sees this person who's standing in the midst of the seven menorahs he says I know that man that man is Jesus the one who walked on the earth the Son of Man but now he's in heaven and well he's not the same he's different than when he walked the earth why is he different because now he's in his glorified body he's now the way he was before he emptied himself of his deity and came in the form of a man this is canosa's doctrine but you find it in Philippians chapter 2 verses 6 through 7 this is where Jesus emptied himself this is kind of interesting Jesus was God but he emptied himself of the deity and when he walked as a man he walked into the power of the Holy Spirit so everything that he did was under the power of the Holy Spirit but he operated and never gift he had to give to word of knowledge he had to gift a word of wisdom had the gifts of healings I mean this person was was not lacking anyway he wasn't using his deity he was allowing the Holy Spirit to work through him but now when Jesus sees him and he knows it's Jesus or when John sees Jesus he knows it's Jesus but he's different he's not the same as he was when he walked on his earth now he is the way he was before he emptied himself and that's Philippians 2:6 2:7 though he was God he did not think it think of equality with God is something to cling to instead he gave up his divine privileges he took the humble position of a slave and he was born as a human being when he appeared in human form now I want you to notice how he's clothed when he turns and he sees Jesus who's in the midst of the seven candlesticks he's clothed kind of funny but if you're familiar with the Old Testament if you've studied it any bit at all immediately you know how he's clothed he's clothed just like the Old Testament high priest why would he be clothed as the high priest well he's clothed as the high priest because now that he's in heaven he's performing his Ministry of intercession he's actually performing his ministry as the high priest now this is really cool I don't have much time but I'm gonna go into this it's okay right yeah everything that Jesus did he had to do it legally why because God is a just God God does things by the rules he does things by his own rules God legally raised Jesus from the dead had Jesus ever sinned God would not have been able to raised him from the dead but Leviticus the 18th chapter verse number five says the man which doeth these things talking about the law shall live by them because Jesus fulfilled the law in its entirety even by becoming sin for you because he loved his neighbor asked himself and he loved God the two greatest Commandments in which all the law hangs upon are those two commandments that you love God with all your heart your soul in your mind and you love your neighbor as yourself right so God asked him to lay down his life so he loves God and he obeys God but not only that because he loves you there's no greater love than a man lays down his life so he literally allows himself to become your sin and he dies for us but when all our sin is paid for God looks down into hell and he sees a soul that's never sinned and according to his word Leviticus 18 5 the man which did these things who does the law shall live by them so God looks down into hell he says live and Jesus comes alive now you need to understand something about God he will only do what is legal what is right and so when Jesus gets ready to perform the duties of the high priest he cannot go into heaven because he's not the high priest and offer himself until he becomes like Macca's Oh dick but we have a high priest alone on earth but that high priest forfeited his right to be the high priest because if you remember when Aaron's sons sinned and they offered up the strange incense they died and Moses goes to air and he says do rip your clothing you don't understand this is representative of the high priest in heaven it says you cannot come you cannot defy yourself so Aaron has to stay there cannot rip his clothes but if you remember when Jesus comes along and he asked him if he is the Son of God and he starts telling these things what does the high priest do he rips his clothes he forfeits his right to be the high priest Jesus steps in and becomes the high priest now he's able to offer himself dies for our sins goes up into heaven and now he is the high priest forevermore now just a little bit in their thought you might like that so now he's he is performing his ministry as the high priest look in Hebrews chapter 7 verses 24 through 26 and we are not gonna make it but we're gonna finish this part but because Jesus lives forever his priesthood lasts forever therefore he is able once and forever to save those who come to God through him he lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf he is the kind of high priest we need because he is holy and blameless and stained by sin he has been set apart from sinners and has been given the highest place of honor in heaven now as our high priest notice what he does turn with me if you would to first John chapter 2 verse number 1 sin thing we hate my dear children I am writing this to you so that you will not sin but if anyone does sin and we do every day we have an advocate who pleads our case before the Father he is Jesus Christ the one who is truly righteous now I want you to notice he's an advocate he's a lawyer God does things legally right all right so he's an advocate and he pleads our case just like a lawyer does but he pleads our case but not in the way that we think of a lawyer doing it he doesn't point to our works and say well you know God I know Alan didn't really mean it he's really trying really hard you need to forgive him because that doesn't work with God because God is just yes God is merciful but God is perfect in all of his character so he can sacrifices justice just because he's merciful sin must be punished so it wouldn't do any good for Jesus say well you know I I know Alan didn't really mean to do it give him a break god no he's not pleading his case that way because my work serves filthy rags so what does he do he points to his work so when we goof up we had this advocate who pleads her case now go to Hebrews chapter 7 verse 22 we have an idea of how he pleads it by so much was Jesus made a surety of a better Testament or better covenant I want you to underline that word surety how many of you know what sure it is surety is the Greek word in goose in goose is the Greek word for cosigner how many of you ever co-signed and got stuck you never cosign again should read the book of Proverbs alright what is a cosigner well it's someone who accepts responsibility for someone else's debt when they default on their obligation so when we do not fulfill our covenant obligations Jesus steps in he says that's all right God I know Alan's sin but I paid for that sin and the devil goes I can't believe that but that's Jesus he's our high priest did I get you sorry didn't mean to do that what a wonderful high priest but that is the reason why he's dressed the way he is and that's where we're stopped we'll get 14 and 15 next week now I'm here to tell you if you thought that you could get to heaven based on your good works I'm here to tell you that your works are as filthy rags and you don't want to know what that really means in the other virginal language all right but the great thing is we had a person who was willing to come in covenant with us to bind together with us to be made our sin that we might be made the righteousness of God so if you're here tonight and you're banking on getting to go to heaven because you're a member of a church or you've been baptized or you're doing the best you can I'm here to tell you that will not get you to heaven the only way you can get to heaven is by receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior you need a revelation of who Jesus is and Jesus is our Savior I get to go to heaven not because I'm a pastor the God I'm serving him I get to go to heaven because Jesus paid the price of my sin and when I stand before God it says paid for paid in full by Jesus Christ life principles is dedicated to helping you not only learn about God but successfully apply biblical principles to your everyday life for information about their teaching series by pastor Allen visit our website at cornerstone fellowship about TV
Channel: Cornerstone Fellowship
Views: 33,185
Rating: 4.8325582 out of 5
Keywords: the apostle john, apostle john exiled to patmos, apostle john revelation, john on patmos, johns revelation visions, patmos greece revelation, book of revelation explained, book of revelation, revelations
Id: 6GJbnMewsIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 0sec (2340 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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